HomeMy WebLinkAbout906 - Redistricting Due to AnnexationsAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, *County of Orange, -- --- --- -- -BT'N- -- REDDICK ................... of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT ------ - - - - -- he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and that ......... . he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that ............ he is the * .................. ..... ............................... printer of the Newport Harbor News Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of S October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: ------- Jan�:ar1' . ------------------------------------------------- all in the year 19....60 ........... .............. . . . . . .. .......... *Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal Clerk of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ....... .......... 6 a f an.ory- .......c...... .. .. ert 3ob� 9.. C..... . '111ime8 (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires --------- Ramember ---- 1.6 ................. -- --- --- - -, 19......63...... 557 This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp ORDNANCE NO. 906 AN, ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CHANGING AND REDEFIN- ING THE 13OUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICTS OF THE CITY AND ADDING CER- TAIN TERRITORY RECENT - LY ANNEXED TO DIS- TRICTS OF _ THE CITY PURSUANT TO SECTION 1005 OF THE CHARTER WHEREAS. the Charter of the City. provides that in 1950 the Cato Cr rc41 shall appoint a committee to study and irpm# . on the advi ability. of led :strict- ing the City: and WHEREAS, a committee has b:cn app: inted sod a ]Poor". made to the Cite Council ree.- ommcnd,m• certain nhanges in the distl:rt bounda N ^s: sod WHEREAS. the City Council accepted the rcnm-t of paid eom- mittee sod finds that the changes recommend +d in the district bnnndaiiea should he made by ordinance in arcm'd- ancs with the Charter in order that each district shall, as near ly as practicable. constitute nat- ural area% of enntiguous end, rompact territory and. pinvidei fair representation on ,the City'. Council: and WHEREAS. the Charter mn vides that territory annexed be Added by ordinance to an adja- cent district or district. -,: and A•HEREAS. territories known as the "First Addition to dam - bm'ee Road Annex" and "First Addition to Acscia Sheet An- nex" nave been annexed and are adjacent to the Fourth District. territories known as the "Har- bor View Annex" and "Reser- voir Annex" have been annexed and are adjacent to the Sixth And Seventh Distrie't %. and ter- 1 ritory known. as "Camen High-1 lands Annex" has been annexed, slid is adjacent to the Sixth District: and WHEREAS, it is practical to change and redefine the district boundaries as recommended and Add annexed territory to resper- tiye adjacent districts in one Ordinance: NOW. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 3: The boundaries of the First District are hereby' changed and redefined so that said First District designated in Section 1006 of the Charter of the City of Newport. Beach shall Include all that portion of the City included within the ' follnw- ing described boundary line, to wit: Beginning at the intersec- tion of the Ordinary High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean and the southerly prolongation of the center line of 1.5th Street: thence ! nmrtherly along aaid south- erly prolongation and along the center line of said 15th Street to an intersection with a line hying southerly nf. parallel to. and distant ann feet from the U. S. Bulkhead Line between U. S. Bulkhead Stations Nos. 172 , and 173: thence westerly along said - parallel line to an intara$btiya with a line lying easterly of. parallel to. and distant,: $00 feet from the U. S. B6lille ad Line be- trxeen- U. S. Bulkhead Sta- tions Nosrcgl2ig.,�:�nd. 125: thence. ndr'� es rly along acid