HomeMy WebLinkAbout367 - Business, Commerce, Industry and Trade Zonesr ORDINANCE NO. 367 ' S_WFCIFIED _ TRADES OB CA.LL-j AN ORDINA.N('E OF THE CITY INCS: The term "specified Trades OF NEWPORT BEACH RE•„ °r callings" shall mean and ins' BUSINESS, COM•III elude all ocenpatians and prO- STRIC CE. N BII INESS pNDtl fessions of every natnre, descrip- TRADER TO CERTAIN Z(1NE3 lion or kind, which may be i en. TRADES A DESIGNATED POR., gaged In as a business m• calling TION OF SAID CITY AND PRE.' for profit. i Section 2. No building. s[ruc -i RC3t161NI* THE PENALTY. FOR, lure or improvement shall bet THE VIOLATION OF THE PRO. '.. erected, constructed, eslablishe VISION'S HEREOF. altered m• enlarged nor shall t same be used in that certain dis- The City Courcii of the. City of Newport Beach dr, ordain as fol -' lows: trict in the City of Newport Beac Section 1. Definitions: For the hereinafter described, which Ise Purpose of this ordinance certain designed, arranged or intended to terms used 'herein are defined as be occupied or used for a store or follows: shop for the conduct of a whole - -' BUSINESS OR COMMERCE: sale or retail business, nor shall, The word "business" or the any building, structure or improve.] word "commerce" shall to e a R meat be erected, constructed, estah -11 and include the purchase, sale or lished, altered or enlarged in they other transaetiml involving the district hereinafter described which handling or disposition of any ar - is designed, arranged or intended Uc1G, substance or commodity for to be used, nor shall the same be profit or livelihood, or the own -! used for any of the trades or call ership or management Of office ings or for commercial or indus. huildings, of 'ices, recreational or trial purposes, nor shall any build - amosement enterprlaes. ing, structure or improvement be USE: The word "use" means the erected, constructed, used, estab. purpose for which premises or a lished, altered or enlarged In the] building or structure thereon is district hereinafter described for designed, arranged or intended, or any purpose except for residential for which It is or may be Occupied use. or maintained. The district herein mentioned it, INDUSTRY: The word "industry" this section is described as all that shall mean and inchide, the stor- certain district. lying within the age, repair, manufacture, prepara- corporate limits of the City of New - tion or treatment of any article, I port Beach, and more particularly substance or commodity whatever, described as follows- to -wit ;and Include the operation of All that certain real property r1ahles. r situate In the County of Orange,. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING. The State of California, and more par - term "industrial building" means] ticularly described as follows, to- a building devoted to the storage, wit: repair, manufacture, preparation ori'- Beginning at U. S. Station treatment of any article, substance No. 107 as shown upon a map or commodity whatsoever and In- of Newport Bay showing Har. eludes buildings used as stables. bor lines, approved by the STORE OR SHOP: The term) War Department on Janu -, "store" or "shop" shall mean and ary 18, 1917, and on file in the r Include all businesses of every na -'� District Engineer's office in i -- ture, .description ar .kind w$ere� Los Angeles; thence south 15' goods, wares or merchandise noel east 180 feet; thence south 76° sDld, traded or exchanged, bar�!� west to on intersection with iered or dealt in, either at retails, i,•.. of iPr. p�aleaale. , 1 be Pacific Ocean; - -'fit- _gineeh in Los Angeles, Cali- northwesterly and westerly fornia; thence southeasterly Sec on'L An Y Person, firm or, along the mean high tide line along said bulkhead line to an corporation this any of the Provisions this of the Pacific Ocean to an in- intersection with the nortif- ordinance shall tersection with the southerly easterly prolongation of the u be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,' Prolongation of the center line center line of "A" Street; bu bud upon conviction thereof shall' of 19th. Street; thence north- thence southwesterly along the punishable by a fine of not., erly along the southerly pro- northeasterly Prolongation of m more than five hundred dollars � longatlon of tho center, line of the center line of "A" Street ($500.00), or by imprisonment Im. 19th Street and the center line and southwester) and south- the City or County Jail for a per,) of 19th Street to au intersec- erly along the enter line of iod of not more than six months,: tion with the U. S. Government "A" Street and souther) along y g o� by bout such fine land imprison -, bulkhead Ilue between Station the souther) y prolongation mint. Each person, firm torpor -, No. 113 and Station No. 120, as the center line of "A" Street et anon shall he deemed guilty of a' guilty � shown upon said map of New- to an intersection with the separate offense for every day port Ray showing Harbor mean high tide line of the Pa- ing any portion of which any viola - to Lines; thence south 47° 0' cific Ocean; thence westerly tion of any provision of this ordin -1 east along the U. S. dovern- along the mean high tide line ance is committed, continued or'i ment bulkhead line to U. S. of the Pacific Ocean, to an in- permitted by such person, firm or Station No. 119; thence south tersection with the souther) Y corporation and shall be punish- W 16 ' East -to U. S. Station Prolongation of the center line able therefor as provided b by y this No. 118; thence on the arc of of Adams Street; thence north - ordinance. a curve concave to the south, erly along the southerly pro. Section S. That it to hereby Be- having a radius of 6149.6 feet longatlon of the center line of clan ed that this is an emergency to U. S. Station No. 117; thence Adams Street to the Point of