HomeMy WebLinkAbout393 - Business LicensesORDINANCE NO. 393 t
' The City Council of the City of
Newport Beach, by and through its
City Council, do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person, persons, firm.
co- partnership or corporation, or
for any person, as agent, clerk or
employee, either for himself or for
any other person, firm, copartner-
ship or corporation within the cor-
porate limits of the City of New-
port Beach, to transact, engabe in
or carry on any pursuit, trade, oc -1
cupation, avocation, employment,)
business or calling, hereinafter
specified, until he, she, they or it
shall first obtain a license there -. ,
for as in this Ordinance required.
Each and every day or fraction -
aI part of a day that said pursuit,
trade, occupation, avocation, em-
ployment, business or calling in
this Ordinance specified is con-
ducted or carried on without suchl
license, shall constitute a violatioNl
of this Ordinance and any persm,,,,
who, for himself, or for any other
person, shall violate any of the
provisions of this Ordinance, shah,
for each violation thereof, be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction by any court
having jurisdiction thereof, shall
be fined in a sum not more than'
$200.00, or by imprisonment in the,
city jail not exceeding twenty -five!
days, or both such fine and impris-
onment; provided, however, that
every honorably discharged or
honorably released soldier, sailor
or L'arine of the United States
who has served in the Civil War,
any Indian War, the Spau'sh-
American War, any Philippine in-
surrection or in the Chinese Relief
Expedition, or in the World War
of 1914 and years following, who
Is physically unable to obtain a
livelihood by manual labor.- air
who s:iall be a qualified elector of
the State of California, shall have
the right to distribute circulars
and to hawk, peddle, and vend any
goods, wares or merchandise, ex-
cept such goods, wares and mer-
chandise as the law prohibits the
sale thereof, without payment of
any license tax or fee whatever
and the Council shall issue to such
soldier, sailor or marine without
cost a license therefor; and pro-
vided further that no license can
be collected or any penalty for the
non- payment thereof enforced
against -.in} commercial traveler
whose bu. iness is limited to the
goods, wares and merchandise
sold or dealt in in this State. at
wholesale .
The term of duration of every
license shah be annual, quarteriy.
^ionthly, weekly, or daily, accord-
ing to the terms of the sections of
this Ordinance fixing the amount
pf each license, after this Ordi-
nance shall go into full force and
Annual Hcenses shall date from
the first Qvy of July, of the fiscal
year in which they are issued;
monthly licenses shall date Pram
the first day of the month in which
they are Issued; no license shall be
issued for We fractional part of a
term. A" licensee shall be paid for
in advance and no rebate given for
any unusad portion of the term.
All licen <es issued under the
provisions of this Ordinance shall
be posted in the place of bushes---
of the licensee named in such li•
tense, and the said license shail be
produced bS the licensee whenever
the same shall be required by the
Chief of Police or any office: of
the City.
It ie `hereby made the dut; l of
the Chief of Police to enforce all
the provisions of this ordimmee.
Ao persouM demand or notice by
the Chief of Police to such,. per-
' sons owing such license tax shall
be necessary to Incur the penalties
ef this Ordinance.
SECTION 2. All licenses issued
under and by virtue of this ordi-
nance shall be printcd in clank _
!form signed by the Clerk of the
I City of Newport Beach, counter-
signed by the Chief of Police, who
:l shall set forth the name of tha
party to whom the license is is -
sued, the nature of the trade or
business he, she, they or it are li-
censed to pursue, the time fore
which the same is granted, the date
thereof, and the amount paid
The City Clerk shall cause to be
printed a sufficient number of
such licenses as may be required
for one year, in been form, with
blank stub to each and snail de -!
N liver the same to the Chief of Po-
lice therewith, who shall appear
at the office of the City Clerk on
the first yfonday in each month,
and- settle for the licenses sold;
censes now issued shall be good for
the time for which such licenses
were issued.
