County of Orange,
................................. BEN- _REDDIC K
of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes
and says: THAT ............he is and at all times here
mentioned was a citizen of the United States,
over the age of eighteen years, and that .....:.........
he is not a party to, nor interested in the above
entitled matter; that .................. he is the *..................
.................................... printer of the Newport Harbor
News Press, a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the City of Newport
Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper
has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir-
culation by the Superior Court of the County
of Orange, State of California, under date of
October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831;,
that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed
copy, has been published in each regular and
entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates,
t0 -wlt:
all in the year 19....55.5.
..................... ........ ........ ............................. ...............................
*Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal
Clerk of the Printer.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
12th ay of ...... .............October.........., 19..55....
................. ............................/,. `.. ........'.........
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County
and State.
My Commission Expires
November..... 16 ..................... 19...5 S........
This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp
Affidavit of Publication of
ORDINANCE NO. 7.5 accessary building may be build
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY to Nvithin one (1) foot of one of 1.
OF NEWPORT B F. A C H the side lot lines. Such accessory
AMENDING SECTIONN'. 9105.4 building shall not be located)
OF ARTICLE IA OF THE within five (5) feet of any allyl
MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITL- or within five (5) feO of the!.
ED "YARDS" side Iine of any alley: or within
The City Council of the City five (5) feet of the ''side line of
of Newport Beach does ordain as the front one -half (%) of any
follows: 1front adjacent lot or in the .case of a
SECTON I: Section 9105.4 of corner lot to project 11eyond the
M Article IX of the unicipg2LCode yard required a existing
of the City of Newport Beach, ion the adjacent lot. In the case
be and the same is hereby of a lot abutting on two or more
amended to read as follows: streets. no building shall be
"Section 9105.4. Yards. erected clb#er to. the property
"(a) Architectural features line than the front yBad setback,;
such as cornices, eaves and can- established,. Rn either street. In
opies may extend not exceeding the case of subdivisions where!
two and one -half (V'2) feet into the rear of lots normally border;
any required front or rear yard streets and the frOnt.,of the lots
setback. face a common w4way, the .
"(b) None of the above men- main structure and -o1"� wssory
tioned architectural, features may buildings may be constructed
encroach within two (2) feet of within five (51 feet of ,fie rear
any side lot line. Fireplaces and property line."
chimneys not to exceed nine (9)' SECTION 2: The a and
feet in width, constructed of in- foregoing ordinance shal k f" ; pub -,
combustible material may en- lished once in the Ne -Har -I
croach to a distance of two feet bor News Press, a ne of;
from the side line, providing the general circulation, pri , and
other sideyard setback in the published and circulat ' s; in the
same building site is kept clear ,City of Newport Beach, 'Bnd the
as a passageway. same shall be in fu),1 ce and
"(c) Open uncovered porches. effect 30 days after'th so e.
landing places, may project not The above and foregoing, ordi -,
exceeding six (6) feet into any nance was introduced at ,�jiregu-
required front yard. Iar meeting of the it y uncil
"(d) Whenever an Official of the City of Ne each
Plan Line has been established held on the 26th day of ,ptem-
for any street. required yards her 1955, and was finallylls.ased
shall be measured from such line and adopted on the 10th' ,day of
and in no case shall the provis- October, 1955, by the following
ions of this Ordinance be con- roll call vote, to wit: -
strued as permitting any en- AYES, COtWCILMEN:
croachment upon any Official Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard',
Plan Line. Higbie, RiaQQ9�hof. Hill. i
"(e) In areas having alleys to NOES. COU7VCII.MEN:... ,
the rear of lots, rear yard re- None
quirements may be measured ABSE T. CODX4CILMIip i
from the center line of such I eft. 1"
alley. • ` DORA O. HILL
NO In case an accessory build- Mayor
ing is attached to the main build- Attest:
ing, it shall be made structurally MARGERY SCHROUDER
a Part of and have a common City Clerk
wall with the main 'building and No. 44 News -Press 101/12;55 1 .
1 shall comply in all respects with 1' ---------- ... —...
the requirements ofr, this Ordi-
nance applicable to the main
building. Unless so attached an
accessory building in an "R" Dis-
trict shall be located on the rear
one -half of..the lot and at
least six (6) feet from any dwell-
ing building existing or under
construction on the same lot or
any adjacent lot. Said detached
l- ------------- Margery-- Schrouder --- , , City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing..... - RD- IN®NCE
-- - ----------------------------------- -----------------
No -------- 758- --------------------- was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council
of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the
regular meeting place thereof, on the - - - - -- Nth - -, day, of ---- 9gtobe ; ----------------------------------------- 19 -55...
by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCILMEN ------ 5' lilder-,--- tlacB ay,-_ Sto�ic�ar,--_ Higbie .,-- RidderhQ#,..H.3�1...__-
ABSENT: COUNCILMEN - -.- Bennett- -,
Dated this ---- 17th- ------ —day of
NB 130 -500 -6/51
City Clerk and Ex -O icio CI rk of the City Council,
City of Newport Beach, Late of California