ordinance for the immediate prey. I south 72' 31' east to U. S. beginning. ervation of the public peace, health[ Station No. 116: thence on the PARCEL II. and safety and that the facts con -, arc of a curve concave to the All of Block three (3) of stituttng said emergency are as northwest, having a radius of East Newport as shown upon a follows: That there are a nun -, 383.1 feet to U. S. Station No. ma P recorded In Miscellaneous her of persons in the City of New - 115; thence north 47' 00' east Maps, Book 3, page 37, records Port Beach and elsewhere who to U. S. Station No. 114; thence - of Orange County, California. contemplate establishing certain south 74' 22' east to U. S..St.a- PARCEL III. Prohibited businesses, callings and i tion No. 113; thence south 51' All that certain tract of land trades within the prohibited dts -' 20' cast to U. S. Station No. lying between the center line trtet in this ordinane.e heretofore) �, 112; thence south 58' 44' east ntnd the southerly prolongation described and other prrs,ms in the to U. S. Station No. 111; mil of the center line of the first City of Newport Beath and else - thence south 69° 59' 35" east to alley westerly of Fifteenth where who contemplate the estab -� U. S. Station No. 110; thence Street and the center line and hshment of certain prohibited In -' east to U. S. Station No. 109; the southerly prolongation of dustries and commence within said thence on the arc of a curve the center line of tile, first prohibited district; that the es - -, concave to the southwest, hav- alley easterly of Fifteenth tablishment of said Prohibited in-1 ing a radius of 955.4 feet to Street, and between the dustries within said distrk will' U. S. Station No, 108; thence cen- ter line of Central Avenue an d endanger the public peace, hoalth south 15' 00' east to U. S. Sta- the mean high tide line of and safety in this, to -wit: That tlon No. 107, which is the point the Pacific Ocean. said district is one used almost of beginning, all in the City of Section 4. Except ;vs herein- as exclusively for resideulial Our- Beach, Orange Coan- after specifically provided; It is poses and in which said district ty, California. not intended by this ordinance to a great many people are residing, Section 3. ,I[ shall not be on- modify or abrogate or repeal any Section 9. This ordinance shall awtful to engage in any business, ordinances, rules, regulations he printed and Published once in .rode, calling, industry or tom_ or permits previously adapted or Newport News, a newspaper print -1 sires above mentioned In Section ao 1 espied pur/u6IIt to law, relating to ed, published and circulated in the t, nor shall it be unlawful to use the use, management or conduct of City of Newport Beach ap$ shall ruildings for the Purpose of en- buildings, structures, improve- take effect and be to fall forte from gaging in the prohibited trades, ments m• premises, provided how- and after its final passage. 1 alllings, industries and commerce ever, that where this ordinance The above and fomgoing ordin-1 heretofore mentioned in Section 2, imposes n greater upon ance was passrvl at. a regular vi[hin these remain districts lying the erection, es[abl(shmenf, alter- establishment, meeting of the City Council of the) - vithtn the district above described ation or enlargement of buildings City of Newpo t Beach held-on tits and more Particularly described as than is Imposed or required by 34th dog o[ �,( 1929, by the ollows, to -wit: such ordinances, rules, regulations following vote, to -wit: All that certain real property or permits, the Provisions of thisi AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hilmer, dtuate In the City of Newport ordinance shall control. I Claire and Williamson. 3each, County of Orange. State of Section 5. Any building or NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. 5alifbrnia, and more particularly structure may be altered or repair- ABSENT, COUNCIiJAW: Ells - lescribed as follows, to -wit ed to the extent of not more than) worth and Johnson. . fifty per cent of its assessed value; The above and foregoing Ordin- PARCEL I provided, however, that if any such ance is signed ani. ja oved by Begnnnng at the intersection building altered to me this 14th day of .1929. of the center lines of Adams n more than flay per cent of its Per cent of HARRY H. WILLIAMSON, Street and Snrf Avenue as assessed value, at the time of such Acting Mayor of the City shown upon the map of the alternation or repair, such build- of Newport Beach. Balboa Tract as recorded in ing shall only be used for the par- [Attest' ALFRED, SMITH Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, poses made lawful by this ordin- Clerk of the City of Newport 13"eev, Page 11, records of Orange ance. County, California; mmning thence northerly Section 6. All departments, offi- and north- easterly along the, cent.. ^.r line cials or public employees, vested Of Adams Street to an Inter- with the duty or authority to issue section with the U, S. Govern- permits or licenses where required by law, shall conform to the ment Bulkhead line betwoen Stations 112 and 113 as shown pro - visions of this ordinance and Issue upon a map of Newport Beach, no such license or permit for uses, buildings, or showing Harbor lines, approv- purposes within the districl specified prohibited by' ed by the War Department on this ordinance and any such January 18, 1917, and on file per -' mit issued shall be null and void. in in the office of the District En- I, Alfred S :i'ith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby ertify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 367 is a true and correct copy f an Ordinance passed by the Citir Council at a regular adjourned eeting held on the 14t day of0, tober, 1929, and that same was printed nd published according to law.