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An ordinance of the City of
Newport Beach regulating traffic
upon the public streets and re-
pealing Ordinance No. 345 and
all other ordinances and parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith.
The City Council of the City
of Newport Beach does ordain as
Sec. 1. Definitions of Words sad
Phrases. (a) The following words
and phrases when used in this
ordinance shall for the purpose
of this ordinance have the mean-
ings respectively ascribed to them
in this article.
(b) Whenever any words or
phrases used in this ordinance are
not defined herein, but are now
defined in the vehicle code oY this
state, such definitions are incorp-
orated herein and shall be deemed
to apply to such words and
phrases used herein as though sett
forth herein in full.
Sec. 2. Alley. A n y unnamed
street less than 25 feet in width
between property lines.
Sec. 3. Loading Zone. The space
adjacent to a curb reserved for
the exclusive use of vehicles dur-
ing the loading or unloading of
passengers or materials.
Sec. 4. Official Time Standard
Whenever certain hours are
named herein, they shall mean
standard time or daylight saving
time as may be in current use in
this city.
Sec. 5. Official Traffic Control
Devices. All signs, signals, mark-
ings and devices not inconsistent
with t h i s ordinance placed or
erected by authority of a public
body or official having jurisdic-
tion for the purpose of regulating,
warning or guiding traffic.
Sec. 6. Official Traffic Signals.
A n y device, whether manually,
electrically or mechanically oper-
ated, by which traffic is alternate-
ly directed to stop and proceed
and which is erected by authority
of a public body or official having
Sec. 7. Park. To stand or leave
standing any vehicle, whether oc-
cupied or not, otherwise t h a n
temporarily for the purpose of
a n d while actually engaged in
l o a d i n g or unloading of pas-
sengers or materials.
Sec. 8. Parkway. That portion
of a street other than a roadway
or a sidewalk.
Sec. 9. Passenger Loading Zone.
The space adjacent to a curb
reserved for the exclusive use of
vehicles during the loading or un-
loading of passengers.
Sec. 10. Pedestrian. Any person
Sec. 11. Person. Every natural
person, firm, copartnership, as-
sociation or corporation.
Sec. 12. Police Officer. Every
officer of the police department
of this city.
Sec. 13. (a) Stop. W h e n re-
quired means complete cessation
of movement.
(b) Stop or Stand. When pro-
hibited means any stopping or
standing of a vehicle, whether
occupied or not, except when
necessary to avoid conflict with
other traffic or in compliance
with the directions of a police
officer or official traffic control
Sec. 14. Street Car. A car other
than a railroad train for trans-
porting persons or property and
operated u p o n rails principally
within a municipality.
Sec. 15. Traffic. Pedestrians,
ridden or herded animals, vehicles,
street cars and other conveyances
either singly or together while
using any street for purposes of
Sec. 30. Police Administration.
There is hereby established in the
police department of this city a
traffic division to be under the
control of an officer of police ap-
pointed by and directly respons-
ible to the chief of police.
Sec. 31. Duty of Traffic Divi-
sion. It shall be the duty of the
traffic division with such aid as
may be rendered by other mem-
bers of the police department to
enforce the street traffic regula-
tions of this city and all of the
state vehicle laws applicable to
street traffic in this city, to make
arrests for traffic violations, to
investigate traffic accidents and
to cooperate with the city traffic
engineer and other officers of the
city in the adimnistration of the
traffic laws a n d in developing
ways and means to improve traf-
fic conditions, and to carry out
those duties specially imposed
upon said division by this ordi-
nance and the traffic ordinances
of this city.
Sec. 32. Traffic Accident
Studies. Whenever the accidents
at any particular location become
numerous, the traffic division
shall cooperate with the city traf-
fic engineer in conducting studies
of such accidents and determining
remedial measures.
Sec. 33. Traffic Accident Re-
ports. The traffic division shall
maintain a suitable system of
filing traffic accident reports.
Accident reports or cards refer-
ring to them shall be filed
alphabetically by location. Such
reports shall be available for the
use and information of the city
traffic engineer.
Sec. 34. Traffic Division to Sub-
mit Annual Traffic Safety Report.
The traffic division shall annually
prepare a traffic report which
! shall be Y 11 e d with the (City
I Council). Such report shall con-
tain information on traffic
matters in this city as follows:
1. The number of traffic ac-
cidents, the number of persons
killed, the number of persons in-
jured, and other pertinent traffic
accident data;
2. The number of traffic ac-
cidents investigated and other
pertinent data on the safety act-
ivities of the police;
3. The plans and recommenda-
tions of the division for future
traffic safety activities.
Sec. 35. City Traffic Engineer.
The office of city traffic engineer
is hereby established. The city
traffic engineer shall be appointed
by ( ) (under civil service)
and he shall exercise the powers
and duties as provided in this
ordinance and in the traffic ordi-
nance of this city.
Sec. 36. Duties of City Traffic
Engineer. It shall be the general
duty of the city traffic engineer
to determine the installation and
proper timing and maintenance
of traffic control devices a n d
signals, to conduct engineering
analyses of traffic accidents and
to devise remedial measures, to
conduct engineering investigation
of traffic conditions and to co-
operate with other city officials
in the development of ways and
means to improve traffic condi-
tions, and to carry out the addi-
tional powers and duties imposed
by ordinances of this city.
Sec. 37. Traffic Commission.