ParAi4q.111k, to all in- tersection' with`'a line lying northerly of pai allel to. and distant 350 Peet from the IT. S'. Bulkhead Line be- tween U. S. Bulkhead Sta- tlons Nos. 170 and 175: thence northwesterly in a straight line to sn angle point in the boundary line of the City of Newport Beach. said angle point being the intersection of the northerly line of State High - way ORA -60 -A. 100 feet in width. and the westerly line of State. Highway ORA -43- A. 160 feet in width: thence generiolly westeiljc along baid northerly line and along Paid City- bftlih'dary line to on', intersecfrloh with the northeasterly prolongation of the . southeasterly line of Summit Street; thence con- tinuing southwesterly along said City :boundary line and Along said % outheasterly line of Paid Summit Street to an intersection with the Ordi- nary High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean; thence south- easterly along said Ordinary High Tide Line to the point of beginning. SECTION 2: The boundaries of the Second District are here - by changed and redefined no that said �iecond District desig- nated in Section 1007 of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach shall include all that poi. urn of the City included within the following described boim- dan line. to wit: Beginning at the intersec- tion of the Ordinary High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean and the .southerly prolongation of the center line of 15th Street: thence northerly along said south- erly prolongation and slong the center line of said 16th Street.. to an intersection with a. line, lying southerly of. parallel to, and distant 500 feet from the U. S. Bulkhead Line between U.S. Bulkhead Stations Nos. 1.72 and 173: thence easterly along said; p4rallel line to, an intersecfieh with a line • -LEGAL NO lying easterly of, parallel to, and distant 250 feet n from the U. S. Bulkhead Line between U. S. Bull- head Stations Nos. 130 and 131; thence northerly along said ?arallel line to an in- tersection with a line lying northerly of. parallel to. and distant 130 feet from the. U. S. Bulkhead Line be- tueen U. S. Bulkhead Sta- tions Nos. 1:51 and 132: thonCe easterly along said parallel line to an inlersec- Lon with a line lying south - w es; terlr of. parallel tn. and distant 330 feet from the U. S. :Bulkhead Line between U. S. Bniklncad Stations Nos. 256 and 25s: thence southea,terly along said parallel lire to an intetsec- i tion with a line Icing ,club - eily of. pars!lcl to. and dis- t tent 500 feet 4om the U. S. Bullihcad Line between U. S. Blllchend Stations Nos. 255 and 256: thence easter- ly along said parasol line to an intersection with a line lying easterly of, parallel to. C and distant 200 feet firm the U. S. Bu➢ch -ed Line be- W on U. S. Relldicad Sta- tinns Nos. 2) -i and 154; thencn southeasterly in a sins 'tat line to a point. said poiel home l:he'intersection of the smitli,osterly pro- long, tion of the nnithwest- Otto line of,Avocadn Street. 50 feet in width. and a line lying easterh of. parallel to. and di -'rat 350 feet from the U S. Bulkhead Line between U. S. Bulk- head Stations Nos. 107 and 108; thence southeasterly along said parallel line to an intersection . with the southwesterly +prolongation of the noithwesteily line of Iris Avenue; thence north - xresterly in a, straight line to an interseetimi with the Ordinary High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean At the West Jetty of the Harbor entrance: thence y ester Iv along said Ordinary High Tide Line to the point of beginning. SECTION 4: The boundaries of the Third Distrlet are hereby changed and redefined so that) said Third Diaatrict designated in Section 100R of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach shall include all that potion of the City included within the follow-- � ing described boundary line, to wit Beginning at an angle point in the haunch iy line of the City of Newport Beach, said