HomeMy WebLinkAbout192 - Grades of Certain Streets & Alleyss. �1 K i; C= r ORDL \AN :192. F ectmn 4. --7 �— � The official grade- of 19th Street] way Company's Rig t o !ay and fy- ABi O R D I I.. A N C E OF THE I aldrg the. westerly curb line from a l'ng iniediately east of and adioinfng ,B O A R ll OF TRUSTEES OF Point 220 feet northerly of the north -I. the Southeru,;Pacific Railroad Com- erly ]fire of Central venue-- (NorthF pang's Right of. Way-` And whir -T HE -CI+TY OF :NEIVAORT� 8 g -.Zl. h I. :BEACH ESTABLISHING THE : Drive) to a Pettit 417 feet - northerly ._s'r el is hereby -named as`21st Streef.- GRADES O F C E R T -A I N I of. the northerly- -tine of - Central The ioRtcial" ara STREETS AND ALLEYS AND (:.Avenue is hereby - established In `ac of 27th "S rest. LOCATING CERTALX CLRB cot'dance with the following eleva- Th (he easterly lin of Ocean LINES; IN SAID CITY. I ttens: 4, noe to the.weste4ly Ii, e of C'oasi: At a point 380 feet northerly of the Bonle arl is hereby es'(abilish 2-in The Board of Trustees of the City - northerly line . of Central Avenue: accordance with the followmg el�,; . of Newport Beach do ordain as fol -F (North Drive) 106.50. eons: ' I: Along the northerly line?,the grade Iowa: At a point t7 feet northerly of. the shall he as followsi ' Section 1. last mentioned point 106.70. At the northeasterly confer Of The official grade of the east side , The westerly curb line herein re -, Ocean .Avenue 1,!1.73: of. Ruin Street from the northwest- farred to of said 19th Street is hereby• ` fixed and established at a distance of At the northwesterly c e nor von -ut. erne of Be gation Of the souLtwesterly first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue- line of Bay Avenue to the northwest- 15 feet westerly of and parallel with y the center line of said 19h Street. ] 10'88. .. erly prolongation of the northeast- At the northeasterly corns; of the! erly ]ins of Bay Avenue is hereby The official grade of ?9th Street last mentioned alley 110.76. established in accordance with the fol -; along the easterly curb tine from a� - At the northwesterly corner of- lowing elevations: point 245 feet northerly of the north -I Coast Botlevard 108.1.4,, Along the southeasterly curb line! erly line of Central Avenue (Forth Along the .sactherl`„ m the e 1 of Main Street the Drive) to a point 428.40 feet northerly]; 5'rl a ` grade shall be as of the nort hall be as follows ` follows: herD Tina of Central At tl:e southeasterly corner of. IV At a point Opposite the southeaster- 'Avenue (North Drive) is hereby es Ucean Avenue II 18t. + ly corner of Bay Avenue 107.15. tahlished in accordance with the fol- At the southwesterly corner the: :At the intersection of the north - 'owing elevations: Of Ifirst alley easterly of Ocean Abehue westerly prolongation of the north - At a point.245 feet northerly of the;11095 easterly line of Bay Avenue 107.30. northerly line of Central Avenue At the southeasterly corner of the The said southeasterly curb line off (North Drive) 10685. last mentioned alley 110.79. Main Street from the northwesterly At a Point 153.40 feet northerly of ,At the southwesterly alley 0.7 corner of Prolongation of the southwesterly the last mentioned point 105.70. _ Coast Boulevard 108,16. ) line of Bay Avenue to the northwest- The easterly curb line herein re c `t' £erred to of said 19th Street s hereby action 8. - erly prolongation of the northeaster- 1 The official grade of 29th StreeC 'y line of Bay Avenue is hereby estab- flied and established at a. distance from the easterly line 2 9th Steeeit lisbed at a distance of 13 feet south- of 15 feet easterly of and paral'_ell Avenue to the westerly line of Coast easterly of and Parallel with the cen with the center line of said ISth,Boulevard is hereby established - 1 ter line of Alain Street. I Street. !cccordance with the following e(eva- Section 2. Section 5- tions: The official grade of the west side The official grade of 20th Street Along the r theth line the grade of .4th Street from the southerly line from the northerly line of Ocean +hall be as follows: I of Bay Avenue to the northerly line! Avenue to the southerly line of Ceti- p -t the northeasterly corner of, . of Bay Avenue is hereby