HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/1938NOVEMBF.`R 16, 1938 THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING .COMM*IS5IC�N met in regular session Wednesday, November 16, 1938 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall! Chairman Hopkins presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. HOLL CALL - Commissioners present: Hopkins, Seager, Briggs, Findlay, Patterson, Hodgkinsou. Commissioners absent: Williams, N1'hitson. building, Inspector Nelson attended. MINUTES - Com. Briggs moved that the reading of the minutes of the meeting held October 26, 1938 be dispensed with, as all members had. received copies thereof, and that they be approved as written. Seconded by Coat. Findlay, Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. COidMUNICATIONS - Secretary read a letter from Mr. Tilton in which he suggested that a map.showing a three mile arsa.ad.jacent to the city boutdry be filed with the OraW.Ce County Planning Com- mission. Com. Beeper stated that such a map had been prepared by the City Engineer. He moved that the City Engineer be requested to inform the City Council as to the commission's action of December 15, 1937 in reference to the map showing the 3 ,nile area lying beyond the city limits and request their favorable action approving said map so that it may be filed with the Orange County Planning Commission. Seconded,by Coin. Patterson. Motion carried and to ordered by the Chairman. Secretary read a communication from the Orange County Planning commission giving the time and place of their next meeting (November 22, 9:30 a.m., Court House Annex, Santa Ana) at which time the matter of the subdivision of the property of Mr. Strobridge known as Tract 1011 will be considered. Secretary stated that a committee was to have been ap- pointed by the Chairman to attend this meeting and present this commission's objections to the subdivision. Chairman Hopkins appointed Commissioners Seeger, Briggs and Estus to serve on this committee. Secretary read a communication from the City Council as of November 15, 1938 referring to this sommission the matter of the application of Marguerite L. MacCullougb for the re- zoning of d,ot 15, Blk 26, East Side Addition, aalboa from R -1 to C-1 classification. Mr. Humphrey, representing Miss MacOulloueh, presented the Secretary with a check for $10 to cover the cost of advertising this application. Com. Patterson moved that the Secretary be instructed to advertise the necessary hearings setting the dates of hearings as November 30 and December 14. Seconded by Com. Eatus. notion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Secretary read the application for variance of Mr. Franklin uansen, Jr. He stated that it had been received too late to advertise the hearing for tbis meeting. Com. Patterson moved that the.Secretary be instructed to advertise this application for hearing at th& meeting, to be held November 30, 1936. Seconded by Com. k'stus. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. CONSIDERATION OF REZONING TRACT 919, LOTS F & A. Com. Seeger stated that, as no application for rezoning Lots F and A. Tract 919, had been received from the owners of this property, the commission would have to initiate such action. Inasmuch as an application is now bdfore the commission for rezoning of a portion of Lot F. he considered it wise at this time to rezone the entire tract north to Tenth St. and east to the city boundry to C -1, thus correcting what he considered a mistake in the original zoning. It was Com. fopkins' opinion that Tenth St, should be kept farther to the south, so that it would not run up on the bluff west of San Bernardino St. The same northerly boundry should be determined west of San Bernardino St. as that east of San Bernardino St„ thus protecting the owners of residential property on the bluff. Com. Patterson said that he would prepare a legal description of the property which the commission desires to rezone. Com. Findlay moved that this matter be sent to hearing and that the Secretary be instruct- ed to advertise said hearings for November 30th and December 14th, 1936. Seconded by Com. Briggs. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. HEARINGS - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE OF SIGNAL OIL COMPANY Application of the Signal Oil Company for a permit to move and alter a non - conforming element and an 60% rear yard set back variance having to do with an automobile service station situated upon lot 16, blk 29, Newport 'tract, was read by the Secretary. He stated that the application had been advertised October 13, 1939- plans and maps posted, notices sent to 13 surrounding property owners s:i all other requirements of the ordinance complied with. No written protests were received. Plans of the proposed improvement were examined by the commission. Chairman inquired if anyone present wished to speak on this matter. Mr. McDough, owner of the lot south of the property in question, stated that he believed the alteration and remodeling of this building would be an improvement and be had no object- ion to the remodeling, providing they are required to keep the required 5 ft. setback at the rear of the lot, The alley is so narrow that there is difficulty in getting in and out _2- of gargges on this alley and if a building is built to the rear property line, it will make it more difficult. Mrs. Funk, owner