HomeMy WebLinkAbout184 - Election for Municipal Improvementsel ORDINANCE NO. 184 the proposed improvement was oil file `I of the \War Department; thence in the office of the Clerk of the legis -I southeasterly in a direct line to An Ordinance of the City of Newport' lafive body of such City; which said I U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 153, Beach calling an election to be held, map shall govern for all details as to as shown upon the aforesaid map within a certain Oistrict of and in the extent of the said district; of the War Department; thence said city, providing for the submis -' Also fixed Thursday, the 5th day of southeasterly in a direct line to sion to the qualified voters thereof; May, 1921, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock U. S. Bulkhead Station Nro. 154, the proposition of incurring a debt p' m., at the council chamber of the as shown upon the aforesaid map by the issuance of bonds of such Board of Trustees of said city, as the of the -War Department; thence district, for certain purposes, recit -� date, hour and place for hearing of southeasterly in a direct line to ing the objects and purposes for protests; - U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 108. as which the proposed indebtedness is I' Whereas, the above referred to map show" upon the aforesaid chap of to be incurred, the nature of the im -� and general description were duly pre- the War Department; thence south provement work contemplated, thef pared and oil file in the office of said 15 deg. Last 'along the Bulk - estimated cost thereof, the amount) Clerk; head lme•betw•eeu U. S. Bulkhead of the principal of the indebtedness) Whereas, no newspaper of general Stations Nos. 108 and 107, and along to be incurred therefor, and the rate circulation is or was published in the the southeasterly prolongation of interest to be paid on said in- City of Newport Beach six days a of said bulkhead' line to its inter - debfedness, fixing the date on whichh week, and the said Onlinance \b. 178 section with the southerly bound - such election shall be held, the man- was thereafter published once a week ary line of the City of Newport ner of holding the same, and the for two weeks by one insertion each I Beach; thence Westerly along the week for two succeeding weeks in manner of voting for or against said southerly boundary line of the provided that in all par -1. INEWPORq NEWS, a newspaper of City of Newport Beach to its in- ticulars not recited in this Ordin- general circulation published in tlhe tersection with the southwesterly Iproposition, ance such election shall be held as City of Newport Beach, less than six prolongation of the center line provided by law for holding general) days a week, to -wit published therein of 10th Street, thence northeaster- in uniaPal elections in the City of once a "week, and Iy along the southwesterly pro - Newport Beach. Whereas, the time within which pro- longation of the center line of 10th Whereas, oil the-7th day of March, 1921, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of the legislative body of the City of Newport Beach a petition asking that a portion of the City of Newport Beach be formed into a muni- cipal improvement district for the purpose of creating an indebtedness, to be represented by bonds of said district, the proceeds from the 'sale of which shall be used for the construc- tion of three public improvements, all of which the City of Newport .Beach is authorized by law to construct. Whereas, said petition is signed by more than ten per cent of all the qualified electors residing in the terri- tory which is proposed to be formed into a municipal improvement dis- tests nhay be tiled has expired, and no Street, and along the center line person interested or objecting to the of 10th Street to a point which is formation of said district, or to the 100 feet northerly of the north extent of said district, or to the con- erly line of Central Avenue, the struction of the proposed improvement place of beginning. work, or to the inclusion of his prop- . Section 2. An election is herebv erty in said district, filed a written called and shall be held at, within, and or any protest setting forth any ob- for Municipal Improvement .District jection or protest, with the Clerk of No. 1 of the City of Newport Beach. the City of Newport Beach, he being'on Tuesday; the 7th day of June, 1921, the clerk of the legislative body there- Section 3. At the election called of, at or before the hour of 7.30 o'clock