HomeMy WebLinkAbout251 - Widening & Improving Certain Alleys0 i1ZDINANCE NO�'8. .
It is necessary to take land for and,
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF in the widening of the described at-
NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING leys and the land necessary to be
ITS INTENTION TO WIDEN CER -taken therefor Is described as locat-
TAIN ALLEYS IN PART OF THE ed in the city of Newport Beach, Coun-
CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, DE- ty of Orange, State of California, and
THE LAND NECESSARY TO BEI For widening the first alley wester -
TAKEN THEREFOR, AND IN ly of and parallel with Montero Ave -
TED BY THE IMPROVEMENT,I All that certain piece or parcel of
AND TO BE ASSESSED TO PAT land being a portion of Lot 32 of a
THE EXPENSE THEREOF, AND Map of a Subdivision of Block "A"
TO BE KNOWN AS THE ASSESS- of East Newport, as recorded In Mis-
MENT DISTRICT, REFERRING cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51, Re-
TO A PLAT APPROVED BY THE cords of Orange County, California,
CITY COUNCIL NOW ON FILE IN and described as beginning at the
THE OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER northwesterly corner of said Lot
OF SAID CITY, AND WHICH IN- 32; thence southerly along the west -
DICATES BY A BOUNDARY LINE erly line of said Lot 32 a distance of
THE EXTENT OF THE TERRI- 20 feet to a point; thence northeaster -
TORY TO DE INCLUDED IN THE ly around a circular curve with a
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, AND radius of 20 feet, concave to the
WHICH SHALL GOVERN FOR ALL southeast, a distance of 31.42 feet to
DETAILS AS TO THE EXTENT a point in the northerly line of said
OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, Lot 32; thence westerly along the
DIRECTING THE POSTING, PUB- northerly line of said Lot 32 a dis-
LICATION, AND THE MAILING OF tance of 20 feet to a point, the place
NOTICES. of beginning.
The Board of Trustees of the city
of Newport Beach do ordain as fol-
All that certain piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Lot 38 of a
Map of a Subdivision of Block "A"
of East Newport, as recorded in Mis-
The public interest and convenience cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51, Re-
requires that certain public alleys cords of Orange County, California,
within the city of Newport Beach be and described as beginning at the
widened in part, and that it is the northeasterly corner of said Lot 38;
intention of the Board of Trustees of thence southerly along the easterly
the city of Newport Beach to order line of said Lot 38, a distance of 20
the said improvement to be made. feet to a point; thence northwesterly
The improvement to be made Is around a circular curve with a radius
briefly described as follows: of 20 feet, concave to the southwest
The northerly and southerly ends a distance of 31.42 feet to a point in
of the first alley westerly of and the northerly line of said Lot 38;
parallel with Montero Avenue, also thence easterly along the northerly
the northerly and southerly ends of line of said Lot 38 a distance of 20
the first alley westerly of and Paral- feet to a point, the place of beginning.
lel with Anade Avenue, also the
northerly end of the first alley west- PARCEL 3.
erly of and parallel with Island Ave- All that certain piece or parcel of
nue, be widened by curving the east- land being a portion of Lot 21 of a
lerly line of said alleys at the de- Map of a subdivision of Block "A" of
scribed ends thereof easterly, and Fast Newport, as recorded in Mis-
the westerly lines thereof westerly, cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 61, Re-
which curves shall commence at a cords of Orange County, California,
Ipolnt on the respective easterly and and described as beginning at the
westerly lines of said alleys 20 feet southwesterly corner of said Lot 21;
jfrom the ends thereof to be widened, thence easterly along thn southerly
land the radius of said curves shall be line of said Lot 21 a distance of 20
20 feet; also the southerly end of the;feet to a point; thence northwesterly
alley immediately easterly of and around a circular curve with a radius
'parallel with a portion of Llndo Ave- of 20 feet concave to the northeast, a
lnue and which alleys unties with distance of 31.42 feet to a point in
and extends southwesterly from the the westerly line of said Lot 21;
first alley westerly of and parallel thence southerly along the weiLerly
with Island Avenue, be widened by line of said Lot 21, a distance of 20
curving the westerly line at said feet to a point, the place of beginning.
southerly end thereof westerly, com- PARCEL 4.
mencing on the said westerly line
All that certain piece of parcel of
land being a portion of Lot 66, of a �
Map of a subdivision of Book "A
of East Newport, as recorded In Mis-
cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51,1
sun aescrioea as beginning at the
northwesterly corner of said Lot 66;
thence southerly along the westerly
line of said Lot 66; thence southerly
along the westerly line of said Lot 66
a distance of 20 feet to a point; thence
northeasterly around a circular curve
with a radius of 20 feet concave to
the southeast a distance of 31.42 feet
to a point in the northerly line of said
Lot 66; thence westerly along the
northerly line of said Lot 66 a dis-
tance of 20 feet to a point, the place
of beginning.
