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The City of Newport Beach.
by and through its City Council
does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: That the annex,
ation to the City of Newport
Beach. California, of that certain
uninhabited territory contiguous
to said City. and known as The
Five Parcel Annxation, is hereby
approved, and that the same is
hereby ordained to he annexed to
and made a part of the City of
Newport Beach: California. Thkt
said territory is particularly de-
scribed as follows:
All that certain land situated
in the County of Orange, .State
of California. contiguous to the
City of Newport Beach. described
as follows. to wit:
Beginning at the point of
intersection of the northeast=
Orly prolongation of the.
i:ort'lwesterly line of Avocado
Avenue (formerly 27th
S.rect) with the northwest-
erly prolongation of the
northeasterly line of Corona
del Mar as shown upon a map
recorded in Miscellaneous
ti4ap Book 3, Pages 41 and
42. Records of Orange
County. California: said point
also being in the City Boun-
dary Line of the City of New-
port Beach: thence n o r t! ,,-
easterly along said boundary
line a distanea o` 600 feet to
an angle point: thence south
65 °24' east to an intersection
with the northwesterly line
of State Highway 184 -A. 80
rrei. in width. as shown on
State Highway, Miscellane-
ous heap Book 2. Page 8,
it e e o r d s or said Orange
Caonty. said highway being
commonly known as MacAr-
thur 1_'o1:lcvard. said point of
intersection being the true
point of beginning, thence on
a line bearing south' 65 "24' .
east, to its intersection with
the southeasterly line of
State Highway 184 -A. 100
feet in width as described in
Parcel 2 of Decd from the
Irvine Company to the State
of California. recorded h:
Boole 1047. Page 557. Official
Records of . -said Orange
County. on July 29. ,1940:
thence northeasterly alone;
the 1 a s t- mentioned south-
easterly line to a point. said
point being 929.55 feet dis-
tant from the intersection of
the said southeasterly line
bearing south 24 °36' west and
As southwesterly prolonga-
tion with the northeasterly
line of said Corona del Mar:
thence south G5 °24' west, a
distanez of 14127 feet to the
beginning of a curve. con-
cave to the southwest and
having a radius of 1030 feet;
thence southeast along said I
cu,vc. a distance of 272.55
feet: thence south 50 014'20"
cast and tangent to the last-
mentioned curve a distance
of 1337.10 feet to the begin-
ning: of a curve concave to
the southwest and having a
radius of 1400 feet: thene?
southeasterly along said
curve a disfarce of 207.6)
feet: thence south 41 044'20"
cast and tangent to the last
mentioned emwe a distance of
197.2 feet: thence south
37 °040" west a distance of
173.54 feet to the beginning
of a curve concave to till.
northwest and having a radit:s
of 330 feet; thence, south-
westerly a'.ong said curve a
distance. of 162.61 feet to the
b= ginning of a curve tangent
to the last mentioned curve.
mreave to the southeast and
l :aviog a radios of 303.34
feet. t h e n c e southwesterly
along said curve a distance of
197.87 feet, to the beginning
o; a curve. tangent to last
mcnt :oned curve. concave to
the northwest and having a
radius of 356.33 feet: thence
southwesterly along said
curve a distance of 153.11
feet: thence on a line blaring
south 52 °34'20" west anti tan -
gent.to last mentoned curve
a distance of 255.78 feet to
its point intersection with the
aforementioned n o r t h cast
line, of Corona del Mar: said
point being in the City Boan-
dary of the City of Newport
I'.each: thence northwesterly
a' -ong said northeasterly line
and along said City Boundary
Line to its intersec:iou with
the aforementioned n o r t h-
westedy line of State High-
way 184 -A. 80 feet in width:
thence northeasterly along
s a i d northwesterly line and
along said City Boundary
line to the true point of be-
Beginning at a point in the
City Boundary Line o. the
City of Newport Bach.', said
point being,' in the northwest=
erly line of .Avocado Avenue as
=hovm upon a map of Tract
D;o. 682 reeor&d in Miseeilan-
sous Maps. Book 20. Page 19.
records of Orange County.
California: and being 339.48
feet southwesterly of the in-
tersection of the northwest-
erly prolongation of the cen-
ter !inc of Second Avenue as
shown upon said map of
Tract No. 682 and the said
northwesterly line of Avocado
Avenue. thence north 80 122'
west a distance of 231.12
feet. thence south 83 °38'
west a distance of 57.98
feet. thence south 21 °20'50"
west a distance of 91.67 feet.
thence south 38 °43'20" west
a d:stanee of 123,40 feet,
t h e n c e on a line bearing
sottil: 7 °30'50" west to its in-
tersection with the northerly
!inc of Bayside Drive as de-
scribed in Decd Book 830.
