HomeMy WebLinkAbout316 - Fishing Lines or Tackle on Public Docks; uF"sIt It'ahall be approved -bY" the ';,pier, wharf or dock into the'waterslI Section 3. The above and fore - —! ibbard of trustees; provided, that this ordinance, are hereby re -' on the 28th day of March, 1927,1 � when an order expelling a member pealed, i by the following vote: - has been made the Lire chief and SECTION 13. - Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIK -' ke an appeal is taken to the board ot'. I This ordinance shall take effect SON, FELIX B. MODJESKA, FRED trustees, such member shall stand and be in force from sad after its W. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM -: suspended until the final dispoei- passage, and it shall SON, CONRAD RICHTER. tion of the order by the Board of : published ONE Trustees. - NEWS, a newspaper of general Absent..Trusiees_ —NONE. SECTION 11. - circulation, printed, published, and . The above and foregoing Ordin- Any person who shall, at and circulated in the city of Newportl ance is approved by me this 28th within the city of Newport Beach, Beach. day of March, 1927. do or commit any of the acts men- The above and foregoing Ordiu- CONRAD RICHTER, tioned in Section 625 -a of the Penal ance was passed at a regular President, Board of Trustees, Code Shall be punished as pre- meeting of the board of trustees City of Newport Beach. scribed in the said section. of the city of Newport Beach held Attest: ALFRED SMITH, SECTION 12. - Clerk, City of Newport Beach. Ordinance No. 65 and Ordinance SON, CONRAD RICHTER. or pier in the city of Newport . No. 75 of the city of Newport Beach " Beach to fish therefrom with more and that portion of all other ordin- Absent, Trustees —NONE. than two fishing Imes or fishing ances which is in conflict with • . I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 315 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 28th day of March, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. CityVClerk of Newport Beach. i ORDINANCE NO. 316 ';,pier, wharf or dock into the'waterslI Section 3. The above and fore - —! Hof the Pacific Ocean more than going ordinance shall be published) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY two fishing lines, or fishing tackle, 111111; once in NEWPORT NEWS, a news -. OF NEWPORT BEACH CON- at one and the same time, or to be paper of general circulation print -� CERNING THE USE OF FISH- In charge or control of or. use for ed, published and circulated in the I ING LINES OR TACKLE UPON the purpose of fishing from such city of Newport Beach, and shall; PUBLIC DOCKS IN SAID CITY wharf, dock, or pier, more than take effect and be in force from` AND PBOTIDING A PENALTY two fishing lines- or fishing tackle and after its passage. FOR ALL TIOLATIONS THERE. at one and the same time. I The above and foregoing ordiu- OF. Section 2. Any person who shall ' ance was passed at a regular meet- -- violate this ordinance shall be ing of the Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the city deemed guilty of a misdemeanor the city of Newport Beach held of Newport Beach, do ordain as fol- and upon conviction thereof in a the 25th day of April, 1927, by the' lows: court of competent jurisdiction • following vote: Section 1. It is hereby declared shall be fined in a sum not morel Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN- unlawful and shall be and conaif_ than 8100.00 or be punished by -SON, F. B. MODJESKA, FRED W. Into a misdemeanor for any per -, imprisonment in the city jail not YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM -1 .son, upon any public wharf, docks exceeding five days, or by both SON, CONRAD RICHTER. or pier in the city of Newport . such fine and imprisonment in the; Noes, Trustees —NONE. Beach to fish therefrom with more discretion of the court. Absent, Trustees —NONE. than two fishing Imes or fishing [he' trap of another fixture pro- Ivided that 1L,.connected laundry "The above and foregoing ordin- tackle at one and the same time,' " - itmftale used the$ t1taA`7fe- Vented ance a having been passed, Is sign - or to have extended from any such ed and approved by me this 25th or Waste pipe ,ang. at. 3$s-; add"' -oil day of April, 1927. ' CONRAD RICHTER, President, Board of Trustees. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Clerk, City of Newport Beach. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 316 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held'on the 25th day of April, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. 01 Clerk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE NO. 317. ;to . one trap, two laundry trays ;through such wall. No cleanout —! may be connected to a 11hinch trap ion any soil or waste line will be' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEIYPOPT BEACH AMEND - land In all other particulars install- led to 'Ordinance No. 105.1 considered accessible unless there' be ING SECTIONS 18, 23, AND, 25 according as least two (2f feet of tnt-' SECTION 23. obstructed space between the floor AND ADDING A NEW SECTION All cleanouts on soil lines joists and the round exten toy TO ORDINANCE NO. 10:1 OF THE CI'l'I' OF NEWPORT and waste lines shall be of the brass such cleanout from a window in ; BEACH. bodied brass flanged variety with the foundation or front a cellar.' i at least five threads and of not All cicanoutg shall be made tight " The Board of Trustees of the less than the following weights: . without the use of paints or other I city of Newport Beach do ordain Two inch, one pound. 1 similar substance, and shall bel as follows: Four inch, two and one -half kept closed at all times except SECTION i. „pounds. when a stoppage in the soil or Sections 13, 23, and 25 of Ordin- Every cleanout or trap screw waste line occurs and then may :ance No. ferrule shall be of the same size ae: be opened for a reasonable time in 105 of the city New- the soil or waste pipe to which It erder to clear out the obstruction. a :port Beach are hereby amen ded so is attached up to four (4) inches Cleanout openings shall not be as to read as follows: In diameter, and shall not be less used for floor drains. Cleanouts t. SECTION 18. -\ than four (4) inches in diameter in basement or cement floors shall No fixture shall be trapped by .for pipes larger than four (41 extend tt least one -half inch above' having its outlet connected with inches in diameter.- floor level. [he' trap of another fixture pro- Ivided that 1L,.connected laundry All cleauou s must be made so- Cleanouts shalt be provided at " - itmftale used the$ t1taA`7fe- Vented ce sible and if within eighteen (18) �. "� the feet of all vertical liue,,.of soli _taust be cartled inc) yP e, wall _ or Waste pipe ,ang. at. 3$s-; add"' -oil