HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1973COMMISSIONERS • < £ T p T p P ROLL CALL " Present Motion All Ayes 0 Motion All Ayes 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Regular Planning Commission Meeting Place: City Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Mein. , 1n1n MINUTES Ucwuer 4, inia INDEX x x x x x x x EX- OFFICIO MEMBERS R. V. Hogan, Community Development Director David R. Baade, Assistant City Attorney Benjamin B. Nolan, City Engineer STAFF MEMBERS James D. Hewicker, Assistant Director - Planning William R. Laycock, Senior Planner Shirley L. Harbeck, Secretary X Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 20, 1973, were approved as written. Item A -1 AMENDMENT N�ff_ Request to consider an amendment to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal .Code as it pertains to off - street parking requirements for residential uses. REMOVED — Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Fii7 TKI DAR X As recommended by the Staff, Planning Commission removed this matter from the calendar. Item A -2 Proposal to amend the Planned Community Develop- ment Standards for "Harbor View Hills" by reducing the permitted density in Areas 8 and 13; a general up- dating of the statistics as they pertain to the developed residential areas; amendments to the sign standards in Areas 8 and 13; and revisions to the standards as they pertain to the height and location of fences in Areas 9, 10, 11 and 12. AMENDMENT Vff_._T61- CONT. TO NaV775- Location: Portion of Blocks 91 and 93, Irvine's Subdivision, located south of Ford Road and east of MacArthur Boulevard in Harbor View Hills. Zone: P -C Page 1. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH _ MINUTES R� CALL October 4, 1973 Owners: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Initiated BY: The City of Newport Beach Motion X Planning Commission continued this matter to the All Ayes meeting of November 15, 1973. Request to subdivide 0.882 acres into one lot for an eighteen unit condominium development, and the acceptance of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR /NB 73 -036). Location: Portion of Block D, Corona del Mar Tract and a portion of Carnation Avenue (vacated), located at 307 and 311 Carnation Avenue, southerly of Bayside Drive and westerly of the midline of the abandoned extension of Carnation Avenue in Corona del Mar. • Zone: R -3 Applicant: William G. Hagen, Corona del Mar Owner: Same as Applicant Engineer: William G. Church, Newport Beach William Hagen, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission requesting clarification of additional information requested in connection with the completion of the Environmental Impact Report and requested continuance of this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Dr. Don Mitchell, environmental consultant, appear ed before the Planning Commission and discussed the information contained in the letter dated September 28, 1973, addressed to the applicant. He expressed concern over the requirements of including "the ultimate development under the Residential Growth Element in the surrounding area% "effects of Promontory Point and other known projects on Bayside Drive and Bayside Drive/ Jamboree Road intersection" "and ultimate traffic • volumes in the area assuming full development under current zoning" in the Environmental Impact Report. He felt it was inequitable for one applicant to prepare an Environmental Impact Report of the size and scope outlined in the letter Page 2. NT. TO T. 18 COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH G� n D T D T � Z P P A R�L CALL '' Motion. Motion Ayes Noes All Ayes 0 0 MINUTES fl.. +..I... .. n in7o r ,, I I INDEX Stewart Woodard, 3709 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar, appeared before the Planning Commission and commented on the Environmental Impact Report. requirements. X Following discussion,motion was made to continue Tentative Map Tract 8432 to the meeting of October 18, 1973. X Motion was amended to eliminate the requirement of X X X discussing the effects of Promontory Point and other X X X X known projects on Bayside Drive and Bayside Drive/ Jamboree Road intersection in the Environmental Impact Report. Motion failed. The original motion was voted on and carried. Item A -4 USE Request to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a proposed restaurant in the FERMIT Balboa Inn, in the C -1 -Z District, that is within 0 200 feet of a residential district. Further request to permit a cocktail lounge in conjunction APPROVED with the restaurant in the patio area of the D - Balboa Inn in the Unclassified District. LLY Location: Lots 12 through 16, Block 10, and a portion of Block D, Balboa Tract, East Side Addition, located at 105 Main Street, northerly and souther? of East Ocean Front, on the'west side of Main Street on the Balboa Peninsula. Zones: C -1 -Z and Unclassified Applicant: Rolly Pulaski, Newport Beach Owner: Laguna Federal Savings & Loan Association, Laguna Beach Community Development Director Hogan commented on parking and the need for an off -site parking agreement. Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Rolly Pulaski, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission in connection with this matter and answered questions relative to the project. Page 3. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH D Mx zAT L1 rt D M Dp N T • � Z P P p e.,.. T October 4. 