and ordered to be held by the provis- p. m. of Thursday, the 5th day of ions of Section 2 of this Ordinance, May, 1921, being the time fixed for there shall be and is.lhereby submitted the hearing of said protests, and to the qualified voters fu and of Muni- Whereas, a hearing by the Board of cipal Improvement District No. "I of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach ithe City of Newport Beach three sep- was duly convened and in session art arate propositions of incurring a debt the day, hour, and place fixed by Or -1 by issuance of the bonds of said dis- dinance No. 178 for the hearing Oil trict for the purpose of the construe- trict and sets forth a general descrip- said petition and protests, and no per- non at and within such 'district of tion of the three improvements to be son appeared to object to or protest three certain public improvements set constructed and a genera I'de script idn II against said matter: forth in Ordinance No. 178, all of of the exterior boundaries of such I Now herefore, The Board of Trus- which the City of Newport Beach is proposed district; tees of the City of Newport Beach do authorized by law to construct. Whereas, the Board of Trustees of I ordain as follows: The nature of each public improve - the City of Newport Reach thereafter, �� Section 1. The Board of Trustees: ment contemplated and proposed to on the 4th day of-April, 1921, adopted J of the City of Newport Beach, as the be constructed, together with the esfi- au Ordinance No. 178 of said "City, de-� legislative body thereof, having ac-� mated cost thereof, file amount of the claring its intention to call an election G quirediurisdicticmto do so, _hereby de -4 principal of the iudebtedue ss to be ill in said proposed' district, or as the clares that portion of the said city here- 1 curred therefor, . the rate of interest same might thereafter be modified. for , hnafter described: being the territory I to be paid thereon, and the objects the purpose of submitting to the quali -. generally described in the above peti -' and .purposes for which the proposed lied electors of said district the propo- tion referred to as having been filed in I Indebtedness is to be incurred are re-1 sition of authorizing the issuance and the office of the Clerk thereof, on the cited, and described as follows: the sale of bonds 'of such district in 7th day of March, 1921, and accurate-I (a) The improvemeut of the ocean' the manner and for the purposes set • ly described in Ordinance No. 178, ben front within the proposed municipal forth in said Ordinance of Intention Ir mnd is hereby created' and formed into improvemeut district by the construc- No 178; f a municipal improvement district, to tion of a wooden wharf at the south Whereas, said Ordinance of Inten -7 be known as: MUNICIPAL Im_� erly end of Main Street, a public street) tion No. 178 also contains: PROVEXTENT DISTRICT NO. I in and of the city of Newport Beech, An accurate description of the ex- OF THE CITY OF NE \V PORT'said wharf to extend from the .lore! + terior boundaries of the proposed' BEACH, the boundaries of which are of the Pacific Ocean into and over the` municipal improvement A general description provemetnj work propose structed therein; An estimate of the cos posed improvement wort incidental expense in Conn with; defined and established as follows: waters thereof, the same to be con -, district; Located i" the Cjty of Newport structed by driving wooden piles into' of the ihm Beach, County of Orange, Cali- the earth and erecting thereon a super - I d to be con -i forma, and beginning at a point structure. consisting of a wooden deck in the center line of 10th Street, or floor, three inches in thickness, sup- ! of the pro - I which point is 100 feet northerly ported by stringers rigidly secured to and of the of the northerly line of Central iwooden caps resting upon creosoted ecfionfhere Avenue; thence northeasterly in pile bents; all fn a safe, sufficient and a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead adequate manner for the purpose of That on the 7th day of June, 1921,1 Station No. 150, as shown upon public pleasure and recreation and us- an election would be called 'in said' a map of the War Department of es of commerce, said wharf when conh- district for the purpose of subnhittiug Newport Bay, California, estab- pleted to be 818 feet in length, 20 feet to the qualified voters thereof the lishing the Harbor linen of said ' in tgidfh, and approximately. 