HomeMy WebLinkAbout754 - Harbor RegulationsAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
County of Orange,
of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes
and says: THAT ............he is and at all times here
mentioned was a citizen of the United States,
over the age of eighteen years, and that ...............
he is not a party to, nor interested in the above
entitled matter; that ------------ - - - - -- he is the * .............
..... ............................... printer of the Newport Harbor
News Press, a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the City of Newport
Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper
has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir-
culation by the Superior Court of the County
of Orange, State of California, under date of
October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831;,
that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed
copy, has been published in each regular and
entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates,
July 20
all in the year 19 --- 5 - - --
........................ ..................... .......... ........_.... .................
._ ......... ......
*Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal
Clerk of the Printer.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ...... _....
_20th day of ............................ July- ......... 19.55. - - --
.. .
i -
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County
and State.
My Commission Expires
............................................... November- ._lb. --..., 19-51 .......
� 2
This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp
Affidavit of Publication of
".5. 1„ aL;:❑ 'ue the duty of the
to pgsc and w keep
continuously posted at the inter -
section of said lines with the shore,
.line, on both sides of _the channel,
l suit2ble signs designating the west- I
erly and sol:therly boundaries of
areas herein (iescribod. j
"6. Within District I of 'tipperI
Newport Bay' as herein described,
which shall he exclusively for Wa -;
The City Council of the City of ,
ter saaing except as hereinafter l
Newport Beach does ordain as fol -:�
provided, between the hours of I
lows: Fh
11:00 a.m. and sunset, is small be'
SECTION 1: Section 10110 of
unlawful and a violation qE this
Article X of the Municipal Code of
ordinance: "
the City of Newport Beach, be and
"(a) For any person to operate;
the same is hereby amended to
or cause to be placed therein or:
read as follows:
thereon any vessel of water craft
"Section 10110. Speed Regula-
other than a Motor boat eighteen!
tions —Rate of Speed.
(18') feet or less in length and with)
"1. The term motor boat as used
unobstructed operator's view, ex -'
in this section shall mean and in-
cept pursuant to a special permit
elude any and all vessels of water
to hold a boat race granted pur-
craft wholly or partially propelled
'suant to the provisions of Section;
by naptha, gasoline or other mo-
+2 of this Ordinance .
tive power.
"(b) For any person to operate
"2. Except as herein 'otherwise
a motor boat in other than. a�
provided,, no person in command
counter- clockwise traffic pattern,:
of any motor boat shall operate
except when specifically directed;
same or permit the same to be
otherwise by the Harbor Master.
,operated in any portion of New-
"I c) For any person to operate
port Harbor at a rate of speed in I
a motor boat at a speed in excess
excess of 5 nautical miles per hour.
of 35 nautical miles per hour.
"3. For the purposes of this sec-
"(d) For any person to operate
tion, that portion of Upper New-
a motor boat manned by less than
(port Bay lying Northerly of a line
two (2) poisons when such boat
that bears North..87° 18' 10" East
is towing any object, structure or
from Station 139: of the ordinary
pel son.
high tide line as established in
"(e) For, any person operating
1926 by Court Decree No. 20436
a motor overtake in the
of the Superior Court of the Coun-
wake of w in the wake of,
anothoat at a distance
ty of Orange, State of California, -
of lass hundred feet
shall be known and designated as :.
(200'). when such latter motor boat I
'Upper Newport Bay.'
its engaged in towing any object,'
4. A part of said tipper New-
structure or person.
-port Bay' shall be separately
^(f) For any person operating'
known and designated as 'District
a motor boat to fail to yield the,
I' and 'District H'. District I shall
righ L -of -way to the operator of an -'
that portion of the waterway of
other motgrg,boat which is engaged
the Upper Newport Bay lying
in towing, y object, structure or
�northeriv of the boundary line of
person. ;xy,i•:,-
,the Ci;y of Newport Bea rh be-
( F6 person operating
tween Stations 16 -A and 25 of the
a motor or booat to tow more than
ardinary high tide line as establish-
two (2) persons at one time.
