HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1955MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. DECEMBER 15, 1955, 7 :30 P.M. ' ROLL CALL: Commissioners present: Rudd, Reed, Longmoor, Keene, Copelin Commissioners absent: Briggs, Smith, Lind, Hayton MINUTESs Minutes of the meeting on November 17, 1955 were approved on motion of Com. Reed, seconded by Com. Copelin, and carried. Supplement to Minutes of November 17, 1955 of special meeting of the Planning Commission on November 28, 1955, 4s00 P.M. at the City Hall were approved on motion of Com. Reed, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried. GLENN P. COIT, 1401 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Lot.27, Blk. 14, Tr. 234, R -3 Zone. To establish a 1 ft. 6 in. side set -back in place 6f the required 3 ft. dimension. (The rear non - conforming structure is-Just six inches from the property line). Mr. Coit was not present at the meeting and Com. Copelin moved that the Commission continue this matter until the regular meet- ing of January 19, 1955. HARRY M. WELSH,.2201 Waterfront Drive, Corona del Mar, Lot 439 Blk. 328, Tr. 682, R -1 zone. To waive the height restriction for a proposed second story on an existing accessory building. (Mr. Welsh states his need for additional storage area, Section 9103.12(b) prohibits a height in excess of 15 ft.) ' Mr. Welsh claims he needs 2nd story addition for storage of articles now in the garage. Thus making the garage available for auto usage:? Com. Reed moved that the Commission Grant this Variance-on condition that the second story over the accessory building at no time be used for living quarters, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wits ALL AYES PASQUALE ZAMPIELLO, 507 - 29th St., Newport Beach, Lot 239, Blk. 4, Tr. Lancaster Addition, M -1 Zone. To permit a front set -back of 5 ft. and cantilever of the second story to 2 ft. 6 inches. (The property adjacent is set -back to-.the dimensions requested. The new structure shall occupy the land in front of an- existing one family unit and garage.) Section 9103.72(a) permits uses allowed in an 'R ":;district under use permit. The applicant desirds to secure the same set -backs accorded his heighbor in.order to make adequate usage of the building site. And use of building site for residential purposes. Com. Keene moved that the Commission .Grant.this.application, seconded by Com. Copelin, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wits ALL AYES C. KRAMER, 1327 E. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. Portion of Lot 99 ' Blk. 22, Balboa Tract, R -3 zone to erect a 4 unit dwelling struc- ture in R -3 zone on a lot 40' x 10019 (This application was a late arrival, and is similar to a request granted Mr. Kramer in June of 1955. (Use Permit #178). The former 'grant will have expired December 16, 1955.) 187 VARIANCES #262 Continued #263 Granted USE PERMITS #211 Granted #212 Set over i There was considerable opposition present at the meeting, and.for- USE PERMITS warded through the wails, in regards to Air. KraWr's.application. Cont'd Com. Copelin moved this matter be Set Over until the next regular Commission meeting (January 19th, 1955) for further investigation, #212 (Cont'd)seconded by Com. Reed, and carried by the following roll call vote, to Witt ALL AYES 0. W. HUDSON, 305 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar Lots 3 and 5, Blk. 2329 Tr. CDM, R -3 zone. #206 To construct 3 units in addition to the 2 existing units. (The building site is in excess of 7000 sq. ft., Section 9103..32(a) Granted permits multiple dwellings in excess of (3) on the application of a use permit.) The applicant must provide 1000 sq. ft. of Building Site per unit). The applicant desires to develop his building site to more effective use of property with attractive.dwelling units. The committee felt this would make worthwhile improvement to the area. Com. Reed moved that the Commission Gran this application, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wits ALL AYES GEORGE F. PETERS, Northeast corner of Irvine and Clay. Avenues #207 Lot 22, Tr. 1220, Cliff Haven Section, R -3 zone To erect an 8 unit apartment structure on the Northeast corner of (Withdrawn Irvine and Clay Avenues. opposition) (The building