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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Budget 1955m .. 4 c. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1954,1955 • .e June 11, 1954 To The Honorable City Council: Pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph "h ", Section 2305 of the Municipal Code, the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 1954 -1955 is submitted herewith. Since the Budget and the recommendations contained in this letter of transmittal were formulated in conjunction with the entire City Council, meeting as a Budget and Finance Committee, the details contained herein are for record purposes and public information. It is estimated that the operation of the various City Services will finish the current Fiscal Year well within the over -all budgeted allowances. To keep pace with the rapid growth, the Current Expense Fund Budget for the next Fiscal Year as submitted is $1929000 higher than the Current Budget. This will necessitate the raising of addit- ional revenue from other sources, of approximately $107,000.00. Since the County -wide Sanitation Construction Program has been completed and in the very near future we will be turning over certain operating and maintenance functions to them,.only a three ► months budget has been proposed in the Sewage Treatment Fund. As a result of this, thought can be given to the eventual reduction or elimination of the Fifty -cent a month sewage treatment charge. In view of the fact that the new Charter, which will undoubtedly be in effect this time next year, authorizes certain Capital Outlay Funds to be established for specific purposes, it is recommended that serious thought be given to the retention of a portion of this monthly charge and earmark it for the purpose of replacing sewer mains as needed. We will be faced with considerable expense along this line during the coming years. It is recommended that the periodic salary increases be granted all employees where authorized. It is recommended that the following classifications be up- graded as indicated. Classification Present Salary Range Proposed Salary Range Groundsman Gardener (14) $247- 259- 271 - 284-297 (15)$259 -27 ;- 284,297-311 City Librarian (19) $31- 326 -341 -357 -374 (20)$326 -341- 357 - 374 -392 Junior Librarian (14) $247 -259- 271 -284 -297 (15)$259- 271 -284- 297 -311 Library Assistant ( 8) 1187- 196 -205- 215 -225 ( 9)$196- 205 -215- 225 -236 To The Honorable City Council • Continued (Page 2) It is recommended that the following new classifications be added to the Classification and Salary Plan, as indicated. Classification Legal Stenographer Childrents Librarian Operator - Fire Department Fire Inspector Proposed Salary Range (14) 0247- 259 -271- 284 -297 (12) $225 -236 -247- 259 -271 (16) X271- 284 -297- 311 -326 (19) X311 -326- 341 - 357 -374 It is recommended that an additional step be authorized for, the Clerk in charge of Sales Tax and Business License records, due to increased responsibility. Other Budgets, other than the Current Expense Fund Budget, are described as follows: -- Water Fund: This is money derived from the operation of our Water Department, and is used exclusively to operate, maintain and extend our water system. This Budget is shown on Pages 35,36,37. Park Funds: This.revenue derived from a special $.03 Park • Tax levy, is a smell portion of the revenue necessary to operate our Park, Beach and Recreation activities. For efficiency and economy these activities are divided up between several Departments. To give a complete picture of all these activities a recapitulation is shown on Pages 23 and 24. Parking Fund: This is revenue set aside from the proceeds of the parking meter revenue and Balboa Parking Lot, and is used only for their operation and capital outlay for additional parking facilities and additional parking meters when needed. This Budget is shown on Page 40. Corona del Afar State Park Fund: This is the money received from the State Park Lease, and by agreement with the State, must be used for park and recreation within the City. This Budget is shown on Page 39. General City Bond Fund: This money is raised by a special $.11 tax levy to pay the interest and retire our outstanding bonds. No new Bond Issues have been made since 1940. The total net out- standing bonded indebtedness of the City is $2173000.00. This City should be debt free in about eight years. This City could, if neces- sary, issue in excess of Nine Million Dollars of Bonds. This Budget is shown on Page 45. Special Fund:, This fund is an accounting fund to which special projects are charged to until completed. Revenue from other sources is used to pay for these projects. This Budget is shown on Page 48. • To The Honorable City Council Continued (Page 3) Library Fund: We have a 6.05 special tax to finance the Library. It is now insufficient and must be supplemented from general_ revenue. This Budget is shown on Page 42. Advertising Fund: We are only levying $.05 of the $.15 maximum allowed. This money is used to publicize the City. This Budget is shown on Page 41. Gas Tax Fund: This money is allocated by the State to Cities. Five - eighths of one cent is split among the Cities on a population basis. Forty percent can be used for street maintenance on any improved City street. The balance must in general be used for improvement of streets of major importance. The designation of streets in this category is made by the State. This Budget is shown on Page 47. Property Fund: Was set up to account for the sale and pur- chase of property. Retirement Fund: This is raised by a $.14 tax levy to • finance the City's portion of the cost of our participation in the State Retirement System for all City employees. This Budget is shown on Page 44. 1936 Sewer Bonds: Funds have been set aside for interest and the retirement of these non - callable bonds as they come due. This Budget is shown on Page 46. JJS:MM .• Respectfully submitted, John J. Sailors City Manager • —1— INDEX PAGE TITLE PAGE NO, Administrative . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Advertising Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Building Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 City Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 City Hall General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 12, 13 Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Corona del Mar State Park Fund . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Current Expense Fund Budgets, By Departments . . . . 8 Electrical Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Engineering Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 • Estimated Revenue, Expenditures & Fund Balances,(Analysis of). . 3 Estimate of Income by Sources, Current Expense . . . . . . . . . 7 Expenditure Classification by Objects . . . . . 4 Finance Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 16 Gas Tax Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 General City Bond Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Harbor Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Index ............................. 1,2 Library Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Life Saving Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Park, Beach & Recreation, Current Expense Fund 21, 22 • —1— . • -2- INDEX PAGE TITLE PAGE NO. Park, Beach & Recreation, Park Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Park, Beach & Recreation, Summary Of . . . . . . . . 23, 24 Parking Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Purchasing & Warehousing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, Retirement Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Salary Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6 Sewer Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Sewer Bond Redemption 1936 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Sewage Treatment Fund . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 38 Special Capital Improvement Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 _• Street Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 282 29 Trailer Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Treasurer, (Collection of Special Assessments) . . . . . . . . 32 Water Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 362 37 Zoning Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . • -2- 0 .• 0 r G7 9 n 0 w co O� VNi 0 r l ��.. Y Y N .70 N NO �O 0ll � W Y Y JI ° W 0~6 O O �o N O 0 � N F-� O F. W N 0 O G7 9 n 0 w ,o8 CD � w � o V Y V H co c�+ �o o ~ m CD o• p°O.'� ~ O n cn+ g m w 5* � F' a " o o 11 N �O O� O to -Q O w to w C w o %4 w w m C+ P. ..h o o mss' crn m l ��.. Y Y N .70 N NO �O 0ll � W Y Y JI ° W 0~6 O O �o N O 0 � N F-� O F. W N 0 O o S co 4- O I I N O o Y G7 9 `t m w ,o8 CD � w � o V Y V co c�+ �o o N m CD o• p°O.'� W O vi o S co 4- O I I N O o Y Ypp H X iS' V Y V co N �o o N CD o• p°O.'� W O vi w 5* � F' " o • N �O O� O to -Q O w w o S co 4- O I I N O o Y Ypp H X iS' C) fi co N S o pppp CD o• p°O.'� to w 5* � F' o S co 4- O I I N O o Y Ypp H X iS' C fi co N pppp CD o• p°O.'� to w 5* � F' • N �O O� O to -Q O -a �o CD °o w w w S C+ ..h o mss' cF to m N N O :+ O N rD P Lo F w c N N w -11 W a Y Y 0, W O CD � J w %~n S W m Cal 1-i 0� to c+ 10 p o o y S [iJ o N m N C+ O O Oo CD {D H N N W N 10 l Y F+ Cp),� O O A g N N O N -pp J O+ N N �Wo O N �o %.A O Vii w �p W 8 CD H X iS' C fi CD EO CL w w 5* � F' CD W C+ o cF to m N N O :+ N rD P Lo Oa N 00, c N w -11 W a 0, CD � J w %~n N W m c+ p y [iJ pj m C+ CD {D H O l O O A g S S �Wo N r lu 8 � m • �4m o Holm � rM o to 04 O .gy�pp - NNN N ri N H • O o PO . v ibr V Y V Y Y p° a a ' o .8 S o o C+ m O 2° N N I-j co Y Y V Y Y -3- m m • SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION BY OBJECTS —4— E 1954 -55 Proposed 869,817.80 54,888.00 146,430.00 94,001.00 148,260.00 68,225.00 139,455.80 55,219.00 170,871.53 $ 1,569,056.59 $ 1,747,168.13 1953 -54 - Present .10 Personal $ 829,296.80 .20 Utility, Transp. & Communication 50,705.00 .30 Contractual Services 1402072.00 .40 Materials and Supplies 80,629.00 .50 Fixed Charges and Debt Service 140,117.00 .60 Repair & Maintenance of Equipment and Building 55,617.30 .70 Additions to Fixed Assets 84,348.00 .80 Refunds, Contributions 34,484.00 • .90 Appropriation for Completion of Special Projects 153,787.49 —4— E 1954 -55 Proposed 869,817.80 54,888.00 146,430.00 94,001.00 148,260.00 68,225.00 139,455.80 55,219.00 170,871.53 $ 1,569,056.59 $ 1,747,168.13 ARRANGEMENT OF CLASSES BY SALARY GROUP July 4 1954 (3) $.86 - .90 - .94 --.99 - 451.03 / hr. (17) $284 297 -311- 326 -341 Clerical,Aide Concrete Repairman (8) S187-196_205 ,-215-225 Clerk Typist I (9) $196-205-215-225-236 Library Assistant (12) e,'�225- 236 4- 259 -271 Clerk Stenographer Clerk Typist II Switchboard Operator Children's Librarian Custodian (13) �236 -247 -259- 271-284 • Laborer ,(14) at247- 259 -2?1 =28-7 Clerk Typist III Senior Clerk Stenographer Legal Stenographer Service Man I (15) $259 -271 -284- 297 -311 Machine Boolkeeper Junior Librarian Engineering Aide Mater header Purchasing Clerk Poundman Truck Driver Groundsman Gardener (16) A271- 284-297 -311 -326 Office Manager Water Dept. Assistant Storekeeper Parking..ater Maintenance Man • Pump Operator Service Man II *Operator - Fire Dept. -5- (18) $297 -311- 326 -2/x.1 -357 *Fireman Harbor Patrolman Lifeguard Lieutenant Maintenance Electrician Police Patrolman Storekeeper (19) $311- 326 - 341 - 357 -374 Fire Inspector Business License Collector Civil Engineer I Concrete Crew Foreman Equipment Mechanic Motorcycle Patrolman Service Man III Sewage Disposal Plan Operator (20) $326 -341- 357 -374 -392 City Librarian Secretary to the City Manager Detective Sergeant Police Sergeant *Fire Captain Zoning Investigator (21) 6341- 357 - 374392 -410 Assistant Building Inspector Assistant Harbor Master Chief Mechanic Fire I4arshal Park Superintendent Plumbing Inspector (is) Street Foreman (22) 0357- 374 -392 -410 -429 *Assistant Fire Chief City Electrician Electrical Inspector Police Captain • Salary Recommendations Flat Rates: Page -2- City Attorney $375 City Treasurer $100 (23) $3?4- 93 2= 410 -1429 -449 Trailer Park Manager $280 Trailer Park Clerk $100 (I-I)Assistant Water Superintendent Police Matron $50 Civil Engineer II (24) t r (25) (26) (29) (33) . • $392-410-429-449-L70 Building Inspector City Clerk Harbor Master $410 -429- 449 - 470 -492 Finance Officer Water Superintendent 1429 - 449 -'70- 492 -515 Fire Chief Police Chief Street Superintendent $492-515-539-564-591 City Engineer $591 -619 -648-678 -710 City Manager Hourly Rates: Life Guard $1.35- $1.42 - $1.50 /hr. Police Reserve 1.4541.5241.60/hr. Parking Lot Supervisor $1.75/hr. Parking Lot Attendants $1.45/hr. Positions with no asterisk assume a regular 40 hour work week. # - 72 Hour Week • ESTIMATED INCOME BY SOURCES CURRENT EXPENSE 1954 -1955 1952 -1953 Anticipated Income Estimated Income Revenue 1953 -1954 19554 -1955 Quit Claims.......... $ 396.87 60..00 100.00 Sales Tax .............. 