All that certain piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Lot 72 of a
Map of a subdivision of Block "A" of
East Newport, as recorded In Miscel-
laneous Maps Book 4, page 51 of Re-
cords of Orange County, California,
and described as beginning at the
northeasterly corner of said Lot 72;
'thence southerly along the easterly
line of said Lot 72 a distance of 20
feet to a Point; thence northwesterly
around a circular curve with a radius
of 20 feet concave to the sonthwa
a distance of 31.42 feet to a point in'
the northerly line of said Lot 72;
thence easterly along the northerly
line of said Lot 72 a distance of 2?
feet to a point, the place of beginning.
All that certain piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Lot 55 of a
Map of a subdivision of Block "A"
of East Newport, as recorded In Mfs-
loosens Maps Book 4, page 51, of Re-
cords of Orange County, California,
and described as beginning at the
southwesterly corner of said Lot 55;
thence easterly along the southerly
line of said Lot 55, a distance of 20
feet to a point; thence northwesterly
'.around a circular curve with a radius
of 20 feet concave to the northeast, a'
,distance of 31.42 feet to a point In the
westerly line of said Lot 55; thence
southerly along the westerly line of;
said Lot 55 a distance of 20 feet to'
a point, the place of beginning.
All that certain piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Lot 83, of a j
Map of a subdivision of Block "A" of
East Newport, as recorded In Mls-
cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51, Re-
�cords of Orange County, California,
and described as beginning at the
southeasterly corner of said Lot 83;
thence northerly along the easterly
line of said Lot 83, a distance of 20
All that certain piece or parcel (it feet to a point; thence southwesterly
twenty feet northerly of the souther- land being a around a circular curve with a radius
ly end of the alley and which curve g Portion of Lot 49, of a of 20 feet concave to the northwest.
.' shall have a radius of 20 feet. The IDfap of a subdivision of Block "A" a distance of 31.42 feet to a
of East Newport as recorded in Mis- Point I
described alleys and avenues being the southerly line of said LA 93;
situated and located in a subdivision cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51, Re-
cords of Orange County California, thence easterly along the southerly
, ;
of Block "A" of East Newport, and as and described as beginning at the hue of said Lot 83 a distance ni 20
shown upon a map thereof recorded feet to a point, the place of beginning.
in Book 4, southeasterly corner of said Lot 49; {I
page 51 0l Miscellaneous For widening the first alley wester-
Maps, Orange County Records. 1
thence northerly along the easterly
ly of and parallel with Island Ave -
The described Improvgmenta being �
line of said Lot 49, a distance of 20
lest to a point; thence southwesterly with nue.
� shown in detail upon a map and plan around a circular curve with a ra PARCEL 1.
thereof prepared by the Engineer of All that certain piece or Parcel of
di of feet concave the north
�. the city of Newport Beach and now
west a distance of 31.42 feet t to a point 'land being a portion of Lot 1J4 cf a
on file In his offioe, and which map in the southerly line of said Lot 49, Map of a subdivision o[ Block "A"
and plan is hereby adopted and ap- thence easterly along the southerly of East Newport, as recorded in Mis-
proved as the map and plan of said cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51,
line of said Lot 49 n distance of .0
improve ant and reference thereto !Records of Orange County, CaliPerma
feet to a point, the Pin -_e of beginning. was;. 4!
is hereby made for further particu -� For widening the first alley west -and described as beginning at the
Mars. erly of and northwesterly corner oY said Lot 103
rnue. Parallel with Anode Ave- thence southerly along the waste ry f
'` - line of said Lot 104 a distsnee
_ feet to a point; -thence Maps Book 9, page 61, Records of
--tea -. -n.
A ., .� around a circular curve with aradius-
Orange County, California; thence:
kl Wilson.
of 20 feet concave to the southeast, a,
westerly In a direct line to the north -i
NOES, , Tr st
NOES, Truateea, none.
distance it 31.42 Pect io a point in the.
westerly corner of Lot 1Pa of the a -I
ABSENT, Trustees, none.
northerly line of vaid Lot 104; thence
foresaid map of a subdivision of Block i
The foregoing ordinance of Inten-
_ westerly along the northerly line of
VA" of East Newport; thence south-
tton No. having been passed the
'said Lot 104, a distance of 20 fee`. to
erly in a direct line to a point in the
5th day of f May, 1924, is signed and
a point, the place of beginning,
westerly boundary line of Lot lid
approved be me.
of the aforesaid Map of a subdivision
President of the Board of Trustees 1
All that certain piece or parcel of
of Block "A" of East Newport; which
of the City of Newport Beach. 1
land, being a portion of Lot 110
point is 22.4 feet southerly of the
of a
- map of a subdivision of Block "A"
northwesterly corner of said Lot 116;
Clerk of the city of Newport Beach.