There is hereby established a traf-
fic commission to serve without
compensation, consisting of the
city traffic engineer, the chief of
police or in his discretion as his
representative the chief of the
traffic division, a member of the
city council, and one representa-
tive each from the city engineer's
office and the city attorney's off-
ice and such number of other city
officers a n d representatives of
unofficial bodies as may be de-
termined and appointed by the
mayor. The chairman of the com-
mission shall be appointed by the
mayor and may be removed by
Sec. 38. Duties of Traffic Oom-
mission. It shall be the duty of
the traffic commission to suggest
the most practicable means for
coordinating the activities of all
officers and agencies of this city
having authority with respect to
the admnistration or enforcement
of traffic regulations; to stimu-
late and assist in the preparation
and publication of traffic reports;
to receive complaints having to
do with traffic matters; and to
recommend to the legislative body
of this city and to the city traffic
engineer, the chief of the traffic
division and other city officials
ways and means for improving
traffic conditions and the admin-
istration and enforcement of traf-
fic regulations.
Sec. 50. Authority of Police and
Fire Department Officials. (a) It
shall be the duty of the officers
of the police department or such
officers as are assigned by the
chief of police to enforce all street
traffic laws of this city and all
of the state vehicle laws appli-
cable to street traffic in this city.
(b) Officers of the police de-
partment or such officers as are
assigned by the chief of police
are hereby authorized to direct
all traffic by voice, hand or signal
in conformance with traffic laws,
provided that in the event of a
fire or other emergency or to
expedite traffic .or', to safeguard
pedestrians, officess'6f "the1_police
department mhy direct traffie9I3'a
conditions may require, not�vioit
standing trig= provisions of t-.h-8
traffic law=
(c) Off iMrs of the fire depart=
ment, wheII_ rat the scene of
fire, may direct or assist= th;,
police in directij�g; traffic- iliergat
or in the immediate riicirilty.
Sec. 51. Required''Obedience to
Traffic Ordinance. It is a mis-
demeanor for any person to do
any act forbidden or fail to per-
form any a c t required in this
Sec. 52. Obedience to Police and
F 1 r e Department Officials. No
person shall wilfully fail or refuse
to comply with any lawful order
of a police officer or fire depart-
ment official when directing
Sec. 53. Persons Other t h a n
Officials Shall not Direct Traffic.
No person other than an officer
of the police department or a
person deputized by the chief of
police or person authorized by law
shall direct or attempt to direct
traffic by voice, hand or other
signal (except that persons may
operate when and as herein pro-
vided any mechanical pushbutton
signal erected by order of the
city traffic engineer).
Sec. 54. Public Employees to
Obey Traffic Regulations. The
provisions of this ordinance shall
apply to the driver of any vehicle'
owned by or used in the service
of the United States Government,
this state, any county or city
and it shall be unlawful for any
said driver to violate any of the
provisions of this ordinance ex-
cept as otherwise permitted in
this ordinance or by state statute.
Sec. 55. Exemptions to Certain
Ve ides. (a) The provisions of
this ordinance regulating the
operation, parking and standing
of vehicles shall not apply to any
vehicle of the police or fire de-
partment, any public ambulance
or any public utility vehicle or
any private ambulance, which
public utility vehicle or private
ambulance has qualified as an
authorized emergency vehicle,
when any vehicle mentioned in
this section is operated in the
manner specified in the vehicle
code in response to an emergency
(b) The foregoing exemptions
shall not, however, protect the
driver of any such vehicle from
the consequences of his willful
disregard of the safety of others.
(c) The provisions of this ord-
inance regulating the parking or
standing of vehicles shall not
apply to any vehicle of a city
department or public utility while
necessarily in use for construction
or repair work or any vehicle
owned by the United States while
in use for the collection, trans-
portation or delivery of United
States mail.
Sec. 56. Iceport of Damage to
Certain Property. (a) The driver
of a vehicle or the p e r s o n in
charge of any animal involved in
any accident resulting in damage
to any property publicly owned
or owned by a public utility, in-
cluding but not limited to any fire
hydrant, ornamental lighting post,
telephone pole, electric light or
power pole, or resulting in dam-
age to any ornamental shade tree,
traffic control device or other
property of a like nature located
in or along any street, shall with-
in twenty -four (24) hours after
such accident m a k e a written
report of such accident to the
police department of this city.
(b) Every such report shall
state the time when and the place
where the accident took place, the
name and address of the person
owning and of the person driving
or in charge of such vehicle or
animal, the license number of
every such vehicle, and s h a 11
b riefly describe the property
damaged in such accident.
(c) A driver involved in an
accident shall not be subject to
the requirements or penalties of
this section if and during the time
such driver is physically incapable
of making a report, but in such
event said driver shall make a
report as required in subdivision
(a) within 24 hours after regain-
ing ability to make such report.
Sec. 60. Authority to Install
Traffic Control Devices. (a) The
city traffic engineer shall have the
exclusive power a n d d u t y to
place and maintain or cause to
be placed and maintained official
traffic control devices when and
as required under the traffic ord-
inances of this city to make effec-
tive the provisions of s a i d
(b) Whenever the vehicle code
of this s t a t e requires for the
effectiveness of a n y provision
thereof that traffic control de.
vices be installed to give notice
to the public of the application
of such law the city traffic en.
gineer is hereby authorized tc
install the necessary devices sub-
j e c t to any limitations or re-
strictions set forth in the law
applicable thereto.