angle point being the intersection of the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of Summit Street v ith the northeasterly line of State Highway ORA -60 -A. being 90 feet in width; thence gen- erally northerly and east- erly along the bnundary line of the City of Newport Beach through its wa, ous courses to an intersection with the southeasterly line of Superior Avenue; thence continuing along said City boundary line northeasterly along said southeasterly line of Superior Avenue to an j intersection with the north - eicsterlr prolongation of the 1 center line of 15th Street; thence continuing southeast - 1 erly along the said City boundary line and along the northwesterly prolongation and along the center line of said 15th Street to an inter- section with the southeast- _ erly line of Tustin Avenue, j U. , Bulkhead Liar he- intersection of the. south- to an intersection with a tiona N. S. Bulkhead Sts- w.e,stcily line of Mesa Diirc line ling smrtherly of, pal : tioti$ _Nos. 170 and 175; '� and the southeasterly lino sllel to. and distant 500 atheneq.., nm4hwesiefly in a of Tustin Avenue; thence feet from the Lr, S. Bu1G- straight line to an angle southwesterly glen -g said head Line between U. S. point in the boundary line southeasterly line"�of Tratin - Bulkhead Stations No 251 of the Citv Of New'por't and 256: thence xv tech P Bcacli, said angle pinta Avenue and along said City bounds rc ]Ins to a point of along said parallel line to being the intersection of the intersertlnn with the north- an Intersection with a line not line of State easterly line of 22nd Street; ]Sing snuthwesterly of, par - Highway' ORA -60 -A. 100 1 thence . sn itheasterly along allel tn, and distant 350 1 feet in u'idth.,and. the west- said northeasterly line of feet from the Ii. S. R101c- erly line of 4tat, Hr h+aA 22nd Stied and along snid ' hear] Line between 1'. 6. ORy -13 y 1150 f in City hnundary linetoapoint ( Bonehead Stations tuns. Zfi6 width: thence gPn- ially-- and 2.53; thence nnrth+rest- of intersection with the northerly along .saill Cily - 1 eel along said southeasterly line of $vine Y g Parallel lira, boundary line through' is to an intoi.section with a. j Avenue; rly line `continuing carious couise3 to an angle smtthvreste rip a 1 n n g _ the line lying northerly of, pat - point in said bmiiidatw line, southeasterly line of Irvine I allot to. and distant 150 feet '. said angle polnf being the Avenue and along said City from U. S. Bulkhead Line most southerh cornet of boundary line to an inter- between U: S. Bulkhead Lot 614 of the 'Nevypmt section with the southwest- j Stations Nos. 151 and 152: Mesa .Tract, licence. umtin- mly line of 16th Street: thence uesterly along said Lung soutinvesteily, north- thence northwesterly along' I Pasrllel line to an intetsec - westarlS 'outliwestei n' and ,aid ,00thc-esLorly line of Onn with a line lying east - southeaAea-ly along he =aid said 'L6Lh Street and along oily Of. parallel tr, std dis_ City nmmdary line tlnot h said Cites boundary line to tant 250 feet from 1 -. F. its varous course to an in- Fulkhend Lino tmsection with the afore- so intersection +with the brhneon 1-. southeasterly line of Tustin S. Bulkhead Stations N'u =. mentioned nor the Routly Avenue: thence continuing 1 1,0 and 131: (hence n ttn- prNOngation of the south- southwesterly along said - 1 -1, sirs i easterly line of S.0 m m i t t said as with line southeasterly line of Tustin to an intcrserLinn with the Street: thence sotrthwe ?tcrly Avenue and along said City center line of State High - along said prolongation to boundary line to an inter- way ORA -60 -B: thence the point of beginning. section with the center line easterly along ,aid center SECTION 4: The boundaries of 15t1i St.ie+t, thence south- line to an intersection +with of the- Foui..li District arc here- esst,11v Along said ecm-, the southeasterly piolong'a- bv changed and iedef'ncd and line of 13th Stioet to