HomeMy WebLinkAbout315 - Volunteer Fire Department?.f , .. -.. T-shown or delineated upon any re- SECTION 2. — -- ORDINANCE N0. 314. . corded may or maps of land within The above and foregoing'Ordin- the city of Newport Beach, and by ;ance No. 314 shall be published AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING BY the name designated upon such once in the NEWPORT NEWS, a AND ON BERT B A THE OF map or maps, brovlded, that in al weekly newspaper printed, pub - OF NEWPORT BEACH ALL OF and instances and wherever lished and circulated In the city of. THE STREETS, HIGHWAYS,( the whole or any part of any such (Newport Beach, and shall take. ,e( -:1 CANALS, ALLEYS, AND OTHER) streets, highways, canals, alleys, or feet and be In force from and after, PUBLIC PLACES NOW OR�� other public places have by pro- thirty days from Its passage.`. HERETOFORE OFFERED FORA ceedings, or by any authority or The above and foregoing �orditi =' DEDICATION, AND SHOWY ORj consent of the Board of Trustees, fiance war, passed at. a,'. regular DELINEATED UPON ANY RE -i been or are abandoned, closed up, (meeting of the Board of Tr'nittees. CORDED MAP OR MAPS OF straightened, widened, or narrow- of the city of Newport Beach lield LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF ed this Ordinance Is not Intended the 14th day of March, 1927, by'ihe NEWPORT BEACH, AND BY and shall never be held or con - following vote: THE NAMES DESIGNATED(: strued as re- opening, re- establish Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN UPON SUCH MAP OR MAPS, Ing, or in any manner effecting SON. FELIX B. MODJESKA, FRED WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS.. status of any such abandoned, W. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM- [straightened, widened, or as rrowed SON, CONRAD RICHTER. The Board of Trustees of the city I street, highway, canal, alley or Noes, Trustees —NONE. ,of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- other public place, but the same' Absent, Trustees —NONE. tows: shall be and remain abandoned, The above and foregoirig:'Ordin- SECTION 1. closed up, straightened, widened ance No. 314 Is hereby 'approved. There is hereby accepted by the or.narrowed;'and provided further by me this 14th day of, , March,. city of Newport Beach and by the that wherever the name of any 1927. Board of Trustees thereof, and de- i such street, highway, canal, any CONRAD RICHTER, clared to be public ways of said or other public place shall have President of the Board of Trustees city., all of the streets, highways, been changed, then the name to canals, alleys, and other public City of Newport Beach. which the same is changed shall be I Attest: ALFRED SMITH, .. I places In said city now or hereto- and remain the name thereof. Cl.rk, City of Newport Beach. fore offe- ed:for dedleatlon by and . I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 314 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 14th day of March, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. - City//Clerk of Newport Beach. --� SECTION 4. of other officers of said city Is ORDINANCE NO. g1G The secretary shall be the cleri- paid; both the fire chief and the, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF cal officer of said department, and engine man shall serve only during, shall keep all books and records the pleasure of the board of trus NEWPORT BEACH 1lZATHYGI thereof and attend to the corres- tees, and they may or may not be. FOR THE ORGANIZATION, pondence and discharge such other i members of the fire companies. CONTROL AND GOVERNMENT ( duties as shall now or may hers- 11 SECTION S. OF A VOLUNTEER FIRE DE. !after be required by law or the It shall at alt times be the duty$ PARTMENT IN AND FOR THE j rules and regulations of said de- I of the fire department of the city' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, psrtment or that may be required of Newport Beach, the officers and DETERMINING THE NUMBER of him by the fire chief. members thereof, to use and ewer -. THEREOF, DESIGNATING AND • SECTION 6. else their best endeavors to pre-, PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF The fire chief shall be charged vent damage or loss of property,: ITS OFFICERS, PROVIDING I with the discipline and efficiency' both public and private, by fire inl FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF of the whole department and the the city of Newport Beach, and to CERTAIN OFFICERS BY THE enforcement of all laws, rules and that end may use any and all BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND regulations now or hereafter