178,966.96 192,234.70 200,000.00 Business Licenses....... 743465.50 78,168.25 80,000.00 Non- Business Licenses... 2,128.50 2,181.00 21200.00 Building Permits........ 26,881.20 27,758.35 26,100.00 Court Fines ............. 43,730.24 55,095.26 5%000,00 Trailer Park............ 39,309.38 X 42043.80 42,000.00 Pier Concessions........ 4,475.72 x 3,681.46 3,700.00 Mooring Inspection and Use Permits.......... 8,798.95 81480.51 8,300.00 Leases on Real Estate... 56,953.93 62,604.88 58,300.00 Franchises .............. 19,9067.16 22,559.49 23,000.00 Waste Removal........... 3,771.65 7,130.75 3,600.00 Sewer Connections....... 7,412.77 6,561.12 4,000,00 Shared State Taxes...... 73008.59 87,054.32 1022900.00 Sale of Mist. Items..... 2,459.40 121717.13 6,800.00 Refunds & Rebates....... 17,269.95 18,218.81 17,100.00 • Use of City Property.... 1,729.91 1,746.31 11750.00 Interest on Investment & Bank Accounts...... 5,264.89 5,367.84 51204.00 GENERAL FUND INCOME $ 567,231.57 $ 640,963.98 644,054.00 Current Taxes......... 293.176.06 334.250.00 366.000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS ....... $ 860,407.63 975,213.98 $1,010.054.00 Balance Current Expense Fund June 30th., 052) 245,989.73 (153) 201,764.82 (154) 252,736.62 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1,106,397.36 11176,978.80 . 4262.790.62 ADDITIONAL FUNDS AVAIL- ABLE GAS TAX MAINTENANCE 20,345.98 x.11283,136.•60 ADDITIONAL REVENUE NEEDED TO BALANCE BUDGET 107.292.62 TOTAL CURRENT OPERATING BUDGET $ 1,390.429.22 • —7- CURRENT EXPENSE FUND • BUDGETS BY DEPARTMENTS 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed City Attorney . . . . . . . . . 8,050.00 9,390.00 Building Department . . . . . . . . . . . 221844.00 30,494.00 City Clerk & Public Relations . . . . . . 9,958.00 12,274.00 City Hall General . . . . . . . . . . 552575.00 63,525.00 Electrical Department . . . . . . . 37,111.00 35,446.00 Engineering Department . . . . . 12,824.00 15,484.00 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,928.00 158,375.00 Harbor Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,154.00 24,526.00 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . ... 150237.39 14,344.00 • Purchasing & Warehousing . . . . . . . . 20,742.00 20,902.00 . Park, Beach & Recreation . . . . . . . . 902870.28 879998.60 Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,123.00 192,998.00 Zoning Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500.00 Street Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 248,685.55 286,030.00 Trailer Park . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,786.00 23,118.00 Finance Department . . . . . . . . . . 231622.00 22,938.00 Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41290.00 4,950.00 Sewer Department . . . . . . . . . . . 49,621.00 402200.00 Total Operating Budget . . . . . . . . 924,421.22 $1,0472492.60 Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,308.97 90,200.00 TOTAL BUDGET . . . . . . . . . $ 945,730.19 $1,137,692.60 Working Funds & Revolving Inventory Funds 2019764.82 2529736.62 TOTAL BUDGETED & APPROPRIATED $1,147,495.01 x1s390,429.22 FUNDS • TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE ... X1,147,495.01 $1,390,492.22 • .• Function and Budget No. +11.11 11.30 11.40 11.70 12.11 CITY ATTORNEY BUDGET City Attorney's Office Regular Salaries Contractual Services Material & Supplies Additions to law Library Purchase of Law Books Extra Services 1953 -54 Present $ 6,300.00 50.00 450.00 250.00 Regular Salaries 12000.00 *Personnel: City Attorney - P.T. Secretary - P.T. Total 8,050.00 -9- 1954 -55 Pro nosed 6,180.00 10.00 250.00 150,00 1,600.00 1,200.00 91390.00 i 5 • BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954-55 Budget No. Present Propogid *20.11 Regular Salaries $ 20544.00 $ 23,244.00 20.20 Communication Services 50.00 50.00 20.30 Contractual Services 550.00 550.00 20.40 Materials & Supplies 400.00 200.00 20.61 Equipment repair - Labor 400.00 200.00 20.62 Equipment repair - Materials 500.00 400.00 20.63 Gas & Oil 400.00 450.00 * *20.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 5,400.00 Total $ 22,844.00 30,494.00 *Personnel. (I- Building Inspector Ass't Building.Inspector Electrical Inspector Plumbing Inspector 1 - Clerk Typist Grade II **2 cars for replacement of 2 pick -ups 3 D d a 4 radio carphones 2 LjX .0 D -10- • • LI CITY CLERK & PUBLIC RELATIONS BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 Budget Nor City Clerk & Public Relations Present *41.11 Regular Salaries $ 61108.00 41.20 Communication Services 146.00 41.30 Contractual Services 1,196.00 41.40 Materials & Supplies 650.00 **41.70 Addition to Fixed Assets 208.00 $ 8,308.00 Elections 46.19 Personal Services - NOC 1,000.00 46.23 Postage 150.00 46.31 Printing & Duplication 500.00 *Personnel: City Clerk Clerk Typist Gr. II * *113 cost Photocopy machine 1,650.00 Total $ .92958.00 -11- 1954. -55 Proposed $ 5,952.00 150.00 1,500.00 600.00 200.00 $ 8,402.00 1,872.00 200.00 1,800.00 $ 3,872.00 $ 12,274.00 z r� • • Function and Budget No. 61.11 63.11 63.19 63.21 63.22 63.23 63.24 63.27 63.30 63.41 63.46 63.48 63.49 63.51 63.52 63.53 63.54 63.55 63.58 63.59 63.66 63.67 63.70 66.11 66.17 66.20 66.30 66.40 CITY HALL GENERAL BUDGET Civil Service Regular Salaries Professional Services Utility, Transp. & Comm. Contractual Services Materials & Supplies -12- $ 49,140.00 $ 56,760.00 960.00 1953 -54 1954 -55 City Council Present Proposed Council Allowances 33000.00 # 3,000.00 Maintenance and Overhead Regular Salaries 13,260.00 123960.00 Cash Audits - Batzle & Evans 12750.00 1,500.00 Electricity 2,100.00 2,100.00 Gas (Heat) 400.00 700.00 Postage 450.00 450.00 Telephone & Telegraph 2,700.00 30200.00 Travel & Subsistence 150.00 150.00 Contractual Services 800.00 700.00 Gardener Supplies 1,200.00 1,400.00 Janitoral Supplies 300.00 700.00 Stationery & Office Supplies 300.00 700.00 N 0 C (Not otherwise classified) 12800.00 1,400.00 Fire Insurance - Bldge. 19650.00 2,300.00 Comprehensive Liability Ins. 71690.00 92000.00 State Compensation Insurance 109600.00 162000.00 Fire & Thoft - Fleet 63320.00 6,200.00 Bond Premiums 450.00 600.00 Taxes & Assessments 1,460.00 Boat Hull & N.O.C. 120.00 117.00 Reduce for water Fund Liability and Payments - #761.50 -8,300.00 - 10,677.00 Labor - Repair & Maint. of Bldg. 800.00 600.00 Materials - Repair & Maint. 