HomeMy WebLinkAbout311 - Election for Public Improvements,any part of the city of Newport;
Every building moved in the city]
(Beach out of paper or cloth,
of Newport Beach or attempted fo-
The above and foregoing ordin-
whether said paper or cloth hel.be
moved into any fire district,{
ante shall he published once in the
treated or untreated, or out of any
cnleas such building shall in,
NEWPORT ,NEWS, a newspaper of
combination of Paper or cloth,1;1every
way conform to the require -'
general circulation, prlhted, pub.
i i
:treated or untreated.
' nents of this ordinance governing
lisbed and circulated in the city of
Prcvided, further, that tents and lithe
fire district into which the
Newport Beach, and it shall lake
cloth structures may he erected 1
same is to he moved, shall consti-
effect and be in force from and
that pprtion of the city of Newport
a public- nuisance if moved
after Its passage.
Beach commonly known and desig-
into any such fire district.
The above and foregoing ordin-
nated as The City Camping Grounds
once was passed at a regular
Every act declared by this or-
meeting of the Board of Trustees
Every building erected or com -1
dinance to he unlawful shall be and
of the city of Newport Beach held,
menced to he erected, altered, add-
constitute a misdemeanor and any
the 23rd day of dlay, 1927,.by the'
ed �to, or repaired in the city of
Person found guilty of any such
following vote:
.Newport Beach, the erection, after-I
act shall he punished by a fine not
Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN-
ation. addition, or repair of which
{1 exceeding $250.00, or by imprison-
would he in violaticn of this or -;
ment in the city jail not exceeding
dinance, shall he and constitute a;
sixty days, or by both such fine and
public nuisance and shall he treat-
imprisonment in the discretion of y
Noes, Trustees —NONE.
ed_and considered as a public an
the court.
Absent, Trustees —NONE.
sance and may he wholly ahated,
Every day that any act declared
The above and foregoing ordin-
destroyed and removed.
by this ordinance to he unlawful
ance is hereby approved by me
No officer of the city of Newport'
is permitted to exist shall he a new
this 23rd day of May, 1927.
Beach shall receive or file any ap -
land distinct offense. `
plication for a permit to erect, SECTION 11.
President, Board of Trustees
add to, or repair any build- All ordinances or parts of ordiu-
City of Newport Beach.
ing in the city of Newport Beach antes of the city of Newport Beach
which shall not conform to this' that are in conflict with this ordin -,
Cerk, CIO e: Newport Beacb.
ordinance, and no permit shall he, ance are herehy repealed.
granted to any person for any such
purpose. I�
/.[w. �,
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 310 is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting
held on the 23d day of May, 1927, and"that the same was printed and
published according to law.
CityvClerk of Newport Beach.
ORDINANCE N0. 311. Port Beach determining that the_: the waves, tides , end;
Public interest and also the public currents of the Pacific Ocean pre -1
necessity demands the construction vailin at the entrance to Newport'
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY of a municipal improvement des- g
OF NEWPORT BEACH, BY ITS' top of nd, when constructed, the
No. 40' and set forth in Resolution top of each of said jetties to Ue
BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AS THE � No. 407, and which Is necessary to approximately ten (SO) feet above
LEGISLATIVE BRANCH OF; carry out the objects, purposes and,l the line of ordinary high this of:
SAID CITY, ORDERING THEi powers of' the city of Newport I the Pacific Occur.
SUBMISSION TO THE QrALI-i Beach, the cost of which will bey
FIED VOTERS OF THE CITY it too great to be paid out of the or -I The jetty to be constructed on
OF NEWPORT BEACH THE j! Binary annual income and ieve:me, the easterly side of the entrance lo;
PROPOSITION OF INCURRLNG of the city of Newport Beach: Newport Ray to be approximately'
I Parallel to and nine hundred o b)
PURPOSES SET FORTH INIquent meeting of said Board of feet easterly of the jetty to be;
RESOLUTION NO. 407 OF SAIDt — - constructed on the westerly side;
CITY, CALLOG AN ELECTION! Resolution after the passage of of said entrance.
Resolution No. 407— The use hereafter in this Ordiu-
FOR THAT PURPOSE, RECIT- I The Board of Trustees of the city ance of the word e
POSES E OBJECIS THE U,NR' -Iof Newport Beach do ordain as and shall at all times and places
!follows:— :be held and construed to mea
TO BE INCURRED, THE ESTI -I . municipal improvement set forth in
MATED COST OF THE PRA - It having been determined by - Resolu tion No. 407 and in this see-
PUBLIC IMPROVE- Resolution No. 407 of the city of ;lion described.
