HomeMy WebLinkAboutFiscal Year 2005-06 Financial StatementLA C� • t0NVPI0�4I'V r �1 Z Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2006 Comprehensive Annum Financial Report WP') i 19 L jF O ;!P Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Prepared by the Administrative Services Department Dennis C. Danner, Director The City of Newport Beach was incorporated September 1, 1906 The present City Seal was adopted July 22, 1957 Introductory Section 8'lR S N n N . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION (Unaudited) Tableof Contents ............................................................ ............................... Letter of Transmittal ........................................................ ............................... GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting ...... CSMFO Certificate of Award for Outstanding Financial Reporting ................ List of City Officials ......................................................... ............................... OrganizationChart .......................................................... ............................... FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors' Report ............................................................... .............................23 Management's Discussion and Analysis ............................................. .............................25 (Required Supplementary Information) Basic Financial Statements Government -wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets .................................................................... .............................43 Statement of Activities ........................................................................ .............................44 Fund Financial Statements: Governmental Funds: BalanceSheet ................................................................................. .............................50 Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Net Assets ............................................................ .............................51 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances ...................... 52 Reconciliation of Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes In Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities ..............53 Budgetary Comparison Statements: GeneralFund ............................................................................ .............................54 Tide and Submerged Land Fund ............................................... .............................56 Newport Coast Annexation ........................................................ .............................57 Proprietary Funds: Statement of Net Assets ............................................................... .............................61 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets .....................62 Statementof Cash Flows ........................................................... ............................... 63 Fiduciary Funds: Statement of Fiduciary Assets and Liabilities — Agency Funds ....... .............................67 Notes to the Financial Statements ..................................................... .............................69 1 Supplementary Schedules Non -Major Governmental Funds: Combining Balance Sheet .................................. ............................... ............................118 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in FundBalances ................................................... ............................... ............................124 Budgetary Comparison Schedules: StateGas Tax Fund ........................................... ............................... ............................130 AssetForfeiture Fund ........................................ ............................... ............................131 ContributionsFund ............................................. ............................... ............................132 161 Circulation and Transportation Fund .................. ............................... ............................133 Building Excise Tax Fund ................................... ............................... ............................134 Combined Transportation Fund ......................... ............................... ............................135 Arterial Highway Rehabilitation Fund ................. ............................... ............................136 Community Development Block Grant Fund ...... ............................... ............................137 Air Quality Management District Fund ............... ............................... ............................138 Environmental Liability Fund .............................. ............................... ............................139 Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund ............... ............................... ............................140 Traffic Congestion Relief .................................... ............................... ............................141 Internal Service Funds: Combining Statement of Net Assets .................. ............................... ............................145 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets....... 146 Combining Statement of Cash Flows ................. ............................... ............................147 Fiduciary Funds: Combining Statement of Fiduciary Assets and Liabilities ................. ............................151 Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets .. ............................... ............................152 STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) StatisticalContents ........................................................ ............................... ............................153 Financial Trends: Net Assets by Component ....................................... ............................... ............................155 Changesin Net Assets .............................................. ............................... ...........................156 Fund Balances of Governmental Funds ................... ............................... ............................158 Changes in Fund Balance of Governmental Funds . ............................... ............................159 Revenue Capacity: Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property .......... ...........................160 Property Tax Rates, Direct and Overlapping Governments, Last Ten Fiscal Years ........... 161 Principal Property Taxpayers as of June 30, 2006 ... ............................... ...........................162 Property Tax Levies & Collections ............................ ............................... ...........................163 Debt Capacity: Ratio of Outstanding Debt by Type .......................... ............................... ............................164 Ratio of General Bonded Debt Outstanding ............. ............................... ............................166 Schedule of Direct and Overlapping Debt ................ ............................... ............................167 Computation of Legal Debt Margin .......................... ............................... ............................168 Revenue Bond Coverage, Last Ten Fiscal Years .... ............................... ............................170 Demographic and Economic Information: Demographic and Economic Statistics, Last Ten Fiscal Years ............... ............................171 V PrincipalEmployers ................................................. ............................... ............................172 Operating Information: Full Time City Employees by Function ..................... ............................... ............................173 Operating Indicators by Function .............................. ............................... ...........................174 Capital Asset Statistics by Function .......................... ............................... ...........................176 Water Sold by Customer Type ................................. ............................... ............................178 WaterRates ............................................................. ............................... ............................179 Major Water Customers ........................................... ............................... ............................180 3 This page left blank intentionally. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dennis Danner, Director /Treasurer December 15, 2006 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, and Citizens of the City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, California The City Charter and California state law require that the City of Newport Beach issue annually a complete set of financial statements and that an independent firm of certified public accountants audit this report in conformance with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of the City of Newport Beach for the year ended June 30, 2006, is hereby submitted. The CAFR was prepared in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). This report consists of City management's representations concerning the finances of the City of Newport Beach. Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the data presented rests with the City. Management of the City is also responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the government are protected from loss, theft, or misuse, and to ensure that adequate accounting data is compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The internal control structure is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. We believe the information presented in this report is complete and accurate in all material respects, and that it is reported in a manner designed to fairly present the financial position and results of operations of the various activities of the City of Newport Beach. Further, the City of Newport Beach's financial statements have been audited by Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., a firm of licensed certified public accountants. The goal of the audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the City of Newport Beach for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, are free of material misstatement. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management; and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditor concluded, based on the audit, that there was a reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that the City of Newport Beach's financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2006, are fairly presented in conformity with GAAP. The independent auditor's report is presented as the first component of the financial section of this report. 3300 Newport Boulevard • Post Office Box 1768 - Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 Telephone: (949) 644 -3127 - Fax: (949) 644 -3339 -Website: www.city.newport- beach.ca.us 5 A narrative introduction, overview, and analysis accompany the basic financial statements in the form of the Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD &A). The letter of transmittal is designed to complement the MD &A and should be read in conjunction with it. The City of Newport Beach MD &A can be found immediately following the report of the independent auditors and will provide further information regarding the format and content of this report. CALIFORNIA IN PERSPECTIVE California's gross state product is over $1.6 trillion, making it one of the largest economies of the world according to the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO). California accounts for over 13% of the nation's output. Our nation's next largest state economy is Texas which is approximately 60% the size of California. California Ranks Among the World's Top Ten Economies Unit United 4 6 0 10 12 14 Gross Product in 2006 Source: 2006 Cal Facts (LAO) PROFILE OF THE CITY The City of Newport Beach is located in the coastal center of Orange County, in the heart of Southern California, with Los Angeles County to the north and San Diego County to the south. There are currently 34 cities within the County offering one of the finest climates in the United States. Orange County is now the second largest county in California trailing only Los Angeles and surpassing San Diego and is the sixth largest county in the nation. In fact, according to the 2000 Census, Orange County now has a greater number of residents than twenty of the Country's states including Montana, Mississippi and New Hampshire. L^' The City of Newport Beach is one of Southern California's most scenic and dynamic communities. It surrounds Newport Bay, well known for its picturesque islands and one of the greatest natural yacht harbors in the world, accommodating over 9,000 boats of all types docked within its 21 square mile harbor area. This bay area and the ten miles of ocean beach offer outstanding fishing, swimming, surfing, and aquatic sports activities. The City has a permanent population of 83,361. During the summer months, the population grows to over 100,000 with 20,000 to 100,000 tourists daily. There are fine residential areas, modern shopping facilities, and a quality school system. A major campus of the University of California is located immediately adjacent to the City, and eight other colleges are within a 30 -mile radius. The City of Newport Beach was incorporated September 1, 1906. The current City Charter was adopted in 1954. The City operates under a Council- Manager form of government. Council members are elected by district but voted on by the population as a whole, and serve four -year staggered terms. The governing council consists of the mayor and six other members and is responsible for among other things, policy- making, passing local ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees and hiring the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk. The City Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the City Council, for overseeing the day to day operations of the City, and for appointing heads of departments. The City of Newport Beach is a full service city providing its residents and visitors with the following functional services: general governance, legal, financial, information technology, and administrative management; police, fire, paramedic, lifeguard, and emergency medical transport services; engineering, construction, and maintenance of public facilities, public streets, beaches, and parks; planning, zoning, and economic development services; building inspection, plan check, and code enforcement services; libraries and cultural and arts services; recreation and senior services; water, wastewater, rubbish disposal, and street light utility services. The City provides water and sewer service to most areas within City limits, but it does not provide gas, electrical, or other utility service. Public elementary and secondary education is provided by school districts, which are separate government entities. The City's financial statements present the financial activity of the City of Newport Beach (the primary government) and the Newport Beach Public Facilities Corporation (a component unit of the City). The Corporation is blended into the City's financial statements because of its operational and financial relationship with the City. Even though it is a legally separate organization, City of Newport Beach elected officials have continuing accountability for fiscal matters of the Corporation. Additional information about the Newport Beach Public Facilities Corporation and the reporting entity in general can be found in Footnote 1 a of the notes to the financial statements. 7 I116Zy_\a=Wo]ki 101'jI lot j I1:1 From 1950 -2006, the population of the City increased from 12,120 to 83,361. As vacant land becomes increasingly scarce, population growth is expected to flatten considerably as the City becomes relatively built -out. According to the Center for Demographic Research at California State University Fullerton, the City of Newport Beach will be home to an estimated 89,528 residents by 2010 and 91,409 residents by the year 2015. Newport Beach's physical setting encompasses about 25.2 square miles of land, of which approximately 75% is developed and 25% is undeveloped including the City's coastal beaches used for recreation and open space. The developed land is 70% residential and 30% non - residential. This current land use mix produces General Fund revenues of approximately $136 million. The top three revenue categories include Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, and Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT). These account for 70% of General Fund revenues. The remaining 30% of revenue is generated by significantly smaller and very diverse sources. General Fund Revenues 30.0% • Property Taxes 42.7% • Sales Taxes • Transient Occupancy Taxes 72% ❑ All Other Sources 20.1% Property Taxes — Largely a residential community, residential property accounts for nearly 80% of all City Property Tax. Of the City's 41,850 dwelling units, 60% of the housing is single - family units and 40% is multi - family units. The City receives, on average, approximately 16.5% of the property taxes generated within City limits. The remainder goes to the school district, the County, and other government entities. Sales Taxes — The chart below demonstrates the diversity of the City Sales Tax revenue. The largest segment, "Restaurants," accounts for only 19% of total sales taxes and is represented by 345 restaurants. The next largest segment, "New Auto Sales," accounts for 18% of total sales taxes and is represented by five dealerships. tr The "All- Other," categorization accounts for another 15% and is represented by 1,308 businesses. The City's sales tax base is largely diverse and is not dependent on any one segment or any one individual merchant. Sales Taxes by Business Segment 15% 19% 2% a °i° a/ a/ 6% 77% 10% 7% 0 Restaurants - 345 ■ New Auto Sales - 5 ❑ Department Stores - 40 ❑ Miscellaneous Retail - 947 ■Apparel Stores - 202 ■ Leasing - 54 • Furniture / Appliance - 382 ❑ Service Stations - 17 • Misc. Vehicle Sales - 56 ■ Food Markets - 42 ❑Office Equipment - 121 ■ Other - 1,308 Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) — The TOT accrues to the City at a rate of 10% of room charges (with 18% of the collection going to the local Conference and Visitors Bureau). The City distinguishes its transient occupancy taxpayers in two broad property type categories, commercial and residential property. The commercial category is composed of approximately twenty inns, motels, hotels and resorts and accounts for 89% of TOT revenues. The residential category is made up of some 700 vacation rentals representing only 11% of TOT revenue. Together, they account for nearly $9.8 million in annual TOT revenue. Annual Revenues Percent (In Millions) of Total Commercial Property: Inns, Motels and Hotels $ 8.7 89% Residential Property: Vacation Rentals $ 1.1 11% $ 9.8 100% W ECONOMIC OUTLOOK & FACTORS EFFECTING FISCAL PLANNING U.S. Economy — Amidst mixed economic news, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) eased off the successive interest rate hikes during the latter half of the year as inflationary pressures seemed to lull and the gross domestic product growth fell relatively flat. The outlook of fewer interest rate hikes and easing energy costs seemed to spur the equities markets as broad based gains were enjoyed by almost all capital markets as we approached the close of 2006. While inflationary pressure and the resulting FRB response continues to be of interest to the general public, there is much more at stake hinging on the scope and persistence of low and possibly negative economic growth rates. State of California — The State of California has had significant structural budget shortfalls since 2001 -02 when revenues plunged following the recession and steep stock market decline. The annual gap between projected revenues and expenditures had been massive and continues to exist as demonstrated in the chart below. $0 -$1 -$2 -$3 -$4 -$5 California Operating Budget Shortfalls as Estimated by Legislative Analyst's Office (In Billions) 11i4fy IJSi fi icily MR R While the State has addressed the annual shortfalls with limited -term solutions such as substantial borrowing and spending deferrals, the State has frequently resolved their budget issues with long -term and sometimes permanent diversions of local government tax revenues, often with devastating impacts on local government finances. 10 With the passage of California Proposition 1A in 2004, voters elected to make it much more difficult for State legislators to raid local government finances. Proposition 1A does the following: 1. It strengthens prohibitions against unfunded State mandates by requiring the State to suspend State mandates in any year the Legislature does not fully fund the reimbursement of costs associated with those mandates; 2. It expands definition of a State mandate to include transfer of responsibility of a program for which the State previously had full or partial responsibility; 3. It prohibits the State from: • Reducing the local Bradley -Burns Uniform Sales & Use Tax rate or altering its method of allocation, except to comply with federal law or an interstate compact; • Decreasing Vehicle License Fee revenue from the 0.65 percent rate without providing replacement funding to cities and counties; • Shifting property taxes from cities, counties or special districts, with the following exceptions: a) The State may reallocate among cities, counties and special districts (but not schools or any other local entity) with a two - thirds vote of both houses of the Legislature. b) Beginning in FY 2008 -09, the State may borrow up to 8 percent of the property tax revenue within a county (currently about $1.3 billion on a statewide basis) if: — The governor declares a "fiscal hardship "; — The Legislature enacts an urgency statute by a two - thirds vote; — The funds are repaid within three years; — The FY 2003 -04 VLF backfill gap has been repaid; — Any previous borrowing of this kind has been repaid; and — The State has not borrowed from the revenues more than twice in 10 years. Although the State will continue to face substantial budget shortfalls for the next several years, this proposition limits the State's ability to divert tax revenues that were intended for local government. California's policymakers therefore face an even more difficult challenge in resolving their budget problems. 11 Local Economy — Property Taxes: Due to the limited supply of scenic coastal property and the unique access to the scenic Newport Bay and one of the best recreational yacht harbors, the Newport Beach community consists of 70% affluent residential neighborhoods and 30% high -end commercial districts. Sales data as reported by DataQuick Information Systems, for the month of October, 2006 demonstrates the relatively high density of affluence through the residential communities with the following median home sales prices. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Median Home Sales* Month Ending October 2006 * Source: DataQuick Information Systems Unlike many cities, property taxes, not sales taxes, are the number one source of revenue for the City representing nearly 43% of all General Fund revenues. The limited data above presents a dramatic reduction in the number of sales but offers mixed results in the market value of the sales. In the last year, the housing market has been the topic of much speculation. Most experts seem to agree that the current downtrend in sales will result in a gradual "correction" and not a "crash." Irrespective of one's view of the depth and scope of the correction, it might seem reasonable to assume that the City property tax revenues would also follow a similar pattern. However, since Californians passed Proposition 13 in 1978, the increase in assessed property value has been limited to 2% per annum. Since market values have realized enormous gains since 1978, the unintended result of Proposition 13 has been the creation of a huge gap between the assessed valuation and current market value of real property. Because a property is not reassessed until it changes ownership, assessed valuation would never equal market value unless 100% of the properties changed hands in one year. Consequently, Proposition 13 and the last decade's real estate boom have created a natural cushion against the adverse impact that market volatility might otherwise have on assessed property tax values. Effectively, the lag behind market value, smoothes the volatility of assessed property value. 12 Median % Price Sales Zip Sales Change from Home Change from Code Price 2005 Sales 2005 92625 $1,337,500 -16.4% 9 12.5% 92660 $1,200,000 -21.1% 19 -29.6% 92661 $4,500,000 113.1% 3 -50.0% 92662 $3,450,000 26.4% 1 -80.0% 92663 $1,300,000 35.1% 15 -59.5% 92657 $3,175,000 87.0% 17 -46.9% * Source: DataQuick Information Systems Unlike many cities, property taxes, not sales taxes, are the number one source of revenue for the City representing nearly 43% of all General Fund revenues. The limited data above presents a dramatic reduction in the number of sales but offers mixed results in the market value of the sales. In the last year, the housing market has been the topic of much speculation. Most experts seem to agree that the current downtrend in sales will result in a gradual "correction" and not a "crash." Irrespective of one's view of the depth and scope of the correction, it might seem reasonable to assume that the City property tax revenues would also follow a similar pattern. However, since Californians passed Proposition 13 in 1978, the increase in assessed property value has been limited to 2% per annum. Since market values have realized enormous gains since 1978, the unintended result of Proposition 13 has been the creation of a huge gap between the assessed valuation and current market value of real property. Because a property is not reassessed until it changes ownership, assessed valuation would never equal market value unless 100% of the properties changed hands in one year. Consequently, Proposition 13 and the last decade's real estate boom have created a natural cushion against the adverse impact that market volatility might otherwise have on assessed property tax values. Effectively, the lag behind market value, smoothes the volatility of assessed property value. 12 The market value of local property has skyrocketed over the last decade posting repeated double digit gains in most years. Due to Proposition 13, total assessed property values increased at a much more moderate and stable pace than market value. Over a ten -year period, assessed valuation increased an average of 9.7% per annum and 7.3% over a twenty year period. Since geographic and socioeconomic conditions in Orange County and the City are very desirable, property values in Newport Beach are projected to remain significantly higher than assessed property values even after considering any market value correction that may be forthcoming. Therefore, City's property tax revenues are anticipated to maintain a favorable trend for many years to come. The total Newport Beach assessed valuation for 2005 -06 increased by nearly 12.8 %. The City enjoys the benefit of stability in its number one revenue source even in a year where there might be a sudden and substantial drop in property values due to a cyclical downturn or over - heated market conditions. Sales and Transient Occupancy Revenues: Because sales tax and TOT revenues follow the whim of consumer sentiment, they are impacted with much greater volatility than property taxes. Due to a cooling housing market, some analysts are worried that the slowdown could become so severe that it could drag the entire country into a recession, much as the bursting of the stock market bubble in 2000 led to the 2001 slump. The threat is that the fall in home prices could have a significant impact on consumer spending patterns. The so- called wealth effect pushed consumer spending higher during the housing boom as soaring home prices made homeowners feel wealthier and thus more inclined to spend money. But falling home prices could have the reverse effect and depress consumer spending. Sales tax and TOT collections through the first quarter of 2006 -07 compare favorably to collections for the same period in 2005 -06. Provided that consumer confidence does not erode significantly, sales tax and TOT revenues are expected to present modest gains especially considering the recent addition of the largest Lexus dealership in the nation and significant major hotel renovations. Other Factors Impacting Fiscal Planning — Defined Benefit Pension Costs — The City contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) for certain defined pension benefits. The City's contributions to the plan include a fixed employer paid member contribution and an actuarially determined employer contribution that fluctuates each year based on an annual actuarial plan valuation. This variable rate employer contribution includes the normal cost of providing the contracted benefits plus or minus an amortization of plan changes and net actuarial gains and losses since the last valuation period. It is the City's policy to make contributions to the plan equaling at least 100% of the actuarially required contribution (annual pension cost) and in most years will prepay the employer contribution in full at the beginning of the year. Because the City pays the entire actuarially required contribution each year, by definition, its net pension obligation at the end of each year is $0. 13 With the downturn in the equities markets between 2000 and 2003 most pension fund managers suffered investment losses and the CalPERS pension plan was no exception. Until recently, CaIPERS actuaries assumed an annual investment return of 8.25 %. The actual investment returns for fiscal years ended 2001, 2002 and 2003 were -7.2 %, - 5.9% and 3.9 %, respectively. This produced a three -year actuarial loss of - 15.45 %, - 14.15% and - 4.35 %, respectively, or a three -year cumulative actuarial loss of - 33.95 %. It was the first time in the pension fund's history to have three consecutive years of actuarial investment losses and these three years had a profound impact on employer contribution rates starting in 2004 as demonstrated in the chart below. Combined Emolover Paid Pension Rates Rate estimated by CalPERS actuaries After studying their rate smoothing methodologies after this investment loss period, CaIPERS implemented a new rate stabilization methodology that spreads investment gains and losses over a much longer period of time. Consequently, the rates are expected to fall slower than they rose. Through conservative budgeting, the City was able to absorb the pension increases within its operating budget without dipping into reserves. Looking forward, it is clear the pension rates have peaked and are on the way back down to normal cost and are expected to be more stable. For more information on the City's pension plan and funding levels, see Footnote 10 in the notes to the financial statements. 14 Miscellaneous Plan Safety Plan Over / Under Over/ Under Normal Actual Normal Normal Actual Normal Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost 2001 11.281% 7.000% -4.281% 20.215% 14.659% - 5.556% 2002 12.985% 7.000% - 5.985% 22.461% 14.153% - 8.308% 2003 13.364% 7.000% - 6.364% 22.853% 17.698% - 5.155% 2004 13.436% 7.000% - 6.436% 24.130% 26.580% 2.450% 2005 13.623% 11.328% - 2.295% 24.287% 35.105% 10.818% 2006 14.217% 17.203% 2.986% 22.913% 37.095% 14.182% 2007 14.182% 16.132% 1.950% 23.200% 34.453% 11.253% 2008 14.005% 15.691% 1.686% 23.212% 35.098% 11.886% 2009 14.005% 15.500% ' 1.495% 23.212% 34.700% 11.488% Rate estimated by CalPERS actuaries After studying their rate smoothing methodologies after this investment loss period, CaIPERS implemented a new rate stabilization methodology that spreads investment gains and losses over a much longer period of time. Consequently, the rates are expected to fall slower than they rose. Through conservative budgeting, the City was able to absorb the pension increases within its operating budget without dipping into reserves. Looking forward, it is clear the pension rates have peaked and are on the way back down to normal cost and are expected to be more stable. For more information on the City's pension plan and funding levels, see Footnote 10 in the notes to the financial statements. 14 Post Employment Health Plans — Effective January 2006, the City and employee associations agreed to major changes to the Post Employment Healthcare Plan. New employees and employees with less than five years of service will participate in a program that requires certain defined employee and employer contributions. However, once the contributions have been made to the employee's account, the City has no further funding obligation to the plan. Employees with greater than five years of service or miscellaneous employees that have a combined factor of age and years of service that is greater than, or equal to, 50 (47 for safety employees) had the option to retain a hybrid of the former defined benefit formula or fully convert to the new plan. As of June 30, 2006, 356 retirees were participating in the defined benefit plan and 368 employees are still eligible to receive future benefits of $400 ($425 for certain retired Police employees) per month under this plan. This program is largely funded on a pay - as- you -go basis; however, the City has set aside $3.2 million to offset the unfunded portion of the post employment health benefit plan. The City is in the process of obtaining an actuarial calculation of the liability associated with the former plan and will amortize the unfunded liability over a period not -to- exceed thirty years. Comprehensive Facilities Replacement Plan — During the year, City staff, along with a citizen -based committee, developed a funding plan to replace all major critical facilities within fifteen years through a combination of utilizing cash resources and staggered debt issues. The intent of the plan was to develop a perpetual, systematic basis for replacing critical facilities with a level contribution built into the operating budget. As of June 30, 2006, the City has set aside $11 million and will be contributing in excess of $3 million annually to pre -fund this effort. 6'3IATJ /_1N1b'i:11: The City has taken a conservative approach to forecasting revenues, often assuming a "worst case scenario." This fiscal conservatism has helped stabilize the City's finances and as a result, we are able to maintain our course without cuts in service. The City has demonstrated fiscal discipline with an ability to prepare balanced budgets, save during difficult economic periods and maintain extremely low debt ratios. The City has managed to fully fund Council designations totaling $45.2 million in the General Fund of which $15.5 is specifically designated for contingencies. The City has taken aggressive actions to recognize the costs and future implications of current programs, advance fund capital projects when feasible and simply demonstrate its ability to live within its means. Budget — The annual budget serves as the foundation for the City of Newport Beach's financial planning and control. The Administrative Services Department, with City Manager direction, develops budget guidelines and appropriation limits for each department every year in January. The departments then submit revenue and expenditure appropriation requests which are summarized by the Administrative Services Department and presented to the City Manager for review. The City Manager then meets with each department and prepares a proposed budget document for the 15 City Council. The City Council holds a budget hearing and adopts a budget on or before June 30, the close of the City's fiscal year. Budgets are adopted for the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds. The legal level of budgetary control is at the fund level. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between departments within any fund; however, any revisions which increase the total appropriations of any fund over $10,000 must be approved by the City Council. Cash Management — It is the City's policy to invest all temporarily idle short-term funds and longer -term reserves in a manner that will maximize return without sacrificing security or jeopardizing liquidity requirements. Idle funds are invested in accordance with the Government Code and a formal investment policy approved by the City Council. The policy, which is reviewed and updated annually, allows investments in a variety of specific instruments, as well as certain State, County, and private sector investment pools and asset management services. Certificates of deposit, demand deposits, bankers acceptances, U.S. Government and agency securities, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, and the State Treasurer's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) are examples. The City's current investment strategy is to normally place most of the funds with five private sector investment management firms. Each of these intermediaries is guided by and constrained to an investment program at least as restrictive as the policy governing the City's direct investments. Regular reporting, both in writing and by personal presentation, is required. Additionally, with regard to the private sector firms, well - established and highly reputable third party custodians hold all cash or securities managed by them on the City's behalf. Smaller, more liquid portions of the portfolio are invested directly by City staff or placed with the State Treasurer's LAIF. For more information on the City's investment policy, see Footnote 4 in the notes to the financial statements. Risk Management — The City maintains a risk management program, which is a combination of self- insured retention, excess insurance coverage, and written policies regarding department safety procedures. The City is also insured for environmental liabilities associated with waste disposal. As part of the City's risk management program, resources are aggressively set aside in an Internal Service Fund (Insurance Reserve Fund) to meet current and probable losses. All claims are investigated, valued, reserved, and defended and /or settled in accordance with generally accepted industry practices. Additional information on the City of Newport Beach's risk management activity can be found in Footnote 8 in the notes to the financial statements. it AWARDS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Awards — The City has prepared a comprehensive annual financial report for thirteen straight years. The City has been fortunate to receive state and national awards for excellence in financial reporting each of those years. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Newport Beach for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current comprehensive annual financial report continues to conform to the Certificate of Achievement Program's requirements and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers ( CSMFO) is a state organization which sponsors extensive training and emphasizes high standards in all aspects of municipal finance operations, including financial reporting. As a result of last year's report, the City of Newport Beach is fortunate to have remained among the ranks of California cities that have met the rigorous standards of financial reporting required of recipients of the CSMFO Outstanding Financial Reporting Award. Acknowledgments - Preparation of this report was accomplished through the efficient and dedicated services of virtually everyone in the City's Accounting Division and Print Shop. In addition, members of the Administrative Services Department would like to thank the City Manager, and the Mayor and City Council for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the City in a responsible and progressive manner. We would also like to thank our auditors, Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., for their time and assistance in the preparation of the report. This report was completely prepared and published by City employees. Hom r L. Bludau City Manager 17 ,at'.. Dennis C. Danner Administrative Services Director II ��I V 11111 111 Presented to Califomia For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. lu California Society of �/-Wunicipal finance Officers Certificate of Award Outstanding Financial Reporting 2004 -05 Presented to the `l This cerpficate is Issued in recognition ofineering professional standards and criteria in reporting lohich reflect a high level of quality in rite annual financial statements and in the underlying accounting system from which the reports were prepared. February 24, 2006 vv 6111 TM., Chnir Prokz,lonel @ Teohnlol Stvndvrde Caoawwe Dedicated to Excellence in Municipal Financial Management M NEWPORT BEACH CITY OFFICIALS CITY COUNCIL L to R: Council Members Keith D. Curry and Edward D. Selich, Mayor Pro Tem Steven Rosansky, Mayor Don Webb, Council Members Leslie J. Daigle, Tod W. Ridgeway, and Richard A. Nichols Lto R: City Attorney Robin Clauson, City Manager Homer Bludau, City Clerk LaVonne Harkless Sharon Wood ........... ............................... Assistant City Manager /Director of Community & Economic Development DaveKiff ............................................................................ ............................... ......................Assistant City Manager Dennis C. Danner ..................................................... ............................... Administrative Services Director /Treasurer BobMcDonell .............................................................................. ............................... ..........................Chief of Police TimRiley ....................................................................................................................... ............................... Fire Chief Mark Harmon ...................................................................................... ............................... General Services Director Marie Knight ............................................... ............................... .....................Recreation & Senior Services Director PatriciaL. Temple ............................................................................................. ............................... Planning Director JayElbettar ....................................................................................................... ............................... Building Director SteveBadum ............................................................................................. ............................... Public Works Director Barbara Ramsey .............................................................................. ............................... Human Resources Director PeteAntista ................................................................................... ............................... ......................Utilities Director Linda Katsouleas .................................................................................. ............................... Library Services Director tze ELECTORATE r- BUILOINGCODE 1 BOARD OFAPPFALS I CIVIL SERVICE BOARD CITY CLERK I I L- -- -- -J — II r rL - CANNING COMMISSION J I L III ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER MAYOR 8 COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Immm onv ant e� se o wiopm r taoor Ivelau— Icma�..lmomama emom.mem III I I PLANNING L_ — Current Plans & Projects Advance Planning II II II I FIRE Fire Suppreselon(Operations) Ocean UfeguaNs Training and Education Haeardous Materials Fire Prevention Junior Lifeguard Program Adminiamation Emergency Metliral Services II II I BUILDING HUMAN RESOURCES Plan Checking RECREATION & SENIOR SERVICES Inspections — Permits ' ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES Accounting Purchasing &Waretrousing RECREATION & SENIOR SERVICES Treasury Management Billing & Receivables — Geegrapolc Information System Telemmmunicationa Personnel Admfnistrafion Management Information Systems Revenue PennI Traffic Detective r-- - - - - -— BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES L- - - - - -J r PARKS, BEACHES& 1— RECREATION COMMISSION I ` CITY ARTS COMMISSION L- - - - - -J I F-- - - - -�I I L HARBOR COMMISSION J� i I I iTANTCITY MANAGER I I me. l emoche I Fnmmoiiiamam.mem II LS Water I I I I I I I I II II POLICE I I Suppan Services I I Chief of Police FIeel Mei tenant¢ I I II II PUBLIC WORKS I I Engineering I I DIP Management Construction Management I I Development Services Tragic I I II II GENERAL SERVICES I I Parks and Trees Operations Suppod I I Field Maintenance Traffic Signs & Markings Building Maintenance Refuse Collection Equipment Maintenance Fr iing L— HUMAN RESOURCES RECREATION & SENIOR SERVICES I I — Personnel Admfnistrafion Recreation Bene fit Mana'ri Senior Services — — Risk Management Laboreelatloos I LIBRARY SERVICES I Library ---- - - - - -� Cultural Arts O - - - -J 0 0 L ELECTED OFFICIALS COUNCILAPPOINTED BOARDS &COMMISSIONS COUNCILAPPOINTED POSITIONS CITY DEPARTMENTS Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 March 22, 2005 21 This page left blank intentionally. 22 Financial Section ti H _ n H . H Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. An Independent CPA Firm Conrad Government Services Division 2301 Dupont Drive, Suite 200 Irvine, California 92612 949 - 474 -2020 ph 949 - 263 -5520 fx www.mhm - pc.com City Council City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, California Independent Auditors' Report We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Newport Beach, California, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2006, which collectively comprise the City's basic financial statements, as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City of Newport Beach's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Newport Beach, as of June 30, 2006, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows, where applicable, of the City of Newport Beach, California and the respective budgetary comparison information for the general fund and major special revenue funds of the City for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The information identified in the accompanying table of contents as management's discussion and analysis are not a required part of the basic financial statements, but are supplementary information required by the accounting standards generally accepted in the United States of America. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the City of Newport Beach's basic financial statements. The introductory section, combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements, schedules, and statistical tables are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements and schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The introductory section and statistical tables have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on them. 23 City Council City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, California In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued a report dated October 27, 2006 on our consideration of the City's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. Irvine, California October 27, 2006 24 Management's Discussion and Analysis MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS This section of the City of Newport Beach's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) presents management's discussion and analysis of the City's financial performance during the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2006. This analysis should be read in conjunction with the Transmittal Letter at the front of this report and the accompanying Basic Financial Statements. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Long -term Economic Resource (Government -wide) Focus — Economic resources are differentiated from financial resources in that the economic measurement focus measures changes in net assets as soon as the event occurs regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Therefore, this measurement focus includes both current spendable resources and fixed non - spendable assets, and long -term claims against these assets. The resulting net asset utilizing this measurement focus provides one measure of the City's overall long -term financial condition. • The assets of the City exceeded liabilities at the close of the most recent fiscal year by $2.236 billion. The vast majority of this figure is represented by illiquid capital assets including land and infrastructure. Capital assets net of accumulated depreciation and any related debt totaled $2.137 billion, while the remaining balance of net assets totaled $99.0 million. Of this amount, $80.5 million represents unrestricted net assets that may be used to meet the City's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors for both governmental and business -type activities. • The City's total net assets increased $86.6 million (4.0 %) to $2.236 billion as a result of current year activities. The increase is partially attributable to capital contributions of $67.4 million consisting of land /projects known as John Wayne Gulch, Buck Gully, Newport Coast Community Center, right -of -way and infrastructure as a result of the State of California's relinquishment of Bristol Street, as well as several parks. See further discussion in the Capital Assets and Debt Administration section. • The City's total debt decreased by $1.8 million from $54.8 million to $53.0 million during the current fiscal year, after taking into consideration a $1.7 million restatement, the effect of which increased claims and judgments at June 30, 2005, from $3.4 million to $5.1 million. The decrease is the net result of regular debt service payments, net increases in the worker's comp payable, a net decrease in claims and judgments and no change to net compensated absences. Short -term Financial Resource (Fund) Focus — The Financial resources focus measures inflows of current spendable assets. The resulting net difference between current financial assets and current financial liabilities otherwise known as fund balance (or net working capital in the private sector) is a measure of the City's ability to finance activities in the near term. • At the close of the current fiscal year, the City's Governmental Funds reported a combined ending fund balance of $100.7 million, an increase of $495,435. 25 Approximately $55.2 million is unreserved fund balance available to fund current obligations at the City Council's discretion. Of the $55.2 million unreserved fund balance, City Council has designated $15.4 for unspecified contingencies while the remaining $39.8 million is designated for capital projects, appropriations, and other special purposes. • The General Fund reported an increase of $99,666 in fund balance after transferring $28.6 million to other funds. Of this transfer, $15.2 million represented a routine transfer to subsidize the operations of the Tide and Submerged Land Fund, while $1.2 million was transferred to subsidize costs associated with the Newport Coast Annexation, $6.1 million was transferred to subsidize internal reserve funds, and $6.1 million represented a nonrecurring transfer to certain Capital Project funds. • At the end of the current fiscal year, unreserved fund balance for the General Fund was $45.2 million, or 42.0% of total General Fund expenditures. Although unreserved and available to fund current obligations, 100% of this balance is designated for contingencies, capital projects, appropriations, and other special purposes. [ OITA4:VIINVPNI am: INN yl� /_1ki [d/_1 W--3 IF_A94�d21 1111K The financial section of the comprehensive annual financial report contains the following information: Independent Auditor's Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (this section), the Basic Financial Statements, and the Supplementary Information section, an optional section that presents combining and budgetary schedules for individual non -major funds. The Basic Financial Statements are comprised of three components: 1) Government - wide Financial Statements, 2) Fund Financial Statements and, 3) Notes to the Financial Statements. The Management's Discussion and Analysis is intended to be an introduction to the Basic Financial Statements. BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Government -wide Financial Statements — The Government -wide Financial Statements are intended to provide a "Big Picture" view of the City as a whole using accounting methods similar to those used by private sector companies. The statement of net assets includes all of the City's assets (including non - spendable assets like streets, roads, and land rights) and liabilities (including long -term liabilities that may be paid over twenty or so more years). All of the current year revenues and expenses are accounted for in the statement of activities regardless of when cash is received or paid. The two Government -wide Financial Statements report the City's net assets and how they have changed. Net assets — the difference between the City's assets and liabilities — is one way to measure the City's financial health, or position. Over time, increases or decreases in the City's net assets are an indicator of whether its financial health is improving or deteriorating, respectively. To assess the overall health of the City, one should also consider additional non - financial factors such as changes in the City's property tax base and the condition of the City's roads. tz- The Government -wide Financial Statements of the City are divided into two categories: Governmental Activities — This statement depicts the extent to which programs are self - supporting and the net amount provided by property taxes and other general revenues. Most of the City's basic services are included in this category, such as the public safety, public works, community development and community services departments, and general administration. Taxes and other general revenues finance most of these activities. Business -type Activities — The City accounts for its Water and Wastewater utilities as business enterprises. The City charges fees to customers to recover the cost of providing Water and Wastewater services. Fund Financial Statements — Funds are accounting devices that the City uses to track and control resources intended for specific purposes. The Fund Financial Statements provide more detailed information about the City's most significant funds (major funds) but not the City as a whole. Some funds are required by State and Federal law or by bond covenants. Other funds are utilized simply to control and manage resources intended for particular purposes. The City utilizes three broad categories of funds: Governmental Funds — Governmental Funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as Governmental Activities in the Government -wide Financial Statements. However, unlike the Government -wide Financial Statements, Governmental Fund Financial Statements utilize the financial resources measurement focus and thus concentrate on near -term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, as well as on balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. Consequently, the Governmental Fund Financial Statements provide a detailed short- term view that helps a reader determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance City programs. Also included in the Governmental Funds are Permanent Funds. These funds are used to report resources that are legally restricted to the extent that only earnings, not principal, may be used for purposes that support City programs. Proprietary Funds — Services for which the City charges customers a fee are generally reported in Proprietary Funds (Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds). Like the Government -wide Financial Statements, these funds provide both long and short-term financial information utilizing the economic resources measurement focus. The City's Enterprise Funds (Water and Wastewater Funds) are individual funds represented in the combined presentation of Business -type Activities in the Government -wide Financial Statements. The individual fund presentation provides more detailed information about each business segment, its operating statements, and statements of cash flow. The City also uses Internal Service Funds that are utilized to report and allocate the cost of certain centrally managed and operated activities (e.g. fleet maintenance, risk management, etc.). Because the Internal Service Funds primarily serve the government, they are reported with Governmental Activities rather than the Business - type Activities in the Government -wide Financial Statements. 27 Fiduciary Funds - The City utilizes Fiduciary Funds to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity, or as an agent for other governmental entities, private organizations, or individuals. All of the City's fiduciary activities are reported in a separate statement of fiduciary net assets and a statement of changes in fiduciary net assets. We exclude these activities from the City's Government -wide Financial Statements because the City cannot use these assets to finance its operations. Notes to the Financial Statements - The financial statements also include the Notes to the Financial Statements that provide important narrative details about the information contained in the financial statements. Information contained in the Notes to the Financial Statements is critical to a reader's full understanding of the Government -wide and Fund Financial Statements. Supplementary Information - In addition to the required elements of the Basic Financial Statements, we have also included a Supplementary Information section, which includes budgetary and combining schedules that provide additional details about the City's non -major Governmental Funds, Internal Service Funds, and Fiduciary Funds. GOVERNMENT -WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Net Assets - Net assets may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's financial position. The City's combined net assets for the year ended June 30, 2006, as shown in Table 1, were $2.236 billion. Current and other assets Capital assets Total assets Long -term liabilities outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Invested in capital assets, net of debt Restricted Unrestricted Total net assets Table 1 Net Assets (in thousands) Governmental Activities 2005 2006 $ 149,299 $ 150,708 1,946,230 2,027,701 2,095,529 2,178,409 47,572 47,095 18,167 17,107 63,999 64,202 1,915,349 2,005,644 52,546 51,901 61,894 56,663 $ 2,029,790 $ 2,114,207 Business -Type Activities Total 2005 2006 2005 2006 $ 22,357 $ 20,227 106,896 109,095 129,253 129,322 7,255 5,925 2,691 1,888 9,946 7,813 99,641 104,602 19,666 16,907 $119,307 $ 121,510 $ 171,656 $ 170,935 2,053,126 2,136,796 2,224,782 2,307,731 54,827 53,020 20,858 18,995 73,945 72,015 2,014,990 2,110,246 52,546 51,901 81,560 73,570 $ 2,149,096 $ 2,235,717 Invested in Capital Assets - By far the largest component of net assets, $2.110 billion (94.4 %), reflects the City's investment in capital assets (e.g., land, buildings, infrastructure, and equipment) less accumulated depreciation and any related outstanding debt used to 28 acquire those assets. The City's capital assets do not represent a financial resource and consequently are not readily available for funding current obligations. Restricted Assets - An additional portion of the City's net assets, $51.9 million (2.3 %), represents resources that are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. Unrestricted Assets - The remaining balance of unrestricted net assets, $73.6 million (3.3 %) may be used to meet the City's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. Overall the City's net assets increased $86.6 million during the current fiscal year. The increase is partially attributable to capital contributions of $67.4 million consisting of land and related projects. Other key financial activity for the year ended June 30, 2006 is as follows: Table 2 Changes in Net Assets (in thousands) 29 Governmental Activities Business -Type Activities Total 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 Revenues: Program Revenues: Charges for services $ 33,791 $ 36,527 $ 20,474 $ 21,235 $ 54,265 $ 57,762 Operating grants and capital contributions 17,481 12,773 - - 17,481 12,773 Capital grants and contributions 20,206 69,474 - - 20,206 69,474 General Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes 46,303 57,889 - - 46,303 57,889 Sales tax 24,318 27,186 - - 24,318 27,186 Transient occupancy taxes 9,216 9,833 - - 9,216 9,833 Other taxes 6,728 7,312 - - 6,728 7,312 Intergovernmental (Unrestricted): Motor Vehicle License Tax 6,396 508 - - 6,396 508 Investment related income 951 1,224 336 380 1,287 1,604 Property income - - 27 - 27 - Miscellaneous 761 777 - 761 777 Share of joint venture net income 100 (514) - - 100 (514) Special Item: - - Capital contributions 213,779 213,779 Total revenues 380,030 222,989 20,837 21,615 400,867 244,604 Expenses: General government 13,119 14,510 - - 13,119 14,510 Public safety 63,214 67,789 - - 63,214 67,789 Public works 46,360 33,870 - - 46,360 33,870 Community development 6,437 8,158 - - 6,437 8,158 Community services 13,073 13,804 - - 13,073 13,804 Interest 509 480 - - 509 480 Water - - 14,467 16,204 14,467 16,204 Wastewater 2,741 3,168 2,741 3,168 Total expenses 142,712 138,611 17,208 19,372 159,920 157,983 Increases in net assets before transfers 237,318 84,378 3,629 2,243 240,947 86,621 Transfers 40 (40) Increase in net assets 237,318 84,418 3,629 2,203 240,947 86,621 Net assets, beginning, as restated 1,792,471 2,029,789 115,678 119,307 1,908,149 2,149,096 Net assets, ending $2,029,789 $ 2,114,207 $119,307 $ 121,510 $2,149,096 $2,235,717 29 Governmental Activities — The cost of all governmental activities in the current fiscal year was $138.6 million. As shown in the statement of activities, $36.5 million of the costs was paid by those who directly benefited from the programs, $82.2 million was financed by contributions and grants received from other governmental organizations, developers, and property owners for both capital and operating activities, and $19.8 million was subsidized through general City revenues. Net assets for governmental activities of the City at the beginning of the year were $2.030 billion, and increased by $84.4 million by the end of the year accounting for 97.3% of the total growth of net asset for the City as a whole. The growth was primarily attributable to program revenues from contributions of land as noted above. The City is a full service city providing residents and visitors with the following functional services: General Government is comprised of six departments (City Council, City Clerk, City Manager, City Attorney, Human Resources, and Administrative Services) providing general governance, executive management, legal services, records management, risk management, finance, accounting, and information technology services. Public Safety is comprised of two departments (Police and Fire) providing general law enforcement, fire suppression and prevention services, paramedic and medical transport services, disaster preparedness, and ocean lifeguard services. Public Works is comprised of two departments (Public Works and General Services) providing, engineering, construction and maintenance of public streets, highways, buildings, beaches, parks, and related infrastructure; as well as traffic engineering, street lighting, and trash disposal services. Community Development is comprised of two departments (Planning and Building) that provide planning and zoning services; economic development services, and building plan check and code enforcement services. Community Services is comprised of two departments (Libraries & Arts and Recreation & Senior Services) providing library services, cultural and arts programs, recreation services, and senior social and transportation services. Business Enterprise Operations are overseen by one department (Utilities) providing water and wastewater services. 30 Each programs' net cost (total cost less revenues generated by the activities) is presented below. The net cost shows the extent to which the City's general taxes support each of the City's programs. General government Public safety Public works Community development Community services Interest $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 Table 3 Governmental Activities (in thousands) 2005 Total Cost Net Cost of Service of Service $ 11,379 $ (8,966) 63,214 (44,758) 46,360 (8,882) 6,437 (1,307) 13,073 (5,072) 509 (509) $ 140,972 $ (69,494) 2006 Total Cost Net Cost of Service of Service $ 14,510 $ (11,687) 67,789 (51,535) 33,870 35,815 8,158 (2,491) 13,804 10,541 480 (480) $ 138,611 $ (19,837) Table 4 Program Expenses and Revenue - Governmental Activities Year Ended June 30, 2006 (in Millions) General Public Safety Public Works Community Community Interest Government Development Services ■Total Expenses 0Program Revenues Of the $19.8 million in program revenues that financed the Governmental Activities, $51.5 million was utilized for Public Safety, $11.7 million was utilized for general government, $2.5 million was utilized for Community Development and $479,529 was utilized for interested on long term debt. Public Works and Community Services had a $35.8 million and $10.5 million excess of revenues over expenses respectively. 31 Table 5 Governmental Activities Year Ended June 30, 2006 Sources of Revenue (Excluding Special Items) 16% 1 so I ■ Charges for Services ■Contributions 24% O Taxes OOther }?qy Functional Expenses 1o% o% 10-, ■General Government ■ Public Safety OPublic Works O Community Development )% ■ Community Services ■Interest Major Governmental Activities in the current fiscal year included the following: Revenues: • Excluding transfers, total program and general revenues in the current year amounted to $223.0 million. Of this amount, 53.3% represents program revenue, 28.5 % is from property taxes, and 7% is from sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes. The remaining revenue sources of 11.2% are represented by significantly smaller sources and are broadly diverse. • The City reported contributions of $55.0 million in public works program revenues and $12.4 million in community services program revenues to reflect $67.4 million in contributions of governmental land assets. • Excluding the contributions of $67.4 million noted above from the current year, and the $213.8 million related to the State of California's relinquishment of the Pacific Coast Highway included in the prior year, total program and general revenues are down $10.7 million from the prior year. The net decrease over prior year is a combination of a few key factors: o At $57.9 million per year, property taxes represent the largest individual recurring source of revenue for the City. Over the past ten years, assessed values have increased an average of 11 % per year. Assessed property values increased 15.36% in the current year. Property Tax revenues, in total, including unsecured property and prior year collections increased $11.6 million or 25% in the current year. This increase is primarily due to a state -wide property tax revenue shift to local governments as part of a larger package which reduced local revenues from motor vehicle license fees and sales taxes by approximately the same amount. The remaining growth represents the increase in assessed property values. 32 • At nearly $27.2 and $9.8 million respectively, sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes represent the number two and three top individual revenue sources for the City. Sales taxes, which are comprised of sales tax and sales tax in -lieu, are up $2.9 million (11.8 %) from the prior year while transient occupancy taxes are up $616,867 million (6.7 %). • Offsetting the increases noted above, Motor Vehicle License Tax decreased by $5.9 million as these funds were shifted to the State of California's General Fund in exchange for additional property tax revenues. • Charges for services were up $2.7 million from the previous year from the net effect of increases and decreases within the various functions of the City. The most significant swings within this account related to increases in community services charges and decreases in general government and public safety functions. • Operating grants and contributions for public works are down $4.7 million over the prior year due to unusually high activity in prior year contributions for Bay dredging and street maintenance. • Capital grants and contributions are down $18.1 million from the prior year, excluding the effects of the $67.4 million land contributions noted above. This decrease is primarily due to high activity in the prior year related to underground utilities assessment districts and a contributions for the purchase of fire station land. • Rising interest rates in the fixed income securities market combined with a changing interest rate environment had a combined positive impact on investment income. Investment income combined with the net decrease in the fair value of investments resulted in a $273,377 increase in revenues from the prior year. Expenses: • In the current year, expenses for all governmental activities are $138.6 million. Overall, a decrease of $2.4 million (1.6 %) from the prior year which can be attributed to the following factors: • General government expenses are up $3.1 million (27.5 %) when compared to the prior year. • Public safety expenses are up $4.6 million (7.2 %) in the current year. The primary reason for the increase is a mid -year cost of living adjustment. • Public works expenses were down $12.5 million (26.9 %) for costs associated with repair and maintenance of City streets, infrastructure and facilities as street related operating contributions were down sharply from the prior year. • Community services' expenses increased $730,540 in the current year. 33 o Community development expenses are up $1.7 million (26.7 %) in the current year primarily due consultant contracts associated with the City's General Plan update process. Business -type Activities — Business -type activities are financed primarily by fees charged to external parties for goods and services. The City's two business -type activities, water and wastewater utilities, produced a $2.2 million increase in net assets. The increase in net assets was comprised of operating income of $2.4 million, non - operating expenses of $164,504, transfers out of $40,000 and $137,097 consolidation adjustment related to internal service fund activities. $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Table 6 Program Expense & Revenue - Business -type Activities Year Ended June 30, 2005 (in Millions) Water Wastewater ■Total Expenses ■Program Revenues Major Business -type Activities in the current fiscal year included the following: Water Of the $16.2 million in water related expenses, $6.4 million (39.5 %) is for the purchase of water, $3.0 million (18.5 %) is for maintenance, supplies and depreciation of the water system, $3.5 million (21.6 %) covers employee related costs, and the remaining $3.3 million (20.4 %) is collectively attributable to interest on outstanding debt and other miscellaneous expenses. Wastewater Of the $3.1 million in wastewater related expenses, $1.4 million (45.2 %) is maintenance, supplies and depreciation of the wastewater system, $1.2 million (38.7 %) is employee related costs, and the remaining $517,934 (16.1 %) is attributable to other individually insignificant expenses. 