400.00 600.00 Additions to Fixed Assets 1,200.00 10600.00 Civil Service Regular Salaries Professional Services Utility, Transp. & Comm. Contractual Services Materials & Supplies -12- $ 49,140.00 $ 56,760.00 960.00 960.00 250.00 250.00 Services 125.00 75.00 310.00 320.00 50.00 40.00 $ 1,695.00 $ 1.645.00 s • CITY HALL GENERAL BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Civil Defense Present Proposed 67al Regular Salaries 960.00 960.00 67.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. Services 100.00 ..100.00 67.40 Materials & Supplies 200.00 50.00 1,260.00 1,110.00 Planning Commission 68.11 Regular Salaries 3,180.00 30120.00 68.17 Professional Services 500.00 68.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. Services 50.00 50.00 68.30 Contractual Services 200.00 260.00 68.40 Materials & Supplies 50.00 80.00 31480.00 4,010.00 • Total . $ 55,575.00 63025.00 Personnel: 1 - Groundsman Gardener 1 - PBS. Operator 1 - Service Man Gr. I 1 - Laborer 1 - Clgrk Stenographer (Civil Service, Civil Defense, Planning Commission, PBX relief operator) 1/2 - Civil Engr. Gr. II - Planning Commission • -13- ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT • BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954-55 Budget No. General Maint. & Operation Present Proposed *81.11 Regular Salaries 13,716.00 $ 12,716.00 81.21 Electriaity 12,500.00 12,600.00 81.25 Radio & Radio Telephones 200.00 81.40 Materials & Supplies 31350.00 3,350.00 81.61 Equipment repair - Labor 250.00 200.00 81.62 Equipment repair - Materials 400.00 350.00 81.63 Gas & oil 250.00 330,00 81.72 Auto & Trucks 1,145-00 *81.73 Electrical System 49250.00 31500.00 81.76 Shop Equipment & Tools 150.00 100.00 • 81.78 Radio Equipment 500.00 36,011.00 $ 33,846.00 Traffic SiEnlls Maint. *85.30 Contractual Service - State 10100.00 1,600.00 Total . . . . $ 37,111.00 $ 35,446.00 *Personnel: 1 - City Electrician 2 - Maintenance Electricians I *81.21 Additional Mercury Lamps. *81.73 Six Mercury Lights, C.D.M. part of Hi -Way Improvement Two Standards - McFadden Place Parking. Four Mercury Lights, Balboa Blvd. Main St. to "B" St. *85.30 The City of Newport Beech is billed by the State on a share basis • and has no control as to the amount expended. The City's share this year is higher than usual, due to extra repairs to the System - 1.526 for the eight month period or some $600.00 above the same period for last year. -14- 0 U q BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed *100.11 Regular Salaries 10,374.00 91984.00 100.17 Professional Services 1,200.00 11200.00 100.20 Communication Services 50.00 100.00 100.30 Contractual Services 500.00 600.00 100.40 Materials & Supplies 200.00 200.00 100.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 200.00 200.00 100.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 170.00 200:00 100.63 Gas & oil 130.00 200.00 a #100.70 New Equipment 2.800.00 12,824.00 15,484.00 *Personnel: City Engineer Civil Engineer Gr. II 2 - Civil Engineer Gr. I 1/2 Civil Engineer Gr. II 2/3 Clerk Typist Gr. II # #New.Fquipment 1 - New Car (replacement) 2 - Radio Carphones 113- Cost Photo -copy Machine Total Twelve Months Payroll - $24,986.00 It will be noted that the total 12 months payroll for the personnel authorized amounts to "24,986.00, $9,984.00 of this is chargeable to funds derived from the current expense fund and budgeted herewith; the balance, 515,002.00, will be absorbed as costs of the various improvement projects as they will be completed in the next Fiscal Year, as shown below: Project Est. Cost % Engr. to Complete Enar• Cost Water ,D t Ca ital Impr. a Underbay water main Balboa Is. to Beacon Bay $ (b) Underbay water main Harbor Is. to Linda Isle (c) River Channel water main Sewer Department (a) Replacement Underbay Sewer at Arches Street De artment a Acquisition R/W Npt. Blvd. Gas Tax Programmed 1954 -55 (b) Maintenance Gas Tax Programmed 1954-55 S ecial Assessment Districts 18,000.00 8,000.00 15,317.00 3,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 a West Newport Impr. 105,000.00 (b) Cliff Haven Sewers 125,000.00 • (c) Avon Street Improvement 20 000 00 344,317.00 -15- 5% 5% 10% 1% 2% r• n 400.00 10% 109500.00 10% 122500.00 10% 2 000.00 27,983.00 y4 FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 954-55/, Budget No. Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention Present Pro d *120.11 Regular Salaries $102,372.00 $111,840.00 120.12 Fire Reserve - Drill & Call 4800.00 52800.00 120.13 Vacation Reliefs 756.00 1,500.00 120.14 Extra Help - Sick & Military 3,000.00 20800.00 120.21 Electricity 750.00 960.00 120.22 Gas (Heat) 250.00 400.00 120.23 Postage 25.00 25.00 120.24 Telephone, Telegraph 1,700.00 29400.00 120.25 Radio & Radio Telephones 10000.00 11300.00 120.30 Contractual Services 300.00 250.00 120.41 Misc. Material & Supplies 2,300.00 21300.00 # #120.49 NOC (Replacement - Fire & First Aid Supplies) 2,000.00 3,800.00 120.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 200.00 200.00 120.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 1,5OO.00 11500.00 120.63 Gas & Oil 600.00 600.00 • 120.67 Mat'ls - Repair & Maint. Bldgs. 250.00 300.00 ## #120.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 125.00 22,400.00 Total $121,928.00 $158,375.00 '4Personnel: 1 - Fire Chief - Assistant Chiefs - Fire Captains Fire Marshall - Firemen 2- Operators *4 This includes 1000 ft. of 2JII hose to bring supply up to required standard. # #* 1 - car $ 11800.00 1 - 1000 gpm pumper 20,000.00 Radio transmitter & receiver to give contact with county and other cities for mutual aid and major disaster 600.00 22,400.00 . -16- '2- • LIFE SAVING DEPARTMENT BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 ' Budget No. Present Proposed *140.11 Regular Salaries 6 27,466.80 33,961.80 140.30 Contractual Services 20.00 20.00 140.40 Materials & Supplies 714.00 776.00 140.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 100.00 150.00 140.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 223.00 350.00 140.63 Gas & oil 164.30 350.00 * *140.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 3,418.00 11178.80 32,106.10 369786.60 • *Personnel: 1 - Captain 2 - Lieutenants (1 seasonal, 1 full -time) 23 - Guards * *1 - Adding Machine, 1 - 2 drawer lock letter size filing cabinet 2 - rescue paddle boards 1 - E & J single inhalator, 6 oxygen bottles 12 - utility blankets 3 - beach guard towers 0 -17- i 5 • HARBOR DEPARTh= BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 • Budaet No. Harbor Patrol & Administration Present Proposed *161.11 Regular Salaries 153566.00 18,456.00 161.20 Utility, Transportation and Communication Services 551.00 470.00 161.30 Contractual Services 220.00 250.00 161.40 Materials & Supplies 245.00 300.00 161.