December 19, 1957 8:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Reed, Copelin, Keene, Longmoor, Smith,
Hayton, Rudd, Lind, Sturtevant
Commissioners Absent: None
Minutes of the meeting of November 21, 1957, were approved on motion of
Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Commissioner Copelin and carried.
Commissioner Longmoor stated that the final hearing on the Master Plan had been
completed on December 5, 1957, and that it had been taken under submission for
adoption by Resolution at this meeting. Mr. Longmoor asked if anyone would like
to speak from the audience in connection with the Master Plan. No one expressed
a desire to speak regarding the Master Plan and Commissioner Longmoor asked a
motion to adopt Resolution #618.
Commissioner Copelin moved the Commission recommend to the City Council the
adoption by Resolution �*18 of the Master Plan as submitted and amended by the
firm of Hahn, Wise & Associates. Said motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed
and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
I. NELSON, William K.
2. Lots 1 & 3 Block 643
3. Posted November 13, 1957
601 Poppy Ave., CdM
CdM Tract
Published November 11, 1957
Zone R -2
4. Construction of a fourth dwelling unit on a building site in an R -2 district.
Triplex dwelling is now existing on said parcel across the common property
line between the two lots.
5. Two- thirds of lot is undeveloped and the proposed new dwelling will provide
parking facilities for all units on property.
6. DISCUSSION: This application was set over from the last regular meeting in
order that the applicant could submit precise plans.
7. FINDINGS: The Committee reviewed the precise plans and recommended to
the Commission that the application be approved, subject to
following conditions:
1. The four garages must be 10' wide center to center and
Page 2
/ •'
#425 con't
one must be assigned to each dwelling unit and must be.
accessible and usable.
2. The new building must be attached with the existing
apartment units by a covered walkway.
On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comma. Smith, Variance
Application #425 was APPROVED, subject to the above conditions, by the
following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
ROYSE, John W. 501 - 36th St. N. P.
Lot 1 Block $36 Canal Section Zone R -2
Posted December 11; 1957 Published December 11, 1957
An encroachment of 4'3" into a required 5' setback on 36th.St.
Applicant desires to enclose existing garage now facing on Finley 'Ave.
and to construct a new garage within the setback facing 36th St.
Note findings
FINDINGS: The Committee stated that- all of the dwellings on Finley Ave.
encroached into the 5' rear yard required setback and that
the proposed projection,would not exceed beyond these
existing dwellings: .A recommendation of approval was made
by the Committee.
On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Rudd, Variance
Application Ai6 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote,.to wit:
MACCO CORP. ,417 Avocado Ave., CdM
Lot 47 Tract 2813 ZOne.R.l
Posted December 11, 1957 Published December 11,.1957
Detached garage in front half of lot and a 44' front yard setback.
Subdivider wishes-to maintain architectural design of tract with a. detached
garage and.desires a 44' front yard setback instead of a required 35' due
to unusual shape and location of lot.
Page 3
#428 cont
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: The Commission determined that this request was in keeping
with the architectural design adopted by the subdivider and
recommended approval.
8. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Rudd, Variance
Application #428 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. HOSKIN, W. J. and Thelma 1510 West Ocean Front, Balboa
Lot 6
Section B Zone R -4
December 11,
Published December 11, 1957 '
4. Waiver of garage space requirement for a three -car garage.
5. Existing garage is 23' wide, inside measurement. We propose to add two-
story duplex on front of property, and will convert one existing unit into
additional garage space to accommodate 3 cars.
6. DISCUSSION: The applicant addressed the Commission and stated that there
was in the same neighborhood 2 or 3 dwellings which had a
garage with the same measurements which would be identical
with his proposed units if the Commission approves this request.
7. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report to the Commission stated that
the garage is now existing and to increase the width would
create a definite hardship. It was further pointed out upon
investigation of neighboring properties that several similar
garages existed. Because this is a R -4 district, the Committee
recommended the application be approved and that the number of
units be limited to three.
8. On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Copelin, Variance
Application #429 was APPROVED, subject to the above conditions, by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
Ayes: Reed, Copelin, Keene, Longmoor, Smith, Rudd, Sturtevant
Noes: Lind
Comm. Absent: Hayton
Page 4
1. MACCO CORP. 1715 Bayadere Terrace, CdM
2. Lot 164 Tract 2813
3. Posted December 11, 1957 Published December 11, 1957
4. Detached garage in front half of lot.
5. Subdivider wishes to maintain architectural design of tract.
6.. DISCUSSION: Note findings
Zone :R-1
7. FINDINGS: The Commission determined that the application was in keeping
with architectural design adopted by the subdivider and
recommended approval.
8. on motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Smith, Variance
Application #430 was APPROVED by the following roil call vote, .to,wit: ALL AYES
1. WHITE, Stroller .217 Abalone Ave., Balboa
• 2. Lot 20 Block 7
Section B.I. Tract Zone R-;2.