34 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CITY'S FUNDS As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to highlight available financial resources and to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance - related legal requirements. Governmental Funds — Utilizing the financial resources measurement focus, the City's Governmental Funds provide information on near -term inflows and outflows, and balances of spendable resources. This information is useful in assessing the City's financing requirements. In particular, unreserved fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. Fund Balance — As of the end of the current fiscal year, the City's Governmental Funds reported combined fund balances of $100.7 million, an increase of $495,435 from the prior year. The General Fund represented $54.6 million or 54.2% of the combined fund balances of the Governmental Funds. Reserved Fund Balance — The City has $9.4 million in fund balance that is reserved to indicate it is not available to finance new activities because it has already been committed: 1) to fulfill contractual obligations and purchase orders ($6.9 million), 2) as a reserve for affordable housing ($1.3 million), and 3) for a variety of other restrictions that make these resources unavailable for spending ($1.2 million). Unreserved Fund Balance — The remaining $45.2 million is classified as unreserved fund balance, which is available for spending at the City's discretion. Major activities in the Governmental Funds in the current fiscal year included the following: • The General Fund ended the year with a $54.6 million fund balance, a net increase of $99,666. Excluding net transfers out of $28.6 million, excess revenues over expenditures totaled $27.9 million. See Note (13) in the Notes to the Financial Statements for more information regarding interfund transfers. • The activities of the Tide and Submerged Land Fund are routinely subsidized by the General Fund. At year end, the General Fund transferred sufficient resources ($15.2 million) to cover the Tide and Submerged Land Fund's deficit and other outstanding commitments and designations of fund balance. The Tide and Submerged Land Fund ended the current year with $566,598 in fund balance. • The Newport Coast Annexation Fund ended the year with a $17.4 million fund balance. The net increase of $1.1 million in fund balance in the current year is due to an additional $3.0 million in revenues from the Irvine Ranch Water District related to the pre- annexation agreement, offset by lower cash balances which decreased $1.6 million from the prior fiscal year and increased liabilities for accounts payable which increased $364,467. Proprietary Funds — The City's Proprietary Funds (Enterprise and Internal Service Funds) presented in the Fund Financial Statements section basically provide the same type of information in the Government -wide Financial Statements, but include individual segment information. 35 Major activities in the Enterprise Funds in the current fiscal year included the following: • Net assets in the Water Fund grew by $2.0 million and increased in the Wastewater Fund by $190,739. Unrestricted net assets at year -end were $13.8 million for the Water Fund, and $2.9 million in the Wastewater Fund. • Other factors concerning the finances of these two funds have already been addressed above in the discussion of the City's business -type activities. Major activities in the Internal Service Funds in the current fiscal year included the following: • Net assets at fiscal year end for the Internal Service Funds was $7.2 million. Included in this amount is an accumulated deficit in the Insurance Reserve Fund and the Compensated Absence Fund in the amounts of $7.1 million and $7.5 million, respectively. • Net assets increased $4.1 million in the current year. The increase is a combination of decreases and increases in the various Internal Service Funds; namely, an increase of $1.4 million in the Insurance Reserve Fund, a $1.3 million decrease in the Compensated Absence Fund, and a $3.8 million increase in Retiree Insurance. Also a contributing factor, the Equipment Maintenance Fund net assets increased $195,645 in the current year through user fees charged to departments for maintenance and replacement of the City's rolling stock fleet. GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS Changes to Original Budget Final budgeted revenues for the General Fund increased $2.3 million from the original budget during the year ended June 30, 2006. Significant factors contributing to this fluctuation are highlighted as follows: • Final budgeted intergovernmental revenues increased $1.4 million from the original budget due to 1) $805,393 related to funding from the Irvine Ranch Water District for a joint water main replacement project, 2) $246,661 for a new COPS Technology grant, and 3) $347,946 of other smaller amendments to intergovernmental revenues. Final budgeted expenditures for the General Fund increased $9.8 million from the original budget during the year ended June 30, 2006. Significant factors contributing to this fluctuation are highlighted below: • Budgeted expenditures for general government functions provided by the City Manager division increased $876,277 for the General Plan Update Public Information program. • Budgeted expenditures for public safety functions decreased by $14.0 million, primarily due to a re- allocation of appropriations to the Tide and Submerged Land Fund for police and fire services. 9t • Budgeted expenditures for public works provided by the General Services division also decreased $1.9 million due to the re- allocation of appropriations to the Tide and Submerged Land Fund noted above. Budgeted expenditures for the Planning division related to community development functions increased $836,246. This amount is made up of 1) $552,131 related to General Plan Update of Public Information program, 2) $180,000 related to contracted professional and technical services, and 3) $104,115 of other smaller budgetary adjustments both up and down. • Budgeted expenditures for community services provided by the Library divisions increased $649,771 made up of amendments including 1) $253,013 to provide library materials, 2) $183,0444 in cost of living adjustment for personnel providing library and literacy services, and 3) $213,314 for various smaller budgetary changes related to literacy program services, appropriations for computer equipment and programming, maintenance and repairs, and advertising and public relations. Final budgeted capital outlays from the General Fund increased $3.4 million from the original budget during the year ended June 30, 2006. Significant factors contributing to this fluctuation are as follows: 1) $1.0 million for enhancement of the COPLINK data sharing project, 2) $740,000 related to the Balboa Village project, phase III, 3) $2.1 million in budgetary reductions due to project timing difference which are re- budgeted in the following fiscal year, and 4) $440,000 in various smaller budgetary amendments, both increases and decreases. Changes to budgeted transfers out of the General Fund were made in response to budgetary changes within all other funds occurring throughout the year. During the current year final transfers out budgeted for the General Fund varied from the original budget by approximately $11.7 million. These transactions, combined with numerous smaller amendments throughout the year, resulted in a reduction of projected draws against existing General Fund Balance of $1.0 million. Variance with Final Budget Actual revenues exceeded final budget by $11.8 million for the year ended June 30, 2006. Significant factors contributing to this favorable variance are summarized as follows: • Higher than expected property tax, sales tax, and other tax revenues of approximately $12.1 million. • A $732,729 increase in transient occupancy tax revenues, primarily due to a higher number of hotel units within the City. • A $783,517 increase in license and permit revenues, made up of $370,000 from building permit fees and $413,000 from an increase in the labor rate component of licensing fees. • An $805,000 increase in charges for services primarily due to higher plan checking fees, fire plan checks, fire construction inspections, and paramedic service fees. • A $2.6 million decrease in intergovernmental revenues caused by timing differences between budgeted revenues which are based on acceptance of grant funding and actual revenues which are based on reimbursable expenditure of the grant funds. 37 Actual General Fund expenditures of $107.6 million were significantly less than final budgetary estimates of $116.0 million. Significant factors contributing to this $8.4 million favorable variance are summarized as follows: • A $5.8 million decrease in capital outlays due to timing differences in the progress of capital project. Of this amount 1) $5.1 million is encumbered to be expended in the following fiscal year. • A $688,447 decrease in expenditures related to fire services for public safety, of which $358,487 is due to salaries and benefits with the remainder due to various smaller fluctuations both up and down. • A $496,768 decrease in expenditures for general services for public works, of which $490,291 is due to salaries and benefits with the remainder due to various smaller fluctuations both up and down. This $8.4 million variance in expenditures, along with the $11.8 million excess of actual revenues over final budgetary estimates, eliminated the need to draw upon existing fund balance. CAPITAL ASSET AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets The City's investment in capital assets for governmental and business -type activities as of June 30, 2006, amounts to $2.137 billion (net of accumulated depreciation). This investment is in a broad range of capital assets includes land, buildings and systems, improvements, machinery and equipment, park facilities, roads, storm drains, piers, oil wells, sound walls, and bridges. The total net increase (including additions and deletions) of $83.7 million represents a 4.1% increase over last year. The $83.7 million net increase is the net result of additions of $93.9 million, and deletions of $10.2 million. Table 7 Capital Assets at Year End (net of depreciation, in thousands) Governmental Activities Business -Type Activities Total 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 Land $ 1,713,154 $ 1,780,699 $ 2,016 $ 2,016 $ 1,715,170 $ 1,782,715 Structures 24,347 23,966 109 104 24,456 24,070 Equipment 7,722 7,844 13 10 7,735 7,854 Infrastructure 192,034 192,240 96,617 105,989 288,651 298,229 Work in progress 8,973 22,952 8,141 976 17,114 23,928 Totals $ 1,946,230 $ 2,027,701 $ 106,896 $ 109,095 $ 2,053,126 $ 2,136,796 9E Major capital asset events during the current fiscal year included the following: • The City capitalized $93.9 million in capital assets in the current year. Of the $93.9 million, $17.3 million was paid for through current year expenses, $67.4 million was accepted as contributions, and the remaining $9.2 million represents additions from work in progress started in previous years. • Of the $91.9 million capitalized as governmental assets in the current year, $55.0 million was accepted as contributions to public works program revenues for land /projects known as John Wayne Gulch, Buck Gully, and Bristol Street relinquishment, and $12.4 million was accepted as contributions to community services program revenues for Newport Village Park, Back Bay View Park, Canyon and Harbor Watch Parks, Los Trancos Canyon View Parks, and Newport Coast Community Center. • Of the $12.6 million capitalized in the current year as business -type assets, $11.7 million represented additions for infrastructure consisting of major repairs and upgrades to the water mains, additions to wastewater and water pump stations, and completion of Big Canyon Reservoir Cover Project. Additional information on the City's capital assets can be found in Note (5) of the Notes to the Financial Statements. Long -term Debt At the end of the current fiscal year, the City had total long -term debt outstanding of $51.8 million for all governmental and business -type activities. Table 8 Outstanding Debt at Year -End (in thousands) EO Governmental Activities Business -Type Total Restated Activities Restated 2005 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 Certificates of participation $ 5,570 $ - $ 5,280 $ - $ - $ 5,570 $ 5,280 Note payable 1,789 - 1,633 - - 1,789 1,633 Pre - annexation agreement 14,400 - 13,200 - - 14,400 13,200 CDBG Loan 2,276 - 2,207 - - 2,276 2,207 Capital leases 421 - 166 - - 421 166 Revenue bonds - - - 7,255 5,925 7,255 5,925 Claims and judgments 3,368 1,740 4,812 - - 5,108 4,812 Workers'compensation payable 10,631 - 11,160 - - 10,631 11,160 Compensated absences 7,376 8,637 7,376 8,637 Totals $ 45,831 $ 1,740 $ 47,095 $ 7,255 $ 5,925 $ 54,826 $ 53,020 EO The City's total debt decreased $1.8 million during the current fiscal year after taking into consideration a $1.7 million restatement, the effect of which increased claims and judgments at June 30, 2005, from $3.4 million to $5.1 million. The $1.8 million decrease is the net result of regular debt service payments, an offsetting increase in long term obligations related to workers' compensation of $528,723, and an increase in compensated absences payable of $1.3 million. The City's Revenue Bonds and Certificates of Participation were insured and therefore, maintain "AAA" rating from Standard & Poor's Corporation and an "Aaa" from Moody's Investors Services. Additional information on the City's long -term debt can be found in Note (6) of the Notes to the Financial Statements. FACTORS AFFECTING NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET Overall the 2006 -2007 operating budget excluding capital improvement projects and internal charges increased 5.2% over the 2005 -2006 amended budget. A brief summary of the factors considered when preparing the 2006 -2007 budget are as follows: • Sales tax and property tax estimates continue to grow indicating a healthy local economy. In addition, a component of the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF III) shift of secured property tax to the State is ending. For the City of Newport Beach this means an additional $2.2 million of secured property tax this fiscal year. • The California Public Employees Retirement System (CaIPERS) earned 12.7 percent return on its investments in 2005, marking the second year in a row that they've earned double -digit returns. While this will result in lower contribution rates, it usually takes two years before we see a change in our rates that impacts our budget. CaIPERS has also adopted revised rate smoothing methods that are intended to "smooth" out large rate fluctuations from year to year. Therefore this budget includes a small decrease in PERS costs for both miscellaneous and safety members. • Implementation of a new defined contribution retiree medical program instead of the prior defined benefit program will ultimately reduce the City's long -term liability for this program. The transition to the new program will take an estimated twenty years or more to fully implement, but our operating expenses will eventually be capped as we will only need to fund contributions for current employees and the City's unfunded liability will be zero. • The City is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of existing City structures and developing a financing plan for the replacement of these facilities, including Police Headquarters, Fire Stations, Library Branches, Lifeguard Headquarters, OASIS Senior Center, and the Civic Center Complex. We believe the City is well positioned to fund the replacement of all of these facilities beginning in the next fiscal year with the replacement program lasting approximately an additional twenty years. 40 CONTACTING THE CITY'S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, and investors and creditors with a general overview of the City's finances and to demonstrate the City's accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact the City's Administrative Services Department, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 -3884, (949) 644 -3126. 41 This page left blank intentionally. M Government -wide Financial Statements CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2006 Assets: Cash and investments (note 4) Receivables: Accounts Notes Interest Intergovernmental receivables Cash with fiscal agent (note 4) Internal balances Investment in joint venture (note 15) Prepaid items Inventory Capital assets, (note 5): Non - depreciable Depreciable Accumulated depreciation Total assets Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued salaries and benefits Accrued interest payable Deposits payable Unearned revenue Noncurrent liabilities (note 6): Due within one year Due in more than one year Total liabilities Net Assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted for: Community development Public safety Public works Community services Debt Service Permanent Funds: Nonexpendable Expendable Unrestricted Total net assets Governmental Business -type Activities Activities Total $ 125,645,269 $ 13,392,754 $ 139,038,023 4,573,273 4,446,763 9,020,036 50,000 - 50,000 1,497,197 - 1,497,197 12,207,594 818,532 13,026,126 3,170,068 1,432,355 4,602,423 (137,097) 137,097 - 2,243,353 - 2,243,353 1,047,190 1,047,190 411,555 - 411,555 1,803,650,730 2,992,575 1,806,643,305 348,940,051 151,072,884 500,012,935 (124,889,948) (44,970,548) (169,860,496) 2,178,409,235 129,322,412 2,307,731,647 9,421,925 1,594,838 11,016,763 2,193,471 93,053 2,286,524 138,996 129,381 268,377 3,431,190 70,507 3,501,697 1,921,732 - 1,921,732 8,038,233 1,385,000 9,423,233 39,056,705 4,540,000 43,596,705 64,202,252 7,812,779 72,015,031 2,005,643,651 104,602,266 2,110,245,917 10,242,581 - 10,242,581 4,226,485 - 4,226,485 19,115,693 - 19,115,693 12,715,438 - 12,715,438 566,354 - 566,354 4,629,781 - 4,629,781 404,771 - 404,771 56,662,229 16,907,367 73,569,596 $ 2,114,206,983 S 121,509,633 $ 2,235,716,616 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 43 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2006 General revenues: Taxes: Property tax Sales tax Sales tax in -lieu Transient occupancy tax Business license tax Franchise tax Other taxes Intergovernmental (Unrestricted): Motor vehicle license tax Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Other Share of joint venture net loss (note 15) Transfers Total general revenues, and transfers Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year, as restated (notes 6 and 17 ) Net assets at end of year See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 44 Operating Capital Total Charges for Grants and Grants and Program Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Revenues Functions /Programs Primary government: Governmental activities: General government $ 14,509,827 $ 2,623,272 $ 200,008 $ - $ 2,823,280 Public safety 67,789,121 13,669,509 2,584,527 - 16,254,036 Public works 33,870,359 5,133,728 8,050,542 56,501,251 69,685,521 Community development 8,157,925 5,667,289 - - 5,667,289 Community services 13,803,755 9,433,278 1,937,522 12,972,640 24,343,440 Interest on long -term debt 479,529 - - - Total governmental activities 138,610,516 36,527,076 12,772,599 69,473,891 118,773,566 Business -type activities: Water 16,203,725 17,923,523 - - 17,923,523 Wastewater 3,168,117 3,311,089 - - 3,311,089 Total business -type activities 19,371,842 21,234,612 - - 21,234,612 Total primary government $ 157,982,358 $ 57,761,688 $ 12,772,599 $ 69,473,891 $ 140,008,178 General revenues: Taxes: Property tax Sales tax Sales tax in -lieu Transient occupancy tax Business license tax Franchise tax Other taxes Intergovernmental (Unrestricted): Motor vehicle license tax Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Other Share of joint venture net loss (note 15) Transfers Total general revenues, and transfers Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year, as restated (notes 6 and 17 ) Net assets at end of year See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 44 Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets Primary Government Governmental Business -type Activities Activities Total $ (11,686,547) $ - $ (11,686,547) (51,535,085) - (51,535,085) 35,815,162 - 35,815,162 (2,490,636) - (2,490,636) 10,539,685 - 10,539,685 (479,529) - (479,529) (19,836,950) - (19,836,950) - 1,719,798 1,719,798 - 142,972 142,972 - 1,862,770 1,862,770 $ (19,836,950) $ 1,862,770 $ (17,974,180) 57,888,545 - 57,888,545 21,465,557 - 21,465,557 5,720,028 - 5,720,028 9,832,729 - 9,832,729 3,848,381 - 3,848,381 3,162,588 - 3,162,588 300,751 - 300,751 508,331 - 508,331 1,939,941 549,012 2,488,953 (715,615) (169,095) (884,710) 776,907 - 776,907 (513,791) - (513,791) 40,000 (40,000) - 104,254,352 339,917 104,594,269 84,417,402 2,202,687 86,620,089 2,029,789,581 119,306,946 2,149,096,527 $ 2,114,206,983 $ 121,509,633 $ 2,235,716,616 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 45 This page left blank intentionally. M. Fund Financial Statements Governmental Funds 47 GOVERNMENTALFUNDS Major Funds The General Fund is used to account for fiscal resources which are dedicated to governmental operations of the City, and not required to be accounted for in another fund. The Tide and Submerged Land Fund is a Special Revenue Fund used to account for all revenues and expenditures related to the operation of the City's tidelands, including beaches and marinas. The Newport Coast Annexation Fund is a Special Revenue Fund used to account for revenues and expenditures related to the Newport Coast Annexation Agreement. Non -major Funds Non -major governmental funds are those governmental funds which do not meet the criteria of a major fund. For reporting purposes in this section, they are combined together as Other Governmental Funds. LL•' This page left blank intentionally. .. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Governmental Funds Balance Sheet June 30, 2006 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 50 Tide and Newport Other Submerged Coast Governmental Assets General Land Annexation Funds Totals Cash and investments (note 4) $ 51,002,231 $ 621,584 $ 17,971,714 $ 30,097,356 $ 99,692,885 Receivables: Accounts 3,620,532 860,710 - 86,097 4,567,339 Notes 50,000 - - - 50,000 Interest 1,497,197 - - - 1,497,197 Intergovernmental receivables 6,366,265 - 2,000,000 3,841,329 12,207,594 Cash with fiscal agent (note 4) - - - 3,170,068 3,170,068 Due from otherfunds(note12) 3,309,485 - - - 3,309,485 Prepaid items 865,350 - - 89,141 954,491 Inventory 211,746 211,746 Total assets $ 66,922,806 $ 1,482,294 $ 19,971,714 $ 37,283,991 $125,660,805 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 5,164,274 $ 743,370 $ 437,348 $ 1,747,603 $ 8,092,595 Accrued payroll 2,055,909 18,867 95,847 - 2,170,623 Deposits payable 3,277,731 153,459 - - 3,431,190 Unearned revenue 1,590,815 - - 330,917 1,921,732 Unavailable revenue 247,016 - 2,000,000 3,750,868 5,997,884 Due to other funds (note 12) - - - 3,309,485 3,309,485 Total liabilities 12,335,745 915,696 2,533,195 9,138,873 24,923,509 Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances 6,918,206 538,965 17,438,519 12,871,926 37,767,616 Reserved for debt service - - - 566,354 566,354 Reserved for permanent endowment - - - 4,629,781 4,629,781 Reserved for affordable housing 1,329,420 - - - 1,329,420 Reserved for prepaid items 865,350 - - 89,141 954,491 Reserved for inventories 211,746 - - - 211,746 Reserved for long -term receivable 50,000 - - - 50,000 Unreserved: Designated for special purposes 27,152,687 27,633 - - 27,180,320 Designated, reported in: Special revenue funds - - - 7,871,178 7,871,178 Capital projects funds - - - 4,225,678 4,225,678 Permanent funds - - - 404,771 404,771 Designated for contingencies 15,424,293 - - - 15,424,293 Designated for capital projects 2,077,278 - - - 2,077,278 Designated for appropriations 558,081 - - - 558,081 Undesignated, reported in: Special Revenue Funds - - - (365,157) (365,157) Capital projects funds (2,148,554) (2,148,554) Total fund balances 54,587,061 566,598 17,438,519 28,145,118 100,737,296 Total liabilities and and fund balances $ 66,922,806 $ 1,482,294 $ 19,971,714 $ 37,283,991 $125,660,805 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 50 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2006 Fund balances of governmental funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are different because: Capital assets net of accumulated depreciation have not been included as financial resources in governmental fund activity. Amount excludes capital assets from internal service funds which are added below. Long term debt that have not been reported in the governmental fund activity. Amounts exclude long -term debt activity from internal service funds which have been added below: Certificates of participation payable Note payable Pre - annexation agreement CDBG loan Accrued interest payable for the current portion of interest due on long -term debt has not been reported in the governmental funds. Some of the revenue will be collected after year -end, but is not available soon enough to pay for the current period's expenditures, and therefore is reported as unavailable revenue in the governmental funds. Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of certain activities, such as self- insurance, workers' compensation, compensated absences, retiree insurance and fleet management, to individual funds. The assets (including capital assets) and liabilities of the internal service funds must be added to the statement of net assets. Investment in joint ventures is not a current financial resource and therefore not reported in the governmental funds. Internal balance created by the consolidation of internal service fund activities related to enterprise funds is not reported in the governmental funds. Net assets of governmental activities See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 51 100,737,296 2,020,583,177 (5,280,000) (1,632, 789) (13,200,000) (2,207,000) (138,996) 7,241,155 2,243,353 (137,097) $ 2,114,206,983 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended June 30, 2006 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in (note 13) 787,393 Tide and Newport Other 25,194,920 Transfers out (note 13) (28,597,790) Submerged Coast Governmental (31,177,725) Total other financing sources General Land Annexation Funds Totals Revenues (27,810,397) 14,781,522 (262,894) 7,308,964 (5,982,805) Taxes and assessments: 99,666 (180,289) 1,123,000 (546,942) 495,435 Property tax $57,888,545 $ - $ - $ - $ 57,888,545 Sales tax 21,465,557 - - - 21,465,557 Sales tax in -lieu 5,720,028 - - - 5,720,028 Transient occupancy tax 9,832,729 - - - 9,832,729 Othertaxes 7,377,811 - - 453,140 7,830,951 Intergovernmental 3,935,193 - 3,000,000 7,907,801 14,842,994 Licenses and permits 3,295,057 1,327,560 - 1,086,348 5,708,965 Charges for services 13,098,106 37,260 - - 13,135,366 Fines and forfeitures 3,839,925 1,918 - - 3,841,843 Investment income 1,939,941 123,901 664,104 1,120,036 3,847,982 Net decrease in fair value of investments (715,615) (42,534) (227,981) (339,081) (1,325,211) Property income 6,224,093 7,401,049 - - 13,625,142 Donations 605,271 - - 278,134 883,405 Other 1,040,158 2,724 - - 1,042,882 Total revenues 135,546,799 8,851,878 3,436,123 10,506,378 158,341,178 Expenditures Current: General government 12,457,334 73,866 - - 12,531,200 Public safety 47,971,940 17,021,244 - 268,885 65,262,069 Public works 22,446,976 3,453,143 - 530,632 26,430,751 Community development 7,299,573 306,324 - 294,606 7,900,503 Community services 10,950,588 1,780,139 - - 12,730,727 Capital outlay 6,510,325 941,911 850,229 16,508,772 24,811,237 Debt service (note 6): Principal - 156,542 1,200,000 359,000 1,715,542 Interest and fiscal charges 80,520 400,389 480,909 Total expenditures 107,636,736 23,813,689 2,050,229 18,362,284 151,862,938 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 27,910,063 (14,961,811) 1,385,894 (7,855,906) 6,478,240 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in (note 13) 787,393 15,212,022 1,200,000 7,995,505 25,194,920 Transfers out (note 13) (28,597,790) (430,500) (1,462,894) (686,541) (31,177,725) Total other financing sources (uses) (27,810,397) 14,781,522 (262,894) 7,308,964 (5,982,805) Net change in fund balances 99,666 (180,289) 1,123,000 (546,942) 495,435 Fund balances, beginning 54,487,395 746,887 16,315,519 28,692,060 100,241,861 Fund balances, ending $ 54,587,061 $ 566,598 $ 17,438,519 $ 28,145,118 $ 100,737,296 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 52 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmenal Funds to the Statement of Activities Year ended June 30, 2006 Net change in fund balances - total governmental funds $ 495,435 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities differ from the amounts reported in the statement of activities because: Donations of capital assets are not reported as revenue in the governmental funds 67,370,000 Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statement of activities, the costs of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives as depreciation expense. This is the amount by which capital outlays exceeded depreciation in the current period. 13,976,633 Payment of debt service principal is an expenditure in the governmental funds, but the 1,715,542 repayment reduces long -term liabilities in the statement of net assets. Accrued Interest for debt service. This is the net change in accrued interest for the current period. 8,375 Some of the revenue will be collected after year -end, but is not available soon enough to pay for the current period's expenditures, and therefore is reported as unavailable revenue in the governmental funds.This is the net change in unearned revenue for the current (2,734,468) period. Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of certain activities, such as self- insurance, workers' compensation, compensated absences, retiree insurance and fleet management, to individual funds. The net revenue of the internal service funds is reported in the statement of activities. 4,070,830 Investment in joint ventures creates an explicit, measurable equity interest reported only in the statement of activities. (513,791) Internal balance created by the consolidation of internal service funds activities related to enterprise funds is reflected as a reduction of revenues in the statement of activities. 