HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/1949The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a regular meeting, Thursday,
September 15, 1949 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Newport Beach City Hall.
ROLL Commissioners Present; Copelin, Johnson, Longmoor, Pleger, Rudd, & Wightman.
CALL Commissioners Absent: Daniell, Ellerbroek, & Smith
MINOTtS Commissioner Johnson made a. motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd, for the
approval of the minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1949 as corrected.
Motion carried.
PUBLIC Chairman Longmoor opened the second hearing to amend Ordinance #525 allowing
HEARINGS buildings to exceed the building height limit of 351. After due discussion
and consideration, Commissioner Copelin moved the hearing be closed, seconded
by Commissioner Wightman. Motion carried.
Commissioner Copelin then moved that a recommendation be sent to the City
Council that they amend Ordinance #525, Section 7, Paragraph B, to read as
advertised and subject to a use permit. Commissioner Pleger seconded the
motion and the motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Cope -
lin, Johnson, Longmoor, Pleger, Rudd, & Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT:
Daniell, Ellerbroek, and Smith.
Dr. Mooney was present to ask whether or not he would be able to rent out
office space in his building which is in a non - conforming area to a chirop-
odist. The Commission stated that as long as it was a professional building
prior to the passing of the ordinance, and continues as each, they felt that
Dr. Mooney was within his rights to rent office space to another professional
COMMUNI- Secretary Copelin read a letter from Mayor
CATIONS for their annual report of their progress
Secretary Copelin also stated that he had
County Planning Commission asking that in
division maps in the city limits or withi
Dick Drake thanking the Commission
on behalf of the City Council*
received a letter from the Orange
the future they receive any sub -
a quarter mile of the city limits.
ADJOURN- Secretary Copelin made the motion for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner
MENT Pleger and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Rap Y Copelin, Secretary
The Newport Peach City Planning Commission held a regular meeting,
Thursday, October 20, 191:9 at 7:30 D.m. in the-Council-Chamber of
the Newnort Reach City H =11.
Commissioners Present: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor,
Pleger, Rudd, and Smith. Commissioners Absent: Daniell & Wightman
Commissioner Johnson made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd
for the aDnroval of the minutes of the meeting of September 159 1949
as submitted to the Commission. Motion carried.
Chairman Longymoor opened the hearing on the application of Mary Ellen
and Evan D. Jones for a 50% variance on Lot 30, Block 11, Section 1,
Balboa Island (118 Opal Avenue) so that they may be allowed to place
their proposed building four feet'back from the property line.
Secretary Copelin presented a map showing the.various setbacks on the
same block- -the average setback being 3'90. He stated that both he
and Mr. Nelson, the Building Inspector, had investigated the situ-
ation and could see no reason why the application should not be granted.
Commissioner Copelin moved and Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion
to close the hearing. Motion carried.
Commissioner Copelin then moved the application for a 50 % variance
be granted to the anrlicants. Commissioner Ellerbroek seconded the
motion and was nassed by.the following roll call vote: AYES: Cope-
lin, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor, Pleger, Rudd, Smith. NOES: None
ABSENT: Daniell and Wightman
Chairman Longmoor opened the discussion on the new tentative zoning
ordinance. Mr. Wise suggested that the Commission hold public hear-
ings and place the maps and Dapers etc:, before the various civic
groups in the community, so that they may better underNtand the zoning
ordinance when it comes up for public hearings. The Chairman, Com-
missioner Longmoor, suggested an invitation be sent to these various
groups asking them to attend the first hearing of the ordinance and take
part in the discussion. He then read the four resolutions that are to
be advertised on the matter: -
1. New Zoning Ordinance - Resolution of Intention
2. Resolution setting date for hearings - New Zoning Plan
3. Lard Use Plan - Resolution of Intention
4. Resolution setting dates for hearings - Land Use Plan
Commissioner Copelin moved the adoption of the first resolution and
Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried by the following
roll call vote: AYE'S: Copelin, 'Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor, Pleger,
Rudd, and Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Daniell & Wightman
Commissioner Copelin moved the adontion of the Resolution for setting
the dates of the hearin" on the new mooning plan to be held on the
17th day of November en!; the 15th day of December, 1949s at 8:00.p.m.
Commissioner Rudd seconded the motion and was carried by the following
roll call vote: AYES: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor,, Pleger,
Rudd, Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Daniell & Wightman
Commissioner Copelin mpde a motion that the Land Use Pan - Resolution of
Intention be adopted., seconded by Commissioner Pleger and carried by the
following roll call note: AYES: Copelin; Ellerbroekt Johnson.. Longmoor,
Pleger, Rzdd, and Smith NOFS: None ABSENT: Daniell and Wightman
' Commissioner Copelin made 'a motion for the adoption of the resolution for
setting dates (Land Use Plan) of.the hearings to be.held -17th day of Nov -
ember and the 15th day of December, 1949s at 8:00 p.m.' Motion seconded.
by Commissioner Pleger and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES:
Copelins Ellerbroeks Johnson Longmoort Plegerj, Riddl Smith. NOES: None
ABSFNT: Daniell and A!ightman
NEW Chairman Longmoor read City.Clerk C. K. Priest's letter to the Commission
BUSINESS regarding proposed Ordinance #667 referring to the provision of garage or
automobile parking space. Commissioner Johnson made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Ellerbroekp that proposed Ordinance #607 submitted to them by
the City Council be tabled for consideration with the new zoning ordinance
under study. Motion carried.
ADJOURN- Commissioner Copelin made a motion for adjournmentp seconded by Commissioner
MEND Pleger. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Ray YZCopelin
Sec ary