(c) The city traffic engineer
may also place and maintain such
additional traffic control device:
as he in a y deem necessary tc
regulate traffic or to guide 01
warn traffic, but he shall make
such determination only upon the
basis of traffic engineering prin
ciples and traffic investigatiom
a n d in accordance with s u c k
standards, limitations and rules a:
may be set forth in the traffi,
ordinances of this city or as ma)
be determined by ordinance of
resolution of the legislative bodl
of this city.
Sec. 61. When Traffic Contra
Devices Required for Enforcemen
Purposes. No provision of th,
vehicle code or of this ordinance
for which signs are required shal
be enforced against an allege,
violator unless appropriate sign
are in place and sufficiently leg
ible to be seen by an ordinaril:
observant person, giving notice o
such provisions of the traffi
Sec. 62. Obedience to Traffl
Control Devices. T h e driver o
any vehicle and the motorman o
any street car shall o b e y th
instructions of any official traffi
control device applicable theret
placed in accordance with t h
traffic ordinances of this c it,
unless otherwise directed by
police officer subject to the ex
ceptions granted the driver of a
authorized emergency v e h i c 1
when responding to emergene
Sec. 63. Installation of Traffi
Signals. (a) The city traffic er
gincer is hereby directed to insta
and maintain official traffic si@
nals at those intersections an
other places where traffic cond:
tions are such as to require the
the flow of traffic be alternatel
interrupted and released in orde
to prevent or relieve traffic cor
gestion or to protect life c
roperty from exceptional hazard.
(b) The city traffic engineer
call ascertain and determine the
,cations where such signals are
squired by resort to field obser-
ation, traffic counts and other
mffic information as in a y be
ertinent and his determinations
herefrom shall be made in ac-
ordance with those traffic en-
tneering and safety standards
nd instructions set forth In the
'alifornia Maintenance Manual
3sued by the Division of Hlgh-
mys of the State Department of
'ublic Works.
Sec. 64. Lane Markings. The
i t y traffle' engineer is hereby
mthorized to mark center lines
and lane lines upon the surface
,f the roadway to indicate the
stand on any street, any lunch
vagon, eating cart or vehicle, or
sash -cart f r o in which tamales,
)eanuts, popcorn, candy or other
trticles of food are sold or offered
'or sale without first obtaining
3 written permit to do so from
:he legislative body which shall
lesignate the specific location In
which such cart shall stand.
(c) No person shall park or
Stand any vehicle, or wagon used
or intended to be used In t h e
transportation of property f or
hire on any street while awaiting
patronage for s u c h vehicle or
wagon without first obtaining a
written permit to do so from the
legislative body which shall des-
ignate the specific location where
such vehicle may stand.
(d) Whenever any permit is
granted under the provisions of
this section and a particular lo-
cation to park or stand is speci-
fied therein, no person shall park
or stand any vehicle, wagon, or
push -cart on any location other
than as designated In such permit.
In the event that the holder of
any such permit is convicted In
any court of competent jurisdic-
tion for violating any of the pro-
visions of this section, such
permit shall be forthwith revoked
by the legislative body upon the
filing of the record of such con-
viction with the legislative body,
and no permit shall thereafter be
issued to such person until six
(6) months have elapsed from the
date of such revocation.
Sec. 131. Emergency Parking
Signs. (a) Whenever the c 1 t y
traffic engineer shall determine
that an emergency traffic con-
gestion is likely to result from
the holding of public or private
assemblages, gatherings or func-
tions, or for other reasons, the
city traffic engineer shall have
power and authority to o r d e r
temporary signs to be erected or
posted indicating that the opera-
tion, p a r k 1 n g or standing of
vehicles is prohibited on s u c h
streets and alleys as the city traf-
fic engineer shall direct duting
the time such .temporary signs--,
are in place. Such signs shall-
remain in place only during the -
existence of such emergency and^
the c i t y traffic engineer shall -
cause such signs to be removed
promptly thereafter. - -
(b) When sigris authorized by
the provisions of'this section are
in place giving notice thereof, no
person shall operate, park or
stand any vehicle contrary to the
directions and provisions of such
Sec. 132. Display of Warning
Devices When Commercial Vehicle
Disabled. Every motor truck
having an unladen weight of
4,000 pounds or more, and every
truck tractor irrespective of
weight when operated upon any
street or highway during the
time specified in Section 618 of
the vehicle code shall be equipped
with and carry at least two flares
or two red lanterns, or two
w a r n i n g lights or reflectors,
which reflectors shall be of a
type approved by the Department
of California Highway P a t r o 1.
When any vehicle above in e n.
tinned or any trailer or semi-
trailer is disabled upon streets or
highways outside of any business
or residence district within this
city and upon which street or
highway there is insufficient
street lighting to reveal a vehicle
at a distance of 200 feet during
any time mentioned in Section
618 of the vehicle code, a warning
signal of the character indicated
above shall be immediately placed
at a distance of approximately
100 feet in advance of, and 100
feet to the rear of such disabled
vehicle, by the driver thereof. The
warning signals herein mentioned
shall be displayed continuously
during the times mentioned in
section 618 while such vehicle re-
mains disabled upon such street
or highway.
Sec. 140. Authority to Establish
Loading Zones. (a) The city traf-
fic engineer is hereby authorized
to determine and to mark loading
zones and passenger loading zones
as follows:
I. At any place in the central
traffic district or any business
2. Elsewhere in front of the
entrance to any place of business
or in front of any hall or place
used for the purpose of public
(b) In no event shall more
than one -half of the total curb
length in any block be reserved
for loading zone purposes.
