HomeMy WebLinkAbout223 - Central Avenue Curb Lines & GradesORDINANCE No. 228 -_ �L AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CER SECTION 2 SECTION4 - That certain parcel of land hereto- That the northerly and northeast - TAYN LAND CONVEYED TO THE fore conveyed to the City of Newport rly curb line of Central Avenue CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO Beach for highway purposes and de- (South Drive), from the westerly line BE A PART OF CENTRAL AVE1• scribed as follows: UE, RELOCATING AND ESTAB- Beginning at the intersection of the longalon tofetheoeasterly rl ne pro- 21st LISHING THE CURB LINES OF easterly line of above mentioned 100 Street Is hereby relocated and estab- CERTAIN PARTS OF CENTRAL foot right of way of the Southern AVENUE AND ESTABLISHING cific Railroad with the southwesterly 0.50efe feet distant lsoutherlylandtsouth- THE GRADES OF CERTAIN line of above mentioned 60 foot strip westerly from the northerly and PARTS OF CENTRAL AVENUE. of land "First" described in Resolu- northeasterly line of said Central Av- t(on forming a part of deed from enue (South Drive). and the The Board of Trustees of the City Newport Beach Company to Los An-- heretofore established for the north- of Newport Beach Do Ordain as Fol- geles Inter -Urban Railway Company: ' erly and northeasterly curb line of lows: thence southerly and easterly SECTION 1 Y along said part of Central Avenue (South the southwesterly and southerly lines Drive), as heretofore adopted and es- That a certain parcel of land here- of last mentioned 60 foot strip of'tablished shall be the Itofore conveyed to the City of New- land and along grades for the port Beach for highway - r the southerly conveyed of corresponding pared of said curb line g Y purposes. i said 6f foot strip r land conveyed by as hereby relocated and established. and described as follows: � deed from Newport Beach Company SECTION 5 Beginning at, the intersection of to Los Angeles Inter -Urban Railway The official grade along the north - the easterly line of the 100 -foot right -I Company, recorded in Book 113, page :easterly curb line of Central Avenue m the northerly of -way of the Southern Pacific Rail- 188 of Deeds. and along the southerly (South Drive). Pro road as described in deed from James line of said 60 foot strip of land con - prolongation of the easterly line of McFadden to Santa Ana and New- veyed by deed from East Newport Twenty -first Street. to the northeast - port Railway Company recorded in Town Company to Los Angeles later- erly line of the Southern Book 78. Page 399, of Deeds. Orange Urban Railway company. Pacific Rail - County Records, with the northeast- the southerly line of said 58 Pootat ip by a fixed Company's establishedwto conform erly line of that certain 60 foot strip . of land described In deed from C. p. to the following .of land "First" c elevations, tnorth described in Resolu- Clifford. et 91. to Los Angeles Inter- A[ the intersection with the north - t(on forming a part of that certain Urban Railway Company. to a point erly prolongation of the easterly line deed from Newport Beach Company in the above mentioned to Los Angeles Inter -Urban Railway' westerly rolonged of t 21st Street. 108.40. e I Y line of aid Street: thence At a rhea Point rl the intersection with Company recorded in Book 103. Page northerly along said prolonged wen- the northeasterly line of the South - 356. Orange County Records: thence terly line of "B" Street to a point in era pacific Railroad Company's southerly and southeasterly along the a line which is parallel to and 13.25 right -of -way. 108.50 easterly and northeasterly lines of feet distant northerly from the south- The northeasterly curb line here - said 60 foot strip of land to the most erly line of above mentioned 58 foot inbefore referred to of Central Av- northerly corner of that certain 60 strip of land: thence westerly along enue (South Drive), from the north- foot strip of land conveyed by deed last mentioned parallel line to its in_ erly prolongation of the easterly line from Newport Beach Company tersect(on with a line bearing south of 2151. Street to the northeasterly to Los A n g e 1 e s Inter -Urban Rail- 73 de g..07 min. east, said point of in- line of the Southern Pacific Railroad way Company. recorded in Book tersection being distant easterly Company's right -of -way is hereby 113. Page 188 of Deeds, Orange along said last mentioned course fixed and established at a distance of County Records: thence easterly 120.03 feet from a point in the north- 0.50 feet southwesterly of and Para - along the northerly line of last men- erly prolongation of the northwest- llel with the northeasterly line of tioned 60 foot strip of land to the erly line of Lot 20 in Block 1 of New- Central Avenue (South Drive). northwesterly c o r n e r of that cer- - port Bay Tract as per map of said - SECTION 6 tain Strip of land 60 feet in width con- Tract recorded in Book 4. page 16. The elevations herein given are for veyed by East Newport Town Com - of Miscellaneous Maps of said County the tops of the curbs of the respective pany to Los Angeles Inter -Urban (said last mentioned point being dis- streets are in feet and are above the Railway Company by deed recorded tant northerly 16.25 feet, more or less. City Datum Plane, as heretofore