28,846 Change in net assets of governmental activities $ 84,417,402 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 53 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH General Fund Budgetary Comparison Statement For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 54 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues Taxes and assessments: Property $ 49,709,583 $ 49,709,583 $ 57,888,545 $ 8,178,962 Sales 18,756,799 18,756,799 21,465,557 2,708,758 Sales tax in -lieu 5,660,217 5,660,217 5,720,028 59,811 Transient occupancy 9,100,000 9,100,000 9,832,729 732,729 Other 6,246,099 6,246,099 7,377,811 1,131,712 Intergovernmental 5,209,225 6,579,249 3,935,193 (2,644,056) Licenses and permits 2,511,540 2,511,540 3,295,057 783,517 Charges for services 11,854,127 12,293,202 13,098,106 804,904 Fines and forfeitures 3,822,800 3,822,800 3,839,925 17,125 I nvestment income 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,939,941 189,941 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (715,615) (715,615) Property income 6,147,392 6,147,392 6,224,093 76,701 Donations 270,600 297,981 605,271 307,290 Other 468,706 907,942 1,040,158 132,216 Total revenues 121,507,088 123,782,804 135,546,799 11,763,995 Expenditures General government: City council 1,454,882 1,514,721 1,452,410 62,311 City clerk 355,888 434,271 424,079 10,192 City attorney 979,041 1,010.,105 1,020,120 (10,015) City manager 1,040,999 1,917,276 1,491,403 425,873 Administrative services 6,578,270 6,648,931 6,513,591 135,340 Human resources 1,372,136 1,411,386 1,555,731 (144,345) Total General government 11,781,216 12,936,690 12,457,334 479,356 Public safety: Police 36,447,513 31,379,410 31,148,044 231,366 Fire 26,410,270 17,512,343 16,823,896 688,447 Total Public safety 62,857,783 48,891,753 47,971,940 919,813 Public works: General services 19,565,404 17,653,975 17,157,207 496,768 Public works 4,473,967 4,189,431 4,101,626 87,805 Utilities 1,135,744 1,154,837 1,188,143 (33,306) Total Public works 25,175,115 22,998,243 22,446,976 551,267 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 54 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH General Fund Budgetary Comparison Statement (continued) Budgeted Amounts Original Final Community development Variance with Final Budget Positive Actual (Negative) Planning 2,941,459 3,777,705 3,294,196 483,509 Building 3,310,252 3,447,865 3,494,837 (46,972) Code and Water Quality Enforcement 608,574 329,630 510,540 (180,910) Total Community development 6,860,285 7,555,200 7,299,573 255,627 Community services: Net change in fund balance (21,185,751) Library Services 5,465,249 6,115,020 5,819,796 295,224 Recreation and senior services 4,770,333 5,194,898 5,130,792 64,106 Total Community services 10,235,582 11,309,918 10,950,588 359,330 Capital outlay 8,960,410 12,350,186 6,510,325 5,839,861 Total expenditures 125,870,391 116,041,990 107,636,736 8,405,254 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (4,363,303) 7,740,814 27,910,063 20,169,249 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in - 705,450 787,393 81,943 Transfers out (16,822,448) (28,597,790) (28,597,790) - Total other financing sources (uses) (16,822,448) (27,892,340) (27,810,397) 81,943 Net change in fund balance (21,185,751) (20,151,526) 99,666 20,251,192 Fund balance, beginning 54,487,395 54,487,395 54,487,395 - Fund balance, ending $ 33,301,644 $ 34,335,869 $ 54,587,061 $ 20,251,192 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 55 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Tide and Submerged Land Budgetary Comparison Statement For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance (deficit), ending (1,134,299) (5,359,676) (180,289) 746,887 746,887 746,887 5,179,387 -L --28-7-,4-1-2j $ (4,612,789) $ 566,598 $ 5,179,387 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - $ - Licenses and permits 1,260,700 1,260,700 1,327,560 66,860 Charges for services 40,000 40,000 37,260 (2,740) Fines and forfeitures 700 700 1,918 1,218 Investment income 83,438 83,438 81,367 (2,071) Net decrease in fair value of investments - - Property income 5,661,364 5,661,364 7,401,049 1,739,685 Other - - 2,724 2,724 Total revenues 7,046,202 7,046,202 8,851,878 1,805,676 Expenditures General government - 73,866 73,866 - Public safety - 17,021,244 17,021,244 Public works 478,102 3,333,862 3,453,143 (119,281) Community services 1,901,737 1,942,206 1,780,139 162,067 Community development - 306,324 306,324 - Capital outlay 2,384,960 1,213,696 941,911 271,785 Debt service: Principal 156,542 156,542 156,542 - Interest and fiscal charges 80,520 80,520 80,520 - Total expenditures 5,001,861 24,128,260 23,813,689 314,571 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 2,044,341 (17,082,058) (14,961,811) 2,120,247 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in - 15,212,022 15,212,022 - Transfers out (3,178,640) (3,489,640) (430,500) 3,059,140 Total other financing sources (uses) (3,178,640) 11,722,382 14,781,522 3,059,140 Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance (deficit), ending (1,134,299) (5,359,676) (180,289) 746,887 746,887 746,887 5,179,387 -L --28-7-,4-1-2j $ (4,612,789) $ 566,598 $ 5,179,387 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Coast Annexation Budgetary Comparison Statement For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Expenditures Capital outlay 7,004,037 6,907,762 850,229 Variance Debt service (note 6): with Final Principal 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Budget Budgeted Amounts 8,204,037 Positive 2,050,229 Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues over expenditures (4,777,281) Intergovernmental $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ Investment income 426,756 426,756 664,104 237,348 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (227,981) (227,981) Total revenues 3,426,756 3,426,756 3,436,123 9,367 Expenditures Capital outlay 7,004,037 6,907,762 850,229 6,057,533 Debt service (note 6): Principal 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 - Total expenditures 8,204,037 8,107,762 2,050,229 6,057,533 (Deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (4,777,281) (4,681,006) 1,385,894 6,066,900 Other financing uses Transfers in - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 Transfers out (1,200,000) (1,200,000) (1,462,894) (262,894) Total other financing (uses) (1,200,000) (1,200,000) (262,894) 937,106 Net change in fund balance (5,977,281) (5,881,006) 1,123,000 7,004,006 Fund balance, beginning 16,315,519 16,315,519 16,315,519 - Fund balance, ending $ 10,338,238 $ 10,434,513 $ 17,438,519 $ 7,004,006 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 57 This page left blank intentionally. Proprietary Funds Business -type Activities The Water Fund is a Major Fund used to account for the operations of the City's water utility, a self- supporting activity which is entirely financed though user charges. The Wastewater Fund is a Major Fund used to account for the operations of the City's wastewater system, a self - supporting activity which is entirely financed through user charges. Governmental Activities The Internal Service Funds are used to allocate the cost of providing goods and services by one department to other departments on a cost reimbursement basis. .1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Proprietary Fund Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2006 Assets Current assets: Cash and investments (note 4) Receivables: Accounts Intergovernmental receivables Inventories Prepaid items Total current assets Non - current assets: Cash with fiscal agent (note 4) Capital assets (note 5): Land Structures Equipment Infrastructure Work in progress Less accumulated depreciation Total capital assets (net of accumulated depreciation) Total noncurrent assets Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued payroll Deposits payable Accrued interest payable Bonds payable (note 6) Capital leases - current Workers' compensation - current General liability - current Compensated absences - current Total current liabilities Non - current liabilities (note 6): Bonds payable Capital leases Workers' compensation General liability Compensated absences Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Unrestricted Total Net Assets Adjustment to reflect the consolidation of internal service fund activities related to enterprise funds Net assets of business -type activities Enterprise Funds Governmental Total Activities Enterprise Internal Service $ 11,073,366 $ 2,319,388 $ 13,392,754 $ 25,952,384 3,762,902 683,861 4,446,763 5,934 818,532 - 818,532 - - - - 199,809 92,699 15,654,800 3,003,249 18,658,049 26,250,826 1,432,355 - 1,432,355 - 2,016,450 - 2,016,450 - 205,793 - 205,793 - 148,191 - 148,191 19,965,582 109,682,481 41,036,419 150,718,900 - 976,125 - 976,125 - (33,562,644) (11,407,904) (44,970,548) (12,847,926) 79,466,396 29,628,515 109,094,911 7,117,656 80,898,751 29,628,515 110,527,266 7,117,656 96,553,551 32,631,764 129,185,315 33,368,482 1,554,906 39,932 1,594,838 1,329,330 61,718 31,335 93,053 22,848 70,483 24 70,507 - 129,381 - 129,381 - 1,385,000 - 1,385,000 - - - - 116,566 - - - 3,051,411 - - - 1,438,532 - - - 1,695,137 3,201,488 71,291 3,272,779 7,653,824 4,540,000 - 4,540,000 - - - 49,490 - - - 8,108,589 - - - 3,373,470 - - - 6,941,954 4,540,000 4,540,000 18,473,503 7,741,488 71,291 7,812,779 26,127,327 74,973,751 29,628,515 104,602,266 6,951,600 13,838,312 2,931,958 16,770,270 289,555 $88,812,063 $32,560,473 121,372,536 $ 7,241,155 137,097 $ 121,509,633 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 61 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Proprietary Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Operating revenues: Charges for sales and services: Water sales Intergovernmental - rebates Sewer service and connection fees Other Total operating revenues Operating expenses: Purchase of water Salaries and benefits Depreciation Professional services Maintenance and supplies System maintenance Fleet pads and supplies Workers' compensation Claims and judgments Compensated absences Retiree insurance Other Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Loss on removal of capital assets Interest expense Other fiscal charges Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) Income (loss) before transfers Transfers in (note 13) Transfers out (note 13) Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year Adjustment to reflect the consolidation of internal service fund activities related to enterprise funds Change in net assets of business -type activities Enterprise Funds 1,181,643 4,691,758 Governmental Total Activities Enterprise Internal Service Water Wastewater Funds Funds $ 16,098,674 $ - 1,779,557 152,790 - 3,129,915 45,292 28,384 17,923,523 3,311,089 6,379,320 $ 16,098,674 $ - 1,932,347 - 3,129,915 - 73,676 12,777,476 21,234,612 12,777,476 6,379,320 3,510,115 1,181,643 4,691,758 1,280,413 1,497,046 524,344 2,021,390 1,682,428 1,602,092 349,691 1,951,783 20,742 751,204 532,726 1,283,930 1,253,380 775,006 358,090 1,133,096 - - - - 379,984 - - - 3,294,929 - - - 2,045,323 - - - 2,934,444 - - - 2,326,966 1,169,055 168,243 1,337,298 - 15,683,838 3,114,737 18,798,575 15,218,609 2,239,685 196,352 2,436,037 (2,441,133) 463,312 85,700 549,012 853,088 (139,675) (29,420) (169,095) (292,860) (220,409) (61,893) (282,302) (64,075) (258,763) - (258,763) (6,995) (3,356) (3,356) (158,891) (5,613) (164,504) 489,158 2,080,794 190,739 2,271,533 (1,951,975) (40,000) 2,040,794 190,739 86,771,269 32,369,734 $ 88,812,063 $ 32,560,473 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements M - 6,147,805 (40,000) (125,000) 2,231,533 4,070,830 (28,846) $ 2,202,687 3,170,325 $ 7,241,155 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Proprietary Fund Statement of Cash Flows For the Year ended June 30, 2006 Cash Flows from operating activities: Cash received from customers or user departments Cash payments to employees for services Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services Cash received (payments made) for other operating activities Net cash provided by operating activities Cash Flows from noncepital financing activities: Cash received from other funds Cash paid to other funds Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities Cash Flows from capital related financing activities: Acquisition of capital assets Proceeds from sale of capital assets Principal payments on long -term liabilities Interest paid on long -term liabilities Other fiscal charges Net cash (used) for capital related financing activities Cash Flows from investing activities: Interest on investments Net cash provided by investing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning Cash and cash equivalents, ending Reconciliation of cash equivalents to the statement of net assets Cash and investments reported on statement of net assets Cash and investments with fiscal agent reported on statement of net assets Cash and cash equivalents Reconciliation of operating income to net cash used for operating activities: Operating income (loss) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash used for operating activities: Depreciation Decrease in accounts receivable (Increase) in intergovernmental receivable Decrease in inventories Decrease in prepaid items Increase (decrease) in amounts payable and accrued payroll (Decrease) in accrued interest payable (Decrease) in deposits payable Increase in workers' compensation Increase in general liability (Decrease) in compensated absences Total adjustments Net cash used for operating activities Non -cash investing. capital and fnancina activities: Net decrease in fair value of investments Loss on disposal of capital assets Total of non-cash activities - Enterprise Funds - 6,147,805 (40,000) (40,000) Governmental (40,000) Total Activities Enterprise Internal Service Water Wastewater Funds Funds $ 17,452,459 $ 3,287,926 $ 20,740,385 $ 12,780,225 (3,565,218) (1,198,838) (4,764,056) (5,794,440) (9,780,427) (1,6891895) (11,470,322) (5,211,833) (1,123,763) (139,859) (1,263,622) 10,774 2,983,051 259,334 3,242,385 1,784,726 - - - 6,147,805 (40,000) (40,000) (125,000) (40,000) (40,000) 6,022,805 (3,638,828) (863,364) (4,502,192) (2,055,028) - - - 184,141 (1,330,000) - (1,330,000) (254,716) (258,763) - (258,763) (6,995) (3,356) (3,356) (5,230,947) (863,364) (6,094,311) (2,132,598) 323,637 56,280 379,917 560,229 323,637 56,280 379,917 560,229 (1,964,259) (547,750) (2,512,009) 6,235,162 14,469,980 2,867,138 17,337,118 19,717,222 $ 12,505,721 $ 2,319,388 $ 14,825,109 $ 25,952,384 $ 11,073,366 $ 2,319,388 $ 13,392,754 25,952,384 1,432,355 1,432,355 $ 12,505,721 $ 2,319,388 $ 14,825,109 $ 25.952,384 $ 2,239,685 $ 196,352 $ 2,436,037 $ (2,441,133) 1,497,046 524,344 2,021,390 1,682,428 401,531 5,221 406,752 13,523 (818,532) - (818,532) - - - - 318,748 - - - (42,353) (299,979) (466,583) (766,562) 760,064 (27,930) - (27,930) - (8,770) - (8,770) - - - - 528,723 - - - (295,961) ,260,687 743,366 62,982 806,348 4,225,859 $ 2,983,051 $ 259,334 $ 3,242,385 $ 1,784,726 $ (139,675) $ (29,420) $ (169,095) $ (292,860) (220,409) (61,893) (282,302) (64,075) $ (360,084) $ (91,313) $ (451,397) $ (356,935) See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 63 This page left blank intentionally. .- Fiduciary Funds 65 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Agency Funds, a type of Fiduciary Funds, are used to account for assets held by the City as an agent for other government entities, private organizations, or individuals. .. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Agency Funds Statement of Fiduciary Assets and Liabilities June 30, 2006 Assets Totals Cash and investments (note 4) $ 1,920,275 Cash with fiscal agent (note 4) 4,432,708 Total assets $ 6,352,983 Liabilities Due to bondholders $ 6,236,249 Due to others 116,734 Total liabilities $ 6,352,983 See accompanying notes to basic financial statements 67 This page left blank intentionally. M Notes to the Financial Statements CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The basic financial statements of the City of Newport Beach (the "City ") have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles ( "GAAP ") as applicable to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board ( "GASB ") is the accepted standard - setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. a. Reporting Entity The City of Newport Beach was incorporated on September 1, 1906. The current City Charter was adopted in 1954. The City operates under a Council- Manager form of government and provides the following services: public safety (police, fire, and marine), highway and streets, cultural and recreation, public improvements, planning and zoning, utilities, and general administrative services. The financial statements present the financial activity of the City of Newport Beach (the primary government) and its component unit. The component unit discussed below is included in the City's reporting entity because of the significance of its operational or financial relationship with the City. This entity is legally separate from the City. However, the City of Newport Beach's elected officials have continuing full or partial accountability for fiscal matters of the component unit. The financial reporting entity consists of: (1) the City, (2) organizations for which the City is financially accountable, and (3) organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the City are such that exclusion would cause the City's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. An organization is fiscally dependent on the primary government if it is unable to adopt its budget, levy taxes or set rates or charges, or issue bonded debt without approval by the primary government. In a blended presentation, a component unit's balances and transactions are reported in a manner similar to the balances and transactions of the City. Component units are presented on a blended basis when the component unit's governing body is substantially the same as the City's or the component unit provides services almost entirely to the City. Blended Component Unit The financial statements of the City of Newport Beach include the financial activities of the Newport Beach Public Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation "). The Corporation was formed on March 9, 1992, for the purpose of assisting the City of Newport Beach in the financing of public improvements, including a public library. The Corporation is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of seven individuals appointed by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach. The Corporation's financial data and transactions are included in the debt service M., CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 fund. Separate financial statements are not prepared for the Corporation. The debt service fund is used solely to account for the activities of the Corporation and contains no other City debt financing activities. b. Basis of Accounting and Measurement Focus The basic financial statements of the City are composed of the following: • Government -wide financial statements • Fund financial statements • Notes to the financial statements Financial reporting is based upon all GASB pronouncements, as well as the FASB Statements and Interpretations, APB Opinions, and Accounting Research Bulletins that were issued on or after November 30, 1989 that do not conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements. Government -wide Financial Statements Government -wide financial statements display information about the reporting government as a whole, except for its fiduciary activities. These statements include separate columns for the governmental and business -type activities of the primary government (including its blended component units). The City of Newport Beach has no discretely presented component units. Eliminations have been made in the Statement of Activities so that certain allocated expenses are recorded only once (by the function to which they were allocated). However, general government expenses have not been allocated as indirect expenses to the various functions of the City. Government -wide financial statements are presented using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Under the economic resources measurement focus, all (both current and long -term) economic resources and obligations of the reporting government are reported in the government -wide financial statements. Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from exchange and exchange -like transactions are recognized when the exchange takes place. Program revenues include charges for services, special assessments, and payments made by parties outside of the reporting government's citizenry if that money is restricted to a particular program. Program revenues are netted with program expenses in the statement of activities to present the net cost of each program. 70 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Amounts paid to acquire capital assets are capitalized as assets in the government -wide financial statements, rather than reported as an expenditure. Proceeds of long -term debt are recorded as a liability in the government -wide financial statements, rather than as another financing source. Amounts paid to reduce long -term indebtedness of the reporting government are reported as a reduction of the related liability, rather than as an expenditure. Fund Financial Statements The underlying accounting system of the City is organized and operated on the basis of separate funds, each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self - balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Governmental resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. Fund financial statements for the primary government's governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds are presented after the government -wide financial statements. These statements display information about major funds individually and non -major funds in the aggregate for governmental and enterprise funds. Fiduciary statements include financial information for fiduciary funds. Fiduciary funds of the City primarily represent assets held by the City in a custodial capacity for other individuals or organizations. Governmental Funds In the fund financial statements, governmental funds are presented using the modified - accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Measurable means that the amounts can be estimated, or otherwise determined. Available means that the amounts were collected during the reporting period or soon enough thereafter to be available to finance the expenditures accrued for the reporting period. The City uses an availability period of 60 days. Sales taxes, property taxes, franchise taxes, gas taxes, motor vehicle license fee, transient occupancy taxes, grants, and interest associated with the current fiscal period are all considered to be susceptible to accrual and so have been recognized as revenues of the current fiscal period to the extent normally collected within the availability period. Other revenue items are considered to be measurable and available when cash is received by the City. Revenue recognition is subject to the measurability and availability criteria for the governmental funds in the fund financial statements. Exchange transactions are recognized as revenues in the period in which they are earned (i.e., the related goods or services are provided). Locally imposed derived tax revenues are recognized as revenues in the period in which the underlying exchange 71 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 transaction upon which they are based takes place. Imposed non - exchange transactions are recognized as revenues in the period for which they were imposed. If the period of use is not specified, they are recognized as revenues when an enforceable legal claim to the revenues arises or when they are received, whichever occurs first. Government - mandated and voluntary non - exchange transactions are recognized as revenues when all applicable eligibility requirements have been met. In the fund financial statements, governmental funds are presented using the current financial resources measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. The reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered to be a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of "available spendable resources' during a period. Non - current portions of long -term receivables due to governmental funds are reported on their balance sheets in spite of their spending measurement focus. Special reporting treatments are used to indicate, however, that they should not be considered "available spendable resources," since they do not represent net current assets. Recognition of governmental fund type revenue represented by non - current receivables is deferred until they become current receivables. Non- current portions of other long -term receivables are offset by fund balance reserve accounts. Revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from non - exchange transaction are recognized in accordance with the requirements of GASB Statement No. 33. Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognition for governmental fund types excludes amounts represented by non - current liabilities. Since they do not affect net current assets, such long -term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. Amounts expended to acquire capital assets are recorded as expenditures in the year that resources were expended, rather than as fund assets. The proceeds of long -term debt are recorded as other financing sources rather than as a fund liability. Amounts paid to reduce long -term indebtedness are reported as fund expenditures. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are combined in a fund, expenses are considered to be paid first from restricted resources, and then from unrestricted resources. 72 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Proorietary & Fiduciary Funds The City's enterprise and internal service funds are proprietary funds. In the fund financial statements, proprietary and fiduciary funds are presented using the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they are earned and expenses are recognized when the related goods or services are delivered. In the fund financial statements, proprietary funds are presented using the economic resources measurement focus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (whether current or non - current) associated with their activity are included on their balance sheets. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in total net assets. Proprietary fund operating revenues, such as charges for services, result from exchange transactions associated with principal activity of the fund. Exchange transactions are those in which each party receives and gives up essentially equal values. Non - operating revenues, such as subsidies, taxes, and investment earnings result from non - exchange transactions or ancillary activities. Amounts paid to acquire capital assets are capitalized as assets in the proprietary fund financial statements, rather than reported as expenditure. Proceeds of long -term debt are recorded as a liability in the proprietary fund financial statements, rather than as other financing source. Amounts paid to reduce long -term indebtedness of the proprietary funds are reported as a reduction of the related liability, rather than as expenditure. Agency funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve the recording of City revenues and expenses. C. Fund Classifications The City utilizes the following broad categories of funds: Major Funds Major funds are those funds which are either material or of particular importance. Major Governmental Funds — Governmental funds are generally used to account for tax supported activities. The following governmental funds met the criteria of a major fund: General Fund The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all activities, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. 73 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Tide and Submerged Land The Tide and Submerged Land Fund is used to account for all revenues and expenditures related to the operation of the City's tidelands, including beaches and marinas. Newport Coast Annexation Fund The Newport Coast Annexation Fund is used to account for revenues and expenditures related to the Newport Coast Annexation Agreement. Major Proprietary Funds — Proprietary funds are used to report an activity for which a fee is charged to external users to recover the cost of operation. Water Fund The Water Fund is an enterprise fund used to account for the activities associated with the transmission and distribution of potable water by the City to its users. Wastewater Fund The Wastewater Fund is an enterprise fund used to account for the activities associated with providing sewer services by the City to its users. Internal Service Funds — The Internal Service Funds are used to account for the City's self- insured general liability and workers' compensation, compensated absences, retiree insurance, and the cost of maintaining and replacing the City's rolling stock fleet. City departments are the primary users of these services and are charged a fee on a cost reimbursement basis. Fiduciary Funds — The Fiduciary Funds are used to account for assets held by the City as an agent for property owners with special assessments, local businesses in business improvements districts and other individuals who have , made miscellaneous special deposits with the City. Cash and Investments For purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents are defined to be cash on hand, demand deposits and highly liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less from the date of purchase. For financial statement presentation purposes, cash and cash equivalents are shown as cash and investments and restricted cash and investments in the proprietary funds. Investments Investments are generally stated at fair value. Cash and investments are pooled to maximize investment yields. The net change in fair value and interest earned on the investments is allocated to the 74 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 respective funds based on each fund's average monthly cash and investments balance. The City's investment in LAIF is $2,910,547 at June 30, 2006. This investment value is based on information provided by the State Treasurer's Office. The carrying value of the City's position in the fund is materially consistent with the fair value of the fund shares. This pool is under the regulatory oversight of the State Treasurer's Office. The LAIF Board consists of five members as designated by Statute. The Chairman is the State Treasurer, or his designated representative. Two members qualified by training and experience in the field of investment of finance, and two members who are treasurers, finance or fiscal officers or business managers employed by any County, City or local district or municipal corporation of this state, are appointed by the State Treasurer. The term of each appointment is two years, or at the pleasure of the appointing authority. e. Intergovernmental Receivables Intergovernmental receivables represent grant reimbursement requests, capital project billings, and pending transfers of taxes and fees collected by other government agencies. As of June 30, 2006, the balance of this account was $12,207,594 of which $2,000,000 represents a receivable from the Irvine Ranch Water District in conjunction with the Newport Coast Pre- annexation Agreement. See Note (16) for more information. f. Inventories Inventories are valued at cost, which approximates market, using the first -in, first - out method. The City follows the consumption method for inventory control. The costs of governmental fund type inventories are recorded as expenditures when consumed. g. Notes Receivable Included in notes receivable is a $50,000 loan to the City Manager to purchase a home in the City. As required by the City Charter and the employment agreement, the City Manager has to establish residency in, and become an elector of, the City of Newport Beach. The City Manager shall pay a simple interest on the unpaid balance of the loan, which shall be due on or before September 15`h of each fiscal year. The interest rate on the loan shall be the average rate of return on all City investments during the fiscal year. The City Manager may, but is not required to make payments to reduce the principal amount of the loan at any time and 75 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 payments to reduce the principal shall not be subject to any pre - payment penalty. The entire unpaid balance of the loan is due March 26, 2012, or at the City Manager's separation from City employment. h. Capital Assets Capital assets, which include land, structures, equipment, and infrastructure assets, are reported in the applicable governmental or business -type activities columns in the Government -wide Financial Statements. Capital assets are recorded at cost where historical records are available and at an estimated original cost where no historical records exist. Equipment purchased in excess of $5,000 is capitalized if it has an expected useful life of three years or more. Building, infrastructure, and improvements are capitalized if cost is in excess of $30,000. The cost of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset's lives are not capitalized. The City chose to value and report on infrastructure assets in their entirety (e.g. Prior to 1980). Major capital outlay for capital assets and improvements are capitalized as projects are constructed. For debt - financed capital assets, interest incurred during the construction phase is reflected in the capitalization value of the asset constructed, net of interest earned on the invested proceeds over the same period. Capital assets acquired through lease obligations are valued at the present value of future lease payments at the date acquired. Contributed capital assets are valued at their estimated fair market value at the date of contribution. Capital assets used in operations are depreciated over their estimated useful lives using the straight -line method in the government -wide financial statements and in the fund financial statements of the proprietary funds. Depreciation is charged as an expense against operations and accumulated depreciation is reported on the respective balance sheet. The range of lives used for depreciation purposes for each capital asset class as follows: Structures 30 -75 years Equipment 3 -15 years Infrastructure 20 -75 years L Claims and Judgments The City accounts for material claims and judgments and associated legal and administrative costs when it is probable that the liability claim has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. The City records the estimated loss liabilities in the Internal Service Fund. Included therein are claims incurred but not reported, which consists of (a) known loss events expected to be presented as claims later, (b) unknown loss events that are expected to become claims, and (c) expected future development on claims already reported. This is rs CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 based upon historical actual results that have established a reliable pattern supplemented by specific information about current matters. Small dollar claims and judgments are recorded as expenditures when paid. j. Property Taxes The assessment, levy, and collection of property taxes are the responsibility of the County of Orange. The City records property taxes as revenue when received from the County, except at year -end, when property taxes received within 60 days are accrued as revenue. Property taxes are assessed and collected each fiscal year according to the following property tax calendar: Lien date March 1 Levy date July 1 Due dates November 1 — 15t installment March 1 — 2nd installment Collection dates December 10 — 1st installment April 10 — 2nd installment k. Compensated Absences It is the City's policy to permit employees to accumulate earned but unused vacation and limited amounts of earned but unused sick leave benefits, which will be paid to employees upon separation from City service. Beginning in fiscal year 1990, the City adopted a general leave plan to replace the traditional vacation and sick leave plan. The City uses a general leave plan which permits a maximum of three years' accrual for every employee, above which the excess is paid out as current compensation. All employees hired prior to January 1, 1990, were given the option of remaining in the traditional vacation and sick leave plan or enrolling in the general leave plan. All employees hired on or after January 1, 1990, are automatically enrolled in the general leave plan. Compensated absences are accrued in the Compensated Absence Internal Service Fund when employee services have been rendered and when it becomes probable that the City will compensate the employees for benefits through paid time off or cash payments at termination or retirement. Benefits that have been earned but are not yet available for use because employees have not met certain conditions are accrued to the extent it is probable that the employees will meet the conditions for compensation in the future. Unearned Revenue Unearned revenues are those where asset recognition has been met, but the revenue recognition criteria have not been met. 77 (2) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Reconciliation of Government -wide and Fund Financial Statements a. Explanation of Differences Between Governmental Funds Balance Sheet and the Statement of Net Assets The "total fund balances' of the City's governmental funds $100,737,296 differs from "net assets" of governmental activities $2,114,206,983 reported in the statement of net assets. This difference primarily results from the long -term economic focus of the statement of net assets versus the current financial resources focus of the governmental fund balance sheets. Capital Related Items When capital assets (property, plant, and equipment) that are to be used in governmental activities are purchased or constructed, the cost of those assets are reported as expenditures in governmental funds. However, the statement of net assets includes those capital assets among the assets of the City as a whole. Cost of capital assets $2,132,625,199 Accumulated depreciation (112.042,022) Total capital assets, net* $2.020.583.177 *Amount excludes net capital assets of $7,117,656 from Internal Service funds. Long -term Debt Transactions Long -term liabilities applicable to the City's governmental activities are not due and payable in the current period and accordingly are not reported as fund liabilities. All liabilities (both current and long -term) are reported in the statement of net assets. Balances at June 30, 2006 were: Certificates of participation $ 5,280,000 Note payable 1,632,789 Pre - annexation agreement 13,200,000 CDBG Loan 2.207,000 Total $22.319.789 W-1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Accrued Interest Accrued liabilities in the statement of net assets differ from the amount reported in governmental funds due to accrued interest on outstanding debt payable (see Note 6). Accrued interest added J138 996 Investment in Joint Venture Investment in joint ventures is not a current financial resource and hence reported only in the statement of net assets. Net equity in joint venture $2243353 Unavailable Revenue Some of the revenue will be collected after year -end, but is not available soon enough to pay for current period's expenditures, and therefore is reported as unavailable revenue in the governmental funds. Unavailable revenue $5.997.884 Internal Service Funds Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of certain activities (such as equipment management and self- insurance authorities) to individual funds. The assets (including capital assets) and liabilities of the internal service funds are included in governmental activities in the statement of net assets, because they primarily serve governmental activities of the City. Internal Service Funds $7.241.155 Reclassifications and Eliminations Interfund balances must generally be eliminated in the government -wide statements, except for net residual amounts due between governmental activities. Amounts involving fiduciary funds should be reported as external transactions. Any allocations must reduce the expenses of the function from which the expenses are being allocated, so that expenses are reported only once — in the function in which they are allocated. Investments in joint ventures are not a current financial resource and are not reported in the governmental funds. Therefore, it is added for the statement of net assets. Interfund balance created due to the consolidation of internal service activities to governmental and enterprise funds is not reported in the fund statements and must be added to the statement of net assets. 