1973 MINUTES - �nuex Planning Commission discussed hours of operation, parking and the structure of the building. Max Dillman, 1301 E. Balboa Boulevard, appeared before the Planning Commission relative to the parking situation. Hazel Jones, resident of the Rendezvous Condominiums adjacent to the Balboa Inn, appeared before the Planning Commission in favor of the project. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion X Motion was made that the Planning Commission accep All Ayes the Negative Declaration of the Environmental Affairs Committee with the finding that the pro- ject will not constitute a significant impact, that in fact it will be an improvement upon the existing private facilities, and that Use Permit Application No. 1690 be approved subject to the • following conditions: 1. That development be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plans and elevation except for minor modifications which may be approved by the Department of Community Development. 2. That an additional thirty -five parking spaces for the cocktail lounge shall be provided in an off -site location meeting the approval of the Planning Commission, and an off -site parking agreement shall be executed as provide by Section 20.38.040 of the Municipal Code. Said parking may be provided in the adjoining municipal lot, subject to the requirements of Section 12.44.125 of the Municipal Code. The applicant shall agree to participate in the formation of a municipal parking district if and when one is formed in this area. At such time, parking requirements may be reviewed and adjusted. 3. That if parking for the cocktail lounge is provided in the municipal lot, the hours of operation of the cocktail lounge shall be • restricted to the hours after 11:00 A.M. 4. That there shall be no meals served in the cocktail lounge nor food or beverages carried across the East Ocean Front Sidewalk between Page 4. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH v � S n T • MC £ T A M � A P ROIL CAII " 0 0 MINUTES Vc Louer Y, lun INDEX the cocktail lounge and restaurant. 5. That there shall be no paging of restaurant patrons in the outdoor seating areas adjoining the cocktail lounge. 6. That all storage or trash shall be shielded from view within a building or within an area. enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. 7. That all mechanical roof -top equipment shall be screened in a manner meeting the approval of the Department of Community Development. 8. That approval for the sale of alcoholic beverages in the area southerly of the East Ocean Front Sidewalk shall extend for a period of time not to exceed two years, and any extension shall be subject to the approval of the Modifications Committee. Item A -5 Request an extension of a previously approved MODIFI- modification to permit an existing nonconforming COON single family dwelling to encroach to within 6 TOT-6-16 feet of the front property line (where the Ordin- ance requires 20 feet] and to within 1 foot 3 DENIED inches and 2 feet 6 inches of the side property lines (where the Ordinance requires 4 feet) so as to allow the construction of a four unit apartment building on the site that encroaches to within 8 feet of the rear property line (where the Ordin- ance requires 10 feet). Location: Portion of Lots 13, 15 & 17, Block 231, Corona del Mar Tract, and a portion of Dahlia Avenue (vacated) located at 348 Dahlia Place, south- erly of Bayside Drive, in Corona del Mar. Zone: R -3 Applicant: Harvey D. Pease, Balboa Island Owner: Harvey D. and Bomell Pease, Balboa Island Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Page 5. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH p T n T - T p P I R�L CALL ^' Motion Ayes Noes • I.1 U MINUTES Ortnhor a_ 1071 Harvey Pease, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission and submitted a copy of Resolution No. 3734 of the City of Newport Beach and a copy of a Corporation Grand Deed of the City of Newport Beach relative to the sale of the property. He also commented on the request for the extension. George Freeman appeared before the Planning Commis- sion in opposition to the request. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. X Following discussion which included density and X X X X setbacks, motion was made that Modification No. X X X 616 be denied. Motion carried. Item A -6 Request to permit the construction of a four unit USE residential condominium in the C -1 District. PERMIT 61 Location: Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Balboa Tract located at 413 - 415 East Balboa CONT. TO Boulevard, on the south side of OCT . 8 East Balboa Boulevard between Coronado and Adams Streets on the Balboa Peninsula. Zone: C -1 Applicant: Donald F. Haskin, Playa del Rey Owner: Edward W. Kover, Las Vegas, Nevada Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Donald Haskin, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission and presented exhibits indicat- ing the project's conformance with the proposed development standards. He also presented pictures for review by the Planning Commission and discusse the effects of the conditions as recommended by th staff on the project. Planning Commission discussed the matter and whether or not to continue same until after the hearings on the proposed development standards and density. Applicant agreed to continue the matter as he was confident that the project would comply with the proposed development standards. Page 6. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH m T r T a n T ROIL CALL Motion Ayes Noes tion Ayes 0 MINUTES nr +nhor d_ 1071 r _ _ __ - -' INOEx X Following discussion, Planning Commission continued X X X X X the Public Hearing to the meeting of October 18, X X 1973. Item A -7 ESUB- IVISION Request to combine two lots into one parcel for residential condominium development. Location: Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Balboa 0. Tract, located at 413 -415 East ONT. TO Balboa Boulevard, on the south side of East Balboa Boulevard between Coronado and Adams Streets on the Balboa Peninsula. Zone: C -1 Applicant: Donald F. Haskin, Playa del Rey Owner: Edward W. Kover, Las Vegas, Nevada X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Planning Commission recessed at 9:40 P.M. and reconvened at 9:50 P.M. tem A -8 SE ERMIT 693 PPROVED Request to permit the construction of a retail- office complex that exceeds the basic height limit within the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District; the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a proposed restaurant within 200 feet of a resi- dential district; a maximum 20% of the required off- street parking stalls to be compact stalls; and the acceptance of a Negative Declaration. NDI- LLY Location: Portion of Parcel 2 in Book 1, Page 35 and portion of Lot B in Book 9, Page 19 of Parcel Maps, in the Orange County Recorder's Office, located at 345 Placentia, south- easterly of Placentia Avenue and northerly of Hospital Road, north- erly of the Planned Community of Versailles -on- the - Bluffs. Page 7. COMMISSIONERS M CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 4. 1973 MINUTES OMURA Zone: City of Newport Beach - Unclassifie County of Orange - R -3 (Annexation Pending) Applicant: Mariner's Savings and Loan Associa- tion, Newport Beach Owners: William J. Cagney, Newport Beach Morgan A. and Virginia Stivers, Donald K. and Marilyn Stivers Wells Long Beach Assistant Community Development Director Hewicker reviewed the plot plan submitted on October 2, 1971, and compared it with the previous plot plan received. Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Robert Thomas, architect, appeared before the Planning Commission . to answer questions in connec- tion with this project and introduced Ed.Pye of Mariner's Savings and Loan who appeared before the • Planning Commission and stated agreement with the staff report and recommended conditions contained therein. Assistant Community Development Director Hewicker read Exhibit "C" submitted with the application which contained_ the requested uses in the project. Planning Commission discussed the various uses and the required parking for each use. They also discussed effects of the structure if the restaur- ant were eliminated. Arthur Thompson appeared before the Planning Commission and indicated a concern over the lack of parking in the general area. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion X Following discussion, Planning Commission approved Ayes X X X X X X Use Permit Application No. 1693 subject to the Noes X following conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial • conformance with the revised plot plan, eleva tions and floor plans. 2. That a landscape plan shall be submitted to an Page 8. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Zmf x A swu�u. M nr +nhmr a_ 7071 MINUTES � nvcw approved by the Director of Parks, Beaches an Recreation. Said plan shall consist of a mixture of trees, shrubs, and groundcover, and shall include minimum 5 foot wide planter along Placentia Avenue and Hospital Road. 3. That the number of parking spaces required by Ordinance for the proposed uses shall be met. 4. That all spaces shall be provided with wheel stops and otherwise marked as required by the City's off - street parking standards. 5. That all required parking spaces shall remain unassigned. 6. That all exterior signs be approved by the Director of Community Development. 7. That all storage or trash shall be shielded from view within the building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than 6 feet in height. 8. That a resubdivision map be processed and a parcel map filed on the subject property prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 9. That all applicable conditions of approval imposed on Resubdivision No. 408, which is being considered concurrently, be fulfilled. 10. That approval of this use permit is to become effective upon the completion of annexation to the City of the portion of the site currently within the unincorporated County of Orange territory. 11. That all construction over the existing storm drain pipe and associated easement which diagonally cross the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. The structure shall be designed so that no additional loading will be imposed on the existing storm drain pipe. The architect shall be responsible for coordin- ating the design so that these requirements will be met. 12. That development and operation of the followi g Page 9. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 7 T m T£ 2^ Z i NO• CALL A 0 0 MINUTES Ortnhar 4. 1073 mvcn uses shall be permitted: drug store and pharmacy, medical and /or hospital equipment supply, stationary supply y, gift shop, florist and flower shop, boutique type delicatessen with liquor store, travel agency, x -ray laboratories, beauty salon, barber shop, real estate sales, health food supply, financial institutions, and administrative and profes- sional type offices, or similar types of businesses. 