HomeMy WebLinkAbout161 - Grades of Certain Streets in the CityORDINANCE NO. 161.
The Board of Trustees of the City Of
Newport Beach do ordain as follows:
Section One.
The official grade of Central Ave-'
1 nue from the easterly line of Collins]
Avenue to a line 180 feet easterly of;
and parallel with the easterly line of
Marine Avenue, is hereby established
to conform to the following elevations,
to -wit:
Along the northerly curb line.of said
Central Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point opposite the northeast-
erly corner of Collins Avenue, 106.50. f
At a point opposite the northwest)
1 erly corner of the first alley, easterly
of Collins Avenue, 106.74.
At a point opposite the northeast-
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Collins Avenue, 106.76.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Ruby Avenue, 107:00.
At a point opposite the northeast-]
erly corner of Ruby Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposlte.the northwest-,
erly corner of the first .alley easterly
v -f Ruby Avenue, 107.20.
Y At a point opposite the northeast-
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Ruby Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northrdest-
eriy corner of Diamond Avenue, 107.00 -
At a point opposite the northeasfer-
ly corner of Diamond Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest-
- eriy corner of the first alley easterly
of Diamond Avenue, 107.20..
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Diamond Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 107:
At a point opposite the northeaster -
1 ly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 107.00.
r At a point opposite the.northwest-
eriy corner of the first alley easterly
of Sapphire Avenue, 107.20.
1 At a point opposite the northea5ter-
I ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Sapphire Avenue, 10720.
At a point opposite the northiwest-
erly corner of Coral Avenue 107.00..
At a point opposite the n�rtbeaster
ly corner of Coral Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest -
erly corner of the first alley easterly
' of Coral Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the`northeaster,
ly corner of the first alley easterly of;
1 Coral Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northwest-
, erly corner of Apolena Avenue; 107.00.'
At a point opposite the northeaster.
ly corner of Apolena Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest
erly corner of the first alley easterly'..
of Apolena Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northeasten
ly corner of the first alley easterly of,
Apolena Avenue, 107.20. i
At a point opposite the northwest
At a point opposite die northeaster.
ly corner of Amethyst Avenue, 107.00..
At a point opposite the northwest
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Amethyst Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northeaster)
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Amethyst Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Onyx Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster•
ly corner of Onyx Avenue, 107 -00.
At a point opposite the northwest-
, eriy corner of the first alley easterly
of Onyx Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Onyx Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the northwest -
,erly corner of Marine Avenue, 107.00.'
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Marine Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Marine Avenue, 106.65.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Marine Avenue, 106.60.
At a point 85 feet easterly of the last
mentioned point, 106.20. .
Along the southerly curb line of said
Central Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Collins Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of .the first alley easterly
of Collins Avenue, .106 -80. -
At a point opposite the southeaster -.
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Collins Avenue, 106.80.
- At a point opposite the southwest -
+ "eriy corner of Ruby Avenue, 1011.00.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Ruby Avenue, 107.00. 1
At a point opposite the southwest
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Ruby Avenue, 107.20. .
At a point opposite the southeast-
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Ruby Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the southwest -.
erly corner of Diamond Avenue, 107:
00. s
At a point opposite the southeaster -,
ly corner of Diamond Avenue, 107.00.;
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly Corner of the first alley easterly
of Diamond Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Diamond Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the Southwest-
erly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 107:
At a point opposite the southeaster
ly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the southwest -I:.
erly corner of .the first alley easterly
of Sapphire Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Sapphire Avenue, 107.20:
At. a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Coral Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Coral Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Coral Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite,tlie southeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Coral Avenue, 107.20
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Apolena Avenue, 107..
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Apolena Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the southwest..
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Apolena Avenue. 107.20.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of,
Apolena Avenue, 107.20.
i At a point opposite the southwest
At a. point opposite the southeaster -
Iy corner of Amethyst Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the southwest.'
erly corner of the first alley easterly
lot Amethyst Avenue, 107.20.
At's point opposite the southeaster
Ily corner of the first alley easterly of.
Amethyst Avenue, 107.20.
At a point opposite the southwest -
lerly corner of Onyx Avenue, 107.00.
At ii' point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Onyx Avenue, 107.00.
At ,a point opposite the southwest-
erly Corner of the first alley easterly'
.of Onyx Avenue, 107.29.
At a point opposite the south,easter-
ily'corner of the 'first alley easterly of,
Onyx Avenue, 107.20.
At a Point opposite the southwest'
erly corner of Marine Avenue, 107.00.1
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Marine Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of the first -alley easterly
of-Marine Avenue; - 106:65.
At a pofnt-opposite the southeaster.
ly corner. of the first alley easterly of
Marine Avenue, 106.60.
At a point -85 feet easterly of the last
mentioned .Point, 106.20.,
Section TWO. ,
The curb lines herein referred to oft
- Central Avdnutefrom the easterly Ifne'
of Collins Avenue to a line 180 feet
easterly of and parallel with the -east=
erly line of Marine Avenue are here-
by fixed and established at .a distance
of 12 feet northerly and southerly of
and parallel with the center line of
said Central Avenue. -
' Section- Three:
The official grade of Park Avenue
from a line 207.54 feet westerly of ands
parallel with the westerly line of Em-
erald Avenue to a -line 180 feet east-
erly of and parallel with the easterly
I line of Marine Avenue, is hereby es-
tablished to' conform to the following
elevations;'-to- wit:' -
Along the - northerly curb line of said
Park Avenue .'the grade shall be as
follows: .