79 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 (2) Explanation of Differences between Governmental Funds (a) Balance Sheet and the Statement of Net Assets, (Continued) Total Capital Governmental Related Assets Funds Items Long -term Accumulated Debt Depreciation Transactions Cash and investments $ 99,692,885 $ - $ - S - Receivables: Accounts 4,567,339 - - Notes 50,000 - - Interest 1,497,197 - - Intergovernmental receivables 12,207,594 - - Cash with fiscal agent 3,170,068 - - Interfund balances 3,309,485 - - Investment in joint venture - - - Prepaid items 954,491 - - Inventory 211,746 - Capital assets - 2,132,625,199 - Accumulated depreciation - - (112,042,022) Total assets $ 125,660,805 $ 2,132,625,199 $ (112,042,022) $ Liabilities and Fund Balances / Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 8,092,595 $ - $ - $ Accrued payroll 2,170,623 - - Accrued interest payable - - - Deposits payable 3,431,190 - - Capital leases payable - - - Claims payable - - - Workers' compensation payable - - - Compensated absences payable - - - Unearned revenue 1,921,732 - - Unavailable revenue 5,997,884 - - Interfund payables - - - Due to other funds 3,309,485 - - Long -term liabilities - - - 22,319,789 Total liabilities 24,923,509 - - 22,319,789 Fund balances / net assets 100,737,296 2,132,625,199 (112,042,022) (22,319,789) Total liabilities and and fund balances / net assets $ 125,660,805 $ 2,132,625,199 $ (112,042,022) $ - Mf CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Investment Internal Reclassifications Interest in Joint Unavailable Service and Statement of Payable Venture Revenue Funds Eliminations Net Assets - - - $25,952,384 $ - $ 125,645,269 - - - 5,934 - 4,573,273 - - - - - 50,000 - - - - - 1,497,197 - - - - - 12,207,594 - - - - - 3,170,068 - - - - (3,309,485) - - 2,243,353 - 2,243,353 - - - 92,699 - 1,047,190 - - - 199,809 - 411,555 - - - 19,965,582 - 2,152,590,781 - - (12,847,926) - (124,889,948) $ - $ 2,243,353 $ - $33,368,482 $ (3,309,485) $ 2,178,546,332 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,329,330 22,848 138,996 - - - - - - 116,566 - - - 1,438,532 - - 3,051,411 1,695,137 $ - $ 9,421,925 - 2,193,471 - 138,996 - 3,431,190 - 116,566 - 1,438,532 - 3,051,411 - 1,695,137 1,921,732 iJ,JJI,VVYI - - - - 137,097 137,097 - - - - (3,309,485) - - - - 18,473,503 - 40,793,292 138,996 (5,997,884) 26,127,327 (3,172,388) 64,339,349 138,996 2,243,353 5,997,884 7,241,155 (137,097) 2,114,206,983 $ - $ 2,243,353 $ - $33,368,482 $ (3,309,485) $ 2,178,546,332 L-11 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 b. Explanation of Differences between Enterprise Funds and Government -wide Statement of Net Assets Total net assets of the City's Enterprise Funds of $121,372,536 differs from net assets of the business -type activities of $121,509,633 reported in the government -wide statement of net assets. The difference, $137,097 results from the consolidation of internal service fund activities related to the enterprise funds. (2) Reconciliation of government -wide and fund financial statements (b) Explanation of Differences between Enterprise Funds and Government -wide Statement of Net Assets, (Continued) Assets Cash and investments Receivables: Accounts Intergovernmental receivables Cash with fiscal agent Interfund balances Capital assets, net Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balances I Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued payroll Accrued interest payable Liabilities from restricted assets Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year Due in more than one year Total liabilities Total Internal Governmentwide Enterprise Service Statement of Funds Funds Net Assets $ 13,392,754 $ - $ 13,392,754 4,446,763 - 4,446,763 818,532 818,532 1,432,355 - 1,432,355 - 137,097 137,097 109,094,911 - 109,094,911 $ 129,185,315 $ 137,097 $ 129,322,412 $ 1,594,838 $ - $ 1,594,838 93,053 - 93,053 129,381 - 129,381 70,507 - 70,507 1,385,000 - 1,385,000 4,540,000 - 4,540,000 7,812,779 7,812,779 Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 104,602,266 - $ 104,602,266 Unrestricted 16,770,270 137,097 16,907,367 $ 121,372,536 $ 137,097 $ 121,509,633 M C. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Explanation of Differences between Governmental Fund Operating Statements and the Statement of Activities The "net change in fund balances" for governmental funds $495,435 differs from the 'change in net assets' for governmental activities $84,417,602 reported in the statement of activities. The differences arise primarily from the long -term economic focus of the statement of activities versus the current financial resources focus of the governmental funds. The effect of the difference is illustrated below. Capital Related Items When capital assets that are to be used in governmental activities are purchased or constructed, the resources expended for those assets are reported as expenditures in governmental funds. However, in the statement of activities, the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense. In governmental funds, significant maintenance projects are reclassified as functional expenses in the statement of net assets. Also, contributed capital is not recorded in governmental funds; therefore it is added for the statement of net assets. Capital outlay Net change to Internal Service Fund capital assets Capital contribution Net change in capital related items Depreciation expense Deletions to accumulated depreciation Net change in accumulated depreciation 83 $23,471,758 (2,992,785) 67.370.000 $87,848,973 ($8,710,265) 2.769.446 ($5.940.8191 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Long -term Debt Transactions Repayment of debt service is reported as an expenditure in governmental funds and, thus, has the effect of reducing fund balance because current financial resources have been used. Issuance of debt is reported as an other financing source in governmental funds, thus increasing fund balance. For the City as a whole, however, the principal payments reduce the liabilities, and proceeds from long term debt increase liabilities in the statement of net assets. Certificates of Participation $ 290,000 Note payable 156,542 Pre - annexation agreement 1,200,000 CDBG loan 69.000 Total principal payments made $1.715.542 Accrued Interest Interest accrued on outstanding debt payable is not recorded as an expenditure in governmental funds, and, thus has been added to the statement of activities. Net change in accrued interest $$ Investment in Joint Venture Investment in joint ventures creates an explicit, measurable equity interest reported only in the statement of activities. Net change in investment in joint venture 513 791 01 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Unavailable Revenue Some of the revenue will be collected after year -end, but is not available soon enough to pay for current period's expenditures, and therefore is reported as unavailable revenue in the governmental funds. Net change in unavailable revenue ($2.734.4681 Internal Service Funds Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of certain activities, such as equipment management and self- insurance activities, to individual funds. The adjustments for internal service funds "closes" those funds by reimbursing or charging additional amounts to participating departments in individual funds for costs over or under charged for those activities. Net change in Internal Service Funds $4.070.830 Reclassification and Eliminations Interfund balances must generally be eliminated in the government -wide financial statements, except for net residual amounts due between governmental and business -type activities. Any allocations must reduce the expenses of the function from which the expenses are being allocated, so that expenses are reported only once — in the function in which they are allocated. Amounts involving fiduciary funds should be reported as external transactions. E2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 (2) Reconciliation of Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements (c) Explanation of Differences between Governmental Fund Operating Statements and the Statement of Activities. (Continued) Revenues: Taxes and assessments Intergovernmental Licenses and permits Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Investment income Net increase in fair value of investments Property income Share of joint venture net loss Donations Contributed capital Loss on sale of capital assets Other Total revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Public works Community development Community services Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenses Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) Net change in fund balances / net assets Total Capital Long -term Governmental Related Accumulated Debt Accrued Funds Items Depreciation Transactions Interest $ 102,737,810 $ - $ - $ - 14,842,994 - - - - 5,708,965 - - - - 13,135,366 - - - - 3,841,843 - - - - 3,847,982 - - - - (1,325,211) - - - - 13,625,142 - - - 883,405 - - - - - 67,370,000 - - - 1,042,882 - - - - 158,341,178 67,370,000 12,531,200 - 241,533 - 65,262,069 2,055,030 (779,520) - 26,430,751 937,755 6,048,185 - 7,900,503 - 98,768 - 12,730,727 - 893,374 - 24,811,237 (23,471,758) - - 1,715,542 - - (1,715,542) 480,909 (8,375) 151,862,938 (20,478,973) 6,502,340 (1,715,542) (8,375) 25,194,920 (31,177,725) (5,982,805) 495,435 87,848,973 (6,502,340) 1,715,542 8,375 Fund balances / net assets beginning of year 100,241,861 2,044,776,226 (105,539,682) (24,035,331) (147,371) Fund balances / net assets end of year $ 100,737,296 $ 2,132,625,199 $ (112,042,022) $ (22,319,789) $ (138,996) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Investment Internal Reclassifications in Joint Unavailable Service and Statement of Venture Revenue Fund Eliminations Activities $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 102,737,810 - (2,734,468) - - 12,108,526 - - - - 5,708,965 - - - 28,846 13,164,212 - - - - 3,841,843 - - 853,088 - 4,701,070 - - (292,860) - (1,618,071) - - - - 13,625,142 (513,791) - - - (513,791) - - - - 883,405 - - - - 67,370,000 - - (64,075) - (64,075) 1,042,882 (513,791) (2,734,468) 496,153 28,846 222,987,918 397,615 53,713 13,224,061 1,251,542 547,445 68,336,566 453,668 609,464 34,479,823 158,654 57,999 8,215,924 179,654 70,858 13,874,613 (1,339,479) - 6,995 479,529 2,448,128 138,610,516 6,147,805 (31,342,725) - (125,000) 31,342,725 40,000 6,022,805 40,000 (513,791) (2,734,468) 4,070,830 28,846 84,417,402 2,757,144 8,732,352 3,170,325 (165,943) 2,029,789,581 $ 2,243,353 $ 5,997,884 $ 7,241,155 $ (137,097) $ 2,114,206,983 87 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Explanation of Differences between Enterprise Funds Operating Statement and the Statement of Activities The change in net assets for the City's enterprise funds $2,231,533 differs from the change in net assets of the business -type activities $2,202,687 reported in the government -wide statement of activities. The difference ($28,846) results from the consolidation of internal service fund activities related to the enterprise funds. (2) Reconciliation of Government -wide and Fund Financial Statement (d) Explanation of Differences between Enterprise Funds Operating Statement and the Statement of Activities, (Continued) Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) (164,504) Income before transfers 2,271,533 Transfers out (40,000) Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year (28,846) 2,231,533 (28,846) (164,504) 2,242,687 (40,000) 2,202,687 119,141,003 165,943 119, 306, 946 $ 121,372,536 $ 137,097 $ 121,509,633 Total Internal Business -type activities Enterprise Service Statement of Funds Fund Activities Operating revenues: Charges for sales and services: Water sales $ 16,098,674 $ - $ 16,098,674 Intergovernmental 1,932,347 - 1,932,347 Sewer service and connection fees 3,129,915 - 3,129,915 Other 73,676 73,676 Total operating revenues 21,234,612 21,234,612 Operating expenses: Purchase of Water 6,379,320 - 6,379,320 Salaries and wages 4,691,758 - 4,691,758 Depreciation 2,021,390 - 2,021,390 Professional Services 1,951,783 - 1,951,783 Maintenance and supplies 1,283,930 28,846 1,312,776 System maintenance 1,133,096 - 1,133,096 Other 1,337,298 1,337,298 Total operating expenses 18,798,575 28,846 18,827,421 Operating income 2,436,037 (28,846) 2,407,191 Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Investment income 549,012 - 549,012 Net decrease in fair value of investments (169,095) - (169,095) Property income (282,302) - (282,302) Gain on removal of capital assets (258,763) - (258,763) Interest expense (3,356) - (3,356) Other Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) (164,504) Income before transfers 2,271,533 Transfers out (40,000) Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year (28,846) 2,231,533 (28,846) (164,504) 2,242,687 (40,000) 2,202,687 119,141,003 165,943 119, 306, 946 $ 121,372,536 $ 137,097 $ 121,509,633 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 (3) Budgetary Control and Compliance The City adheres to the following general procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: • During April, the City Manager submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. Public hearings are conducted at City Council meetings to obtain taxpayer comments. Prior to July 1, the budget is legally adopted through passage of an appropriation resolution. • Budgets are adopted on an annual basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles for General and Special Revenue Funds. • The City of Newport Beach does not present budget information on Capital Projects Funds since the City approved project - length budgets. These project - length budgets authorize total expenditures over the duration of a construction project rather than year -by -year budgeting. • The City of Newport Beach does not present budget information on Debt Service and Permanent Funds since the City is not required to and does not adopt an annual budget. • The budget is formally integrated into the accounting system and employed as a management control device during the year. • The legal level of budgetary control is at the fund level. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between departments within any fund; however, any revisions which alter the total appropriations of any fund must be approved by City Council. • At fiscal year -end, budget appropriations lapse. Budget appropriations for incomplete capital projects are re- budgeted in the following fiscal year by Council action and are included in the revisions noted above. Projects that are not started during the budget year are reevaluated in the following year. • Encumbrances represent commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods and services. The City utilizes an encumbrance system as a management control technique to assist in controlling expenditures. Under this system, encumbrance accounting for the expenditure of funds is recorded in order to indicate outstanding commitments and is employed in the governmental fund types. Encumbrances outstanding at year -end are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Encumbrances and their related budgets are honored in the subsequent year to fulfill these commitments and are presented in the original adopted budget. L-M CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Expenditures exceeded appropriations in the following non -major governmental funds. Appropriations Expenditures Variance Environmental Liability $ 90,000 $ 176,764 $ (86,764) Contributions $ - $ 1,837,421 $(1,837,421) Supplemental Law Enforcement $ 120,000 $ 121,550 $ (1,550) Air Quality Management District $ 26,415 $ 28,350 $ (1,935) The following funds reported deficit fund balances: Special Revenue Funds Arterial Highway Rehabilitation $ 65,703 Community Development Block Grant $ 299,454 Capital Projects Mariners Library $1,750,160 City Hall Improvement $ 195,831 SAH Community Center $ 100,859 Misc SAH Projects $ 101,704 Internal Service Funds Insurance Reserve $7,127,747 Compensated Absences $7,534,538 (4) Cash and Investments Cash and investments as of June 30, 2006 are classified in the accompanying financial statements as follows: Statement of net assets: Cash and investments Cash with fiscal agent Fiduciary funds: Cash and investments Cash with fiscal agent Total cash and investments .I $ 139,038,023 4,602,423 1,920,275 4,432,708 $ 149,993,429 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Cash and investments as of June 30, 2006 consist of the following: Cash on hand $ 28,332 Deposits with financial institutions 376,150 Investments 149,588,947 Total cash and investments $ 149,993,429 Investments Authorized by the California Government Code and the Entity's Investment Policy The table below identifies the investment types that are authorized for the City by the California Government Code (or the City's investment policy, where more restrictive). The table also identifies certain provisions of the California Government Code (or the City's investment policy, where more restrictive) that address interest rate risk and concentration of credit risk. This table does not address investments of debt proceeds held by bond trustee that are governed by the provisions of debt agreements of the City, rather than the general provisions of the California Government Code or the City's investment policy. 91 Maximum Maximum Maximum Percentage Investment Authorized Investment Type Maturity of *Portfolio in One Issuer Local Agency Bonds 5 years None None U.S. Treasury Obligations 5 years None None U.S. Agency Securities 5 years None None Banker's Acceptances 180 days 30% 30% Commercial Paper 270 days 25% 10% Negotiable Certificates of Deposit 5 years 30% None Repurchase Agreements 1 year None None Reverse Repurchase Agreements 92 days 10% of base value None Medium -Term Notes 5 years 30% None Mutual Funds N/A 20% 10% Money Market Mutual Funds N/A 20% 10% Mortgage Pass - Through Securities 5 years 20% None County Pooled Investment Funds N/A None None Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) N/A 5% None JPA Pools (other investment pools) N/A None None * Excluding amounts held by bond trustee that are not subject to California Government Code restrictions. 91 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Investments Authorized by Debt Agreements Investment of debt proceeds held by bond trustee (i.e. fiscal agent) are governed by provisions of the debt agreements, rather than the general provisions of the California Government Code or the City's investment policy. The table below identifies the investment types that are authorized for investments held by bond trustee. The table also identifies certain provisions of these debt agreements that address interest rate risk, credit risk, and concentration of credit risk. Disclosures Relating to Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in market interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. Generally, the longer the maturity of an investment, the greater the sensitivity of its fair value to changes in market interest rates. One of the ways that the City manages its exposure to interest rate risk is by purchasing a combination of shorter term and longer term investments and by timing cash flows from maturities so that a portion of the portfolio is maturing or coming close to maturity evenly over time as necessary to provide the cash flow and liquidity needed for operations. Information about the sensitivity of the fair values of the City's investments (including investments held by bond trustee) to market interest rate fluctuations is provided by the following table that shows the distribution of the City's investments by maturity: I Maximum Maximum Percentage Investment Authorized Investment Type Maximum Maturity Allowed in One Issuer U.S. Treasury Obligations None None None U.S. Agency Securities None None None Banker's Acceptances 30 days - 360 days None None Commercial Paper 180 days - 270 days None 10% Money Market Mutual Funds N/A None None Investment Agreements None None None Certificates of Deposit None None None Demand Deposits 30 days - 360 days None None Time Deposits 30 days - 360 days None None Local Agency Bonds None None None Forward Delivery Agreement None None None Forward Purchase and Sale Agreement None None None Corporate Notes None None None Repurchase Agreements None None None Local Agency Investment Fund N/A None None Municipal Obligations None None None County Pooled Investment Funds N/A None None Disclosures Relating to Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in market interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. Generally, the longer the maturity of an investment, the greater the sensitivity of its fair value to changes in market interest rates. One of the ways that the City manages its exposure to interest rate risk is by purchasing a combination of shorter term and longer term investments and by timing cash flows from maturities so that a portion of the portfolio is maturing or coming close to maturity evenly over time as necessary to provide the cash flow and liquidity needed for operations. Information about the sensitivity of the fair values of the City's investments (including investments held by bond trustee) to market interest rate fluctuations is provided by the following table that shows the distribution of the City's investments by maturity: I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Investment agreements are recorded at cost (not fair value) because these agreements represent nonparticipating contracts that are nonnegotiable and whose redemption terms do not consider market rates. Investments with Fair Values Highly Sensitive to Interest Rate Fluctuations As of June 30, 2006 the City did not have any investments (including investments held by fiscal agent) whose fair values were highly sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. Disclosures Relating to Credit Risk Generally, credit risk is the risk that an issuer of an investment will not fulfill its obligation to the holder of the investment. This is measured by the assignment of a rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Presented below is the minimum rating required by (where applicable) the California Government Code, the City's investment policy, or debt agreements, and the actual rating as of year end for each investment type. Investment Maturities In Years Exempt " Fair Value Less than 1 1 to 3 E 3 to 5 1 More than 5 Total Investment Type Not Fair Value Money Market Funds $ 673,740 $ 673,740 $ - $ - $ - $ 673,740 U.S. Treasury Notes 20,084,943 8,351,423 9,409,092 2,324,427 - 20,084,943 U.S. Agencies 79,620,158 28,385,791 42,490,030 8,744,336 - 79,620,157 Corporate Notes 28,134,547 9,640,269 18,242,264 252,014 - 28,134,547 Municipal Bond 970,240 970,240 - - - 970,240 Commercial Paper 3,195,603 3,195,603 - - - 3,195,603 Local Agency Investment Fund 2,910,547 2,910,547 - - - 2,910,547 Repurchase Agreements 4,226,000 4,226,000 - - - 4,226,000 Mortgage- backed Securities 738,038 - 738,038 - - 738,038 Cash with Fiscal Agent: 2,910,547 NIA - - - Money Market Funds 7,854,555 7,854,555 - - - 7,854,555 Investment Agreements 1,180,576 Mortgage - backed$emmies 738,036 A 1,180,576 1,180,576 Total $ 149,588,947 $ 66,208,169 $ 70,879,425 $11,320,777 $ 1,180,576 $ 149,588,947 Investment agreements are recorded at cost (not fair value) because these agreements represent nonparticipating contracts that are nonnegotiable and whose redemption terms do not consider market rates. Investments with Fair Values Highly Sensitive to Interest Rate Fluctuations As of June 30, 2006 the City did not have any investments (including investments held by fiscal agent) whose fair values were highly sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. Disclosures Relating to Credit Risk Generally, credit risk is the risk that an issuer of an investment will not fulfill its obligation to the holder of the investment. This is measured by the assignment of a rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Presented below is the minimum rating required by (where applicable) the California Government Code, the City's investment policy, or debt agreements, and the actual rating as of year end for each investment type. 93 Minimum Exempt Legal From Not Fair Value Ratic Disclosure AAA AA AA- A+ A A_1 Rated ves5nent Tyr, Money Market Funds $ 673,740 A $ - $ 83,751 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 589,989 U.S. Treasury Notes 20,084,943 NIA 20,084,943 - - - - - - - U.S.Agencies 79620,158 NIA - 79620,158 - - - - - Corporate Notes 28,134,547 A - 7,712,467 6,503,482 11,169,205 2,497,380 252,014 - - Municipal Bond 970,240 NIA 970,240 - - - - - - CommemialPaper 3,195,603 A - 450,000 - - - - 2,745,603 - LocalAgencylnvestmentFund 2,910,547 NIA - - - - - - - 2,910,547 Repurchase Agreaments 4,226,000 A - - - - - - - 4,228,000. Mortgage - backed$emmies 738,036 A - 738,038 - - - - - - Cash with Fiscal Agent: - - - - - - - - MoneyMarketFunds 7,854,555 A - 7,854,555 - - - - - Investment Agreements 1,180,576 NIA - - - 1,180,576 - - - - 93 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Concentration of Credit Risk The investment policy of the City contains no limitations on the amount that can be invested in any one issuer beyond that stipulated by the California Government Code. Investments in any one issuer that represent 5% or more of total City's investments are as follows: Issuer Investment Type Reported Amount FHLB Federal agency securities $21,746,264 FHLMC Federal agency securities $27,093,018 FNMA Federal agency securities $29,553,831 Custodial Credit Risk Custodial credit risk for deposits is the risk that, in the event of the failure of a depository financial institution, a government will not be able to recover its deposits or will not be able to recover collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party. The custodial credit risk for investments is the risk that, in the event of the failure of the counterparty (e.g., broker - dealer) to a transaction, a government will not be able to recover the value of its investment or collateral securities that are in the possession of another party. The California Government Code and the City's investment policy do not contain legal or policy requirements that would limit the exposure to custodial credit risk for deposits or investments, other than the following provision for deposits: The California Government Code requires that a financial institution secure deposits made by state or local governmental units by pledging securities in an undivided collateral pool held by a depository regulated under state law (unless so waived by the governmental unit). The market value of the pledged securities in the collateral pool must equal at least 110% of the total amount deposited by the public agencies. California law also allows financial institutions to secure City deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of the secured public deposits. As of June 30, 2006, none of the City's deposits with financial institutions in excess of federal depository amounts were held in uncol lateral ized accounts. As of June 30, 2006, City investments in the following investment types were held by the same broker - dealer (counterparty) that was used by the City to buy the securities: Investment Type Reported Amount Money Market Funds $ 98,491 U.S. Treasury Notes 7,354,107 U.S. Treasury Bills 1,088,307 U.S. Agencies 28,350,510 Corporate Notes 13,974,769 Repurchase Agreements 4,226,000 IS (5) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 For investments identified herein as restricted cash with fiscal agent, the fiscal agent selects the investment under the terms of the applicable trust agreement, acquires the investment, and holds the investment on behalf of the reporting government. Investment in State Investment Pool The City is a voluntary participant in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) that is regulated by the California Government Code under the oversight of the Treasurer of the State of California. The fair value of the City's investment in this pool is reported in the accompanying financial statements at amounts based upon the City's pro -rata share of the fair value provided by LAIF for the entire LAIF portfolio (in relation to the amortized cost of that portfolio). The balance available for withdrawal is based on the accounting records maintained by LAIF, which are recorded on an amortized cost basis. LAIF is not rated. Capital Assets Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2006 was as follows: Governmental Activities: Non - depreciable: Land Work in progress Depreciable: Structures Equipment Infrastructure Less accumulated depreciation for: Structures Equipment Infrastructure Net Capital Assets Beginning Balance July 1, 2005 $ 1,713,153,769 8,972,503 34,451,196 23,545,618 285,055,859 2,065,178,945 (10,103,790) (733,050) - Balance Additions Deletions June 30, 2006 (93,021,771) (6,029,325) 487,160 (98,563,936) $ 67,545,000 $ - $ 1,780,698,769 15,087,357 (1,107,899) 22,951,961 352,035 34,803,231 2,279,706 (2,492,167) 23,333,157 6,685,559 (937,755) 290,803,663 91,949,657 (4,537,821) 2,152,590,781 (10,103,790) (733,050) - (10,836,840) (15,823,568) (1,947,890) 2,282,286 (15,489,172) (93,021,771) (6,029,325) 487,160 (98,563,936) (118,949,129) (8,710,265) 2,769,446 (124,889,948) $ 1,946,229,816 $ 83,239,392 $ (1,768,375) $ 2,027,700,833 M CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Business -type Activities: Non - depreciable: Land Work in progress Depreciable: Structures Equipment Infrastructure Less accumulated depreciation for: Structures Equipment Infrastructure Net Beginning Governmental Business -type Balance Balance Additions Deletions June 30, 2006 $ - Public safety 941,245 $ 2,016,450 $ $ - $ 2,016,450 8,141,399 976,125 (8,141,399) 976,125 205,793 - Water 205,793 148,191 - - 148,191 139,429,262 11,667,466 (377,828) 150,718,900 149,941,095 12,643,591 (8,519,227) 154,065,459 (96,740) (5,145) (101,885) (135,435) (3,189) - (138,624) (42,812,509) (2,013,056) 95,526 (44,730,039) (43,044,684) (2,021,390) 95,526 (44,970,548) $ 106,896,411 10,622,201 $ (8,423,701) $ 109,094,911 Depreciation expense was charged in the following functions in the Statement of Activities: t. Governmental Business -type Activities Activities General government $ 241,533 $ - Public safety 941,245 - Public works 6,535,345 - Community development 98,768 - Community service 893,374 - Water - 1,497,046 Wastewater - 524,344 $ 8,710,265 $ 2,021,390 t. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 (6) Long -Term Debt Changes in Long -Term Liabilities Long -term liability for the year ended June 30, 2006, was as follows: Capital leases payable 420,773 Restated - (254,717) Amounts 116,566 Beginning Beginning Ending Due Within Balance Restatement Balance Additions Deletions Balance One Year Governmental activities: 11,160,000 3,051,411 Claims and judgements Certificates of payable 3,367,961 participation payable $ 5,570,000 $ - $ 5,570,000 $ - $ (290,000) $ 5,280,000 $ 300,000 Note payable 1,789,331 - 1,789,331 - (156,542) 1,632,789 163,587 Pre - annexation 7,376,403 7,376,403 4,195,132 (2,934,444) 8,637,091 agreement 14,400,000 - 14,400,000 - (1,200,000) 13,200,000 1,200,000 CDBG Loan 2,276,000 - 2,276,000 - (69,000) 2,207,000 73,000 Capital leases payable 420,773 - 420,773 - (254,717) 166,056 116,566 Workers' compensations payable 10,631,277 - 10,631,277 3,294,929 (2,766,206) 11,160,000 3,051,411 Claims and judgements payable 3,367,961 1,740,002 5,107,963 2,045,323 (2,341,284) 4,812,002 1,438,532 Compensated absences 7,376,403 7,376,403 4,195,132 (2,934,444) 8,637,091 1,695,137 Total governmental activities 45,831,745 1,740,002 47,571,747 9,535,384 (10,012,193) 47,094,938 8,038,233 Business -type activities: Water Revenue Bonds payable 7,255,000 - 7,255,000 - (1,330,000) 5,925,000 1,385,000 Total $ 53,086,745 $ 1,740,002 $ 54,826,747 $ 9,535,384 $ (11,342,193) $ 53,019,938 $ 9,423,233 Internal service funds predominantly serve the governmental funds. Accordingly, long -term liabilities for them are included as part of the above totals for governmental activities. Also, liabilities for workers' compensation, claims and judgments, and compensated absences are typically liquidated from the Internal Service funds through resources collected from individual funds. Beginning balance has been restated to include correction of an error in the valuation of claims and judgments payable. See Note (17) for further discussion. 