15 feet proposition of incurring indebtedness Newport Bay, approved January above mean lower low water of the Pa- by the issuance of bonds of such dis- 18, 1917; thence easterly in a direct cific Ocean. The said whharf to be wholly trict to pay the cost and expenses of I line to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. constructed and to exist within the the proposed improvement work, and I51. as shown upon the aforesaid proposed municipal improvement dis- 0 14 y _1 f� that a map =bowing the exterior bouhh- map of the War Department; ' trict. I .v daries of said district with relation to thence easterly in'a direct line to the territory immediately contiguous f U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 152; thereto, and a general description of as shown upon the aforesaid map is \f F. Y The- estimated cost of which means and shall be construed to wooden wharf is $23,000.00 and 1 mean the said proposed public mt- of the incidental espen sea in �'provemcnt. connection therewith is $2.000.00. (� The object and purpose for which And the amount of the prin- the proposed indcbferhtrss is to be in- cipal of the indebtedness to be' in- curred is to pay the cost of coustruc- rnrlPtl the,ePne is the sum .oi_$25 - - -. tion of said public ItllpriWement. and 000.00. The rare of interest to be paid! to thereby Ii id,' a role and adequate on said indebtedness is six per cent.; wharf extending ont urcr 1hr waters per annum, payable semi - annually: ' of Newport Bay', as a place of public The proposed public improvement,! picisttre and recreation and for the clerk, each of whom is adcily__quah =., fled elector in and Iof said district aso follows: Inspector, H. J. Burns. .� judge, John Schilling. Clerk, Dollie Cubboil The said election .shall be -a special election, and in :111 particulars not. re- cited in this Ordinance. such election: shall be held as provided by law for holding general municipal elections in the City of Newport Beach. to -wit: said wooden wharf shall hert uses of commerce. Section 5. The manner of voting4 after in this Ordinance be designated ic) Tht. improvement of Ncwporti for or against said propositions shall t "Proposition No. L" and the use oft Bay. a inoigablc body of water in be as follows. the words :ptd figure "Propositions eluded within the corporate limits of The propositimis Nos. I -2 -3, shall Nu. I" means and shall be constnted the City Of Nrwpnrt Beach, by con-, be submitted by a single printed bat,: to mean the said proposed public im- ios shall sn'ucti•t« m s portion of Nrw'porf L,a}' � h f i � �siifans shall be xocemetr[. 1 and within the. prtq,osid municipal lot but eac a t to preI _ separately sated upon such ballot, and The object and purpose for which' improvement district of a turning ba -• each qualified elector shall be afforded the proposed indebtedness is to be in- sin by dredging a turning basin fu an opporrwitp h, cute for or against curred i_ to pat' the cost of the construe: NMItort Ray to a depth of 10 feet b,- each proposition separate and inde tion of said publiq impro. vmcnt. Prop -:lore mean lower lua water of the Pa ' pendent from all other propositions. osifinn No. 1, and to thereby provide - cific Ocean, the exterior bnuudary Each ballot .shall have printed on a safe and adequate wharf extending; lines of which turning basin shall in -' t the fare thereof, the the follo w w out over the waters of the Pacific chide all that portion of Newport Bath BOND ELECTION IN AND FOR Ocean. as a placi. of puhlic picasurel lying between a line, which is 100 fret I MUNICIPAL IMPROVLMENT� and recreation and for the uses of ( northwesterly of and parallel with the DISTRICT NO. 1. OF THE CITY commerce, northeasterly prolongation of the OF NEWPORT BE.4C H. b The inn rovement of the bay ( ) 1 > 1 northtc-steel) tine of Palm street, and, INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: front within the proposed municipalla line which is loo feet southeasterly I! If you desire to cote in favor of a improvement district by the construe - „f and parallel with the northeasterly proposition stamp a cross (X) in they Lion of a wooden wharf, t5e centerl pr,dungatinu of the soutllcaAerly line , voting square to the right of the Zinc of which wharf shall be a line 1 of }lain St'rect, and extending from ! word "YES" npposife the proposi- drawn at right angles to a point which; 1 the bulkhead line between U. S. Bulk. tion voted on. If you desire to vote . point is at the intcrsecfion of a lines head Stnfiou.a Nos. 112 and 113 to the against the proposition stamp a cross 10 ft. easterly of and parallel tcith they bulkhead hill -st -udiug from U. S. j (X) in the voting square to the right westerly line of Washington Street„ Bulkhead. Stations ;A os. 158 to 156 tit of the word "NO" opposite the prop - and the bulkhead line encoding be -:said bulkhead l n(.s and stations are, ositirnf voted oil. tteeen I'nited States Bulkhead Sta -paid_ t,ot and shorn upint a map of'' ALL ' EXCEPT THE tious Sos. 112 and 113, and emeriti the \Car 1)epartutent of Newport Bay, ,toRKS CROSS (X) ARV FORBIDDEN front the bulkhead line mentioned to l approved January 18.