(c) Loading zones shall be
W indicated by a yellow paint line
stenciled with black letters,
"LOADING ONLY," upon the top
of all curbs within such zones.
(d) Passenger loading zones
shall be indicated by a white line
at e n c i l e d with black letters,
4061*1i;' upon the top of all curbs
in said zones.
Sec. 141. Curb Markings to In-
dicate No Stopping and Parking
Regulations. (a) The city traffic
engineer is hereby authorized,
subject to t h e provisions a n d
limitations of this ordinance to
place, and when required herein
shall place, the following curb
markings to indicate parking or
standing regulations, and s a i d
curb markings shall h a v e the
meanings as herein set forth.
1. Red shall mean no stopping,
standing or parking at any time
except as permitted by the vehicle
code, and except that a bus may
stop in a red zone marked or
signed as a bus zone.
2. Yellow shall mean no stop-
ping, standing or parking at any
time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00
P.m. of any day except Sunday(s
and holidays) for an y purpose
other than the loading or unload-
ing of passengers or materials,
provided that the loading or un-
loading of passengers shall not
consume more than three (3)
minutes nor the loading or un-
loading of materials more than
twenty (20) minutes.
3. White shall mean no stop.
ping, standing or parking for any
purpose other than loading or
unloading of passengers which
shall not exceed three (3) minutes
and such restrictions shall apply
between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
of any day except Sunday(s and
holidays) and except as follows:
When such zone is in front of
a hotel the restrictions shall apply
at all times.
When such zone is in front of
a theater the restrictions shall
apply at all times except when
such theater is closed.
4. Green shall mean no stana-
ing or parking for longer than
twenty (20) minutes at any time
between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
of any day except Sunday(s and
(b) When the city traffic en-
gineer as authorized under this
ordinance has caused curb mark-
ings to be placed, no person shall
stop, stand or park a vehicle ad-
jacent to any such legible curb
marking in violation of any of
the provisions of this section.
Sec. 142. Effect of Permission
to Load or Unload. (a) Permis-
sion herein granted to stop or
stand a vehicle for purposes of
loading or unloading of materials
shall apply only to commercial
vehicles and shall not extend be-
yond the time necessary therefor,
and in no event for more than
twenty (20) minutes.
(b) The loading or unloading
of materials shall apply only to
commercial deliveries, also the
delivery or pickup of express and
parcel post packages and United
States mail.
(c) Permission herein granted
to stop or park for purposes of
loading or unloading paasengem
shall include the loading or un-
loading of personal baggage but
shall not extend beyond the time
necessary therefor and in no event
for more than three (3) minutes.
(d) Within the total time
limits above specified the provi-
sions of this section shall be en-
forced ao as to accommodate
necessary and reasonable loading
or unloading but without permit -',
ting abuse of the privileges hereby
Sec. 143. Standing for Loading
or Unloading Only. No person
shall stop, stand or park a vehicle
in any yellow loading zone for
any purpose other than loading
or unloading passengers or mater-
ial for such time as is permitted
in Section 142,
Sec, 144. Standing in Passenger
Loading Zone. No person shall
stop, stand or park a vehicle in
any passenger loading zone for
any purpose other than the load-
ing or unloading of passengers for
such time as is specified in Sec-
tion 142,
Sec. 145. Standing in Any Alley.
No person shall stop, stand or
park a vehicle for any purpose
other than the loading or unload-
ing of persons or materials in any
Sec. 146. Bus Zones to be Estab-
lished. (a) The city traffic en-
gineer is hereby authorized to
establish bus zones opposite curb
space for the loading and unload.
ing of buses of common scarriers
of passengers and to determine
the location thereof subject to the
directives a n d limitations s e t
forth herein.
(b) The word "bus" m used
in this section shall mean any
motor bus, motor coach, trackless
trolley coach, or passenger stage
used as a common carrier of pas-
(c) No bus zone shall exceed
80 feet in length, except that
when satisfactory evidence has
been presented to the city traffic
engineer .showing the necessity
therefor, the city traffic engineer
may extend bus zones not to ex-
ceed a total length of 125 feet.
(d) Bus zones shall normally
be established on the far side of
an intersection.
(e) No bus zone shall be
established opposite and to the
right right of a safety zone.
(f) The city traffic engineer
shall paint a red line stencil with
white letters "NO STANDING,"
together with the words "BUS
ZONE" upon the top or side of
all curbs and places specified as
a bus zone.
(g) No person shall stop,
stand or park any vehicle except
a bus in a bus zone.
Sec. 150. Parking Time Limited
in Central Traffic District. When
authorized signs are in place
giving notice thereof no person
shall stop, stand or park an y
vehicle within the central traffic
district between the hours of 7:00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m, of any day
except Sunday(s and holidays)
for a period of time longer than
forty -five (45) minutes.
Sec. 151. Parking Time Limited
in Otehr Business Districts. When
authorized signs are in place
giving notice thereof no person
shall stop, stand or park an y
vehicle within a business district
outside of the central traffic dis-
trct between the hours of 7:00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day
except Sunday(s and holdays) for
a period of time longer than one
(1) hour.
Sec. 152. Parking Time Limited
on Certain Enumerated Streets.