At a point 267.54 feet westerly of the
.westerly line of Emerald Avenue, 105.-
At a point 85.47 feet easterly of the
last mentioned point, 105.65.
At a point 15 feet easterly of the
last mentioned point, - 105.66.
At a point 72.07 feet easterly of the
last mentioned point; 105.84. ..
At a point 10 feet easterly. of the
last mentioned point, 105.85.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Emerald Avenue', 106.00.'
At a point opposite the northeaster -I
ly corner of Emerald Avenue, 106.00.'
At a point opposite the northwest]
erly corner of the -first alley - easterly.
of Emerald Avenue, 106,20.
At a point opposite the northeaster -1
ly corner of the first alley easterly oD
Emerald Avenue, 106.20.
. At. a,'point opposite the northwest)
erly corner of Garnet Avenue, 106.00.1
At a point opposite the northeaster)
ly corner of`Garnet Avenue, 106.00.
At a-pofnt opposite the northwest -,
erly corner of Pearl Avenue, 105.80.:
At -a point opposite the northeaster -
ly corner of Pearl Avenue, 105.80.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Agate Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Agate Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the northwest
erly corner of Opal Avenue,- 106.30.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Opal Avenue, 106.30.
At a point opposite the - northwest;
erly corner of Topaz Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Topaz Avenue, 106.60.
t a po b e. e= �noethwest-
eriy .cornea oe Collins Avenue, 106.30.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Collins Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Ruby Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
.ly corner of Ruby Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
. - of Ruby Avenue. 106.80.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Ruby Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Diamond Avenue, 106:
At a point opposite the northeaster
IY corner of Diamond Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Diamond Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
IY corner of the first alley easterly of
Diamond Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest.
-- - -erly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 106:
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly'
of Sapphire Avenue, 106.80. .
At a point opposite the northeaster
IY corner of the first alley easterly of
Sapphire Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Coral Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
fly corner of Coral Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Coral Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
sly corner of the first alley easterly of
Coral Avenue. 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Apolena Avenue. 106.60.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
I ly corner of Apolena Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Apolena Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
IY corner of the first alley easterly oe
Apolena Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Amethyst Avenue, 106:
i 60.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Amethyst Avenue, 106.60. 1
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Amethyst Avenue, 106.80. e
At a point o 0
pposite the northeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of 1
(Amethyst Avenue, 106.80. S
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Onyx Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northeaster. e
IY corner of Onyx Avenue, 106.60. 1
At a point opposite the northwest.
, erly corner of the first alley easterly
Of Onyx Avenue, 106.80. e
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of Ily
Onyx Avenue. 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest C
ly corner of Marine Avenue, 106.60.
At a point o er
pposite the northeaster -I
ly corner of Marine Avenue, 106.60. IY
i At a point 180 feet easterly of the
last.. mentioned point, 106.20.
Along the southerly curb line oe said er
Park Avenue thg grade shall be as foi ;oe
lows: ly
At a point 267.54 feet westerly of p
the westerly line of Emerald Avenue,
At a point 85.47 feet easterly of the, I50.
last mentioned point, 105.65.
iAt a point 15 feet easterly of the ly
last mentioned point, 10566..
At a point 72.07 feet easterly of the erl
1ast':mentioned point, 105:8 * 4. of
AV"a pint 10 feet �eastriy of the
last me°flZtoIIad boint. lo5.R5i
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Emerald Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
1Y corner of Emerald Avenue, 106.00
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Emerald Avenue, 106.20. ,
At a point opposite the southeaster.
IY corner of the first alley easterly of
Emerald Avenue, 106.20.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Garnet Avenue, 106.00
At a point opposite the southeaster.
IY corner of Garnet Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Pearl Avenue, 105.80.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
IY corner of Pearl Avenue, 105.80.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Agate Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
ly corner of Agate Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the southwest
erly corner of Opal Avenue, 106.30.
At a point opposite the southeaster
IY corner of Opal Avenue, 106.30.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Topaz Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
ly corner of Topaz Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Turquoise Avenue, 106:
At a point opposite the southeaster.
ly corner of Collins Avenue, 106.30.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Ruby Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the Southeaster-
ly corner of Ruby Avenue, 166.50.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Ruby Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
IY corner of the first alley easterly of
Ruby Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southwest.
rly corner of Diamond Avenue, 106:
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Diamond Avenue, 106.50.
At a point apposite the southwest-{ —�
erly corner of the first alley easterly I
of Diamond Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the Southeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Diamond Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Sapphire Avenue, 106:
At a point opposite the southeaster -
Y corner of Sapphire Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the southwest- -
rly corner of the first alley easterly
f Sapphire Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
Y corner of the first alley easterly of
appldre Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southwest.
rly corner Of Coral Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the southeaster -
Y corner Of Coral Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the southwest.
rIY corner of the first alley easterly
e Coral Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
corner of the first alley easterly of
oral Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southwest.
ly corner of Apolena Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the southeaster -
corner of Apolena Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the southwest -'
IY corner of the first alley easterly:
Apolena Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the Southeaster -
corner of the first alley easterly of
Dolma Avenue, 106.;0.