-1917, the said a line I(A) feet uonhirly iif and partl- :turning basin to be wholly construct - le1 therewith. The bulkhead stations: ed and to exist within the proposed' and the Zinc referred to he those laid, municipal improvement district. out and shown upon a map of the War. The estimated cost of which turn- Department. slwtcing Harbor lines in ing basin is $11,350.00 and of the inci Newport Bay, approied January 13, tleuf al expenses in contivotion there- ' 1917. S with is $1150.W and the amount of.the ' I.1 1 ' 't T ' ALL DISTINCUISII INC MARKS OR ERASURES ARE FORBIDDEN AND MAKE THE BALLOT VOID, If you wrongly stamp, tear or de, face this ballot return a to.tht spcctor of election and obtain another. PROPOSITIONS Proposition No. 1. Fremt the said bulkhead line to a principal of lne mt t n-f nt sr a ae it Shall an indebtedness be line 61 feet 6 incht.s northerly thereof curred therefore is the -sum of $12. created to be represented by - the wharf shall he lei feet in tcidth. and franc a line 61 ftct 6 inches to a line 100 feet uorlherly of the said bulk !head line the [chart shall be HI -fret in width. The superstructure of said wharf shall he supported on pile beats, 500.00. The rate of interest to be paid on said indable,btass is six per rent. per annum, payable semi- annual- ly The proposed public improvement. to -wit: said turning basin, shall here- %firmly driteu loin the bed of the bay. i after in this Ordinance be designated V't A gang pl:mk 5 fret in width and 24 "Proposition No. 3" and the use of fret in length shall be constructed. the words and figure "Proposition No. 41- one end .,f tehich is hinged to the 3" means and shall be construed to northerly ut.1 of that portion of the mean the said proposed public im- Y' \_�, bonds of the district in the sum of.$25,000.00 for the construc- tion of a Scharf at the smtth- to end of Main Street a pub- lic street in the City of New- port Beach. at and within said district? Proposition No. 2 Shall an indebtedness be created to be represented by YES.I NO trharf 16 feet in width, and e;uf rrly proeeuten!. bonds of the district tit the oI that portion of the wharf 10 feet in.: The object and purpose for which .I l.snm of $45(10.1111 for the con- YES width, the uorthtnly end of tchirh the proposed indebtedness is to be (n- struction id a wharf at the I gang plant: shall be suppoltrd un a curred is to pay the cost of the con- northerly end of Washington NO! punfo: .n l.c iert in width and 24 feet structimt of said public improvement., Street. a public street in the in length. The lauding pontoon to be and to thereby provide a basin in Nety- City of Newport Beach, at and held in posifinn by tn.,ndrn guide piles part Bay of sufficient depth at a ❑I Within said district? in such a manner that it is free to stages of the tides of the Pacific Ocean more up and dot%a with the fluctua- and of adequate width and length in i Proposition No. 3. lions of the tides. all hi a safe, su ki- which boats, ships. and vessels may- Shall an imlehledncss be - cient and adequate manner for the "par- be turned around with safety in thel created to be r-prestented by pose of public pleasure and rcerea- navigation of the waters of Newport, bonds of the district in the FRS tion, and the uses of commerce. The Bay. su of $12.500.00 for the dredg- m said trharf it) be wholly constructed Se, ibet 4. The manner of holding) ing of a turning basin in New- NO and to exist within the proposed muni- said election shall be as follows: it, p „n Bay within the City of .I cipal improvement district. shall he held in one voting pre, inct. Newport Reach, and at and The estimated cost of tchirh wooden amt Municipal Improvement District, within said district? wharf is $410D00 and of the incidental Nu. 1 of the City of Newport Beach Section 5, If at said, election any: expense in connection tti ercwith is is hereby established as and declared enter shall