HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/30/1940OCTOBER 30, 1940 THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in adjourned regular session Wednesday, October 30, 1940, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall; Chairman Johnson presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Johnson, Seeger, Allen, 2Indlay, Patterson. Commissioners absent: Estus, Hopkins, Nelson, Williams. FIRST HEARING - ON PROPOSED NEW ZONING ORDINANCE - Com. Seeger said he wished to commend Com. Patterson for the fine work he has done in re- vising this ordinance, publishing copies thereof and many other labors in connection with the revamping of the ordinance. Com. Seager moved that the Planning Commission extend a vote of thanks to Mr. Patterson for the work he has done on the proposed new zoning ordin- ance. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Johnson announced that this was the first public hearing on the proposed new zoning ordinance and declared the hearing open for discus- sion. He invited comment from those present either favorable or unfavorable. Mr. Grainger Hyer stated that he is more or less satisfied with the ordinance. It was his opinion that any setback established other than 5 ft, for the entire Channel Island could not legajly be made to hold. This new ordinance, he said, is a great improvement over the old ordinance. It was laso his opinion that persons whose property is affected by the changes In zoning should be notified. Miss Marguerite McCulloch stated that she would like to have her Lot 15, Blk 26 on the Peninsula zoned as R -2 and suggested an R -2 zone between "I" and "J" Streets. If this done, she said she planned to tear down the old store building on her lot and erect a house in its place suitable for one family. She said she had requested Mr. Coon, the architect, to draw her a sketch of his suggest- ion for improving this lot with two attractive little houses. She has invested $8000 in this lot and as it is now she cannot get anything out of it. Miss McCulloch definitely stated her desire to abandon the store and make a two family residence to conform to the ordinance if this lot is zoned R-2. Two communications on the new ordinance were read by the Secretary. One letter from Jordon, Twist and Parker, re- questing that Block "F", Tract 919 be zoned C-2 instead of C -1. The other letter from Culp Realty Co. requested a change in zoning of the easterly corner of the Hudson in the vicinity of 32nd St. and Lafayette from industrial to business to correspond with the westerly corner. Chairman Johnson suggested that these requests be considered at the close of the second hearing before final action on the new ordinance is taken. There was no further discussion from the floor. I Com. Findlay moved that the hearing be closed. Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Com. Seager moved that the proposed new zoning ordinance replacing Ordinance 440 be passed to second hearing and that the date for said hearing be set for Wednesday, November 20, 1940, 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Seconded by COM. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Com. Allen moved that a letter of notice be sent to all property owners whose property may be affected by changes in zoning under the new ordinance. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. ADJOURNMENT - On motion of Com. Allen, seconded by Com.Findlay and carried, the meeting adjourned. Resg4ctfully subm pted, C/A Secretary J