HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/1940DECEIMER 5, 1940
adjourned regular session Wednesday, December 4,
1940, 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall;
Chaiman Johnson 1.1eeting called to order by the Chairman.
Commissioners present: Findlay, Nelson,
Patterson, Senger, Williams,
Commissioners absent: Allen, Estus, Hopkins.
Chairman Johnson asked for the reading of
Secretary read the following communications:
1 - Bill for membership in the American Society
of Planning Officials for 1940 -41 - $5.00.
Com. Patterson moved that this bill be approved
and referred to the City Council with the recommends
tion that it be paid. Seconded by Com. Findlay.
i "otion carried.
2 - Letter from Ur. C. R. Prentiss request-
ing permission to construct a garage with apart -
ment above within one foot of the north property
line on Lot 39 & I- of Lot 38, 31k 13, Sec 1,
Balboa Island. JJJ
After some discus,-ion it was brought out
that, unity. livin` quarters above, this building
would be considered a !ain building and therefore
would be required to stay 3 ft. from the property
Con. Patterson moved that the Secretary so
advise Lr. Pr'witips.
Seconded by C0.:,. Findlay.
°"oti•on carried and so ordered by the Chairman.',
3 - Letter from Marguerite "?.acCulloch request-
ing that her Lot 15, Bll; 26, Ealboa Eastside Ad-
dition be zoned as R -2 In the new zoning ordinance.,
4 - Letter from John Sherrod Harris, Vice-
President of Pronerties Inc., requesting that the
wording of pl�rz�7,r;ph (bj page 25 in the proposed a
new ordinance be ch n=,ed from "a private garage
may be built to the street and side lines" to
read "a private resi'ence or private garage may be
built to the street and side lines " -, or that the
district maps be amended to show definitely that
along the Ocean Blvd. frontage private residences
and /or private garage may be built to the street
Chairman Johnson suggested that each of the
letters requesting changes or protesting changes 1
in the new ordinance be considered separately at
this time.
Request of Properties. Inc.
Mr. J. Sherrod Harris, speaking on the request
of Properties, Inc., for a reduction in setback
requirements on their property on Ocean Blvd. ex-
plained that if the setback is placed at 10 ft. it ?
Will amount to confisi,cation of this property be-
cause the setback will then be below the bluff and
it will be impossible to build on these lots. He
did not consider this reduction detrimental because
there are only 2 other lots beside the one already
built on in Tract 1026 where the property line
extends above the bluff. He stated that their
building restrictions require two -front houses so
that they are equally attractive from both Ocean
Blvd. and the beach exposure.
Attorney Thompson questioned whether a rouse
would be any more objectionable above the bluff
than a garage. Under the ordinance a garage may
be built to the property line. In his opinion
a house would be more desirable above the bluff
than a garage.
Com. Patterson remarked that if we permit a
house to be built to the property line we are
permitting a 35 ft. structure. The reason the
10 ft. setback was established was because the pro-
perty owners in Corona del Tsar requested it.
There has always been a certain amount of objection
to building on the south side of Ocean Blvd. by
persons owning propef °ty on the north side who pur-
chased that property with the understanding that
no houses would be built on the south side of the
street to obstruct their view.
hr. Harris commented that anyone purchasing'
property on one side of the street has no juris-
diction over the ether side. They have a large
Investment in this property and they must realize
something on it. Improvements on these lots
would be a benefit to the city as well through
Increased revenue from taxes. 1r. Harris said
that he had had =takes placed on their property
line along the bluff so that by inspection it
could be easily determined ,just where their line
Is. He felt that if the co mOtion inspected the
property they .could see that no injury to other
property owners would result from changing the
setback in this location.
Members: of the Commission expressed unwilling-
ness to vote on this ratter until they had inspect-
ed tic property in question.
Co::. Williams moved that the City Engineer
and building; Inspector meet as many of the Com -
mission as can be present Saturday at 10 A.M. to
go over the property with them explaining the
Seconded. ty Coy. Johnson.
Motion carried
Tir. Harris filed with the Planning Commission
a ecpy of tV -eon restrictions placed on this
property and a cop,; of the map of Tract 1026.