VENT, THE AMOUNT OF THE (Newport Beach, passed by the vote : SECTION 2.
PRINCIPAL OF THE INDEBT - ;of two- thirds and more of all the, It is hereby further determined
EDNESS TO BE INCURRED, members of the Board of Trustees and declared that the Board of
- of said city, as the legislative
THEREFOR, AND THE 1fAXI., Trustees of the city of Newport
branch thereof, that the public in-
BE RATE OF INTEREST TO terest and also the public neces- Beach proposes to incur a bonded
BE Y.UD ON SUCH INDEBTED. ((. sity demands the construction by debt and to issue and sell the bonds
NESS, FIXING THE DATE ON;the city of Newport Beach of a oP the city of Newport Beach to
WHICH SUCH ELECTION 1VILLmunicipal Improvement, gamely— pay the cost of said municipal
BE HELD, THE MANNER OF j , improvement, to -wit: the con -
the establishment, improvement,
HOLDING SUCH ELECTION gnd maintenance of a harbor in R struction of said jetties.
AGAINST INCURRING SUCH Newport Bay, and to consist of the, SECTION 3.
INDEBTEDNESS, AND PRO- 'construction of jetties, one jetty The estimated cost of the pro -
VIDING THAT IN ALL PAR -,to commence on the shore of tbe'pesed public improvement to-wit:
i TICULARS NOT RECITED IN' Pacific Ocean on the westerly ( the construction of said jetties, is
THIS ORDINANCE SUCH ELEC.( side of the entrance to Newport - the sum of $500,000.00 and the
TION SHALL BE HELD ASE Bay, and extending southerly into ' principal of the indebtedness to
PROVIDED BY LAW FOR the waters of the Pacific Ocean a be. incurred therefor 1s the sum of
HOLDING MUNICIPAL ELEC distance of approximately two $500,000.00, which sum is and will
TIONS IN THE CITY OF NEW. thousand one hundred (2100) feet, be too great to he paid out of the'.
PORT BEACH. and one jetty to commence-on the ordinary annual income and rnv-'
shore of the Pacific Ocean on the enua of the city of Newport Beach
Whereas, the Board of Trustees !easterly side of the entrance to SECTION 4.
of the city of Newport Beach, as ;Newport Bay, and extending south- The ohjecle find purposes for:
thereof erly into the waters of the Pacific whicb the indebtedness I s proposed
the legislative branch said city, ( Ocean a distance of approximately to be incurred is to pay the cost of
at a regular meeting thereof held
'on the 10th day of January, 1927 one thousand five hundred (1500) - the construction of said jetties, in
feel; both of said jetties to be con - •order to establish, improve, and
by the vote of two-thirds and more t
l struoted of stone and to be of a +;maintain Newport Bay as a harbor,
of all its members, passed Resolu- permanent -and substantial char -land to make the entrance to New
don No. 407 of the city of New-, and,.oq, -guch a nadtb as to port Bay safe and adequate fort
;commerce and navigation.
The maximum rate of interest tol
hundre T(_1500T feet, both of
he paid on such indebtedness
said jetties to he constructed
hereby recited and fixed at 5y,%
of stone and to he of a
Pee '
Per annum, and which interest
m a n e n t a n d substantial
shall he Paid semi- annually, and
and of such a
width Win withstand the
,which rate of interest shall not he
exceeded in the issuance 'of the
waves tides, and currents
of the Pacific Ocean prevail -
bonds for such Indebtedness.
leg at the entrance to New -
The Board of Trustees of the
port Bay, and when con -
city of Newport Beach hereby
structed the top of each of
said jetties to he
orders the submission to the quali-
tied voters of the city of Newport
mately ten feet above the
Beach the proposition of Incurring
line e of oP ordinary high tide of
a hooded debt by the city of New -
I the Pacific Ocean. The jetty
Port Beach In the sum of $500,-
,to he constructed on the
000.00 for the purposes set forth in
easterly side of the entrance
No. 407 and herein-
to Newport Bay to be ap-
before described in this Ordinance,
proximately parallel to and
'to -wit: the construction of said
nine hundred (900) feet east
jetties, and for that purpose an
erly of the jetty to be con -
election is hereby called to be held
structed on the westerly side
in the city of Newport Beach on
of said entrance.
Monday, the 14th day of February,
1927, which day is hereby fixed as
For the purpose of holding as
the date on which such election
special election the city of Ne,
Inspector —Mrs. Miertle- Jay.
Judgr —Mrs. Pauline D. Higbey.
Judge —John M. M. 7enaastl.