creat- property, machinery, and appa -V THE COMPENSATION TO BE ed for the regulation, government ratus provided by the city of New- PAID SUCH OFFICERS. or control of the fire department of port Beach for the prevention and 1 the city of Newport Beach, and he extinguishment of fire. The Boa,d of Trustees of the shall have the custody of all public • SECTION 9. city of Newport Beach do ordain property belonging to the city of The members of the fire depart- as follows: : Newport Beach used for the pre- ment may, with the advice and ap SECTION 1. vention or extinguishment of fire, proval of the Board of Trustees of There is hereby created In and $ and shall be responsible for the the city of Newport Beach, make'. for the city of Newport Beach a safe keeping and proper use of and adopt for their government j fire department to consist of said property. and control, and not inconsistent' i twenty -four members, all of whom' SECTION 6. with the laws of the State of Cali -� shall be residents of the city of The engine man shall have the i fornia, rules and regulations, and j Newport Beach. immediate charge of all fire appa- when so adopted by them and ap- ' SECTION 2. ratus, including the pumper, and proved by the Board of Trustees, The officers of the fire depart- he shall be directly responsible to shalt be the governing authority, ment of the city of Newport Beach the fire chief for its upkeep and of said department and the officers; shall consist of the flee chief, one care, and for its prompt and effl- and members thereof. engine man, and one secretary; I cient operation at all times, and SECTION 30. the fire chief and the engine man in the performance thereof he shall The Fire Chief shall enforce to be appointed by the Board of Immediately and promptly obey �� obedience to the rules and regula- Trustees, and the Secretary to be every lawful order and require- I; tions of the fire department and elected by the members of said ment made known to him by the. all rules and regulations lawfully department. fire chief. adopted thereby and for any con - SECTION 3. I SECTION 7. $ duct on the part of a member The chief of the fire department The fire chief and the engine 1 which Is prejudicial to the good may divide the membe ;a of the de- i man shall monthly receive such I order and discipline of the depart-, partment Into compar(tes, and des - compensation for their services as' went may expell a member, pro- Ignate a foreman to have charge may from time to time be fixed by vided. that any member expelled of each company, ,, ho shall 'be re- the Board of Trustees of the city � shall have the right to appeal to sponsible to t1ro fire chief for the of Newport Beach by resolution, the board of trustees and any order discipline and efficiency of his! thereof, and which compensation expelling a member shall not Be- shall be paid at the same time and . come effective for a period of five company. j in the same manner as, the salaries days after the entry of such order j 721 .,less It shall be approved by the — - - - - -. (board of trustees; provided, that this ordinance, are hereby re- when an order expelling a member pealed,. Ihas been made by the fire chief and an appeal is taken to the board of trustees, such member shall stand 'suspended until the final disposi- tion of the order by the Board of "Trustees. SECTION 11. Any person who shall, at and within the city of Newport Beach, do or commit any of the acts men- tioned in Section 625 -a of the Penal Code shall be punished as pre- scribed in the said section. SECTION 12. iOrdinance No. 65 and Ordinance No. 75 of the city of Newport Beach !and that portion of all other ordin- ances which is in conflict with SECTION, 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its Passage, and it shall be printed and published once in the NEWPORT NEWS, a newspaper of general ) circulation, printed, published, and ' circulated in the city of Newport'- Beach. The above and foregoing Ordir ance was passed at a regular meeting of the board of trustees of the city of Newport Beach held on the 28th day of March, 1927,1 by the following vote: Ayas, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN -; SON, FELIX B. MODJESIiA, FRED W. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM -. SON, CONRAD RICHTER. Noes, Trustees —NONE. Absent. TrUatees —NONE, The above and foregoing Ordin- ance is approved by me this 28th day of March, 1927. CONRAD RIGHTER, President, Board of Trustees, City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Clerk, City of Newport Beach. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 315 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 2Sth day of March, 1927) and that same was printed and published according to law. ORDINANCE N0. 316 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CON. CERNING= THE USE OF FISH. ING LINES OR TACKLE UPON PUBLIC DOCKS IN SAID CITY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ALL VIOLATIONS THERE. OF. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- lows: -- - Section I. It is hereby declared unlawful and shall be and consti- tute a misdemeanor for any per son, upon any public wharf, dock or pier in the city of Newport Beach to fish therefrom with more than two fishing lines or fishing tackle at one and the same time,' or to have extended from any such City(/Clerk of Newport Beach. ,pier, Wharf or dock into the Waters' Section 3. The above and fore - fof the Pacific Ocean more than two fishing lines, or fishing tackle,: ,going ordinance shall be published) In NEWPORT once NEWS, a news -. at one and the same time, or to be paper of general circulation print- .In charge or control of or. use for ed, published and circulated in the the purpose of fishing from such city of Newport Beach, and shall: wharf, dock, or pier, more than take effect and be in force from two .fishing lines' or fishing tackle; and after its passage. at one and the same time. The above and foregoing ordin- Section 2. Any person who shall.ance was passed at a regular meet - violate this ordinance shall be ing of the Board of Trustees of deemed guilty of a misdemeanor the city of Newport Beach held' and upon conviction thereof in a the 25th day of April, 1927, by the Court of competent jurisdiction' following vote: shall be fined in a sum not morel Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILIiIN- than $100.00 or be punished by SON, F. B. MODJESIiA, FRED W. imprisonment in the city jail not YOUNG, HARRY H. 4PILLIA \I -� exceeding live days, or by both SON, CONRAD RICHTER. such fine and imprisonment In the Noes, Trustees —NONE. ' discretion of the court. Absent, Trustees — NONE. 'The above and for ordin-I ance having been passed, issign- ed and approved by me this 25th day of April, 1927, CONRAD RICHTER, President, Board of Trustees. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Clerk, City of Newport Beach. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 316 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 25th day of April, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. CIVY Clerk of Newport Beach. URDINAN('F, N0. 317. jto. one trap; two laundry trays 'may be connected to a finch trap AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY and in all other particulars install - OF' -NEWPORT BEACH AMEND -led according to Ordinance No. 105. ING SECTIONS 1E, 23, AND 05 ; SECTION 23. AND ADDING A NEW SECTION TO ORDINANCE NO. 105 OF All cleanouts on soil lines and THE CITY OF NEWPORT `waste lines shall be of the brass BEACH. bodied brass flanged variety with at least live threads and of not The Board of Trustees of the less than the following weights: city of Newport Beach do ordains Two inch, one pound. .as follows: Four inch, two and one -half lSECTION 1. pounds. Sections 13, 23, and 25 of Ordin- Every cleanout or trap screw !ance No. 105 of the city of New- ferrule shall be of the same size as port Beach are hereby amended so the soil or waste pipe to which It as to read as follows: Is attached up to four (4) inches SECTION s: in diameter, and shall not be less No fixture shall be trapped by than four (4) inches in diameter 'having its outlet connected with for pipes larger than four -- __(41 the trap inches in diameter.. ap of another fixture l All cieanou s must be made ac- `efded, that' If:, connected laundry oessible and if within eighteen (18)' trayc.,9qre used they m lie vented :; inches pl_ .: .Al} must be carded ithrough such wall. No cleanout! .on any soil or waste line will be' !considered accessible unless there j be as least two (2) feet of un- IlObstructed space between the floor' joists and the ground extending to; such cleanout from a window in: the foundation or from a cellar.' All cleanouts sball be made tigbtl 'without the use of paints or other: similar aubstencc, and shall be! kept closed at all times except when a stoppage in the soil or. waste line occurs and then may be opened for a reasonable time in "i'der to clear out the obstruction. Cleanout openings shall not be used for floor drains. cleanouts in basement or cement floors shall extend at least one -half inch above floor level. Cleanouts shall be provided at the foot of all vertical lines. of Poll or waste pipe.;ang -ai thelead °off