Vli 4[4GV11 A3.YG1 G:./V G..4 ../'ri�i - `�3.v.1•
Secretary read communications protesting this
Because there has been considerable objection
to the change in stoning; on the north side of Central
Avenue between Alvarado St. anaa the first alley
eLst of Stiefell s, Com. Patterson moved that this
area be changed back to itz original zoning of C -1.
Seconded by Com. Findlay.
,Kotion carried and so ordered by the Chairman.'
H_ Oardas.a Slonn nrotest on rezoninn Blk 141.
Fill Cvi Vim'.
There was some discussion both favoring and
opposed to the change to Rl ?.
Com. Sealer said that the Commission was
loosing; sight of the fact that this property is on
one of the entrances to our city and should be
�= made as sightly as possible. We must be mindful of
individual property values but at the same time
not loose sight of comprehensive planning. Any
zoninG upward will be incre,aIng the value of the
Com. Patterson felt that most of the property
owners in this district wanted_ an R -2 zone.
Co;--. Patterson moved that the reauest of H.
Cardoza Sloan for C -1, zoning of Elk 143, Canal
Section be denied.
Seconded by Com. Seager.
P:_otion carried and so ordered by the Chairman.
Com. Findlay felt that "'.r. Gilmour had mis-
understood the effect of rezoning on his property
and thought that he would not be permitted to use
it as an apartment house under the new zoning.
Co:,. Findlay moved that the petition of Wm.
R. Gilmour be denied and that the Secretary be in-
structed to inform L:r. Gilmour that the rezoning;
will not effect the present use of his property.
Seconded by Com. Seager.
1'otlon carried and so. ordered by the Chairman.
Protest of Elizabeth Haid - Corona del t'ar to R -1.
Com. Seager moved that the protest of Elizabeth'
Haid against rezoning of the property in Corona
del 2 " ^.r be denied.
Seconded by Com. Findlay.'
Lotion carried.
Protest of VIPmes A. R<.bnett - Corona del ;iar to R -1..
Com. Williams moved that this protest be
denied an- that the Secretary be instructed to
write wr. Rabnett explsainixng, that permits will be
considered for those persons who have a house on
the rear of their lot and who.contemplate building
on the front in the future.
Seconded. by Com... John on.
17otlon carried.
Co:-.i. Findlay moved. that this protest be denied.
Seconded by Con,. Se<.`,er.
Piscuecion of thi.e protest revealed the fact that
only Lot 1 of Elk 133 is effecter by the new zoning.
Motion carried..
Protest of Katherine I. Fellows - Corona del Mar -R -1.
Com. Firalay moved that this protest be denied.
Seconder' by Com. Seager.
;lotion carried.
Fr ;
Protest of Eugene U. Brings - Corona del Mar -R -1.
It was pointed out by Com. Patterson that
Ir. Brlo2s' property is not affected by the new
Com. Findlay moved that this protest be denied.
Seconded by Cam. Nelson.
Motion carried.
Protest of C. A Bradford & Hattie Claybrook on
?oz. Wager said
rezoning with several
they were in favor of
Com. Findlay sov
Seconded by Com.
Motion carried.
he had discussed this
owners on the street and
this c'_ =6e .
3d that this protest be denied
Cob.. Patterson pointed out that this land
is now in use by the Richardson Yacht Basin and is
in C -2 classification. He said that an R -1 classifi.
cation had been recommended and in his opinion it
wao not Good planninS to go from C -2 to R -1.
Com. SeaSer said the bluffs are laid out for
residential use in the Irvine Co. plan for future
development and in his opinion to have C -2 classifi-
cation along the water front directly beneath this
property was not consistant with their own plan.
Attny. Thompson said that to change this
property from C -2 to R -1 would amount to unjust
Com. Patterson moved that the property owned
by the Irvine Co. easterly of Balboa Island and
northerly of U. S. Bulkhead Station 104 be changed
back to its original zoning, of C -2.
Seconded by Con. Findlay.
:,lotion carried.
Letter from J. A. Beak requesting amendment
to his lease on property known as Beacon Bay and
: Balboa. Yacht Basin so as to allow the property
between the Beacon Bay Subdivision and Balboa Yacht
Basin to be used for park, recreational, residential
or educational purposes.