3. Posted December 11, 1957 Published December 11, 1957
4. Waiver of covered car space on residential property.
5. Existing structure prohibits construction of_garage.or carport, without
nullifying its present utility. Twelve feet of sliding.glass door area
.prevents construction of firewall.
6. DISCUSSION: The applicant was present and stated that.his: dwelling was
of unusual circumstances as it formerly was a part of a
Masonic Home on Balboa Island and that a garage had never
existed. He advised the Commission that the existing structure
consisted of 690 sq.. ft. of living space area and it was his
desire to increase the floor area.
7. FINDINGS.: The Committee in their report to the Commission stated that
because of the critical parking situation on Balboa Island
they could not recommend waiver of a covered car space as
required by the Code and recommended denial of this application
with the.suggestion that the applicant convert the rear portion
of the dwelling into a garage.
8.. On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Keene, Variance Application
#431 was DENIED by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
Commissioner Hayton left the meeting at 9:00 P.M.
1. KIMBRELL, Illene S.
2. Lot: NWly 50' of Lots 1 & 2
3. Posted December 11, 1957
Page 5
300 - 36th St., N. B.
Section: Lake Zone R -2
Published December 11, 1957
4. Encroachment of 6' into a required rear yard setback of 10'.
5. Due to limitation of size of lot (only 50' x 501), consider this vital
for attractiveness of building and necessary off - street parking.
6. DISCUSSION: After considerable discussion with the applicant; the
Commission suggested that this application be set over for
another hearing and that in the interim, the applicant furnish
corrected plans showing proposed garages and any encroachment
that he desires for the main dwelling.
7. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Rudd and carried,
Variance Application 71432 was set over until the next regular meeting of
the planning Commission.
• 1. HOLBROOK, Kenneth 3719 ocean Blvd, CdM
Zone R -1
2. Portion of Block A
3. Posted December 11, 1957 Published December 11, 1957
4. The building of stairways in the 10' setback from Ocean Blvd. and the
building of a metal mansard on the garage roof not to exceed present
roof height.
5. House is built with no access from main entrance door to living quarters
except by the elevator or through the kitchen.
6. DISCUSSION: Mr. James Turner, 3728 Ocean Blvd., addressed the Commission
and stated that he had no objections to the proposed stairway
as it would be below street level; however, he would object
to the proposed alterations of the roof as it would affect
the view of persons residing in this area.
7. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report to the Commission recommended
approval of the stairway within the front yard setback as
it will greatly improve the utility of the building and will
be entirely below the street level. The Committee further
recommended that the application for alteration of the roof
• be denied for the reason the proposed mansard roof would be
detrimental to the view of persons residing in the neighborhood.
B. On motion of Commissioner Sturtevant, seconded by Comm. Rudd, Variance
Application 71433 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote, to wit:
1. JEWELL, Ward E.
2. NE of Lot 26. All of Lot 28 & 30
3. Posted December 11, 1957
Page 6
324- 326 -328 Larkspur, CdM
CdM Section
Published December 11, 1957
Zone R -2
4. Waiver of side yard setbacks of south side line of Lot 130. North and
south side lines of Lot #28, and north side line of Lot #26, to enable
construction of 6 units on existing (3) R -2 lots adjoining R -3 property.
5. Larkspur is an unimproved and inaccessible street from the north side
of Lot #25 to Bayside Dr., thus making Lots X626, 28 & 30 inaccessible
except from alley. Directly across the alley to the east on Lots X628,
29, & 31 is a seven -unit apartment under construction.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: This application was approved by the Commission on June 20, 1957,
but under Section 9106.41 of the Municipal Code it was revoked
on December 20, 1957. The applicant advised the Commission
that the six months' period did not give him sufficient time
to arrange financing and to present precise plans. The
Committee recommended approval of this renewal application.
8. On motion of Commissioner Longmoor, seconded by Comm. Sturtevant, Variance
Application X6434 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote, to wit:
1. BABSON, Edward J.
487 Morning Canyon Rd., CdM
2. Lot 3 Tract 1237 Zone R -3 -B
3. Posted November 8, 1957 Published November 11, 1957 Second Hearing
4. The petitioner desires to amend Section 9104.13 of Ordinance 16635 so as
to cause this property to fall within an R -3 -B District.
5. FINDINGS: The findings which are attached to the application are hereby
incorporated by reference and made a part hereof as though
set forth in full.
6. On motion of Commissioner Longmoor, seconded by Comm. Copelin, and carried,
it was moved by the Commission that Amendment X643 be forwarded to the
City Council with a recommendation for DENIAL by the following roll call
vote, to wit: ALL AYES
Page 7
• #44
1. KARSTENS, Robert H. & Other Property Owners Block 132 CdM
2. Lots 1 to 18 inclusive, Block 132, Resubdivision of CdM. Zone R -2
3. Posted November 8, 1957 Published November 11, 1957 Second Hearing
4. The petitioner desires to amend Section 9103.2 of Ordinance #635 so as
to cause this property to fall within an R -3 district.