Clerk —Mrs. Neils Danielson.
Clerk —Mrs. Dorothy T. Grill.
Clerk —Mrs. Nellie I. Spencer.
The election shall be held in
!.special election precinct No. 4 at
;the Fire )fall, Bay Avenue and
Washington Street, Newport Beach,
iO which place is hereby designated
and established as the polling
Place for special election precinct
No. 4.
,I A Board of election is hereby
appointed in and for special elec-
tion precinct No. 4 consisting of
done inspector, two judges, and
-three clerks, each of whom is an
actual resident and a registered
qualified elector of special elec-
tion precinct No. 4 as follows:
Inspector — Howard S. Bateman.
Judge —Fred W. Bossy.
Judge —Mss Marguerite F. Wayd
dlClerk —Airs. Viola M. Rodger.
Clerk —Mrs. Margaret Huddle
••••• " =�w sun Lae euecuon snarl I +' °•` ju ° ,a aereay suedivided ° °
he a special election. into five (5) special election pre_ Clerk —Mrs. Leola Zeese.
At the special election there cincts, and the five Precincts here -' The election shall be held in
1 shall he and is . hereby submitted tofore established by the Board of , ePeelal election precinct No. 5 at
to the qualified voters of the city Supervisors of the county of Or- Woolard's real estate office, 112
of Newport Beach the proposition, ange and which now exist for hold- Agate Avenue, Newport Beach,
.of incurring a bonded debt by the ing general elections in the city which place is hereby designated
city of Newport Beach in the sum of Newport Beach shall be and and established as the polling
Of $50000.00 to pay the cost of Constitute the'five special election Place for special election precinct
the construction of said jetties. . Precincts for the purpose of said No- 5.
The manner of holding the elec- 'special election herein called and l' A Board of election is hereby ap-
tion and the voting for or against ordered to he held, and the five `°oluted in and for special election
incurring such indebtedness shall Precincts shall he numbered spec- ,Precinct No. 5, consisting of one
:he as follows: ial election precincts Nos.-1- 2- 3 -4 -5. inspector, two Judges, and three
The proposition of incurring a The election shall he held in clerks, each of whom is an actual
bonded debt by the city of Newport special election Precinet No. 1 at 'resident and a registered qualified
Beach in the sum of $500,000.00 for John Roche's Garage, No. 127, 30th elector of special election precinct
the construction of said jetties St., Newport Beach_, which place is I; No. 5 as follows:
shall he submitted to the qualified hereby designated and established I Inspector —Mrs. Evelyn Rider.
voters of the city of Newport Beach I as the polling place for special Judge —Harry E. Rider.
by means of a printed ballot. The election precinct No. 1. Judge —Mrs. Edna R. Fink.
Printed ballot to he used at said A Board of election is hereby ap Clerk —Mrs. Jennie Lilly.
special election shall, except as ! Pointed in and for special election Clerk —Mrs. Iris I. Woolard.
otherwise provided for in this Or- (:Precinct No. 1 consisting of one Clerk —Mrs. Dora Rodger.
dinance, he printed, furnished, and i inspector, two judges, and three The Board of election in the
distributed as provided by law for clerks, each of whom is an actual several special election precincts
'printing, furnishing and distrihut- resident and a registered qualified for which they are appointed shall
mg ballots at municipal electons in elector of special election precinct hold and conduct the special else -
the city of Newport Beach. No. 1 as follows: itiou, make up, certify and file the
Each ballot shall have printed Inspector —Mrs. Ethel O. Briggs., returns of the special election with
on the face thereof the following: Judge—Mrs. Sadie Roche. I the Clerk of the city of Newport
MUNICIPAL TICKET Judge —Mrs. Ruby M. MacDonald Beach.
BOND ELECTION Clerk —Mrs. Emma B. Smith. ! SECTION S.
CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Clerk —Mrs. Bertha Foltz. The polls at the polling place
INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Clerk —Mrs. Belle Larrabee, liereinbefore designated and estate -I
To vote U favor of the proposition The election shall be held i❑ lislied in each of said special elec -1
stamp a cross (X) in the voting special election precinct No. 2 at Lion
stn Precincts must be opened at!
square at the right of the word, the City Hall, Newport Beach, six o'clock a. m. on the day of 1
"YES" following the proposition to which place is hereby designated election and must be kept open!
be voted upon. To vote against and established as the polling place until seven o'clock p. m. of the
for special election precinct No. 2, same day, when the Polls shall he!
the proposition stamp a cross (X)
1 A Board of election is hereby ap- ;closed, except as provided for in i
in the voting square at the right
of the word "NO" following the Pointed in and for special elec- ;Section 1164 of the Political Code
Lion precinct No. 2 consisting of of the State of California.
