HomeMy WebLinkAbout229 - Boundaries of Municipal Improvement District-- SON 8. . —.— - SECTION 2 - -.— -- -. - SECTION The oficial grade of 36th Street The official grado of Finley Ava- : The City Clerk shall certify to the. from the northeasterly line of gesso Avenue to the southwest.eriy °ue from the nprtheasturiy prolnnga- of the northwesterly line of 30th passage of this Ordinance and cause .me o -_tion Finley Avenue, is hereby established' Street to the westerly line of the ,the same to be published by one is- sertton in the Newport News. 'to conform to the following eleva -, Souhtern Pacific Railroad Company's right -ot is a week. ly newspaper published in said City. 'tipns, to -wit: -way hereby established This Ordinance shall take effect up -- Along,the northwesterly curb linulto conform to the following eleva- on its passage. of said 36th Street. the grade shalt be! bons. to -wit: Passed and a y approved this 29th. da as follows: Along the northeasterly curb line °f March. 1923. At the ieter t file with the north -i of the sat([ Finley Avenue. the grade f Ocean easterly line of Ocean Avenue 1120n.; shall be as follows; J. J. SCHNITKER. At. a point opposite the westerly At the intersection with the north- President of the Board of Trustees. corner of the first alley notheaster!y easterly prolongation of the north- � ATTEST: I of Avenue. 112. '111t westerly line of 36th Street. 108.20. - ALFRED SMITH ; At the intersec tion -A � he on wt the north- City Clerk. line or the Pacific Elacfrici g� Ieas[erly prolongation of the south - I State of California. County Of ; Railway ComPan}''n right -of -way.! easterly line of 36th Street, IOS.2V. Orange. City of Newport Beach. SS. i 260. 112.60. At a point opposite [he nurlherlY �eo`nner I Alfred Smith. City Clerk of - At the intersection with tl:e nordn- of 35th Street. 10757. At the City of Net6port Beach, do here -� easterly line of Southern Pacific R1.40. d Company's the Point opposite the easterly corner of 25th Street. 107.57. by certify that the foregoing Ordin- an righ-- of- way. 111.40. At a point 100 feet southeasterly ance being Ordinance No. 228. was At a point opposite the westerly, or the last mentioned point, 107.7h, adopted by the Board of Trustees of corner of the first alley southwes:._ At a point opposite the northerly said City. signed by the President of - erly of Coast Boulevard, 110X,8. corner of 34th Street. 107.10. said Board, and attested by the City At a point opposite the northorlyl At a point opposite tin, easterly IClerk. all at a regular meeting there corner of the first alley southwesterly I corner of 34th Street. 107.40. of. held on the, 29th. day of March of Coast Boulevard. 110.56. A, a point opposite the nortmves:- I j,923. and that the same was adopted At a point opposite the westerly arty corner of Imilroad Avenue. Illy the following vote. to -w2v ' corner of Coast Boulevard 109.:31,. 1 107.45. AYES: Trustees. J. J. Schnitken; H. At a point opposite the northerly !corner I At a Point opposite the nc- Lheast- C. Sloan. Geo. P. Wilson. L. S. Wilkin- I of Coast Boulevard. 109.14. erly corner of Raih'oad .'.,enuc. At a distance of 159.60 feet north - 1107.50. son easterly of the last mentioned point.' At a. point opposite the uorthwvst_ NOES: Trustees: None. 108.35. I erly comer of the first alle: r:�, .[eriy ABSENT: Trustees. Conrad Rich- At a point opposite the westerly I of Iailroad avente. 107.70. ter. corner of the first alley At the iu Lerseetim w' n with the est- of Lake Avenue. 108.05. erly line of the Southern Pacific City Clerk of the City of Newport t a point opposite the northerly I Ita right-of-way. ilway Company's ri ht -of -wa Beach. corner of the first alley southwesterly , 107.70. - - - - - - - -- - of Lake Avenue. 108.00. Along tine southwesterly curb line ORBINCEO NO. 229 At a point opposite the westerly of said Finley Avenue. the grace shall AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF, corner of Lake Avenue. 107.74. be as follow'.: At NEWPORT BE:1CH DEFINING' At a Point o opposite the northerly a Point o P PPOS.te the westerly I AND ESTABLISHING THE BOInN' corner of Lake Avenue. 107.63. corner o: 36th Street. 108.00. -�� BABIES BABIES OF A MUNICIPAL Ill At a point opposite the westerly; At a point opposite the souther. -: PROVEMENT DISTRICT IN SAID; I corner of Pacific Avenue. 107.04. .corner of 36th Street. 