When authorized signs are in
course to be traveled by vehicles
and may place signs temporarily
designating lanes to be used by
traffic moving in a particular
direction, regardless of the center',
line of the highway. When auth-
orized signs Have been placed
designating off- center t r a f f i c
lanes, no persotr shall disobey the. '
instructions given by such signs. _
Sec. 65. Authority to Remove,
Relocate or Disr Mime Traffic,
Control Devices. The pity traffic
engineer is hereby authorized to
remove, relocate or discontinue
the operation of any traffic con-
trol device n 0 t specifically re-
q u i r e d by state law or this
ordinance whenever he shall de-
termine In any particular case
that the conditions which war-
ranted or required the installation
no longer exist or obtain.
Sec. 66. Traffic Control Devices
—Hours of Operation. The city
traffic engineer shall determine
the hours and days during which
any traffic control device shall
be in operation or be In effect,
except in those cases where such
hours or days are specified in this
Sec. 70. Authority to Place and
Obedience to Turning Markers.
(a) The city traffic engineer is
authorized to place markers, but-
tons, or signs within or adjacent
to intersections indicating the
course to be traveled by vehicles
turning at such intersections, and
such course to be traveled as so
indicated may conform to or be
other than as prescribed by law
or ordinance.
(b) When authorized markers,
buttons, or other indications are
placed within an intersection in-
dicating the course to be traveled
by vehicles turning thereat, no
driver of a vehicle shall disobey
the directions of such indications.
Sec. 71. Authority to Place
Restricted Turn Signs. The city
traffic engineer is hereby author -
lzed to determine those intersec-
tions at which drivers of vehicles
shall not make a right, left, or
U turn, and shall place proper
signs at such intersections. The
making of such turns may be
prohibited between certain hours
of any day and permitted at other
hours, in which event the same
shall be plainly indicated on the
signs or they may be removed
when such turns are permitted.
Sec. 72. Obedience to no-turn
signs. Whenever authorized signs
are erected indicating that no
right or left or U turn is permit-
ted, no driver of a vehicle shall
disobey the directions of any such
Sec. 73. Signal Controlled Inter -
sectlon Right Turns. (a) No
driver of a vehicle shall make a
right turn against a red or stop
signal at any of the following
1. At any intersection which
is sign - posted giving notice of
s u c h restriction as hereinafter
provided in this section.
(b) The city traffic engineer
shall post appropriate signs giv-
ing effect to this section at any
intersection outside of the central
traffic district where he determ-
ines that t h e making of right
turns against a traffic signal
"stop" indication would seriously
interfere with the safe and order-
ly flow of traffic.
Sec. 80. The City Traffic En-
gineer to Sign One -Way Streets
and Alleys. Whenever any ordi-
nance or resolution of this city
designates any one -way street or
alley, the city traffic engineer
shall place and maintain signs
giving notice thereof, and no such
regulations shall be effective un-
less such signs are in place. Signs
indicating the direction of lawful
traffic movement shall be placed
at every intersection where move-
ment of traffic in the opposite
direction is prohibited.
Sec. 81. Obedience to One -Way
Signs. When signs are erected on
any one -way street or alley giving
notice thereof, no person shall
drive any vehicle in a direction
contrary thereto.
NOTE TO Secs. 80 and 81.
Sec. 90. The City Traffic En-
gineer to Erect Stop Signs. When-
ever any ordinance or resolution
of this city designates and
describes any street or portion
thereof as a through street, or
any intersection at which vehicles
are required to stop at one or
more entrances thereto, or any
railroad grade crossing at which
vehicles are required to stop, the
city traffic engineer shall erect
and maintain stop signs as
A stop sign shall be erected on
each and every street intersecting
such through street or portion
j thereof so designated and at those
entrances of other intersections
where a stop is required and at
any railroad grade crossing so
designated. Every such sign shall
conform with and shall be placed
as provided in Section 471 of the
vehicle code.
Sec. 91. Stop at Through Street
or Stop Sign- (a) Those streets
and parts of streets described in
Section 191 hereof a r e hereby
declared to be through streets for
the purposes of this section.
(b) The provisions of this sec-
tion shall also apply at one or
more entrances to the Intersec-
tions as such entrances and inter-
sections are described in Section
192 hereof.
(c) The provisions of this sec-
tion shall apply at those highway
railway grade crossings as
described in Section 193.
(d) When stop signs are
erected as herein provided at the
entrance to any intersection or
at any railway grade crossing,
every driver of a vehicle a n d
every motorman of a street car
shall s t o p as required by the
vehicle code.
Sec. 92. Emerging from Alley
or Private Driveway. The driver
of a vehicle emerging from an
alley, driveway or building, shall
stop such vehicle immediately
prior to driving onto a sidewalk
or into the sidewalk area extend-
ing across any alley way.
Sec. 100. Crossing Fire Hose.
No street car or vehicle shall be
driven over any unprotected hose
of a fire department when laid
down on any street, private drive-
way, or street car track, to be
used at any fire or alarm of fire,
without the consent of the fire
department official in command.
Sec. 101. Driving Trough Fun-
eral Processions. No driver of a
vehicle or motorman of a street
car shall drive between vehicles
comprising a funeral procession
while they are in motion and when
the vehicles in such processions
are conspicuously so designated.
Sec. 102. Clinging to Moving
Vehicles. Any person riding upon
any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster,
roller skates or any toy vehicle
shall not attach the same or him-
self to any street car or moving
vehicle upon any roadway.
Sec. 103. Vehicles Shall Not be
Driven on the Sidewalk. The
driver of a vehicle shall not drive
within any sidewalk area or any
parkway except at a permanent
or temporary driveway.