At a point opposite the southwest.
IY cornor of Amethyst Avenue, 106:
At a point opposite the southeaster.
corner of Amethyst Avenue 106.50.
At a point opposife the southwest
Y corner (jr,
._.., oils . Hep easterly
At a point opposi e, e a
ly corner of the first alley gattarlp cif
Amethyst Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southwest,
erly corner of Onyx Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Onyx Avenue, 106.50.
At a pointi opposite the southwest.
erly corner of the first alley easterly
of Onyx Avenue, 106.70. ..
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of the first alley easterly of
Onyx Avenue, 106.70.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Marine Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the southeaster
ly corner of Marine Avenue. 106.50.
At a point 180 feet easterly of the
last mentioned point, 106.20.
Section Four.
The curb lines herein referred to of
Park Avenue from a line 267.54. feet
westerly of and parallel with the west
erly line of Emerald Avenue to a line
180 feet easterly of and parallel with
the easterly line of Marine Avenue
are hereby fixed and established at?8
distance of 20 feet northerly and'south -'
erly of and parallel with the center
line of said Park Avenue.
Section Five.
The official grade of Emerald Ave-
nue from the southeasterly prolonga-
tion of the southwesterly line of Lot
12, Block 1, of Section One, Balboa Is-
land, to the westerly prolongation of
the northerly line of Block 4 of Sec-
tion One, Balboa-Island, is hereby'es
. tablished to conform to the following
elevations, to -wit:
Along the northwesterly curb line
of said Emerald Avenue the grade
shall be as follows:
At a point of the intersection with
the southeasterly prolongation of the
southwesterly line of Lot 12, Block 1,
At a point opposite the westerly cor-
ner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the northerly
,corner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point of the intersection with'
the westerly prolongation of the north-
erly line of Block 4, Section One, 105:
Along the southeasterly curb line
of said Emerald Avenue the grade'
shall be as follows:
At a point of the. intersection . with
the southeasterly prolongation oe "tTia
southwesterly line of Lot 12, Block 1,
? 105.5L
At a point opposite the southerly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the easterly, �.
ner of Park Avenue. 106.00. 1 11 41
At a point of the intersection with
the westerly prolongation of the north-
erly line of Block 4, Section One, 105:
Section Six.
The curb lines herein referred to of
Emerald Avenue from the southeast ,
erly prolongation of the southwester-
ly line of Lot 12, Block 1 of Section
One Balboa Island to the westerly:
prolongation of the northerly tine of
Block 4 of Section One, Balboa Is-'
land are hereby fixed and established)
at a distance of 12. feet northwesterly
southeasterly of and parallel with
center line of said Emerald Ave-
Section Seven.
The official grade of Garnet Ave-
nue from a line 88.88 feet southwest-
erly of and parallel with the south.
westerly line of the first alley south-
westerly of Park Avenue to the east -!
erly prolongation of the northerly. line
of Block 4, Section one, of Balboa is-
land, .is hereby established to conform..
to the following elevations; to wit:
Along .the northwesterly curb line
nF wa3d':.(•_o. -nub ede....� �s., ...... a.. "_w:.v
At a point 88.88 feet southwesterly
�/� of the southwesterly line of the first
/,lt o alley southwesterly of Park Avenue,
At a point opposite the westerly
corner of Park - Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the northerly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point of the intersection with
the easterly prolongation of the north-
erly line of Block 4, 105.60.
lAlong the southeasterly curb line
of said Garnet Avenue the grade shall
1l be as follows:
At a point 88.88 feet southwesterly
of the southwesterly line' of the first .
alley southwesterly of Park Avenue,
At a point opposite the southerly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the easterly cor-
ner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point of the intersection with
the easterly prolongation of the north -'
,erly line of Block 4, Section One, 105.-I
I Section Eight
The curb lines herein referred to of
Garnet Avenue-'from a line 88.88 feet•
southwesterlyof and parallel with the.
southwesterly line of the first: alley 1
southwesterly of Park Avenue to the
easterly prolongation of the northerly,
line of Block 4, Section One, Balboa
Island, are hereby fixed and establish-
ed at a distance of 12 feet northwest-
erly and southeasterly of and parallel
with the center line of said Garnet
Section Nine.
The official grade of Pearl Avenue
from the southeasterly prolongation
of the southwesterly line of Block 5,
Section One, Balboa Island, to a line
91.03 feet northeasterly of and parallel'
with the northeasterly line of the first
alley northeasterly of Park Avenue, is
t th
'northeasterly of Park Avenue, Is here -'
by established to conform to the foll-
owing elevations, to wit!