establishedi tral Avenue (South Drive) is hereb y (),,an Avenue 111.82 in accordance with the following stablished in accordance. with the fol- A, rile nnrthwe =,r-!v corner of the: elevations: g lowing elevations: -;- alley easterly of Ocean Avenue; Along the westerly curb line of 4th Along the westerly curb line the 110 :�6 Street, the grade shall be as follows: grade shall be as follov:s: At the northeasterly corner of tkel At its intersection with the easterly, At the intersection ?rith the north -Mast mentioned alley 110.86. ' prolongation of the southerly line of. eAy line of Ocean Avenue 1,1091. At the northwesterly corner off that part of Bay Avenue tying west. ''At a point ooposite the southwest -- -Coast Boulevard 108.79. of 4th Street 107.69. I erly corner.of Bay Avenue 108.80. Along the southerly line the grade At its intersection with the norther -1 At a point opposite the northwest - ;shall be as follows: 1 erly corner of Bay Avenue. 108.85. y line of Bay Avenue 107.73. At the southeasterly corner of; The westerly curb line line said 4th I At the intersection with the south Ocean Avenue 111.79. Street from the southerly line of that f,_o ;Iy line of Central .Avenue (South- At the southwesterly corner of tile' Part of Bay Avenue lying west of 4th i ' Drive) 107.98. I first alley easterly of_Oceaw Avenifi' I Street to the northerly line of BayI Along the easterly curb line the .111.16. -- i Avenue shall be 17 feet westerly from grade shall be as follows: At the southeasterly corner. of the and parallel with the center line of 4th At a point opposite the northeast -' IAst mentioned alley - 110.94. Street, eriy corner of Ocean Avenue. 110,66. - At the southwesterly corner 'of� Section S. II At a point opposite the southeast- Coast Boulevard 108.70. The official grade of 19th Street4erly corner of Bav Avenue 108.80. Section 9. from the northerly line of Ocean' At a point opposite the northeast- The official grade of 29th. Street,' Avenue n the southerly line of Cen -' erly corner of Bay Avenue 108.14. from the easterly line - -6f Ocean. tral Avenue (South Drive) is here - ! At the intersection with the south- Avenue to the westerly line of Coast by established fn accordance with the'srly line of Central Avenue (South Boulevard is hereby established itf following elevations: Drive) 107.99. - accordance with the following, elevir Along the westerly curb line of 19th �I The easterly and westerly curb tions: , Street the grade shall be as follows: I fines of said 20th Street are hereby Alcng the northerly line the grade At a Point opposite the northwest- ii fixed and established at a distance of shall be as follows: erly corner. of Ocean Avenue 109.94. 1 17 feet easterl,, and westerly of and At the northeasterly corner: 'of, At A point opposite the southwest- Iiparallel with the center line of saidlOcean Avenue 111.91. . erly corner Of the first alley north -'20th Street, I At the northwesterly corner of the eriy of Ocean Avenue 109.45. �I Section 6. I first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue At a point opposite the northwest The official Trade of 21st Street 111.45. erly corner of the first alley north- from the westerly prolongation of the At the northeasterly corner of the!, erly of Ocean Avenue 109.25. I northerly line of Bav Avenue to the'last mentioned alley 111.29. -J At a Point opposite the southwest southwesterly line of the Pacific- At the northwesterly corner of! erly corner of Bay Avenue 108.18. F m lectric Rally -av Copany's Right of Coast Boulevard 109.64. ' i At a Point opposite the northwest- 1Pay, is hereby established In accord- Along the southerly line `fhe grade I erly corner of Bay Avenue 107.92. anus with the following elevations: shat! he as follow: s: At a point eppesite the southwest -` Along the westeriv curb line the: At the southeasterly` corner of : erly corner of Central Avenue (South grade shall he as follows: (Ocean Avenue 111.97. Drive) 107.54. _ At as intersection with the westeriv! - At the southwesterly' corner:-of t�Yii'e I Along the easterly curb line of said prolongation of the northerly line of: first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 19th Street the grade shall be as Iol- Bay Avenne 1018.90. 