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 400.00 400.00 161.63 Gas & oil 350.00 400.00 161.67 Repair & Maint. Bldg. Mat'l 150.00 # #161.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 13600.00 3,400.00 $ 19,304.00 $ 23,676.00 General Harbor Maintenance 166.40 Materials & Supplies 400.00 400.00 166.66 Maintenance of Moorings 450.00 450.00 • Total . . . . . . 20,154.00 6 24,526.00 *Personnel: Harbor Master 1 - Ass't Harbor Master 2 - Harbor Patrolman 1 - Clark Typist Cr. II # #Equipment: 1 - Patrol boat Fire Extinguisher, boat cover, anchor, etc. • -18- 0 Function and Budeet No. # 200.11 200.20 200.30 200.40 200.61 200.62 200.63 200.70 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET Regular Salaries Utility, Transportation and Communication Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Equipment Repair — Labor Equipment Repair — Materials Gas & Oil Additions to Fixed Assets 1953 -54 1954-55 Present Proposed $ 13,620.00 13,224.00 250.00 100.00 30.00 20.00 150.00 200.00 130.00 150.00 70.00 120.00 1,017.39 500,00 Total . . . . . . . $ 15,237.39 $ 14,344.00 • *Personnel: City Manager Secretary to City Manager 0 -19- PURCHASING AND WAREHOUSING BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954-55 Budget No. Presant Proposed * 210.11 Regular Salaries 5- 161572.00 $ 16,900.00 210.13 Vacation Relief & Inventory 478.00 600.00 210.20 Utility, Transportation and Communication Services 50.00 50.00 210.30 Contractual Services 420.00 300:00 210.40 Materials & Supplies 400.00 350.00 # #210.70 Additions to Fixed lIssets 2,822:00 2,702,00 20,742:00 $ 20990240 • *Personnel: 1 - Purchasing Clerk . 1 - Storekeeper 1 - Stock Clerk 1 - Clerk Typist Gr. II 1/3 - Clerk Typist Gr. II **Rack for Hand Implements 1 - 18" all steel ladder Storage locker 1 - 5 drawer file Building for oil storage Mezzanine deck 24 - sheets of Plexalite 4 - drum cradles • -20 -. S 0 s. _s GMWNT UPENSE FUND Function and 1953 -54 Budget No. Maint. & Operation of Park Dent. RK06ent *220.11 Regular Salaries 15,080.00 220.40 Materials & Supplies 2,500.00 220.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 1.300.00 18,880.00 Maintenance of Bowling Green 223.11 Regular Salaries 600.00 223.40 Materials & Supplies 100.00 • 700.00 Total 19,580.00 *Personnels 5 - Groundsman Gardeners -21- 1954 -55 Proposed 15,252.00 3,500.00 18,752.00 600.00 1. 700.00 19,452.00 i u 16, 00.00 16, 00.00 Comfort Stations • 243.11 243.20 Regular Salaries Utility, Transp. & Comm. 51400.00 260.00 5,40.00 260.0 243.33 Contractual - Repair Balboa PARK. BEACH & RECREATION 1040.00 243.40 Materials & Supplies BUDGET 1 70.0 Function and 8,760.0 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed Maint. & Repair of Equip. (includes Gas.& Oil) Equipment Repair loOOO-00 500-00 240.62 te Equipment Rep ir - Materials 1s 000.00 500.00 240.63 Gas & oil 12000.0 10000.0 240.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 7.424.18 i 10,424.18 74 2,000.00 Beach Cleaning 241.11 Regular Salaries @? 15,000.00 15,0040 241.40 Materials & Supplies 1 000.00 00 u 16, 00.00 16, 00.00 Comfort Stations • 243.11 243.20 Regular Salaries Utility, Transp. & Comm. 51400.00 260.00 5,40.00 260.0 243.33 Contractual - Repair Balboa RR 1140.00 1040.00 243.40 Materials & Supplies 1.200.00 1 70.0 80260.00 8,760.0 0 Pier Maintenance 245.11 Regular Salaries 11500.00 1,500.0 245.20 Electricity - Utility 50.00 245.40 Materials & Supplies 3.000.00 3,000.00 y 41500.00 °,0 5,00.00 Total . . . . " 39,184.18 319760.0 -22- SUMMARY OF • PARK, BEACH & RECREATION BUDGET CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Life Saving Department Present Proposed 140.11 Regular Salaries 272466.80 1 33,961.80 140,30 Contractual Services 20.00 20.00 140.40 Materials & Supplies 714.00 776.00 140.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 100.00 150.00 140.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 223.00 350.00 140.63 Gas & oil 164.30 350.00 140.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 8.00 1 178.8Q 32,106.10 36,786.60 . Maintenance & Operation of Park Department 220.11 Regular Salaries t 15,080.00 152252.00 220.40 Materials & Supplies 2,500.00 30500.00 220.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 1:80-0-0 .00 $ 1880.0 18,752.00 Maint. of Bowline Green i 223.11 Regular Salaries $ 600.00 600.00 223.40 Materials & Supplies 100.00 10700,00 700.00 0.00 Maint. & Repair of Equip. (includes Gas & Oil) 240.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 1,000.00 500.00 240.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 1,000.00 500.00 240.63 Gas & oil 1,000.00 10000.00 240.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 7 18 10,1,24.18 2,000.00 Beach Cleaning 241.11 Regular Salaries 15,000.00 152000.00 241.40 Materials & Supplies 1.000.00 160000.00 1,000.00 $162000.00 Comfort Stations 243.11 Regular Salaries S 5,400.00 5,400.00 243.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. 260.00 260.00 243.33 Repair Balboa Restrooms(Contr.) 12400.00 1,400.00 243.40 Materials & Supplies 1 200.00 8,260.00 1 700.00 8,760.00 Pier Maintenance • 245.11 Regular Salaries 4500.00 1,500.00 245.20 Electricity - Utility 500.00 245.40 Materials & Supplies 3.1000.00 03,000.00 4000.00 S 5,000.00 -23- Summary of • Park, Beach & Recreation Budget Continued: 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed CURRENT EXPENSE FUND .................. TOTAL $ 90,870.28 870998.60 CORONA DEL MAR STATE PARK FUND Function and Budget No 820.11 Regular Salaries $ 12824.00 $ 19950.00 820.30 Contractual Services 600.00. 100.00 820.70 Park, Beach & Recreation 600.00 10000.00 900.63 Special Improvement Projects 125000.00 133400.00 820.81 Transfer - Lido Isle Park - : 250.00 Transfer - West Newport Park 1 9 798.19 7 14775.81 20,150.00 PARK FUND 900.11 Regular Salaries $ 11,136.00 $ 11,280.00 900.61 Equipment Repair - labor 600.00. 700.00 900.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 600.00 10000.00 900.63 Gas & oil 500.00 700.00 0 1.2,83 .o0 $ 139680.00 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND .....................Total $ 87,998.60 CORONA DEL MAR STATJ�'PARK FUND ........... Total 200150.00 PARKFUND ...... ..........................Total 13,680.00 121,828. Sources of Revenue 1954 -55• County (Life Guards) ....... $12,600.00 Pier Franchises (income).... 