97 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Governmental Activities • Certificates of Participation In Fiscal Year 1998 -99, the Newport Beach Public Facilities Corporation issued $7,330,000 of Refunding Certificates of Participation to advance refund the 1992 Certificates of Participation used to finance the construction of the Central Library. The refunding was undertaken to reduce total debt service payments over the next twenty years by $690,228 and resulted in an economic gain of $495,745. The Refunded Certificates were executed and delivered pursuant to the Prior Trust Agreement. The City has previously entered into a project lease with the Newport Beach Public Facilities Corporation to lease certain property, facilities, improvements, and equipment. The lease payments made by the City are held by a trustee who makes semi - annual payments on the Certificates of Participation. The lease payments began May 15, 1994, and are in amounts sufficient to cover the payment of principal and interest of the Certificates. The 1998 Certificates consist of $2,995,000 of Serial Certificates with interest rates from 3.6% to 4.55% and $4,335,000 of Term Certificates with interest rates from 5.05% to 5.15 %. Interest on the Certificates is payable semiannually on June 1 and December 1 of each year. Future principal payments range from $300,000 to $535,000 through June 1, 2019. Principal payments are payable annually on June 1 of each year. At June 30, 2006, the City has a required cash reserve balance for debt service of $566,354, which is recorded as a restricted asset and reservation of fund balance in the Debt Service Fund. The outstanding balance at June 30, 2006, amounted to $5,280,000. The annual amortization requirements of the Certificates of Participation are as follows: Year Ending June 30 Principal Interest Total 2007 $ 300,000 $ 262,530 $ 562,530 2008 315,000 249,480 564,480 2009 330,000 235,463 565,463 2010 345,000 220,448 565,448 2011 360,000 203,025 563,025 2012 -2016 2,100,000 722,225 2,822,225 2017 -2019 1,530, 000 160,165 1,690,165 $ 5,280,000 $ 2,053,336 $ 7,333,336 -61-1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 • Note Payable Note payable consists of a note to the California Department of Boating and Waterways in 1987 for a loan in the amount of $3,300,000. The note is payable in thirty annual principal and interest installments of $237,062 at 4.5% rate of interest beginning August 1, 1987. The outstanding balance at June 30, 2006, amounted to $1,632,789. The annual amortization requirements for the Note Payable are as follows: Year Ending June 30 Principal Interest Total 2007 $ 163,587 $ 73,475 $ 237,062 2008 170,948 66,114 237,062 2009 178,641 58,421 237,062 2010 186,679 50,383 237,062 2011 195,080 41,982 237,062 2012 -2016 737,854 78,364 816,218 $ 1,632,789 $ 368,739 $ 2,001,528 • Newport Coast Pre - Annexation Agreement Payable In conjunction with the January 1, 2002, annexation of Newport Coast, the City entered into an agreement payable with the Newport Coast Committee for a total of $18,000,000 to reduce property owner assessments used to finance certain road and street improvements. The principal -only agreement which began in the 2003 fiscal year, is payable over a period of fifteen years in equal installments of $1,200,000. The outstanding balance at June 30, 2006, amounted to $13,200,000. • CDBG Loan In fiscal year 2003, the City received $2,400,000 in Section 108 loan proceeds to assist with the funding for the Balboa Village Improvement Program. The loan is collateralized by future Community Development Block Grant allocations with an average interest rate of 6.5 %. Future principal payments range from $69,000 to $208,000 through June 30, 2023. The outstanding balance at June 30, 2006, amounted to $2,207,000. .. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 The annual amortization requirements for the CDBG Loan are as follows: Year Ending Payments 2007 $ 119,567 June 30 Principal Interest Total 2007 $ 73,000 $ 118,224 $ 191,224 2008 78,000 115,482 193,482 2009 84,000 112,253 196,253 2010 89,000 108,535 197,535 2011 95,000 104,345 199,345 2012 -2016 581,000 440,482 1,021,482 2017 -2021 804,000 247,841 1,051,841 2022 -2023 403,000 25,013 428,013 $ 2,207,000 $ 1,272,175 $ 3,479,175 • Capital Leases Rolling Stock Leases - Equipment Maintenance Internal Service Fund: In fiscal year 2003, the City entered into a lease- purchase agreement, payable monthly, as lessee for financing the acquisition of heavy duty street maintenance vehicles and fire trucks. The term of the lease is five years and the interest rate for the lease is 2.72 %. The lease agreement qualifies as a capital lease for accounting purposes as the title transfers at the end of the lease term or the lease contains a bargain purchase option, and therefore has been recorded at the present value of its future minimum lease payment as of the inception date. The assets acquired through capital leases, totaling $6,754,827, were classified as equipment in the Equipment Maintenance Internal Service Fund. Future minimum lease payments under the leases are as follows: Year Ending June 30 Payments 2007 $ 119,567 2008 49,820 Total minimum lease payments 169,387 Less: amount representing interest (3,331) Present value of future minimum lease payments $ 166,056 100 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 • Claims and Judgments The City retains the risk of loss for general liability and workers' compensation claims as described in note (8). These amounts represent estimates of amounts to be paid for reported general liability and workers' compensation claims including incurred- but -not- reported claims based upon past experience, modified for current trends and information. While the ultimate amount of losses incurred through June 30, 2006, is dependent on future developments, based upon information from the City's attorneys, the City's claims administrators and others involved with the administration of the programs, City management believes the accrual is adequate to cover such losses. The estimated liability at June 30, 2006, for general liability amounted to $4,812,002 and for workers' compensation was $11,160,000. • Compensated Absences The City's policies relating to compensated absences are described in Note (1). This liability, to be paid in future years from available and future resources, at June 30, 2006, is $8,637,091. Business -type activities • Water Revenue Bonds In Fiscal Year 1998 -99, the City issued $14,225,000 of Refunding Water Revenue Bonds to refund the 1994 Water Revenue Bonds used to finance the construction and acquisition of water storage and transmission facilities. The refunding was undertaken to reduce total debt service payments over a ten -year period by $481,153 and resulted in an economic gain of $418,469. The bonds are secured by a pledge of net revenues of the water fund. The 1998 Serial Bonds bear interest ranging from 3.6% to 4.5 %. At June 30, 2006, the City has a required cash reserve balance of $1,432,294 which is recorded as cash with fiscal agent. Ten annual principal payments are payable on August 1, and semiannual interest payments are payable on February 1 and August 1. At June 30, 2006, the outstanding principal balance was $5,925,000, and accrued interest payable was $129,381. 101 (7) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 The annual amortization requirements for the Water Revenue Bonds are as follows: Year Ending June 30 Principal Interest Total 2007 $ 1,385,000 $ 229,331 $ 1,614,331 2008 1,445,000 168,833 1,613,833 2009 1,510,000 104,545 1,614,545 2010 1,585,000 35,663 1,620,663 66 $ 5,925,000 $ 538,372 $ 6,463,372 Limited Obligation Bonds Special Assessment Districts Bonds The City has issued certain Assessment District and Community Facilities District Bonds. Although the City collects and disburses funds for these districts, the City has no obligation or duty to pay any delinquency out of any available funds of the City. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City is pledged to the payment of the bonds, and therefore the bonded indebtedness is not shown in the financial statements of the City. The City holds reserve funds on behalf of bondholders; the assets are recorded in the Special Assessment Agency Fund. Bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006 for each district under the Bond Acts of 1911 and 1915, and other special assessments, are as follows: 102 Bonds Outstanding Assessment District Original Issue June 30, 2006 No. 59 McFadden Square $ 530,609 $ 55,000 No. 63 Newport Island 536,531 60,000 No. 64 Channel Road 180,794 55,000 No. 66 East Newport 171,911 30,000 No. 67 CDM Blk -133 64,431 18,000 No. 68 Newport Shores 3,813,562 3,560,000 No. 69 West Newport 4,978,498 4,640,000 No. 70 Bay Shores 1,380,996 1,235,000 No. 71 Balboa Boulevard 796,942 420,000 No. 72 Balboa Coves 192,908 30,000 No. 74 Island Avenue 222,629 180,000 No. 75 Balboa Business 821,204 785,000 No. 78 Little Balboa Island 1,348,196 995,000 No. 79 Beacon Bay 1,215,134 990,000 No. 82 Corona del Mar 274,967 215,000 No. 86 Balboa Peninsula 300,174 255,000 No. 95 -1 CIOSA Refunding Series A 15,495,000 12,445,000 102 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Other Limited Obligation Bonds The City has issued revenue bonds for the purpose of advancing the net proceeds of the bonds to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian for the purposes of financing the acquisition, construction and equipping of health facilities located within the City. The bonds are limited obligations of the City payable from payments required to be made by Hoag Memorial Hospital. The City is not obligated to pay the principal or interest of the bonds except from payments made by Hoag, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City is pledged to the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds. Bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006 are as follows: Series 1992 $ 91,000,000 Series 1996 100,000,000 Series 1999 125,000,000 Series 2005 200,000,000 The revenue bonds are subject to, at the option of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, optional and mandatory tender for purchase. If no tender or purchase is made, varying redemption payments on the 1992 bonds commence on October 1, 2013 and are required to be made through October 1, 2022. For the Series 1996 bonds, if no tender for purchase is made, redemption is required to be made on October 1, 2026. If no tender or purchase is made for the Series 1999 bonds, redemption is required to be made on December 1, 2029. If no tender or purchase is made for the Series 2005 bonds, redemption is required to be made on December 1, 2040. (8) Risk Management — General Liability and Workers' Compensation The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts, theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets, errors and omissions, injuries to employees, and natural disasters. The City carries commercial insurance with independent third parties for loss risks associated with real and personal property, and automotive liability. The City purchases fidelity bonds for employees in key positions. Settled claims from these risks have not exceeded commercial insurance coverage for the past three years. For general liability, the City has excess insurance coverage of $25 million per occurrence with a self- insured retention (SIR) of $500,000 per occurrence. For workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance, the City has excess insurance coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence with a $1,000,000 SIR. This coverage provides for work - related accidents and diseases. The Insurance Reserve fund was established to account for costs associated with general liability and workers' compensation. The Insurance Reserve fund is accounted 103 (9) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 for as an internal service fund where assets are set aside for risk management, administration, claim settlements and benefit distribution. A premium is charged to each fund that accounts for part-time or full -time employees. The total charge allocated to each of the funds is calculated using trends in actual experience after considering unexpected and unusual claims. Fund Liabilities are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Liabilities include an amount for claims that have been incurred but not reported (IBNR). Claims liabilities are calculated considering the effects of inflation, recent claim settlement trends including frequency and amount of payouts and other economic and social factors. The total liability claims payable include $15,972,002 which represents the discounted present value at June 30, 2006; the claims were discounted using an interest rate of five percent. General Liability Workers' compensation Restated June 30, 2005 Restatement June 30, 2005 June 30, 2006 June 30, 2005 June 30, 2006 Unpaid claims, beginning of fiscal year $ 2,839,000 $ 2,839,000 $ 5,107,963 $ 8,393,227 $ 10,631,277 Incurred claims (including IBNR) 3,864,692 1,740,002 5,604,694 2,045,323 7,476,861 3,823,652 Claim Payments (3,335,731) - (3,335,731) (2,341,284) (5,238,811) (3,294,929) Unpaid claims, end of fiscal year $ 3.367.961 $ 1.740.002 5.107.963 $ 4.812.002 $ 10.631.277 $ 11.160.000 Incurred claims (including IBNR) were restated at June 30, 2005. See note (18) for additional information on this restatement. For the past three years, no payment on any claim or judgment has exceeded the amount of applicable insurance. Deferred Compensation Plan The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all City employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future years. Section 457 plan assets were placed in trust for the exclusive benefit of all employees and their beneficiaries. Therefore, all employee assets held in Section 457 plans are not 104 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 the property of the City and are not subject to the claims of the City's general creditors. The assets under the plan, which are not included in the accompanying financial statements, totaled $57,954,195 at June 30, 2006. (10) Pension Plan Plan Description - Defined Benefit Plan The City contributes to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), an agent multiple - employer public employee defined benefit pension plan. PERS provides retirement and disability benefits, annual cost -of- living adjustments, and death benefits to plan members and beneficiaries. PERS acts as a common investment and administrative agent for participating public entities within the State of California. Benefit provisions and all other requirements are established by state statute and city ordinance. Copies of PERS' annual financial report may be obtained from their executive office: 400 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. Funding Policy Participants are required to contribute 7% (9% for safety employees) of their annual covered salary. The City makes the contributions required of City employees on their behalf and for their account. The City is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate; the current rate is 9.476% for non - safety employees and 26.916% for safety employees of annual covered payroll. The contribution requirements of plan members and the City are established and may be amended by PERS. Annual Pension Cost For 2006, the City's annual pension cost of $15,064,212 for PERS was equal to the City's required and actual contributions. A summary of principle assumptions and methods used to determine the annual required contribution is shown below: Valuation Date Actuarial Cost Method Amortization Method Average Remaining Period Asset Valuation Method Actuarial Assumptions Investment Rate of Return Miscellaneous Plan June 30, 2003 Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method Level Percent of Payroll 15 Years as of the Valuation Date 3 Year Smoothed Market 7.75% (net of administrative expenses) 105 Safety Plan June 30, 2003 Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method Level Percent of Payroll 18 Years as of the Valuation Date 3 Year Smoothed Market 7.75% (net of administrative expenses) Projected Salary Increases Inflation Rate Payroll Growth Individual Salary Growth CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 Miscellaneous Plan 3.25% to 14.45% depending on age, service, and type of employment 3.00% 3.25% A merit scale varying by duration of employment coupled with an assumed annual inflation growth of 3.0% and an annual production growth of 0.25% Safety Plan 3.25% to 13.15% depending on age, service, and type of employment 3.00% 3.25% A merit scale varying by duration of employment coupled with an assumed annual inflation growth of 3.0% and an annual production growth of 0.25% Initial unfunded liabilities are amortized over a closed period that depends on the plan's date of entry into PERS. Subsequent plan amendments are amortized as a level percent of pay over a closed 20 -year period. Gains and losses that occur in the operation of the plan are amortized over a rolling period, which results in an amortization of 10% of unamortized gains and loses each year. If the plan's accrued liability exceeds the actuarial value of plan assets, then the amortization payment on the total unfunded liability may not be lower than the payment calculated over a 30 -year amortization period. THREE -YEAR TREND INFORMATION FOR PERS ($ Amount in Thousands) Fiscal Year 6/30/04 6/30/05 6/30/06 Annual Pension Cost (APC) $12,442 $15,064 M Percentage of Net Pension APC Contributed Obligation 100% $0 100% $0 100% $0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS FOR PERS ($ Amount in Thousands Entry Age $139,983 Unfunded $ 5,870 Normal Actuarial Liability Annual Valuation Accrued Value of (Excess Funded Covered UAAL as a % Date Liability Assets Assets ) Status Payroll of Payroll (A) (B) (A - B) (B /A) (C) [(A-B) / C] 6/30/2003 Misc. $139,983 $134,113 $ 5,870 95.8% $ 31,586 18.584% Safety 229,155 188,309 40,846 82.2% 23,941 170.611% Total $369,138 $322,422 $ 46,716 87.3% $ 55,527 84.132% 6/30/2004 Misc. $151,246 $140,911 $ 10,335 93.2% $ 34,085 30.321% Safety 250,554 200,715 49,839 80.1% 24,734 201.500% Total $401,800 $341,626 $ 60,174 85.0% $ 58,819 102.304% 6/30/2005 Misc. $161,371 $150,730 $ 10,641 93.4% $ 34,218 31.098% Safety 267,192 215,965 51,227 80.8% 24,303 210.785% Total $428,563 $366,695 $ 61,868 85.6% $ 58,521 105.719% More current information regarding actuarial data is not yet available from PERS Plan Description - Defined Contribution Plan As of January 1, 1992, the City entered into a defined contribution plan with Public Agency Retirement System ( "PARS ") for all of its part-time employees. In a defined contribution plan, benefits depend solely on amounts contributed to the plan plus investment earnings. All part -time employees are eligible to participate from the date of employment. Federal legislation requires contributions of at least 7.5% to a retirement plan, and City Council resolved to match the employees' contributions of 3.75 %. The City's contributions for each employee (and interest earned by the accounts) are fully vested immediately. For the year ended June 30, 2006, the City's covered payroll for employees participating in the plan was $3,581,629. The City made employer contributions of $134,311 (3.75% of current covered payroll). Assets of the plan totaled $1,741,719 at June 30, 2006. (11) Post - Employment Health Care Benefits Effective January 2006, the City and employee associations agreed to major changes to Post Employment Healthcare Plan. All employees and eligible retirees will participate in a Health Reimbursement Arrangement ( "HRA ") under IRS Revenue Ruling 2002 -41 107 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30. 2006 (June 26, 2002) and IRS Notice 2002 -45 (June 26, 2002). New employees and employees with less than five years of service will participate in a program that requires certain defined employee and employer contributions. However, once the contributions have been made to the employee's account, the City has no further funding obligation to fund the plan. As of June 30, 2006, 406 employees were participating in the HRA. Employees with greater than five years of service or miscellaneous employees that have a combined factor, of age and years of service, that is greater than or to equal 50 (47 for safety employees) had the option to retain a hybrid of the former defined benefit formula or fully convert to the new plan. The hybrid of the former defined benefit formula provides post - employment health care benefits to employees who retire from the City with seven years of service and participate in PERS retirement. Those employees are eligible to receive health care benefits covering themselves and a qualified family member from the City's insurance carriers, Blue Cross and PERS. Retirees receive a defined employer contribution of $400 per month ($425 for certain retired Police employees). This program is largely funded on a pay -as- you -go basis. As of June 30, 2006, 368 employees and 356 retirees were participating in the hybrid of the defined benefit. The City is in the process of calculating the actuarial liability associated with the former plan and amortize the unfunded liability over a period not -to- exceed thirty years. As of June 30, 2006, the City has set aside $3.2 million to offset the unfunded portion of the post employment health benefits. These assets are accounted for in an internal service fund and classed as unrestricted net assets on the statement of net assets. The City's expenditure for post - employment health care benefits for the past three fiscal years are as follows: Year Ending June 30 2004 2005 2006 (12) Interfund Receivables and Payables Post - employment Health Care Expenditure $1,017,692 $ 936,042 $1,231,231 At June 30, 2006, interfund receivables and payables were as follows: General Fund Nonmajor funds Total Due From $ 3,309,485 $ 3,309,485 108 Due to 3,309,485 $ 3,309,485 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2006 Interfund receivables and payables were created in order to eliminate deficit cash balances in non -major special revenue and capital projects funds. (13) Interfund Transfers 5 O N ? N io Interfund transfers at June 30, 2006, consisted of the following: Transfers In Newport Tide and Coast Submerged Annexation Internal Non -Major General Fund Land Fund Service Fund Funds Total General Fund $ - $ 15,212,022 $ - $ 6,147,805 $ 7,237,963 $ 28,597,790 Tide and 119,500 - - - 311,000 430,500 Submerged Land Newport Coast 262,894 - 1,200,000 - - 1,462,894 Annexation Fund Internal Service 125,000 - - - - 125,000 Fund Non -Major Funds 239,999 - - - 446,542 686,541 40,000 - - - - 40,000 Water Fund Total $ 787,393 $ 15,212,022 $ 1,200,000 $ 6,147,805 $ 7,995,505 $ 31,342,725 The City typically uses transfers to fund ongoing subsidies. The general fund transferred $15,212,022 to subsidize for the maintenance and operation of the Tide and Submerged Land Fund. As required by the pre- annexation agreement, interest accrued in the amount of $262,894 in the Newport Coast Annexation fund, is due to and was subsequently transferred to the General Fund. (14) Reserved and Designated Fund Balances The City has set up `reserves" of fund equity to segregate fund balances which are not appropriable for expenditure in future periods, or which are legally set aside for a specific future use. Fund "designations' also may be established to indicate tentative plans for financial resource utilization in a future period. st CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2006 The following provides explanations as to the nature and purpose of each reserve and designation. Reserved for encumbrances Amounts reserved for encumbrances are commitments for materials and services on purchase orders and contracts that are legally committed but not expended by fiscal yearend. Reserved for debt service This account sets aside a portion of fund balance to meet the annual debt service requirements. Reserved for permanent endowment This account reflects a permanent endowment established for the maintenance and dredging of Upper Newport Bay. Reserved for affordable housina This account reflects amounts collected from developers to build affordable housing to all income levels in compliance with State planning laws. Reserved for prepaid items This account reflects prepaid items which are not available, spendable resources. Reserved for inventories This account reflects the value of inventories purchased by the City but not yet issued to the operating departments. Reserved for long -term receivable This account reflects the value of the note receivable which is not an available and spendable resource. Designated for special purposes This account reflects funds that have been designated for special projects which vary in nature. Designated for contingencies Contingency designations represent funds for unexpected emergencies. Designated for capital projects This account reflects unspent appropriations committed to capital projects in the prior year. Designation for appropriations This account reflects unspent appropriations that may be utilized to augment the operating budget. 110 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2006 (15) Joint Venture Agreements Bonita Canyon Public Facilities Financing Authority The Bonita Canyon Public Facilities Financing Authority (Authority) is a joint venture formed by the City of Newport Beach, Irvine Unified School District, and Newport-Mesa Unified School District. The Authority's Board is comprised of two members appointed by each of the member agencies. The Authority created Community Facilities District 98 -1 to finance public facilities that will benefit the properties within their boundaries. The Authority issued $45,000,000 of special tax bonds that will be repaid by special assessments; the City is not obligated in any manner to repay the bonds. The Authority paid the City $30,577,712 (81.7 %) to pay for the costs of acquiring and constructing public facilities including parks and road improvements. At June 30, 2006, the remaining bond proceeds are held in trust as cash with fiscal agent totaling $90,926. The City does not make any annual contributions to this joint venture. The City does not include the Authority as a component unit, as the City is not financially accountable for the Authority's activities and the Authority is not fiscally dependent on the City. The City's equity interest in this joint venture is not readily determinable. Complete separate financial statements can be obtained at the Newport Mesa Unified School District, 2985 Bear Street, Suite 8M, Costa Mesa, California. Air Borne Law Enforcement The City is a participant in a joint venture agreement with the City of Costa Mesa for the operation of the Air Borne Law Enforcement program (ABLE). The oversight Board consists of the Chiefs of Police of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach and one appointee for each Member Agency for a total of four (4) Board Members. The Cities have a 50 percent interest in the venture, with each City having provided an initial investment of two helicopters and related equipment. The City of Newport Beach's cost of participating in the ABLE program is recorded in the General Fund, which provides for the maintenance and operation of the program as well as replacement of capital equipment used in the operation of the program. Annually, the amounts paid by the City to this joint venture are approximately $500,000. Operation costs are offset by fees collected from surrounding cities that may subscribe to regular patrol or request assistance on an as- needed basis. Shared equally between the Cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, the City's share of net loss from subscribers and other cities amounts to $583,423 for fiscal year 2005 -06. The City's 50% interest in the net equity of this joint venture at June 30, 2006, amounts to $2,173,721. Complete separate financial statements can be obtained at the City of Costa Mesa at 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California. Metro Cities Fire Authority The City of Newport Beach is a Member of a joint venture agreement with the Cities of Anaheim, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, and Orange for the operation of a communication network to provide fire suppression, emergency medical assistance, and rescue services. The oversight board consists of one voting member and one alternate appointed by the governing body of each member agency. 111 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2006 The City of Newport Beach's costs are based each fiscal year upon the number of recorded incidents attributable to the City divided by the recorded incidents attributable to all members during the year and, are recorded in the General Fund as an expenditure for service. Upon termination of the agreement, the proceeds from the sale of the property and assets of the joint venture will be paid to each member agency pursuant to their fair share percentage. Annually, the amounts paid by the City to this joint venture are approximately $412,052. The City's 10.25% interest in the net equity of this joint venture at June 30, 2006, amounts to $69,632. Complete separate financial statements can be obtained at the Metro Cities Fire Authority offices at 201 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 302, Anaheim, California. (16) Commitments and Contingencies Claims and Judgments Numerous claims and suits have been filed against the City in the normal course of business. The estimated liability under such claims, based upon information received from the City Attorney, contracted attorneys and the Risk Manager, has been estimated and recorded as accrued claims and judgments payable (See Note 6). Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement The City entered into a Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement (CIOSA) with a developer whereby the City could receive a loan amount up to $14,395,572 to be used only for certain transportation and circulation improvements, of which $12,191,760 had been received as of June 30, 2006. The City agreed to match the contribution (without interest) by pledging 50% of future Fair Share Fees (developer impact fees) which are recorded in the Circulation and Transportation Special Revenue Fund. During the year ended June 30, 2006, the City received $893,082 of Fair Share Fees, and $446,541 was paid to the CIOSA Construction capital projects fund. Through June 30, 2006, $2,983,589 of Fair Share Fees has been paid. No additional liability has been recorded, because any future repayment is uncertain; any amounts not contributed by February 20, 2016, will be forgiven. Newport Coast Pre - Annexation Agreement In Fiscal Year 2001 -02, the City entered into a Pre - Annexation Agreement with the Newport Coast Committee that stipulated certain terms and conditions for the annexation of property collectively known as Newport Coast. In conjunction with the annexation, the City also agreed to sell the water service rights for the annexed area to Irvine Ranch Water District for $25.0 million. Of the $25.0 million payable from the Irvine Ranch Water District, $23.0 million has been received and the remaining $2.0 million is due January 1, 2008. At June 30, 2006, the remaining receivable of $2.0 million has been recorded as an Intergovernmental Receivable in the Newport Coast Annexation Special Revenue Fund. 112 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2006 Among other basic provisions, the Pre - Annexation Agreement stipulates specific requirements for the use of proceeds from the sale of the water rights to Irvine Ranch Water District. The City has entered into an agreement to reimburse Newport Coast residents $18.0 million of the $25.0 million for certain public road and street improvements previously financed by property owner assessments. The assessment debt relief will be provided to Newport Coast residents in equal installments of $1.2 million over 15 years. The remaining $7.0 million may be used in locating, planning, and constructing a Community Center within the annexed area. In the event that the Community Center is constructed for less than $7.0 million, or not at all, the Newport Coast Committee has the option to allocate the funds to further reduce the property owner assessments. In the Government -wide Statements, the $13.2 million outstanding assessment debt relief has been recorded as a Noncurrent Liability, and the $7.0 million, including applicable interest earnings, has been restricted in the Net Assets. (17) Net Asset Restatements Beginning Net Assets have been restated by the net effect of changes resulting from the correction of an error in the valuation of claims and judgments liabilities. The adjustment decreased the government -type activities beginning net assets by $1,740,002. Net Assets Government -type Activities: Net assets at July 1, 2005, as previously reported Adjustment to claims and judgments Net assets at July 1, 2005, as restated 113 $ 2,031,529,582 (1,740,002) $ 2,029,789,580 Total Project Project To Date Unexpended Budge Expenses Commitments Water Transmission Master Plan $ 4,598,346 $ 2,473,388 $ 2,116,745 Pipeline Master Plan Replacement 1,493,707 310,348 1,291,026 Corona del Mar Beach Improvements 4,484,288 3,613,146 917,149 Mariners Library 7,006,663 6,455,191 551,472 Newport Coast Community Center 9,669,757 1,224,766 8,444,991 Sewer Main Master Pllan Improvement 4,440,706 539,519 3,901,187 Jamboree Road Rehab -SJH to Ford Road 1,181,656 595 1,181,061 (17) Net Asset Restatements Beginning Net Assets have been restated by the net effect of changes resulting from the correction of an error in the valuation of claims and judgments liabilities. The adjustment decreased the government -type activities beginning net assets by $1,740,002. Net Assets Government -type Activities: Net assets at July 1, 2005, as previously reported Adjustment to claims and judgments Net assets at July 1, 2005, as restated 113 $ 2,031,529,582 (1,740,002) $ 2,029,789,580 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2006 (18) Subsequent Events The City has entered into an agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the purchase of a 15.05 acre parcel of land at the corner of Superior Avenue and Coast Highway. The purchase price is $5 million, paid in three installments with 4.75% interest: • $2.0 million by December 31, 2006; • $1.5 million by December 31, 2007 (plus $142,000 in interest); and • $1.5 million by December 31, 2008 (plus $71,250 in interest). A deed restriction requires that the City use the property as a park. Should the City decide to remove the park use and sell the property, it must be sold at fair market value and the City would then remit to Caltrans the amount above $5 million for the sale. Integrated Law and Justice Agency for Orange County On July 1, 2006, the City entered into a joint powers agreement with twenty Orange County cities and the Superior Court of California to facilitate the integration and sharing of criminal justice information for the benefit of the lands and inhabitants within their respective boundaries. The oversight board consists of six municipal Police Chiefs, the Presiding Judge of the Orange County Superior Court, the Chief Executive Officer of the Court, and three City Manager representatives. Upon termination of the agreement, the proceeds from the sale of the property and assets of the joint venture will be paid to each member agency pursuant to their fair share percentage. There are presently no contributions collected from members or any material net assets belonging to the joint powers. 114 Supplementary Information Non Major Governmental Funds 115 IZMZal.Ti /_3161 MC160 4NZI IT, I4ZIr_11111 III ZUb'i Non -major Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources which are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The City of Newport Beach Special Revenue Funds are as follows: The State Gas Tax Fund accounts for all State Gas Tax related revenues and expenditures, including street repair, construction, and maintenance. State law requires that these funds be used exclusively for maintenance of the street and highway system. The Asset Forfeiture Fund was established to account for all revenues resulting from the seizure of assets in conjunction with criminal cases (primarily drug trafficking). It is the City's policy that all such funds shall be used for enhancement of law enforcement programs. The Contributions Fund is used to account for revenues received from other government agencies or private developers and expended for specific street or highway construction projects. The Circulation and Transportation Fund is used to account for fair share revenues collected from developers and restricted for capital improvement projects meeting the circulation element of the City's General Plan. The Building Excise Tax Fund is used to account for revenues received from builders or developers on building or remodeling projects within the City. Expenditures from this fund are used exclusively for public safety, libraries, parks, beaches, or recreational activities. The Combined Transportation Fund is used to account for the revenues and expenditures of funds received from the Orange County Combined Transportation Funding Program. Expenditures from this fund are used exclusively for transportation related purposes. The Arterial Highway Rehabilitation Fund is used to account for federal funds available through the Federal Highway Administration Arterial Highway Rehabilitation Program to share the cost of rehabilitating certain arterial roadways in the City. The Community Development Block Grant Fund is used to account for revenues and expenditures relating to the City's Community Development Block Grant program. These funds are received from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and must be expended exclusively on programs for low or moderate income individuals /families. The Air Quality Management District Fund is used to account for revenues received from the South Coast Air Quality Management District restricted for the use of reducing air pollution. The Environmental Liability Fund is used to account for solid waste fees restricted for mitigation of future environmental liability relating to the handling of solid waste. The Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) is used to account for revenues received from the county to be used exclusively for front line law enforcement services. The Traffic Congestion Relief Fund is used to account for all revenues received from the State Treasury related to Assembly Bill 2928. State law requires that these funds be used exclusively for maintenance or reconstruction costs on public streets and roads. 