After some discussion. Com. Patterson :coved
that this communication be referred back to the
to the City Council with a communication stating
that no action by the Plannin_; Commission on this a
atter is necessary,
Cora. Sea8e2^ offered an -mendment to the motion
that the Secretary be instructed to write Mr. Beek' �
a letter e- plaininE; ;what the action of the Planning
Comrission had been.
Seconded by Co:. `Williams.
?;lotion carried as amended. a
Letter from ,;orlon, Twist and Parker rec,uesting a,
C -2 zonin1 on Bl'_r "F" , Tr^ct 019.
tom. Sec.ier Lovc-:a +C_.:t the Secre *ary be instruct
ed to inform, i.:r, Parker that under the now.existing
ordinance an' :,Hers of r ^operty may request change
in zoning of that property.
Soccn,.ed by Com. Patter •on.
.110tion. carried.
Letter from-C. Culp recuestin chsn6e in zone to
h.isiness class3.ficn_tion on the e a tcrly corner of
Laf -yette Ave. and 32nd St.
Coar. Patterson moved that the property known .
s t? e Hudson lying ea terly of Lafayette Ave, be;
2 anC. the property known n as the Hudson
for 100 ft. we terlj of L„fayette Ave be, zoned C -2.
tilt y. ILonNSr s ld '.e dial not e ^ant to see bI
p roperty recoEnized as property of the Culp Realty '.
Co. It has been I.edioated as a public r: &.y and fir.'
Culp cannot 81ve title to it. He said he would like
to see it sh, on the map as a public way.
ny t 4 �, withdrew ly
Pu ; r,.o n . w.thdre is moticr_.
Corn. Patterson moved that this request be ;
Seconded. by Com . Nelson.
i::otion carried.
CO m. Findlay a:oved th,�' the City Engineer be
instructed to hs:nSe the maps sO t'aat the property
k.no:an as the Hudson will. be shown as a public way.
Seconded by Com. Neleon,
,otinn carried.
Letter from Pacific Electric Co. requesting that
property on State Highway betw =een 57th St. and the
northwesterly boundary of the city be zoned C -1.
It a«s Com. Patterson's opinion that this
property should be left R -3.
Com. Patterson moved that this request'be
Seconded by Corn. Williams.
• Motion carried.
Letter, from A S. Hunsaker requesting; that the
district from the - present business district in
Newport to 30th St. be zoned R -3.
Cow. Nelson moved that this request be denied.
Seconde? by Com. Williams.
Motion carried.
Letter from Karnuerite lacCulloch requesting re-
zoning of Lot 15, Kh 26, Balboa Eastsi.de Addition
to T;2.
Com. Patterson called attention to the fact
that althnuEh an R -2 use exists on the property at
this time the owners westerly of her property wish
this property to remain R -1. He did not see hoar
the commission could zone her lot R -2 when all the
surrounding property is R -1.
Asked if the former suit involving this pro
perty would affect a reclassification of this
pro,,ert r, At*ny. Thompson satd that the court
decision vrill have no effect on any action the
commission might take at this time. This is now
R -2 to all • intent
„ and purposes.
Sonc of tie CommiEAon felt that Mr. Hopkins
as the adjoining property owner should be given
an oprortu: ity to express his opinion on the
Com. Williams moved that Liss LacCulloch's
request for change in zoning be denied.
Seconded by Co~:. relson.
Vote on tie motion resulted in a tie vote.
Com. Patterson suGZested that the Chairman
advise Mr. :-oplins that this matter will be
settled one way or the other at the next meeting;.
Brief Case
Con. Seaver called attention to the volume
of papers and correspondence in connection with
meetings of the commission and moved that the
comma -ion authorize the Secretary to purchase a
brief case for the use of the Secretary. 3
Seconded by Con. Williams.
lotion carried.
4 5 rt
On Notion of Cor. Patterson, seconded by
Com- ?Williams anJl carried tie meetinG adjourned.
Res ct_ °tally submitted,
?I0 "'WAND w`; 3ZAG� ,
Sec, to