111.44.' Iowa: At its intersection with the so::th -' At the southeasterly corner of th At its intersection with a straight n- It line of the Pacific Electric last mentioned alley 111,25. line drawn from the northwesterly, Railway Company's Right of Way At the - southwesterly corner of corner to the northeasterly corner of 1 10850 Coast Boulevard 109.56. Ocean Avenue and 19th Street 109.92.1 A'onT the easterly curb line the Section 10. - ' At a Point opposite the southwest -, grade shall be as follows: The gfHcial grade of :30th Street' erly corner of the first alley northerly) kt a point opposite the. northeast- the easterly. line of Mean Avenues, of Ocean Avenue lying Westerly of:erly corner of Bev Avenue 10855. to the westerly line of the SoutherID'. 19th Street 109.39. At a point opposite the southeast- -Pacific Railway Company's Right of. At a point opposite the northwest At corner of Central Avenue (South way is hereby established in accord- At corner of the last mentioned al- Drive) 108.24. ance with the following - elevations:. Ie3' 109.15. At the intersection with the south - Along the northerly,line the gradel At a Point opposite the southeast- westerly line of the Pacific Electric shall be as follows: i erly corner of the first alley northerly Railway Company's Right of Way At - the northeasterly corner of of Ocean Avenue lying easterly of 108.14. Ocean Avenue 111.89. 19th Street 108.15. The easterly and — westerly curb At the northwesterly - ,corner of the] At a point opposite the northeast- lines of said 21st Street are hereby first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue, erly corner of the last mentioned al- fixed and established at a distance of 111.65. - 1 ley 107.91. 20 feet easterly and westerly of and At, the northeasterly ,corner of the At the intersection with the south- parallel with the center line of said .last mentioned alley 11 erly line of Central Avenue (South 21st Street. At the north-westerly+ corner off Drive) 107.65. The designation 21st Street as used Coast Boulevard 109.78.:, - The easterly and westerly curb in this Ordinance refers to that car- At the northeasterly corner- of lines herein referred to of 19th Street'tain street - h =re'nfore unnamed Or. Coast Boulevard Place 109.81: are hereby fixed and at a commonly known as,2lst- Sheet in the; At the intersection with,Ah'e west- are of SS,feeg' easterly and vtest.I)City of Newport. Beach extending' erly -line of the..Southern Pacific Rail, erly of sad =par lkel wif,7t -.the C87ateifftom - Bay'AvenLe `Yn the southwest- brio 4;.Said 19th Stiegt„_ _'eriy lne.of the Pacific Electric _Rail.f - - --� At a point opposite the southeast- At a point cpnostte the r.ortti east -'erl corner of Washington Street Company's Right Way 109.81.�I 1' -� wav of n Alois the souther) line the grade eily corner of 9th Street 1nortli 10897 Along Y At a point oppcsnte fhe norlhwest-I At a opposite the southwest - shall point At as follows: - erly corner cf 4th Street 10796. a At the southeasterly corner of say corner of Main Street 108.95. At a point o oosite the northeast -� Ocean Avenue 111.91. - p p At a point opposite the southeast- corner of 4th Street 10'.96. At e-1 corner of 09ain Street 108.95. At the southwesterly corner of the At the rorth'west- Y first a point opnos;te alley easterly of. Ocean Avenue. erly corner of 3rd Street 104.78? I Ata point opposite the southwest. eily corner of A Street 108.00. 111.70. At a point onnoste the northeast- At the southeasterly corner of the erly corner of 3rd "Street 108.74! .4t a opposite the southeast- _ ' last , corner mentioned alley 111.65. erly corner of A set 108sou At a point onnns±te the nn•!hw.'eat- At a pint opposite the southwest - At the southwesterly corner, of eily corner of 2nd Street 100fi3. P pp Coast Boulevard 110.02. corner of B Street 107.30. At a point onoosite the nnrflteast -.erly At a point 85.11 feet easterly of erl+' corner. of 3n(1 Strut 1 firth The northerly curb line of Central =� the last mentioned point 109.90. Avenue (South .Drive) ns hereby At a point opposite the northwest -, fised and established at a distance of At intersection with the west- 'Avenue the erly comer of Island 109,46. feet southerly of and parallel