HomeMy WebLinkAbout576 - Fire ZonesPUBLIC NOTICE
The City of Newport Beach, by
and through its City Council, does
ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: The entire City of
Newport Beach is hereby declared
to be and is hereby established a
Fire District, which said Fire Dis-
trict is divided into three zones
for the regulation of the type and
character of buildings which shall
be constructed in each such zone.
The zones hereby established are
the same zones referred to by
number in the Building Code of
the City of Newport Beach, as the
same now exist or the same may
hereafter be adopted or amended,
to wit:
SECTION 2; All that certain
real property situate in the City
of Newport Beach, County of Or-
ange, State of California, shall
be and is hereby declarod to con-
stitute Fire Zone No. One, to -wit:
Parcel No. 1:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the southerly
prolongation of the westerly
line of Channel Road and the
southerly l i n e of Lot J as
'shown upon a map of Tract
518, recorded in B o o k 17,
"pages 33 to 36 of Miscellan-
eous Maps, Records of Or-
ange County, Calif o r n i a.,
thence westerly a l o n g the
southerly line of Lots J, I, H,
G and F of said Tract 518 to
the most westerly corner of
said Lot F; thence north-
westerly in a straight line to
the intersection of the south-
westerly prolongation of the
' southeasterly 1 i n e of "E"
Street, as shown on a Map
of Eastside Addition, recorded
in Book 4, page 20 of Miscel-
laneous Maps, Records of said
Orange County with the south
line of Section 35, Township 6
South, Range 10 West, S. B.
B. M; thence East along the
said south line of Section 35,
to an' intersection of t he
center line of Surf Avenue as
'shown on a map'of said East-
side Addition; thence north-
westerly along the center line
of Surf Avenue as said Surf
Avenue is shown on said map
of Eastside Addition and map
of Balboa Tract, Recorded in
Book 4, 'Page'll of'Miscellan-
eous Maps, of said County, to
an intersection w i t h the
southerly prolongation of the
westerly line of Lot 11, Block
4 of said Balboa Tract; thence
northerly along the last men-
tioned southerly prolongation
to an intersection with the
center line of Surf Avenue as
shown on a map of the New-
port Bay Tract recorded in
nook 4, page 16 of Miscellan-
eous Maps, records of said
County; thence westerly along
the last mentioned center line
of Surf Avenue to an inter-
section with the southerly
prolongation of the westerly
line" of Alvarado Street, as
shown on said map of New-
port Bay Tract; thence north-
erly along the last mentioned
southerly prolongation to an
intersection with the center
line of Surf Avenue as shown
on a map of East Newport,
recorded in Book 3, Page 37
of Miscellaneous Maps, rec-
ords of said County; thence
westerly along the last men-
tioned center l i n e of Surf
Avenue and the center line
of Ocean Avenue as shown
on a Map of Tract No. 234,
recorded in Book 13, pa -es 36
and 37 of Miscellaneous Maps,
Records of said County and
along the center line.pr Ocean
Avenue as shown on.a Map of
Section "B," Newport Beach,
recorded in Book 4, page 27
of Miscellaneous Maps, Rec-
ords of Orange County, Cali-
fornia, and along the center
line of Ocean Ay e n u e as
shown on a Map of First Ad-
dition to Newport Beach, re-
corded in Book 3, page 27 of
Miscellaneous Mobs, - Records
of said County, and map of
Newport Beach, recorded in
Book 3, page 26 of Mlseellan-
eous Maps, Records of said
County, and map of Third Ad-
dition to Newport. Beach, re-
corded in Book 3,:P.age 31 of
Miscellaneous Maps, Record
of said County, and Map of
Ocean Front Tract, Recorded
in Book 4, Page 12 of Miscel-
laneous Maps, Records of said
County, and map bf Seashore
Colony, T r a c t' recorded in
Book 7, page 25 of Miscellan-
eous Maps, Records of said
County, to an intersection
with the northeasterly pro-
longation of the Northwester-
ly line of Block N -1, as shown
on said Seashore C o l o n y
Tract; thenceso2tthwesterly
a l o n g the last mentioned
northeasterly prolon g a t i o n
and along the northwesterly
line of said Block N-1, to an
intersection w i t h fbe Mean
high tide line of the Pacific
Ocean; thence southeasterly
along the mean high title line
of the Pacific Ocean .to an
intersection with the souther-
ly prolongation of the wester-
ly line of Channel Road as
shown upon a map of Tract
518, recorded in Book 17,'
pages 33 to 36, Records' of.