108.00. CITY, 11ESIC= =HATING THE NAME At a poiirt opposite the northerly: a point opposite tine was tzrly BY WHICH IT SHALL BE KNO"''No1 corner of Pacific Avenue. 106.81. corner corner of ::5th Street. 107.37. AND CALLING AN ELECTION At the intersection with the south -� At a point opposite the southerly .TO BE HELD WITHIN THE BI9 westerly line of the Rivo Alto. 106.65. i corner of 35th Street 107.37. -. TRICT', AND PROVIDING FOR THE' E' At the intersection with the north- At a distance of too feet southeast- ! RICT,SSION TO THE ELECTORS - easterly line of the Rivo Alto . 107.50. erly of the last mentioned point, THEREOF I.OrR ( +) PROPOSI- I At a point opposite the westerly IuAt A[ TIONS OF INl'I'RRING A DEBT corner of Finley Avenue. 108.00.. a point opposite the westerly BY THE ISSCA'XCE OF' TH), Along the southeasterly curb line earlier of 3Ith Street. I0.20. BONDS 01' SUCH DIS ^F;UCT FOR of said 36th Street the grade shall be At a point opposite the southerly THI( k:11POSES, SET FORTH IN as follows: At the intersection with the north- corner of 34th Street. 107.20. At a point opposite the southwest- ORDINANCE OF INTENTION' 80, easterly line of Ocean Avenue. 112.86. 107.30. 227, REC'ITJN'G THE OBJECTS At a point opposite the southerly erly earlier of railroad avenue AND PFRP SES FOR WHICH THE PROPOSED INDEBTEDNESS IS ;corner of the first alley, northeast- At a point opposite the southeast- TO BE INCURRED, THE NATURE erly of Ocean Avenue. 112.60. erly corner of Railroad Avenue, OF THE IMPROVEMENT WORK j At the intersection with the south- 107.30. CONTEMPLATED, THE ESTI -' I westerly line of the Pacific Electric At a point opposite the southwest- �, HATED COST THEREOF, THE -_ i Railway Company's right -of -way. erly corner of tit first alley caster- .A 3VI0UNT OF THE PRINCIPAI. .A 112.50. ly ofRailroaci Avenue. 107.58 THE INDEBTEDNESS TO BE IP: At the intersection with the north- At the intersection with the west- CURBED THEREFOR, AND THE'I easterly line of the Southern Pacific ' erly line of the Southern Pacific HATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID ..,ailroad Company's rigbt -of- way'.. Railroad Company's right -of -way, 'I ON SAID INDEBTEDNESS, 111.50. 107,50, XNV THE DATE ON WHICH' SUCH ! AL The northeasterly and southwest- j ELECTION SHALL BE HELD, a Point opposite the southerly erly curb lines hereinbefore referreS THE MANNER OF HOLDING THE corner of Coast Boulevard. 109.66. to of Finley Avenue are hereby fixed SAME, AND THE MANNER 0g' At a point opposite the eastery and established at a distance of It) ! VOTING FOR OIL AGAINST SAID corner of Coast Boulevard. 109.34. feet northeasterly and northerly, and PROPOSITIONS. At a distance of 153.60 feet north- 10 feet southwesterly and southerly easter 103 341y of the last mentione4 point, `of and parallel with the center line The Board of Trustees of the city At a point opposite the southerly of said Finley Avenue. of Newport Beach do ordain as fol -. corner of Lake Avenue. SECTION 10. lows: . At a point opposite the easterly the e The elevations herein given are SECTION 1. � corner of Lake Avenue. 107.59. cu rbs for the tops of the cbs of the res- That portion of the city of New -! i At a point opposite the southerly Pective streets and avenues and -m. Port Beach. the exterior boundaries corner of Pacific Avenue. 106.86. the top surface of the havement of iof which are In this Ordinance -des- a point opposite the easterly the respective alley's. are in fact. aa:t cribed. is hereby declared to be 'sod lAt earner of Pacific Avenue. 106.77. are above the City Datmn Plane as is formed into and shall constitlito At the Intersection with the south- heretofore adopted and establishea. ; a municipal improvement district westerly line of the Rivo Alto. 106.60 - At all points bctweeu consecutiv,: to be known as lunfcipal Improce- 1 At the intersection with the porn- designated points on the same side of mcnt District No. 3 of the city of .easterly line of the Rivo Alto. 107.50. thc. respective streets and allays. the Newport Reach. , I At a point opposite the southerly "'rade shall conform to a true and SECTION 2. corner of Finley Avenue. 