HomeMy WebLinkAbout787 - 17th Street Annex-r
•County of Orange,
of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes
and says: THAT ............he is and at all times here
mentioned was a citizen of the United States,
over the age of eighteen years, and that ...............
he is not a party to, nor interested in the above
entitled matter; that ... ............ he is the *
............... ............... printer of the Newport Harbor
News Press, a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the City of Newport
Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper
has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir-
culation by the Superior Court of the County
4of Orange, State of California, under date of
October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831;,
that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed
copy, has been published in each regular and
entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof un the following dates,
__ ..... .. ---- .. -------- ............ June ..... 2.7 ............................................ _.........
all in the year 1956......
............._....._.._._. _.............. ...... ...._. _._...._.. ........- i............_....._..
*Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal
Clerk of the Printer.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
.27th day of ........_..._ ..._June 1956.....
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County
//- -
and State.
My Commission Expires
------------------------ Noyember .... .7 .......... , 19..54..--------
This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp
1009; thence north_ to' the
southwest corneryl'of Lot
lot as shown upon said
ORDINANCE NO. 787 Map of Newport Mesa
IAN ORDINANCE O FUir.gME ' Tract; thence north along
CITY OF NEWPORT- IMMCHr the west line of Lots 1008
APPROVING THE- X7. and 1007 of said Map of
ATION TO THE :. -,C 'WbF Newport Mesa Tract to the
NEWPORT BEACH OF CER -( northwest corner of said Lot
THIN UNINHABITED TER- 1007; 9hence east along the
RITQRY CONTIGUOUS TO north line of said Lot 1007
THE CITY OF NEWPORT to the northeast corner
BEACH AND ' KNOWN AS thereof; thence east to the
17TH STREET ANNEX. northwest corner of Lot 907
WHEREAS, pursuant to the , of said Map of Newport
provision of an act of the Legis- Mesa Tract; thence east to
latire of the State of California, the northeast corner of said
known as the "Annexation of Lot •907; thence north along
Uninhabited Territory Act of the west line of Lots 806
193911, the City of Newport and 805 of said Newport
Beach instituted proceedings for.. Mesa Tract to the northwest
the annexation of certain unin- iea corner of said Lot 805
habited territory contiguous to thence north to the south -
the City of Newport Beach and west corner of Lot 804 of
designated as' "17th Street An- said Newport -Mesa .Tract;
nex ", and Which is hereinafter thence east along the south
more particularly described; : line of said Lot 804 to the
and, - southeast corner thereof,
WHEREAS,. the City Council said point being in , the
of the City Of Newport Beach boundary line of the City
by resolution No, 4485 set Mon - ------- of Costa Mesa; thence south
day, the 11th day -of June, 1956, along said boundary line of
at the hour of 7:30 p.m. at the )as the City_ of Costa Mesa- to
City Council Chambers. City the northeast corner of Lot
Hall;, 3300- tlfewport Boulevard, 0 809 of said Newport Mesa
Newport Beach, California, as S Tiact;.thence west along the
the time and place that said north line of Lots 809 and
City Council would hear protests n 909 'of said Newport Mesa
to the proposed annexation of Tract to the northwest nor-
said territoTy:'to 'toe City of` net, of said Lot 909; thence
Newport Beach by any person south along the west line
low'ning . real property within the of Lots 909, 910 of said
said -territory; and, Newport Mesa Tract to the
WHEREAS, at' the time set northwest corner of Lot 911
for the hearing of the protests of said Newport Mesa - Tract; .
as set forth by said resolution, thence east along the north
no written or oral protests were line of maid Lot 911 to the
made by fhe,ownei•s of oneiialf notheast corner thereof;
,of the value of the.territory pro- thence south along the east
posed to. be annexed as prescrib- line of said Lot 911 to the
ed in the annexation of Uninhab- southeast corner thereof:
ited Territory Act of 1939; and, thence west along the south
WHEREAS, it appears that line of said Lot 911 to the
the necessary proceedings relat- southwest corner thereof,.