Orange County, California,
thence northerly along the
last mentioned southerly pro-
longation to the point of be-
ginning. ....
Parcel No. 2:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the center line
of $urf Avenue with th^ ren-
ter line of Adams Str, -. s
said Surf Avenue and Adams
Street a *c shown on a map
of the Balboa Tract recorded
in Book 4, page 11 of Miscel-
laneous Maps, Record of Or-
ange County, Californi :; rui-
ning thence northerly and
northeasterly along the said
centre line of Adams Street
and the northeasterh- pro -
longa °ion thereof, to an inter-
section with the mean high
tide line of the Pacific Ocean
in Newport Ba;, as described
by Court case Decree No.
23679 of the Superior Court
of the State of California, in
and for the County of Or-
ange; thence southeasterly
along the said mean high tide
line to an intersection with
the center line of "A" Street,
as shown on said Map of Bal-
boa Tract; thence southwest-
erly and southerly along the
said center line of "A" Street
to an intersection with the
said center line of Surf Ave-
nue; thence northwesterly
along the said center line of
Surf Avenue to the point of
Parcel No, 3:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the center line
of 6th Street, formerly known
as 2nd Street, as shown on
a map of East Newport, re-
- corded it Book 3, page 37 of
Miscellaneous Maps, Records
of 0-ange County, California,
with the westerly p, `onga-
ation of the southerly line of
Block 3, of said East -
port;, running thence nor:h-
erly along the said center line
of 6th Street, to an
with the center line of
Bay Avenue as shown :,n said
map of East Newport: than ^e
easterly along the said enter
line of Bay Avenue to an in-
tersection with the northerly
prolongation, of the easterly.
line of Lot 2 of said Block 3;
thence southerly along the
northeasterly prolongation of
said easterly line of Lot 2,
and along the easterly line of
said Lot 2 and Lot 22 of said
Block 3, to the southeasterly
corner of said Lot 22; thence
Westerly - along the southerly
line of said Block 3 and the
westerly prolongation thereof
to the point of beginning.
.Parcel No. 4:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the center line
of Ocean Avenue with t h e
southwesterly prolongation of
the northwesterly line of Lot
4, Block 23, as shown on a
map of Newport Beach, ,Rc
corded in book 3, page; 26,, of
Miscellaneous Maps, .itecord5
of Orange County, C$lif`ariia;,
thence northeasterlfsFo`n g
sand southwesterly i prolong.
..atinn and the northwesterly
line of said Lot 4' +tlienrr-
Z -
north astc ly along the center
line of the first alley south-
easterly of and parallel with
Mth St, eet as shown on said
aap of Newport Beach and
-the northeasterly prolongation
tl ereof, to an intersection
with the southwesterly line of
the Pacific Electric Railway
Company's r i g h t of way;
'thence southeasterly along the
southwesterly line of said right
of way to an inters -etion with
the northeasterly prolongation
of the center line of 20th Street
as shown on a map of Section
"A," Newport ;,etch, recorded
in Book ', Fa .-e ' of Miscel-
laneous Mal:.,,, Records of said
County; thence southwesterly
along the said center line of
20th Street to an intersection
with the center line of Ocean
_A•-r 2 a:. : :.,. on a Map of
First Addition to Newport
Beach, recorded in Book
p a g e 27 of Miscellaneous
Maps, Records of said County;
'thence northwesterly a l o n g
the said center line of Ocean
Avenue and along the center
line of Ocean Avenue as
shown on said Map of New-
port Beach, to the point of
SECTION 3: All t h at certa
real property situate in the Ci
of Newport Ecach, County of O
ange, State of California, sh
be and is hereby declared to co
stitute Fire Z o n e No. Two, t
Parcel No. 1:
Beginning at a point of in-
tersection of the center line
of Surf Avenue with the
center line of "A" Street, as
said Surf Avenue and "A"
'treet are shown on a Map of
the Balboa Tract, recorded in
Book 4, page 11 of Miscelan-
eous 1\iaps, Records of Orange
County, California; running
'thence northerly and north-
easterly along the said center
line of "A" Street to an inter-
section with the mean high
tide line of the Pacific Ocean
in Newport Bay, as described
in C o u r t Case Decree No.