hace.sfamped a cross (X) . $400.W. and the amount of the prin - I to be for the purposes of said elt in the voting square at the right ;of :! ', cipal of the imlebtednrss it) be incur- one voting precinct. and thelthe ward "YES” opposite any propo -' e sr of $45W.00. red therefor is tit, cm �tiun, building located at Balboa in said Dis -: sitiun voted upon. his or her vote.I The rate of interest to be paid on said I tricf. used by the City of Newport' shall he counted fit iacor of the issu -; indabtcducsa is ass per rent. per au-; Beach as a Fire Hall. is designated as acece and sale of the bonds mentionedi n payable semi- annually. ` the polling place in and for said dis- nt such proposition. and if at said 'file proposed public improvement. trict for the holding of said election. election any voter. shall have sfairitped to =wit: said wooden wharf shall here- A Board of Election is hereby ap la cross (X) in the toting scluarexol after. in -this Ordnpan, e bee designated painted to hold conduct, and make l the right of the word Nfl" OppQstte� "Proposition Sri. 2 and the use of returns of soul electron,. and to.conststi anpy prom'tw voted Upp-a �-#' the words and figure "Proposition No. of one inspeci�l','° =' 'rTe 'jtfdge and one jher rt -ote shaYi 'lie: counte$`aga +n �i'e, /G3 10q issuance and sale of bonds mention- - - " -" every year, cmninencmg on the I' rst [ - - — - -- This Ordinance and t.lre publication ed in such proposition. If day of January, 1922, until the said thereof shall constitute police of said { at laid election two- thirds or more of all the voters voting thereof bonds shall have been paid, principal and interest Tlne 'n tee t election and no other notice thereof C n n r s on any and need be given. shall have voted in favor of incurring all of said bonds shall be represented Section 12. This Ordinance. being a bonded indebtedness for tine con- i� by interest coupons attached to the an Ordinance calling and otherwise strnction of any one or more of the, bonds. proposed public improvements setl� relating to an election, shall take ef- forth and generally described in 1+ All of said bonds and the interest feet and be in force from and after +thereon to be payable on the day fix- its passage. propositions Nos. 1 -2 -3, their the is -lied and to be designated in said bonds above and foregoing Ordinance 1. nuance and sale by the Board of Trus and interest coupons and shall be No. 184 was introduced at a regular tees of the City of Newport Beach of paid at'the office of the Treasurer of ;I meeting of the Board of Trustees of the bonds of said district for the con- the City of Newport Beach in said the City of Newport Beach on the struction of the public improvement city, County of Orange, State of Cali-1: 9th day of May, 1921, and passed at- described in such proposition shall be fornia. Both the principal and inter- a regular meeting thereof held on the authorized. est to be paid in lawful money Of the 16th day of May, 1921, by the vote of I Section 6. In the event that the issuance and sale of the bonds of the district for the- construction of the proposed public improvement set forth in proposition No. I shall be author- ized, then the principal of the indebt- eduess to be incurred therefor, being_ the estimated..cost thereof, acid if,, . incidental expenses in connection therewith, to -wit: the sum of $25,- �000.00. shall lie represented by fifty, (50) bonds, numbered from one tol fifty, both inclusive. . Each bond in the denomination of $500.00; all dated the 1st day of July, 1921; Bonds Nos. 1 -2 -3 shall fall due and be paid on the 1st day of July and annually there- after on the 1st day of July two addi tional of said fifty bonds, in succes- (snve numerical order, shafl fall duel and be paid until all of said $25,000.001 is well and truly paid, being an annual payment of more than one—fortieth part of such indebtedness. Section 7. In the event that the is- suance and sale of the bonds of the district for the construction of the proposed public improvement set forth inPro UOSition No. 2 shall be authorized, then the estimated cost thereof and the incidental expenses in connection therewith, to -wit: thej sum of $4500.00, shall be represented) by nine (9) bonds, numbered from one to nine, both inclusive, each bond in t the denomination of $500.00; all dated the 1st day of July.