13. That the restaurant with cocktail lounge shall not be permitted without first securing approv 1 of the Planning Commission through the use permit procedure. Item A -9 Request to amend portions of Districting Map Nos. AMENDMENT 15 and 37 by establishing a 10 foot setback on the NO. 385 south side of realigned Bayside Drive between the existing McLain Apartment development and Promon- APPROVED tory Bay; a 10 foot setback on the north side of Balboa Island Channel between the existing McLain Apartment development and Promontory Bay Channel; and a 10 foot setback along the east side of Promontory Bay Channel between Bayside Drive and Balboa Island Channel. Location: Portion of Block 94, Irvine's Subdivision; portion of Lot "B" of Tract 3867; and a portion of abandoned Bayside Drive, located on the south side of Bayside Drive, easterly of the Promontory Bay Channel. Zone: R -3, C -N -H Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Community Development Director Hogan advised the Planning Commission of City Council action per- taining to the McLain Apartment site wherein the Planning Commission setback recommendations were overruled as to the bay frontages and setbacks other than along Bayside Drive were eliminated. Therefore, the staff recommends that only the setback along Bayside Drive be established. Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Page 10. COMMISSIONERS D m Z q P N P n > p m f'Z ^ Z Z P A A R CALL Motion Ayes Noes 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES n_. L ,. INDEX Larry Moore, Associate Director of Planning Administration with The Irvine Company, appeared before the Planning Commission and stated that they have no objection to the 10 foot setback along Bayside Drive but that they are in complete disagreement with any other setbacks imposed. Ralph Areson with McLain Development Company on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, appeared before the Planning Commission in favor of a 10 foot set- back on Bayside Drive and opposed to any other . setbacks. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. X X X X Following discussion, motion was made that Amend - X X X X ment No. 385 be approved as originally proposed (i.e., 10 foot setback on Bayside Drive, 10 foot setback on Promontory Bay Channel, and 10 foot setback on Balboa Island Channel). Item A -10 USE Request to permit the construction of a private tennis club with lighted tennis courts, and the PERMIT acceptance of a Negative Declaration or an '— Environmental Impact Report. Location: Portion of Block 55, Irvine's Sub -. APPROVED CON-D-I— division, located on the westerly TTUNTELy side of Jamboree Road, adjacent to the Newporter Inn. Zone: Unclassified Applicant: The John Wayne Tennis Club, Newport Beach Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Community Development Director Hogan advised that an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and forwarded to the Planning Commission for their consideration. He also commented on the review of the Environmental Impact Report by the Environ- mental Affairs Committee and approval of the project by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Planning Commission discussed the Environmental Impact Report. Page 11. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (1 T nu. e�i nrFnhn . d 1071 MINUTES � • • nvew Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. John Wayne appeared before the Planning Commission answered questions relative to the project, and questioned Condition No. 10 in the staff report. Ed Nigro, Manager of the Newporter Inn appeared before the Planning Commission and requested that Use Permit No. 1597 not be cancelled by this project as they still intend to use same and provide parking in another location. He was agreeable to review by the Commission before the project commences. John Wayne again appeared before the Planning Commission, reviewed the plot plan and elevations, and commented on the soils report made over a year ago. George Koteles and Ed VandenBossche, architects, appeared before the Planning Commission to answer questions relative to the project. Pictures of • the lighting system were distributed to the Commis- sion for review and discussion. Planning Commissi n also discussed the element of distraction to motorists on Jamboree Road, landscaping and hours of operation. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion X Following discussion, motion was made that the All Ayes findings of the Environmental Affairs Committee on the Environmental Impact Report be accepted and adopted by the Commission and that Use Permit Application No. 1697 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That development be according to the approved plot plan, except for minor modifications approved by the Department of Community Development. 2. That a landscape plan shall be approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Sai plan shall indicate a minimum six foot wide landscaped planter along Jamboree Road, adjace t to the off - street parking lot and tennis court!, and shall have trees and shrubs that will partially screen said parking lot and tennis courts from view from Jamboree Road. Page 12. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH r• T 6 Z A A A e„• ,.,, m October 4, 1973 MINUTES r gnus^ 3. That all exterior signs be approved by the Director of Community Development. 4. That all storage of trash shall be shielded fr view within the clubhouse or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. 