Along the northwesterly curb line
of said Agate Avenue the grade shall
be as follows:
At a point 86.35 feet southwesterly
of the southwesterly line of the first
alley southwesterly of Park Avenue,
At a point opposite the westerly cor.
ner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the northerly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point 91.03 feet northeasterly -
of the northeasterly line of the first'
alley northeasterly of Park Avenue,
Along the southeasterly curb line
of said Agate Avenue the grade shall
be as follows:
At a point 86.35 feet .southwesterly
lof the southwesterly line of the first
alley southwesterly of Park Avenue,
At a port opposite the southerly
,corner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the easterly cor-
ner of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point .91.03 feet northeasterly
of the northeasterly line of the first
alley northeasterly of Park Avenue,
Section Twelve.
The curb lines herein referred to
of Agate Avenue from a line 86.35 feet
southwesterly of and parallel with the
southwesterly line of the first alley
southwesterly of Park Avenue to a ,
line 91.03 feet northeasterly of and .
parallel with the northeasterly line of
the first alley northeasterly of Park
Avenue are hereby fixed and establish-
ed at a distance of 12 feet northwest-
;erly and southeasterly.of and parallel
jwith thg. center line of said Agate Ave-
Lereby established to conform o e
following elevations, to wit: I
Section Thirteen.
Along the northwesterly curb line
The official grade of Opal Avenue
of said Pearl Avenue the grade.shallL,�,
from a line 86.35 feet southwesterly
be as follows:
iof and parallel with the southwesterly
At a point of the intersection with,
line of the first alley southwesterly '
the southeasterly prolongation of the
of Park Avenue to the westerly line
southwesterly line of Block 5, 105.50.1
of Collins Avenue, is hereby establish- .
At a point opposite the westerly cor -
! ad to conform to the. following eleva-
ner of Park Avenue, 105.80.
Lions, to wit:
At a point opposite the northerly
Along the northwesterly curb line
corner of Park Avenue, 105.80.
Bald Opal Avenue the grade shall
At a point 91.03 feet northeasterly
i be as follows:
of the northeasterly line of the first
At a point 86.35 feet southwesterly
alley northeasterly of Park Avenue,;
of, the southwesterly line of the first
alley southwesterly of Park Avenue, I
Along the southeasterly curb line
of said Pearl Avenue the grade. shall
At a point opposite the westerly cor -,
be as follows:
ner of Park Avenue, 106.30.
At a point of the intersection with
At a point opposite the northerly cor -
the southeasterly prolongation of the,
ner of Park Avenue, 106.30.
southwesterly line of Block 5, 105.50.'
At a point of the Intersection with
At a point opposite the southerly,
the westerly line of Collins Avenue,
corner of Park Avenue, 105.80.
At a point opposite the easterly cor �
Along the southeasterly curb line
ner of Park Avenue, 105.80.
of said Opal Avenue the grade shall
At a point 91.03 feet northeasterly of
be as follows:
the northeasterly line of the .first alleys
At a point 86.35 feet southwesterly ,
northeasterly of Park Avenue, 105.50.
of the southwesterly line of the first
alley south4 "terly of Park Avenue,
Section Ten.
The curb lines herein referred to of
At a point opposite the - southerly
Pearl Avenue from the southeasterly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.30. '
prolongation bf fhe southwesterly
At a point opposite the easterly cor -
line of Block 5, Section One, Balboa
ner'of Park Avenue, 106.30.
Island to a line 91.03 feet northeast -.
At a point of the intersection with
erly of and parallel with the northeast-
the westerly line of Collins Avenue,
erly line of the first alley northeast -1
erly of Park Avenue are hereby fixed
and established at a distance of 12 feet
northwesterly and southeasterly of and
parallel with the center line of said
Pearl Avenue.
Section Eleven.
The official grade of Agate Avenue
from a line 86.35 feet southwesterly
of and parallel with the southwesterly
line' of the first alley southwesterly
of Park Avenue to a line 91.03 feet
northeasterly of and parallel with the
Section Fourteen.
The curb lines herein referred to of
Opal Avenue from a line 86.35 feet
southwesterly of and parallel with the ;
southwesterly line of -the first alley
southwesterly of Park Avenue to the
westerly line of Collins Avenue are .
hereby fixed and established at a dis-
tance of 12 feet northwesterly and
southeasterly of and parallel with the
center line of said Opal Avenue.
_ Section Vheen. 1
The official grade of Topaz Avenue'
from the southeasterly prolongation
of the southwesterly line of Block 11,
Section One, Balboa Island, to the
westerly line of Collins Avenue 18
hereby established to Conform to the
following elevations, to-wit:
Along the northwesterly curb line
of said Topaz Avenue the grade shall•
be as follows:
At a point of the intersection with
the southeasterly prolongation of the
southwesterly line of Block 11, 105:
At a point opposite the westerly cor-
ner of Park- Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the northerly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point of the intersection with
the westerly line of Collins Avenue, .
'Along the southeasterly curb line of
said Topaz Avenue the grade shall be ;
as follows:
At a point of the Intersection with
the southeasterly prolongation of the ?----
southwesterly line of Block 11, 105.70.
At a point opposite.the southerly
corner of Park Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the easterly cor-
ner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point of the intersection with
the westerlyl line of Collins. Avenue,
106.80.. -
section Sixteen.