The City Clerk shall, on appll-
400n of the Chief of Police, Issue'
to him such blank licenses as may
be required, and take hts receipt
therefor, and shall fill the stub at- -
tatted thereto, which stub must
be kept it, the office of Ute City
Clerk. -
"SECTION 3. Each license grant-
ed or issued under any provision
of this Ordinance shall authorize
the licensee to transact or carry
on the business or calling therein
named, at the place therein desig-
nated and at no other place, and <
the said license shall not be as- i signable or transferrable. How- I
ever, a change of location shall be I
allowed to the owner of the license 1
upon the payment to the City i
Clerk of the sum of $1.00, and
upon application made to the City 1
Council. it I
SECTION 4. The City Clerk
rhall make a charge of $1.00 for e
each duplicate license issued to re- I i
J place any license issued under the 1 4
provisions of this ordinance, which 1
has been lost or destroyed. I
That no license shall be granted'
h under this Ordinance or under any
other Ordinance for a business or
businesses to be conducted on the
public streets or highways and it
shall be unlawful at all times to
conduct a business on the side-1
walks or highways of the City of
Newport Beach, and any person's
violating this provision shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction by any Court
having jurisdiction thereof, shall,
�. be fined therefor in a sum not ex-
ceeding $200.00, or by imprison-
ment in the city or county jail
not exceeding twenty -five (25)
j days, or by both such fine and im-
SECTION 5. No license shall be
v issued for any canning or fish pre-
serving plant, livery or feed stable,
public laundry where washing is
done for hire, hotel, lodging house,
chop house, coffee house, bakery,
restaurant, lunch counter, shooting
gallery, billiard room, pool room,
pocket billiard room, skating rink,
merry- go-round, bowling alley,
fortune telling, clairvoyance, and,
kindred practices, garage, cream-
ery, auctions, auction house, junk
dealers, wrecking house, or auto-
mobile for hire at stations, stands,
or places on the public streets, or
peanut vendors, tamale stands, or
'lunch wagons at stations, stands,
or places on the public streets, or
for any game, except on the order
Of, the City Council of the City of
- Newport Beach, and whenever any
person, persons, firm, co-partner -
ship or corporation, desires to open)
,'or keep any business specified in, -
I this section, he, she, they or it shall
petition the City Council to order-1
-a license therefor, which petition
shall set forth the name of the ap -,
plicant, the character of the busi-
ness and the location of the prem-
ises where the business is to be
conducted, and on the hearing of
said petition, the said City Council
may grant the same in whole Or in
part, or may reject the same and
no license shall be issued thereon
except as ordered by said City
Council. Where anv business in
this section specified may become
dangerous to or affect the public
health, peace or safety, or become
dangerous to surrouncing• proper.
ty, the City Council shall refuse to
V grant the license.
Should the City Council of said
City at any time determine that
the premises wherein any business
described in this section is con-
ducted, are not in good and sani-
tary condition, or not properly
.drained, or have become dangerous
or affect the public peace, liealth
or quiet, it may revoke its order
requiring the license for such busi-
ness to issue and no further license
shall be issued thereon until such
premises shall have been put in a
safe, properly drained and sani-
tary condition.
SECTION 0. The rate of license
for carrying on the pursuits, trade,
occupation, avocation, employ
went, business or calling specified'
III tbls ordinance shall be as fol -i
SECTION 7. The rate of license
,for conducting, managing or car -j
tying on the business of a bath'
house where suits are rented or:
rooms are rented for the changing;
Of clothes, shall be $12.00 per an-
SECTIONS. The rate of license'
for every artist, agent or canvas-
aser, soliciting, painting, retouching,
or furnishing pictures of every de -!
scription, where Ao Other rate is
fixed by this ordinance, and for
every book agent, or canvasser, Ii1
i shall be and the same is hereby
fixed at $3.00 per day.
I' SECTION 9. The rate of license
for conducting, managing or car-
, : rying on a billiard, bagatelle or
S 'Pool table, except such as are used
in private homes, $3.00 per annum,
o per table, and there shall be no
extra license charged for engaging
In the business of soft drinks,
i'; candies, cigars and tobaccos, is
connection with said business
However, such annual license shall
not, in any case, be less- than
1, $12.00 per annum.
The Clerk of the City of New-
. port each shall make a list of
I each such table mentioned, stand -
1 ing in the place of business where
the same is maintained, and charge
a license whether said table is used
3 or not.
SECTION 10. The rate of 11-
,i tense for conducting, managing or
s carrying on a bowling- alley,
$15.00 per annum, for each alley,
Whether the same De used or not,
rand for carrying on the business
of a boxball game or alley, $3.00
;.� per annum for each such alley . in
such game, whether the same be
d, used or not, and in connection with
said business and as a part there -
k' of, soft drinks, candies, cigars and
tobacco may be sold without the
payment oY further or additional
3' licenses. v
SECTION 11. The rate of ]I-
Sense for carrying on the busless
Of selling broad from a wagon or
other vehicle, whether the bread
be baked in the City of Newport
Beach, or not, for each such wa-
gon or Vehicle used in such busi-
ness, the sum of $10.00 per annum.
SECTION 12. The rate of li-
cense for every circus or menag-
erie exhibited within the City of
Newport Beach, the sum of $100.06
Per day, and for every sideshow
connection therewith the sum of
$50.00 per day, if a separate ad-
mission fee is charged to such
SECTION 13. The rate of li-
cense for every show, concert,
theater or similar entertainment
conducted or presented within the
City. of Newport Beach,_ $24.00 joer
annum, provided that when the
proceeds of any such show, con-
cert, theater or similar enter' m-
ment are to be devoted to char-
ity or some educational purposes,
the City Council may authorize
such exhibition without the pay-
ment of a license fee, and a license
for any such show, concert, the -,
ater or similar entertainment shall.
be issued only upon permit from
the City Council.
SECTION 14. The rate of li-
cense for carrying passengers in
aeroplanes is hereby fixed at
$25.00 per annum.
SECTION 15. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of checking room or station, which
shall be defined to mean a place
at which baggage, parcels, valu-
ables or clothing are checked for
.hire, shall be $10.00 per annum.
SECTION 16. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of card writing, $10.00 per annum.'
SECTION 17. The rate of li-
cense for maintaining a card table .
at which cards are played in con -
nection with any other business,
1$5.00 per annum for each such
card table.
