HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/29/1937D'ECE13E2 29, 1937.
THE i1Z,,PO:ZT BEACH CITY 21,A'11 111 IG CO:u,IISSION met in
adjourned session 'dedne. ^day, December 29, 1937.at
• 7:30 P.LI. in the Council Chambers, City Hall.
Chairman Hopkins presiding.
I.:eeting was called to order by the Chairman.
ROLL CALL - Commissioners present: Hopkins, Seager,
Briggs, Schnitker, ',8hitson, Patterson.
Commissioners assent: Findlay.
h"ss. Ydilliams, excused.
City Attny. Thom _oson, 31dg. In". nelson, Er. Tilton, consultant, and his assistant L:r. Sam -
oson attended.
The Secretary stated that this was an adjourned
meeting from Dec.ember 22nd. which was also an adjour
ned meeting from December lth, a regular meeting.
Chairman Hopkins said that if there was no ob-
jection, the regular order of business would be
dispensed with and the evening, devoted to a dis-
cussion of Planning Problems by i_r: Tilton.
Chairman suggested that the date be set for the,
next regular meeting and that the Commission hold ,
an adjourned meeting later in the month when I.ir..
Tilton can be present to assist the Commission with
the work of planning.
Dr. Seager moved that the reI^ular meeting date
be designated as the 3rd. 'tednesday of each month
at 7 :30 P.ia:. and that an adjourned meeting be held
one week later or at h:r. Tilton's convenience.
Seconded by 4vnitson. i,otion carried.
Chairman announced that the next regular meet-
ing will be held January 19th, 1908 and an adjourn-
ed meeting on the 26th.
Chairman Hopkin's suggested that some action be
taken on the Newoort Harbor Corporation's applica-
tion for reversion to acreage of certain lots to be
known as Tract 1007.
• Secretary read the letter from the Newport Ear -
bor Corporation dated October 19, 1937 which had
accompanied the map submitted on October 28.
Secretary had the mao submitted at that time but
did.not know whether it vias correct. I.2r. Patterson
arrived at tills point and submitted the correct
map which will go to the Council. This map was
marked by the Chairman "Exibit A,' and dated Dec-
ember 29, 1937. The man was examined by members
of the Com..lission. Patterson asked what the Com-
mission mould require the ov,ners to do about the
alley. Chairman replied that they were acting only
-anon the matter of the reversion of certain lots to
acreage aria not upon the question Of the abandon-
ment of the alley. That may be referred to the Com-
mission later for action.
Co:iur.. 3chnitker rr,ove.d that the Commission re-
commend to the 0ity Jouncil that those certain lots
located bet,,een Fernando 3t. and Bay View Ave. and
fronting on Newport Bay and indicated on the map
marked "L�ibit :i ", dated December 29, 1937, and
shown within the area involved and which will be
known as Tract 1007, be ruturned to acreage.
aeconded by Coru:r. `;hitson. Before putting; the
motion the Chairman pointed out that the motion
covered but a single phase of the whole problem in
that it deals with the reversion to acreage only.
i,otion carried.
The Chairman ordered that the recommendation be
• forwarded to the City Council together with neces-
sary detail.
Pl::i.5 5'0':? ALTO -COURT
Bldg. Insp. _Ielson submitted plans of a proposed
auto -court for which he could not grant a permit
as the property is in an R -3 zone.\He wanted the
oninion of the Commission as to.whethe-r the owner
should apply for a variance.
i:.r. Tilton stated that an auto -court is a C -1
use and would require an amendment, not a variance.
Auto- courts are allowed only in 0-1 districts,
if within 800 ft. of a ,:;ain ihighway. The owner
must make anplication and submit plans, the Com-
mission must hold public hearings. As this man own,-
the 0-1 zoned property in front of the proposed
auto - court, the C -1 zone might be extended if he
can show that he owned the property at the time
the present zoning ordinance became e::"fective.
DI3=31'IOU Or L'rIST :_i PLAIT
• Lr. Tilton complemented the Planning Commission
on the real progress they are making iri city plan-
ning and the s -oirit of cooperation existing between
the Planning Coi,limission and the City Council. He
said that there is a ^eneral interest in City Plan-
ning developing; every I,ere, probably due to the
encouragement given by the 7eder&l Government and
their willinCness to expend large sums of money
on street i,,-provement if the cities applying for
same can shoat what they intend to do with the money
• thus appropriated. He discussrd the improvement in
the traffic situation in New York due to wise plan-
ning of major streets and freeways and said that
what 7ew York has done can also be accomplished on
a smaller scale in Ilewport. The first thing to do
is to get a Raster Plan and work toward some object-
ive, always keeping in mind the ability= of the city*
to carry it out. The New Planning Act of 1937 pro-
vides that "Every city= shall adapt a Laster Man
fo mulated by the Plannin Commission." It may
either be adopted as a single elan or by sections.
It should be a general, comprehensive, long term
plan for the physical development of the community
with provisions for amplifying:, expanding and add-
ing to it as the need arises. A man accompanied by
one typewritten _ {gage could be known as the I;_aster
Plan if adopted as such by the Planning Commission.
The Planning Coi:imission may formulate a i:aster Plan
consisting of Plans for hand Usage, Public Buildings
Lajor atreets and Thoroughfares, Transportation,
etc. These are known as precise plans when adopted
by the Planning Commission and these precise plans
only become official when adopted b- the legislat-
ive body after being properly advertised and public
hearings held.
ir`.T. Hopkins said that it is important that the
Commission take steps to assist in the traffic
problem before sunnier and he is anxious to see the
commission do something•, in this direction. He
asked Ex. 'Tilton if the com- nission could take some
action in this direction by designating certain
of the main streets as I.iajor 3tr;ets and thorough-
fares at this meeting.
10. Tilton said he would not advise_ any action
before a comprehensive study is made and a Traffic
Plan is formulated spreading the pattern uniformly
over the entire city.
LN . Hopkins said he thought this study and draw
in; of plans would require more money than the
Commission has available. He asked Ix. Tilton how
much he thought it would cost to have this done.
h1r. Tilton said that with 0600 available they
• could get the Traffic Plan in good shape. L'r.
Patterson will cooperate and has maps which may be
Lr. 3aripson thought it a good idea to complete
the Traffic Plan because of the allocation of the
gasoline tax funds. Designation of the 'Iajor Sts.
would mean that those funds could be expended upon
Dr. 3eager thought it advisable to take action
in reference to desi7natinp L".aior Streets and moved
• that the Plannin- Coi :mission place before the City
Council a request for _.100 a month from January 1st.
1938 to June 30th, 190b; said r.eouest to be accom-
panied 'o;.- a statement of the purpose for which the
money is to be used and that the same be oresented
to the City Council by a coi.- mittee from the Plan-
ning Cormission cooperating ait' corlimittees from
interested civic organizations; the number of this
committee being left to the discression of the
Chair. Seconded by .i itson. i :.otion carried.
So ordered by the Chairman.
L:r. Tilton mentioned the importance of keeping
concise, accurate miriutes of all meetings of the
Planning Commission.
Upon motion of Comm. Schnitker, duly seconded
and carried;, the meeting adjourned.
Next regular meeting January 19, 1938.
Respectfully submitted,
3Z& Sec' y.
iI + i'Oi T 3EACH