23679, of the >uperior Court
of the St ^te of "alifornia, in
and for the Count-, of Orange;
thence southeasterly along the
said mean high tide line to an
intersection with the water
line of "B" Street as shown on
sei,l ma ^, - tilboa Tract,
thence southwesterly a l o n g
the said center :ne of "B"
Street to an intersection with
the center line of Surf Ave-
nue as shown on said map of
Balboa Tract; thence north-
westerly along the center line
of said Surf Avenue to the
point of beginning.
Parcel No. 2:
Bc ^inning at the intersec-
tion of the center line of Surf
Avenue with the center line
of Adams £:--eet as shown on
a Map of Balboa Tract, re-
corded in Book :, page 11, of
Miscellaneous Maps, records
of Orange County, California;
running thence northerly and
.:orthcasterly along the said
center line of Adams Street
and northeasterly along the
center line of Adams Street
as shown on a map of Balboa
Bayside Tract recorded in
Book 4, page 78 of Miscellan-
eous Maps, records of s a i d
County, to an intersection
with the mean high tide line
of the Pacific Ocean in New-
port Bay, as described in
Court Case Decree No. 23679,
of the Superior Court of the
State of California, in and for
the County of Orange, run-
ning t h e n c e northwesterly
along the last described mean
high tide line to an intersec-
tion with the northerly pro-
longation of Cypress Street,
formerly Bayview ,Avenue as
shown on _said map of Bal-
boa Bayside Tract, thence
southerly along the last men-
tioned northerly prolongation
and along the center line of
Cypress Street, to an inter-
section with the center line of
'Bay Avetlue as shown on said
map of Balboa Tract; thence
in easterly along said center line
ty of Bay Avenue to an inter -
r- section with the center line
all of Cypress Street, thence
n- southwesterly a l o n g said
o- canter line of Cypress Street
to an intersection 'with the
center line of Central Avenue;
thence westerly a l o n g said
center line of Cc ntral Avenue
to an intersection with the
northerly prolongation of the
westerly .line of Lot 1, Block
4, of said'Balboa Tract; thence
southerly along the last men-
tioned northerly prolongation
and the westerly line of said
Lot 1 and the southerly pro-
longation thereof and the
westerly line of lot 11 of said
Block 4 and the southerly
prolongation thereof to an
intersection with the center
line of Sbrf Avenue as shown
on said Map of Balboa Tract,
thence easterly along s a i d
center line of Surf Avenue as
shown on said Map of Balboa
Tract: thence easterly along
said center line of Surf Ave-
nue to the point of beginning.
Parcel No. 3:
Beginning at the point of
intersection at the center line
of 19th Street with the center
line of Ocean Avenue as said
Ocean Avenue and 19th Street
are shown on a map of the
First Addition to Newport
Reach, recorded in. Book .3,
page 27 of Miscellaneous
Maps, R e c o r d s of Orange
County, California; running
thence northwesterly along
the said ceiiter line of Ocean
Avenue to an intersection with
the center line of 20th Street;
thence northeasterly along the
center line of 20th Stree; to an
intersection with the south -
wnerterly line of the Pacific
l- :lectric Railway Companys
right of way as said right of
way is shown on a map of
Section "A ", Newport Beach.
as recorded in Book 4, page
a of Miscellaneous Maps,
'Records o' said Comely;
thence southeasterly along
the last me-,itioned southwest -
oriy line to an intersection
with the ce,:ter line of 19th
street; then -e southeasterly
' along the cent-2y line of 19th
:Street to the point of begin.