30700.00 Restrooms (income).......,.. 800.00 Balboa Bay Club.......... $ 473500.00 Miscl. General Income.... 23.398.60 87,998.60 Park Fund ..... ............................... 13,680.00 Corona del Mar State Park. Fund ............... 20.150.00 -24- $121,828.60 31 • POLICE .DEPARTMENT BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. *260.11 Regular Salaries $137,440.00 $152,100.00 260.12 Police Reserves 7,580.00 61000.00 260.17 Professional Services 700.00 500.00 260.23 Postage 112.00 78.001 260.24 Telephone, Telegraph 1,200.00 12200.00 260.25 Radio & Radio Telephones, Teletype 660.00 10000.00 260.27 Travel & Subsistence 300.00 300.00 260.31 Printing, Binding, Blue Printing & Duplication 600.00 450.00 260.34 Repair & Maintenance of Office Equipment 66.00 100.00 260.36 Boarding Prisoners and Animals Impounded 3,000.00 22300.00 260.38 Laundry Service 350.00 220.00 260.48 Stationary & Office Supplies 200.00 600.00 260.49 Uniforms, Badges, Photos, Ferry, Ammunition 1,650.00 4000.00 260.56 Uniform Allowance 20200.00 500.00 • 260.61 260.62 Equipment Repair - Labor Equipment 2,200.00 41000.00 Repair - Materials 3,600.00 4,500.00 260.63 Gas & oil 3,750.00 61000.00 260.66 Labor - Repair & Maint. of Bldgs. 300..00 200.00 260.67 Materials - Repair " it it 150.00 150.00 **260.72 Auto & Trucks 5,865.00 7,200.00 ** *260.71 Office Equipment 500.00 260.75 Buildings, Pistol Range 200.00 260.78 Sirens & Radio Equipment OD 172,123.00 $1921998.00 *Personnel: Police Chief Vt Police Captains Police Sergeants 2- Detective Sergeants 5- Motorcycle Patrolmen 1 Patr linen umane Officer 1- Senior Clerk Stenographer 2-Clerk Typists Gr. II k- -Clerk Typist Gr. I I (Additional) I Police Matron (Part Time) # #Eouipment• 1 -New Motorcycle with radio (additional) • 5 -New Cars with Trade -Ins. n * #113 cost Photocopy machine -25- Function and Budget No, *268.11 268.20 268.40 *Personnel Zoning Investigator • • ZONING ENFORCEMENT BUDGET Regular Salaries Transportation and Communication Services Materials & Supplies -26- 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed $ 4,090.00 360.00 50.00 4,500.00 STREET DEPARTMENT • BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. ADMINISTRATION Present Proposed 301.11 Regular Salaries 61180.00 S 6,180.00 301.30 Contractual Services 301.40 Materials & Supplies 200.00 200.00 61380.00 S 61380.00 EQUIPMENT N,AINTENANCE 321.25 Maintenance-Radio Carphones 350.00 321.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 72000.00 8,000.00 321.62 Equipment Repair - Material 10,000.00 12,000.00 321.63 Gas & Oil 7,000.00 9,000.00 321.72 Auto & Trucks 15,500.00 209000.00 321.78 Purchase of Radios & Radio Carphones _ 2 ,400.00 39,500.00 ? 51,750.00 General Painting & Refinishing 323.11 Regular Salaries 15000.00 ? 1,000.00 • 323.40 Material & Supplies 400.00 400.00 4400.00 1,400.00 Shop Overhead, Maint. of Automotive & Equipment 325.11 Regular Salaries 1,200.00 1,200.00 325.20 Utility, Transportation 60.00 100.00 325.40 Material & Supplies 500.00 12000.00 325.76 Shop Equipment & Tools 3.000.00 2.500.00 4,760.00 4,800.00 STREET MAINTENATICE & TRAFFIC CONTROL Street Repairs (secondary & alleys) 342.11 Regular Salaries 3 17,000.00 15,000.00 342.40 Material & Supplies 4,000.00 000000.00 1, 6 21,000.00 '-191 Street Cleaning & Storm Cleanup 343.11 Regular Salaries 302000.00 30,000.00 343.40 Material & Supplies 1.000.00 2.000.00 31,000.00 S 32,000.00 Drainage 344.11 Regular Salaries 2,500.00 $ 3,000.00 .344.30 Contractua 1 39745.55 3,000.00 344.40 Material & Supplies �? 1,200.00 2,000.00 7,445.55 9 S,000.00 -27- Street Dept. Budget Continued: • Function and Regular Salaries 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Concrete Repair Present Proposed 345.11 Regular Salaries 11,000.00 11,000.00 345.40 Material & Supplies 3.500.00 3.500.00 Domestic Garbage Collection 14,500.0000 1 14,500.00 366.11 Street Painting 27,348.00 25,000.00 346.11 Regular Salaries 3,500.00 6,000.00 346.40 Materials & Supplies 1 500.00 2 00 8,000.00 Bridge Maintenance 5,000.00 381.11 Street Signs & Traffic Control s 11000.00 347.11 Regular Salaries 21000.00 p 4,000.00 347.40 Material & Supplies 2.000.00 5 000.00 5 1,500.00 a 4,� 0 00 9,000.00 SANITATION -28- City Services - Commercial Sanitation 360.11 Regular Salaries 520.00 360.20 Transportation, Communication 80.00 360.30 Contractual Service 50.00 360.40 Material & Supplies 50.00 • 362.11 Regular Salaries -Trash 61240.00 18,000.00 363.11 Regular Salaries- Garbage 2 625.00 6.000.00 9,592.00 S 24,000.00 Domestic Trash Collection 364.11 Regular Salaries !$ 52,760.00 501000.00 364.30 Contractual Service (Garcia) 7,200.00 Brush Collection 365.11 Regular Salaries $ 17,000.00 $ 18,000.00 Domestic Garbage Collection 366.11 Regular Salaries 27,348.00 25,000.00 97,108.00 5100,200.00 HARBOR MAINTEIANCE Bridge Maintenance 381.11 Regular Salaries s 11000.00 1,000.00 381.40 Material & Supplies i-500. 00 .500.00 1,500.00 5 1,500.00 -28- 11 Equipment: 2 - Trash Trucks 1 - Sweeper / 1 - Paint Striping Machine 4 - Radios 9 -29- Street Dept. Budget Continued: Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Harbor Maintenance Present Proposed 383.11 Regular Salaries. 1)000.00 11000.00 _ 383.40 Material & Supplies 1,000.00 2 1 000.00 T 2,000.00 :000.00 New Construction 390.11 Regular Salaries 21000.00 21000.00 390.40 Materials & Supplies 1,500.60 1.500.00 5 3,500.00 31500.00 TOTAL......... ';248,685.55 �,'286,030.00 Personnel: Street Superintendent Street Foreman 10 - Service A:an Gr. II 1 - Chief ;echanic 2 - Equipment Ybehanies • 1 - Concrete Crew roremn a,- Concrote Repairmen 13 - Truck Drivers 32 - Service Men I 6 - laborers 1 - Janitress (P.T.) Equipment: 2 - Trash Trucks 1 - Sweeper / 1 - Paint Striping Machine 4 - Radios 9 -29- L LI Function and Budget No. *400.11 400.20 400.30 400.40 400.80 TRAILER PARR BUDGET Regular Salaries Utility, Transportation and Communication Services Electric, Gas, & Telephone Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Romodoling of Sewer System *Personnels Trailer Park Manager Trailer Park Clerk (P.T.) 1 - Custodian I 0 -30- 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed 8,050.00 80268.00 1,536.00 1,750.00 200.00 100.00 10000.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 $ 10,786.00 23, ;18.00 1 �- �r 2----. 