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The Newport Beach City Planning Commission met in regular session, Thurs-
day, November 21, 1946,. in the Council hamber, City Bail, Newport Beach,
with Commissioner Longmoor presiding as temporary chairman in the absence I
of Chairman John Allen, and with Commissioner Bolts as acting Secretary
in the absence of Secretary Ellerbroek,
ROLL CALL Commissioners presents Boltz', Copelin, Johnson,(left as meeting was con-
vening due to illness), Longmoor, Pleger, and Rudd.
Commissioners absentr Allen, Ellerbroek, and White.
N[t,4UTES Commissioner Pleger made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rndd that
the minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1946, be approved as read. Mot-
ion carried.
PUBLIC HEAR- Application of Harry- Us Cornelison for 50% setback variance for Lot 7, Block
INGS C, Newport Bay Tract, was declared and heard. Acting Secretary Baltz read
the letterof application, explaining the conditions, and Mr. Cornelison,
present for the meeting, also went into further particulars, with the mem-
bere, carefully explaining the entire clock, No protests were received or
heard, but due to the absence of several members being absent, as well as
Building Inspector Nelson, Commissioner Boltz made the motion, seconded by
Commissioner Pleger that Chairman Allen appoint -a comittes to check the pro-
perty for report at the next meeting, and further that the matter be tabled
for action at the neat meeting. Motion carried.
Application of Dick Bartlett for 50% setback variance for Lot 3, Block C,
Newport Bay Tract, was declared and heard._ This lot being next to that of
Mr. Cornelison,(in the previous hearing), Commissioner Baits made the motion '
seconded by Commissioner Pleger, that the cosimittes appointed to check on
Mr. CorndellsonU property, check this also, End that the matter be tabled
for action at the next meeting. Motion carried,
The matter of the application of Thurloo J. Straley for _change _of setback
variances for Lots 1, 2, 3,,and 4, Block 337, Canal Section, was declared,
same having been duly advertised, and cards sent to adjacent property owa-
ere; also that proper deeds, etc., had been posted with the City Clerk and
Engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick, owners of one of the adjacent lots, were
present, and voiced their approval of the requested change. No protests
were heard or received. Commissioner Pleger made the motion, seconded by
Commissioner Rudd that the matter be passed to the second hearing.. Carried.
application of S. R. Monaco, M. D., for rezoning of Lots 3, and 9, Tract 334,
for the purpose of building offices for the practise of medicine and surgery
was declared; same having been..duly advertised and cards sent to adjacent
property.owners. Dr.,Monaco,was.present, explaining that he has been prac-
tising in hie home.for the past several pears, so is only requesting per-
mission to erect a prope#,buiiding; that he is called by the police depart -
ment, etc., wery.often, and tbat the beat attention and proper handling of
such emergency calls cannot be. given in his home. During_ the. discussion,
Commissioner Copelin, made the suggestion.that approval of the application
Might be given_with the proviso that it be a, special variance #or a medical
building, in order not to create a condition which might in the future neo- '
essitate rezWng of .other lots in the block. Commissioner Pleger made the
motion, seconded by Oommissioner Copelin that Whairman Allen appoint a com-
mittee to investigate the 1.
ga property for report at the neat meeting, and that
the matter be passed to the next meeting for final hearing. Motion carried.
N&W BUSINESS Commissioner Boltz brought up the matter of numerous bill boars in Corona
Del Mar, which are on $tato property, but,.whdch are.not set baek.,10 feet accord
ing_to City regalations. Mr. Webb, City..Eng neer, stated, that Mr. Nelson . had
recenflg written to, the State regarding this matter, .but apparently had had no
' report back yet. Commissioner Longmoor appointed Commissioner Baltz, Rleger,
and Mr. Nelson, as a committee to check on this and report at the:neat meting.
Air. Webb brought up the subject.of the numbering on Stata Highway, .the. present
condition being.onf of confusion,. due to some of the numbers on State Highway
being under the County :system (1,000 numbers to each mile), and the section.in
Newport Bity limits being under one set of city numbers; and the section..in..„
Corona Del Mar, under still anotheb °set, but not in sequence with other, so
that is order.to find a certain number one must know which .section same is in.
After discussion, Commissioner Baits made the motion, seconded by Commissioner
Piager that the matter be referred to the Master Plan Committee for study.
Motion carried.
CommissionerIPleger discussed the work of the Arabi tootural Boamit too I and
its- problems, the greatest being the difficultiee.of having to consider impro-
per or, insufficient plane, and suggested that a requirement. shoh d,be the pres-
entatioa.of proper. plans with sufficient information for both the issuance of
the building permit,. and for the Architectural Committee�e approval. .Commis-
sioner Belts, chairman of the Architectural Committee, - stated that numerous
buildings under C -2 zoning, and %or on- -the State Highway are or have been aon-
atructed which have never been presented to the Architectural Committee for
approval. Commissioner Baltz agreed with Commissioner Pleger about the pres-
entation of proper plans. .
Tentative map 11 -1169, forwarded by the Orange 6ouaty Planning Commission, was
carefully considered,. and Commissioner. Pleger. .made.the motion, seconded by
Commissioner Baltz that the Commission recommend the approval of said map
No. 1199, and so advise the County board. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pleger made the motion for adjournment, seconded-by Commissions- ADdOUB
er Rudd. Motion carried, and so ordered.
Respectfully submitted,
G� QQetJCR.it�l�
Philmer J. Ellerbroek, Secret