an in- lion of the court decree lino tho terrdtoi,es ieferied to as tersec.tinn with, the center between stations 16 -B and "First Addition to JAmb,.rea' line of Irvine Avenue: 1.7, as described In Court Road Annex" and "First Addi- thence smdltwrsterly along Decree established in Sn- tion to Acz!s:a Sheet Anne•:" ,aid :enter line. of Imno, politic Court Case No. 20436 are hereby aided to the Fourth Avennc and its soutlrwestor- in the Superior Cmut in and District so that said FouiLh Dis -� 1w piolongOtion tn'the point fnr the County of Orange. ti'iet Oc,'gnatecl in S rti�n 1009 of hoeorming. State of California; thence of the Charter of `hr City of I SWA TION 5: The boon daiies' not thwesterly a I n n g'said Nor, ort Beach shall meL!de all'f the Fifth llistiict are hereby; sonthensteih prolongation that portion of the C'ty iuclud- 1han;ed and redefined so that to a point of intersection in ed v+ thin T . fnllmrt d .crib -,aid Fifth Distinct designated inI the northerly line of said eel b „�ndaiv Imo .to + 3ectson 1010 of the Charte. of State Highway ORA -60 -B. ^.gin n-, at the in ris, - Oe City of Ncnnmt Beach shall said" point being in the Linn of the soo:hwe telly nrinde all that portion of the bmm!JKry line of the City nt. don ^a '•+n of the ren'iri' lity included within the follow- of Nevaport Beach; thence i tine of Irvine A, a orate nd 'inq d"mihrd bntmdnry line. to easterly along said norther - ' the renter lire of Mate twit: Iv line of the State High - Hi_hwac OAA -aO -R; ficence Beginning al an intetsec- way, and along said boun- easterly ni, ^ng snid cent ^r Lion of the northerly line of dare line of the City line t An into •cec'- -ton c'ith State H ^li,way ORA -60 -B. of Newport Beach to the the scoithcaxt ily prolongs- I 100 feet to width. and the point of beginning. �I Limn of the bmartd r e line northrastmly nruinngation I I SECTION 6' The boundaries between Flations 16P and of the southeiActIy line of I of the Sixth Distinct are hereby 17 as cl scribed in Court Tract No. 1701 as shown i changed and redefined and the Decree estiblis *.rd in Snrm- lipon a neap recorded in territory referred to as "Cameo =or Court Case No 201:36 in tiliscellaneons MIns. Boric Highlands Annex" and a. portion the Supenoi Court in and t 52, pages 9 and 10 records of the teiiitoty referred to as for the C - Orange, of Oran , Counts. Califon- 'Harbor View Annex' are here- State of C feiYhia theneier,, . p pia: rhrnrr sou,fm're:,11 - - r rrinno sl'n tn.: bras ^ti• 1•1'0- 1 ,aid paint bring nn t glr a a . +sic i rr "!n l ;, c point in 1rc 1, ?an lino t t, a point t_, :. rsr t ,;; t�� c: TIJCL of the Cite: thence oontinti- t the rimtheil, tin, of said N No. 1701 to the center line ing along the center line of S State Highwa} ORA -60 -B, o of Seadrift Drive as shown said 15th Street to an inter- s said point being in the u upon a map of Tract No. section with the center line b bmmdary line of the,City of 2 2813 recorded in Miseellan- of Trvme Avenue: thence I ' 'vewpmt Reach; thence con- e eonslMaps. Book 94, pages southwesterly along said t tinning generally easterly 4 45. 46 and 47, records of center line of Lvine Avenue a along -said City boundary line O Orange County, California; and its aouthvr eater 1.), pro- t thio,igh its iatieus courses t thence southwesterly along longation to an intersection t to an !angle point in said s said center line to an inter - with the center line of State b bmmdary line, said angle s section with the center line Highway ORA -60 -B: thence I p point being the most north- o of El Pasco Drive as shown easterly along the center e erly corner of Block 5b as u upon said mall of Tract No. line of said State Highway s shown upon a. map of Ir- 1 1701; thence southwesterly to an intersection +with a line v vine's Subdivision recorded a along said center line of El ]ping ca,terly of. parallel to i in Miscellaneous Maps Book ` P Paseo Drive to an intersec- and distant 