Page 277. Official Records of
said Orange County. thence
northwesterly along said
northerly line to its intersec-
tion with the City Boundary
Line of the City of Newport
Beach, thence southeasterly
along said boundary line to
an angle point. said angle
po :nt lying in the southwest-
erly prolongation of the
:northwesterly line of Avo-
ca� o Avenue (formerly 27th
Avenue) as shown upon a
r,nap of Corona del. Mar. re-
corded in Miscellaneous
Maps, Book 3, Pages 41 and
42. Record:; of Orange
County. thence northeasterly
along sa:d southwesterly pro-
longation and along said City
Boundary Line to the point of
Beginning at U. S. Bulkhead
Stat :on No. 131, said Bulk-
head Station being in the
southerly line of State High -
way ORA -60 -B one hundred
feet (100') in width: as re-
cor cd in Book 487, Page 3.
Official Records of Orange
County; t h e n c e westerly
along said southerly line to
an argle point in the City
Boundary line of the City of
Newport Beach. said point
alsa being the northeasterly
corner of Tract 1014. as shown
upon a map recorded in Boole
33.. Page'31 of Miscellaneous
Maps, Records of Orange
County. California. thence
continuing along said south-
erly line and along said City
Doundary line to the begin-
ning of a curve concave to
the north and having a red*
ius of 2550 feet and a central
angle of 18 °21'30 ". t h e n c e
southwesterly in a straight
line to an intersection with
the westerly line of Tract
1140. as shown on a map to-
corded in Boole 36. Page 28.
of Miscellaneous Maps, rec-
ords of said Orange County:
and the southerly line of the.
10' strip as deeded to the
State of California by the.
City of Newport Beach on
January 3, 1930. by deed re-
corded in Book 338. Page.
314. O°fieial Records of said
Orange County: thence north --
westerly along said right of
viay line and a'.ong said City
Boundary lire to the north=
e as t corner of Lot H. as
shown on a map of Tract No.
919. recorded in Miscellane-
ous Map Book 29. Pages 31
and 34 inclusive. Official Rec-
ords of said Orange County:
thence northeasterly along
the southeasterly line of said
Tract No. 919 and along said
City Boundary line to its in-
terseciEcn with the northerly
line of said State Highway
ORA -60 -B. one hundred feet
(100') in width. thence east-
erly along the northerly line
of said State Highway. ORA-
60-11. and along said City
Boundary line to its intersect
tion with the Court _Decree
Line between Stations 127
and 128, as established by
�>upetior Court Case No.
20436, thence southwesterly
along said Court Decree Line
to Station 128; thence South-
west on a straight line to the
-point of beginning.
Beginning at an angle point in
the boundary line of City of
Newport Beach, said angle
Point being in the easterly
line of County Highway,
sixty feet (60') in width, as
described in petition for pub-
lic highway, Newport Beach
road as recorded in Book 250.
Page 73. of Deeds. Records of
Orange County, California
and also being two hundred
feet (200') southerly from the
intersection of said easterly
line with the center line of
Old County Road, fifty feet
(50') in width, as shown
upon a map of Tract No. 464,
recorded in Book 32. Page 1.
Miscellaneous Maps. Records
of Orange County, California,
thence southerly along said
easterly line and along said
City Boundary line to its in-
tersection with the southerly
line of State Highway ORA-
60-A eighty feet (80') in
width, thence westerly along
said southerly line and algttg
.said City Boundary line to its
intersection with the easterly
line of State Highway ORA-
43-A one hundred and thirty
feet (130') in width: thence
southerly along said last men-
tioned easterly line to its in-
tersection with the southerly
line of ORA -60 -A one hun-
dred feet (100') in width;
t h e n c e westerly along said
last mentioned southerly line
,and along said City Boundary
line to its intersection ! with
the line of ordinary high tide
Of the Pacific Ocean in;New-
P o r t Bay and designated
North's Line" as established
by the 'Decree in the action
entitled, City of: Newport
Beach. Plaintiff, vs. F. 11I.
Strobridge, et al. 'Defend-
ants, Case No, 23686 of the
Superior Court of the State
of California, in and, for the
County of Orange. a mrtifled
COPY of which decree was re-
corded September 19th, 1928.
in Book 201, Page 253 of Of-
ficial Records; thence north-
westerly along said, "North
Line" to a Point in the State
Highway ORA- 60 -A., having
a width of eighty feet (80')
said point bears south 5-
55'18" east. 1.113.01 feet
from the northwest corner of
the northeast one - quarter
l' /a) of Section 29. Township
6 South. range 10 west,
S.B.B. &M.. said point of in-
tersection also.: being forty
feet (40') southerly. of Engi-
neer's Station 683 plus ,40.95
on the center line of said
Highway: said point also
1^in7 the westerly •terminus
of the ordinary, hi,h tide line
Of the Pacifie'0eean in New -
p o r t Bay and . designated
:'North Line." and north bank.
Of the Santa Ana River, as
established by a decree in said
Court Case No. 23686: thence
North 19 °49'41" west. along
said north bank of the Santa
Ana River to a point in the
northerly line of said State
Highway ORA -60 -A' one hun-
dred feet (100') in width;
thence southeasterly , along
said northerly line to its in-
tersectitat with the ftutherly
Prolongation of the westerly
line of said Stara HighWW
ORA43 -A, one hundred and
thirty feet (130') in `width:
thence northerly 'along said
Prolongation and' along said
westerly line of State High-
way ORA -43 -A to a point in
the City Boundary .which lies
two hundred and sixty' feet
(260') northerly of the inter-
section of the northerly 'line
of the :west ramp of the Cali-
fornia State Highway, de-
aerilned as second in Deed re-
corded June 12, 1931. in Book
489. Page 67 of .,Official Rec-
ords of Orange Co u n t+��+
thence easterly on a stralgtli
line and along said City
Boundary line, to the point
of beginning.