5. That all grading be in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by the Building Division of the Department of Community Develop- ment, and a qualified soils engineer shall certify that the grading has been completed according to the plans and the requirements of the grading ordinance. Permanent reproducible copies of the "as- built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Department of Community Development. Special attention shall be given to erosion control measures necessary to prevent siltation and sedimentation caused by water runoff during . the course of the grading work. 6. The lighting fixtures shall be designed, located and maintained so as to confine glare to the site area. 7. Prior to securing a final utility release, the applicant shall submit to the Department of Community Development a statement from a licensed electrical engineer certifying that the lights have been installed in accordance with Condition No. 6. 8. Use of the tennis courts shall be confined to the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 midnight daily. All court lights will be out by 12:00 midnight, daily. 9. The use of outdoor loud speakers shall be limited to individual paging units at each court and a public address system at the center court during major tournaments. 10. Use Permit No. 1597 (i.e., request for multi - purpose room in Newporter Inn) shall be reviewed before the development of the multipurpose room • in order to assure that it will•be.compatible with the tennis club development. 11. That all the applicable conditions of approval for Resubdivision No. 413, which is being Page 13. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH T A CALL 0 Motion All Ayes MINUTES nn+M,.n A 1071 • ,' ,A YCA considered concurrently, be fulfilled. 12. That plans for the redesigning of the Newporter Golf Course shall be approved by the Director of Parks, Beaches and Recreation. 13. Fire access on the proposed access road to the tennis clubhouse shall be approved by the Fire Department. 14. Additional fire hydrants shall be provided along the proposed access road as required by the Fire Department 15. That an off -site parking agreement for the.use of overflow parking on the Newporter Inn site during major tournaments shall be approved by the City Council. Item A -11 Request to create two parcels for development. RESUB- DD I�TO N Location: Portion of Block 55, Irvine's Sub - division, located on the westerly W.-TT - side of Jamboree Road, adjacent to APPROVED the Newporter Inn. MDT- TT ITRATL Y Zane: Unclassified Applicant: The John Wayne Tennis Club, Newport Beach Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach John Wayne, applicant, appeared before the Plannin Commission and stated agreement with the condition as recommended in the staff report. X Following discussion, Planning Commission approved Resubdivision Application No. 413, subject to the following conditions: 1. That a parcel map be filed. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That the remaining public improvements, including curb and gutter, sidewalk, pavement widening, and street lights, be completed along the Jamboree Road frontage. Page 14. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH r�n� Ty OT Tt� y+ m is ROLL CALL 0 MINUTES October 4 1973 , IMUCA 4. That all water and sewer lines be constructed as necessary to serve this resubdivision. 5. That the manner in which the storm water runof from the pipes in Jamboree Road is to be handl d be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Department. 6. That any public utility easements to be dedica ed to the City of Newport Beach have a minimum width of ten feet, with greater widths provide where required by the Public Works Department. 7. That all vehicular access rights to Jamboree Road be relinquished and dedicated to the Ci.ty of Newport Beach. 8. That a document satisfactory to the City Attorney and the Director of Community Develop- ment shall be recorded which guarantees that the two parcels will be maintained for the duration of the lease as a single development. The use of Parcel 2 for off = street parking and perpetual access to Parcel 1 shall be maintain d. Item B -1 Request to amend portion of Districting Maps Nos. AMENDMENT 1, 2 and 22 -A from the R -2, R -3 and Unclassified _N6_._3_U_ Districts to the Open Space (OS) District. CONT..TO Location: Property generally bounded by West -O-C77-TT- Coast Highway on the north, 56th Street on the east, Seashore Drive on the south and the Santa Ana River on the west; and property generally bounded by the bluff line on the north, Newport Boulevard on the east, West Coast Highway on the south and Superior Avenue on the west (P. E. Right -of -Way) in West Newport. Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Jack Miller, Attorney for the State Division of Highways, appeared before the Planning Commission and advised them of the consequences of the zone change on State property. He stated it was an Page 15. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH R�L CALL lei on All Ayes Motion All Ayes 0 MINUTES nr +nhar d 1071 unconstitutional act for a political subdivision of the State to attempt to restrict State property an any zone change could be considered an inverse condemnation. City Attorney Baade commented on the matter and recommended that same be continued pending further review by his office. Margot Skilling, 6610 W. Ocean Front, appeared before the Planning Commission and questioned why the P.E. right -of -way and the freeway right -of -way were being considered together. She also comment- ed on the matter of inverse condemnation. Barbara Pothurst appeared before the Planning Commission in favor of the open space district and questioned the next steps to be taken. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Item B -2 AMENDMENT Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 46 from the Unclassified District to the Open Space (OS) District. NO. 393 Location: A strip of land approximately 600 CONT. TO UCf 79— feet in depth lying parallel to and north of West Coast Highway between Superior Avenue on the east and the City Boundary Line on the west (Freeway Right -of -Way). Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Item B -3 AMENDMENT Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 30 from the Unclassified District to the R -1 District. NO. 388 Location: Parcel 1 of Resubdivision No. 211, APPROVED located on the northerly side of University Drive, easterly of Irvin Page 16. COMMISSIONERS 211"if ROLL CAII Motion Al Ayes u Motion All Ayes 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES Octnhar n_ 1077 X - - -_ -- - --- Avenue (Y.M.C.A. site). Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter and there being no one desiring to appear and be heard the public hearing was closed. Following discussion, Planning Commission recommen to the City Council that Amendment No. 388 be approved. Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 21 from the "I" District to the R -3 District. IR Lope )( ed Item B -4 AMENDMENT NO. 389 Location: Lots 1 through 5, Tract 1718, APPROVED located at 1401, 1601, 1801, 2001 and 2101 15th Street, on the south- erly side of 15th Street between Irvine Avenue and St. Andrews Road in Cliff Haven. Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter and there being no one desiring to appear and be heard the public hearing was closed. X Following discussion, Planning Commission recom- mended to the City Council that Amendment No. 389 be approved. Item B -5 Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. AMENDMENT 25 from the C -O -H and Unclassified Districts to N the A -P District. -- -- APPROVED Location: Property generally bounded by.Flag- ship Road on the north, industrial property on the east, Hospital Road on the south, and Placentia Avenue on the west; and property bounded by Placentia Avenue on the north- east, Superior Avenue on the north- west, and Hospital Road on the south, adjacent to Hoag Hospital. Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Page 17. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (, T M T ya X T s MINUTES < Z P P p October 4, 1973 Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter and there being no one desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion X Following discussion, Planning Commission recom- All Ayes mended to the City Council that Amendment No. 390 be approved. Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 5 from the C -1 -H District to the A -P District. Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 5 from the C -1 -H District to the R -2 District. Location: Lots 20 through 29, Tract 444, located at 200, 202, 206, 210, 214, 218, 222, 226, 230, and 234 North Newport Boulevard, on the easterly side of North Newport Boulevard northerly of Santa Ana Avenue, adjacent to Newport Heights. Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Assistant Community Development Director Hewicker commented on the setbacks and recommended that a 5 foot setback be established on Newport Boulevard • Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter and there being no one desiring to appear and be heard the public hearing was closed. Page 18. Item B -7 APPROVED Location: Lots 1 through 13, 17, 18 and 19, Tract 1136, located at 300, 304, 308, 312, 316, 320, 324, 328, 332, 336 and 340 North Newport Boulevard 344, 350, 400, 404 and 408 West- minster Avenue; and 301, 305, 309, 313, 317 and 321 Holmwood Drive, easterly of North Newport Boulevard • adjacent to Newport Heights. Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Motion X Planning Commission continued this matter to the All Ayes meeting of October 18, 1973. Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 5 from the C -1 -H District to the R -2 District. Location: Lots 20 through 29, Tract 444, located at 200, 202, 206, 210, 214, 218, 222, 226, 230, and 234 North Newport Boulevard, on the easterly side of North Newport Boulevard northerly of Santa Ana Avenue, adjacent to Newport Heights. Initiated by: The City of Newport Beach Assistant Community Development Director Hewicker commented on the setbacks and recommended that a 5 foot setback be established on Newport Boulevard • Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter and there being no one desiring to appear and be heard the public hearing was closed. Page 18. Item B -7 APPROVED COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH R11 CALL Motion All Ayes 0 Motion All Ayes 0 MINUTES nrtnhor d 107'4 - - ----. ._.- INDEX X Following discussion, Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that Amendment No. 392 be approved and that a five foot (5') setback be established on North Newport Boulevard. Item B -8 SE E MIT 5 ON T. TO Request to extend a Use Permit which allows three off -site directional signs, one entrance sign, and four flags located at the model complex, in con- nection with the first sale of homes in North - bluffs. Location: Various points on Vista del Oro CT. 8 between Eastbluff Drive and Vista del Sol, in Northbluffs. Zone: R- 4 -B -2, R -3 -B, C -N -H Applicant: The Holstein Co., Costa Mesa Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Assistant Community Development Director Hewicker advised the Planning Commission of the action to deny and reasons therefor by the Modifications Committee on another off -site sign for the same applicant. Planning Commission discussed policy relative to directional signs and the applicant's apparent lack of concern relative to his requests. X Following discussion, Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973, and requested that the staff check the site for conformance. Item B -9 ODIFI- CATI N 0. 