SECTION 18. The rate of li-
cense for conducting, managing or
carrying on the business of a pub-
lic dance hall or public ballroom or
dancing academy which is defined
to be a place where dancing is
taught for consideration„ shall be
$40.00 per annum. i
SECTION 19. The rate of li-
cense for conducting or carrying'
on the business of auto wrecking
or maintaining a place at which,
automobiles are wrecked, shall be
$150.00 per annum.
SECTION 20. The rate of li-
cense for operating or running any
cart, dray, wagon, truck or vehicle
for the delivery of freight or goods
for hire, or the delivery or rock,
i sand, gravel or dirt, or any other
material, for hire, for each cart,
dray, wagon or vehicle, $10.00 per
SECTION 21. The rate of li-
cense for carrying on the busi-
ness of a hotel, lodging house or
apartment. :souse, shall be as fol-
lows: Six rooms or units, and not
more than twelve rooms or units,
$6.00 per annum. More than twelve
rooms or units, $12.00 per annum.
In this connection, those owning or
renting out less than six rooms or
units, shall not be required to pay
any license.
Every hotel, lodging house or
apartment house wherein rooms
are rented to the general public,
shall keep and maintain a register
in the office thereof, wherein each
lodger therein she ! be required to
set forth his name and permanent
place of address before being per-
mitted to occupy any such room.
The rate of license for keeping
and maintaining cottages for rent,
shall be as follows: Six cottages,
W.; -' not more than twelYe
b}ges, $6.00 per annum. More than
twelve cottages, $12.00 per annum.
In this connection, those owning
and renting less than six cottages,
shall not be required to pay any li-
SECTION 22. The rate of li-
cense for the operation of a laun-
dry is hereby fixed at $100.00 per
annum, and the rate of license for
operating laundry wagons which
shall be construed to be a vehicle
operated, run or driven from house
to house, or to business places, ho-
tels, restaurants, lodging houses or i
apartment houses, within the City
of Newport Beach, for collecting
and receiving clothes, table or bed
linen, and other articles to be
washed and returned, and unless
such wagons are operated in con-
nection with a laundry which has
paid the above license tax, then
the license for each laundry run.
Ding or operating wagons in said
city, shall be $100.00 per annum.
SECTION 23. Contractors shall
be either a general or a subcon-
tractor. A general contractor shall
be construed to be a person, nat-
ural or artificial, who enters into
contracts to construct or repair
buildings or structures of any kind '
in the City of Newport Beach, for
a contract price or for a percent-
age of its cost, where the value of
any such structure when complet-
ed or the contract price thereof
shall be $50.00 or more. And, for
the purpose of this section, every
person, co-partnership, firm or
corporation . who shall commence
the erection or construction of any
building or structure or shall re-
pair in any manner any building or
structure in the City of Newport
Beach, shall be deemed a contrac-
tor as herein defined and shall be
liable to pay the license herein -i
after provided for, providing that
the contract price or the value of
said structure or building when
completed shall be more than
$50.00, unless the owner of said
building or structure, or the own- r
er of the land on which such build
ing or structure is being erected,
constructed or repaired, shall first
make a sworn statement that they
are erecting, constructing or re-
pairing such building or structure k
as the owner thereof, and that they
have not entered into a contract `
,either verbal or written, with any
(contractor or subcontractor, or
any person whatsoever, to erect or
construct or repair said building or
structure, and that said building or
structure is being erected or con-
structed or repaired by day labor
at a stipulated wage (said wage to
be specified in said statement) and
further that they are making such
representations in order that said
person will not have to pay the li-
cense fees herein provided for and
that each of said representations 4
are true.
The rate of license for a general
contractor shall be $25.00 Der an-
num, except plumbing contractors
shall pay $100.00 per annum.
A subcontractor shall be con-
strued to be a person, natural or
artificial, who shall enter into con- j
tract with a general .contractor, to
construct or repair any portion of
a building or structure, when the
contract price thereof shall be
$50.00 or more, and for the pur-
pose of this section, any person,
co- partnership, firm or corpora -
tion who shall commence the erec-
tion, construction or repair of any!
portion of a building or structure, I
when the value of said erection,'
construction or repair shall be
$50.00 or more, shall be deemed a
subcontractor, as herein defined
and shall be liable to pay the li -_
?cense herein provided for anleafl:
he owner of said building or struc-
:ure or the owner of the land upon
which such building or structure is
being erected, constructed or re-
paired shall first make a sworn
statement that they are erecting,
constructing or repairing a portion)
of such building or structure as the
owner thereof and that they have
not entered into a contract either
verbal or written, with any con-
tractor or subcontractor, or any
person whatsoever, to erect, con-
struct or repair any portion of said
building or structure and that a
portion of said building or struc-
ture is being erected, constructed
or repaired by day labor at a stip-
ulated wage, (said wage to be
specified in said statement), and
further that they are making such
.representations in order that said
person, firm or corporation will
not have to pay the license fees
herein provided for and that each'
of said representations are true.
