October 17, 1957 8:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Copelin, Keene, Longmoor,
Smith, Rudd & Hayton
Commissioners Absent Reed, Briggs, Lind
Minutes of the meeting of September 19, 1957, were approved on
motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded:by'Commis.sioner Hayton
and carried..
1. SCHROADER, William H. 303 & 303 Crystal Ave. B. I.
2. Lot 35 Tract 742 Zone R -2
3. Posted October 7, 1957 Published October, 9, 1957
4. An encroachment of 12 inches into a required front yard set-
back of 3' for construction of a bay window.
5. This request will not interfere or affect bay view of
neighbors to westq inasmuch as their buildings are set back
only 4511 inches from sidewalk. Whereas my building is set
back 8211 from sidewalk. This imposes a hardship on my prop-
erty for larger room area and view. Dining area inadequate.
This addition will provide more space, a better view of bay
and improve architecture of house.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings.
7. FINDINGS: The Committee reported that this property owner
was in an unfortunate situation in that the
dwelling to the East was out to the property line
and obstructed his view towards the bay. The
neighbor to the !Jest was within a very.short
distance of the property line and it was the
opinion of the Committee that the encroachment
requested would not be detrimental to any other
persons residing in the area,
8. On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm, Rudd,
Variance Application #409-was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
Page 2
1. SATTERFIELD, George & Mary
2. Lot 14 Block 14
3. Posted October 7, 1957
801 No. Bay Front
Section 3
Published October 9, 1957
Zone R -2
4. Encroachment of 5' into required 10' front yard setback.
5. This request is being made due to the irregularities of lot
size and because of the dwelling to the east being within 3'
of the front property line..
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: A report from the Committee revealed that the
adjacent neighbor to the.east was within 3' of
the front property line and the structure obstructed
any view to the east if the applicant was required
to remain at,the 10' setback as established by the
District Map.. There is .a street separation between
the lot in question and the neighbor to the west,
therefore, an encroachment of 5' on this property
would not he detrimental to his view. The Committee
recommended approval, subject to the condition that
a garage space for two dwellings be provided in
accordance with the specifications of the Zoning
8. On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm. Hayton,:
Variance-Application ¢410 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. SMITH, D. R. & Elva R. 402 Clubhouse
2. Lot 1 Block 432 Canal Section Zone R -2
3. Posted ^ctober 7, 1957 Published October 9, 1957
4. Encroachment of 3' into a required 3' front yard setback.
5. Want permission to build on property line rather than 3' offset
to conform with uniformity of other buildings.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: The City Engineer stated that some time in the
near future an abandonment of the street in front
of this property is likely which would contribute
approximately 10' more land area to the applicant's
lot. A neighbor to the east has already been
granted a variance similar to this request, there-
fore, the Committee recommended approval of this
r 0
#411 con't
8. On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded.by Comm. Hayton,
Variance Application #'411 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. OTTAWAY, William W. 504 Hazel Drive
2. Lot 36 Block B Tract 673 Zone R -1
3. Posted October 7, 1957 Published October 99 1957
4. Permission to permit detached garage within 1' of side property
line of front half of lot and construction of a swimming pool
within 5' of front property line on front half of lot.
5. Canyon in rear makes front yard only area for building house,
swimming pool and garage. 40 -ft. width makes 1' side yard
setback necessary for garage to provide enough room for pool.
6. DISCUSSION: Mr. John Eldon, contractor, represented the
applicant, and advised the Commission that due
to typography of lot, the only possible way to
construct a swimming pool on this property is to
erect the same on the front half of the lot and
to place the garage within 1' of side property line.
7. FINDINGS: It was the opinion of the Committee after consider-
ing all arguments presented, that the attached
garage on the front half of the property should
not be permitted within 1' of side property line
and that the swimming pool should not be permitted
closer than 2' from the side property line. The
Committee recommended approval of this application
for a detached garage on the front of the property,
swimming pool to be placed within 2' of side prop-
erty line and within 5' of front property line.
8. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
Variance Application #412 was APPR'i01 subject to the above
conditions, by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Copelin, Keene, Longmoor Smith, Hayton
NOES: Rudd
COMM. ABSENT: Reed, Briggs, Lind
208 Grant
2. Lot 10 Block 9 Seashore Colony Tract Zone C -1 -H
3. Posted October 7, 1957 Published October 9, 1957
4. Encroachment of 10' into a required 20' front setback for
construction of a dwelling.
5. It is proposed to build a dwelling on this C -1 property requiring
a 20 -ft. setback which would cut the size of the building area
down considerably. The proposed variance would conform with
the surrounding dwellings.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: This new dwelling is being built in a commercial
zone which requires an automatic 20' front set-
back. Other variances have been permitted in this
area for a front setback of 51, therefore, the
Committee recommended approval of this request.
8. On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
• Variance Application #f413 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. WOODWARD, Thomas E. 437 Morning Canyon Rd. CDM
2. Lot 37 Tract 1237 Zone R -2 -B
3. Posted October 7, 1957 Published October 9; 1957
4. An encroachment of 10' into a required 20' rear yard setback.
5. Unable to add bedroom and bath to existing dwelling.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: This request for an encroachment of 10' into a
required 20' rear yard setback was approved by
the Commission on September 202 1957, but the,
application was revoked as the owner did not
initiate any construction within the period pre-
scribed under Section 9106.41 of the Municipal
Code. The Committee recommended that this re-
newal application be approved.
• 8. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Rudd,
Variance Application #f414 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1, ANDRE5.4S, Robert G. 604 St. James Place
2. Lot 29 Tract 1218 Zone R -1
3. Posted October 7, 1957 Published October 9, 1957
4. An encroachment of 10' into a required 201. front yard setback.
5. Existing 17 x 19 garages does not allow ample space for laundry
facilities, two automobiles, and various tricycles and bicycle$,
Service porch and breakfast area are needed adjacent to kitchen
and this is the only space available.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: The Committee upon investigation of this property
found that the adjacent property owners were within
10' of the front property line and that the
encroachment on this property as requested would
not be detrimental to any persons residing in the
Commissioner Smith stated that in his opinion, this
proposed addition would be a definite improvement
to the area.
8. On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Comm. Rudd,
Variance Application was APPROVED by the following roll call
vote, to wit: ALL AYES
Mr. & Mrs. Norton
3505 Marcus
- 35th)
Lot 17
Block 235
Zone R-2
3. Posted October 7, 1957 Published October 9, 1957
4. Encroachment of 1' into a required 3' side yard setback.
5. 35th Street is narrow and all parking is across the street,
therefore, the most practical access would be on Marcus.
6. DISCUSSION: The applicant was not present; therefore, on
motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by
Commissioner Smith and carried, this application
was set over until the next regular meeting of
the Planning Commission.
is fTWK9 Pang. 4# and Ploy L.
2. Lot 8 Block 18
3. Posted October 91 1957
1814 W. Ocean Front Zone R -3
Section B Newport Beach Tract
4. Encroachment of 60 into each
order to permit construction
beam for three =car carport.
Published October 9, 1957
required 3' side yard setback in
of posts to support structural
5. This lot provides for a 3 -unfit apartment house, which requires
8' per car or 24' between posts. If the posts are not allowed
to encroach on the side line, the dimension between posts would
be approximately 23'411. Just short of the requirements.
6. DISCUSSION: Mr. Jack Cornair, contractor, represented the
applicant and stated to the Commission that the
proposed structure for a three -car carport on
this R -3 property was the only possible method
by which compliance of the Zoning Code regarding
garages could be made.
7. FINDINGSz The Committee reported the 6' encroachment into
• each side yard setback would be an advantage to
the neighborhood as it would permit three cars to
be parked off the street and would not be
detrimental to any persons residing in the area.
8. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm: Rudd,
Variance Application #417 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. MUNN, Joseph E. 2212 Laurel Place
2. Lot 14 Tract 1188 Zone R -1
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4: Construction of a porch and patio to a non - conforming dwelling.
5: DISCUSSION. This application was set over from the regular
meeting in September so that the applicant could
present amended plans showing the construction of
two garages to comply with the Municipal Code.
