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Oft DI.NANCE NO. 455
The City of Newport Beach, by
and through its City Council,
does ordain as follows:
Section 1. A new section is
hereby added to Ordinance No..
428.of the City of Newport Beach,
to be numbered 28a -1 and to read
as follows:
"28a -I. The word "taxes" wher-
ever used in this section includes .
all taxes and assessments and an-
nual installments of assessments
charged on the tax roll.
In all cases where real estate
has been sold to the City of New -
.port Beach on or before July 6th,
1937, for delinquent taxes and
the City has not' disposed of the
same, the person whose estate
has been sold, his heirs, executors,
administrators or other successors
in interest shall at any time on
or before the 20th day of April,
1938, have the right to redeem
such real property by paying to
the Tax Collector of the City of
Newport Beach, the amount of
ebocek due thereon at the time
Of such sale, and also all taxes
that were a lien upon said real
property act the time said taxes
became delinquent, and also all
-unpaid taxes of every description
assessed against the property,
. together with all taxes that are
.a lien against the property for
each year since the sale, as shown
on the delinquent assessment rolls
in the then permanent custody of
the City Clerk and Ex- officio
Assessor of the City of Newport
.Beach, or, if not so assessed,
then upon the value of the pro-
perty as assessed in the year
nearest the time of such redem-
tion, with interest on the whole
amount of such taxes at the rate
of seven percent per annum com-
puted from the 1st day of July;.
1936, to the time of such redemp-
The provisions of this section
.shall be deemed to allow the re-
demption of such real estate, on
bl' before the 20th day of April,
1938, free from the payment of
.any costs, interest (other than
the interest hereinbefore in this
section, provided), penalties for
delinquency, or redemption pen-
alties, which may have accrued
against said real estate on or
before April 20th, 1938. The pro -
Visions of this section shall have
no application to the amount or
rate of penalties for delinquency
or upon redemption, for taxes
for the fiscal year 1937 -1938.
Except as otherwise in Section
28b -1 and this section provided,
such redemption shall be made in
the manner prescribed by Ordi-
nance No. 428 of the City of New-
port Bcach".
Section 2. A new section is
hereby added to Ordinance No.
428 of the City of Newport Beach,
to be numbered 28b -1, and shall
read as follows;
"28b -1. The word "taxes wher-
ever used in this section, includes
all taxes and assessments and
annual installments of assess-
ments charged on the tax roll.
In all cases where real estate
has been sold to the City of New-
port Beach on or before July 6,
1937, for delinquent taxes, and the
city has not disposed of the same,
the person whose estate has been
sold, his executors, administra-
tors, or other successors in inter-
est shall on or before April 20th,
181$, have the right to elect to
pay suchAi!lihquent. takes in, in-
stallments as hereinafter provided,
and by the payment of each of
such installments, together with
current City taxes, to extend the
period of redemption of such real
estate and'to postpone the date of
.ale of such property, as provided
ci Ordinance No. 428 of the City
of Newport Beach, and time of
making a decd of such property
to the City of Newport Beach,
ad. in the event such property has
been deeded to the City of New-
port Beach, postpone: the resale
of such real estate by the City
under the provisions of Ordinance
:Jo. 428 of the City of Newport
Upon payment to the Tax Col -
Iector on or before April 20, 19382
of ten percent, or more, of an
amount equal to the total of unpaid
taxes computed as prescribcd in
Section 28a -1 of this Ordinance,
plus interest on the whole of said
amount at the rate of seven per-
cent per abWum from and after"
July 1st, 1936, to date of such
payment and by further payment
on or before April 20, 1938, of all
city taxes levied and assessed
for the fiscal year 1937 -1938, to-
gether with penalties and costs
due thereon, the- right of redemp-
tion in installments hereunder
shall be extended to and includ-
ing April 20, 1939, during which
time no sale at auction of such
property shall be made, and no
deed to the City shall be made,
and no resale by the City shall
be made. Upon payment to the
Tax Collector, in each succeeding
fiscal year, but not later than
April 20th, until said amount has
been paid, of ten percent or more
of acid total amount together
with interest at the same rate
from the date of the precceding
payment, on that part of said total
amount remaining unpaid after
such preceeding, payment, and.