The curb lines hereih referred to of +
Topaz 'Avenue from the southeasterly
,prolongation of the southwesterly line
jof Block 11, Section One, Balboa Is-
land, to the westerly line of Collins .
Avenue, are hereby fixed and estab-
Iislled at a digtance of '12 feet north-
westerly and southeasterly of and par -
allel with the center line of said To-
paz Avenue.
Section Seventeen.
The official grade' f- Turquoise Ave-
nue from the westerly prolongation of '
the- southerly -line of Block 15, Section -
One; Balboa' Island_to' the..southerly
I ine of Park Avenue and the westerly
i line of Collins Avenue, is hereby'es-
itabllshed to conform to the following
elevations, to-wit:'
Along the northwesterly curb line
of said Turquoise Avenue the grade
shall be as follows:
At a point of the intersection with
the westerly prolongation of the.south-
erly line of Block 15, 105.70.
At a point of the intersection with
the southerly line of Park Avenue,
106.30. -
Along the southeasterly curb line of`l.
said Turquoise Avenue the grade shall
be as follows:...-
' At a'point of the Into -with
the westerly prolougatlon'of the south-
erly line of Block 15, 105.70.
At a point of the Intersection with
the westerly line of Collins Avenue,
I 106.25.
Section Eighteen. '
f-j The curb lines herein referred to of!
Turquoise Avenue from the, westerly(
- prolongation of the southerly line of
Block 15, Section One, Balboa laland,'
to the southerly line`of Park..Avenyg}--
and tbe,westerly line of CollinsAve-
nue,`are hereby fixed and established
at a distance vi 14 feet northwesterly;
and. southeasterly' of and parallel with
the centlinfne of said Turquoise Ave -'
Section. Nineteen. -
j, The official grade 'of Collins Avenuel
.� from a line 85 feet southerly of and'
parallel with tile southerly line of the.
first alley southerly of Park Avenue.
to the westerly prolongation of the
.northerly line of Block 17, Section,
Three, Balboa- Island, is hereby estab-
lished to, conform to the following el -,
ovations, to -wit:
Along the westerly curb line of said,
�t.a point feoc sou[her1Y of the
southerly line of the first alley south.
erly of Park Avenue, 105.90.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Turquoise Avenue, 106..
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the -southwest.
erly corner of Topaz Avenue, 106.80.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Topaz Avenue, 106.80.
At a. point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Opal Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Opal Avenue, 105.90.
At a point of the Intersection with
the westerly prolongation of the north.
erly line of Block 17, Section Three,
Along the easterly curb line of said
. Collins Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point 85 feet southerly of the Along the westerly curb line of said
southerly line of the first alley south- Diamond Avenue the grade shall be
erly of Park Avenue, 105.90. as follows:
At a point opposite the southeaster -I At a point 85 feet southerly of the
IY corner of Park Avenue, 106.30. southerly line of the first alley south-
At a point opposite the northeaster- erly of Park Avenue, 105.60.
IY corner of Park Avenue, 106.40. At a point opposite the southwest.
At a point opposite the souchwesG erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
erly corner of Topaz Avenue. 106.80. At a point opposite the northwest-
At a point opposite the southeaster. erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
ly corner of Central Avenue, 106.60. At a point opposite the southwest.
At a point opposite the northeaster. erly corner. of Central Avenue, 107.00.
IY corner of Central Avenue, 106.50. At a point opposite the northwest.'
At a point of the Intersection with erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00..
the westerly prolongation of the north- At a point 86.38 feet northerly of the 1
erly line of Block 17, Section Three, northerly line of the first alley.,norch-
105.50. erly of Central Avenue, 106.10.
Section Twenty. Along the easterly curb line of said
The curb lines herein referred to of Diamond Avenue] the grade shall be
Collins Avenue from a line 85 feet as follows:
southerly of the southerly line of the At a point. 85 feet southerly of the
first alley southerly of Park Avenue' southerly line of the first alley south -!
to the westerly prolongation of the erly of Park Avenue, 105.60.
northerly line of Block 17, Section At a point opposite the southeaster.
Three, Balboa Island, are hereby fix. ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
ed and established at a distance of 14 At a point opposite the northeaster.
feet easterly and westerly of and par. ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
allel with the center line of said Col- At a point opposite the southeaster.
lins Avenue. I ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
Section Twenty -one. At a point opposite the northeaster.
The Official grade of Ruby Avenue ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
from a line 85 feet southerly of and At a point 86.38 feet northerly of
parallel with the southerly line of the the northerly line of the first alley
first alley southerly of Park Avenue northerly of Central Avenue, 106.10.
'-to a line 86.38 feet northerly of and Section Twenty -four.
parallel with the northerly line of the The curb lines herein referred to of
first alley northerly of Central Ave. Diamond Avenue from a line 86 feet
nue, is hereby established to conform i southerly of and parallel with the
to the following elevations, to-wit: 'southerly line of the first alley south -i
Along the westerly curb line of said I erly of Park Avenue to a line 86.38
Ruby Avenue the grade shall be as I feet northerly of and parallel with the
follows: northerly line of the first alley north.