5. To increase residential potential in the area, a need readily indicated
by proposed rapid developments both industrially and otherwise in this
immediate area in the forseeable future.
6. DISCUSSION: Mr. Robert Karstens was present and stated to the Commission
that their lawyer was confined and unable to be at this
meeting. He requested that the hearing on this application .
be continued until the next regular meeting of the Commission.
On motion of Commissioner Sturtevant and seconded by Comm.
Keene, it was moved that Amendment #44 be set over until the
next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Said motion
did not carry by the following roll call vote, to wit:
• AYES: Keene & Sturtevant
NOES: Reed, Copelin, Longmoor, Smith, Rudd, Lind
ABSENT: Hayton
7. FINDINGS: The findings which are attached to the application are hereby
incorporated by reference and made a part hereof as though
set forth in full. Commissioner Reed moved the Commission
recommend the DENIAL of Amendment Application #44, seconded-
by Comm. Rudd and carried by the following roll call vote,
to wit: ALL AYES
On motion of Commissioner Copelin and seconded by Comm. Smith and carried,
Amendment #45 to amend Article IX (Zoning Regulations) of the Municipal Code
of the City of Newport Beach was set over for a second hearing at the next
regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
Page 8
1. LINDERMAN, James S. 109 Diamond Ave.
2. Lot 7 Block 2 Section 2
3. Extension and alteration of existing sundeck.
4. DISCUSSION: Note findings
Balboa Island
B.I. Tract Zone R =2
5. FINDINGS: Since the non - conforming feature of this dwelling will not
be continued, the Committee recommended approval.
6. On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm. Lind, Use Permit
Application #388 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote: ALL AYES
1. ROVER, Edward
2. Lot 7 Block 4
3. Posted December 9, 1957
4. Sale of alcoholic beverages
415 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Balboa Tract
Zone C -1
5. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Longmoor asked the applicant who was present
together with his contractor, Mr. Dean Kephart, if they
were planning to provide any off - street parking on the
premises. The reply of the applicant was in the negative..
6. FINDINGS: The Commission found and determined that the failure to
provide any off - street parking for a residential and
cocktail bar would add to a already congested area and
would be detrimental to the general welfare of persons
residing or working in the neighborhood.
7. On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Smith, Use Permit
Application #389 was DENIED by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Reed, Copel'in, Longmoor, Smith, Rudd, Lind, Sturtevant
NOES: Keene
ABSENT: Hayton
Page 9
• Presented to the Planning Commission was Application dated December 9, 1957,
signed by William Cagney, 3355 Via Lido, Newport Beach, requesting the
establishment of a retail shopping area including a market and various small
business facilities on property described as follows: approximately three
acres between Newport Blvd., Balboa Blvd., 29th and 32nd Street.
On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried,
Use Permit Application. #390 was set over for a public hearing on January 16,
1958 at 8:00 P.M.
Submitted to the Planning Commission was a copy of the Tentative Map of
Tract #1396 being a portion of Lot 164, Block 53, Irvine Subdivision and a
portion of Lot 2, Tract 1125, and located north of 17th Street and east of
Irvine Avenue.
The Tentative Map of Tract #1396 was APPROVED on motion of Commissioner Smith,
seconded by Comm. Rudd, subject to the following conditions by the following
roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
• 1. The recommendations of the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission in
a communication dated December 17, 1957, were approved, subject to
the following exceptions: Paragraph 1, Section A, changed to read,
"Cape Chestnut trees or an acceptable substitute shall be planted in
all parkways throughout this Tract ". Paragraph 2 changed to read
as follows: "The subdivider should provide adequate water outlets
at 200' intervals along the ditch." Paragraph 3 recommending a
standard lot fee deleted.
2. On recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Mr. J. B. Webb,
the requirements of the subdivision ordinance requiring a 30' alley
was waived in order to permit a 20' alley.
3. A 10' x 10' cut -off must be provided in the alley intersection to
the rear of Lot 21.
4. On lots abutting alleys a 5' rear yard setback must be maintained
for construction of garages.
5. An additional 5' of ground parallel and adjacent to 17th St, between
Irvine Avenue and the intersection of 17th Street and Dover Drive
shall be added. This is a part of a plan to require 5' on the other
side of 17th Street so that the total right -of -way of 17th Street
from Irvine Avenue to the intersection of 17th Street and Dover
Drive shall be 90'.
• 6. Vehicle access shall be prohibited for all lots facing 17th Street
and Dover Drive.
Page 10
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded
by Commissioner Rudd, and carried.
/ay Y. Copelin
r 1