erly line of the Southern Pacific Rail- A -t a point onnosite the no•fl� _ _�'O50 g y' erl 1('e� ! v-ith the northerly line of the South way Company's Ri ht of Wa 109.80. corner of Island Avemte 9.63 Y Section 11: Drive of Central Avenue. At a onrt onoosite the nortti =p est- Section 15. ' _ The official grade of Bay Avenue erly corner of Alvarado Street 1,04 ?4. from the westerly line of 19th Street The official grade of the first alley At a- onnosite the nortl +900. to port the easterly line of the ,Southern silo corner of Alvarado Street 1(2400.' easterly of 15th Street ex Leading from tt :e northerly line of Ocean Avenue Pacific Railway Company's Right of Way hereby established 'a,- iv a cant onoosite the reef ,109"0 to the' southerly line of Central s .in. Y eily corner of Coronado f Street J09't -; , ance with the fo'llo'wing ele,•ations: � � t ,Avenue is he: ehy� established iu ac- port opposite the north^^?. I, :p Alen the northerly line the grade iy 0 :: cordance with the following eleva- g Y', erA corner of Coronado Street shall as follows, E.. At a point onnosit_° the north- - root -I [ions: iio rtb -rt, _ At the :northwesterly corner of 19th f erly.corner of Cypress ctreet 1,0891.1, At the northeasterly corner of the Street 107.90. .At a point ncposite the north -ast -' Ocean Avenue 110.90. 20lh, 1t jt the northeasterly corner of erlg corner of Cyp",ss Street 10440.' the northwesterly corner of " Street 108.15. Ocean Avenue 110.90. 1M-vest -i .4t a ner Adarri e the ;.t the northwesterly corner of 20th�erly A.da:ns Street in, R? II At the southeasterly corner of the _ - o t corner of Street.108.78. i ?,t fi' "st alley northerly of Ocean Avenue a point opposite the no,tj,east_' At the northeasterly cornier �of 21st;-erly corner of Ado-us Street 1;18.90, 1 109.10. Street 108.55. 1 At ,a point onnosite the nnr,h.vestj At the northeasterly corner of the At the intersection with the east -'erly corner of Palm Street 104.7':. last mentioned alley 109.00. - erly line of the Southern Pi,c5c Rail- i At a point or,no'sit- the n ^,[yeast -I At the southeasterly corner of Cen- way Corn pany's.RiBht of SVay 108,90." erly corner of Palm Street 10873, tral Aor.mvie 101 20. Along the snutherly line the grade) Alt a, point nope.s:te the north +,:eat- At the southwesterly corner of - shall.be as follows:- eily76.' corner of Washington Street Central Avenue 107.20. erl _ At the southwesterly corner of 19th S Section 15. 109 Street 108.20. At 'a point opposite the port% east - I The off cial grade of 'the alley sit- The w At the southeasterly corner of Kthi,rly corner of Washington Street bety:een O ^ ^aa Avenue a ::d� - Street 108.81. - 10875_ C ntral A,-em•e fror:n tine e2 ?[eily ._ At the southwesterly corner of 20 hi :-At a point oDOSita the northr..est- f 1 ^ne of 19th Street. to the westerly Street 108.8.5. ' erly corner of \rain Street 108.65. � Pne of the first alle,r westerly of 15th ,At a point 172 feet ,westerly of the At a point oonosite the nortpe^.st- Street is hereby - established in ac-1 last mentioned point 109.04:,- erly corner of Main Street ?0870. `r„rdance with th_ following .eleva- - At the intersection with the east- At a point opposite the ro,t!%west - 'toms: .. erly line of the Southern Pacific Fail- erly corner of A Street 108.15. ' At the southeas! ° -1y corner of 19th way Company's Right of Way. 109.28:1 -At point opposite the nnrtheast- ,Street 105.15. "a Section 12., (erly- corner of A Street ?0820. i At the northeasterly corner of 19th The official g @de of Central At At' ;a point opposite the uorthwest - {I I Street 107.91.- . Avenue from the westerly Pne of 9th{erly corner of B Street 105.8•. 1 - 1! 'At th^ southwesterly corner of 18th Street to the easterly line of 9th Street) The southerly curb line of Contrail Street 10730. is hereby established in accordance) Avenue (North Drive s hereby; fi -ed At !h° ro- thwesterly corner of 18th following -I with the elevations: and established at a distance of 0.50 Street IOU,). - �� Along the northerly curb line of feet northerly. of and parallel with the At the northeasterly corner of 18th , the north Drive the grade shall be asl southerly line of the North Drive oft Street 107.80. - follows: t--- -- '` R ( At the s,,,theasterly'corner of 18th Ct At a point onoosite the noc 1.1west -. entral�Ayenue. j Street '07.ffil.. - erly corner of 9th Street 107.50, Section 14. t At the southwesterly come: of 17th The official grade of the north side At a point onoosite the northeast -I eel corner of 9th Street 107.67. I of Central Avenue (South ;Drive) Street lC'S.60. y At th^ northwesterly corner of 17tH Along the southerly curb line of; from the easterly fine of 9th S6ect to .Stn ^ =! 