Sec. 104. New Pavement. No
person shall ride or drive any
animal or a n y vehicle over or
across any newly made pavement
or freshly painted marking In any
street when a barrier or sign is
in place warning persons not to
drive over or across such pave-
ment or marking, or when a sign
is In place stating that the street
or any portion thereof is closed.
Sec. 105. Restricted Access, No
person shall drive a vehicle onto
or from any limited access road-
way except at such entrances and
exits as are established by public
Sec. 110. The City Traffic En-
gineer to Establish Crosswalks.
(a) The city traffic engineer shall
establish, designate and maintain
crosswalks at intersections and
other places by appropriate de-
vices, marks or lines upon the
surface of the roadway as follows:
Crosswalks shall be established
and maintained at all intersections
within the central traffic district
and at such intersections outside
such district, and at other places
within or outside s a 1 d district
where the city traffic engineer
determines that there is particular
hazard to pedestrians crossing the
roadway subject to the limitation
contained in (b) of this section.
(b) Other than crosswalks at
intersections no crosswalk shall
be established In any block which
is less than four hundred (400)
feet in I e n g t h. Elsewhere not
more than one additional cross-
walk shall be established in any
one block and s u c h crosswalk
s h a 11 be located as nearly as
practicable at chid- block.
Sec. 111. When Pedestrians
Must Use Crosswalks. No pedest-
rian shall cross a roadway other
than by a crosswalk In the central
traffic district or in any business
Sec. 112. Crossing at Right
Angles. No pedestrian shall cross
a roadway at any place other
than by a route at right angles to
the curb or by the shortest route
to the opposite curb except In a
marked crosswalk.
Sec. 113. Standing In Roadways.
No person shall s t a n d in any
roadway other than in a safety
zone or in a crosswalk if such
action interferes with the lawful
movement of traffic. This provi-
sion shall not apply -.to ani'publlc
officer or employee; or"binploy' e
of a public,utility when necedsaa
ily upon a,street in line of'duf$=
Sec. 120: Application of Regt -�
tions. (a) Thy' provislons�of ;ibis
ordinance PiAbiting - -t6 a `';top-
ping, standing or/�pHrking' of a
vehicle shall apply' at all times
or at those times herein specified,
except when It is necessary to
stop a vehicle to avoid conflict
with other traffic or in compliance'
with the directions of a police
officer of official traffic control
(b) The provisions of this ord-
inance imposing a time limit on
standing or parking shall n o t
relieve any person from the duty
to observe other and more re-
strictive provisions of the state
vehicle code or the ordinances of
this city, prohibiting or limiting
the standing or parking of
vehicles in specified places or at
specified times.
Sec. 121. Standing In Parkways
Prohibited. No person shall stop,
stand or park a vehicle within any
Sec. 122. Use of Streets f or
Storage of Vehicles Prohibited.
(a) No person who owns or has
possession, custody or control of
any vehicle shall park such
vehicle upon any street or alley
for more than a consecutive per-
iod of 120 hours.
(b) In the event a vehicle is
parked or left standing upon a
street in excess of a consecutive
period of 120 hours, any member
of the police department author -
Ized by the chief of police may
remove said vehicle f r o in the
street in the manner and subject
to the requirements of Sections
585 and 585.1 of the vehicle code.
Sec. 123. Parking for Certain
Purposes Prohibited. No person
shall park a vehicle upon a n y
roadway for the principal purpose
1. Displaying such vehicle
for sale.
2. Washing, greasing, or re-
pairing such vehicle except
repairs necessitated by an
Sec. 124. Parking Parallel with
Curb. (a) Subject to other and
m o r e restrictive limitations, a
vehicle may be stopped or parked
within 18 inches of the left -hand
curb facing in the direction of
traffic movement upon any one -
way street unless signs are in
place, prohibiting such stopping
or standing.
(b) In the event a highway
Includes two or more separate
roadways and traffic Is restricted
to one direction upon any such
roadway, no person shall stand or
park a vehicle upon the left -hand
side of such oneway roadway un-
less signs are in place permitting
such standing or parking.
(c) The city traffic engineer
is authorized to determine when
standing or parking shall be pro -
hlbited upon the left -hand side of
any oneway street or when stand-
ing or parking may be permitted
upon the left -hand side of any
oneway roadway of a highway
having two or more separate
roadways and shall erect signs
giving notice thereof.
Sec. 125. Signs or Markings In-
dieating Angle Parking. (a)
Whenever any ordinance of this
city designates and describes any
street or portion thereof upon
which angle parking shall be per-
mitted, the city traffic engineer
shall mark or sign such street
indicating t h e angle at which
vehicles shall be parked.
(b) When signs or markings
are in place indicating angle park-
ing as herein provided, no person
shall park or stand a vehicle other
than at the angle to the curb or
edge of the roadway indicated by
such signs or markings.
(c) Angle parking s h a l l be
permitted upon those streets and
parts of streets described in Sec-
tion 194 hereof.
Sec. 126. Permit for Loading or
Unloading at an Angle to t h e
Curb. The city traffic englnoer is
authorized to Issue special permits
to permit the backing of a
vehicle to the curb for the purpose
of loading or unloading merchan-
dise or materials subject to the
t e r m s and conditions of such
permit. S u c h permits may be
issued either to the o w n e r or
lessee of real property or to the
owner of the vehicle and shall
grant to such person the privilege
as therein stated and authorized
herein, and it shall be unlawful
for any permittee or other person
to violate any of the special terms
or conditions of any such permit.