Proposition to voted upon. one inspector, two judges, and SECTION 9.
All marks except pt the cross (X) three clerks, each of whom is an In all
are forbidden. All distinguishing particulars not recited e-
marks or erasures are forbidden actual resident and a registered ,this Ordinance said special else-
marks qualified elector of special else - pro shall be held and Conducted B-
and make the hallo, void. If e you �tion precinct No. 2 as follows: provided by law for holding munic-
wrongly stamp, tear, or deface this
ballot return Inspector —Mrs. Anna H. Lane. I Iliad elections in the city of New -
it to the Inspector II nudge —Harry J. Bell. Port Beach.
of election and obtain another. Judge —Mrs. Agnes M. Kelly. ` SECTION 10.
PROPOSITION. Clerk —Mrs. Arline Jasper: 11 Any qualified toter may at said Clerk —Mrs. Nona Johnson. special election vote in favor of
Shall the city of Newport .
Beach incur a honded debt in Clerk — Bertha A. Edwards. ! the Proposition submitted by
the sum of $500,000.00 to pay N7 The election shall be held Ind stamping a cross (X) on his or her!
the cost of the construction special election precinct No. 3 at ballot in the voting square at the
of jetties, one jetty to com- East Newport Garage, corner of right of the word "Yes" following -
mence on the shore of the Island and Bay Avenues, Newport the Proposition, and any qualified
Pacific Ocean on the west- Beach, which- place is hereby voter may at said special election
erly side of the entrance to designated and established se the vote against the Proposition sub -'
Newport Bay, and extending Polling place for special election mitted by stamping a cross (X) on
southerly into the waters of Precinct No. 3. his or her ballot in the voting]
the Pacific Ocean a distance A Beard of election is hereby ap- square at the right of the word
of approximately two thous- Pointed in and for special election "No" following the Proposition.
and one hundred (2100) feet, YES Precinct No. 3 consisting of one If any voter at said special
and one jetty to commence inspector, two judges and three election shall have stamped a cross
on the shore of the Pacific clerks, each of whom is an actual :1 (X) in the voting square at the
Ocean on the easterly side of resident and a registered qualified right of the word "Yea" following
the entrance to Newport Bay, elector of special election precinct the Proposition voted upon his or
and extending Southerly into No. 3 as follows: her ballot shall be counted In favor
the waters of the Pacific I of the issuance of the bonds men -
Ocean a "distance of approxi; boned in the proposition, and if he
watery„ °fie °thousgnq five she shall have stamped a cross
(X) in the voting square at the
right of the word "No" following I
_ _ _ 'am -- - - - - -- --
the proposition vbrea upon his o[ oa. a day and date, and at A place) SECTION 16. ,
he This Ordinance being an ordin--
her ballot shall he. counted against to be fixed by said Board of True-
the issuance. of the bonds Men,
tees, and designated in the bonds,
ance calling and otherwise relat-
tioned in the proposition.
together with interest at a rate not
ing to an election, the same shall.
exceeding the maximum rate fn:go
into effect and be in force from;
If at said special election two -
I tbis Ordinance fixed and recited,
and after its final passage.
thirds or more of all the voters
Iand which interest shall be pay -
voting thereat shall have voted
able semi - annually.
This Ordinance shall be pub- -
"Yes" and In favor of the proposi-
The bonds Shall be issued in
fished once a week for two weeks
tion submitted then the issuance of,
such denominations as the Board
in NEWPORT NEWS, a newspaper'
the bonds mentioned in such prop -i
of Trustees may determine, except;
of general circulation printed, pub -
osition shall be deemed to be.
that no bond shall be of lees de-
lashed and circulated in the city of"
authorized and Shall be issued and
I nomination than $100.00 ner of a
Newport Beach less than six days
sold by the city of Newport Beach greater denomination than $1000.00,
a week, to -wit: once a week, there-
for the objects and purposes and and shall be payable on the day
being no daily newspaper pub -
jin the amount of the principal of and at the place so fixed and
hsbed therein, and one insertion
the indebtedness to be incurred designated in the bonds.
each week for two Succceding
therefor, as set forth in Resolution All of the bonds shall be signed
weeks shall be a sufficient publi-
No. 407, cited in this Ordinance...by the President of the Board of
and stated on said ballot. Trustees of the city of Newport
This Ordinance and the publica --
SECTION 12. Beach, as the executive thereof,
tion thereof shall constitute a no-
The bonds for the purpose for also signed by the Treasurer
tice of said election and no other -
which the indebtedness may be thereof, and countersigned by the
notice thereof need be given.