290- feet fr,m 1 1. page 88. records of Or- I tion with the Center line of the U. S. Bulkhead Line be- t I t Bayside Drive; thence south- tween U. S. Bulkhead Sta- t thence continuing castellw r rksteily alone the said cen- tions Ross 131 and 130 . a and northerly alorg =snid t ter line of Bayside Drive to thence southerly along slid C City boundary line throttgli a an intersection with the last mentioned parallel line i its various s corses to an an- i in iDies sterly prolongation {to- an int isecLion with a g gle point in. said Citv burn- o of the southeasterly line of line, 1jing sottherly of, pa- d dory line. said angle point L Lot 8. os shown upon a. map rallel to, and distant - being the intersection of the o of Tract No. 3232. recorded feet flow the U. S. Bulk- v vvc.,:terly line of MaeAithnr i in Miscellaneous Maps. Book head Linj, between U. S. R Rmllrvnrd and a. bnr 10 fort 9 99. TIR- s 49 afiid 50. records _Bulkhead Stations Nos. 172 , ,onthaa,te'1 of, and - o of Orange and 173; thence +westerly Y lel to this ,rnrtheet sterly ]inn p e C along said parallel line to o of Acacia Street, 60 foot . nortimosteriv and southesst- an intersection with a line w . i rr'Ip along the southeasterly lying ea Melly of ..parallel t the bmmdary line of the I l line of said .Lot 8 and its to. and .distant &00 . "cot from C City- of Newport Beach; s son' hi, prolongation the. U. S. Bulkhead Lino bo t thence continuing along said t to an intersection with a tween U. S. Bulkhead Sta- C City boundary line south- l line lying northeaAerl} of. tione Nos. 124 and 125: w westerly., snot hcasterly, p parallel to. and distant 200 thence northyceste rly along s southwesterly and no theses_ f feet from the U. S. Biilk- said parallel line to an in- t trrly through its various h hoar] Line between P. S. tersection with a line lying c courses to an angle point in B Butkhrad Stations Acs. 1a4 nnrtherly of. parallel to. and. s said City hrnmdary 7iue. n n'id 255; thence d distant 150 u said angle point being the h h along said parallel line ul f by added to the Sixth Distliet �desoihed .,a n that said li1.th Distilet de -e -, 'on:m ari m ^., in vine's Snbdividiut ignated in Section 1011 of the wit' rrre', �ie1l in Afl,cellancous m1 ps FJauk Charter of the City of Newport PARCEL NO. 7 1 L page 88, re.mds of Or- Beach shall include all that par - Beginning at an in ci c- j ange Cmaniy. C:aRfm n'.. than of the City included with- tion of the northerly line of th ^ *, - a) " ",, in the following described Noun- the State Highway OR.A_ 60- t u o P.; :ve r Iy h::e of only line, to wit: B. being 100 feet in width. - - Beginning at the intersec- and the northeasterly pin- said Block 96 to an inter - tion of the Ordinary High longation of the southeast- section with the boundary Tide Line of the Pacific city line of Tract No. 17'11 line of /he City of Newport Ocean and the southwester- as shown upon a map in_ Beach, said bnondal �- line ly prolongation of the can- c o r d eA in Miscellaneons 'ocurg the northeriy boun- cer of Poppy Avenue; Maps, Book 52. pages 9 and dary of that territnry An- thence nm'theasterly along 10: thence souVhwestm'ly ncxed by the harbor View said southwesterly prolong- along said northeasterly Annexation, thence gener- ation to an } ntersection with prolongation and along the ally norther) and westerly the center line of Ocean snutheasterly line - of 'a "I okwg said City boundary Boulevard: thence westerly Tract No. 1701 to an m,er- line Lo an angle point in ' along raid center line of section lvith the center lose 1:4111 CA) bmmdars line. Ocean Boulevard to an in- I of Seadrift Drive as shown said angle point being in ' tersection with the renter upon a map of Tract P: o. the southeasterly line of line of Marguerite Avenue; 2813. recorded in ➢4iscellao- ➢1erAt Lhur Bon 1 e v a r d: thence northeasterly along elus Maps. Book 94, pages thence conilmdeg along said said center line of Maiguer- 45. 