The rate of license per annum for
any subcontractor shall be as fol-
lows, to -wit:
For plumbing contractor ....$100.00
For roofing contractor ...... 25.00
For electrical contractor .... 25.00
For painting contractor .... . 25.00
Foe plastering contractor.... 25.00
For cement contractor ........ 25.00
For brick contractor .......... 25.00
For tile and composition
contractor ......... ___... .... _ 25.00
For sheet metal contractor 25.00
For hardwood floor finishers
and layers --- _------- -------------- 25.00
For carpenter labor con-
tractor ........- .................... 25.00
For plate glass setters ...... 25.001
For all other subcontrac-
tors of any other trade or
craft .... .....- ...... ... ------------- ... -25.00
SECTION 24. A license for the
possession and permitting the pub -
lic to play at a punch board is
hereby fixed at $20.00 per annum
for each such punch board, wheth-
er the same be maintained in con-
nection with any other business or
SECTION 25. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business;
of a parking place or station, ands
which is defined to be a plaCe or
:I station at which automobiles are
received for the purpose of being
parked, for hire, shall be $10.00
per annum, provided, however,
such parking place or station shall
not be on two distinct parcels of
land, and for each such distinct
parcel, a license of $10.00 per an-
num shall be paid.
SECTION 26. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of a barber shop where but one
chair is used, $8.00 per annum, and
for each additional chair used,',
1$8.60 per annum.
If a manicurist is employed in
colinection with said barber, shop,
an additional license of $2.00 per
SECTION 27. Every wagon, or l
vehicle liable. for the payment of a
license under the Provisions of this
Ordinance shall have a number
printed or painted thereon or
i attached thereto in some con -
i spicuous place in plain arabic
figures of not less than one inch
in length, and of a proportionate'
width, and of such color as to be
readily distinguished, which num-
ber shall be designated by the
Chief of Police who shall keep a
'.record thereof.
SECTION 28. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of a feed stable, horse or automo-
bile livery or stable, for each such
feed or livery stable, $2.00 per
month, or where the same is paid
annually in advance, $15.00 per
SECTION 29. The rate of li-
en shall be construed to mean a
Cense for carrying on the practice)
stand or kitchen at which pre-
or profession of astrology, palmis-
l pared food is sold or food is cooked
try, phrenology, fortune telling,
for immediate sale, and the lunch
life reading, catomancy, clairvoy-
stand or street kitchen is portable
ante, crystal gazing, hypnotism,
and so constructed that it can be
mediumship, prophecy, augury, di-
moved from place to place.
vination, magic, or necromancy,
SECTION 41. Where music or
where a fee is charged and receiv-
other entertainment is furnished in
ed for the practice or exhibition of
a cafe or restaurant the rate of li-
any such practices, $10.00 per day.
tense shall be $25.00 per annum.
SECTION 30. The rate of li-
SECTION 42. The rate of li-
cense for conducting or carrying
I tense for conducting the business
on the business or a merry-g,.
I of buying, selling, leasing or rent-
round, circular swing, scenic rail-
Ing or in any way dealing in real
.road, Perris wheel, aeroplane glide,
I estate or real property as the bro-
swing or other similar device or,
ker or agent of another, where
dodgem, or anything of a similar
commissions are charged, or re-
nature, $10.00 per month.
j ceived, together with agents and
I SECTION 31. The rate of li-
brokers soliciting, selling or deal-
Canes for running or operating a
- ing in fire, accident and life insur-
mllk wagon or vehicle shall be
ante of every nature, and kind.
$10.00 per annum for each such
shall be $15.00 per annum.
SECTI The rate' o -
tense for all street exhibitions shat
be $10.00 per Gay and no license)
shall be granted except by special I
permit of the City Council.
SECTION 51. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of a dry cleaning or clothes press-
ing establishment which shall be'
construed to be a place where
clothes are cleaned, renovated orl
pressed, shall be $50.00 per annum, I
and any laundry wagon that col -�
lects or receives clothes to DC
cleaned, renovated or pressed, shall'.
be $50.00 per annum, and any
laundry wagon that collects or re-
ceives clothes to be cleaned, reno-
voted or pressed shall in addition
to the license herinbefore imposed')
upon any such laundry wagon, pay
an additional license of $50.00 per'.
wagon or vehicle.
SECTION 43. No license shall
SECTION 52. The rate of li-
SECTION 32. The rate of li-
be granted for engaging in the
cense for conducting a fish mar -
cense for carrying on the business
of a pawnbroker, or
business of selling tamales, sand - �
wlchea, ice cream, heaps, I
ket shall be $10.00 per annum. i
conducting a;
SECTION 53. The rate of li-
pawnbroker's shop, shall be
candies or other edibles of any de-
tense for conducting the business
$120.00 per annum. I
scription from wagons, handcarts,
of smoking fish shall be $10.00 per!
SECTION 33. The rate of li-
trays or baskets upon the public
annum and the rate of license for
cense for carrying on an auctlon�
streets, or vending of any kind.
conducting the business of salting,
house or selling goods, wares or
SECTION 44. No license shall
pickling, preserving or canning
merchandise at auction shall be
be granted for engaging in the
fish or their by- products shall be
$5.00 per day.
business of selling on the public
$100.00 per annum.