upon payment on or before April
202 in each of said succeeding
fiscal years of taxes for each of
said years, with penalties and
costs due thereon, the right of
redemption shall be extended, the
time of sale at auction to the pub-
lic and of deed to the City, shall
be postponed and resale by the
City shall be suspended, for suc-
cessive periods of one year. In
the event of failure to make any
of the payments herein specified
to be made on or before the dates
herein set forth, the right to pay
such delinquent taxes in install-
ments shall cease and temtinate
and such property shall there-
upon be subject to sale at auction
or may be deeded to the City or
resold by the City under the pro-
visions of Ordinance No. 428 of
the City of Newport Beach, in
the same manner as though no
election to pay delinquent taxes
in installments had been made.
No such payment, nor all of
them, shall be deemed a redemp-
tion of real estate nor affect the
right, title or interest of the
City thereto, but shall be deemed
and considered as compensation
for the use and occupancy of said
real estate; provided, that if each
installment of delinquent - taxes
and interest be paid on or be-
fore the respective dates speci-
fied in this section, and if redemp-
tion of such property shall be
made, on or before the 20th day
of April, 1947, in the manner
hereinafter in this section pro-
vided; the amounts previously
paid' under the authority of this ;
section shall be credited on the
amount to be paid for such re-
The amount to be paid on or
before the 20th day of April,
1947, to effect redemption of such
property under this section shall
be the sum of the following
(a) Unpaid taxes:ias prescribed
in Section, 29a1 of this Ordi-
nance, with interest thereon equal
to the amount of interest included
in all installment payments pre -
vio,.isly made, as authorized by "
this section, and, in addition, in-
terest equal to the amount of in-
terest due at the time of such.
redemption on the remainder, if
any, of the amount payable in
installments`as authorized by this
(b) Unpaid taxes for the fiscal
years fol lowing the year ending
June 30, 1937, with redemption
penalties thereon computed in
accordance with the provisions
of Ordinance No. 428 of the City
of Newport Beach.
Except as in this section pro-
vided, such redemption shall be
made in the manner prescribed in
Ordinance No. 428 of the City
of Newport Beach.
All interest received by the City'
Treasurer pursuant to the pro -
visions of this and the preceding
section shall be distributed in
the same manner as redemption
penalties in accordance with Ordi-
nance No-. 428 of the City of New-
port Beach.
Section 3. A new section is
hereby added to Ordinace No:'
428 of the City of Newport Beach,
to be numbered 28c -1, and to read'
as follows:
"28c -1. Notwithstanding the
provisions of Ordinance No. 428
of the City of Newport Beach, no'
sale at auctiO6 to the public shall
be made Of unredeemed property „ig"
the years of 1937, 1938 or in the
month of January, 1939, but at
the day and hour fixed in Ordi-
nance No. 428 of the City of
Newport Beach, all real property'
otherwise subject to sale shall be
deeded W the City as provided'
in Ordinance No. 428 of the City
of Newport Beach. No'sale of any
property (except property sold
to the City for delinquent taxes in'
the year 1930, or at any time
prior to 1930) shall be made in
accordance with the provisions
of Ordinance No. 428 of the City
of Newport Beach, after the efec-
tive date of this ordinance, and.
prior to the first day of January,
1939. Property sold to the City
for delinquent taxes in the year
1930, or prior to 1930, and deeded
to the City pursuant to any of
the Ordinances of the City of
Newport Beach, shall be subject
to sale under the provisions of
Ordinance No. 428 of the City of
Newport Beach.
Nothing in this section shall
be construed to prohibit any
agreement or sale made under
the provisions of any ordinance
of the City of Newport Beach
or any State law.
In the years 1937 and 1938, the
notice required by Section 28 of
Ordinance No. 428 of the City of
Newport Beach, shall be in sub-
stance and may be in form as
follows: "To be deeded to the
_ City. See No. in addenda to
this list ".
r i
Notice of Disposal of properties
for Delinquent Taxes.