authorized to be incurred at the Clerk. Interest coupons shall be
The foregoing Ordinance No. 31I1 .
special election herein called and attached to the bonds and num-
was passed at a regular meeting -
ordered to be held, shall be issued bered consecutively, and wb ich,
of the Board of Trustees of the
and sold by the Board of Trustees shall be signed by the Treasurer,..
city of Newport Beach, as the legls-
of the city of Newport Beach as Provided, that the signature of the
lative branch thereof held on the
they may determine but for not Treasurer may be, placed on said
24th day of January, 1927, by the-
less than their par value and ac- interest coupons by a printed or
vote of two - thirds and more of all
crued interest on the date of their, lithographed facsimile of safd'.tbe
members of said Board of
delivery. The proceeds of such;Treasurer's signature.
iTrustees and on said day was:
bonds shall be placed in the mu -I SECTION 14.
signed and approved by the Pres --;
nieipal treasury of the city of New- All proceedings bad under this
idea[ of the Board of Trustees of`
port Beach to the credit of the Ordinance and the issuance and
Said city, the said Ordinance being-
Jetty Construction fund, and Shall sale of the bonds therein proposed.
Passed by the affirmative vote of
be applied exclusively to the ob- to be issued Shall be had In ac -'
the following named trustees:
jects and purposes mentioned in cordance with an act of the Legis-
Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN -1
this Ordinance, and for which the .lature of the State of California.
same was voted. entitled: "An act authorizing the:.FRED
SECTION 13. incurring of indebtedness by citfes,.j
The bonds issued for the ob -- towns, and municipal corporations,.i
jects and ,purposes for which the for municipal Improvement, and
Noes, Trustees —NONE.
indebtedness is proposed to be in- regulating the acquisition, con•
Absent, Trustees —NONE.
carted sball be Payable subetan- struction or completion thereof'
The above and foregoing Ordin-
Rally in the following manner: (became a law under constitutional
ance No. 311 is signed and approv-
A part to be determined by the provision without Governor's ap-
ed by me this 24th day of January,
Board of Trustees of the city of proval February 25, 1901) and any
Newport Beach which shall be not and all acts and parts of acts that
less than one - fortietb part of the late amendatory thereof.
President, Board of Trustees,
whole amount of such indebtedness
City of Newport Beach..
shall be paid each end every year
Clerk, City of Newport Beach,
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 311 is
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees
held on the 24th day of January, 1927, and that
published according to law.
L /rtilrc�l��,��
Cit Olerk of Newport Beach.
Newport Beach do hereby
a true and correct copy
at a regular meeting
same was printed and
Section One of this Ordinancel�
held the '28th day of February,
shall be deemed guilty of a mis -I
1927, by the following vote:
demeanor, and upon conviction
Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN-
thereof in a court of competent
- ,
CYCLES'. Sb ;.. THI -: UBL
jurisdiction shall be punished by
BIDE{1'A,LRkt 3 >1ID (?j.'i:.Y ";
a fine not exceeding $25.00 or by
imprisonment in the City Jail not
Noes, Trustees —NONE.
Th. s guard of �� Trustees the
exceeding ten days, or by both such
Absent, Trustees —NONE.
City of Newport Beach dtr
fine and imprisonment in the dis-
The rbove and foregoing Ordln-
cretion of the court.
ance No. 312 having been duly
t' SECTION 1. '"
The above and foregoing Ordin-
Passed, is approved by me this 28th
Itis: hereby declared law. 'f
ance shall be published once in the
day of February, 1927:
'ahy'p0fsonto ride abicycT
Newport News, a newspaper of
general circulation, printed, pub-
President of the Besrtl of Trustees
Abe ;public sidewalks of the TO-
lashed and circulated in the city of
City of Newport Beach.
;Newport ock`betweon the h
Newport Beach, and it shall take ,Attest:
.of five o'cl'clock a: m. and Bight
effect and be in force thirty days
Clerk of the city of Newport Beach.
o'clock a. m, of the same day. "
after its final passage.
Any person who shall ride a bi-
The above and foregoing Ordin-
•cycle upon any public side wlalk in,
ance No. 312 was passed at a regu-
the city of, Newport Beach at any
lar meeting of the Board of Trus-
other time than ^ as specified in , l
tees of the city of Newport Beach
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 312 is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting
held on the 29th day of February, 1927, and that same was printed and
published according to law.
City//Clerk of Newport Beach.