70`150. dhe North Drive the grade shall be the westerly line of B Street is. here- 'At the rortheasterly corner of 17th ' as follows: by established in a ^cordance with the 'street 109.i0. At a point opposite tine northwest to.fowing eievations: At the cnutheasterly corner of 17th ern: corner of, 9th Street 107.60. 1 Along the northerly curb line the 'Street 109.50. shall be.as follows: I _ > At a point onnosite the northeast - grade At the -o',thw-esterly corner of 16th' erly corner of 9th Street 107K,. At a point ow ^osite the southeast- Street. 109.10_ Along the northerly curb Itrie of the.'eny corner ei 9th Street 108.37¥ At the northwesterly corner of- 16th.; At a opposite the southwest. 'Street South ,Drive the grade shall be as fol- point 105.50. Icily corner of 4th Street 108.4;•. - - -. - low-s: At a oirt opposite I re tl-e rprtheasterly corner of 16th At a Point opposite the mpthwes '. -i p pp tte the southeast- 9g,ret 108.50. - - l I ' erly corner of 9th Street 108.50. - erly corner of 4th Street •108.3?. II At. i1•^ c�•theasterly corner of 16th At a, point opposite the southwest-] -0 - At a point onoosite the, southeast -'I �j erly cornet of 3rd Street 108.84 1 Street onto corner of 9th Street 108.37. . A. the south,esteriy corner of the '.Alin the southdrl curb line of ; At a point opposite the southeast - g r Y {. fist �Iley westerly of 15th Street , !he South pride the grade shall be as i env corner of 3rd Street 108.86. 109.10. "' :♦ f „i ?p,A,._ - At a Point opposite the southwest -' At the rnrthwPsterly corner of the - ' erly corner of 2nd Street 109.83. I At a vnint .onno -'tee the r,uthwest - I At a point opposite the southeast- ,'12s, m�ntiored, alley 109.00. eily corner of 9th Street 103.60. PP 'I ction 17. _ the southeast- ierly earner of 2nd Street 109$9. fi The offic•al evade of the first. allev At a point 0th Ste i vsesre *lv nf- ISth root frprn the eily corner of 9th Street 108.57. At a point opposite the soul :homes t- i. St erly corner of 1st Street 109.89. The northerly' line said Y � ^cr herly hoe cf lout n,-ean Avenue to the fixed-and At a point opposite the southeast- _ rob - n e?- so,,.herly.l'ne of Central A,-eiiue is North Drive is hereby Drive tabLshed'at a distance of 4 feet south- eily corner of lit Street 1south 11 h,rehv �stAhlisl,ed in accordance with •rlv of and carallel with the north, -', At a Fount opposite the sou €:hwest -� tRe,follo­iing el ^vatior.sf city corner of Alvarado Stree4r109._6.�f :+, erlv tine of Central Avenu° Rdorth R.t the north- r =t.erly corner of !)live). The southerly curb Lne of At a point opposite the sou rheast-, Ocean Avenue 11090" said t�rorth Drive is hereby fised and :city corner of Alvarado Street)109.10. At the north,,,terly corner of established a! a distance of 24.50 feet jierly corner point of the sou:hviest, et' 109.40.1 Ocean .A ^er':e '_10.90. motherly of and' parallel with the -. Y At ,Pe southwesterly corner of the line of" Central Avenue' AI a pcnnt opposite the soraheast fret ells northerl of Ocean Avenue Y - northerly (North Drive). The northerly curb) erly corner of Coronado Street`o 109.40. 