An pursuance of law, public no-
tfce is hereby given that the
undersigned tax collector will
make deeds to the City of New-
port Beach for the several par-
cels and lots of property here-
inafter described unless on or
before the day of - -,
19 —, at the hour of —
o'clock M., redemption
from sale for delinquent taxes is --
made in accordance with the pro-
visions of Section 33 of Ordinance
No. 428 of the City of Newport
Beach, or a postponement of sale
is had in accordance with the
provisions of Ordinance No. —
of the City of Newport Beach, or
a conditional payment is made
in accordance with the provis-
i6ns of Ordinance No. of
the City of, Newport Beach, on
said date, five years or more will
have elapsed from the date of
the sale of said property to the
Dated this day of ,
19 —.
on or before April 201' 1937,
elected so to do in accordance
with any Ordinance of the City
of ticwrort Beach, and who failed
to pay the taxes for the fiscal
year 1934 -1935. or 1935 -19SG, o:
1936 -iD7, as is said ii dinanecs
*equi=ed, o:: or b ^fore said date,
and who elects to pay the dc-
linqucn: taxes ca the same pro-
perty in inmtallments in accord -
rnce with the prov.s ons of this
ordinance, shall receive credit,
or the amount of delinquent taxes
payable in installments under thin
ordinance, for the total alewutl ,
without an allowance of interest
L crron. previously paid to the
City Treasurer in accordance with
the provisions of any Ordinance
of tine C,ty of 112rport Reach.
34eh credit shall be in addition
to aced not a : ubstitute fm: Cu:
payrnent -of ti :c whole or any
part of such instalhneat thc_r
Section G. A new section is'
hereby added to Ordinance No.
423 o. the City of Ncv port Beach
to be numbered 28f -1, and to read
as fo :lowsi
TAX Collector of the City of "28f -1. If the person electing to
Newport Beach, State of Cali- pay such delinquent taxes. in in-
fornia'. stallments, in accordance with the
The properties which' -are to be provisions of this ordinance, or
so deeded and which are the sub- =v other ordinance of the City
ject of this notice are situated in' of Newport Beach, now in effect,
the City of Newport Beach, State his heirs, executors, administra-
of California, and are particularly tor: or other successor in intcres"
described as follows, to -wit: has failed or shall fail to make
No. (Description of property) any of the payments, of install -
assessed to . Sold to scuts or of current taxes therein
City for $ required therefor on or before
Section 4. A new section is the dates therein fixed at the
hereby added to Ordinance No. time the first payment was made,
428 of the City of Newport Beach, and if the City has not disposed
to be numbered 28d -1, and to of the property and redemptiono
read as follows: thereof is made in accordance
'28d -1. Any person, his heirs, with the provisions of this ordi-
executors, administrators or other nance or any ordinance of the
successors in interest,, who has City of Newport Beach, now in
made or who shall make a, pay- effect, within five years after
ment or payments on account of April 20, of the fiscal year with -
delinquent taxes in accordance in 'which such failure to pay
with the provisions of any ordi- occurred but not later than
nance of the City of Newport April 20, 1947, there shall be
Beach, and who, in addition, has credited on the amount to be
elected or shall elect to pay the paid for such redemption in ac-
delinquent taxes on the same cordance with provisions of this
property in, installments in ac- ordinance or any ordinance of
cordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach, now
this ordinance, as the case may in .effect, the amounts previously
be or who has made or shall paid to the Treasurer in acordance
make a payment on account of with the provisions of this ordi-
delinquent taxes in accordance nance or any ordinance of the
with the provisions of any ordi- City of Newport Beach now in
nance of the City of Newport effect.