East Newport, as recorded in Mlse..el-
thence southwesterly in a direct: lino
Publish May 9 and 16, 1924.
to the most westerly corner of Lot
., laneous Maps Bonk 4, page 51, Re-
122 of the aforesaid Map of a subdl-
'cords of Orange Ooanty, California,
vision of Block "A" of East Newport;
and described as Leginniug at the
thence southerly in a direct line to
northeasterly corner of said Lot 110,
the northwesterly corner of Lot 125
thence westerly along the northerly
of the aforesaid map of a subdivl-
line of said Lot 110 a distance of 20
slon of Block "A" of East Newport;
-.feet to a point; thence southeasterly
thence southerly in a direct line to
,- -; around a circular curve with a radius
the southwesterly corner of the last
of 20 feet concave to the southwest a
mentioned Lot 125; thence easterly in
distance of 31.42 feet to a point in the
a direct line to the southeasterly
- easterly line of said Lot 110; tlLai.re
northerly along the easterly line of
ner of Lot 19 of the aforesaid map of
said Lot 110 a distance of 20 feet to
a subdivision of Block "A" of East
"- - -' a point, the place of beginning.
Newport; thence norther)
p Y in a direct
For widening first alley easterly
line to the northeasterly corner of
of and parallel with Lindo Avenue:
Lot 33 of the aforesaid map of a sub-
division of Block "A" of East Newport,
All that certain piece or parcel of
the place of beginning.
land being a p,.rtiou of Lot 122. of a
A ' p which indicates by a bound.
- - ;Map of a subdid,ian of Block "�.
ary line thereon, colored orange, the
of East Newport as recorded in Mis-
extent of the territory to be and
' cellaneous Maps Book 4, page 51, Be-
which Is included in said assessment
cords of Orange County, California,
district, has been prepared by the
and described as beginning at t]e
Engineer of the city of Newport
southeasterly corner of said Lot 122;
Beach, and is now file his of-
thence northeasterly along the sou-
-rice, and which map p Is hereby eby ap-
line of said Lot 122; a dis-
proved and referred t as the map of
- � Lance of 6.50 feet to the northeasterly-
the assessment district, and shall
corner of said Lot 122; thence north-
govern for all details as to the ex-
_ westerly along the northeasterly line
tent of the said assessment district.
of said Lot i22 a distance of 1.06 feet
to a point; thence �outhwesterh- a-
The proceedings taken by this Or-
round acircular curve with a ralira
dlnance of Intention and to be taken
of 20 feet concave to the northwest
in the widening of the described at-
of 16.34 set a
! point in
leys, are pursuant to the provision of
the southerly line of the aforesaid
an Act of the Legislature of the State
'Lot 122; thence easterly along the
of California, entitled: "An act to
- southerly line of said Lot 122 a dls.
provide for the laying out, opening,
Lance of feet to a point, the
extending, widening, or straightening
place of beginning.
in whole or in- part of public streets,
squares, lanes, alleys, courts, and
All that certain piece or parcel ofd
places within municipalities for the
land being a portion of Lot 121, of a'
condemnation of property necessary
_Map of a subdivision of Block "Ai° pf;or
convenient for such purposes, and
East Newport as recorded In Mlscei -'
the establishments assessment
laneous Maps Book 4, page
districts and the assessment of pro-
cords of Orange County California,
therein to pay the expenses of
i and described as beginni ng at tha
such Improvements." Approved March
most southerly corner of said Let
24, 1903, and all acts amendatory
121; thence northeasterly along the
southeasterly line of said Lot 121, a
distance of 6.05 feet to a point; thence
The Street Superintendent of the
southwesterly around a circular curve
city of Newport Beach shall cause to
with a radius of 20 lest concave to
be posted and published the notices
the northwest a distance of 6.16 too
at the places, for the time, and In the
point in the southwesterly line of said
manner and form required of him by
,Lot 121; thence southeasterly alo
said act, and the Clerk of the city of
the southwesterly line of said Loft
Beach mIall, at the time, to
' 121 a distance of 1.06 feet to a point
the persona, and In the manner and
;the place of beginning.
form the post cards required of him
by said Act.
A district will be benefitted by the'
:widening of said alleys, as herein-
This Ordinance shall be published
described, and the district
once in the NEWPORT NEWS, a
which will be benefitted and which
newspaper of general circulation
district the Board of Trustees of the
printed, published and circulated in
city of Newport Beach hereby declare
the city of Newport - Beach, and it shall
will be benefitted thereby, and which
thereupon take effect and be In force.
should be and will be assessed to pay
The above and foregoing ordinance
the expenses of the widening of said
was introduced at a regular meeting
alleys, to be known as the assessment
of the Board of Trustees of the city
F'strict, is Iccated in the city of New-,day
of Newport Beach held on the 11th
of February, 1924, and passed by
port Beach, County of Orange, :hate (said
Board of Trustees at a regular
of California, being assessment dis- 4meeting thereof
trict No. 1, and described as follows:
held on the 5th day
of May, 1924, by the vote of the fol-
Beginning at the ::o:_heasterly
corner of Lot 33 of a Map of a sub-
lowing named members of said Board -
+dlvislon of Block A" of East Nex;
of Trustees, to -wit:
1N Ise,
AYES, Trustees, H. C. Sloan, Fred
- Yount. Colrrnd. Mehf.., L q wit_r