HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/1939OCTOBER 18. 1939 THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular session Wednesday, October 19, 1939,,7:10 P.m. in the Council Chambers of the 'City Hall; Chairman Hopkins presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. BOLL CALL Commissioners present: Hopkins, Seeger, Williams, Briggs, Findlay, Patterson, Whitson. Commissioners absent: Estus, Hodgkinson. Building Inspector Nelson attended. MINUTES - Com. Whitson moved that the reading of the minutes of the meeting held August 16, 1939 be dispensed with and that same be approved as written. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. HEARINGS - VARIANCE APPLICATION OF ROBERT L. and JEAN W. CARROLL. Application of Robert L. and Jean W. Carroll for a 50 %, lift. aide yard setback variance on Lot 363, Tract 907, Lido Isle was read by the Secretary. He stated that the hearing had been advertised, plans posted, postcard • notices sent to surrounding property owners and all other requirements of the ordinance complied with. Re read a letter from the Lido Isle Community Association stating that, ifthe variance applied for is on the south side of the lot, they have no objection to the granting of this variance the plans and plot plan were examined and discussed by the commission. Com. Briggs stated that there are only a few corner lots similar to this one where variances will probably be asked for. One or <two have already been granted on these corner lots, so the precident has been established,` Chairman Hopkins stated that, since Via Soud is such a wide thoroughfare, he could not see how a variance could do any damage in this location. Com. Whitson thought that all setbacks had been es- tablished under the deed restrictions on .Lido Isle. He felt that setbacks on these lots should have been establ- ished at that time. Com. Patterson stated that the front yard setbacks were established, but that, on advice by the City Attorney, any reduction in the City Ordinance requirements must be presented in the form of a variance application on each lot. :k i-" - �.,:� Donald B. Kirby, representing Dr. and Mrs. Carroll,, stated that Dr. Carroll had asked hire to appear as his representative and to say that they felt the granting of this variance would injure no one and that it was necessary in order to create the patio and secure the desired effect. 'Mr. Kirby explained that 18 ft. of the garage will extend out 1 ft, and part of the living room- will extend out 1 ft. 6 in, beyond the required 3 ft. Com. Seeger called attention to the fact that there is a 2J ft. strip between the property line and the side 3 3 walk. Chairman Hopkins asked if anyone present wished to protest the granting of this variance. No one replied. Chairman stated there were no oral protests. No written protests were received. Com. Patterson moved the adoption of resolution No. 159 recommending that a 50 %, 1-Ig ft. side yard variance be granted to Robert L. and Jean W. Carroll on Lot 363, Tract 907, Lido Isle and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by the Secretary as the recommendation of this commission and a copy filed as part of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Com. Whitson. Roll Call: Ayes: Hopkins, Seager, Williams, Briggs, Findlay, . Patterson, Whitson. Noes: None. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. VARIANCE APPLICATION OF MARGARET GIBSON. Secretary read the application of Margaret Gibson for a 100% front yard setback variance on Lot 1, Blk 432, Canal Section, Newport Beach.- He stated that the hearing_, had been advertised, plans posted, notices of hearing sent to surrounding property owners and all other require- ments of the ordinance complied with. Plans and plot plan were examined and discussed by the commission. Com. Seeger stated that a portion of this lot was sold by metes and bounds prior to the adoption of the ordinance. In effect, this makes 2 lots of one. Chairman Hopkins stated that the Commission had applied Paragraph 3 of Section 11 in previous cases where an unlimited space exists in front of the lot in question. As this property fronts the canal and as the street in front of the property is not paved for traffic, he thought that this paragraph could be applied in this instance. Chairman Hopkins asked if there was anyone present who wished to protest the granting of this variance. No one replied. s 40, Chairman Hopkins 'stated that there were no oral protests. Secretary Seeger stated that no written protests had been received. Com. Patterson moved the adoption of Resolution No. 160 recommending that a 100$ front yard setback variance be granted to Margaret Gibson on Lot 1, Blk 432, Canal Section; Newport Beach, and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by he Secretary as the recommendation of this commission and a copy filed as part of the minu4* of this meeting. Seconded by Com. Whitson. Boll Call: Ayes: Hopkins, Seagef, Williams, Briggs, Findlay, Patterson. Whitson. Noes: None. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. COMMUNICATIONS - DISTRICT MAPS ORDERED Secretary read a letter from the Pacific Electric Railway Co. Signed by E. L. Young, inquiring what further action had been taken to protect the P. E. property. The commission discussed making district maps of the entire city establishing setbacks and the adoption of same all at one time; this would mean revision of the present zoning ordinance. It was the Chairman's opinion that the commissioners should work with the Building Inspector and City Engineer, going over the territory with them. Com. Findlay moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare what plans are necessary for revision of the setbacks in the section from 15th Street east, including .the Penuinsula. Seconddd by Com. Whitson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Com. Briggs moved that the Secretary be instructed to answer Mr. Young's letter stating that the Planning Com- mission is now making plans for the adoption of an ordinance whereby a 25 ft. setback will be established in 'accordance with deed restrictions on E1 Bayo Tract. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. COMMITTEE REPORTS - RECREATION PLAN COMMITTEE Com. Patterson , chairman of the recreation plan committee, presented a map prepared by his department showing property owned by the City, areas now in use for recreational purposes and areas available as possible recreational centers. A general discussion of recreational: needs in the City followed. r7171 Chairman Hopkins accepted Com. Patterson's, report as a progress report. Secretary read a letter from the Orange County Board of Supervisors in reply to the commission's inquiry as to what progress has been made with the plan for the Orange County Water Park adjacent to the City. The letter referred the commission to the Orange County Planning Commission for further information as to progress on this project, Com. Patterson moved that the Secretary be requested to appear before the Orange County Planning Commission on behalf ofthe Orange County Water Park. Seconded by Com. Whitson. Chairman Hopkins suggested that.the Secretary ask the Orange County Planning Commission to suggest to the Board of Supervisors some improvements which could be made now so that the land may be immediately utilized for recreational purposes. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. .4DJOURNMENT On motion of Com. Findlay seconded by Com. Patterson and carried the meeting adjourned. Reap etfnlly submitted, >ward W. Seager,— 10