The plans submitted were for carports on the
. front half of the lot which are not permitted
under the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant was
advised that he must provide garages in accordance
with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance
before his request for a porch and patio could be
. #365 con't
6. FINDINGSt After a lengthy discussion on this matter,
the Committee recommended approval of this
application, subject to the condition that two
garages be provided in accordance with the require-
ments of the Zoning Ordinance.
7, On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Use Permit Application #365 was APPROVED subject to the above
condition, by the following roll call vote, to wits ALL AYES
1. BRANCH, William N., Jr. 101 Palm Balboa
2. Lot 16 Block 6 Tract 234 Zone C -1
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4. On sale beer
5. DISCUSSION: Mr. Howard Failor, lessor of the property in question,
addressed the Commission in protest of this appli-
cation. He stated that the applicant had leased
this property to be used as a malt shop. He further
• stated that there were 7 apartments above this
6. FINDINGS: The Committee stated that a Use Permit is required
because this property is within 200' of a Resid-
ential District which in this case is a Municipal
parking lot. They further stated that there was
a beer parlor at 109 Palm Avenue and they felt
that the disapproval of this request would be
7. A motion was made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Comm.
Hayton to approve Use Permit 4.pplicatijn x,373. Said motion
resulted in the folloving TIE VOTE:
AYES: Keene, Smith, Hayton
NOES. Copelin, Longmoor, Rudd
COMM. ABSENT: Reed, Briggs, Lind
The applicant, Mr. William Branch, Jr., who had not spoken to
the Commission before the motion, requested to be heard at this
time. He stated that Mr. Failor, the lessor of the property,
had approached him during the period he was applying for his
alcoholic beverage license from the State and inquired as to
how his application was coming along. Mr. Branch stated that
at that time, Mr. Failor made no objections to his application
for a beer license. Commissioner Keene asked Mr. Branch if
• there was included in his lease from Mr'. Failor any restrictions
regarding the use.of the property. Mr. Branch answered in the
negative. Commissioner Keene stated that he did not believe
the Commission had any legal right to deprive the lessee of the
Page S
#171 con't
use of this property for the sale of beer as it is a permitted
use in a C -1 zone.
On the basis of the additional evidence presented by the
applicant and the comments of Commissioner Keene, on motion
of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Commissioner Keene and
carried, it was moved that this application be reconsidered.
Commissioner Keene moved that the Commission approve Use
Permit hpplicat'on 7',`373, seconded by Commissioner Smith and
carried, by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Keene, Longmoor, Smith, Rudd & Hayton
NOES: Copelin
COMM. ABSENT: Reed, Briggs, Lind
1: DOWNING, Sam H. 2110 Coral Place
• 2: Lot 2 Tract 1220 Zone R -3
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4: Construction of 5 dwelling units on a R -3 lot.
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS: The Committee reported that a pattern has already
been established by the Commission in permitting
five units on these large R -3 lots in this area
and recommended approval.
6: On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Use Permit application #374 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. DOVNING, Sam H. 2101 Clay
2. Lot 21 Tract 1220 Zone R -3
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4. Construction of five dwelling units on a R -3 lot.
5, DISCUSSION: Note findings
Page 9
i' _.
6. F;NDING6s Policy already established by the Commission
permits five units on these R- 3.corner lots in
this areao
7. On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Use Permit Application #375 was APPROVED by the following moll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. MASON, W. F. 3012 and 3014 W. Ocean Front
2. Lots 7 & 8 Block 30 Lake Tract Zone R -2
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4. The addition of second floor to a non - conforming dwelling.
DISCUSSION: Note findings
FINDINGS: The Committee reported that this application was
non - conforming due to violation of rear yard set-
back. The non - conforming condition will not be
extended, therefore, a recommendation of approval
was made by the Committee.
On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
Use Permit Application #376 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wits ALL AYES
BATES, Mr. & Mrs. E. D. 324 Apolena, B. I.
Lot 13 Block 17 Tract: B. I. Zone R -2
Posted October 7, 1957
Enlargement of present garage and enlargement of bedroom and
bath to a non - conforming dwelling.
DISCUSSION: Note findings
FINDINGS: The Committee reported that this dwelling is non-
conforming due to violation of side and rear yard
setback. A recommendation of approval was made
the that the garage on the
subject to condition
premises be brought into conformity with the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm. Hayton,.Use
Permit Application #377 was APPROVED, subject to the above con-
dition, by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
Page 10
1. HOYLE, Ralph L. & Jack 1501 E. 16th Street
2. Lot 148 Tract 1218 Zone. Unclassif _.
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4, Construction of a medical building in an unclassified zone.
5. DISCUSSION: The applicant was not present, therefore, on motion
of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Hayton, this
application was set over for the next regular
meeting of the Planning Commission and it was
recommended that in the interim a study be made by
the City-Engineer regarding proper access to this
property from 16th Street.
1: WINN, Oscar A. 214 - 34th St.
• 2. Lot 8 Block 133 Lake Tract Zone R -2
3. Posted October 9, 1957
4. Addition of a room within an already existing building.
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS: This dwelling is non - conforming as the existing
structure exceeds the maximum 35' front yard set-
back; The Committee stated that the proposed
addition to this building would not be detrimental
to persons in the neighborhood and recommended
7. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Rudd,
Use Permit Application #=379 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. CORNELIUS, Harry L. 2712 E. Coast Highway, CDM
2. Lot: 1 Blocky M Tract: 323 Zone C -1
Lot: 2 Block: 733 Tract: CDM Zone R =2
• 3. Posted October 7; 1957
4. Permission to use a R =2 lot adjacent to a C�l lot for
permanent parking.
380 con't
5. DISCUSSION. Note findings
6. FINDINGS. Under Section 9105.1(e) of Ordinance #f635, public
or no fee private parking lots for automobiles
may be permitted in any "R" district adjacent to
any "C" or "M" district, subject to first securing
a use permit in each case.
The Committee stated that they were in favor of
any provision by a property owner to establish
off - street parking and recommended approval of this
7. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
Use Permit Application #380 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. BRAME, Gerald F. 2124 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa
2. Lot 7 Block "F" Tract 518 Zone R -1
3. Posted October 7, 1957
4. Addition of two bedrooms and'bath to a non - conforming dwelling.
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS: The Committee stated this building to be non-
conforming due to violation of side yard setback.
The non - conforming feature will not be extended,
therefore, they recommended approval.
7. On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
Use Permit Application #381 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. THE IRVINE CO. Corona del Mar
2. Lot 181 Tract 2813 Zone: Unclassified
3. Posted October 79 1957
4. Permission to use .lot 181 for park purposes.
5. DISCUSSION. At the request of the Irvine Co. this application
was set over until the next regular meeting of
the Commission on motion of Commissioner Copelin,
seconded by Commissioner Hayton and carried, by
the following vote, to wit: ALL AYES
0 9
Page 12
1s HUDSONy 0. W*
2. Lot 38 Block A
3. Posted October 7, 1957
228 Hazel Dr.
Tract 673
Corona del Mar
zone R-1
4. Remodelling and addition to an existing -non- conforming dwelling.
50 DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS; A report of the Committee revealed that this
dwelling is non - conforming due to an encroachment
into a side yard setback. The encroachment will
not be extended, therefore, the Commission
recommended approval.
7. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
Use Permit Application ;383 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
Presented to the Commission by Mr. J. Id. Drawdy, Planning Assistant,
was a statement and proposed program in reference to street names
for the principal highways of Orange County.
It was pointed out to the Commission that there are forty -two
arterial highways in the County known by 129 names, An Orange
County Street Naming Committee has been appointed to make a study
and recommendation to have each street known by one name only.
'On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Commissioner Copelin,
and carried, the Commission endorsed the proposal submitted by the
Orange County Planning Commission regarding street naming for
arterial highways in the County of Orange.
On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Commissioner Rudd,
and carried, the meeting was adjourned until October 24, 1957 at
8:00 p.m., at which time a hearing would be held on the Master Plan
and any additional business.
Ray V Copelin