ed by Court Decree No. 20436 of
,(h) For an Y person oentow-
the Superigr Court of Orange
a motor boat to employ w en tow-
County, California and lying east-
ing any object structure W person,
erly of a hoe which intersects s -id
a towline in excess of seonty-five
boundary hoe of the City of \eve -.
feet.(TW) in length.
port Beach at right angles, at al
"1i) For any person to -engage
paint, 650 feet easterly of Station
in swimming or Wading for,the
16 -A of said ordinary high tide
purpose Of recreation, except in
line. District II shall be that por-
areas which may be designated as
tion of the waterway of Upper
swimming areas by resolution of
i Newport Bay lying northely cf a
line bears
the City Council. The limits of
that north 87* In 19"
,,which areas shall be plainly mark-
east front Station 125 of the ordl-
ed by appropriate signs posted by
ncry hi:h tide lint as established
'the Harbor Master, -
iby Court Decree No. 20436-of the
"(j) For any person t operate
Supti of Court of Otangc C6imty,.
or c$hse to be plaeied„ ein
California and westerAta"
thereon. any molar,
which mtei 'cts the bine
same is egmpped wex-
of the City of \cwpo at
right at a poeet 4
tiA,g'uisher of a typby
.. tgf-,upi aid'.
caster ly, aid' and life sav ing e - of a.
ordmary� gh tide line. -
type approved l;y the Ui t-2k! tit t'ur a i I el ...n 0p 'Ung „bu vc ;md lore
tat es Coast. Cued for, each per- �a m for boat to u + a w,t � ;:ier Thc going ordm
or engage in any lance was introduced and ado ted
son tran �`ted there Y typs' of water x- p
skiing whatsoever at a regular eetin'�g�- the City
a motor
" f ' 8. It shall be unlawf and a Council of e City ,h*e
m thg n chaR- Beach held on the 11 wpprt
nel westerly of that certain island: v }olationgf „tls ordinance x any day of
d bed as Lot 2, Section 26, . :vessel or-Wafer craft of ' kind July, 1985, by tha, olio B y e,
hip 6 South, Rang in excess of er to wit :a
e 10 West, i ghteen ..in A .,
& lit., and which is located. leng}.}r to enter elth_er. Dis r �R •.,COUNCIL � N,.
s West of 'tipper Bay Ramp'. ; TT, MA Y, STOD-
'�. i District II during the hours com. I * :HIGBIB,' DDERHOF,
a } For any operator to enter, mencing at 11:00 a.iq. and er4ing
fro Ahe Forth into the channel at sunset. UNCI
east Y.'that certain island describ -: SECTION 2: The Cii`y Council. I e.
ad a4cit 1, Section 23, Township.
6 SoIIth, Range 10 West, S.B.B &' may, wifc4 it deems the occasion A StS UNCH.14iEN
M.. Ad which is located North of � warrants,. grant a special permit WIC,
'Upper Bay Ramp'. to hold a boat race in the course D HILL *C'
"(m) For an 1 of which, umnuffled engines may b -I
y person operating be used by the contestants upon A{pES
• motor boat to commence towing the waters of Newport Harbor MAE HOIT
• water skier against the counter-' along and over certain courses Acting City
clockwise traffic pattern, and when I situated in the waters of said No. 12 No yw
at a boat launching ramp from harbor; and provided further that
other than a designated 'take -off' such special permit of said City
area, provided that the operator of Council shall be for a period of
another boat may pick up and time not exceeding ten days in all
launch a fallen skier in thr, rater, of any calendar year hereafter,
if he can d0 so without
and shall not exceed eight hours of
the counterclockwise Vnific 0f any calendar day, the entire period
any other motor boat t •v:- , a � of time for which such special per -
skier. mit is granted to fall between the
'(n) For any person ope. ttir-, hours of eight o'clock a.m. and
a motor boat with a skier in tow five o'clock p.m.