PARCEL N O, 15,'..
Beginning at. an,:iingle point
in the boundary IIne. of the
. City of Newport Beach, said
angle point befAg thei,inter-
section,of.the'eastcrly line of
ithc .orr. 'hundred foot right of
way, "granted to Santa' Ana
Railroad. a Corporation, by
Deed dated Octobdr 10:;1889.
and recorded in Book 10,
Page 117 of Deeds. records
of Orange County, Califor-
nia. and the westerly pro-
longation of the northerly
line of Lot ;5 as shown an a
map of Tract: No. :1136:rc-
corded in Mismllaneous.'Map
Book 37: Pages 18. and ; 19,
recm:r4s of said Orange
County: thence . northerly
along said easterly, right of
way line to its intersection
with the southwesterly :pro-
longation of the northwest-
erly line of.. a parcal.,of: land
deeded to the State;of Cali-
tornia for public:•highway:by
deed recorded. if
Page 86. Official ltecgrds "of
said Orange COUTIV,;said line
bearing south, 34 °53147• west:
thence northeasterly (along
said northwesterly line -to
the most northerly. corner.,of .
said parcel, said corner bplhg
in the northwesterly;. line. of
the eighty (86), foot .strip; of
land described in Decd •from
John J. Thornton:,et at., to
the County . of Orange, re-
corded in Book 72. ,Page 131
Of Official Records of 'said
Orange County: ;"thence
northeasterly, along. Said last
mentioned northwesterly line
on a curve concave' to.. the
northwest, having a radius of
five hundred feet (500') : to
its intersection wri o,. the
northwesterly' prolongation
Of the northeasterly, dine, of
Beacon Street,, as shown on
said map of Tract. No.•.1136;
thence southeasterly a ion!}
said prolongation to its point
of intersection with the cen-
ter line of Westminster Ave -
tiuc as shown on a map of
Tract No. 464, recorded in
Miscellaneous Map Book 32.
Page 1, said point also being
in the boundary line of the
City of Newport B e a C h:
th2nee southwesterly along
said center line of Westmin-
steC Avenue tb its intersed-
lion with the northeasterly
Prolongation of the easterly
line of the State Highway
eighty feet (80') in width.•as
shown on a map of said
Tract No. 464, said easterly
]:nc bearing north 34 °59'89!'
east; thence south 34 05TO5 ".
west along last mentioned
prolongation and along said
easterly State Highway Line.
a distance of 102.20 feet to
the beginning of a curve 2611=
cave to the east and having
a radius of nine hundred,afld .
sixty feet (960') through an
are length of 317.95 feet:
thence south 16o01' west tan -
gent to, last Curve, a distance
Of 61 -M Mt to the north=
westerly corner of said Lot 5,
Tract 1136; thence westerly
along.- Westerly prolongatioif
of the northerly, line of said
Lot 5. to the point of begin-
SECTION 2: That the boun-
daries of the City of Newport
Beach. California be. and the
same are hereby altered to in-
clude the above described terri-
tory, the annexation of which is
approved and ordained herein,
and incorporated in the City of
Newport Beach, California.
SECTION 3: That the pro -
evedings and a=0xation herein
Ordained are had un,1 taken under
and Pursuant to the provisions
of an Act of Legislature of the
State .;of California, designated
and - referred to'a'st the' "Annexa-
tion of Uninhabited Territory' Act
of 1939."
•SECTION. 4: The 'City Clerk
shall cause this ordinance to be
Published within fifteen days
after its passage at least once ill
the Newport Harbor Ensign a
newspaper of general : circai,ion
and Published 'and .. circulated lit
the City of Now det 136heh,
The above atilt foregoing hrdi-
.nance was lfitr6dU60d,at 3 i'egu.-
lar meeting of 'the City. ,L0',Oiincil
Of the City Op Ne�ypdet, . laeaflh
held on the 9th day of March.
1953. and was finally pasgsed and
ad o p.t ad on the 23rd day. of
March, 1953 . by the following
vote, to -wit: -
Smith, Pinch, Isbell,
City Clerk
- -- - -- -------------------- PRIEST _......._.--- _...._._.........- City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing_ ORDINANCE
YY 9 9- -° - °° - - ------------------------------------------
No...... - --03 was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council
of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the
regular meeting place thereof, on the- . .... 3Td ------ day, of -------- .-------- March
------------------------------- 19 --- 5.3.
by the following vote:
Dated this ...... 6th ------ day
NB 130 -500 -6/51
/�_ ... .. . ... . .....
City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the City Council.
City of Newport Beach, State of California
�i• r�
NB 130 -500 -6/51
/�_ ... .. . ... . .....
City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the City Council.
City of Newport Beach, State of California