Sec. 127. Parking Adjacent to
Schools. (a) The city traffic en-
gineer is hereby authorized to
erect signs indicating no parking
upon that side of any street ad-
jacent to a n y school property
when such parking would, in his
opinion, Interfere with traffic or
create a hazardous situation.
(b) When official signs a r e
erected indicating no parking
upon that side of a street adjacent
to any school property, no person
shall park a vehicle in any such
designated place.
Sec. 128. Parking Prohibited on
Narrow Streets. (a) The c i t y
traffic engineer is hereby author -
Ized to place signs or markings
indicating no parking upon any
street when the width of the road-
way does not exceed 20 feet, or
upon one side of a street as in-
dicated by such signs or markings
when the width of the roadway
does not exceed 30 feet.
(b) When official s I g n s or
marking prohibiting parking are
erected upon narrow streets as
authorized herein, no person shall
park a vehicle upon a n y such
street in violation of any such
sign or marking.
Sec. 129r Stopping or Parking
Prohlbited--Signs Required. The
city traffic engineer shall approp-
riately sign or mark the following
places a n d when so signed or
marked no person a h a i l stop,
stand or park a vehicle in any
of said places.
1. At any place within twenty
(20) feet of a point on the curb
Immediately opposite t h e in 1 d-
block end of a safety zone.
2. At any place within twnety-
five (25) feet of an intersection
in the central traffic district or
in any business district except
that a bus may stop at a desig-
nated bus atop.
3. Within twenty -five (25)
feet of the approach to any traf-
fic signal, boulevard stop sign,
or official electric flashing device.
4. At any place where t h e
city traffic engineer determines
that it Is necessary in order to
eliminate unusual traffic hazard.
Sec. 130. Unlawful Parking —
Peddlers, Vendors. (a) Except as
otherwise provided In this section
no person shall stand or park
any vehicle, wagon or push -cart
from which goods, wares, mer-
chandise, f r u i t s, vegetables or
food stuffs are sold, displayed,
solicited or offered for sale or
bartered or exchanged, or a n y
lunch wagon or eating c a r or
vehicle, on any portion of any
street within this city, except that
such vehicles, wagons or push-
carts may stand or park only at
the request of a bona fide pur-
chaser for a period of time to
exceed ten (10) minutes at any
one place. The provisions of this
subsection shall not apply to
persons delivering such articles
upon order of, or by agreement
with a customer from a store or
other fixed place of business or
(b) No person shall park or
place giving notice thereof no
person shall stop, stand or park
any vehicle on any of the streets
enumerated In Section 195 hereof
for a period of time longer than
one (1) hour at any time between
the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00
p.m. of any day except Sunday(s
and holidays).
Sec. 153. Stopping, Standing or
Parking Prohibited During Cer-
tain Hours on Certain Streets,
When authorized signs a r e In
place giving notice thereof no
person shall atop, stand or park
any vehicle upon any street In
t h e central traffic district be-
tween the hours of 4:30 p.m. and
6:00 p.m. of an yday except Sun -
day(s and holidays) for any pur-
pose other than the loading or
unloading of passengers or mater-
ials subject to the limitations of
Section 142.
Sec. 154. Parting Prohibited at
all T m e s on Certain Streets,
When signs a r e erected giving
notice thereof no person shall
park a vehicle at any time upon
any of the streets described in
Section 196 of this ordinance.
Sec. 155. All Night Parking
Prohibited. No person shall stop,
stand or park a vehicle on any
street for a period of time longer
than thirty (30) minutes between
the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 4:00
a.m. of any day.
Sec. 163. Truck Routes. ( a)
Whenever any ordinance of this
city designates and describes any
street or portion thereof as a
street the use of which Is per-
mitted by any vehicle exceeding a
maximum gross weight limit of
three tons, the city traffic en-
gineer is hereby authorized to
designate such street or streets
by appropriate signs as "Truck
Traffic Routes" for the movement
of vehicles exceeding a maximum
gross weight limit of three tons.
(b) When any such t u c k
traffic route of routes .'are ;esfab,,
fished and designated,'by appiv�;�
riate signs the operator of any/.
vehicle exceeding a maximum - %=
gross weight; ijmlt of three tons, G�
shalt drive on such route or routes:
and none otheY- ;except when nec=,.�s
essary to trav663e. another street 7Z,
or streets to a-. je- tination for..the^ s`
purpose of loadin or'vnlogdign,'.
but then only bI" ''oh. lfevietlon
from the nearest truck route as
is reasonably necessary. The pro-
visions of this section shalt not
apply to passenger buses under
the jurisdiction of the Public
lance from the speeds otherwise
Utilities Commission.
applicable within the district or
(c) Those streets and parts of
at intersections, and shall erect
streets described in Section 197
appropriate signs giving notice
hereof are hereby declared to be
truck routes for the movement of
vehicles exceeding a maximum
gross weight of three tons.
NOTE TO Secs. 163 and 164.