SECTION 34. The rate of 11-1
streets or public places fire crack-
person engaged In any such busi-
cense for selling or contracting to
ers, torpedoes or fire works of any
SECTION 54. No license shall
sell articles of wearing apparel,
kind, flags, banners, balloons,
be anted except upon permit
p p
drygoods, fancy goods, notions,
I canes, horns, trumpets, music or
the City Council for the conduct -
jewelry_ cutlery, groceries hgr-
noise making instruments of any
ing of a fish market or of a place
ness, pianos,. organs, machinery of
kind, toys, badges, buttons or
at which fish is smoked, salted,
all kinds, hardware, tinware, mill
souvenirs of any kind.
pickled or otherwise treated.
products or any merchandise of
SECTION 45. The rate of li -'
SECTION 55. T of li-
he rate
whatsoever class or character from
cense for engaging in, conducting
cense for conducting ,the business
house to house or upon the public
or carrying on the business of
of selling new or used automoblles
,streets and not to persons regu-
shooting gallery, $10.00 per an-
shall be $25.00 per annum.
larly engaged in carrying on a
SECTION 56. The rate of li-
business in the City of Newport
SECTION 46. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
Beach, for the wholesale or retail
cense for conducting a skating
of publishing, circulating and dis -j
of the above mentioned articles of
rink shall be $25.00 per annum.
tributing by carrier or otherwise,
personal property, and at their re-
SECTION 47. The rate of li-
a newspaper in said city, or con-
. spective places of business, $2.50
cense for carrying on or conduct-
ducting a printing shop, shall be
per day, or where the license is
ing the business of a telephone ex-
$15.00 per mourn.
aid in advance, $12.00 per week.
p p
thane 10.00
change, $ per annum, unless
SECTION 57. The rate of li-
SECTION 35. The rate of li-
cense for every solicitor, peddler,
or huckster of every class and
character, excepting drummers
who deal directly with established
places of business in the City of
Newport Beach, $10.00 per day,
and every such person shall, be-
fore engaging in the business of
soliciting, peddling or hawking
iwares mentioned in this section,
procure from the Chief of Police
a number which shall be displayed
in a conspicuous place upon the
wagon, vehicle, cart, basket or
other receptacle used for the con-
veyance of goods, wares and mer-
chandise to be sold or peddled in
the City of Newport Beach.
SECTION 36. Tho rate of li-
cense for carrying on the business
of a peddling machine and using
music or other device for attract-
ing crowds, .$100.00 per quarter.
SECTION 37. The rate of li-
cense for conducting a photograph
gallery, shall be $10.00 per annum.
SECTION 38. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of a planing mill or lumber yard
and building supplies shall be
$15.00 per annum, provided, how-
ever, if the two businesses shall
be conducted together then the li-
cense fee shall be $20.00 per an-
SECTION 39. The rate of li-
cense for conducting the business
of a restaurant, cafe, lunch coun-
ter, cafeteria, shall be $12.00 per
SECTION 40. The rate of li-
cense for a lunch stand or street
kitchen is hereby fixed at $2.00 per
day, provided that no lunch stand
or street kitchen shall receive a
license except upon permit of the
City Council, and In this connec-
tion a lunch stand or street kitch-
operated under a franchise,
cense for maintaining a captive
SECTION 48. The rate of H.
balloon for carrying passengers for
cense for maintaining n
g y
hire shall be $25.00 per annum.
vance or device at which the pub -i
e pub-
SECTION 58. The rate of li -)
lic is invited or permitted to throw
cense for managing or carrying on
rings or balls, or other objects at
the business of selling or distrib- I
knives, whips, dolls, or other things
uting ice cream at wholesale shall .
for a prize, $35.00 per annum.
be $10.00 per annum.
SECTION 49. For every game
SECTION 59. The rate of li.
played in the City of Newport
cense for conducting, managing or
Beach, unless a license therefor is
carrying on the business of post -
otherwise provided by some section
ing' sticking,. tacking, affixing or
of this Ordinance, and where a 1
painting bills or signs to or upon
prize, souvenir, or other object of I.
posts, fences, buildings or other
value is won, given or awarded to a
structures excepting bill boards or
player, if but one person is able I
advertising sign boards, the rate
to play at a time at any such
of license shall be $1.00 per day per
game, the rate of license for each
person engaged In any such busi-
game is hereby fixed at $25.00 per I
ness, provided, that if the license
1 annum. Provided that for each ad- I
shall be paid monthly in advance,
fditional unit of or to any such
then the rate of license shall be
I game if operated, maintained and
810.00 per month,
conducted by or under the same
SECTION 60. The rate of li.
management and within the same
cense for the operation of a motor
building, then for each such addi-
or other vehicle for the purpose of.
tional unit the sum of $10.00, it
sharpening and grinding knives,
being the intention of this section
to license the first unit of any one
axes, scissors or other cutlery,
$1.00 per annum for each such ve-
game at $25.00 per annum, and I
each additional unit at $10.00 per,
SECTION 61. The rate of li-
cense for operating or maintaining
For all games of skill played in I
a blacksmith or machine shop,
the City of Newport Beach where
where the same is not used in con -I
a prize, souvenir or other object
nection with a garage, $10.00 per
or thing or value is given, won or
awarded to any player, where I
SECTION 62. The rate of li-
more than one person is able to
cense for the businese of junk col.
play at a time at any such game,.
lector, junk dealer or maintaining
the annual rate of license shall be :
a junk yard, $50.00 per annum.