46 and 47. records of City boune!'ul line gen_r ra lly ite Avenue to an intersec- Orange County, Califnluha: I fouthelk and wraerly to tion with the northeasterly thence southwesterly along the point of beginning. line of 5th Avenue: thence said center line to An inter_ PARC93L NO. 2 northwesterly Along said section with the center ]inn Coonn vienig at the, inicr- northeasteily line of 5th of El Pasen Drive As shown eec.ion of Flocks 92. 93. 96 Avenue to an hntevseetlon upon said snap of Tract No. and 97 of Irvine's Srbdivi- with the.most westerly car- 1701: thence s uthw-estc..ir, s;on -. -< Per map rev,r,led ner of Block 96 as shown along sa.id•cehter line of El 1 in Vlscehaneous :dins Kick upon a map of Irvine's Sub- Pasen Drive to an in Le:cn- 1. 88, rcvor;ls of Or- division recorded in Miacel- tion with the center line of ' 'ter. County. C:, •. i:oinia laneous Maps Book 1, page Bayside Drive: thence sort h- I thence P?. 49 88. records of Orange Coun- easterly along the center alms„ to line of inlmseC- ty. California; thence north- line of Bayside Drive to an than of laid Flocks 92 and easterly along the north- intersection with the north_ 91. 087.21 feet to A p.,int westerly line of said Block easterly prolongation of the in the easterly right - of -wa} 96 to an intersection with southeasterly line of Lot 8. Irate oC an e3?pment to the the bmmdary line of the Tract No. 3232 as shall M:'tt'apnlilan ':i'a'sr D.:;tl'iet. City of Newport Beach, said upon a map recorded in P. retort ^d in Eoo1c 1211. boundary line bring the Miscellaneous Maps. Book P"gc 377. Oiciaf Rcaord- natho9y boundsiv of that. 99. pages 49 and 50: thence of said Colmty. said Point certain territnry annexed to smrthwesterly', northwesterly being the true rn`nL of ba- the Cite of Nehvpoet Reach and southwesterly along the ginn''n?t th",c N. .i0 23 be the Harbor View Annex- southeasterly line of said °9" h.. 500.18 feel, along ation: thence genetally eas- Lot 8 and its southwesterly =aid vaslrllvl ri,ghL -nl -nay telly and southerly along prolongation to an intersec - line to an angle poipt in said City boundary line to than with a line ,lying not sai(j cast.e'.'ly hi: ;'ht -of -way ' its intersection with the easterly of. parallel to, and line: lhcnce aloe; said casL- northerly line of the State distant 200 00 feet from i.'. S. i city ., right -of -way line N. Highway ORA -60 -B: thence Bulkhead Line between U. 1 45— 19' S9" E.. 76.12 feet: • westerly along said norther - g Bulkhead Stations Nos. ! thence leasing said,ri ^hM -of- ly line and along said City 154 and 25:5: thencd south - I way line. S. :i 19' 42" E., boundary line to An angle eily along said parallel line 932.66 fort: Ill-n c 5. 6' 05' p0'nt in said Cit- i,n dary to an intersection with a 59" W.. 1037.47 feet: thence I line, said anglee point b ^ing line ping southerly of par- j S. 48` 21' 42" , 4ir.. 4.50.69 the southeast corner of site) to, and di.stsnt 500 feet feet; theme N: G:i' 19 42" Tract No. 12:7. as shown from U. S. Bn1khcad Line W. 9,05.00 feet: thence N. I upon a map recorded in between U. S. Bulkhead Sta- 18' 59' 26 14,. 1097.02 foot Miscellaneous Maps Book 40. lions Nos. 255 and 256; I to'the said eastU +r!y right -of- Pages 19 and 20. records of thence southeasterly in a way line:lthrnrc. along, said Orange Co ante. California: straight line to an intersec- ! easterly right- of -'.c ;p unr, N. thence southerly along said tion with the southwesterly 50' 25' 59" P:.. 57`.46 feet City boundary line to an prolongation Of Avocado i to the trun point of begin- angle point in said City Avenue and a line lying nl'9. boundary line, said angle easterly of, parallel to, and The bss-is of bcvbtgs asrfi, point being the most north - distant 350 feet from the in ih2 above dcsimotinu is the only corner of . Tract No. U. S. Bulkhead Line bc- j .aaid rn.sterll. line. of the 2.tetropol- 3357, as abown upon a map tween il. S. Bol!