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dinance No. 277 of the City of paid by the hour of five o'clock
Newport Beach Is hereby amend- P. M. of the tenth day of the
ed to read as follows: The fol- month in which it becomes clue
lowing charges snall be paid by -hall be deemed delinquent and a
all consumers of water furnished p3nalty of five cents for each c1:
to them by the Municipal Water thereafter that the same remain.
System of the City of Newport repaid shall be added to the dz
Beach, as follows, to -wit: 'i nouent charge, until the same
METER RATES paid, or the water turned off fron
The monthly rate for water :Ile premises.
consumed through meters shall be The Superintendent of the mu ,
as follows: ^.icipal water system shall, on or
For 3/s inch meters, first 800 before the first day of each month,
feet or less ....................... .....$1.30 mail to each consumer whose
For 3/y inch meters, first 809 premises are connected with the .
feet or less .................... ....... 1.30 municipal water system, a true
For 1 inch meters, first 800 .and accurate statement of the un-
feet or less ............................ 1.50 paid charges due the City of New -
For 1% inch meters, first 800 port Beach for water furnished to
feet or less ............................ 1.80 such premises, setting forth that
For 2 inch meters, first 800 unless said charges are paid on or
feet or less .............. 2.00 before the tenth day of the month
For 3 inch meters, first 800 that the above prescribed penal -
feet or less -------- _--------- - - - - -- 3.00 tics will be added, and that unless
For each additional 100 cu the delinquent charges and penal -
feet and up to 10,000 cu. (ties are paid prior to the twenty -
feet, per 100 cu. ft ............... .10 1 fifth day of the month the water
For all over 10,00 cu. feet will be turned off from said prem-
and up to 40,000 cu. ft., ices, without Further notice, and
per 100 cu, feet ................... .09 wiIl not be turned on again tmti!
For all above 40,000 cu. feet, all said charges and pena" 'zs to-
per 100 cu. feet.-.. ................ .08 gether with a turn -on cosi: of $1.50
Water used for commercial or has been paid.
;industrial purposes shall be sub- At the dose of business on the
jest to special rates to be fixed twenty -frith 'day of each month
by the City Council under sepa- the person in charge of the boots
rate written agreement with the of the municipal wrte.r system
consumer, shall furnish to the Superinteudent
FLAT RATES of the water system a list [ Ating
When water is furnished not forth the premises, and rime of
through a meter, a charge for each the owner, upon wlri�h the water
connection shall be made of $1.50 charges and penalties remain m-
'' per month; provided that when the paid, together with the amount
water is paid for annually in ad- thereof, and it is hereby made the
vane the charge shall be $15.00 imperative duty of the superin-
per annum. tendent of the water system, on
Provided further, the City o_` the next business day, to turn the
Newport Beach shall have the water off from said premises, and
right to install water, meters on not to turn -the same on again
any and all water services, and until all charges, penalties and a
when meters are installed on water turn -on cost - of $1.50 shall have
services, the charges for water been well and truly paid.
used through said meters shall be Whenever the owner or occu-
in accordance with the meter rates pant of any premises previously
hereinbefore set forth. connected with the city water sgs-
When water is to be furnished tem desires to be connected for
for a limited period of time and water, he shall make application
for any special purpose, the for renewal of water service and
charges shall be the subject of pay therefor the sum of $1.50 be-
special contract between the con- fore the water shall be turned on.
sumer and the City Council of the SECTION 2. Section 2 of Or-
city of Newport Beach, dinance No, 409 of the City of
Whenever the distribution line Newport Beach is hereby repealed.
or lines of the municipal water SECTION 3. The above and
system shall be duly connected foregoing ordinance shall be pub -
with the premises of any person, lished once in NEWPORT NEWS,
natural or artificial, and the water a weekly newspaper of the City of
turned on to such premises the t ewport Beach, and shall take ef-
charges . for water shall be a feet and be in force thirty (30)
charge against the premises; as days after its passage.
well as against the person in The above and foregoing Ordin-
possession of the premises who anee was introduced at a regular
used the water, and in case in de- adjourned meeting of the City
fault of payment all charges for Council of the City of Newport
water and penalties shall attach to Beach held on the 15th day of
the premises and particular con- April, 1935, mid was finally passed
nection through which the water and adopted on the 6th day of
was furnished. And the charges May, 1935, by the City Connell
shall continue so long as the water
at a regular meeting thereof, by
is turned on to said premises,
the folio ;ving vote, to -wit:
whether the same is actually used
or not, provided that upon written
order of the owner of the preen-
1111 FIELD, "L 3R.
!sea, if all charges and penalties to
date of said order have been paid,
the water will be turned off and
no charges made therefor during
the time the water is turned off
City Clerk.
from the premises.
