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The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a regular meeting, Thursday
September 18, 1947, in the Council Chamber, City Hall,.with Chairman Long -
moor presiding.
Commissioners present: Baltz, Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, ROLL CALL
Pleger, Rudd, and Wightman. Daniell, late.
Commissioners absent: Johnson.
Commissioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd for the MINUTES
approval of the minutes of the meeting of August 21, 1947, as read. Mo-
tion carried and so ordered.
Hearing upon the application of Sportfishing Boat Rentals, lessees, for PUBLIC HEARINGS
conditional permit for the purpose of mooring, and the operation of sport -
fishing boats at the property located on a parcel of land 14 The Irvine
Subdivision, on the northeast corner of Marine Avenue Bridget directly
across from Balboa Island, was declared, same having been duly filed and
advertised. Secretary Ellerbroek read the letter of application from Mr.
Walter Cole, president of Sportfishing Boat Rentals, and, also a previous
letter which gave an explanation of their proposed operations, as well as
a letter from The Irvine Company. Also, five telegrams, opposing the grant-
ing of such a conditional permit, from Mary Dalllns,.Alvin J. Helm, E. Pby-
llis Bart, Stephen T. Crosby, J..i%. Rogers, and, letters, also in opposit-
ion, from H. S. Budworth, L. Hartley Smith, and a petition with thirty-four
names. Mr. J. F. Hearney, 1405 North Bay Front, Balboa Island, was present
with a large representation of other property owners on Balboa Island, and
appeared as their spokseman, as well as for himself, stating, in part, that
he could see no way that the Planning Commission has any authority to grant
such a permit, for the purpose requested, and, pointed out that the area is
definitely residential, there has been much building on the Island of high
class homes, and that it should be kept as a residential district,. so-oppos-
ed this application as in any sense being a benefit to the area, but labeled
same 'a benefit to a few at the expense of many'. Other property owners who
spoke in agreement with Mr. Hearney, and in opposition of this permit, were
Mrs. W. Lake, Mrs. Krasner, Mr. Faucett, Ray Mather, C. Stanger, Arthur Kras-
ner, A. J. Rudder. The group were opposed also to the 'U- Drive' type of
boat operations, as well as the boats being 'fishing boats'. No one spoke in
favor. Commissioner Pleger made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Copelin
that the hearing be closed, which carried, after which Commissioner Wightman
made the motion, seconded by-Commissioner Copelin, that the Commission re-
commend that this application be denied, which carried by the following roll
call vote:. AYES: Baltx, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Pleger, Rudd, and ROLL CALL VOTE
Wightman. NOES: None. ABSENT: Daniell and Johnson.
Yinal hearing upon the application of Ida Naylor for rezoning from R -2 to
C -2 of Lots 10, 11, 12, and a fractional portion of 13, Block 130, Lake
Tract, was declared. No one was present for this, either in favor or oppols-
ition. Commissioner Pleger made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd
that the hearing be closed. Motion carried, and Commissioner Pleger then
made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd, that the Commission recom-
mend that this application be denied, as the application is in error, in
that the requested zoning should have been C -1, and also, in view of the
fact that the Commission is considering the,rezoning.of the four corners of
30th Street and Coast Boulevard, of which this property is one of the corn-
ers. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Baltz, Copelin ROLL CALL
Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Pleger, Rudd and Wightman. NOES: None.`. ".ABSENT:;.
Daniell and Johnson.
Final hearing upon the application of Mr. Claude Sweetman for rezoning from
R -2 to C -1 of Lots 19, and 20, Block 23, Newport Beach Tract,. was declared,
same having been duly filed and advertised. Commissioner.-Pleger reported
as chairman of the Master P1an.Gommittee, which.checked this, stating
that same be recommended, and that the committee found that the buildings
proposed by Mr. Sweetman seemdd to be desiieable. Gommissioner.Pleger '
made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Gopelin, that the Commission
recommend the approval of this application. Motion carried by the follow -
ROLL CALL VOTE ing roll call vote: AYES: Baltz, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Pleger,
Rudd and Wightman. NOES: None. ABSEATT: Daniell and Johnson.
Final hearing upon the application of Lillian W. Reits and Dr. Merven J.
Reitz for rezoning from R -2 to C -1 of Lot 2, Block 635, Corona Del Mar,
for the building to serve for living quarters and medical practise, was
declared, same having been duly filed and advertised. Dr. Reitz was pres-
ent and spoke, giving all his reasons for the regyest, that the lot is un-
fit for residence as it faves on the rear of a serviee station, and, other
business; presented pictures of the area, including this lot; that his
plans call for buildings that would be a credit, and not look like a bus-
iness building; that he wants to be close to his patients; and that he can
find no suitable location; and, finally, he presented a petition with
forty -two names, of near and adjacent property owners approving the appli-
cation. Gommissioner Baltz reported for the committee which checked the
property, and opposed 'spot zoning' for property which has been set aside
for residential, and, that there is enough C zoning in the area now; so
recommended that this application be tabled to the next meeting, as the
State Highway has just ordered all signs removed, and this might mean a
change in the whole area. Dr. Reitz stated that his property would act
as a 'buffer' for the residential behind. The Commission discussed the
matter very fully, checking the map, etc. Commissioner Pleger made the
motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd, that the hearing be closed. Mo-
tion carried, and Commissioner Pleger made the motion, seconded by Commis-,
sioner Baltz that the application be denied. Motion carried by the follow-
ing roll call vote: AYES: Baltz, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Lpngmoor,' Pleger,
Rudd and Wightman. NOES: None. ABSENT: Daniell and Johnson.