3 4ITHDRAWN Request to permit a maximum of 20% of the required off- street parking stalls for a proposed office building to have a minimum dimension of 7'6" X 15'0" (for compact cars) where stalls with a minimum dimension of 8'6" X 18'0" are presently required. Location: Parcel 1, Book 39, Page 18, Parcel Maps of Orange County, located on the southerly corner of Dove Street and Westerly Place in "Newport Place ". Zone: P -C Page 19. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH T r M i 77- ROLL CALL Motion A11 Ayes Motion All Ayes u MINUTES nr +nhnr _Q 1071 � IND @JC Applicant: Bayshore Development Co., Newport Beach Owner: The Prospect California Co., c/o The Alison Co., Newport Beach X At the request of the Applicant, this matter with withdrawn. tem B -10 Request to permit the expansion of an existing ISE restaurant with approved on -sale alcoholic bever- E MIT ages within 200 feet of a residential district, 566 and the approval of an off -site parking agreement for the required parking spaces. ND. ONT. TO Location: Portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block G, Tract 323, and a portion of a vacated alley southwesterly of Lots 1 and 2, located at 440 Helio- trope Avenue, on the southeasterly side of Heliotrope Avenue, westerly of East Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. (Pirates Inn) Zone: C -1 Applicant: John E. Soukeras, Corona del Mar Owner: Same as applicant X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Item B -11 Request to combine portions of Lots into two RESUB- parcels. DIVI9—ION N 57 -TT 2 Location: Portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block G, Tract 323, and a portion of a CONT. TO vacated alley southwesterly of Lots UTT7__i8 1 and 2, located at 440 Heliotrope Avenue, on the southeasterly side of Heliotrope Avenue, westerly of East Coast Highway, in Corona del Mar. Zone: C -1 Applicant: John E. Soukeras, Corona del Mar Owner: Same as Applicant Page 20. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MS IIL CAI Motion All Ayes E Motion All Ayes • Motion All Ayes MINUTES Vccuoer 'r, iyis INDEX Engineer: John K. Mandrell X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Item B -12 USE Request to permit the expansion of an existing restaurant with approved on -sale beer and wine PERMIT within 200 feet of a residential district, and 69 the approval of an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces. CONT. TO C 18 Location: Portion of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 2, Seashore Colony Tract, located at 6204 West Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West Coast Highway between 62nd Street and Prospect Street, adjacent to Newport Shores. (Spaghetti Bender) Zone: S.P. 4 Applicant: Joyce Hoskinson, Huntington Beach Owner: Same as Applicant X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. Item B -13 USE Request to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment in conjunction with the FETMIT construction of two restaurants within 200 feet of 1695 a residential district, and the acceptance of a Negative Declaration. CONT. TO OV. 1 Location: Parcel 1 of Resubdivision No. 394, located on the southeasterly corner of Marine Avenue and Bayside Drive, adjacent to the Balboa Island. Bridge. Zone: C -1 -H Applicant: Harry G. Healey, Long Beach Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of November 1, 1973. Page 21. COMMISSIONERS ITI�1 z1;�IpA1�1 CITY OF ber NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES Request to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages and dancing to recorded music in conjunction with a proposed restaurant within 200 feet of a resi- dential district, and the approval of an off -site parking agreement. Location: Lot 10, Block 11 of Balboa Tract, located at 810 East Balboa Boule- vard, on the north side of East Balboa Boulevard between Main. Street and "A" Street on the Balboa Peninsula. Zone: C -1 Applicant: Var -Land, Inc., dba "Uncle Hubert's Royal Caboose ", Redondo. Beach Owner: Dr. Robert Andrews, Costa Mesa • Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Jed Landon, President of Var -Land, appeared before the Planning Commission and stated agreement with all of the conditions except Condition No. 6, d.ue to the fact that negotiations are under way for parking at other locations, since Balboa Market has changed their business hours; thereby making this condition inapplicable. Page 22. Item 8 -14 USE PERMIT 122:1;1YL:17 Planning Commission discussed parking for the requested restaurant and signing of same. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion X Planning Commission approved Use Permit Applicati All Ayes No. 1696 subject to the following conditions: 1. That development be according to the approved floor plan and elevation, except for minor modifications approved by the Department of Community Development. • 2. This approval shall be for a one year period; any request for extension to be acted by upon the Planning Commission. Page 22. Item 8 -14 USE PERMIT 122:1;1YL:17 COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES Guy October 4 1973 INDEX 3. That the applicant shall obtain the services of an Acoustical Engineer and shall provide evidence of existing ambient outside noise levels and proposed interior noise levels. The building shall be insulated in such a manner as to maintain outside sound at the existing ambient level. 