At a point 85 feet southerly of the 'erly of Central Avenue are hereby
southerly line of the first alley south. i fixed and established at a distance of
Orly of Park Avenue, 105.70. . 12 feQt easterly and westerly of and
At a point opposite the southwest. , parallel with the center line of said
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50, Diamond Avenue.
At a point opposite the northwest. Section Twenty -five.
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60. The official grade of Sapphire Ave.
At a point opposite the southwest-I nue from a line 85 feet southerly of
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00. and parallel with the southerly line
At a point opposite the northwest- of the first alley southerly of Park
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00. Avenue to a line 86.36 feet northerly'
At a point 86.38 feet northerly of of and parallel with the northerly line
the northerly line of the first alley of the first alley northerly of Central
northerly of Central Avenue, 105,70. Avenue, is hereby established to con -
Along the easterly curb line of said form to the following elevations, to-
Ruby Avenue the grade shall be as wit:
follows: Along the westerly curb line of said
At a point 8u feet southerly of the Sapphire Avenue the grade shall be
southerly line of the first alley south. as follows:
erly of Park Avenue, 105.70. At a point 85 feet southerly of the
At a point opposite the southeaster- (southerly line of the first alley south -
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50. Orly of Park Avenue, 105.60.
At a point opposite the northeaster- i At a point opposite the southwest-
IY corner of Park Avenue, 106.60. erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite, the southeaster- At a point opposite the northwest
ly corner of 'Central Avenue, 107.00. Ierly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the northeaster- At a point opposite the southwest -
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.. erly corner, of CenttaiiA venue, 107.00.
Ala point 86A8.feehnortherly of the 'At+ point byposlt4:1he w6rthwest-
northerty'nue of the`Srst alley north- erly corner OFII enttal Avenue, 107.00.
erly of Central Avenue, 105.70.
— $ec4ion�wenty -two. The curb lines herein referred to of
Ruby Avenue from a lit, 85 feet south.
erly of the southerly line of the first
alley southerly of Park, Avenue to a
line 86.38 feet northerly of the north.
erly line of the first alley northerly
of Central Avenue, are hereby fixed
#nd established at a distance of 12
feet eascerliand westerly of and par.
i Allel with the center line of said Ruby
Section Twenty- three.
The official grade of Diamond Ave-
nue from a line 85 feet southerly of
and parallel with the southerly line of
the first alley southerly of Park Ave.
nue co a line 86.38 feet northerly of
and parallel with the northerly line of
the first alley northerly of Central
Avenue Is hereby established to con.
form to the following elevations, to-
At a point 86.38 feet northerly -.6f, e
northerly line of the first alley north- -
erly of Central Avenue, 106.30.
Along the easterly curb line of said
Sapphire Avenue the grade shall be
as follows:
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south.
erly of Park Avenue, 105.60.
At -a point opposite the southeaster=
IY corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the .northeaster-
IY corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the soothes ter.
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.10.:.
At a point opposite the northeaster-:
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 86.38 feet northerly of
the northerly line of the first alley
northerly of Central Avenue, 106.30.
Section Twencymix,
The curb lines herein referred•, bf
Sapphire Avenue from a line 85 feet
southerly of and parallel with the
southerly line of the first alley souch-
erly of Park Avenue to a line 86.38
feet northerly of and, parallel with the
northerly line of the first alley north-
erly of Central Avenue are hereby
fixed and established at a distance of
12 feet easterly and westerly of Bgdt
parallel with the center line of said.
Sapphire Avenue.
Section Twenty - seven.
The official grade of Coral Avenue
from a line 85 feet southerly of and
parallel with the southerly line of the
first alley southerly of Park,Avfmuia
to the westerly prolongation of the
northerly line of Block 16, Section
Three, Balboa Island, is hereby es.
tablished to conform to the following
elevations, to-wit:
Along the westerly curb line of said
(Coral Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south -
erly of Park Avenue, 105.90.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.40.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50. ,
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point of the Intersection wilik
the westerly prolongation of the north-,
erly line of Block 16, Section Three;
Along the easterly curb fine of said
Coral Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south-
erly of Park Avenue, 105.90.
i At a point opposite the southeaater-
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.40.
At a pohrt opposite the northeaster.
'IY corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
IY corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
sly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.-
1 At a point of the intersection with
the westerly prolongation of the north.
�erly line of Block 16, Section Three,
Section Twenty -eight
The curb lines herein referred to of
Coral Avenue from a line 85 feet
southerly of and parallel with the
,southerly line of the first alley south.
)erly of Park Avenue to the westerly,
prolongation of the northerly line of
Block 16, SeCL,on Three, Balboa Is.
'land, are hereby fixed and established
at a distance of 12 feet easterly and
westerly of and parallel with the cen -i
I ter line of said Coral Avenue.
! Section Twenty-nine.
The official grade of Apolen , Ave-
nue from a line 85 feet .southerly `oR
and parallel witp" the southerly Ln 'j
4uue to a fine 85 feet northerly of and
parallel with the northerly line of the
first alley northerly of Central Avenue
is hereby established to conform to
the following elevations, to -wit:
Along the westerly curb line of said
�Apolena Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south,
erly of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the southwest.