$50.00. The licensing of any one
SECTION 63. The rate of li.
game shall not be construed as the
cense for conducting the business
licensing of any other or different
of refining, reducing or distilling
game, and every game shall be 1
petroleum, shale oil, tar or any
deemed a different game and not;
other hydro - carbon substaces, shall
an additional unit of the same
be $100.00 per annum, for each
game if it shall be, differently op -,
such refinery or distillery, and no
erated, or shall utilize a different
license shall be granted for the
method or device, or in part a -dif-
conduct of such business except
ferent method or device.
upon permit of the City Council.
SECTION 64. The rate of li-
SECTION 75. The business of business, trade, calling or occupa-
tion be or L construed to be
cense for engaging in the business
conducting a carnival in the City
licensed, under two sections, and
of drilling for oil, petroleum, tar, '.,
on any occasion, the license tax
be $100.00 day.
in such sections a different rate
shale oil, $100.00 per annum, for
each such well, being drilled or in
shall per
Said carnival shall cover all
of license is Imposed, then the
the course of drilling, and no li-
manner of shows, exhibitions or
highest rate of license shall
deemed to be the license fixed for
cense shall he granted to engage
entertainment, together with all
such trade, business, calling, or fI
in such business except upon per-
sales, stands or eating stands or
mit of the City Council.
places and peddling of novelties or
occupation'. k
SECTION 82. If any section,'
SECTION 65. The rate of li -,
notions for any activity or profit
sub - section, sentence( clause, or'
cense for engaging in the business
growing out of such carnival show.
phrase of this ordinance is here-
of producing or obtaining oil, gas,
Written application must be made I
after for any reason held to be un-
:' tar or other hydro- carbon sub -III
to the City Council for such li-
constitutional or un- enforceable,
stances from the earth, for each I,
well $100.00 annum, and no li- II
cense and the City Council under
Its police powers, reserves the
such decision shall not affect the
cense shall be granted for the en -•'
right to reject any such applies -',
validity of the remaining portions
gaging in said business except
tion, and shall further have the
of this ordinance. The City Council-
upon permit of the City Council.
right to inquire what shows, ex- I
of the City of Newport Beach here -
SECTION 66. The rate of li-
hlbitions or entertainments are
by declares that it would have
cense for conducting or maintain -
proper, and its action in all re-
passed this ordinance, and each
mg a shoe shine or boot black
'I spects shall he final and conclu-
section, sentence, clause or phrase,
stand, $5.00 per annum.
hereof, irrespective of the fact.
SECTION 67. The rate of li-
SECTION 76. Every person,
that any one or more other sec -
cense for maintaining a beauty,
firm or corporation carrying on a
tions, sub - sections, sentences,
clauses, or be declared un-
parlor shall be $10.00 per annum.
! wholesale business in said City phrases
i constitutional or un- enforceable.
SECTION 68. For every person
shall pay an annual license tax of
SECTION 83. The rate of li -!
conducting, managing or carrying
on the business or engaged in any
SECTION 77. Every person,
cense for carrying on or engag-
ing in the business or renting row"
business hereinafter enumerated,
firm or corporation who shall en-
boats, canoes or out hoard motor`
a a license of 12.00
pay $ per
gage r the business contract -
hoary for hire, either as owner or'�
mg grading or laying streets,
sidewalks, drains or sewers in said
operator, or as the agent, servant.
City shall pay an annual license
or employee of another, shall be
Attorney at Law
tax of $100.00.
$15.00 per annum.
SECTION 84. The rate of li-
SECTION 78. The conducting
cense for conducting, managing or'
and carrying on of wholesale or
carrying on, or engaging in the
retail establishments, stores, or
business of leasing or hiring char -
.. places of business of every kind
ter boats for rod or reel fishing,
Civil, Electrical, Chemical or
1 and description not otherwise pro-
either as owner or operator, or as
Mechanical Engineer
vided for in this Ordinance, where
the agent, servant or employee of
articles or personal property
� another, shall be $15.00 per an-
use or consumption are
rented, let, served or sold as a
SECTION 85. The rate of It-
It, shall be known and des-
cense for carrying on or managing
tgnaled as a general business, and
or engaging in the business of
Osteopath or Osterpathist
the license for conducting the samei
leasing, renting or the hiring of
shall he designated a general busi-
boats to others, for taxi service,.