-1921. Bond No. I shall fall due and be paid on the 1st day of July, 1922, and annually there- after on the 1st day of July one addi- tional of said bonds in successive nu- merical order shall fall due and be paid until all of the said sum of $4,- 500.00 is well and truly paid, being an annual payment of more than one - fortieth part of such indebtedness. Section 8. In the event that the is- suance and sale of the bonds of the district for the construction of the proposed public improvement see forth in Proposition No. 3 ;hall be author- ized. then the estimated cost thereof and the incidental expenses in con, nection therewith, to -v8it: the sum of $12,500.00, shall -be represented by twenty -five bonds, numbered from one to twenty -five, both inclusive, each bond in the denominations of $500.00, Tall dated the 1st day of July; 1921; !Bonds Nos. 1 -2 -3 shall fall due and Abe paid on the 1st day of July, 1923, {and annually thereafter on the first] day of July two (2) additional of said twenty -five bonds, in successive nu merical order, shall fall due -and -be, paid until all of the said sum of $12,- 1500.00 is well and truly paid; being an .annual payment of more than one -for- t.ieth part of such indebtedness. Section 9. Each and every bond is- sued and sold and the money repre- sented thereby shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per anuutu, `and which interest shall be paid semi - amorally, on the first day of Janu ary and the first clay of July each and United States. the following named members there - All bonds shall be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach, also signed by the Treasurer thereof and counter - signed by the Clerk. The interest coupons on each bond shall be numbered consecutively and, signed by the Treasurer of the City of I' Newport Beach, by ills engraved or lithographed signature. Any and all bonds, the issuance of which may be I' authorized at said election, shall be sold by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach to the highest . bidder therefor, in cash, lawful money of the United Stales, but for not less than their. par value and the accrued F interest thereon. the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach shall prescribe the form of the bonds and interest cou- pons, but no bond shall be of a great- er denomination of $1000.00 or a less denomination than $100.00. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall be placed in the treasury of -the City of Newport Beach fo the credit of MUNICIPAL IN PROVEMENT DTSTRICT NO. 1 OF THE CI'T'Y OF .NE \•VPO.RT BEACH and shall be applied exclu- sively to the purposes and objects mentioned in this Ordinance. Section 10. The legislative body of tine City of Newport Beach, to -wit: the Board of Trustees thereof, shall.! at tine time of fixing the general tax' levy, and in the manner for such gets -I era] tax levy provided, levy and col -� lect a tax each year upon the taxable' property in Jfvnicipal Improvennentl District No. I of the City of Newport Beach sufficient to pay the interest oil such bonds as may be hereafter is- i sued and sold for- that.year and such portion of the principal thereof as is to become due before the time for making the next general tax levy. ' Such taxes shall be in addition to all I other taxes levied for municipal pill,- I poses within said-District, and when ! collected shall be paid into the Treas i ury of the City of Newport Beach and be used for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds and for no other puipose, The prin- cipal and interest on such bonds shall be paid by the Treasurer cf the City of ndwport Beach in the mariner pro- vided by law for the payment of .prin- cipal and interest on bonds of the City of Newport Beach, and at the time and in the manner in this Or- dinance described. Section 11. There is no daily or semi - weekly newspaper of general i circulation printed or published in the - City of Newport Beach. This Ordi- nance shall therefore be published prior to the date fixed for the election, by the Clerk of said city, twice in i NEWPORT NEWS, a weekly news- paper of general circulation printed 1 and published in the City of Newport i Aeach. - -- of: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J, J, IIIII Schnitker, Geo. P: Wilson, Conrad, Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. i Noes, Trustees, none. Absent, Trustees, none. The above and foregoing Ordinance No. 184 is hereby signed and approved by me this 16th day of May, 192E T P. GREELEY, President of the Board of Trustees City of Newport Beach. .Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Clerk -of the City of Newport Beach. (SEAL) .41