Beach, or this Ordinance, and All moneys received by the
who, in addition, shall elect to re- Treasurer in accordance with the
deem such property from delin- provisions of this ordinance or
quent taxes in accordance with any other ordinance of the City
the provisions of this Ordinance, of Newport Beach relating to the
shall receive credit, on the a- collection of taxes shall be dis-
mount of taxes payable, for the tributed in the manner prescribed
total amount, without an allow- by Ordinance No. 428 of the City
ance for interest thereon, pre- of Netvport Beach, for taxes, de-
viously paid to the City Trcasur- linquency penalties, costs and ve-
er, in accordance with the pro- demption penalties."
visions of any ordinance of the Section 7. A new section is
City of Newport Beach, or this hereby added to Ordinance No.
Ordinance. In the event pay- 428 of the City of Newport Beach,
ment is made in installments such to be numbered 28g -1, and to read
credit shall be in addition to and
not a substitute for the payment as: follows:
of the whole or any part of such "28g -1. Whenever the payment
installment then payable." of delinquent, taxes under this or
Section 5. A new section is dinance and .Ordinance No. 428
hereby added to Ordinance No. of the City' of Newport Beach or
428 of the City of Newport Beach, any other ordinance of the City
to be numbered 28e -1, and to of Newport . Beach relating to
read as follows: taxes, now in effect, has been
"28e -1. Any person, his heirs, started, and the property upon
executors, administrators or other which the taxes are being paid
successors in interest, who elected, does not appear on the assess -
on or before April 20, 1936, to inent roll, the City Assessor shall
pay delinquent taxes in install- be required -to make an assess-
ments in accordance with the ment according to the current
provisions of any ordinance of the values and to place the property
City -of Newport Beach, or who, on the current assessment roll
for that -year and for each year
thereafter so long as payments
under this ordinance are kept up.
The property when so returned to
the assessment rolls shall be as-
sessed in the name of the holder
of the fee title immediately prior
fo the deed to the City."
Section S. A new section is
hereby added to Ordinance No.
428 of the City of Neport Beach,
to be numbered 28h -1, and to read
as follows:
"28h -1. Whenever property is
1 ring redeemed under this ordi-
nance or any other ordinance of
the City of Newport Beach re-
lating to taxes, now in effect, and
ioe3 not appear on the assess -
n_ent roil, the City Assessor shall
furnish the Ta:: Collector of the
City of Newport Beach with a list
of the years for which no, as- .
rers-reut l -as been made and the
Assessor shall D1aee a valuation
ca the property which shall be
r�sed in computing the tax for the
,years when the property was not
n Section 9. This act is hereby
declared to be an urgency mea-
sure necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace,
heaith and safety, within the
meaning of Section 1 of Article
'.V of the Constitution, and shall
theieforc go into effect immedi•
ately upon its first publication.
The facts constituting the neces-
sity are as follows: Due to the
widespread depression, many tax-
payers have been unable to pay
their taxes, or to redeem their
property from sale to the City
for delinquency. By permitting
redemption without penalties,
many taxpayers will be enabled'
to redeem their property, restore
the same to the tax rolls and
thereby add revenue for the op-
eration and maintenance of gov-
ernment. It is also necessary in
order to redeem much of this
property which does not at the
present time appear on the as-,
sessment rolls that it be assesse!
according to present day values.
If this is not done immediately
taxpayers whose property does
not now appear on the assess-
ment rolls will be unable to take
advantage of the rights granted
by this act.
Section 10. The City Clerk shall
certify to the separate vote on
the urgency of this ordinance and
its passage by the vote of four
members of the City Coucil of
the City of Newport Beach, and
cause the same to be published
once in Newport News, a news-
paper printed and circulated in the
City of Newport Beach and upon
such publication this ordinance
shall become immediately opera-
tive and take full effect.
I hereby certify that the ques-
tiob of the urgency of the fore-
going ordinance was passed and
the foregoing Ordinance was a-
dopted by a vote of Four (4)
members of the City Council of
the City of Newport Beach at its
meeting of May 3rd, 1937.
Claire, Whitson, Williamson.
The above and foregoing Ordi-
nance is signed and approved by
me this 3rd day of May, 1937.
Mayor — City of Newport Beach
Frank L. Rinehart
City Clerk.