116 Non -major Debt Service Funds Debt Service Funds are used to account for debt service transactions including revenue collections and payments of principal and interest on long -term obligations of the City. The City of Newport Beach Debt Service Fund is as follows: The Library COP Fund is used to account for the debt service transactions related to the Certificates of Participation used to finance the construction of the Central Library. Non -major Capital Projects Funds Capital Projects Funds are used to account for resources used for the acquisition and construction of capital facilities by the City, except those financed by Enterprise Funds. The City of Newport Beach Capital Projects Funds are as follows: The Assessment District Fund is used to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds received from 1911 Act and 1915 Act Assessment Districts for capital improvement projects. The CIOSA Construction Fund is used to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds for the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement (CIOSA). The improvements include street and frontage improvements. The Bonita Canyon Development Fund is used to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds for the Bonita Canyon Public Facilities Agreement. The improvements include certain public parks and recreation facilities, and street improvements and facilities. The Oil Spill Remediation Fund is used to account for the receipt of the settlement proceeds from the American Trader Company. These funds must be used on projects affecting the areas damaged by the spill. The Mariners Library Fund is used to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds for the Mariners Library Capital Project. The Fire Station 7 Fund is used to account for the property acquisition, design and construction of a new fire station which will replace a temporary fire station that provides service in the northern part of the city. The Marine Science Center Fund is used to account for the design and construction of a new Marine Science Center. The City Hall Improvement Fund is used to account for the design and construction of a new Civic Center Complex. The Santa Ana Heights Community Center Fund is used to account for the property acquisition, design and construction of a new community center in the part of the City known as Santa Ana Heights. The Misc. Santa Ana Heights Projects Fund is used to account for various grants and projects associated with providing public works, parks and recreation opportunities within the part of the City known as Santa Ana Heights. 117 Assets Cash and investments Receivables: Accounts Intergovernmental receivables Cash with fiscal agent Prepaid items Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Unearned revenue Unavailable revenue Due to other funds Total Liabilities Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for debt service Reserved for permanent endowment Reserved for prepaid items Unreserved: Designated for special purposes Undesignated Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Combining Balance Sheet Non -Major Governmental Funds June 30, 2006 Special Revenue $ 2,961,989 $ 92,986 $ 4,851,212 $ 2,931,665 $ 229,501 $ 9,093 $ 298,812 $ 72,620 - - 132,570 - - 1,196,783 - 229,501 9,093 1,628,165 72,620 771,105 - 3,223,047 887,463 1,961,383 83,893 1,971,582 2,732,488 83,893 3,223,047 2,859,045 Z!, z,aol,y0a y &Z,aon zl� 4,bol,zlz y 446'I,000 118 Circulation State Asset and Gas Tax Forfeiture Contributions Transportation $ 2,961,989 $ 92,986 $ 3,651,179 $ 2,931,665 - - 3,250 - - - 1,196,783 - $ 2,961,989 $ 92,986 $ 4,851,212 $ 2,931,665 $ 229,501 $ 9,093 $ 298,812 $ 72,620 - - 132,570 - - 1,196,783 - 229,501 9,093 1,628,165 72,620 771,105 - 3,223,047 887,463 1,961,383 83,893 1,971,582 2,732,488 83,893 3,223,047 2,859,045 Z!, z,aol,y0a y &Z,aon zl� 4,bol,zlz y 446'I,000 118 Special Revenue Building $ 131,950 Arterial Community Air Quality - Excise Combined Highway Development Management Environmental Tax Transportation Rehabilitation Block Grant District Liability 880,914 - - 6,240 372,330 144,657 1,179,878 - $ 304,637 $ 2,907,574 $ 6,510 $ 486,527 $ 170,199 $ 2,305,245 - 73,038 - - - 9,809 - - 72,444 393,897 - - - - - - - 89,141 $ 304,637 $ 2,980,612 $ 78,954 $ 880,424 $ 170,199 $ 2,404,195 $ 6,240 $ 131,950 $ 72,213 $ 37,561 $ - $ 14,912 - 188,346 - 10,001 - - - 52,034 72,444 251,402 - - - - - 880,914 - - 6,240 372,330 144,657 1,179,878 - 14,912 8,481 1,527,763 - - - - - - - - - 89,141 289,916 1,080,519 - - 170,199 2,300,142 - - (65,703) (299,454) - - 298,397 2,608,282 (65,703) (299,454) 170,199 2,389,283 $ 304,637 $ 2,980,612 $ 78,954 $ 880,424 $ 170,199 $ 2,404,195 (continued) 119 Assets Cash and investments Receivables: Accounts Intergovernmental receivables Cash with fiscal agent Prepaid items Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Unearned revenue Unavailable revenue Due to other funds Total Liabilities Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for debt service Reserved for permanent endowment Reserved for prepaid items Unreserved: Designated for special purposes Undesignated Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Combining Balance Sheet Non -Major Governmental Funds June 30, 2006 (continued) Special Revenue Supplemental Law Enforcement Traffic Congestion Relief 13,544 $ Debt Service Library COP Capital Projects Assessment District - - 566,354 2,512,788 $ S 13,544 S 566,354 $ 2,512,788 S 13544 566,354 13,544 566,354 $ 30,196 556,501 586,697 589,532 1,336,559 1,926,091 $ - $ 13,544 $ 566,354 $ 2,512,788 120 CIOSA Bonita Canyon Oil Spill Mariners Construction Development Remediation Library Fire Station 7 $ 2,715,422 $ - $ 118,844 $ - $ 4,398,435 - - 2,076,846 - 90,926 - $ 2,715,422 $ 90,926 $ 118,844 $ 2,076,846 $ 4,398,435 30,310 30,310 5,763 2,715,422 60,616 113,081 $ 306,794 $ 405,042 2,076,846 - 1,443,366 - 3,827,006 405,042 3,993,393 - - - (1,750,160) - 2,715,422 60,616 118,844 (1,750,160) 3,993,393 $ 2,715,422 $ 90,926 $ 118,844 $ 2,076,846 $ 4,398,435 (continued) 121 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Combining Balance Sheet Non -Major Governmental Funds June 30, 2006 (continued) Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 131,669 Capital Projects $ - $ - Unearned revenue - SAH - Marine City Hall Community Misc - Science Center Improvements Center SAH Projects Assets 195,831 100,859 101,704 Cash and investments $ 1,997,048 $ - $ - $ - Receivables: Fund balances: Accounts - - - - Intergovernmental receivables - - 101,359 - Cash with fiscal agent - - - - Prepaid items - - - - Total Assets $ 1,997,048 $ $ 101,359 $ Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 131,669 $ - $ - $ - Unearned revenue - - - - Unavailable revenue - - 101,359 - Duetootherfunds - 195,831 100,859 101,704 Total Liabilities 131,669 195,831 202,218 101,704 Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances 1,865,379 - - - Reserved for debt service - - - - Reserved for permanent endowment - - - - Reserved for prepaid items - - - - Unreserved: Designated for special purposes - - - - Undesignated - (195,831) (100,859) (101,704) Total fund balances 1,865,379 (195,831) (100,859) (101,704) Total liabilities and fund balances $ 1,997,048 $ - $ 101,359 $ - 122 Permanent Fund Total Other Ackerman Governmental Bay Dredging Donation Funds $ 4,025,602 $ 1,009,950 $ 30,097,356 - - 86,097 - - 3,841,329 - - 3,170,068 - - 89,141 $ 4,025,602 $ 1,009,950 $ 37,283,991 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,747,603 - 330,917 - - 3,750,868 - - 3,309,485 - 1,000 9,138,873 - - 12,871,926 - 566,354 3,857,000 772,781 4,629,781 - - 89,141 168,602 236,169 12,501,627 - - (2,513,711) 4,025,602 1,008,950 28,145,118 $ 4,025,602 $ 1,009,950 $ 37,283,991 123 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Non -Major Governmental Fund Types Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year ended June 30, 2006 Expenditures: Current: General government - - - - Public safety - 147,335 - - Public works - - - - Community development - - - Community services - - - Capital outlay 2,230,572 - 1,837,421 1,615,521 Debt service: Principal - - - - Interest and fiscal charges - - - Total expenditures 2,230,572 147,335 1,837,421 1,615,521 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (640,142) (49,999) 1,025,262 (630,417) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in - - - - Transfers out (160,000) - - (526,541) Total other financing sources (uses) (160,000) - - (526,541) Net change in fund balances Fund balances, beginning Fund balances (deficit), ending (800,142) (49,999) 1,025,262 (1,156,958) 3,532,630 133,892 2,197,785 4,016,003 $ 2,732,488 $ 83,893 $ 3,223.047 $ 2.859,045 124 Special Revenue Circulation State Asset and Gas Tax Forfeiture Contributions Transportation Revenues: Other taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental 1,501,410 95,697 2,536,633 - Licenses, permits and fees - - - 893,082 I nvestment income 133,515 2,422 162,790 140,126 Net decrease in fair value of investments (45,835) (783) (55,884) (48,104) Donations 1,340 - 219,144 - Total revenues 1,590,430 97,336 2,862,683 985,104 Expenditures: Current: General government - - - - Public safety - 147,335 - - Public works - - - - Community development - - - Community services - - - Capital outlay 2,230,572 - 1,837,421 1,615,521 Debt service: Principal - - - - Interest and fiscal charges - - - Total expenditures 2,230,572 147,335 1,837,421 1,615,521 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (640,142) (49,999) 1,025,262 (630,417) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in - - - - Transfers out (160,000) - - (526,541) Total other financing sources (uses) (160,000) - - (526,541) Net change in fund balances Fund balances, beginning Fund balances (deficit), ending (800,142) (49,999) 1,025,262 (1,156,958) 3,532,630 133,892 2,197,785 4,016,003 $ 2,732,488 $ 83,893 $ 3,223.047 $ 2.859,045 124 Special Revenue Building Arterial Community Air Quality Excise Combined Highway Development Management Environmental Tax Transportation Rehabilitation Block Grant District Liability $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 453,140 - 1,528,971 - 532,350 99,719 - 193,266 - - - - - 14,705 119,112 253 15,789 4,909 81,503 (5,048) (40,894) (87) - (1,685) (27,979) 202,923 1,607,189 166 548,139 102,943 506,664 - - - - 28,350 176,764 187,327 - - 296,680 1,606,680 72,444 704,243 - - - - - 69,000 - - 120,514 296,680 1,606,680 72,444 1,081,084 28,350 176,764 (93,757) 509 (72,278) (532,945) 74,593 329,900 (93,757) 509 (72,278) (532,945) 74,593 329,900 392,154 2,607,773 6,575 233,491 95,606 2,059,383 $ 298,397 $ 2,608,282 $ (65,703) $ (299.454) $ 170.199 $ 2,389,283 (continued) 125 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Non -Major Governmental Fund Types Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year ended June 30, 2006 (continued) Special Revenue Debt Service Capital Projects Supplemental Traffic Law Congestion Library Assessment Enforcement Relief COP District Revenues Other taxes $ - $ - $ - S - Intergovernmental 120,222 266,503 - - Licenses, permits and fees - - - Investment income 1,328 2,557 12,888 118,554 Net decrease in fair value of investments - (878) - (7,057) Donations - - - - 121,550 268,182 12,888 111,497 Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Public works Community development Community services Capital outlay Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) Net change in fund balances Fund balances, beginning Fund balances (deficit), ending 121,550 - - - - 254,638 - 503,566 290,000 - - 279,875 - 121,550 254,638 569,875 503,566 13,544 (556,987) (392,069) 555,101 31,800 555,101 31,800 13,544 (1,886) (360,269) - - 568,240 2,286,360 $ - S 13.544 S 566.354 $ 1,926,091 126 Capital Projects CIOSA Bonita Canyon Oil Spill Mariners Construction Development Remediation Library Fire Station 7 - - - 959,208 - 99,057 4,166 16,263 - - (34,005) - (5,583) - - - - - 32,650 - 65,052 4,166 10,680 991,858 - 224,659 - - - - 903,159 21,776 802,166 4,218,567 574,628 1,12 1,818 Zl, /76 SUZ, I bb 4,Z18,b6! b /4,628 (1,062,766) (17,610) (791,486) (3,226,709) (574,628) 446,541 - - 447,502 4,542,397 446,541 - - 447,502 4,542,397 (616,225) (17,610) (791,486) (2,779,207) 3,967,769 3,331,647 78,226 910,330 1,029,047 25,624 $ 2,715,422 $ 60,616 $ 118,844 $ (1,750.160) $ 3,993,393 (continued) 127 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Non -Major Governmental Fund Types Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year ended June 30, 2006 (continued) Revenues: Other taxes Intergovernmental Licenses, permits and fees Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Donations Total revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Public works Community development Community services Capital outlay Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges SAH Marine City Hall Community Misc Science Center Improvement Center SAH Projects $ - S S $ 267,088 - - - 25,000 292,088 - - - - - 100,859 - - 101,704 449,778 416,933 - - 449,778 416,933 100,859 101,704 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (157,690) (416,933) (100,859) (101,704) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in 1,972,164 Transfers out - Total other financing sources (uses) 1,972,164 Net change in fund balances 1,814,474 (416,933) (100,859) (101,704) Fund balances, beginning 50,905 221,102 - - Fund balances (deficit), ending $ 1,865,379 $ (195,831) $ (100.859) $ (101,704) 128 Permanent Funds Total Other Ackerman Governmental Bay Dredging Donation Funds $ - $ - $ 453,140 - - 7,907,801 - - 1,086,348 151,846 38,253 1,120,036 (52,127) (13,132) (339,081) - - 278,134 99,719 25,121 10,506,378 268,885 - 530,632 5,575 294,606 - - 16,508,772 359,000 400,389 5,575 18,362,284 99,719 19,546 (7,855,906) - 7,995,505 - (686,541) 7,308,964 99,719 19,546 (546,942) 3,925,883 989,404 28,692,060 $ 4,025,602 $ 1.008,950 $ 28.145.118 129 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule State Gas Tax Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Revenues: Intergovernmental Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Donations Total revenues Expenditures: Capital outlay Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing uses: Transfers out Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance, ending (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (2,666,912) (1,560,079) (800,142) 759,937 3,532,630 3,532,630 3,532,630 $ 865,718 $ 1,972,551 $ 2,732,488 $ 759,937 130 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) $ 1,666,132 $ 1,666,132 $ 1,501,410 $ (164,722) 92,614 92,614 133,515 40,901 - - (45,835) (45,835) - - 1,340 1,340 1,758,746 1,758,746 1,590,430 (169,656) 4,265,658 3,158,825 2,230,572 928,253 (2,506,912) (1,400,079) (640,142) 759,937 (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (2,666,912) (1,560,079) (800,142) 759,937 3,532,630 3,532,630 3,532,630 $ 865,718 $ 1,972,551 $ 2,732,488 $ 759,937 130 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Asset Forfeiture Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Expenditures Public safety 248,886 248,886 Variance Net change in fund balance (143,886) (143,886) with Final Fund balance, beginning 133,892 133,892 Budget Fund balance (deficit), ending Budget Amounts $ (9,994) Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 95,697 $ (4,303) Investment income 5,000 5,000 2,422 (2,578) Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (783) (783) Total revenues 105,000 105,000 97,336 (7,664) Expenditures Public safety 248,886 248,886 147,335 101,551 Net change in fund balance (143,886) (143,886) (49,999) 93,887 Fund balance, beginning 133,892 133,892 133,892 - Fund balance (deficit), ending $ (9,994) $ (9,994) $ 83,893 $ 93,887 131 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Contributions Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 132 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 1,481,475 $ 5,342,056 $2,536,633 $(2,805,423) Investment income 17,299 17,299 162,790 145,491 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (55,884) (55,884) Donations - 271,265 219,144 (52,121) Total revenues 1,498,774 5,630,620 2,862,683 (2,767,937) Expenditures: Capital outlay 7,192,583 - 1,837,421 (1,837,421) Net change in fund balance (5,693,809) 5,630,620 1,025,262 (4,605,358) Fund balance, beginning 2,197,785 2,197,785 2,197,785 - Fund balance (deficit), ending _L _a,496,024) $ 7,828,405 $ 3,223,047 _L(4,605,358 132 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Circulation and Transportation Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (3,340,144) (2,221,312) (630,417) 1,590,895 Other financing uses: Transfers out (80,000) (80,000) (526,541) (446,541) Net change in fund balance (3,420,144) (2,301,312) (1,156,958) 1,144,354 Variance 4,016,003 4,016,003 4,016,003 - Fund balance, ending with Final $ 1,714,691 $ 2,859,045 $ 1,144,354 Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues: Licenses, permits and fees $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 893,082 $ 693,082 Investment income 111,717 111,717 140,126 28,409 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (48,104) (48,104) Total revenues 311,717 311,717 985,104 673,387 Expenditures: Capital outlay 3,651,861 2,533,029 1,615,521 917,508 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (3,340,144) (2,221,312) (630,417) 1,590,895 Other financing uses: Transfers out (80,000) (80,000) (526,541) (446,541) Net change in fund balance (3,420,144) (2,301,312) (1,156,958) 1,144,354 Fund balance, beginning 4,016,003 4,016,003 4,016,003 - Fund balance, ending $ 595,859 $ 1,714,691 $ 2,859,045 $ 1,144,354 133 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Building Excise Tax Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Revenues: Licenses, permits and fees Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Total revenues Expenditures: Capital outlay Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance, ending 134 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 193,266 $ 43,266 9,356 9,356 14,705 5,349 - - (5,048) (5,048) 159,356 159,356 202,923 43,567 424,231 304,891 296,680 8,211 (264,875) (145,535) (93,757) 51,778 392,154 392,154 392,154 - $ 127,279 $ 246,619 $ 298,397 $ 51,778 134 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Combined Transportation Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 135 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 1,721,189 $ 1,721,189 $ 1,528,971 $ (192,218) Investment income 56,928 56,928 119,112 62,184 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (40,894) (40,894) Total revenues 1,778,117 1,778,117 1,607,189 (170,928) Expenditures: Capital outlay 3,789,690 3,183,296 1,606,680 1,576,616 Net change in fund balance (2,011,573) (1,405,179) 509 1,405,688 Fund balance, beginning 2,607,773 2,607,773 2,607,773 - Fund balance, ending $ 596,200 $ 1,202,594 $ 2,608,282 $ 1,405,688 135 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Arterial Highway Rehabilitation Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Revenues: Intergovernmental Investment Income Net decrease in fair value of investments Total revenues Expenditures: Capital outlay Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance (deficit), ending Budgeted Amounts Original Final $ 1,102,070 1,102,070 $ 1,502,070 1,502,070 Variance with Final Budget Positive Actual (Negative) $ - $(1,502,070) 253 253 (87) (87) 166 (1,501,904) 1,090,000 800,000 72,444 727,556 12,070 702,070 (72,278) (774,348) 6,575 6,575 6,575 $ 18,645 $ 708,645 $ (65,703) $ (774,348) 136 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Community Development Block Grant Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 137 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 426,000 $ 426,000 $ 532,350 $ 106,350 Investment income - - 15,789 15,789 Total revenues 426,000 426,000 548,139 122,139 Expenditures: Community development 231,008 231,008 187,327 43,681 Capital outlay 741,288 741,288 704,243 37,045 Debt service: Principal 69,000 69,000 69,000 - Interest and fiscal charges 120,514 120,514 120,514 - Total expenditures 1,161,810 1,161,810 1,081,084 80,726 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (735,810) (735,810) (532,945) 202,865 Other financing sources: Transfers out (15,450) (15,450) - 15,450 Net change in fund balance (751,260) (751,260) (532,945) 218,315 Fund balance, beginning 233,491 233,491 233,491 - Fund balance (deficit), ending _L(5 $ (517,769) $ (299,454) $ 218,315 137 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Air Quality Management District Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 WE Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 136,000 $ 136,000 $ 99,719 $ (36,281) Investment income 1,167 1,167 4,909 3,742 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (1,685) (1,685) Total revenues 137,167 137,167 102,943 (34,224) Expenditures: Public works 26,415 26,415 28,350 (1,935) Net change in fund balance 110,752 110,752 74,593 (36,159) Fund balance, beginning 95,606 95,606 95,606 Fund balance (deficit), ending $ 206,358 $ 206,358 $ 170,199 $ (36,159) WE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Environmental Liability Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Revenues: Taxes Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Total revenues Expenditures: Public works Capital outlay Total expenditures Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance (deficit), ending Budgeted Amounts Original Final $ 370,000 $ 370,000 49,590 49,590 419,590 419,590 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 635,000 - 725,000 90,000 (215,410) 419,590 2,059,383 2,059,383 $ 1,843,973 $ 2,478,973 139 $ 176,764 $ (86,764) 176,764 (86,764) 329,900 310 2,059,383 - $ 2,389,283 $ (89,690) Variance with Final Budget Positive Actual (Negative) $ 453,140 $ 83,140 81,503 31,913 (27,979) (27,979) 506,664 87,074 $ 176,764 $ (86,764) 176,764 (86,764) 329,900 310 2,059,383 - $ 2,389,283 $ (89,690) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Supplemental Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Revenues: Intergovernmental Investment income Total revenues Expenditures: Public safety Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance (deficit), ending 1,382 1,382 (1,382) $ 1,382 $ 1,382 $ $ (1,382) 140 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Positive Original Final Actual (Negative) $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,222 $ 222 1,382 1,382 1,328 (54) 121,382 121,382 121,550 168 120,000 120,000 121,550 (1,550) 1,382 1,382 (1,382) $ 1,382 $ 1,382 $ $ (1,382) 140 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Traffic Congestion Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Budgeted Amounts Original Final Variance with Final Budget Positive Actual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ - $ 254,638 $ 266,503 $ 11,865 Investment income 1,056 1,056 2,557 1,501 Net decrease in fair value of investments - - (878) (878) Total revenues 1,056 255,694 268,182 12,488 Expenditures: Capital outlay - 254,638 254,638 - Net change in fund balance 1,056 1,056 13,544 12,488 Fund balance, beginning - - - Fund balance, ending $ 1,056 $ 1,056 $ 13,544 $ 12,488 141 This page left blank intentionally. 142 Internal Service Funds 143 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The Internal Service Funds are used to allocate the cost of providing goods and services by one department to other departments on a cost reimbursement basis. The City of Newport Beach Internal Service Funds are listed below: The Insurance Reserve Fund is used to account for the City's self- insured general liability and workers' compensation program. The Compensated Absence Fund is used to account for the City's accumulated liability for compensated absences. The Retiree Insurance Fund is used to account for the cost of providing post - employment Health Care Benefit. The Equipment Fund is used to account for the cost of maintaining and replacing the City's rolling stock fleet and the rental of the fleet to operating departments. 144 Assets Current assets: Cash and investments Receivables: Accounts Inventories Prepaid items Total current assets Non - current assets: Capital assets: Equipment Less accumulated depreciation Total capital assets (net of accumulated depreciation) Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Accrued payroll Capital leases - current Workers' compensation - current General liability - current Compensated absences - current Total current liabilities Non - current liabilities: Capital leases Workers' compensation General liability Compensated absences Total Noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related Unrestricted Total net assets CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH All Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2006 Total Insurance Compensated Retiree Equipment Internal $ 8,993,234 $ 1,103,283 $ 5,916,247 $ 9,939,620 $ 25,952,384 5,480 454 5,934 - 199,809 199,809 - - 82,735 9,964 92,699 8,993,234 1,103,283 6,004,462 10,149,847 26,250,826 - 19,965,582 19,965,582 (12,847,926) (12,847,926) 7,117,656 7,117,656 8,993,234 1,103,283 6,004,462 17,267,503 33,368,482 148,979 730 3,496 1,176,125 1,329,330 - - - 22,848 22,848 - - - 116,566 116,566 3,051,411 - - - 3,051,411 1,438,532 - - - 1,438,532 - 1,695,137 - - 1,695,137 4,638,922 1,695,867 3,496 1,315,539 7,653,824 - - - 49,490 49,490 8,108,589 - - - 8,108,589 3,373,470 - - - 3,373,470 - 6,941,954 - - 6,941,954 11,482,059 6,941,954 - 49,490 18,473,503 16,120,981 8,637,821 3,496 1,365,029 26,127,327 - - - 6,951,600 6,951,600 (7,127,747) (7,534,538) 6,000,966 8,950,874 289,555 $ (7,127,747) $ (7,534,538) $ 6,000,966 $ 15,902,474 $ 7,241,155 145 Operating revenues: Charges for services Other Total operating revenues Operating expenses: Salaries and wages Depreciation Professional services Maintenance and supplies Fleet parts and supplies Workers' compensation Claims and judgments Compensated absences Retiree Insurance Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Investment income Net decrease in fair value of investments Loss on sale of capital assets Interest expense Total nonoperating revenues Income (loss) before transfers Transfers in Transfer out Change in net assets Net assets (accumulated deficit), beginning, as restated Net assets, (accumulated deficit), ending CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Total Insurance Compensated Retiree Equipment Internal $ 5,028,121 $ 1,583,803 $ 1,383,586 $ 4,771,192 $ 12,766,702 389 204 10,189 10,774 5,028,502 1,583,803 1,383,790 4,781,381 12,777,476 - - 1,280,413 1,280,413 - - - 1,682,428 1,682,428 - - 20,742 20,742 - - - 1,253,380 1,253,380 - - - 379,984 379,984 3,294,929 - - - 3,294,929 2,045,323 - - - 2,045,323 - 2,934,444 - - 2,934,444 2,326,966 2,326,966 5,340,252 2,934,444 2,326,966 4,616,947 15,218,609 (311,750) (1,350,641) (943,176) 164,434 (2,441,133) 326,716 40,670 158,855 326,847 853,088 (112,159) (13,963) (54,534) (112,204) (292,860) - - - (64,075) (64,075) (6,995) (6,995) 214,557 26,707 104,321 143,573 489,158 (97,193) (1,323,934) (838,855) 308,007 (1,951,975) 1,500,000 - 4,635,167 12,638 6,147,805 (125,000) (125,000) 1,402,807 (1,323,934) 3,796,312 195,645 4,070,830 (8,530,554) (6,210,604) 2,204,654 15,706,829 $ (7,127,747) $ (7,534,538) $ 6,000,966 $ 15,902,474 MR 3,170,325 $ 7,241,155 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Acquisition of capital assets Proceeds from sale of capital assets Principal payment Interest paid Net cash used for capital and related financing activities Cash flows from investing activities: Interest on investments Net cash provided for investing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning Cash and cash equivalents, ending Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Cash flows from operating activities (2,055,028) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 184,141 184,141 Combining Statement of Cash Flows - Internal Service Funds 214,643 560,229 For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Depreciation - - 1,652,866 (122,976) 3,738,889 966,383 Total 7,340,368 Insurance Compensated Retiree Equipment Internal $ 1,103,283 Reserve Absences Insurance Maintenance Service Funds Cash flows from operating activities - 318,748 318,748 (Increase) decrease in prepaid items - Receipts from user departments $ 5,028,121 $ 1,583,803 $ 1,393,371 $ 4,774,930 $ 12,780,225 Payments to employees (2,766,206) (1,734,217) - (1,294,017) (5,794,440) Payments to suppliers (2,323,987) 730 (2,394,174) (494,402) (5,211,833) Other operating cash receipts 381 - 204 10,189 10,774 Net cash provided (used) for operating activities (61,691) (149,684) (1,000,599) 2,996,700 1,784,726 1,260,687 - - 1,260,687 Total adjustments Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: 1,200,957 (57,423) 2,832,266 4,225,859 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities Cash received from other funds 1,500,000 - 4,635,167 12,638 6,147,805 Cash paid to other funds - - - (125,000) (125,000) Net cash provided (used)by noncapital financing 1.500,000 (54,534) 4,635,167 (112,362) 6,022,805 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Acquisition of capital assets Proceeds from sale of capital assets Principal payment Interest paid Net cash used for capital and related financing activities Cash flows from investing activities: Interest on investments Net cash provided for investing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning Cash and cash equivalents, ending Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Cash flows from operating activities (2,055,028) (2,055,028) 184,141 184,141 (254,716) (254,716) (6,995) (6,995) (2,132,598) (2,132,598) 214,557 26,708 104,321 214,643 560,229 214,557 26,708 104,321 214,643 560,229 Depreciation - - 1,652,866 (122,976) 3,738,889 966,383 6,235,162 7,340,368 1,226,259 2,177,358 8,973,237 19,717,222 $ 8,993,234 $ 1,103,283 $ 5,916,247 $ 9,939,620 $ 25,952,384 Operating income (loss) $ (311,750) $ (1,350,641) $ (943,176) $ 164,434 $ (2,441,133) Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss; to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation - - - 1,682,428 1,682,428 Changes in operating assets and liabilities. Decrease in accounts receivable - - 9,785 3,738 13,523 Decrease in inventories - - - 318,748 318,748 (Increase) decrease in prepaid items - - (70,704) 28,351 (42,353) Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued payroll 17,297 (59,730) 3,496 799,001 760,064 Increase in workers' compensation 528,723 - - - 528,723 Decrease in general liability (as Restated) (295,961) - - - (295,961) Increase in compensated absences - 1,260,687 - - 1,260,687 Total adjustments 250,059 1,200,957 (57,423) 2,832,266 4,225,859 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ (61.6911 $ (149.6841 $ (1.000.5991 $ 2.996.700 $ 1.784.726 Non -cash investing, capital, and financing activities: Net decrease in fair value of investments (112,159) (13,963) (54,534) (112,204) (292,860) Loss on disposal of capital assets - - - (64,075) (64,075) Total of non -cash activities $ (112,159) $ (13,963) $ (54,534) $ (176,279) _L_1356,9351 147 This page left blank intentionally. M Fiduciary Funds ML FIDUCIARY FUNDS Fiduciary Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity, or as an agent for other government entities, private organizations, or individuals. The City of Newport Beach Fiduciary Funds are listed below: The Special Assessment Fund is used to account for funds received from affected property owners and payable to holders of 1911 Act, 1915 Act and other special assessment bonds. The Business Improvement District Fund is used to account for monies collected from local business districts for district property improvements and business enhancement. 150 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Agency Funds Combining Statement of Fiduciary Assets and Liabilities June 30, 2006 151 Special Business Assessment District Improvement Assets Fund Fund Totals Cash and investments $ 1,803,541 $ 116,734 $ 1,920,275 Cash with Fiscal Agent 4,432,708 - 4,432,708 Total assets $ 6,236,249 $ 116,734 $ 6,352,983 Liabilities Due to bondholders $ 6,236,249 $ 116,734 $ 6,352,983 Due to others - - - Total liabilities $ 6,236,249 $ 116,734 $ 6,352,983 151 Special Assessment: Assets Cash and investments Cash with Fiscal Agent Total Assets Liabilities Due to bondholders Business Improvement District: Assets Cash and investments Liabilities Due to others Totals - All Agency Funds: Assets Cash and investments Cash with Fiscal Agent Total Assets CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets All Agency Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 Balance Balance June 30, 2005 Additions Deductions June 30, 2006 $ 2,075,624 $ 2,911,942 $ (3,184,025) $ 1,803,541 3,326,425 3,351,821 (2,245,538) 4,432,708 $ 5,402,049 $ 6,263,763 $ (5,429,563) $ 6,236,249 $ 5,402,049 $ 6,263,763 $ (5,429,563) $ 6,236,249 $ 77,025 $ 311,858 $ (272,149) $ 116,734 $ 77,025 $ 311,858 $ (272,149) $ 116,734 $ 2,152,649 $ 3,223,800 $ (3,456,174) $ 1,920,275 3,326,425 $ 3,351,821 $ (2,245,538) 4,432,708 $ 5,479,074 $ 6,575,621 $ (5,701,712) $ 6,352,983 Liabilities Due to bondholders $ 5,402,049 $ 6,263,763 Due to others 77,025 311,858 Total Liabilities $ 5,479,074 $ 6,575,621 152 $ (5,429,563) (272,149) $ (5,701,712) $ 6,236,249 116,734 $ 6,352,983 O � Statistical Section w r-w N . H _ y� Ri rid r3 Fy. N . ;t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Statistical Contents June 30, 2006 This section of the City of Newport Beach's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) presents detailed information as a context for understanding what the information in the financial statements, note disclosures, and required supplementary information says about the City's overall financial heath. The statistical information presented herein is un- audited. Contents Page FinancialTrends .............................. ............................... ............................155 The following schedules contain trend information illustrating how the City's financial performance and well -being has changed over time: • Net Assets by Component • Changes in Net Assets • Fund Balances of Governmental Funds • Changes in Fund Balance of Governmental Funds RevenueCapacity ............................. ............................... ............................160 The following schedules present factors affecting the City's ability to generate its own revenue and its most significant local revenue source, the property tax: • Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property • Direct and Overlapping Property Tax Rates • Principal Property Tax Payers • Property Tax Levies and Collections DebtCapacity .................................. ............................... ............................164 The following schedules exhibit the City's levels of outstanding debt over time, to help readers assess the affordability of the current level of outstanding debt, and the City's ability to issue additional debt: • Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type • Ratios of General Bonded Debt Outstanding • Direct and Overlapping Debt • Legal Debt Margin Information • Pledged Revenue Coverage Demographic and Economic Information .............................. ............................171 The following schedules depict demographic and economic indicators to assist the reader in understanding the socio- economic, environment in which the City's financial activities take place: • Demographic and Economic Statistics • Principal Employers 153 Operating Information ........................ ............................... ............................173 The following schedules present information on the City's operations and resources including service and infrastructure data to facilitate the readers understanding of how financial statement information relates to the services the City provides and the activities it performs: • Full Time City Employees by Functions • Operating Indicators by Function • Capital Asset Statistics by Function • Water Sold by Customer Type • Water Rates • Major Water Customers Sources: Unless otherwise noted, the information in these schedules is derived from the Comprehensive annual financial reports and underlying accounting records for the relevant year. 154 Governmental activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total governmental activities Business -type activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total business -type activities Primary government: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total primary government CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Net Assets by Component Last Five Fiscal Years (accrual basis of accounting) Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 $ 1,391,677,813 $ 1,412,372,465 $ 1,512,651,096 $ 1,915,348,883 $ 2,005,643,651 38,689,956 37,650,692 45,494,082 54,285,743 51,901,103 41,095,786 49,322,283 46,772,913 61,894,956 56,662,229 $ 1,471,463,555 $ 1,499,345,440 $ 1,604,918,091 $ 2,031,529,582 $ 2,114,206,983 $ 87,470,314 $ 91,912,205 $ 94,206,704 $ 99,641,411 $ 104,602,266 26,123,500 24,227,579 21,493,528 19,665,535 16,907,367 $ 113,593,814 $ 116,139,784 $ 115,700,232 $ 119,306,946 $ 121,509,633 $ 1,479,148,127 $ 1,504,284,670 $ 1,606,857,800 $ 2,014,990,294 $ 2,110,245,917 38,689,956 37,650,692 45,494,082 54,285,743 51,901,103 67,219,286 73,549,862 68,266,441 81,560,491 73,569,596 $ 1,585,057,389 $ 1,615,485,224 $ 1,720,618,323 $ 2,150,836,528 $ 2,235,716,616 The City of Newport Beach implemented GASB 34 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. Information prior to the implementation of GASB 34 is not available. 155 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Changes in Net Assets Last Five Fiscal Years (accrual basis of accounting) Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Expenses: Governmental activities: General government $ 12,792,860 $ 10,799,630 $ 11,428,379 $ 11,378,609 $ 14,509,827 Public safety 47,168,918 56,521,871 58,178,633 63,214,291 67,789,121 Public works 30,320,516 32,089,038 38,127,832 46,359,871 33,870,359 Community development 4,471,397 5,782,215 6,229,785 6,437,006 8,157,925 Community services 11,044,086 10,404,285 14,741,504 13,073,215 13,803,755 Interest on long -term debt 517,102 673,944 542,126 508,869 479,529 Total governmental activities expenses $ 106,314,879 $ 116,270,983 $ 129,248,259 $ 140,971,861 $ 138,610,516 Business -type activities: Water $ 14,806,514 $ 14,540,036 $ 17,185,034 $ 14,467,233 $ 16,228,213 Wastewater 2,588,833 3,115,136 3,363,954 2,740,908 3,143,629 Total business -type activities $ 17,395,347 $ 17,655,172 $ 20,548,988 $ 17,208,141 $ 19,371,842 expenses Total primary government $ 123,710,226 $ 133,926,155 $ 149,797,247 $ 158,180,002 $ 157,982,358 expenses Program revenues: Governmental activities: Charges for services: General government $ 2,270,082 $ 3,008,162 $ 2,109,141 $ 2,412,769 $ 2,623,272 Public safety 10,549,410 11,603,584 15,739,912 16,264,493 13,669,509 Public works 5,436,948 5,009,048 5,481,464 6,031,248 5,133,728 Community development 3,236,483 4,022,904 5,196,276 5,129,858 5,667,289 Community services 2,533,899 6,039,226 3,846,566 3,952,862 9,433,278 Operating Grants and Contributions: 7,891,059 8,750,565 10,681,329 17,480,834 12,772,599 Capital Grants and 1,562,458 4,146,728 674,815 20,205,948 69,473,891 Contributions: Total governmental activities program revenues $ 33,480,339 $ 42,560,217 $ 43,729,503 $ 71,478,012 $ 118,773,566 Business -type activities: Charges for services: Water 16,665,724 16,489,284 18,430,000 17,573,196 17,923,523 Wastewater 2,945,804 2,768,941 2,882,793 2,900,672 3,311,089 Total business -type activities program revenues $ 19,611,528 $ 19,258,225 $ 21,312,793 $ 20,473,868 $ 21,234,612 Total primary government program revenues $ 53,091,867 $ 61,838,442 $ 65,042,296 $ 91,951,880 $ 140,008,178 Net revenues (expenses): Governmental activities $ (72,834,540.00) $ (73,690,766.00) $ (85,518,756.00) $ (69,493,849.00) $ (19,836,950.00) Business -type activities 2,216,181 1,603,053 763,805 3,265,727 1,862,770 Total net revenues (expenses) $ (70,618,359) $ (72,087,713) $ (84,754,951) $ (66,228,122) $ (17,974,180) 156 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Changes in Net Assets Last Five Fiscal Years (accrual basis of accounting) The City of Newport Beach implemented GASB 34 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. Information prior to the implementation of GASB 34 is not available. 157 Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 General revenues and other changes in net assets: Governmental activities: Taxes: Property taxes $ 33,583,659 $ 39,474,864 $ 43,631,829 $ 46,303,366 $ 57,888,545 Sales tax 18,796,571 20,133,598 21,843,884 18,977,828 21,465,557 Sales tax in -lieu - - - 5,339,827 5,720,028 Transient occupancy taxes 7,690,655 8,055,266 8,045,132 9,215,862 9,832,729 Business license 2,470,857 2,030,845 2,830,127 3,458,165 3,848,381 Franchise taxes 2,735,641 2,465,584 2,765,519 3,029,476 3,162,588 Motor vehicle license fees 4,380,070 3,970,103 3,624,917 6,395,860 300,751 Motor vehicle fines 711,693 742,957 - - - Othertaxes 341,820 314,725 266,642 240,534 508,331 Investment income 2,171,474 2,111,451 584,415 1,209,074 1,939,941 Net increase in fair value of investments 1,093,913 318,686 (360,586) (258,125) (715,615) Gain on sale of assets 160,236 130,954 - - - Other 12,570 1,294,628 214,536 761,111 776,907 Property income 3,771,556 - - - - Shareofjointventurenet 2,120,582 389,418 146,819 100,325 (513,791) income Capital contributions 836,206,102 17,836,792 102,713,421 213,779,060 - Sale of service rights 25,000,000 - - - - Transfers - 33,277 57,783 - 40,000 Total governmental activities $ 941,247,399 $ 99,303,148 $ 186,364,438 $ 308,552,363 $ 104,254,352 Business -type activities: Investment income $ 888,779 $ 505,619 $ 203,041 $ 424,157 $ 549,012 Net increase in fair value of investments 428,199 440,697 (87,078) (87,921) (169,095) Property income 27,100 29,880 29,280 26,970 - Capital contributions - - 215,331 - - Transfers - (33,277) (57,783) - (40,000) Total business -type activities $ 1,344,078 $ 942,919 $ 302,791 $ 363,206 $ 339,917 Total primary government $ 942,591,477 $ 100,246,067 $ 186,667,229 $ 308,915,569 $ 104,594,269 Changes in net assets Governmental activities $ 868,412,859 $ 25,612,382 $ 100,845,682 $ 239,058,514 $ 84,417,402 Business -type activities 3,560,259 2,545,972 1,066,596 3,628,933 2,202,687 Total primary government $ 871,973,118 $ 28,158,354 $ 101,912,278 $ 242,687,447 $ 86,620,089 The City of Newport Beach implemented GASB 34 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. Information prior to the implementation of GASB 34 is not available. 157 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Fund Balances of Governmental Funds Last Five Fiscal Years (modified accrual basis of accounting) All other governmental funds Reserved $ 4,669,957 $ 4,693,197 $ 3,973,823 $ 12,230,132 Fiscal Year Unreserved, reported in: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 General fund: 7,120,032 - - 6,076,969 2,077,124 Permanent funds 15 Reserved $ 3,165,787 $ 4,393,418 $ 6,678,579 $ 4,673,198 $ 9,374,722 Unreserved 25,171,551 31,929,366 37,765,801 49,814,197 45,212,339 Total general fund $ 28,337,338 $ 36,322,784 $44,444,380 $ 54,487,395 $ 54,587,061 Tide and submerged land fund: Reserved $ 294,876 $ 457,777 $ 340,208 $ 552,713 $ 538,965 Unreserved 238,822 356,075 120,328 194,174 27,633 Total tide and submerged land fund $ 533,698 $ 813,852 $ 460,536 $ 746,887 $ 566,598 Newport coast annexation fund: Reserved $ 7,000,000 $ 23,322 $ 575,000 $ 218,037 $ 17,438,519 Unreserved 8,035,822 13,897,539 17,178,391 16,097,482 - Totalgeneralfund $ 15,035,822 $13,920,861 $ 17,753,391 $ 16,315,519 $17,438,519 All other governmental funds Reserved $ 4,669,957 $ 4,693,197 $ 3,973,823 $ 12,230,132 $ 18,157,202 Unreserved, reported in: Special revenue funds 11,057,395 18,789,098 16,895,613 10,099,453 7,506,021 Capital projects funds 7,120,032 - - 6,076,969 2,077,124 Permanent funds 15 - - 285,506 404,771 Total all other governmental funds $ 22,847,399 $ 23,482,295 $ 20,869,436 $ 28,692,060 $ 28,145,118 The City of Newport Beach has elected to show only five years of data for this schedule. 158 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds Last Five Fiscal Years (modified accrual basis of accounting) Expenditures Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Revenues: General government $ Taxes $ 65,878,471 $ 72,864,836 $ 79,874,751 $ 86,995,139 $ 102,737,810 Intergovernmental 26,227,740 10,379,792 16,108,023 24,125,313 14,842,994 Licenses and permits 3,350,958 4,397,520 5,429,632 4,968,234 5,708,965 Charges for services 10,338,569 11,156,294 11,516,782 13,104,478 13,135,366 Fines and forfeitures 3,384,164 3,448,826 3,605,963 3,422,735 3,841,843 Investment income 2,758,557 1,941,046 887,513 2,356,747 3,847,982 Net increase (decrease) in fair 12,730,727 Capital outlay 38,613,906 value of investments 1,268,972 1,468,682 (360,586) (493,879) (1,325,211) Properly income 10,130,165 10,947,021 11,857,671 12,337,339 13,625,142 Donations 746,774 1,819,159 2,704,367 1,087,826 883,405 Contributions from property owners - - - 14,779,013 - Other 1,782,696 2,590,504 478,200 980,446 1,042,882 Total revenues $ 125,867,066 $ 121,013,680 $ 132,102,316 $ 163,663,391 $ 158,341,178 Expenditures Current: General government $ 12,292,008 $ 9,689,275 $ 11,024,256 $ 10,920,667 $ 12,531,200 Public safety 47,841,176 53,035,377 56,849,718 59,462,134 65,262,069 Public works 19,418,067 21,259,782 22,780,896 24,365,996 26,430,751 Community development 4,586,192 5,457,498 5,723,031 6,144,917 7,900,503 Community services 9,418,041 9,382,608 10,827,346 10,351,414 12,730,727 Capital outlay 38,613,906 14,684,897 15,188,550 33,486,048 24,811,237 Debt service: Principal retirement 1,291,099 1,822,913 1,668,350 1,688,801 1,715,542 Interest and fiscal charges 466,974 529,808 520,228 499,077 480,909 Total expenditures $ 133,927,463 $ 115,862,158 $ 124,582,375 $ 146,939,054 $ 151,862,938 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures $ (8,060,397) $ 5,151,522 $ 7,519,941 $ 16,724,337 $ 6,478,240 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in $ 10,927,460 $ 14,376,167 $ 16,553,395 $ 20,601,957 $ 25,194,920 Transfers out (11,669,089) (14,342,890) (18,495,612) (20,612,176) (31,177,725) Proceeds from issuance of debt 18,000,000 2,630,736 - - - Total other financing sources (uses) $ 17,258,371 $ 2,664,013 $ (1,942,217) $ (10,219) $ (5,982,805) Net change in fund balances $ 9,197,974 $ 7,815,535 $ 5,577,724 $ 16,714,118 $ 495,435 Debt service as a percentage of noncapital expenditures 1.9% 24% 2.0% 2.0% 1.8% The City of Newport Beach has elected to show only five years of data for this schedule. 159 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years City Fiscal Year Taxable Assessed Total Direct Ended June Value Tax Rate 30 Public Utility Secured Unsecured 1997 $ 354,820 $ 11,154,286,162 $ 754,892,821 1998 354,820 11,551,641,504 778,209,144 1999 354,820 12,343,526,263 1,009,975,297 2000 324,960 13,091,299,313 1,295,776,000 2001 2,000 15,087,602,671 915,394,966 2002 2,000 16,515,797,641 913,075,074 2003 16,531,505 21,339,270,499 1,085,951,066 2004 16,531,505 23,219,166,299 1,372,432,950 2005 53,310 25,193,662,254 1,484,019,033 2006 53,310 28,136,554,256 1,914,106,993 NOTE: $ 11,909,533,803 0.149% 12,330,205,468 0.149% 13,353,856,380 0.149% 14,387,400,273 0.149% 16,002,999,637 0.147% 17,428,874,715 0.146% 22,074,712,813 0.146% 24,028,922,454 0.146% 26,048,627,730 0.146% 30,050,714,559 0.146% In 1978 the voters of the State of California passed Proposition 13 which limited property taxes to a total maximum rate of 1 % based upon the assessed value of the property being taxed. Each year, the assessed value of property may be increased by an "inflation factor" (limited to a maximum increase of 2 %). With few exceptions, property is only re- assessed at the time that it is sold to a new owner. At that point, the new assessed value is reassessed at the purchase price of the property sold. The assessed valuation data shown above represents the only data currently available with respect to the actual market value of taxable property and is subject to the limitations described above. Source: County of Orange Auditor - Controller's Office 160 Source: Orange County Auditor Controllers Office 161 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Direct and Overlapping Property Tax Rates (Rate per $100 of assessed value) Last Ten Fiscal Years 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 City Direct Rates: City basic rate $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 Total City Direct Rate $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 $ 1.000 Overlapping Rates: Metro Water District $ 0.009 $ 0.009 $ 0.009 $ 0.009 $ 0.009 $ 0.008 $ 0.007 $ 0.006 $ 0.006 $ 0.005 Newport -Mesa Unified School District 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0069 0.0067 0.0122 0.0122 0.0131 Total Direct Rate $ 1.009 $ 1.009 $ 1.009 $ 1.009 $ 1.009 $ 1.015 $ 1.013 $ 1.018 $ 1.018 $ 1.018 NOTE: In 1978, California voters passed Proposition 13 which sets the property tax rate at a 1.00% fixed amount. This 1.00% is shared by all taxing agencies for which the subject property resides within. In addition to the 1.00% fixed amount, property owners are charged taxes as a percentage of assessed property values for the payment of other debt obligations. Source: Orange County Auditor Controllers Office 161 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Principal Property Taxpayers Current Year and Nine Years Ago 2006 1997 Taxpayer Taxable Assessed Value Percent of Total City Taxable Assessed Value Taxable Assessed Value Percent of Total City Taxable Assessed Value Irvine Company $ 1,172,400,123 3.90% $ 640,564,159 5.38% Jazz Semiconductor Inc. 393,204,165 1.31% 467,372,034 ' 3.92% Conexant Systems Inc. 373,715,557 1.24% - ' 0.00% Irvine Apartment Communities 341,157,065 1.14% 166,737,098 1.40% UDR Newport Beach North 123,637,906 0.41% - 0.00% Balboa Bay Club Inc. 123,661,632 0.41% - 0.00% 4000 Macarthur 70,631,340 0.24% - 0.00% HMH Properties Inc. 73,104,132 0.24% 91,411,825 0.77% Rockwell Semiconductor Systems Inc. 67,669,199 0.23% - ' 0.00% Cornerstone Partners IV LLC 66,498,776 0.22% - 0.00% Coronado South Apartments 68,106,835 0.23% - 0.00% Park Newport Land Limited 66,524,707 0.22% 63,308,620 0.53% Downey S & L Association 66,474,587 0.22% 42,056,337 0.35% Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 56,610,000 0.19% - 0.00% 100 Bayview LLC 58,667,507 0.20% 32,627,700 0.27% $ 3,122,063,531 10.39% $ 1,504,077,773 12.63% ' In the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997, Rockwell International Corp. was a principal property taxpayer. By the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, there were three principal property taxpayers originating from this company: Jazz Semiconductor Inc., Conexant Systems Inc., Rockall Semiconductor Systems Inc. Source: HdL, Caren and Cone Co. 162 Fiscal Year Taxes Levied for Ended June the Fiscal Year 30 1997 $ 20,563,561 1998 21,144,504 1999 22,738,432 2000 24,667,494 2001 27,405,295 2002 31,298,541 2003 37,092,528 2004 42,469,238 2005 45,111,328 2006 47,286,816 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Collected within the Fiscal Year of Levy Total Collections to Date Amount $ 20,096,688 20,472,716 22,084,910 24,207,104 26,856,091 30,651,143 36,351,026 41,420,410 54,063,951 45,558,039 Percent of " " " "'` " "' Years Percent of Levy Amount Levy 97.73% $ 897,670 $ 20,994,358 102.09% 96.82% 1,040,120 21,512,836 101.74% 97.13% 1,113,950 23,198,860 102.02% 98.13% 1,398,573 25,605,677 103.80% 98.00% 886,625 27,742,716 101.23% 97.93% 102,001 30,753,144 98.26% 98.00% 529,986 36,881,012 99.43% 97.53% 670,685 42,091,095 99.11% 119.85% 2 483,804 54,547,755 2 120.92% 96.34% 728,365 46,286,404 97.88% Includes estimated levy for Newport Coast properties that were annexed on January 1, 2002. 2 Collections include nearly $10 million of Property Tax in lieu of Sales Tax and Vehicle License Fees not included in the levy. Source: Orange County Auditor Controller's Office 163 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type Last Ten Fiscal Years Note: This excludes claims and judgements and employee compensated absence liabilities .Details regarding the City's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements. These ratios are calculated using personal income and population for the prior calendar year. 164 Governmental Activities Fiscal Year Total Ended Certificates of Pre- Annexation Governmental June 30 Participation Note Payable Agreement CDBG Loan Capital Leases Activities 1997 $ 6,940,000 $ 2,813,704 N/A N/A $ 1,853,027 $ 11,606,731 1998 6,780,000 2,703,949 N/A N/A 1,532,071 11,016,020 1999 7,070,000 2,589,255 N/A N/A 2,657,180 12,316,435 2000 6,845,000 2,469,399 N/A N/A 1,798,655 11,113,054 2001 6,610,000 2,350,930 N/A N/A 914,830 9,875,760 2002 6,365,000 2,219,660 18,000,000 N/A 1,150,927 27,735,587 2003 6,110,000 2,082,483 16,800,000 2,400,000 1,293,586 28,686,069 2004 5,845,000 1,939,133 15,600,000 2,340,000 862,975 26,587,108 2005 5,570,000 1,789,332 14,400,000 2,276,000 420,773 24,456,105 2006 5,280,000 1,632,789 13,200,000 2,207,000 166,056 22,485,845 Note: This excludes claims and judgements and employee compensated absence liabilities .Details regarding the City's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements. These ratios are calculated using personal income and population for the prior calendar year. 164 Business -type Activities Percentage of Water Revenue Total Business- Total Primary Personal Debt Per Bonds type Activities Government Income' Capita' $ 15,435,000 $ 15,435,000 $ 27,041,731 0.73% $ 392 14,560,000 14,560,000 25,576,020 0.65% 365 14,225,000 14,225,000 26,541,435 0.62% 365 13,200,000 13,200,000 24,313,054 0.53% 329 12,095,000 12,095,000 21,970,760 0.50% 314 10,950,000 10,950,000 38,685,587 0.80% 511 9,765,000 9,765,000 38,451,069 0.72% 484 8,535,000 8,535,000 35,122,108 0.65% 435 7,255,000 7,255,000 31,711,105 0.56% 382 5,925,000 5,925,000 28,410,845 0.45% 341 165 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ratio of General Bonded Debt Outstanding Last Ten Fiscal Years (In Thousands, except Per Capita) Fiscal Year Certificates of Ended June 30 Participation 1997 $ 6,940 1998 6,780 1999 7,070 2000 6,845 2001 6,610 2002 6,365 2003 6,110 2004 5,845 2005 5,570 2006 5,280 Total 6,940 6,780 7,070 6,845 6,610 6,365 6,110 5,845 5,570 5,280 Percent of Assessed Value' Per Capita 0.06% $ 100 0.05 % 97 0.05 % 97 0.05% 93 0.04% 94 0.04% 84 0.03% 77 0.02% 72 0.02% 67 0.02% 63 1 Assessed value was used because the actual value of taxable property is not readily available in the State of California. f[ City Assessed Valuation: Redevelopment Agency Incremental Valuation: Adjusted Assessed Valuation: OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT: Orange County Teeter Plan Obligations Metropolitan Water District Coast Community College District Rancho Santiago Community College District Laguna Beach Unified School District Laguna Beach U.S.D. Community Facilities District No. 98 -1 Newport Mesa Unified School District Newport Mesa U.S.D. Community Facilities District No. 90 -1 Santa Ana Unified School District Irvine Ranch Water District Improvement DisMCts CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Direct and Overlapping Debt June 30, 2006 Percentage Applicable' 9,577% 2,018% 33.460% 4.907% 10.990% 100.000% 71.115% 100.000% 11.741% 17.643 % - 100.000% Bonita Canyon Public Facilities Financing Authority Community Facilities District No. 98 -1 100.000% City of Newport Beach Special Improvement District No. 95 -1 100.000% City of Newport Beach 1915 Act Bonds 100.000% Orange County Assessment District No. 88 -1 100.000% Orange County Assessment District No. 99 -1 R 100.000% Orange County Assessment District No. 01 -1 100.000% TOTAL OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GENERAL FUND DEBT: OVERLAPPING GENERAL FUND DEBT: Orange County General Fund Obligations Orange County Pension Obligations Orange County Board of Education Certificates of Participation Orange County Transit District Authority Orange County Sanitation District Certificates of Participation Municipal Water District of O.C. Water Facilities Corporation Coast Community College District Certificates of Participation South O.C. Comm. College District Certificates of Participation Newport Mesa U.S.D. Certificates of Participation Santa Ana Unified School District Certificates of Participation Irvine Ranch Water District Certificates of Participation TOTAL GROSS OVERLAPPING GENERAL FUND DEBT DIRECT GENERAL FUND DEBT: City of Newport Beach Certificates of Participation TOTAL GROSS DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GENERAL FUND DEBT TOTAL GROSS DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING BONDED DEBT Less: Orange County Transit District Authority (80% self- supporting) M WDCO Water Facilities Corporation (100% self - supporting) TOTAL NET DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING BONDED DEBT 9.577% 9.577% 9.577% 9.577% 13.328% 11.401% 33.460% 2.666% 71.115% 11.741% 11.534% $ 30,050,714,559 548,723,855 $ 29,501,990,704 Outstanding Debt 6/30/06 123,725,000 389,565,000 102,718,867 210,699,166 35,950,000 9.970,000 104,770,000 16,450,000 135,923,187 56,493,830 43,615,000 13,575,000 13,523,000 83,883,088 18,290,000 88,305,000 1,447,456,138 $ 630,022,000 99,716,298 19,820,000 2,470,000 130,370,000 28,205,000 6,695,000 38,790,000 1,915,000 44,699,711 44,200,000 1,046,903,009 100.000% 5,280,000 1,052,183,009 Estimated Share of Overlapping Debt 11,849,143 7,861,422 34,369,733 10,339,008 3,950,905 9,970,000 74,507,186 16,450,000 15,958,741 50,190,455 43,615,000 13,575,000 13,523,000 39,353,296 18,230,000 58,305,000 422,047,889' $ 60,337,207 9,549,830 1,898,161 236,552 17,375,714 3,215,652 2,240,147 1,034,141 1,361,852 5,248,193 5,098,028 107,595,477 5,280,000 220,470,955 $ 642,516,644 (189,242) (3,215,652) $ 639,113,950 ' The percentage of overlapping debt applicable is estimated using taxable assessed property values. Applicable percentages were estimated by determining the portion of another governmental unit's taxable assessed value that is within the city's boundaries and dividing it by each unit's total taxable assessed value. 2 Excludes tax and revenue anticipation notes, revenue, mortgage revenue and tax allocation bonds and non - bonded capital lease obligations. Ratios to Assessed Valuation: Combined Direct Debt ($5,570,000) 0.020% Total Gross Combined Debt 2.110% Total Net Combined Debt 2.090% STATE SCHOOL BUILDING AID REPAYABLE AS OF 6/30/06: 0.000% Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. 167 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Legal Debt Margin Information Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Assessed valuation $ 11,909,533,803 $ 12,330,205,468 $ 13,353,856,380 $ 14,387,400,273 $ 16,002,999,637 Conversion percentage 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Adjusted assessed valuation 2,977,383,451 3,082,551,367 3,338,464,095 3,596,850,068 4,000,749,909 Debt limit percentage 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% Debt limit 446,607,518 462,382,705 500,769,614 539,527,510 600,112,486 Total net debt applicable to limit: General obligation bonds 6,940,000 6,780,000 6,615,000 6,845,000 6,610,000 Legal debt margin $ 439,667,518 $ 455,602,705 $ 494,154,614 $ 532,682,510 $ 593,502,486 Total debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit 1.6% 1.5% 1.3% 1.3% 1.1% NOTE: The Government Code of the State of California provides for a legal debt limit of 15% of gross assessed valuation. However, this provision was enacted when assessed valuation was based upon 25% of market value. Effective with the 1981 -82 fiscal year, each parcel is now assessed at 100% of market value (as of the most recent change in ownership for that parcel). The computations shown above reflect a conversion of assessed valuation data for each fiscal year from the current full valuation perspective to the 25% level that was in effect at the time that the legal debt margin was enacted by the State of California for local governments located within the state. Source: City Administrative Services Department 168 Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 $ 22,074,692,813 $ 22,074,712,813 $ 24,028,922,454 $ 26,048,627,730 $ 29,501,990,704 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 5,518,673,203 5,518,678,203 6,007,230,614 6,512,156,933 7,375,497,676 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 827,800,980 827,801,730 901,084,592 976,823,540 1,106,324,651 6,365,000 6,110,000 5,845,000 5,570,000 5,285,000 $ 821,435,980 $ 821,691,730 $ 895,239,592 $ 971,253,540 $ 1,101,039,651 0.8% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% •' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Pledged- Revenue Coverage Last Ten Fiscal Years Gross revenues includes operating revenues, interest, property, and intergovernmental revenues in the Water Fund. ' Total Water Fund operating expenses do not include interest or depreciation expenses. 170 Water Revenue Bonds Debt Service Fiscal Year Less Operating Net Available Ended Water Revenue Expenses' Revenue June 30 ' Principal Interest Coverage 1997 $ 18,221,967 $ 14,651,987 $ 3,569,980 $ 845,000 $ 854,130 2.10 1998 16,497,212 12,350,445 4,146,767 875,000 784,390 2.50 1999 17,658,076 11,145,936 6,512,140 335,000 593,469 7.01 2000 17,770,491 11,713,223 6,057,268 1,025,000 551,668 3.84 2001 18,215,185 11,784,120 6,431,065 1,105,000 510,225 3.98 2002 17,809,919 13,289,297 4,520,622 1,145,000 456,573 2.82 2003 17,326,604 12,430,144 4,896,460 1,185,000 465,573 2.97 2004 18,558,258 15,256,454 3,301,804 1,230,000 392,958 2.03 2005 17,878,016 12,964,712 4,913,304 1,280,000 367,743 2.98 2006 18,247,160 14,186,792 4,060,368 1,330,000 314,623 2.47 Gross revenues includes operating revenues, interest, property, and intergovernmental revenues in the Water Fund. ' Total Water Fund operating expenses do not include interest or depreciation expenses. 170 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Demographic and Economic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Population Personal Income Per Capita Unemployment (in thousands) Income Rate 1997 69,069 $ 3,699,957 $ 53,569 2.6% 1998 70,030 3,921,680 56,000 2.0% 1999 72,623 4,288,461 59,051 1.8% 2000 73,965 4,630,061 62,598 1.6% 2001 70,032 4,413,066 63,015 1.6% 2002 75,662 4,865,294 64,303 2.5% 2003 79,392 5,325,060 67,073 2.4% 2004 80,800 5,434,285 67,256 1.9% 2005 83,120 5,635,370 67,798 2.4% 2006 83,361 6,335,186 75,997 2.1% Source: City of Newport Beach Library Services Department 171 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Principal Employers Current Year ' Information for prior years was unavailable. Source: Orange County Auditor Controllers Office 172 2006 1997' Number of Percent of Total Number of Percent of Total Employer Employees Employment Employees Employment Hoag Memorial Hospital 3,579 4.41% N/A N/A Pacific Life Insurance 2,854 3.52% N/A N/A Conexant Systems Inc. 1,400 1.73% N/A N/A Downey Savings & Loan 800 0.99% N/A N/A City of Newport Beach 725 0.89% N/A N/A Four Seasons Hotel 600 0.74% N/A N/A Fletcher Jones Motor Cars 500 0.62% N/A N/A The Fairmont Newport Beach 400+ 0.49% N/A N/A Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & 400 0.49% N/A N/A Tennis Club Pacific Investment Management Co. 390 0.48% N/A N/A The Hyatt Regency Newport Beach 200 0.25% N/A N/A ' Information for prior years was unavailable. Source: Orange County Auditor Controllers Office 172 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Full -time City Employees by Function Last Ten Fiscal Years Source: City Administrative Services Department 173 Full -Time Employees as of June 30, 2006 Function 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 General government 34 29 26 69 75 77 77 84 86 90 Public safety 12 12 106 344 358 384 384 385 385 388 Community development 20 19 18 39 42 44 46 46 47 48 Public works 23 24 16 157 155 163 164 162 162 163 Community services 20 19 18 51 53 57 58 57 60 65 Balboa yacht basin 15 12 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Water 20 20 16 31 34 33 33 33 34 34 Wastewater 17 17 16 11 10 12 12 13 13 13 Total 161 152 232 703 728 771 775 781 788 801 Source: City Administrative Services Department 173 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Operating Indicators by Function Last Ten Fiscal Years Source: City of Newport Beach 174 Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Police: Adult Arrests 2,930 2,954 3,029 3,396 3,494 Parking Citations Issued 72,464 68,133 72,711 76,993 74,068 Fire: Fire Responses 216 238 260 353 365 Fire Inspections 7,878 7,500 6,216 6,173 6,173 General Services: Street Patching (tons of mix) 4,130 2,403 3,200 4,400 5,000 Sidewalk Repair (square feet) 52,728 36,055 59,645 65,000 50,000 Recreation & Senior Services: Co- Sponsored Youth Organizations 126,000 128,900 132,500 141,594 165,464 Senior Transportation Services 12,000 12,800 10,260 10,260 11,000 Water: New connections 74 103 253 163 154 Average daily consumption (hundred cubic ft.) 17 17 17 17 17 Sewer: New connections N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Average daily sewage treatment (hundred cubic ft.) 20 20 20 20 20 Library Services: Library Circulation of Materials 1,415,000 1,430,000 1,240,000 1,130,000 1,250,713 Source: City of Newport Beach 174 Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 3,684 3,485 3,201 3,079 3,138 73,191 68,907 71,076 72,665 74,860 359 442 423 228 208 4,402 4,460 4,500 4,550 5,939 5,500 5,500 5,000 4,500 5,235 50,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 53,428 188,689 200,077 185,627 194,749 194,722 10,917 12,094 12,041 11,936 13,000 118 99 53 55 52 17 17 17 17 17 N/A 50 25 24 24 20 20 20 20 20 1,263,200 1,347,583 1,392,346 1,475,025 1,443,078 175 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Capital Asset Statistics by Function Last Ten Fiscal Years Source: City of Newport Beach 176 Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Police: Stations 1 1 1 1 1 Fire: Fire stations 6 6 6 6 6 Lifeguard Headquarters 1 1 1 1 1 Public works: Streets (miles) N/A N/A N/A N/A 7,714.49 Streetlights N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Traffic signals N/A N/A N/A N/A 121 Recreation & Senior Services: Parks 43 43 45 45 45 Community centers 10 10 10 10 10 Aquatic Center 1 1 1 1 1 Water: Water mains (miles) NIA N/A N/A N/A 282.35 Maximum daily capacity (thousands of gallons) NIA N/A NIA N/A 20,959 Wastewater: Sanitary sewers (miles) N/A N/A N/A N/A 200.02 Storm sewers (miles) NIA N/A N/A N/A 103.08 Library Services: Libraries 4 4 4 4 4 Source: City of Newport Beach 176 Fiscal Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 8,811.03 8,811.03 8,811.03 9,532.81 9,532.81 7,277 7,277 7,277 7,277 7,277 130 131 131 144 147 47 47 47 47 47 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 294.81 294.81 294.81 298.42 299.88 20,796 21,291 20,092 20,633 19,369 176.90 178.40 179.15 179.15 179.15 51.40 53.50 57.60 57.60 57.60 4 4 4 4 4 177 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Water Sold by Type of Customer Last Ten Fiscal Years (in hundred cubic feet) Source: City Utilities Department 178 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Type of Customer: Residential N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,227,699 4,459,302 4,430,485 4,362,402 4,289,629 4,190,791 Commercial N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,487,538 1,552,366 1,604,931 1,659,565 1,568,462 1,440,377 Government N/A N/A N/A N/A 678,594 480,809 597,395 486,051 487,189 607,650 Total N/A N/A N/A N/A 6,393,831 6,492,477 6,632,811 6,508,018 6,345,280 6,238,818 Total direct rate per 100 cubic ft. $ 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.08 Source: City Utilities Department 178 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Water Rates Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year Ended June Monthly Rate per 30 Base Rate 100 cubic ft 1997 $ 8.75 $ 2.50 1998 8.75 2.50 1999 8.75 2.50 2000 8.75 2.50 2001 8.75 2.50 2002 8.75 2.50 2003 8.75 2.50 2004 8.75 2.50 2005 8.75 2.50 2006 10.75 2.73 Note: Rates are based on 3/4" meter, which is the standard household meter size. The City charges an excess -use rate above normal demand. 179 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Major Water Customers Current Year and Nine Years Ago i Information for fiscal yeard ended prior to 2001, was unavailable. Source: City Revenue Division W-M 2006 2001 ' Percent of Total Percent of Total Water Customer Water Charges Water Revenues Water Charges Water Revenues Big Canyon Country Club $ 270,957 1.48% $ 169,900 0.93% Irvine Apartment Management 251,919 1.38% N/A 0.00% Hoag Memorial Hospital 211,759 1.16% 101,436 0.56% Newport Beach Country Club 204,244 1.12% 152,362 0.83% The Irvine Company 201,130 1.10% 267,688 1.47% Park Newport 177,100 0.97% 150,062 0.82% Bluffs Homeowners Association 149,527 0.82% N/A 0.00% Pacific View - Pierce Bros. 75,539 0.41% 47,466 0.26% IOIC /PMS Engineering Dept. 74,732 0.41% 63,948 0.35% UDR Newport Beach South LLP 74,454 0.41% N/A 0.00% De Anza Corporation 71,500 0.39% 50,460 0.28% Balboa Bay Club 64,287 0.35% 33,742 0.18% Lido Peninsula Resort 55,640 0.30% 46,734 0.26% Radisson Hotel Newport Beach 54,827 0.30% N/A 0.00% Conexant Systems 54,827 0.30% N/A 0.00% $ 1,992,440 10.92% $ 1,083,798 5.94% i Information for fiscal yeard ended prior to 2001, was unavailable. Source: City Revenue Division W-M