1 109 10. y '. nine of said So '.1 Drive is hereby 4t a point opposite the ncrthwest- the nnrthwesteriv t 1. enl corner of C ress Street and ^crner o. the Y yP �.I'Xl fixed and established at a d -tance of st me itiono(1 alley 09.00. ' Csntral Avenue (North Drive); 109.10, 24.50 with feet northerly of and parallel At the snct+.,,'^sterly corner of Cen- with the southerly line of. Central'y At a point opposite the northeast-.1 ;tral A,,enue ?0730. tree[ A,-enee (South: Dricel. The srn_th -i eily al Avenue of Cypress Street and • A t the south.nslerly corner of Cen- Drive is,Ccntral Avenue (North Drive)I 109.10.' erly curb line of said Smith At a point opposite tine southwest -" tral A,�erue 107.20. At hereby fixed and' at a di = -�' P PI c^^t;c., 1Q. northerly corner of Adams Street 1109.10. ,: The official grade of the alley sit_ ta.n ce of the s uereriv l of and Central a Vor opposite the southeast- ,.a Led between Ocean Avenue and le! with the sin :!herly line of Cetrtral I ly Avenue (South Drive), ', !eily corner of Adams Street 109.10 Central Avenge from the casterh- At a point opposite, the southwest- -� Section !3. his <_ of the first alley easterly of ?5th The official of the soutlt side erly corner of Palm Street 108 ,82. ct * ^_t to the westerly lip of 9th grade -e of Central Avenue (North Dri „e)' At a point opposite the southeast- Street is h,rcbv e-- val'Ushed in ac- e -ly corner of Palm Street 10.88. from the easterly line of 9th Street I cordance with the' following eleda- At a pc nt opposite the southwest- to the westerly line of B Street - ti0 ^c: herelr„ es,a.blished in accordznce with] etly corner of Washington 1 Street At ,h> vorthe =sferly cor,rt of the 10888 easterly of 1_ith Street the following ele�-a [inn s: � r:rsr attey Mnra the snethHY curb line the. 109,00. c- i? y � .y, T- ter snnihe,st�, ceif e� of the . -. ec[ton 2L ° ..: (last m t art 'That - . zt r .e n rr.r. the .en- a lq 1O. At the n e. S the easterly and wester] curb' traf avenue (Snnth Drivel from th^ steel !thcvesterly corner, of ,14th Street 194 S0.: - I lines of Alvarado Street from the ° est line of 9th Street to a line whi-F At Inortherly line of Bay Avenue to the is 10 Meet easferly of and p rllleNl the n 8.80. -esterly. corner of'- 14th Street 108.50. easterly prolongation of the south- -with the easterly line of the S - iflii-7 -ern erly line of Buena Vista Boulevard are "'acific Railroad- Cnm"ar,.'s Right FAt the northeasterly corner of 14th,lhereby re- !dcated and established at of ld'av is hereby relocated end *s - ?: ._: 108.80. a distance of 0.50 feet easterly of and "ffstied along a line mi#411 1 to and i , the e southeasterly corner of 14th with theandsO�Oyfeline 0'0 feet distant sn:tb -rlv from thel! Street .'parallel westerly nnrtherl- Fne of sad Centel Avenn_ At'the southwesterly corner of 13th of and narallel with the easterly line (South Dr °-•e) and the Trades he efn,` Street 109.30. of said Alvarado Street, and the grades, fore established for the-- norther] At the northwesterly corner of 13th heretofore established for the easier- �t -curb line of said part of`t Centro$ 'Street 109.10. . Iv and westerly curb lines of said Al- . Avenue (South Drive), as heretofore, At the northeasterly corner of 13th' varado Street as heretofore adopted adopted and established, shat bed e Street 109.10. and established shall be the grades grades for the corresponding parts of At the southeasterly corner of 13th) for the corresponding parts of said said curb line as hereby relocated and Street 109.30. 1 curb lines as hereby relocated and established. ' At the southwesterly corner of 12th established. Section 2i. Street 110.00. Section 22. - That the southerly curb line of Cep - At the northwesterly corner of 12th, That the westerly curb line of 9th tral Avenue (South Drive) from the Street 109.70. Street from the northerly line of Surf easterly line of Alvarado Street to a At the northeasterly corner of 12th Avenue to the southeriy line of Cen- line 120 feet easterly of and parallel -." Street 109.70. tral Avenue (South Drivel is hereby with the easterly lire of said Aly rado . At the southeasterly corner of 12th relocated and established alone a line Street is hereby relocated, and ilib -, ' Street 110.00. which :s 14 feet westerly of and oaral- lished as follows: Beginning at :the At the southwesterly corner of Hill !el rv'th the center line of 'said 9th southeasterly corner of Alvarado Street IICJ0. Street, and the grades heretofore es -, Street and Central Avenue (South At the northwesterly corner of Hth' tablished for the westerly curb line . Drive); thence easterly in a straight Street 110.40. of said Part of 9th Street as hereto- lice to a oint in the present At the northeasterly corner of HtHill fare adonted and established, shall-fbe line, which point is at the nterse - Street 110.40. the graces for the corresnonding lion of a lane 120 feet easterly of and At the southeasterly corner of 11th parts of said westerly curb line as , parallel with the easterly line of '.Al- f Street 110.70. he -ehy relo ^rated and established. varado Street and the grades here- ' At the southwesterly corner of 10th Se ^tin" 23. lofore established for the southerly Street 110.40. That the wes[e rlv curb line of ]9th{ curb line of said part of Central At the northwesterly corner of 10th Street from tl•.e r.ortherly line of. Cen - I Avenue as heretofore adopted and .es- Street 110.20. 