The above and foregoing ordin-
All charges for water shall be
_.nee is signed and approved by
The City of Newport Beach, by
payable on the first day of each
me this 6th day of May, 1935.
and through its City Comicii, does
month succeeding the month hi
ordain as follows:
which the water was furnished;
Mayor of the City of
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Or-
_very charge for water that is not
Newport Beach.
dinance No. 277 of the City of paid by the hour of five o'clock
Newport Beach Is hereby amend- P. M. of the tenth day of the
ed to read as follows: The fol- month in which it becomes clue
lowing charges snall be paid by -hall be deemed delinquent and a
all consumers of water furnished p3nalty of five cents for each c1:
to them by the Municipal Water thereafter that the same remain.
System of the City of Newport repaid shall be added to the dz
Beach, as follows, to -wit: 'i nouent charge, until the same
METER RATES paid, or the water turned off fron
The monthly rate for water :Ile premises.
consumed through meters shall be The Superintendent of the mu ,
as follows: ^.icipal water system shall, on or
For 3/s inch meters, first 800 before the first day of each month,
feet or less ....................... .....$1.30 mail to each consumer whose
For 3/y inch meters, first 809 premises are connected with the .
feet or less .................... ....... 1.30 municipal water system, a true
For 1 inch meters, first 800 .and accurate statement of the un-
feet or less ............................ 1.50 paid charges due the City of New -
For 1% inch meters, first 800 port Beach for water furnished to
feet or less ............................ 1.80 such premises, setting forth that
For 2 inch meters, first 800 unless said charges are paid on or
feet or less .............. 2.00 before the tenth day of the month
For 3 inch meters, first 800 that the above prescribed penal -
feet or less -------- _--------- - - - - -- 3.00 tics will be added, and that unless
For each additional 100 cu the delinquent charges and penal -
feet and up to 10,000 cu. (ties are paid prior to the twenty -
feet, per 100 cu. ft ............... .10 1 fifth day of the month the water
For all over 10,00 cu. feet will be turned off from said prem-
and up to 40,000 cu. ft., ices, without Further notice, and
per 100 cu, feet ................... .09 wiIl not be turned on again tmti!
For all above 40,000 cu. feet, all said charges and pena" 'zs to-
per 100 cu. feet.-.. ................ .08 gether with a turn -on cosi: of $1.50
Water used for commercial or has been paid.
;industrial purposes shall be sub- At the dose of business on the
jest to special rates to be fixed twenty -frith 'day of each month
by the City Council under sepa- the person in charge of the boots
rate written agreement with the of the municipal wrte.r system
consumer, shall furnish to the Superinteudent
FLAT RATES of the water system a list [ Ating
When water is furnished not forth the premises, and rime of
through a meter, a charge for each the owner, upon wlri�h the water
connection shall be made of $1.50 charges and penalties remain m-
'' per month; provided that when the paid, together with the amount
water is paid for annually in ad- thereof, and it is hereby made the
vane the charge shall be $15.00 imperative duty of the superin-
per annum. tendent of the water system, on
Provided further, the City o_` the next business day, to turn the
Newport Beach shall have the water off from said premises, and
right to install water, meters on not to turn -the same on again
any and all water services, and until all charges, penalties and a
when meters are installed on water turn -on cost - of $1.50 shall have
services, the charges for water been well and truly paid.
used through said meters shall be Whenever the owner or occu-
in accordance with the meter rates pant of any premises previously
hereinbefore set forth. connected with the city water sgs-
When water is to be furnished tem desires to be connected for
for a limited period of time and water, he shall make application
for any special purpose, the for renewal of water service and
charges shall be the subject of pay therefor the sum of $1.50 be-
special contract between the con- fore the water shall be turned on.
sumer and the City Council of the SECTION 2. Section 2 of Or-
city of Newport Beach, dinance No, 409 of the City of
Whenever the distribution line Newport Beach is hereby repealed.
or lines of the municipal water SECTION 3. The above and
system shall be duly connected foregoing ordinance shall be pub -
with the premises of any person, lished once in NEWPORT NEWS,
natural or artificial, and the water a weekly newspaper of the City of
turned on to such premises the t ewport Beach, and shall take ef-
charges . for water shall be a feet and be in force thirty (30)
charge against the premises; as days after its passage.
well as against the person in The above and foregoing Ordin-
possession of the premises who anee was introduced at a regular
used the water, and in case in de- adjourned meeting of the City
fault of payment all charges for Council of the City of Newport
water and penalties shall attach to Beach held on the 15th day of
the premises and particular con- April, 1935, mid was finally passed
nection through which the water and adopted on the 6th day of
was furnished. And the charges May, 1935, by the City Connell