HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1963Minutes of: Date: • Time: Place: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission November 21, 1963 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS d eeo °° 6 0 0 VD m� 8m CD n . m ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Higbie, Ficker, Jakosky, Rea, Clark, Clemence, Downing, Autry Commissioners Absent: Copelin MINUTES Minutes of the adjourned meeting on October 10, 1963, regular meeting October 17, 1963 and adjourned meeting on November 7, 1963 were approved on motion of Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Jakosky, and carried. FINAL MAPS Tract 5394 The final map of Tract 5394, being a proposed subdivision of a Portion of Lot L, Tract 919, (Lido Towers Condomini m) located south of Coast Highway 101 in the Mariners Mile was recommended to the City Council for approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the following sections of the Subdivision Motion x Ordinance be waived and the changes be approved Second x • as noted: All Ayes A. (Sec. 9253.21) The final map may be drawn to a scale larger than 1" = 1001. B. (Sec. 9254.15) Service road and access rights not be required along Coast Highway. 2. That the division of air space be shown on a separate sheet with a note clearly indicating that the division of air space has not been reviewed by the City. VARIANCES V -777 FRANCIS, Donald 1705 Park Avenue, Bal.Is. E. 30' of Lot 17 B1. 3 Sec. 5 Balboa Island Zone R- APPROVED Applicant requests permission to have: (1) Front yard setback of 3' instead of required 20'. (2) Continuation of existing setbacks which are: (a) zero rear yard set- back for portion of building and 1.16" at remaining portions. (b) 1' setback for portion of building adjace t to alley. (3) Alterat�ons'within the setbacks indicate in No. 2, above. Approved, subject to the condition that the continuation Motion x of the side and rear yard setback last only as long as Second x the existing building remain on the site. Repairs and Ayes alterations to the encroaching structure to be permitted even though they cross the property line. Page 1. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS o° C • Y'�m \90DW K a � poio D Commissioner Higbie asked to be excused from the rostrum. USE PERMITS UP -994 MAI KAI APARTMENTS 1209- 1215 -1249 Bayside Dr. 1303- 1307 -1309 Bayside Dr. APPROVED Newport Beach Portion of Lots 3 and 4 Tract 3232 Zone R -3 Applicant requests permission to have two.television antennae or masts in excess of the height limit.of 35 fetet. A motion to deny failed to carry by.the following roll Motion x call vote: Second x Ayes x x x Noes x x x A motion to approve, subject to the condition that the Abstain x height as it now exists be retained and that the use be limited to a period of.6 months, at the expiration of which time this application will again be reviewed by the Commission, carried by the following roll call Motion x vote; Second x Ayes x x x x x • Commissioner Higbie returned to the rostrum. Noes x x UP -998 EAGAN, Harold w. 220 - 33rd St., Npt.Bch. Lot 11, Por. Lot 10 (15') B1. 132 Lake Tract Zone R -3 APPROVED Applicant requests permission to make alterations and additions to a building which is non - conforming becaus of a 4' encroachment into the front yard setback and t continue new construction on the same front building line. Property has a non- conforming garage. Approved, subject to the condition that the roof over Motion the front porch be self supporting and that the save Second have a minimum ground clearance of.6'6 ". All Ayes UP -999 HERDMAN, Clifford 219 Abalone Ave., Bal.Is. Lot 19 B1. 7 Sec. 5 Balboa Island Zone R -2 APPROVED Applicant requests permission to maintain present non- conforming rear building line to construct an additional carport and dwelling unit. Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted; the Motion Commission to recommend to the City Council that save Second projection of 30" be permitted into the alley, said All Aye • save projection to be no lower than 8'. RESUBDIVIS ONS R -174 KELLEY, Charles E. & Bettina B. 2520 Lake Park Lane Newport Beach HELD OVER Portion of Lot 104 Tract 300 Zone R -1 UNTIL 12/5 Applicant requests permission to create two R -1 lots. PaWA 2- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS 11010110i",�Oc_svt � 1 Held over, with the permission of the applicant, until Motion x the next meeting pending further technical information Second x to be secured by the applicant, at the direction of the All Ayes staff, the recommendations of the Public Works Director to be incorporated in the findings, and then to be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee before being presented to the Commission. R -175 BOHNE, Ernest A. 3320 Seaview, CdM Lots 1 & 3 Block 239 Corona del Mar Zone.R -1 APPROVED Applicant requests a realignment of- property lines. Approved, subject to the condition that a map be sub- Motion x mitted satisfactory to.the City Engineer. Second x All Ayes COMMUNICAT ONS Request dated November 7, 1963 signed by Genevieve P. Bates for an extension of one year of Variance No. 698 which permits construction of a triplex on an R -4 lot having 2310 square feet, located at 1928 W. Ocean Front Motion x Newport Beach, was approved. Second x • All Ayes COUNCIL RE ERRALS Amendment No. 173 filed by Jordan & Benjamin, Inc., whi h proposes to rezone a Portion of Lot 2, Lots 3, 4, 5, Tract, 323, Corona del Mar from a C -1 to a C -O -Z District, approved by the Planning Commission on October 10, 1963 and referred back to the Commission by the City Council for a redefinition, was referred to Commissioners Picker, Rea, Jakosky and Downing by Chairman Clemente. : F�k :c'kit'Prk�e�F *�YvFie'A'�k'ie�L 11r On motion of Commissioner Jakosky, seconded by Commis- sioner Rea, and carried, the meeting was adjourned until December 5, 1963 at 8000 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Ray Y. pelSecretary Planning Commission • Page 3,