108.00. uniform gradteut along the curb The exterior boundaries of Maul, itif The northwesterly and southeast- lines in tine case of streets and, along ipal Improvement District No. 3 erly curb lines hereinhefore referred the property lines in the case or the city of Newport Beach area to of 36th Street are hereby fixed aliq's between said designated points, , f hereby defined and established as) and established at a distance or 10 All distances between designated feet northwesterly and southeasterly points for which the gra..c is herein Located in the city of Newport: of and parallel with Use center line of ectablish,(i are to be measured Mons Beach. Count)- of Orange. State of said 36th Street. the curb lines in tl;e c;1se of - soreats California. and beginning at anti along the pronerty lines is the Bulkhead Station No. 150 as laid out case o; alle;a, cr. bass specifically and shown upon a Mall of Newport herein otherwiso provided. In cases Bay. California. showing harbor lines. where grades are established and rc- approved by the war - j,epartment far to the curio lines, they are in all January 18. 1917: thence. easterly in cases established at points oppos::e a direct line, -to U,. S. Bulkhead Sta -t the corner mentioned of the _re_ tion, No 151 ,ttienee- easterly in g, streets. direct line W'D': S 'Bnikhe$I .5ia =. .sPective ' "` - *v{'tion:,- No 163 .`thence southea@#eggj, sa -in a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Sta - is —tbe construction of a sewage lion No. 153; thence southeasterly in collection system,- sewage disposal a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Sta - works, and pumping station, and tion No. 154; thence southeasterly necessary apparatus for the sewerage in a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Sta- of Balboa Island, being within said tion No. 155; thence westerly in a district, direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Station The estimated cost of the construc - No. 156; thence northwesterly along tion of the described sewage cpllec- the U. S. Bulkhead Line to U. S. thin system, sewage disposal works, Bulkhead Station No. 157; thence and pumping station and necessary northwesterly in a direct line to U. S. apparatus is the sum of $145,000.00, Bulkhead Station No. 158; thence; and the principal of the indebtedness northwesterly in a direct line to U. S. to be incurred therefor is the sum of Bulkhead Station No. 159; thence $145,000.00, being the sum of $135, - northwesterly in a direct line to U. 000.00 for the constructlon, and the S. Bulkhead Station No. 160; thence sum of $10,000.00 for incidental ex- northerly In a direct line to U. S. penses in connection therewith. Bulkhead Station No. 150, to the The objects and purposes for which place of beginning. All of said here - !the proposed indebtedness is to be Inbefore mentioned U. S. Bulkhead incurred is the construction of a sew - Stations and Bulkhead lines are age collection system, sewage dis- laid out and shown upon the afore- posal works, and pumping station. said Map of Newport Bay, California, and necessary apparatus for the sew - showing Harbor lines. erage of Balboa Island, in order to The use hereinafter of the word collect and dispose of the sewage - "district" means and shall at all times which accumulates therein, in order and places be held and construed to to render the same sanitary. mean Municipal Improvement District (d) The proposition of incurring a No. 3 of the city of Newport Beach, and debt by the issuance of the bonds of as the boundaries are set forth here- the district for improvement work, in and designated. the nature of the improvement work SECTION 3. ns—the construction of a main water'. An election is hereby called and pipeline in and along the entire ordered to be held in Municipal Im- length of an alley existing in the prevenient. District No. 3 of the city_ district and which is adjacent to the of Newport Beach on Thursday, the exterior boundary lines of Sections .10th day of May, 1923, for. the pur- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of Balboa Island. pose of submitting and at said else- The estimated cost of the con - lion there shall be and is hereby sub- struction of the described main water mitted to the qualified voters of the pipeline is the sum of $13,000.00, and district four propositions of incurring the principal of the indebtedness tj meabs with which to light and a debt by the issuance of the bonds be incurred therefor is the sum of printed ballot. Each ballot shall of Municipal Improvement District $13,000.00 being the sum of $12,000.. (c),, The proposition of incurring .No. 3 of the city of Newport Beach 00 for construction and the sum of :Muniel Al,I , men[ District No. P.. EVP!'4_._n.. as follows: $1,000. for incidental