.Parcel No. 4:
Beginning at the point of
'intersection of the center line
,of 25th Street with the center
line of Ocean Avenue, as said
'25th Street and Ocean Ave-
nue are shown on a map of
Newport Be. ch., recorded in
Book 3, page 26 of Miscellan-
eous Maps, Records of Or-
ange County, California; run-
ning thence northeasterly a-
long the said center line of
25th Street and the north-
easterly prolongation thereof
to an intersection with the
southwesterly line of the Pa-
cific Electric Railway, Com-
pany's right of way; thence
'southeasterly along the south-
westerly line of said right
of way to an intersection with
the northeasterly prolongation
of the center line of the first
'a 11 e y southeasterly of and
Parallel to 24th Street, as
shown on said Map of New-
port Beach, thence south-
westerly a l o n g the north-
easterly prolongation of the
center line of the last de-
scribed alley and along the
tenter line of said alley and
along the northwesterly line
of Lot 4, Block 23, and the
southwesterly prolong a t i o n
thereof, as shown on s a i d
Map of Newport Beactl, to an ..
intersection with the center
line of Ocean Avenue; thence
northwesterly a l o n g s a i d
'center line of Ocean Avenue''
to the point of beginning.
Parcel No. 5:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the northwest-
erly prolongation of the south-
westerly line of Block 7, as
shown on a map of re- subdi-
vision of Section 1 of Balboa
Island, recorded in Book 6,
page 30 of Miscellaneous
M a p s , records of Orange
County, California, with the
center line of Pearl Avenue as
said pearl Avenue is shotivn on
said Map of Balboa Island;
Funning thence northeasterly
along the center line of said
Pearl Avenue to an intersec-
tion with the center line of the
first alley northeasterly of
and parallel to the saib south-
westerly line of said Block 7;.
thence southeasterly along U19
center line of the last describ-
ed alley to an .intersection
with the center line of the
first alley southeasterly of and
parallel to Pearl Avenue as
shown on said Map of Balboa
Island: thence northeasterly
along the center line of the
last described alley to an in-
tersection with the northwest-
erly prolongation of the north-
easterly line of Lot 19. Block
7. as shown on said Map of
Balboa Island: thence south-
easterly along the last men-
tioned northwesterly prolong-
ation and along the northeast-
erly line of said Lot 19. and
t h e southeasterly prolong-
ation thereof. and the north-
easterly line of Lot 21. Block
9, as shown on said Map of
Balboa Island. and the south-
easterly prolongation thereof
to an intersection with the
center line of the first alley
southeasterly of and parallel
to Agate Avenue. as shown on
said map of Balboa Island:
thence southwesterly along
the center line of the last de-
scribed alley to an intersec-
tion with the center line of
the first alley northeasterly
of and parallel to the south-
westerly line of Block 9. as
shown on said map of Balboa
Island: thence southeasterly
along the center line of the
last described alley to an in-
tersection with the center line
of Opal Avenue. as shown on
said Map of Balboa Island:
thence southwesterly along
the said center line of Opal
Avenue to an intersection
with the southeasterly pro-
longation of the said south-
westerly line of block 9: thence
northwesterly along the last
mentioned southeasterly pro-
longation and along the south-
westerly lines of Block 9 and
Block 7. as shown on said map
of Balboa Island. a n d the
northwesterly prolongat i o n
thereof, to the point of begin-
Parcel No. 6:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the center line
of Park Avenue as shown on a
map of Section 4. Balboa Isl-
and, recorded in Book 7. page
37 of Miscellaneous Maps.
Records of Orange County.