11 L Function and Budget No. *501.11 501.13 501.20 501.30 501.40 * *501.70 *503.11 503.20 503.30 503.40 503.61 503.62 .503.63 * *503.70 FIN114CE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1953 -54 Collection, Auditing. & Accounting Present Regular Salaries Vacation Reliefs Utility, Transpertation and Communication Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Additions to Fixed Assets 1954 -55 Proposed $ 9,372.00 $ 92048.00 400.00 300.00 390.00 800.00 300.00 460.00 $ 111722.00 Business Licenses & Sales Tax Div. Regular Salaries Utility, Transportation and Communication Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Equipment Repair - Labor Equipment Repair - Materials Gas & Oil Additions to Fixed Assets Property Tax Collection *504.10 Regular Salaries 504.20 Utility, Transportation and Communication Services 504.30 Contractual Services 504.40 Materials & Supplies Total . . . . . . . *Personnel: Finance Officer 1 - Machine Bookkeeper 1 - Clerk Typist Gr. III 1 - Clerk Typist Gr. II Business License Collector * *Office Equipment 1 - car replacement 1 - radio earphone -31- 7,320.00 400.00 360.00 40.00 200.00 180.00 200.00 1, 4OO.00 $ 102100.00 300.00 50.00 1,200.00 250.00 350.00 850.00 250.00 500.00 $ 11,298.00 440.00 400.00 100.00 150.00 170.00 160.00 2,300.00 $ 11,320.00 50.00 70.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 320.00 $ 230622.00 6 22,938.00 • MEASURER AND COLLECTION OF SPECII;L ASSESSMENTS Function and 1953 -54 1954-55 Budget No, Present Proposed *520.11 Regular Salaries 3,300.00 31900.00 520.20 Utility, Transportation and Communication Services 360.00 450.00 520.30 Contractual Services 480.00 500.00 520.40 Materials & Supplies 150.00 100.00 *Personnel: City Treasurer 1 - Clerk Typist Gr. I' • Total . . . . . . $ 4,290.00 $ 4,950.00 • -32- I • SEWER DEPGRTMENT BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Pumping Plant Operation & Maint. Present Proposed 601.11 Regular Salaries $ 12,655.00 15,000.00 601.21 Electricity 4,200.00 4,600.00 601.40 Materials & Supplies 2,600.00 32000.00 601.70 Additions to Fixed =assets 1 002 00 20.455.00 T 00.0 23,100.00 Installation of New Services 602.11 Regular Salaries a 5,600.00 $ 3,500.00 602.40 Materials & Supplies 2.000.00 800.00 6 70600.00 4,300.00 Maintenance of Sewer Mains 605.11 Regular Salaries $ 6,000.00 $ 41200.00 605.19 Engineering - Sewer Maps 2,000.00 29000.00 605.40 Materials & Supplies 1.600.00 2.00200.00.00 � 9,600.00 � 8, 0 • Equipment Maintenance 606.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 6 500.00 500.00 606.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 500.00 500.00 606.63 Gas & Oil 800.00 X00 11800.00 2,000.00 Disposal Plant 607.11 Regular Salaries a. 6,766.00 $ 1,800.00 607.20 Utility, Transportation and Gommunication Services 21400.00 800.00 607.40 Materials & Supplies 1 000.00 10,166.00 2,,00.00 Total $ 492621.00 S 40,200.00 'Personnel- 1 - Sewage Disposal Plant Operator 5 - Pump Operators • -33- • CONTINGENCIES 41953 Function and -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed 620.91 Council unapplied appropriations $14,972.90 rr a g,N00.G 0 Less transfer to other appropriations - 8.012.12 $6,960.78 *5y*8 Q&- 621. West Newport Park $ 31500.00 Transfer from Park, Beach and Recreation Budget No. 820.81 1,798.19 52298.19 623. Lido Isle Park Transfer from Park, Beach and Recreation Budget No. 820.81 250.00 250.00 012,508.97 9d: !sae. e' e, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 632, Automotive Paint Shop Building) $ 6,800.00 v 633. Rubbish Transfer Station o �� . rG�POG'.0 D LIABILITY TO OTHER FUNDS 681.81 Additional appropriation to Library 8.800.00 8,800.00 TOTAL........... $24308.97 $992Qeftft� 3s -34- • • • T. TER DEPARTMENT BUDGET Function.and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Office Administration Present Proposed 700.11 Regular Salaries 182120.00 189720.00 700.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. Services 1,350.00 1,350.00 700.30 Contractual Services 580.00 450.00 700.40 Materials & Supplies 400.00 400.00 700.70 t,dditions to Fixed 'issets 3,600.00 425.00 700.80 Consumer's Refunds 800.00 24,850.00 a 21, METER MhINTEN.iNCE & MOING Meter Maintenance 711.11 Regular Salaries 5,464.00 51400.00 711.40 Materials & Supplies 500.00 400.00 Meter Reading 713.11 Regular Salaries M 22&0000_00 2,000.00 7,964.00 6 7,800.00 DISTRIBUTION AND :,CQUISITION OF WATER Pumping Plant at Wells 721.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. a 32700.00 '41200.00 721.40 Materials & Supplies 700.00 800.00 Booster Plant No. 1. 724.11 Regular Salaries 4712.00 4,700.00 724.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. 69500.00 6,500.00 724.40 Materials & Supplies 500.00 500.00 Booster Plant CDM 725.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. 300.00 w 200.00 Booster Plant Heights 726.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. 200.00 100.00 Purchase and Treatment of Water 728.30 Contractual Services - Purchase of Watery 30,000.00 48,000.00 728.40 Materials & Supplies 1.200.00 1 00.00 472812.00 66,400.00 -35- Water Department Budget 5,000.00 Continued: 51000.00 * 751.30 Contractual Services Function and 50,300.00 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Maintenanco of Lines Present Proposed 740.11 Regular Salaries "} 231103.00 30,000.00 740.20 Utility, Transp. & Comm. 180.00 100.00 740.30 Contractual Services 4,050.00 4,050.00 740.40 Materials & Supplies 0 0. 0 1,000.00 35,333.00 45,150.00 756.11 10DITIONS TO FIXED ASSETS '- 8,000.00 ? C<',PITAL OUTLAY • 756.40 Materials & Supplies Distribution Svstem 751.11 Regular Salaries 5,000.00 51000.00 * 751.30 Contractual Services 50,300.00 68,600.00 Fire Hydrants 754.11 Regular Salaries 200.00 300.00 754.40 Materials & Supplies 11000.00 1,000.00 New Water Service Connections 756.11 Regular Salaries 8,000.00 ? 7,000.00 • 756.40 Materials & Supplies 12.000.00 12.000.00 76,500.00 5 93,900.00 Corporation Yard - Overhead & Operational Expense 761.11 Regular Salaries { 3,800.00" 40000.00 761.20 Utility, Transp. & Carom. 1,500.00 2,500.00 761.40 Materials & Supplies 2,400.00 20400.00 761.50 NOC - Share of Ins. & Taxes 81300.00 11,000.00 761.67 Repair & Maint. of Bldgs. 