site is in excess of 9000:.sq. ft. Multiple dwellings are permissable in an R -3 zone on the grant of a.use permit). Continued There being much opposition from the floor, Com. Copelin moved this to next application be continued to the next regular meeting for further meeting,- investigation, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES #208 GEORGE F. PETERS. Southwest corner of St. Andrews and Clay Streets. Lot 12, Tr. 1220, Cliff Haven Section, R -3 zone. Continued to To erect an 8 unit apartment structure. next meetng. There being much opposition from the floor, Com. Copelin moved this application be continued to the next regular meeting for further investigation, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to Wit: ALL AYES REX HECHS, 485 Newport Blvd., Newport #209 Lots 1 and 2. Blk. 9, Tr. 279 C -1 zone To erect a sign (7' X 141) - Billboard type Denied. (The sign is to advertise an Ocean Front Hotel.) The Commission stated its adopted policy of disapproving erection of new 'Billboard Type) signs not pertinent to an existing business on the site of erection. Cora. Rudd moved that the Commission deny this application, seconded , by Com. Copelin, and carried by the following roll call votq, to wit: ALL AYES FOSTER & KLEISER CO., Westerly section from the 'Mo -Bo -Tel' and the southerly side of the Coast Hwy. (alt. 101). The location is somewhat easterly of the Highway intersection with Balboa Blvd. ' C -1H zone. To convert an existing billboard into a dual 'poster panel' sign. The Committee reported this would undoubtedly make a better look- ing sign and improve rather than harm the site. This concerns an old existing sign. , Com. Copelin moved the Commission Grant this application, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call votes AYESz Rudd, Longmoor, Copelin NOES: Keene, Reed i� U MAY VERTREES, 420 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar Lots 2, 41 6, Blk. 4342 Tr. CDM, R -2 zone To resubdivide a parcel of land of which a portion is occupied by a dwelling. (Miss Vertrees does not plan on immediate new construction. She would like to have an assurance from the Commission that.she is properly representing the acceptable usage for this parcel of land..) Com. Reed moved that the Commission recommend the Granting of this application provided two building sites are created from Lots 2, 4, 6. The building sites shall be known as Site No. 1 and Site No. 2. No. 1 shall consist of the southeasterly 40 feet of said Lots 2, 4, 6. No. 2 shall consist of the whole of Lots 29 49 & 6, except southeasterly 40 ft. In addition . this re -sub shall be granted on the CONDITION that the applicant provide public:.utility dasements subject to the approval of location, by the Engineering Dept. Under Section 9254.33 of Ord. #650, it is also deemed advisable to establish a set -back of 3 feet along 1st Street on Site #1. Motion seconded by Com. Keene, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES HUGH R. ADAMS Lots 8 and 9, Blk. A. Tr. 518, R -1 zone: To resubdivide two Ocean Front.Building Sites; .in order to create: an easement of 12 feet for ingress and egress. The applicant is:also requesting realighment of property lines.. (At present . Lot 8 lacks street accdssibility.) The applicant referred to the inflated real- estate values exist- ing, and the economic hardship he would encounter whree he. deprived of the privilege of.creating.two ocean front lots on the described parcel of land. Com. Keene moved the Commission recom- ment the Granting of this Resubdivislon, defining the parcel of land as two building sites No. 1 and No. 2. No 1 shall consist of all of Lot 8 and the northwesterly 5' of lot 9..as well as the north- easterly 10' of Lot 9. Building Site No..2 shall consist of all of Lot 9, except the northwesterly 5' thereof and the nn*rLheasterly 10' hereof. Motion seconded by Com. Reed, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES #210 #24 Granted #25 Granted 189 190 By Resolution of Ittention #598, initiated by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, to amend IRESUBDIVISION ORDINANCE #6509 Article IXZ' to reads Proposed Section 9255.24. Sidewalks shall be required. Amendment Section 9255.27. An underground utility service for an #17 ornamental lighting system