Final hearing upon the application of Mr. Hubert Eaton for permission to
build to the property line of Lot 14, Tract 756, was declared, same having
been duly filed and heard. Mr. Eaton was present with a new letter, which
Secretary Ellerbroek read, with additional letters, favoring the applica-
tion, from adjacent property owners, Mr. Lorentzen, Harry Bauer, the Weisel
Estate, and Louis Cass. Present, in opposition, was Frank Simpson, Jr.,
representing his father's properties; Lots 17, 18, 239 24, 10, and 11.
After much discussion, Commissioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by
Commissioner Pleget-i that the hearing be closed. Motion carried, and Com -.
missioner Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Pleger, that
the matter be referred to a committee of Commissioners Copelin, Daniell,
and Wightman, for further study. Motion carried, and so ordered.
First hearing upon the matter of rezoning from R -2 to C -1 of Lots 10,.11,.
12, and a portion of 13, Block 130, Lake Tract; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 129,
Lake Tract; Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 29, Newport Beach Tract; and Lots 22, 23,
and 24, Block 309 Newport Beach Tract; the four corners of 30th Street and
Coast Boulevard, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised.
Present, and favoring such rezoning were R. S. Thompson, and Sadie Ray, own- '
ers of two of the corners. Commissioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by
Commissioner Pleger that the matter be set to second hearing. Motion car-
ried, and so ordered.
tearing upon the application of Mr. Peter S. Laws for 50% setback, side -
yard, and 50% rear yard setback.for parcel of land described as Acreage
24 -6 -10, Lot 30 x 60, 50 feet northeasterly of Block 109, Section B, .bord-
ered northerly by Bay Avenue, and easterly bf 9th Street, was declared, same
having been duly filed and advertised. Commissioner Daniell, chairman of
the committee to check this property, reported that the committee recommend-
ed the'granting of the application. Commissioner Pleger made the motion,
seconded by Commissioner Baltz, to close the hearing, which carried, and
Commissioner Daniell made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd that
the Commission recommend the approval of Mr. Laws' application. Motion car-
ried, and so ordered.
Mr. Earl Stanley was present with proposed plans for a building and busi= NEW BUSINESS
ness for the Chrysler Plymouth Agency on property just west of the restra-
uant on Coast Highway, across from Bayshores Tract; the problem being zon-
ing, especially as the plans call for body and fender repair shop'in con-
nection with the Agency. The discussion was informal, and the suggestion
made that forty feet be zoned for the body and fender shop, as M -1, and
the remainder as C -1, being as the property has just been annexed, and still
stands as R -1.
Mr. S. B. Mack "leavy was present again with a proposed conditional permit
for a Self - Service Laundry for Lots 13, 14, Block 431, Lancaster Addition,
which is zoned C -1. Mr. MacA'Levy was advised to submit the filing fee if
he wished a hearing and action.
i + ".r. J. B. Webb, `'ity Engineer, submitted the proposed Subdivision Ordinance
as approved by the City Attorney, and the Commission agreed to table the
matter for the proposed Planning Consultant to check.
Secretary Ellerbroek, chairman of the committee of Commissioners Pleger PLANNING CONSUL-
' and Johnson, presented his report on the matter of selecting a Planning TANT COMMITTEE
Consultant, stating that they had contacted three men most active in- REPORT
Southern California, with the following results: (1) Charles Elliott,
Pasadena's Planning Consultant, with work at San Diego, Upland, Riverside,
and the State of Washington. Fee, $85.00 per day, to make recommendation
for preliminary survey, probaRle cost $1,000.00; would also be available
for recommendation on all matters. (2) Gordon Whitnall, Planning Consul-
tant for years, gave very Food ideas, his plan being that the cities should
do the majority of the work themselves. Fee, $200.00 per month, with att-
endance at Planning Commission and Council meetings included. (3) The
Raymond Loewy Organization, Industrial Designers, renowned in the indust-
rial field. Brochure presented, showing plans as (a) research, to be done
by their organization, minimum fifty hours, $,7.50 to x$12.00 per hour, (if
less than five hundred hours required or used, balance would be a credit,
(b) planning, to be done either by their staff, or the City's, (c) design,
or work, to be done either by their men or the City's, plans for special
developments, improvements, long term capital improvements, etc. The Com-
mission carefully discussed the three proposals, and, decided to eliminate
Mr. Elliott, and to meet on September 29, 1947, for further study of Mr.
Whitnall and the Loewy Orgaanization.
Motion for adjournment to September 29, 1947, was made by Commissioner ADJOURNMENT
Baltz, and seconded,by Commissioner Pleger, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
1 _rk"
Philmer J. Ellerroek, Secretary