in Book 131. Page 392 c Deeds. along said prolonged northwesterly adopted and established. At all Orange County Records: thence east -I line of Lot 20. from the most north- Points between consecutive designat- erly along the northerly line of last erly corner of said Lot 20); thence ed points on the same side of the mentioned strip of land 60 feet in North 73 deg. 7 min. West. 120.03 respective streets. the grade shall width to the most northerly corner of feet to an intersection with the east- conform to a true and uniform grad - that certain strip of land 68 feet in terly prolongation of a line which Is tent along the curb lines between said width described in deed from C. P. parallel to and 5 feet distant north- designated points. All distances be- Clifford et al.. to Los Angeles Inter -lErly from the southerly line of above tween designated points for which the Urban Railway Company recorded in - Book 122, Page 3552 of Deeds. Orange mentioned 60 foot strip of land con -- grade is herein established are to be County Records: thence southeas- veyed by East Newport Town Com- measured along the curb lines unless ter]Y along the northeasterly line of pany: thence westerly and northwest- specifically herein otherwise pro - said 58 foot strip of land to a point erly along said last mentioned pro- vided. in the prolonged westerly line of said longation of parallel lines, and along SECTION 7 "B" Street as shown on map of the a line which is parallel to and 5 feet This Ordinance shall take effect Balboa Tract recorded in Book 4, distant northerly and northeasterly upon Its passage. The City Clerk Page 11. of Miscellaneous Maps. from the southerly and southwesterly shall certify to the passage of this Orange Count lines of above mentioned 60 foot Ordinance and cause the same to be g Y Records: thence h ublised once In the New southerly along said prolonged west- strips of land conveyed to Los An- p Port News. erlY line of "B" Street to a geles Inter -Urban Railway Company. a weekly newspaper of general circu- a line which is Point r- to a point in the easterly line of above lation. parallel to and hundredths Y in said. published and cir- teen and twenty -five hundredths mentioned 100 foot right of way of culated In said City. (13.25) feet distant southerly from the Southern pacific Railroad; thence Passed by the Board of Trustees of above mentioned northeasterly line southerly along last mentioned east- the City of Newjort Beach. this 5th of said 58 foot strip of land: thence erly line to the point of beginning. Is day of February. 1923. northwesterly along said Parallel line herby named as and declared to be J. J. SCHNITKER to a point in the east line of above a part of Central Avenue (South President of the Board of Trustees. mentioned 60 foot strip of land con- Drive). and is so referred to in this Attest: ALFRED SMITH veyed by East Newport Town Com- Ordinance. City Clerk. pany: thence continuing westerly SECTION 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA along the n Prolongation of said par- That the southerly and southwest- County of Orange allel line to its intersection with a erly curb line of Central Avenue CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH line which is p a r a 11 e 1 to and five (North Drive), from the westerly line SS. (5) feet distant southerly from of "B" Street. to the intersection of a I. ALFRED SMITH. City Clerk of the northerly line of 1 a s t men- line, which line is ten feet (10 ft.) east- the City of Newport Beach. do here - tioned 60 foot strip of land: thence erly of. and parallel with the easterly by certify that the foregoing Ordin- westerly and northwesterly along a line of the Southern Pacific Railroad ante. being Ordnance No. 223, was line which is parallel to and five (5) Company's right-of-way. is hereby re- passed by the Board of Trustees of the feet distant southerly from the north- located and established along a line City of Newport Beach. signed by erly lines of last mentioned 60 not I parallel to and 0.50 feet northeaster- the President of said Board and at- strip of land and . of above men- ly and northerly of the southwesterly tested by the City Clerk. all at a reg- tioned 60 not strips of land conveyed and southerly line of Central Avenue ular meeting thereof, held on the 5th by Newport Beach Company to Los I (North Drive). and the grades here- day of February. 1923. and that the Angeles Inter -Urban Railway Com- tofore established for the southwest- same was passed by the following pany, to above mentioned easterly erly and southerly curb line of said vote, to -wit: line of the 100 foot right of way of the part of Central Avenue (North Drive). AYES: Trustees. J. J. SchnAker. H. Southern pacific Railroad: thence as heretofore adopted and established' C. Sloan. Geo. P. Wilson. Conrad northerly along said easterly line of shall be the grades for the corres- Richter. L. S. Wilkinson. the 100 foot right of way of the ponding parts of said curb line as NOES: Trustees: None. Southern Pacific Railroad to the hereby relocated and established. ABSENT: Trustees: None. point of beginning, is hereby named ALFRED SMITH as and declared to be a part of Cen- City Clerk of the City of Newport. tral Avenue (North Drive) and 1s so oI Beach. referred to in this Ordinance. First publication Feb, 9. 1923