4. Air conditioning shall be installed and operable before the recorded music for dancing commences, and doors and windows shall be kept closed during business hours. 5. An off - street parking agreement, providing fifteen spaces for the exclusive use of the restaurant after the market closes, shall be approved by the City Council. 6. The restaurant shall not be opened for busines until parking in an off -site parking lot is available for use and an off -site parking agreement is executed and approved. 7. Appropriate signing shall be placed on the parking lot, indicating that only parking for the proposed restaurant shall be permitted. Said signing shall be approved by the Depart- ment of Community Development. 8. A parking lot attendant shall be stationed at the parking lot to ensure that the parking spaces will be utilized and maintained for restaurant patrons. 9. All trash or storage shall be located within the building or be shielded from view by six foot high walls or fences. 10. That all mechanical roof -top equipment shall be screened in a manner meeting the approval of the Department of Community Development. 11. All. exterior lighting and signs on the pro- posed restaurant shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. • Page 23. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ry �,� T Z < A P P U October ion Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes 0 MINUTES In71 .Item Request to permit the construction of a 12 foot INDEX B -15 MODIFI- high roofed entry structure to encroach to the CATION easterly side property line (where the Ordinance 8 N-0-7778 requires a four foot side yard) and an 11 foot high gate and wall (to top of finial) to encroach CONT. TO to the westerly side property line (where the —OC-T—.Tg- Ordinance permits a maximum 6 foot high fence). Location: Lot 31, Tract 802, located at 31 Harbor Island on _Harbor Island. Zone: R -1 Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. Briggs Cunningham, Newport Beach Owner: Same as Applicant Appellant: Same as Applicant X Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of October 18, 1973. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The following resolutions were adopted by the Planning Commission: X Resolution No. 838, setting a public hearing for October 25, 1973, to consider adoption of the Recreation and Open Space Element of the General Plan. X Resolution No. 839, setting a public hearing for October 25, 1973, to consider adoption of the Housing Element of the General Plan. X Resolution No. 840, setting a public hearing for November 1, 1973, to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 45 and No. 46 from the "U" District and R -3 -B -2 District to the P -C District on property north of Newport Crest in Stat Area A2 X Resolution No. 841, setting a public hearing for November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of.Districting Maps Nos. 50, 52, 53, and 64 from the R -3 -B District to the P -C District on property surrounding Big Canyon Reservoir. Page 24. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 7 M �' fr T r M f Z r rerr < T P P A- + ..A n in�e MINUTES r k vc vuer INDEX Motion X Resolution No. 842, setting a public hearing for. All Ayes November 1, 1973; to consider amending portion of Districting Map No. 32 from the "U" District to the P -C District. (MacArthur & 5th Avenue) Motion X Resolution No. 843, setting a public hearing for All Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of Districting Maps Nos. 24, 37, and 48 from the "U" District to the P -C District on property at Coast Highway and Jamboree Road. Motion X Resolution No. 844, setting a public hearing for All Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portion of Districting Maps Nos. 32 and 51 from the R -3 -B and R -2 -B Districts to the R -1 -B District on property at 5th Avenue and Marguerite Avenue. Motion X Resolution No. 845, setting a public hearing for All Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of Districting Maps Nos. 23 and 65 from the "U" District to the P -C District on the Castaway site. *ion X Resolution No. 846, setting a public hearing for Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of Districting Maps No. 29, 30, and 36 from the "U" District to the P -C District. (Northwest Upper Bay). Motion X Resolution No. 847, setting a public hearing for All Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of Districting Maps Nos. 38 and 60 from the "U" District to the P -C District on property north of the Newporter Inn. Motion X Resolution No. 848, setting a public hearing for All Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of Districting Maps Nos. 40, 42, 43, 44 and 61 from the R -3 -B and the "U" District to the P -C District. (North Upper Bay). Motion X Resolution No. 849, setting a public hearing for All Ayes November 1, 1973, to consider amending portions of Districting Map No. 26 from the "U" District to the R -2 District on property at 16th and Tustin. There being no further business, Plan n ng Comm fis- sion adjourned. Time 1 �A�.MM.� PH ROSE ER, JAR., —S retary anning Commission City of Newport Beach Page 25.