who has fallen in taking off Ii ?m SECTION 3: The provisions of
the ramp area to circle back w'!'-, this ordinance as provided for in
out first going in a counter -clod - paragraphs 6 and 7 hereof shall
wise direction around the two buoy not apply to commercial or busi-
pattern at the ramp area. ness craft having a legitimate busi-
"(o) For any skier to drop tin ness to conduct in either of said
towline and terminate his skiing Districts during the hours set
in a boat ramp area other than at forth in paragraphs 6 and 7, pro -
the designated 'landing area' at , vided, however, that such craft
said ramp. shall first apply for and receive
"(p) For any observer in a in writing permission to enter said
motor boat whose skier has fallen, Districts from the Harbor Master,
and for the observer in a motor and provided further, that in the
boat approaching a fallen skier, to I event that such permission is re-
fail to immediately raise one arm ceived, then such craft shall be
vertically upon observin g the fall -
limited to a rate of speed not in
en skier in the water. excess of three nautical miles per
"7. Within District II of 'Upper hour.
Newport Bay' as herein described,
SECTION 4: The time referred
between the hours of 11 n a.m.. to in paragraphs 6 and 7 hereof
and sunset, it shall be unlawful shall be StanBard Time, except
and a violation of this ordinance: when Daylight Savings Time is in
"(a) For any person to operate force in the State of California,
or cause to be placed therein or during which time the time referr-
thereon any vessel or water craft ed to shall be deemed to be Day -
other than a motor boat eighteen ,
(18') or less in length and with un- light Savings Time. SECTION 5: This ordinance is
obstructed operator's view, except, hereby declared by the City Coun-
pursuant to a special permit to I cil to be necessary as an emerg-
hold a boat race granted pursuant. ency measure for preserving the
to the provisions of Section 2 of public peace, health or safety for
this Ordinance. the following reasons: -
"(b) For any person to operate The City Council of Newport
c motor boat in other than a Beach on June 23, 1955 passed
counter - clockwise traffic pattern, an emergency ordinance No. 752
except when specifically directed to allow motor boat speeding and
otherwise by the Harbor Master. water skiing within certain de-
"(c) For any person to operate signated areas in th!i.Upper Bay
a motor boat at a speed is excess region of the City of Newport
per thirty-five ive (35) nautical miles : Beach. Since that date, the City
per hour. Council of Newport Beach has
"(d) For any person to engage ;given further study to the safety
pswimming cz wading for the factors of the designated speeding
purpose is j44., be de except in
areas which,; be designated as areas established by Ordinance Pjo.
swimming WW ibyj rAsolution of 752. The City Council of Newport
the City CoMcil; ABe, limits of Beach has concluded• after said
which areas shall be.pWnly mark- studies that District 1 and 2 sl-
ed b appropriate signs lowing motor boat speeding and
Y PP P riate gns posted by water skiing should be changed to
the Harbor Master. allow a greater water area for wa-
"(e) For any person to operated ter skiing as a safety factor, and
thereon cause to be placed therein or unless this ordinance is adopted
tereon any motor boat unless the as an emergency ordinance, the
same is equipped with afire by safety and welfare of those per -
the United St a type approved by sons water skiing and motor boat
the tinned States Coast Guard and speeding will be impaired.
life saving equipment of..% type SECTION 6: That this ordinance
PProved by the United States shall take effect immediately upon
JEWUoast Guard for each person trans- the passage thereof and shall be
ported therein. published once in the Newport -
"(f) For any person to operate Harbor News Press, a newspaper of
a motor boat in the narrow a general circulation printed and pub.
net westerly of that certain island
described as Lot Section 26 lished and circala*,ed in the City
Township 6 South. Ran of Newport Beach.
10 West, . ,
S.B.B. & M. and which is located
:southv:est of 'tipper Bay Ramp'.
.......... .......... Margery-_ Schrouder----- _ ------------ __....... City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ------------- QTWIN_ANCE-.-------------------------------
No -------- _75t ----------------- .was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council
of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the
regular meeting place thereof, on the ------- llth - -- -day, of---- - - - - -- -- -July 1q 5
by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCILMEN._ Bennett - -�_- MacKay_ } - -- Stoddard-- .- Higbie�-- _Ridderhof}
• NOES: COUNCILMEN -------- Rome -------- --------------------- - -------
Dated this_ --- .3rd ......... day of ---- ........ --------------- --------- 1955-.
NB 130 -500 -6/51
City Clark and Ex- fficio &lark of the City Council,
City of Newport Beach, State of California