shall be required. In addition a new Section 9255.29.A shall be inserted, reading: Approved Section 9255.29.A. Telephone and utility underground systems may be required. Res. of Int. Two 'hearings are to be held, Jan. 19, 1956 and Feb. 16, 1956. Com. #598 Copelin moved the resolution be adopted as approved, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES t GERALD W. RITCHIE. Portion of Lots.2- 4- 6- 8- 10- 12131k. 3319.Tr. CDM; R -2 zone'. .. . To resubdivide Lots 2- 4- 6 -8 -10 Due to topographical conditions, and the inaccessib�lity.from . #26 Bayside Drive the resubdivision plan as presented is considered the most advantageous. Granted Com. Rudd moved that the Commission recommend the Granting of this application creating three_(3) separate parcels or building sites. Parcel #1 shall: consist of the northwesterly 33 feet of said Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, and a portion of the vacated Street thereto, Par - cel #2 shall consist of the northwesterly 40 feet of the south- easterly 85 feet of said Lots 29 49 6, 8,. Parcel #3 shall consist of the southeasterly 45 feet of said Lots 29 .40 6, 8, and 10. Motion seconded by Co*. Copelin, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wits ALL AYES E. MORRIS SMITH To amend the provisions of Ordinance #635. RESOLUTIONS The property under consideration is located in an R -2 zone and the petition requests the change of zoning to C -1 -H. Amendment #16 The Commission discussed the problem that might be created in this proposed Amendment, namely, establishing a precedent of re- zioning more residential property to Commercial Zones. Because State Hwy. 101 cuts diagonally across Corona del Mai there are some lots now zoned Residential which are adjacent to Commercial lots. Most Approved. of these residential lots are in single ownership. The residential lots involved in the application are in one owner- ship and would be incorporated as a part of an off - street shopping center under C -1 -H zoning. Com. Longmoor contended that there was little danger of creating a precedent because very few, if any, other residential Hots could qualify for C -1 -H zoning and that off - street shopping center 8f this size and amount of off - street parking proposed in this case should be encouraged rather than stop commercial properties. Com. Copelin contended that proposed Buibdings should be con- fined to the area now under C -1H zone and use said residential Lots for pa ;king purposes as now permitted under an existing Use Permit. After further discussion of problems evolved, a motion was made by Com. Reed, seconded by Com. Keene to recommend approval. On Roll Call - all AYES except that Com. Copelin qualified his "yes" with following statement - "I believe the location of the building should be changed to conform with the Ordinance rather than the Ordinance be changed to conform with the building loca- tion which necessitates re- zoning R -2 lots to C -1H." By Resolution of Ittention #598, initiated by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, to amend IRESUBDIVISION ORDINANCE #6509 Article IXZ' to reads Proposed Section 9255.24. Sidewalks shall be required. Amendment Section 9255.27. An underground utility service for an #17 ornamental lighting system shall be required. In addition a new Section 9255.29.A shall be inserted, reading: Approved Section 9255.29.A. Telephone and utility underground systems may be required. Res. of Int. Two 'hearings are to be held, Jan. 19, 1956 and Feb. 16, 1956. Com. #598 Copelin moved the resolution be adopted as approved, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES t 191. ' Resolution of Intention #4415, Amendment #18. To amend Ordinance #635 so as to re -zone certain city )owned real Res. of Int. property, as hereinafter described, from an R -3 zone to an R -4 #4415 zone; said real property being described as follows: Lots il, 12, 13, 149 15, and 16 of Block 1179 Section B, Newport Beach. Amend. #18 Two hearings are to be held, January 19, 1956 and February 16, 1955. Com. Copelin moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES Business at hand being declared completed, the Commission meeting was adjourned on motion of Com. Reed, seconded by Com. Copelin, and carried. Ray Y. Copelin Secretary J