ing to annexation have been con- thence south to the south -
ducted strictly in accordance west corner of Lot 912 of
With the law, - said Newport Mesa Tract;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City thence south; to the north -
Council of the City of Newport west corner of Lot 913 of
Beach does ordain as ,follows: said First Addition to New -
SECTION 1: That the annex- port Mesa Tract; thence
abori to the ,City- of .Newport west to the northeast corner
Beach. California; 'of that cer- of the aforementioned Lot '..
tain uninhabibed.. territory. con- i 1013 of maid First Addition
tiguons' -to s844, city, known as to Newport Mesa Tract;
"17th Street Annex" is hereby thence west along the north
approved, and that the same is line of said Lot 1013 a dis.
,hereby ordained toy be annexed tance of 340} to an inter -
to -and made a part of the City section with71he boundary
'of Newport Beach, California. line of the City of Newport
That said territory is particular- Beach; t h e'n c e continuing
ly described as set forth in the west along said north line of
deicrlptibn thereof, marked Ex- Lot 1.013 and along said
hibit "A " u
attached hereto and boundary line of the City of
by referen, ce made a part hereof. Newport Beach; ,thence son- I
"1:7TH STREET 'ANNEX" tinning west along said
EXHIBIT "A„ north line of Lot.101A and
Beginning at a point in along maid boundary line of
the boundary - line, of the the City of. Newport Beach
City of
being the the point of beginning.
g t [Beach. said
point .he northwest SECTION 2: That the boun-
corner of Lot 1013. as shown dares , of the City Of, Newport
upon a Map of the First Ad- Beach, California, be, and the
ditlon to Newport,,Nfesa re- same are hereby altered to m -.
corded. in Miscellaneous chide the territory described in
Map, Book 8, Page la 61, Re- Exhibit "A" attached hereto, the
cords' of Orange County, annexation of which is approved
California; thence north to and ordained herein, and incor-
the southwest. corner of Lot Posted in the City of Newport'
1012 as shown upon a Map
Beach, California.
of Newport ,Mesa Tract re, SECTION 3: That the proceed -'
corded in Miscellaneous ings and annexation herein or-
Map Book 5, Page 1, re- dained are had and taken under
cords of said Orange and pursuant to the provisions of
County; thence north along an act of the Legislature of the
e_. the west line of Lots 1012, ' State of California, designated
1011; 1010, and 1009 to the and referred to as the "Annex -
northwest corner of said Lot ation of uninhabited Territory
Act of 1939
SECTION 4:. The above and
foregoing ordinance -shall be',
published once in the.; 3dewport-
Harbor News Press, . a. news-
paper . of general circulation,
printed and published and cir-
in the City of Newport -
' -
Beach, and the so a shall be in
- fu 11 force and eff ct 30 days I
'`a ge.
after this pass
The above. and foregoing or-
dinance w introduced at a �
regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Newport
- ,. Beach held on the .filth day of
Time, 1956 and was finally pass -.Y
ed and adopted on the 25 day ofv`
Sune. 1956, by the following vote,'
. wild_er,',Macliay, Stoddard, Hig-
bie, Ridderhof, Hill
' ABS1211 j` COUNCILMEN: 4one
-' Margery`Schrouder '
'City Clerk
- --
- Dora O. Hill '
No. 170
News Press 6/27/56 -
Margery Schrouder
-------------------------------------- ---------- ------ City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance
YY 9 9 - --- ----- -------- -- ---------------------------------------------
No.--------- §7---------- - - - - -- -was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council
of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the
regular meeting place thereof, on the ----------- 255th -day, of.- June 9 - -56-
by the following vote:
Harty Wilder MacKay Stoddard Higbie
AYES: COUNCILMEN -- ---- -- - ----- -- -- °° --- - - -- -- -- -- -- --- -- - -- --
Ridderhof. Hill
NOES: COUNCILMEN - - - -- -None
-------- ----------------------------------------- --- ----- --
Dated this -------- '3th .... day o
NB 130- 500 -6/51
M ?
City Clark and' Ex Off io Clerk ofJhe City Council.
City of Newport each, Stateof ,California