<head St:­ ,tan Water D'strirt. rh;ht -of -way recorded in Miscellaneous tions Nos. 108 and X107: 'iDW' h bears N. 50- 25' 59" F... Mans Book 107, pages 1 to thence southeasterly along isaid right- nf..wav lien being it- 7, inclusive, records of Or- said last mentioned parallel '; r'ord'd as bearing N. 49" 11' ange Connt,. CapFinatia. and line to an intersection with 1!t" ^.. As used by the "T ^''.vrnl- also lying in the southerly the southwesterly prolongs - Itan Water District of South -; line of State Highway tion of the northwesterly 'ern California. - ORA -60 -B: thn:,ce eastrly line of Iris Avenue; thence SECTION 8: This mdinan-c along said south -erly line easterly in a stisight line to stall hr published once in the and along said City boon- an intersection with the Or- Newpm4 Harbor New, Prey, it care tine to an angle point dinars High Tide Line of �lnewspapo of general circula- in said City bmmdar} line, the Pacific Ocean at the tion. printed and published in said angle point lying in the East Jetty: thence easterly- the City of Newport Beach, and southeasterly line of Blofl, along said Ordinary High the came shall he effective 30 95, of Irvine :s Srbdheisi­,n.: Tide Line to an intersection days after the date'of its adnP- thence snuthweslarly alone with the southwesterly pro- tion. Said southeasterly line of longation of the center line This ordinance was introduced Block 9:5 to an inMr - -on of Poppy Avenue; thence at a regular meeting of the City with the Oidinar, High Tide northeasterly a l o n g said Council of the City'of Newle,11. Line of the Pacific 0--an: soothweslerly prolongation Beach held on the 14th day of the-cc nnrthwesfen% a,nng said O:'d'nar.' eo,h Tile to an intersection with the line Ocean Boule- December. 1959. and was Adopt - day of Decem- Line to the point of la—Ul- center of va rd: thence noithw-estohly ed on the 28th her. 1959. by the following vote. ning. along said Centel' line of to +vit: IS'F.CTION 7: The boon dA r ^.rs Ocean Boulevard to an in- AYli COtINCILMF,N: King- nf the Scvrnlh D istrict are tersecLinn with the center ale }. Atkinson, Higbie, Stod- �hereby h,;,cod ai,d rrdefinenl line of \laigieii,e Avenue: Ida1.d. Hart Lorenz. Somers. and the rerritm'v rofgrred fn as thence norf hiss eti }- alM NOES. COUNCILMEN: None. "Reservoir Aonpx" and a nor-- said center' line of AtAiguci- A B S E N T COUNCILMEN: Ition of the teritor-y referred to tle Averse to an intersection None. As "I;arbar Vir,v Annex' e1e lvith the northeasterly line ATTA]ST: hereby added to the Seventh h of :5th Avenue; thence I MARGERY SCHROUDER. District so that said Seventh northwes111i h. along said Ciiy Clerk i District drsi- nated in Section I of northeasterly line Ruh JAMES B. STODDARD, j 1012 of the (Alaiter of the Cil -y j A v e n n e to an in:c1- Mayor. of Newport Beach shall mrhlde Section uith r lostL- No 557 News Press 1/6/60 all those portions of the City ((I ell., Con It" of FI,n ck o6 1s I:,- f included within the following {L._ shown upon a mar of 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ------ ............. Margery Scnroudes City Clerk of the City of Newport --------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- --- -- --- ----- ----- - Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Or inanoe 906 ............................... was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the........... 8.t1-day, of..--- -.. - -. December A9 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN ......... Kingsley, Atkinson, Higbge, - Sgodda:�e?.._Haz -`� -------- - ----- - - - - -- Lorenz, Somers 0 NOES: COUNCILMEN ........ None 0 ABSENT: COUNCILMEN .... None................ ---------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------- Dated this.1 9u !.........day of ................... .!ant CIgy---- ------- -- ------ --- ---- --- - - - --- 60 NO 130 -500 12/56 Ci+y Clerk and z -Offic Clerk of the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California