10th t,: l Avenue (North Drivel to a point 320 fee[ thereof is hereby, I " tablished. shall be the grades for the At the northeasterly corner of northerly , corresponding parts of said curb line, Street 110.20. 1 relocated and established at a dis -''as hereby relocated and established. At the southeaster!y corner of 10th t t•nce of li feet waste -ly of and oaral -- Section 26. Street 110.40. 11.1 with the center Fne of said 19th; The City Clerk shall certify to the At the southwesterly corner of 9th `'fr f ­1 the grades heretofore es- 'passage of this Ordinance and cause i Street 11051. tablished for the westerly curb line of �. the same to be published by one -in- At the northwesterly corner of 9th s,'d nart cf 19th serest as heretofore serlion in the Newport News, a Street 110.51. ladonted and established, shall he ill, i.^ 'weekly newspaper published iii said Section 19. aces for the corresnonding parts of City. This Ordinance shall take effect The official grade of the first alley sa'd cnrh L -es as hereby relocated. upon its passage. " easterly of let Street from the norther - arc- established. I Passed and approved this 3rd day lY line of Surf Avenue to the southerly That the easter!v curt, Fne of 19th of April, 1922. ' line of Central Avenue is hereby es -, gfreet from the n,rthe,1v line of Cen_ J P. GREELEY, tablished in accordance with the fo] -" t- l Avenue (Nlorth Drivel to a pomt .President of the Board of Trustees.' lowing elevations: "5 fret noraherly thereof is hereby, Attest At the northwesterly corner of Surf refer +tad +nd estal 4sbed alonz a line' ALFRED SMITH, Avenue 112.00. ' "bleb• tC feet easterly of and na -al- ` City Clerk. At the northeasterly corner of Surf • irl with [he center line of sa'd 1901 � Slate of California, Avenue 112.00. j Sfre ^t and the :; rades heretofore es- � County oL Orange, At the southwesterly corner of t ='` ?ist -ed for th° easterly curb line, City of Newport Beach —ss. Central Avenue 109.95. ,of said "art of 19th Sfrect as hereto -; I, Alfred Smith, City Clerk of the At the south Zsterly corner of Cen- fore adonted and established, shall be City of Newport Beach, do hereby tral Avenue 1993. the grades for the corres "onding . c ertify that the foregoing Ordinance Section 20. harts of said rtrh line as hereby re- ` being Ordinance No. 192, was adopt- ! The elevations herein given are for -led and established. ed by the Board of Trustees of said Ifor the tops of the curbs of the re- Sectior 24, City, signed by the President of said - spective streets and avenues and for That the southerly cnrh line of Board, and attested by the City Clerk; the top surface of the pavement of central ,A-enue (Atnrth D6. -e) from; all at' a regular meeting thereof, held : the respective alleys. are in feet, and the west lane of 8th Street to a line on the 3rd day of April, 1922, and are above the City Datum Plane as "'1'i -h is 10 feet westerly of and par- that the same was adopted by the heretofore adopted and established. ` 'liel w °th the e�sf -riv line of the . followin vote, to -wit: At all points between consecutive des - �n-:ther� Pacific Railroad Comeanis I Ayes, ens J. P. GREELEY, J. -ienated points on the same side of the, Rin�bt of '�Aray ±s hereby relocateA an•! ER G ) J SCI- IMTKE$ EEO. P. WILSON, respective streets and alleysthe grades establ;st -d alo ".,r a line ^+-a!lel tr j CONRAD RICHTER, - O. H. shall conform to a true and uniform and 0.=0 feet distant northeriv from BURKE. gradient along the curb or street and the sn°f/.erly I:ne of said Central Noes, Trustees, None. alley line in which said points A,renue (Nnrfh drivel and the grad -. Absent, