HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1952237 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1952, AT 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL I ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Briggs, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Smith. Commissioners Absent: Copelin, Pleger, and Wightman. MINUTES: Upon motion of Commissioner Reed, seconded by Commis- sioner Briggs and carried, the minutes of the last regular meeting of November 20th were approved as submitted to the Commission. USE PERMITS: Application of C. M. Tucker to permit sales, assembly; and service of general marine hardware and equipment at 1008 Coast Highway, Newport Beach. C -1 -H zone. Chairman Longmoor asked if anyone wished to speak for.or against the application. No one answering from the floor, upon motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried, the application was held over to the next regular meeting.for further information and discussion. Application of Alvan J. Mickle for six additional trailer spaces in Lido Trailer Park. Size of property 100' of 1501. There was discussion and Commissioner Briggs explained the appli- cation to the Commission. Chairman asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the application. No one asnwering from the floor, Commissioner Reed made a motion that the application be ' approved subject to approval of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction in such matter, seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Smith. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger & Wightman NOT VOTING, COMMISSIONER: Briggs VARIANCES: implication of H. A. Argabrigbt for a change in front and side yard setbacks. ( equest permission to extend foundation and sidewall to existing structure two feet (21) from property 1Lne for a distance of 516" on front of house. (2) Request permission to extend foundation and sidewall to existing structure two feet (21) from property line for a distance of sixteen feet (161) on rear of house. (3) Request permission to add a 20" bay window onto the proposed.addition at the front of the house. Applicant was present to discuss the application with the oommis- lion. (Lot 11, Block 21, First Addition to Newport &eights) Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Rudd made a motion that parts #1 and #2 be granted, but that #3 (for the 200 extension on bay windown) be denied. Motion seconded by Com- missioner Smith and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES, COMMISSIIDNERS: Briggs, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, & Smith NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None y ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman 238 Application of C. M. Sexton for relief from Section 9105 4(f) of the zoning ordinance on Lot 20, Block J. Tract 518 (1544 Miramar Drive, Balboa). Chairman Longmoor declared the hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak for or against. Applicant was present and the committee report was read which recommended the granting of the application. Commissioner Reed made a motion that the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried, Commissioner Smith then moved that the application be approved, seconded by Commissioner Briggs and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Briggs, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Smith NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman Application of Anthony K. Plummer for relief from Section 9103.35(b) of the Zoning Ordinance on Lot 4, Block 3, Newport Bay Tract. (306 E. Balboa Blvd.) C -1 zone. Chair- man declared the hearing open and read the committee report recommending denial of the application. After further dis- cussion, Commissioner Smith mined the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried. Commissioner Smith then made a motion that the application be denied, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried by the following roll call vote - to -wit: AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Briggs, Longmoor, and Smith. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, AMENDMEMB: Reed, Rudd, & Wightman. SECOND HEARING: Griffith Compan.Z application for amendment to the ordinance . ange in zoning from C -1 -H to R -1, (2) Change in setbacks 3) Street vacation. Commis- sioner Rudd moved the second and final hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. Commissioner Briggs then moved that the application for rezoning of Lots 801 -829 inclusive, and 926 to 954 inclu- sive, Tract 907, be changed from C -1 -H to R-1 single family. residence and that the building sites on these lots provide a minimum width of forty (401) feet. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Briggs, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Smith. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT, COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman. Commissioner Briggs then moved that the front yard setback line be established on the property line and tlat the rear yard setback line be established four feet (41) from the alley line if and when the zoning of these lots is changed from 0 1 C- 1 -H 'to R -1 and also that if an (17') strip on each side of that North of Piazza Lido is vacated. missioner Reed and carried by the to -wit: d when the seventeen foot portion..of Via Genoa lying Motion seconded by Com- following roll call vote, AYES, COMMISSIONERS: -Briggs, Longmoor,' Reed, Rudd, and mith. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT, COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman. Commissioner Rudd then moved that the commission reoom- mend the vacation of a seventeen foot (17') strip on each side of that portion of Via Genoa lying North of Piazza Lido. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and was carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Brigs, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and with. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT, COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman. The Commission inspected the Tentative 1723, Collins Island, and discussed lane wl t3ves and owner, rge McNamara. The City Eng: to the Commission, aft4r studying the map, that by the Commission. Commissioner Reed so moved, Commissioner Smith and carried by the following to -wit: 239 Ma of Tract e reET preseen a- Lneer recommended it be approved seconded by roll call vote, AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Briggs, Longmoor, Reed, Ruddy_ and Smith. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman. The applicants were advised to file for an ameddment to the zoning ordinance to change the zoning and establish setback lines. The City Engineer, Mr. Webb, then presented Standard Subdivision Improvement Specifications to the Commission r approval.— r. wise, e planning consultant, had approved them and recommended to the Planning Bbmmission their approval. Commissioner Smith moved the adoption of the Standard Subdivision Improvement Specifications and ' bhat.-- .a_rdcommendation be sent to the City C ouncil for their adoption by the City. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote, to -wit: AYES, COMMISSIONERS: Briggs, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Smith. NOES, COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Copelin, Pleger, & Wightman. 240 Tentative Map Tract 1225 - College Manor Costa Meaa. After discussion wit the ity engineer, the omm ssion de- cided to send a letter to the Orange County Planning Commis- sion giving their recommendations on the tentative map. , The Chairman submitted a Progress Report to the Com- mission on Irvine Terrace, Tracts 1100 and 1701, on Highway 101 that was proposed to be annexed to the e City or Newport Beach. Mr. G. F. Rudd, 415 Santa Ana Ave, Newport Beach, Requested an in -£a teUretion by the Planning Commission on Lots 6 and 7, block 12, Tract 27, stating that he proposes to construct two singgle family dwellings on the property (except SEly 72' of Lots b and 7). This leaves less than 4,000 sad. ft. in each of the lots, approximately 3,745 in Lot 6 and 3,687 in.Lot 7. He had sold off the frontage on Santa Ana Avenue to 72' deep *ith a single family residence thereon. A question had arisen as to whether or not he could build on a lot of less than 4,000 sq. ft. The Commission could see no harm in this case in so doing and upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried, the Chairman was instructed to write a letter to the Building Department allowing construction to go ahead. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Rudd made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. Res ectfully submitted, y Copelin Se etary g