Sec. 164. Commercial Vehicles
Sec. 190. One -Way Streets. In
Prohibited From Using Certain
accordance with Section 80 and
Streets. ( Whenever any oath-
when properly signposted, traffic
c of this city designates and
shall move only In the direction
describes any street or portion
indicated upon the following
thereof as a street the use of
which is prohibited by any com-
mercial vehicle, the city traffic
Sec. 191. Through Streets. In
engineer shall erect and maintain
accordance with the provisions of
appropriate signs on those streets
Section 91(a) and when signs are
affected by such ordinance.
erected g i v i n g notice thereof,
(b) Those streets and parts of
drivers of vehicles shall stop at
streets described in Section 198
the entrance or entrances to those
hereof are hereby declared to be
intersections described as follows:
streets the use ofwhich is pro-
Sec. 192. Stop Intersections. In
any commercial vehicle.
accordance with the provisions of
The pd vi
The provisions of this section shall
, Section 91(b) and when signs are
not apply passenger buses
I erected giving notice thereof,
under the jurisdiction the Pub-
I drivers of vehicles shall stop at
lic Utilities Commission.
the entrance or entrances to those
intersections described as follows:
Sec. 193. Railroad Stops. In ac-
cordance with the provisions of
Sec. 170. Safety Zones— Estab-
Section 91(c) and when signs are
lishment. The city traffic engineer
erected g i v i n g notice thereof
is hereby authorized to establish
drivers of vehicles shall stop be-
safety zones of such kind an d
fore crossing the railroad tracks
character consistent with the
at those highway railway grade
vehicle code as he may deem ad-
crossings described as follows:
visable or necessary for the pro-
Sec. 194. Angle Parking on Cer-
tection of pedestrians at places
tain Streets. In accordance with
where street cars stop, provided
Section 125 and when signs or
the space between the safety zone
markings are in place giving
and the curb is wide enough to
notice thereof drivers of vehicles
allow the clear passage of one
may stand or park a vehicle only
line of traffic.
as indicated by such marks or
Sec. 171. Driving on Street Car
signs on the following streets or
Trucks. The driver of any vehicle
portions thereof:
proceeding upon any street car
Sec. 197. Truck Routes. In ac-
track in front of a street car upon
cordance with Section 163 and
a street shall remove such vehicle
when signs a r e erected giving
from the track as Soo nas practi-
notice thereof the following
cal after signal from the operator
streets or portions of streets are
of said street car unless prevented
hereby declared to be truck traY-
by other vehicles or while await-
fic routes for the movement of
ing a traffic signal.
vehicles exceeding a maximum
Sec. 172. Boarding or Alighting
gross weight of three tons:
from Street Car or Vehicle. No
Sec. 198. Commercial Vehicles
person shall board or alight from
Prohibited. In accordance with
any street car or vehicle while
Section 164, the following streets
such street car or vehicle Is In
and parts of streets are hereby
declared to be streets the use
Sec. 173. Unlawful Riding. No
of which is prohibited by any
person shall ride on any street
commercial vehicle:
car upon any portion thereof not
designed or intended for the use
of passengers. This provision shall
not apply to an employee engaged
in the necessary discharge of a
Sec. 174. Railway Gates. No
person shall drive any vehicle
through, around, or under any
crossing gate or barrier at a rail-
road grade crossing while such
gate or barrier is closed or is
being opened or closed.
Sec. 175. Trains Not to Block
Streets. No person shall operate
any train or train of cars, or
permit the same to remain stand -
Ing, so as to block the movement
of traffic upon any street for a
period of time longer than five
(5) minutes.
Sec. 182. Regulation of Speed by
Traffic Signals. The city traffic
engineer is authorized to regulate
the timing of traffic signals so
as to permit the movement of
traffic in an orderly and safe
manner at speeds slightly at var-
Sec. 210. Penalties. Any person
riolating any of the provisions of
:his ordinance shall be guilty of a
nisdemeanor and upon conviction
hereof shall be punished by im-
wisonment In the city jail or In
he county jail for not exceeding
hree months, or by a fine of not
o exceed three hundred dollars,
rr by both such fine and Imprison -
Sec. 211. Effect of Ordinance,
f any section, Subsection, sent-
:nee, clause or phrase of t h I a
rcdinance is for any reason held
'.o be unconstitutional, such de-
rision shall not affect the validity
)f the remaining portions of this
) rdinance. T h e legislative body
iereby declares that It would have
)eased this ordinance and each
section, subsection, sentence,
:lease and phrase thereof, irre-
spective of the fact that any one
)r more sections, subsections,
imtences, clauses or phrases be
declared unconstitutional.
Sec. 212. Repeal. Ordinance No.
345 of this city is hereby repealed,
and all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict with or in-
consistent with the provisions of
this ordinance are hereby re-
pealed, except that this repeal
shall not affect or prevent the
prosecution or punishment of any
person for any act done or com-
mitted in violation of any ordi-
nance hereby repealed prior to the
taking effect of this ordinance.
Sec. 213. Publication of Ordl-
nance. The city clerk shall certify
to the passage of this ordinance
and cause the same to be pub-
lished Once In the
newspaper of general circulation
printed, published and circulated
in the City of Newport Beach,
and shall take effect and be in
force thirty days after its publi-
I hereby certify that the fore -
gaing Ordinance was introduced
at a regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Newport
Beach held on- the 26th day of
July, 1948, and was finally
passed and adopted on the 27th
day of September, 1948, by the
City Council at a regular meeting
thereof, by the following r o l l
call vote, to -wit:
Robertson, Isbell, Blue and
No. 107— Newport- Balboa Press.
Published 9- 30-48.
I- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- City Clerk of the City of
Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing --Ordinanpa ----------
No ..... 5R ------------------ was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City
Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City
Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the ------ 2bthlay, of ----- July ------ - - - - - --
19.4- -_ by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCILMEN ----- ._Greeley ,___Robertson, - -- Isbell, -- _Blue, -- _Drake -_-
Dated this -------- 12th day of ..
19-5-0 -----
- - - - - -- - ---------------- -
City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the City Council,
City of Newport Beach, State of California.