California, with the center
line of the first alley west of
and parellel to Marine Ave-
nue as shown on said Map of
Balboa Island: running thence
north along the center line
of the last described alley to
an intersection with the center
line of the first alley south
of and parellel to the north
line of Block 13 as shown on
said Map of Balboa Island;
thence east along the center
line of the last described alley
to an intersection with the
south prolongation of the west
line of lot 21 of said Bloc:i
13: thence northerly along
the last mentioned prolong
ation and along the west line
of said Lot 21 to the north.
west corner of said Lot. 21;
thence east in a direct line
to the northeast corner of Lot
16. Block 14 of said Section
4. Balboa Island: t h e n c e
southerly along the east line
of said Lot 16 and the south
prolongation thereof to an
intersection with the center
line of the first alley south
of and parallel to the north
line of said Block 14: thence
east along the center line of
the last described alley to an
intersection with the center
line for the first alley cast of
and parallel to Marine Ave-
nue: thence south along the
center line of the last de-
scribed alley to an intersection
with the said center line of
Park Avenue: thence West
along said center line of Park
Avenue to the point of begin-
SECTION 4: All the real pro
perty situate in the City of New
port Beach. County of Orange,
State of California. not described
as being in Fire Zone No. 1 and
Fire Zone No. 2 hereof, shall hr
and are hereby declared in Firr
Zone No. 3.
SECTION 5: No building n•
structure shall be moved into
erected or constructed on Parcel
No. 1 rescribed in Section 2 of
this ordinance. except that the
same shall be of Type One corn
struction under the Uniform Build-
ing Code of the City of Newport
Beach. as the same now exists or
as the same may hereafter be a
ddontrd or amended.
SECTION 6: Any person. firm
or corporation violating any of
the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
dcmeanor and upon conviction,
shall be punishable by a fine not
to exceed Three Hundred Dollar=
(0300.00't or imprisonment in the
city jail of the City of Newport
Beach. not to exceed three months
or be both fine and imprisonment
in the discretion of the City coun.
SECTION 7: All ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict with
this ordinance. including Ordinance
No. 567 of the City of Newport
Beach. are hereby specifically re•
SECTION 8: This ordinance is
required for the immediate pre-
servation of the public , peace,
health and safety of the City of
Newport Beach, a: d Vie following
is a statement of the facts con-
stituting such emergency:
That the territory described in
this Ordinance as now being in
Fire Zone No. 1 of the City of
Newport Rrsoh was heretofore
Placed. through error. in Fire
Zen^ �'o. 2. Thai there arc now
h, ing :• onstructed buildings of the
I ypo permitted by Fire Zone, No. 2
in Fire Zonc No. 1 as herein de.
scribed; that the building and
erection of said R'; %r of h�6:a{ng
in said Fire Zone No. 1 con-
stitutes a fire menace and =aid
buildings are grnerally dangerous
to other buildings in said Fire Zonc
No. 1 as herein constituted; that
!here are other buildings con'vm-
plated for Fire Zone No. 1 as
herein constituted, of a iypv per-
mitted in Fire Zon^ No. 2 hr oaf.
and by virtue therm:` nn emer racy
now exists in the City of New-
port Beach. which dirt etly affoet;
the public peace, hcalfh and safety
of said City. That by reason of
the aforesaid this T- dinanre is
now immediatci, rcg':i,rd.
SECTION 9: Ta,. Cit,' Clerk
shall certify to the sups ra'r vote
on the urgency of tl..+ 0 di.iance
and its passage and ,do: !on by
a vote of five (51 members of the
City Council of the City of New-
port Beach, and 1s annroval by
the Mayor of the City of Newport
Beach. and cause the Esme to be
published once in the NEWPORT
paper of general ch eittation
printed, published and circulated
in the City of Newport Beach. and
upon such publication this Ordi-
nance shall 'become immediately
operative and take full cffLct.
The above and foregoing Ordi-
mincr was introduced at a regular
meeting of the City Council of the
City of Newport Beach hold on
the 20th day of April. 1948. and
was finally passed and adopted
on the 10th day of May. 1948.
by said City Council at a regular
meeting thereof. by the following
vote. to -wit:
son. Greeley. Ishell. Rine. Prake.
City Clerk ,
The above and foregoing Ordi-
nance is signed and approved by
me this 10th.day of, day., 1948.
Publish May 14. 1948.
I, C. K. Priest, Clerk of the City
of Newport Beach, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance 'No.
576 is a' true and correct copy of
an Ordinance *gassed by the.City
Council at a regular meeting held
on the 10th day of ide.y, 1941, and
that same was printed and published
according to law.
Jerk of the City. -of Newport Beach