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the soutliVest.
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 85 feet northerly of the
northerly line of the first alley north,
erly of Central Avenue, 106.50.
Along the easterly curb line of said
! Apolena Avenue the grade shall be as
follows: i
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south
erly of Park Avenue, 106.00.
At a point opposite the southeaster
ly corder of Park Avenue, 106.50.
IAt a point opposite the northeaster -
ly corder of Park Avenue, 106,66.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 85 feet northerly, of the
northerly line of the first alley north-
erly of Central Avenue, 106.50. -
Section Thirty.
The curb lines herein referred to of
Apolena Avenue from a line 85 feet
southerly of and parallel with. the
southerly line of the first alley south-
erly of Park Avenue to a line 85 feet
northerly of and parallel with the
northerly line of the first alley north-
erly of Central Avenue are hereby
fixed and established at a distance of
12 feet easterly and westerly of and
parallel with the center line of said
Apoleua Avenue.
Section Thirty -one._
The official grade of Amethyst Ave-
nue from a line 85 feet southerly of
and parallel with the southerly line of
the first alley southerly of Parli"Ave-
One to a line 85 feet northerly of and
parallel with the northerly line of the
first alley northerly of Central Ave.
line is hereby established to conform
to the following elevations, to -wit:
Along the westerly curb line of said
Amethyst Avenue the grade shall be
as follows:
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south-
erly of Park Avenue, 106.10.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner o-f Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the Southwest-
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 85 feet northerly of the
northerly line of the first alley north-
erly of Central Avenue, 106.50.
Along the easterly curb line of said
Amethyst Avenue the grade shall be
as follows:
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley South-
Orly of Park Avenue, 106.10.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
sly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
Ily corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
i At a point 85 feet northerly of the
it northerly line of the' first alley north
llerly of Central Avenue, 106.50. _,
Section Thirty -two. I
The curb lines herein referred to Ofh
I Amethyst Avenue from a line 85 feet
southerly of and parallel with the
southerly line of the first alley south-
erly of Park Avenue to a line 85 feet'
northerly of and parallel with the
northerly line of the first alley north.
erly of Central Avenue are hereby fix- �.
ed and established at a distance of 12 II
'I Peet easterly and westerly of and par.
allel with the center line of said Ame.
thyst Avenue.
Section Thirty- three.
The official grade of Onyx Avenue
from a line 85 feet southerly of 'and
parallel with the southerly line of the
first alley southerly of Park Avenue:
to a line 85 feet northerly of and par- .
allel with the northerly line of the first
alley northerly of .Central Avenue, 'is'
hereby established to conform to the;
following elevations, to-wit:
Along the westerly curb line of Bald.
Onyx Avenue the grade shall be as
follows: 1 I
At a point 85 feet southerly of the)
southerly line of the first alley South-
erly of Park Avenue, 106.20.
At a point opposite the southwest
erly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly coruerrof Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the uorthwest.I
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 85 feet northerly of the
northerly line of the first alley north-
erly of Central Avenue, 106.50.
Along the easterly curb line of said)
Onyx Avenue the grade ,shall be as
! follows:
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
.southerly line of the first alley south.
erly of Park Avenue, 106.20.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50. '
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the southeaster-
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster-
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 85 feet northerly of the
northerly flue of the first alley north-
erly of Central Avenue, 106.50.
Section Thirty -four-
'- The curb lines hereinreferred to of
Onyx Avenue from a line 85 feet south.
erly of and parallel with the southerly
line of the first alley southerly of Park
Avenue to a line 85 feet uortherly-of
and parallel with the northerly line of
the first alley northerly of Central
Avenue are hereby fixed and establish-
ed at a distance of 12 feet easterly
and westerly of and parallel with the
center line of said Onyx Avenue.
Section Thirty -five.
The official grade of Marine Avenue
froin a line 85 feet southerly of and
parallel with the southerly line of the
first alley southerly of Park Avenue
to a line 85 feWaorfherly of and..par ,
allel with the northerly line of the "
first -Sney+ northerly of Ceutral Ave-
nue is hereby established to conform
'to the following elevations, to -wit:
Along the westerly curb line of said
` Marine Avenue the grade shall be as
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south.
Orly of Park Avenue, 106.20.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corder of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly Corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corder of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
-At a point 85 feet northerly of the
northerly line of the first alley north-
erly o(Ceutral Avenue, 106.50.
A Along the easterly curb line of said
vfarine Avenue the grade shall be as
follows: I
At a point 85 feet southerly of the
southerly line of the first alley south-
erly of Park Avenue, 106.20.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.50.
At a point opposite the northeaster.
ly corner of Park Avenue, 106.60.
At a point opposite the southeaster.
ly corner of Central Aveuue, 107.00.
At a point opposite the northeaster -
ly corner of Central Avenue, 107.00.
At a point 85 feet northerly of the
Inortherly line of the first alley north.
' erly of Central Avenue, 106.50.