of property across the alley on 29th St. objected to allowing any build- ing closer to the alley than at present. She did not object to the improvement to and re- modeling of the station provided they keep the 5 ft. set back on the rear of the lot. Com. Seeger stated that the letter of application is misleading inasmuch as it is not Mr. Blue's property, but is owned by Mr. Clune. The Signal Oil Company has held. this lease for many years and they now wish to improve their station. Be did. not believe Mr. Blue cared whether this variance vat granted or not. Com. Patterson thought the remodeling would be an improvement to the neighborhood. A6 there was no one present representing the applicant or those interested with the applicant, Com. Patterson moved to lay the matter on the table until the next meeting and that the Chairman appoint a committee to contact Mir. Blue and the Signal Oil Company and report at the next meeting. Seconded by Com. Seeger. motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Chairman Hopkins appointed Commissioners $eager, and Findlay to act upon this committee with Bldg. Insp. Nelson to act as advisor. TENTATIVE MAP OF BEACON BAY SUBDIVISION Secretary read a communication as follows: November 15. 1936 Honorable City Planning Commission City of Newport Beach Attn: 'Dr. Howard W. $eager, Secretary. Gentlemen; Herewith tentative map of Beacon Bay Subdivision which has been referred to your honorable Body for consideration and approval. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frank L. Rinehart, City Clerk. The Secretary presented the tentative map which shows a plan of subdivision having to do with that area of city -owned property lying north of the North Channel of Newport Bay and between the North Channel and Bayside Drive and Harbor Island Drive and the Balboa Yacht Basin, the same being held under lease from the city of Newport Beach to Joseph A. Beek dated November 9. 1927, amended March 3, 1930 and released July 18, 1938• Mr. Beek was present and explained the map to the commission. He stated that he had followed the suggestions given him when he submitted the sketch of the subdivision informally at a previous meeting. The alleys have been widened to 25 ft.;-all the lots contain over the required 4000'sq, ft. ' Chairman Hopkins brought up the question of the water and sewer facilities and drainage for the subdivision. They were not shown on the map. He felt that provisions for sanitary facilities should be shown on the map. Com. Patterson stated that the city engineer would have to check. all of these points before the final map is completed. The Planning Commission is only concerned with the size of the lots, width of streets and alleys, etc. in approving the tentative map. The subdiv- ider must know what his layout is going to be before he can show pipe lines and sewer lines on the map. Com. Seager said that he had been reading the statutes on the requirements of the Plan- ning Commission having to do with subdivisions and they are specific as to what is required of the commission. The planning commission should not approve any subdivision until they have complied with all these requirements. Ile felt that the commission should have the advise of the city attorney to interpret the statutes as to the duties of the commission before taking any action; therefore, he moved that the Planning Commission request the City Attorney for an opinion and instructions in writing as to the mode of procedure that this Body shall follow in considering this map as submitted. Seconded by Com. Briggs. Com, Seager said he wanted this advise in writing so that it could be written into the records and be aguide for the commission for all time. Com. Hodgkinson and Estus felt that Mr. Beek wants the approval of the layout of the subdivision so that he could go ahead with detail maps. Mr. Beek stated that was his desire. Com. Patterson said that the statutes provide that the commission shall approve or dis- approve the tentative map within 30 days, otherwise, the map may be considered as approved. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Chairman Hopkins stated that he would like to have Mr. Tilton look at the map, since he is the consultant for the.commission. He felt that the commission should have.& definite policy as far as subdivisions are concerned. Com. Seeger moved that this tentative map be tabled until we ar in receipt of the instructions from the City Attorney. Seconded by Com. Hodgkinson. Rotion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. SECOND HEARING - ON REZONING OF A PORTION OF LOT F. TRACT 919: Secretary read the application of Mr. Z. S. Gibson for rezoning of a portion of Lot F, Tract 919 from R -1 to C1- classit'ieation. He stated that this was the second and final hearing on this matter. -3- It was the opinion of the commission that, since the entire area is to be considered for rezoning, including Mr.wibson's property, that this matter should be held over until the next meeting. Com. Briggs moved that the hearing be continued to November 50th. Seconded by Cow. Hodgkinson. Motion carried and an ordered by the Chairman. . ADJOU3INM.ENT - On motion of Com. Nodgkinson, seconded by Com. Estue and carried,the meeting adjourn- ed to November 30th, 1938, 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall. Respectfuliy submitted, HOWAxC 1$. u1''AGER, Secretary.