Sign Painter
ness license; provided, however,
that where a general business n-
I either as owner or operator, or as
cense is granted, the holder there -
the agent, servant or employee of
and each person carrying on or
of shall not have the right to con-
another, shall be $25.00 per an-
engaged in the business of treat- duct a restaurant in connection num.
ing, curing, administering to or � with or as a part of such general SECTION 86. The rate of li --
giving treatments to the sick, � business, withour procuring the cense for carrying on or engag- -
wounded or infirm for the purpose restaurant license provided for in ing in the business of receiving
of bringing about their recovery, this Ordinance, and providing fur- and transporting. persons within_
by any method or pursuant to any ther, that where a general busi- the City of Newport Beach, In
belief, doctrine, or system other ness license is issued and the busi- boats or other water craft, for the
than those hereinabove specifically ness conducted thereunder consists purpose of affording such persons
named, and charging a fee or com- in the selling of fruits, confection - an opportunity of viewing places
pensation therefor, the sum of cry, groceries, drygoods, hardware of interest in and about the City of
.$12.00 per annum. and other articles of general met- Newport Beach, for recreation, at
SECTION 69. Every person, 1', chandise or the loaning or the I a consideration, either as owner or
firm or corporation engaged in renting of fishing tackle, or other' operator, or as the agent, servant
the business of buying or selling j articles of personal property the or employee of another, shall be
trees, plants or shrubbery in said holder of the general business li- $25.00 per annum. City, pay an annual license �� cense to so conduct such general SECTION 87. The rate of 11-
Y, cense for managing or carrying on,
tax of $12.00. � business shall not have the right
to conduct in connection therewith or engaging m the business of re-
SECTION 70. Every person, ceivin and transporting persons
firm or corporation who shall en- o restaurant or lunch counter with- g
gage in the business of searching out procuring the restaurant li- within the City io Newport Beach,
g for a consideration, in speed boats,
public records in said City hall cense provided for in this holder shall be $25.00 per annum.
pay an annual license tax of $12.00. nance; provided, that the holder
of any general business license who SECTION 88. The rate of li-
SECTION 71. Every person, shall in connection therewith en- cense for engaging in the business
firm or corporation who shall gage in any other trade, business, of operating a live halt boat in the
conduct a veterinary hospital in calling or occupation for which a City of Newport Beach, whether
said City shall pay an annual li- license is imposed by this Ordi- the same be operated from the
cense tax of $25.00. nance, then he shall pay the addi- wharfs extending from the main -
SECTION 72. For every person ti license required by this land into the waters of the Pa-
firm or corporation who shall en- Orrdindin ance. cific Ocean, or within Newport
gage in the automobile garage SECTION 79. Every person, BaY, shall he $50.00 per annum,
business, the annual license tax firm or corporation not specifical- and in this connection a live bait
shall be $25.00. boat, for the purpose of this or-
Automobile ara a is hereb de- ly mentioned to this Ordinance,
g g Y conducting, managing or carrying dinance, shall be deemed held and
fined as and declared to be a place on the business of running, driving construed to mean a floating
where automobiles are sold, stored or operating any automobile, au- structure that receives and trans
or cared for, cleaned or repaired, tomobile truck, automobile tank ports persons in the City of New-
1 and where the necessary m'achin- wagon or any other motor vehicle port Beach, for the purpose of af-
ery is. kept for the purpose of ere used for the transportation of hag - fording such persons an opportun-
pairing automobiles and where gage freight, household goods, I ity of fishing from such structures,
automobile accessories, gasoline, merchandise, lumber, brick. ce- m the waters of the Pacific Ocean,
oils and supplies are kept and ment, oil, rock, or gravel, shall for recreation, at a consideration,
sold. pay an annual license tax of $10.00 with live bait, and which boat car-,
SECTION 73. For the business for each such motor vehicle. ties a live bait tank and pump, bat
of conducting or operating a. can- SECTION 81. For every bust- such live bait boat shall not in-
ning or preserving plant, the li- ness, trade, calling, occupation, elude charter boats as hereinafter
cense tax shall be $50.00 per an- art, or profession not licensed by defined.
mmn• some section of this Ordinance, the SECTION 89. The rate of li-
SECTION 74. For every person, rate of license for carrying on the cense for carrying on or engag -
firm or corporation operating or same shall be $12.00 per annum, ing in the business of renting or
conducting a dairy, the license tax and where in this Ordinance any 1 hiring boats to charter parties
shall be $25.00 per annum.
shall be $15.00 per annum, and in 11 SECTION 93. The rate of li- I c
this connection for the purpose of 11 tense for conducting a penny ar- Its
this Ordinance, 8 charter party) cade a$ that term is hereinafter'
shall be construed to mean and. defined, shall be $2.00 per annual
shall mean any person or persons for each instrument installed, at- s
who shall, for a consideration, hire tached or operated in said Penny
fishing boat or other vessel for Arcade, and the term "Penny Ar- j
• designated sum of money, for a cade" as used in this ordinance is 1
designated purpose and for a des- intended to mean and shall mean
ignated time. the business of running a penny;
SECTION 90. The rate of li- arcade or a place of amusement
cense for engaging in or carrying where coins, disks, slugs, balls or
on the business of a fishing barge, other representatives of value are
as that term is hereinafter de- used, dropped or placed in any mu-
fined, shall be $100.00 per annum, sic box, phonograph, picture ma-
and in this connection, for the chine or other device or apparatus,
purpose of this ordinance, a fishing used for the purpose of entertain - L
barge shall be deemed held and meat, postcards, fortune cards, or p
construed to mean a floating strut- tests of skill or strength, and it is
ture anchored in the waters of the further provided in this connection
Pacific Ocean, within the exterior that those conducting a penny ar.