Section Thirty-six.
IThe curb lines herein referred to of
Marine Avenue from a line 85 feet
southerly of and parallel with -_the
(southerly line of the first alley south.
erly of Park Avenue to a line 85 feet
northerly of and parallel with the
northerly line of the first alley north.
erly of Central Avenue are hereby fix.
red and established at a- distauce of 14
feet easterly and westerly of and par-
allel with the center line of said Ma-
fine Avenue.. ,
Section Thirty- seven-
The elevatious her elu given are for;
Ithe tops of'•the curbs, are in feet and;
,are above the . City Datum Plane, as
'heretofore. adopted. -and established.
- At'all .points between consecutive,
designated, points on the same side of,
]th'e�respectivestreets; the -grade shaIIt
conform toaa true' and uniform gradi.
gent along said curb lines between said
idesignated'., pointsr All distances be.
'tweed designated points for which
the grade is herein established are to
be measured along ]the curb lines of
the respective streets, unless specifi-
cally herein otherwise provided.
' Section, Thirty -eight
The City Clerk shall-certify to the
passage of this ordinance and shall )
Icause the same to be published by one
insertion in the Newport News, a
weekly newspaper, printed, published
and circulated in said City, aud'whieb
Is hereby designated'for that purpose
Passed and approved this let day of)r
March; 1920. i
President of the Board of Trustees)
Attest: M. L. ORCUTT,
City Cleric.
State oI California, i
County of Orange, as.
City of Newport Beach,
1, M. L. Orcutt, City Clerk of the!
City of Newport Beach, do hereby cer-
tify that,the foregoing ordinance, bei
ing Ordinance No. 161, was introduced
at a regular meeting of said Board'
held on the 2ud day of I ebruary, 1920
and that the same was d-dly passed'
and adopted by the said Board of(�-
Trustees, signed by the President of
said Board and attested by the City.
Clerk, all at a regular'meeting there.
of held on the 1st day of March, 1920,
and that the same was paE ,ed by the
.following vote, to -Wit:
Ayes --- Trustees J. P. Gpileley -'J. T
Schnitker, a..- L. 'Neard,'J. C. McCaw
L. S. W'flkinsou.
Noes —None.
Absent —Noue.
[Seal] M. L. ORCUTT,
City Clerk of the City of Newport
I,M.L.Oreutt Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby i
certify that the foregoing Ordinance #161 is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance that was passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular
meeting held on the let. day of March 1920 and that same was printed
and published according to law.
Clerk of the City of ewpor Beach, Cal*
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of NewYport Beech, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordin 'nee 11o. 162 is ^ true P.nd correct copy
of an ordinance pnssed by the Board of Trustees at a regular mectin
held on the 19th day o" _ipril, 1920, and that same tva.s printed r'.nd
published according to.law.
erk of Newp
NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING Section 3. This Ordinance shall be
THE OPERATION OR PLAYING published once In the Newport News,.
OF ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT,f a newspaper of general - airculation,i
DEVICE OR CONTRIVANCE FOR' printed, published and cir'ulafed In
PRODUCING MUSIC, DURING the City of Newport Beach, and ahall
CERTAIN HOURS OF THE NIGHT• take effect and.be in force thirty days
TO CONSTITUTE A MISDE- after its passage. ,
MEANOR, AND PROVIDING A This Ordinance was passed at reg-
PENALTY FOR ALL VIOLATIONS ular meeting of the Board of Trustees)
THEREOF. I of the City of Newport Beach held BO
the 19th day of April, 1920, aild on said
The $card of Trustees of the City
day signed and approved by the Pres-
of .Newport Beach do ordain as fol• Ident thereof, the same being passed
Iowa: by the votes of the following named l
. Section 1. It is hereby declared un- members of said Board. of Trustees:
lawful and prohibited for any person Ayes— Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. j
to play or operate, or cause to be play. Schnitker, A, L. Heard, Dr. C.. Richter,
ed or operated, any musical instrument'
L. S. Wilkinson.
or t jOrmnents, or mechanical device Noes —None.
or contrivance for the making or pro - Absent —None.
duction of music, at and within the Attest: ALFRED SMITH,
I. ,
City of Newport Beach between the Cle ;k.
hour of one o'clock a. M. and six, The above and foregoing Ordinance,
o'clbek a.' m, of the same day. No. 162 is approved by me this 19th j
Uon 2. Any person who shall do day of April, 1920.
or cause to be done any of the things. J. P. GREELEY,
In this Ordinance declared to be un- President of the Board of Trustees.
lawfip and prohibited shall be deemed April 23, 1920
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon'
conviction thereof in a court of com -:
patent pet, Jurisdiction shall be punished
a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or
by Imprisonment for a period not ex.
ceeding thirty days, or by both such,
fine and imprisonment in the disere -11
tlon of the court. ,
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of NewYport Beech, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordin 'nee 11o. 162 is ^ true P.nd correct copy
of an ordinance pnssed by the Board of Trustees at a regular mectin
held on the 19th day o" _ipril, 1920, and that same tva.s printed r'.nd
published according to.law.
erk of Newp