expenses in (a) The proposition of Incurring connection therewith. a debt by the issuance of the bonds of The objects and purposes for which the district for improvement work, the proposed Indebtedness is to be the nature of the improvement work incurred is the construction of the is—the construction of a wooden described main water pipeline, in r bridge erected on pile bents extend- order to provide Balboa Island with d ing across on arm of Newport Bay, an adequate means of obtaining water on the northerly side of Balboa Is- for domestic use and the extinguish - land, at the northerly end of Marine went of fire. Avenue- S SECTID:v. dg The estimated cost of the construc- tioa of the described bridge .is the The rate interest to be paid — _ ... _._._.— .... .. on any or all of said indebtedness sum of and the principal is hereby fixed at six per cent. per e- indebtedness incurred there- the indebtedness annum, and the said interest shall be f $1 for is the sum of $15,000.00, being payable semi - annually, the sum of $14,000.00 for construe- SECTION 5. For the purpose of holding said; [ion and the sum of $1,000.00 for in- election Municipal Improvement' cidental expenses in connection there- District No. 3 of the city of i with. The objects and purposes for which ltute Newport Beach shall be and consti -I the proposed indebtedness is to be one election Precinct, and that incurred is the construction of the exterior boundaries of the election described bridge, is order to provid e precinct shall be the same as thel boundaries of the district. and have a safe and adequate means A polling place is hereby designated i by which pedeatralna and vehicles n In the district at Island Boat House at may cross an arm Newport Bay which Polling place the polls shat! to and from the mainland to Balboa be ad at the hour of six o'clock; Island. (b) The proposition of Incurring a' M. sand shall be kept open to they 'o'clock debt by the issuance of the bonds o[ -hour h of seven P. M. of the the district for improvement work, ] day of election, except as provides: the nature of the improvement work! for in Sec. 1160 of the Political Code. is —the construction of an ornamen -; A Board of Election, consisting of tal- street lighting system on and a- i one inspector, one judge, and one long all of the public streets of Bal- '.clerk, each of whom is an actual boa Island, and being within said resident and a qualified elector of district, consisting of the acquisi- the district, Is hereby appointed to tion and installation of all necessary hold, conduct, and make returns of wires, conduits, light standards, elec- said election, as follows: trier lights, apparatus and appliances. Inspector, H. Bay lVebster. The estimated cost of the construc- Judge, bars. Lee 141. Stanchff, tion of the described- ornamental Clerk, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Spofford. street lighting system is $23,000.00. The manner of holding the elec- and the principal of the indebtedness tion, and the manner of voting for to be incurred therefor is the sum of or against each of said propositions follows, i& $23,000.00, being the sum of $21,000: are as and all particulars 00 for the construction, and the sum not recited in this ordinance the elec- of $2,000.00 for Incidental expenses In tion shall be held as provided by law connection therewith. for holding general municipal else- The objects and purposes for tions in the city of Newport Beach. which the proposed indebtedness is The proposition of incurring a to be Incurred is the construction of bonded debt and the issuance of the the described ornamental street light- bonds of the district in the principal ing system In order to provide and sum of the indebtedness for each of have a convenient and adequate the objects anti purposes herembe- meabs with which to light and fore recited, shall be by means of illuminate the public streets and printed ballot. Each ballot shall places of Balboa Island. I have printed on the face thereof the (c),, The proposition of incurring following:. - BOND. ELECTION a-debt by the issuance of the bonds :Muniel Al,I , men[ District No. P.. EVP!'4_._n.. INSET ;i7CTION TO VOTERS To vote In favor of any proposition I stamp a cross (X) in the voting square at the right of the word NO following the proposition to be voted .upon. To vote against any proposi -: thin stamp a cross (X) in the voting I spuare at the right of the word NO! folio-wing