boundaries of the City of Newport cade business as that term is de-
Beach, for the purpose of receiving fined in this section, shall not be
persons on board thereof, for a required to pay the license provid-
consideration. ed, for by Section 92 of this ordi-
SECTION 91. The rate of li- mace.
cease for conducting or carrying SECTION 94. Any person, firm
on the business- of fishing barge or corporation conducting more
ferries, as that. term is herein- than one business in the same store
after defined, shall be $25.00 per. room, shall not be required to pay
annum, for each Goat, and in this; more than one license tax, provid-
connection, for the purpose of this ed, however, such additional busi-
ordinance, a fishing barge ferry ness so conducted by h'nn shall be
shall be deemed, held and con- I one that is ordinarily and custo-
strued to mesa a floating strut- marily conducted in connection
ture that receives and transports with such other business, and pro -
persons to and from the mainland vided further, that those conduct -
of dock of the City of Newport) ing different kinds of games under
Beach, to and from fishing barges one business shall pay for each dif-
anchored in the waters of the Pa ferent game so conducted.
cific Ocean. SECTION 95. If the licenses in
SECTION 92. The rate of li- this ordinance provided for shall
cense for conducting or carrying not be paid on or before the 15th
on the business of vending ma- day of the month following the
chines shall be as follows: For date when they shall become due,
vending machines operating by the then a penalty of 25 % of the li-
placing therein of a coin, disk, cense tax due and payable shall be
slug, ball or other objects repre- added thereto, and no license shall
seating a value not to exceed one I be issued until such penalty shall
cent (lc), $2.00 per annum for have been paid, and in addition
each machine. For all other vend- thereto, such delinquent shall be
ing machines attached, used, in liable for prosecution and the pea -
stalled, erected and operated with - ally herein provided, for failure to
In the City of Newport Beach, i pay his license provided for in this
$20.00 per annum for each ma- ordinance.
chine. In this connection, the words SECTION 96. This ordinance
"vending machine" shall mean and shall never be held or construed as
embrace any mechanical contri-
vance, licensing or permitting the carry -
apparatus, or machine lag on of any unlawful trade, call -
which, by the operation thereof,
releases or discharges any article ing' occupation or game and every
of merchandise to or for the bene- such trade, calling, occupation or
fit and or use of the person oper- game is prohibited and no license
be granted or issued there -
ating the same, and which is op- 'for.
erated by the placing therein of•
any coin, disk, slug, ball or other SECTION 97. Any conviction of
object any holder of any license herein
SECTION 92 -a. The rate of li- mentioned for breach of this ordi-
cease for the operation or conduct- nance or of any conviction of any
ing of as ice manufacturing plant such person, firm or corporation
is hereby fixed at $100.00 per an- for failing to conduct the business
num, and the rate of license for so licensed in accordance with the
operating ice wagons, which are ordinances of the City of Newport
hereby construed to be vehicles op- Beach, or statutes of the State of
erated, run or driven from house California, shall ipso facto work a
to house, or to business places, ho- forfeiture and cancellation of such
tels, restaurants, lodging houses or, license and the same shall not be
re- issued without a new a lica-
apartment houses, within the City pP
of Newport Beach, for the purpose tion being made therefor as pro-
of selling or delivering ice, shall vided for herein.
be $100.00 per annum, for each. SECTION 98. Ordinances Nos.
' person, firm or corporation con 340, 358, 301 and all other ordi-
ducting or carrying on the business nances in conflict with this ordi-
of selling or delivering ice within'- nance, are hereby repealed.
the said City of Newport Beach SECTION 99. In no case shall
by means of ice wagons, unless; any mistake made by the City
however, such ice wagons are op- Clerk or Chief of Police in stating
erated in connection with an ice the amount of a license prevent or
prejudice the collection for the
manufacturing business which has City of what shall be actually due
already paid the annual license of
$100.00. from any one carrying on a trade,
ailing, - profession of occupati*
object to a license under this or-
SECTION 100. This ordinance
hall be published once in NEW-
PORT NEWS, a newspaper of gen-
eral circulation, printed, and pub -
ished and circulated in the City
of Newport Beach, and this Ordi-
nance shall take effect and be is
force from and after the 1st day
of July, 1931.
The above and foregoing Ordi -,
Hance No. 393 was passed at a,
regular meeting of the City Coun
cil of the City of Newport Beach,
held on the let day of June, 1931,
by the following vote, to -wit:
Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield and
The above and foregoing Ordi-
nance No. 393, is approved and
signed by me this 1st day of June,
Mayor of the City of Newport
City Clerk of the City of
Newport Beach.
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 393 is a true and correct copy
of an Ordinance passed by the City Council at a, regular meeting held on
the 1st day of June, 1931, and that same was printed and published
according to law. ^ A & Q Q_
City//Clerk of Newport Beach.