3,000.00 3.500.00 190000.00 23,400.00 Equipment 766.61 Equipment Repair - Labor 12200.00 1,200.00 766.62 Equipment Repair - Materials 1000.00 12500.00 766.63 Gas & oil 1,200.00 1,800.00 * #766.72 Purchase of "uto & Trucks 22800.00 1,900.00 ** *766.76 Shop Equipment & Tools 3,480.00 6,600.00 * ** *766.78 Radio Equipment 800.00 1.300.00 9 10,980.00 14300.00 Total of Water Dept. . . . $2222439.00 $272,295.00 -36- Water Department Budget Continued: u Capital Improvement (Water) Project 81} Main - Seashore Drive 61, Main - Park .ivenue 611 Main - Highway lol (Chamber of Commerce) Estimated Cost $ 101000.00 71500.00 Balboa Island to Beacon Bay (under bay) Harbor Island to Linda Isle (under bay) Bayside Drive Booster Station Personnel: Office Administration 1 - Offico,Mgr. Water Dept. 2 - Clerk Typists Gr. II Water Dept. Personnel 1 - Water & Sewer Supt. 1 - '.ss`t Water & Sewer Supt. 4 - Service Men Gr. III 2 - Service Men Gr. -II ''6 - Service Men Gr. I 1— Pump Operator 2 : Meter Readers **Auto and Trucks 1 - New Car ***Shop Equipment and Tools 1 - Compressor Misc. Shop Equipment ****Radio Equipment 2 - New Radios I • -37- 18,900.00 8,400.00 7!000.00 68,600.00 IL Sy)(.SOS, •� $ WA,GE TREATMENT FUND BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 a 1954 -55 Budest No. Present Proposed 801.11 Regular Salaries $ 15,600.00 801.4.(} Material & Supplies 1,000.00 803.33 Summer Spreading Program %000.00 804.33 J. 0. S. Chlorination Program 12,000.00 805.33 Rent Orange County Joint 3450.00 Cutfall. $ 41,450.00 * 1954 -55 budget to be submitted and approved at a later date. 0 0 -38- • SLWAGS TAEATNOT FM IIUDGEa Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed 801.11 Regular Salaries $ 15,600.00 $ 5,500.00 801,40 Material and Supplies 1,000.00 3,900.00 801.72 Auto and Trucks 803.33 Summer Spreading Program 9,000.00 2,590.00 804,33 J.O.S. Chlorination Program 12,000.00 50.87 805.33 Rent Orange County Joint Outfall 3,850.E 51027 801.91 Contingency 3,357.86 • $41,450.00 $15,450.00 11 J ,F- a E CORON:i DEL WiR STATE P:W FUND BUDGET Function and Budget No. *820.11 820.30 820.70 820.81 *Personnel: 1 - Life Guard • r 1953 -54 Present Regular Salaries 1,824.00 Contractual Services Park, Beach & Recreation Special Improvement Projects 12,000.00 Transfer - Lido Isle Park - 250.00 Transfer - West Newport Park - 1,798.19 —39— 11,77.5.81 1954-55 Proposed 1,950.00 100.00 13,400.00 4,700.00 $ 20,150.00 P. RKING FUND BUDGET Function and Budget No. 840.80 Parkin.R_Moters & Lot Operation 840.85 Transfer - Balboa Improvement District #6,610 840.86 Transfer - Newport Improvement District #6,620 842.00 Balboa Parking Lot Operation 842.11 Regular Salaries 842.30 Contractual Services 842.40 Materials & Supplies 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed S 5,198.00 29200.00 21350.00 70.00 100.00 80.00 21350.00 _50.00 � 2,500.00 844.00 Parking Meters _ - _Collection & Maintenance 844.11 Regular Salaries 61700.00 89000.00 844.40 Materials & Supplies 750.00 1,000.00 844.70 Additions to Fixed Assets 19,200.00 1,000.00 S 26,650.00 10,000.00 845.00 Cleaning & Paintiniz of Parkin :-yeas 845.11 Regular Salaries 1,500.00 1,500.00 845.40 Materials & Supplies 600.00 600.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 840.93 Capital Improvements $ 259000.00 Total . . . . . . . . S 56,100.00 0 22,600.00 -40- ADBIRTISING FUND BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 # 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed 860.90 Unapplied Appropriations $$ 49850.00 861.30 Chamber of Commerce 14,400.00 Total . . . . . . $ 19,250.00 n 1954 -55 budget to be approved at a later date. .10 -41- • • 9DVEBTISING FUND BUDGET Function and Budget No, 860.90 Unapplied Appropriations 861,30 Chamber of Commerce 862.20 Conferences 864.00 League of Cities 865.00 Municipal Finance Officer 866.00 Public Relations 868.00 Promotional 869.00 Departmental Meetings 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Pro-posed $ 4,850.00 $ 360.00 14,400.00 12,000.00 771.00 518.00 124.00 3.942.63 1;240.14 848.95 $ 19,250.00 $ 19,804:72 % LIBRMY FUND BUDGET • Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed *880.11 Regular Salaries P 19000.00 229300.00 880.21 Electricity 1,000.00 10100.00 880.22 Gas (Heat) 300.00 200.00 880.24 Telephone 200.00 220.00 880.31 Printing, Binding 200.00 350.00 880.33 Remodel C.D.M. Library 11000.00 880.45 Electrical Supplies 35.00 880.48 Stationery & Office Supplies 600.00 700.00 880.67 Materials & Supplies - Maint. of Bldgs. 700.00 595.00 880.78 Books 4500.00 5000.09 Total. 27,800.00 a 31,000.00 *Personnel: 1,-- Librarian 1 - Junior Librarian 1- - Library :assistant • 1 - Branch Librarian 1 - Janitor I - Gardener 1 - Children's Librarian 1..- Library Iisslt P.T.'-I� 1 - Clerk Stenographer P.T) 1 - Clerical i"iide P.T. %' —42— • • PIW FUND Function and Budget No. *900.11 900.61 900.62 900.63 *Personnel: PARK. BEACH, & RECREATION BUDGET Regular Salaries Equipment Repair - Labor Equipment Repair - Materials Gas & Oil Park Superintendent 2 - Groundsman Gardener • • -43- 1953 -54 Present 11,136.00 600.00 600.00 500.00 $ 121836.00 1954 -55 Proposed 11280.00 700.00 1,000.00 700:00 $ 139680.00 3 0 Function and Budget No. 921.57 923.57 • RETIRMENT FUND BUDGET City's Contribution State Administration & 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed 399617.00 41,500.00 Previous Cost 159665.00 Total . . . . . . S 55,282.00 0 -44- 16,500.00 w 58,000.00 .9 -45- GENER',L CITY BUDGET BOND FUND Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed 941.00 1925 Water 941.56 Principal $ 10,000.00 6 101000.00 941.57 Interest .00 3.575.00 142,111i'500 5 13,575.00 942.00 1927 Jetty 942.56 Principal $ 15,000.00 :P 15,000.00 942.57 Interest 6.600.00 5775.00_ $ 21,600.00 $ 20,775.00 943.00 1940 Piers 943.56 Principal a 71000.00 $ 71000.00 943.57 Interest 1.592.50 1.10-50 8,592.50 8047.50 • TOTIZ General Bond Redemption 44,317.50 42,697.50 .9 -45- 0 0 • :• ) k) Ism •a�� Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed 960.00 1936 Sewer Bond 960.56 Principal 101000.00 $ 10,000..00 960.57 Interest 19487.50 12062.50 Total . . . . . . . P 11,487.50 $a 11,062.50 -46- 9 0 GAS TAX BUDGET Function and 1953 -54 1954 -55 Budget No. Present Proposed 990.81 Liability to other Funds Gas Tax Maintenance - Account #6901 $ 141563.75 $ 20,345.98 Finley to 30th Street - Account #6903 19,120.25 - - -- Acquisition of Right -of -Way for widening of Newport Blvd., between 30th St and McFadden P1. Account #6904 30.519.00 $ 33,684.00 6 50,864.98 -47- 0 R I R SPECIAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Function and Budget No. 1953 -54 1954 -55 Present Proposed 61601. Relocation of Pacific Electric Railway $99,341.00 $107,471.53