the proposition to be voted upon. All marks except the cross (X) are forbidden- All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden Suit make the ballot vold. If you wrongly stamp, tear, or deface this ballot re- turn it to the Inspector of election and obtain another. PROPOSITIONS 1 Shall Municipal Improve- ment District- No. 3 of the YES city of Newport Beach in- cur a debt and issue the bonds thereof in the sum of -NO 15,000.00 for the construction of a bridge? Shall Municipal Improve- ment District No. 3 of the YES city of Newport Beach incur a debt and issue the bond thereof in the sum of $23,- 000.00 for the construction - NO of an ornamental street light- ing system? Shall Municipal Improve- ment District No. 3 of the YES city of Newport Beach in- cur a debt and issue the bonds thereof In the sum of $145,000.00 for the construc- NO tion of a sewage system? Shall Municipal Improve- ment District No. 3 of the YES city of Newport Beath Incur a debt and issue the bonds thereof in the sum of $13,000. - NO 00 for the construction of a main water pipeline? SECTION 6. At the election any qualified voter of the district may.vote YES and in favor of the issuance and sale of the bonds of the district for any one or more of the described proposi- tions by stamping a cross (X) on his or her ballot opposite the word YES following the proposition voted up- on; and any qualified voter of the district may vote against any one or more propositions by stamping a cross (X) on his or her ballot after the word NO following the proposi- tion voted upon. If at such election two - thirds or more of all the voters voting there- at shall vote in favor of incurring the indebtedness set forth for any one or more of the described- pur- poses then the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach shall be I deemed to be authorized and im- I powered to issue the bonds of Muni- cipal Improvement District No. 3- ,of the city of Newport Beach In the ;principal sum or sums and for the objects and purposes for which the same were voted. The Issuance and sale of any and all bonds which may be authorized at the said election shall be sold as the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach may determine, bit no bonds shall b< sold for less than their par value and the interest ac- creed thereon at the dale of delivery. The proceeds of the sale of any and all bonds sold shall be placed in the treasury of the city of Newport Beach to the credit of the proper fund of the district and shall be applied exclusively to the purposes and objects mentioned in this Or- dinance. No bond shall be issued In a great- er denomination than $1000. or a less �i denomination than $100,00; and apart of the bonds issued for each purpose I which shall not be less than one - fortieth part of the whole amount of such indebtedness for such purpose shall be payable each and every year on the 15th day of May after their date, and at the treasury or the city of Newport Beach tin the city of New- port Beach, County of Orange, ,State of California,. and which day and date,- -and 'the place of paymept shall all4 7�9elgnated In r ' Theinleres[ on any and all sand bonds and the money thereby repre- sented at the rate of 6% per annum shall be paid semi - amorally, on the 15th days of November and May Inn each and evbry year until said bonds, Principal and interest, have been well and truly paid. AtI of ca said bonds shall be dated the 15th y of May,' 1923. All bonds issued shall be signed by the president o; tae Board of : Trustees of the city of Newport Beach, also signed by the Treasurer thereof, and countersigned by the Clerk. The interest on said bonds shall be represented by coupons which shall be numbered consecutively and sign'- ed by the Treasurer of the city of Newport Beach by his engraved or lithographed signature. SECTION 7. The Board of Trustees of ill city of Newport Beach shall at tine time of fixing the general tax levy and in the manner for such general tax levy Provided, levy and collect a tax each Year upon the taxable property in ➢4unic4pal Improvement District No. 3 of the city of Newport Beach suffi- cient to pay the interest on all bonds issued for that year, and such por- tion of the principal thereof as is to become due before the time for mak- ing the next general tax levy. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for municipal Purposes and when collected shall . be paid into the Treasury of the. cit. v of Newport Beach and be used fo tine payment of the principal and in- Wrest on such bonds and for no other purpose. The principal a:nd interest on suds bonds shall be paid by the Treasurer of the City of Newport Beach in the manner provided by law for the pay- ment of principal and interest on bonds of said city and at the times and in the amounts in this Ordinance described. There being no daily newspaper published in the city of Newport. Beach, this ordinance shall be pub -' lished twice in NEWPORT NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general cir -. culation printed and published in said city, and hereby designated for that purpose; and this ordinance and the publication thereof, as herein Provided, shall constitute the notice of election and no other notice need be given. SECTION 8. This Ordinance calling and other- wise relating to an election shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The above and foregoing Ordinance was passed at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach at a meeting thereof held on the 9th day of April, 1923,. by the vote of the following named members thereof, to -wit Ayes, Trustees, J. J. Schnitkm; H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson, Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. The above and foregoing Ordinance No. 229 having been passed, is this 9th day of April, 1923 signed and ap- proved by n;e, J. J. SCHNITKER President of the Board of Trustees . City of Newport Beach. Attest ALFRED SMITH Clerk of the city of Newport Beach.. Pub,-April 13- 20.27.and May 4, 1923. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ACCEPTING A CERTAIN EASEME_i. GRANT- ING TO SAID CITY THE RIGHT TO LAY. CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, REPAIR AND RENEW A PIPELINE FOR THE TRANS- PORT.ITION OF WATER OVER AND THROUGH AND UNDER AND ALONG '�! CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE COIN. TY OF ORANGE. AND AUTHOR - IZI_VG THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND THE CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY TO EXECUTE THE SAME FOR SAID CITY. I WHEREAS. the Pacific Ranch' Company, a co- partnership, with the' consent of the Standard Oil company as lessee, presented to the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport) Beach, an easement, dated May 1, 1923, granting to the said City of Newport Beach the right to lay, colt - struct, maintain, operate, repair, re- new, from time to time change the size of and remove a twelve inch diameter cast iron pipeline for the transportation of water with the right of ingress and egress to and from the same, over and through. under and along a certain parcel of tans situated in the Rancho Las Bolsas, County of Orange, State of California. as is more particularly describer) in said easement hereinbefore referred to, together with other provisions con- tained in said easement was presented' to the Board of Trustees of the City. of Newport Beach for its approval. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach do ordain as follows: SECTIONI. ' That the easement or right of way hereinbefore referred to be and the, same is hereby accepted by the Board i of Trustees of the City of Newport' Beach and that the President of this' Board and the City Clerk of said City shall and are heresy authorized to sign the same in behalf of said City. I SECTION 2. I The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published by one in- sertion in the Newport News, a .. °- ..... ^ - -^r. n*intarl. nublislned and circuna[eo w .� *v designated for that purpose. Approved this 28th day of 3Iay, 1923. J. J. SCHNITKER President of the Board of Trustees. ATTEST: ALFRED S \IITH City Clerk State of California. County of ,range, City of Newport ;;eue n. as 1, Alfred Smith City Clerk of the 'fly of 'Newport Beach, do hereby edify the foregoing Ordinance being irdinance No. 230, was adopted by he Beer:, of Trustees of said City, igned by the President of the said loard and attested by the City Clerk, 11 at an adjourned reguluar tussling if said Board held on the 28th day if May, 1923, and the same was pass - A by the following vote, to -wit Ayes, Trustees, J. J. Scllnttker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad: Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, Trustees, none Absent, Trustees. none. ALFRED S12ITH City Clerk of the City of Newport each. Publish June 1st. 1923,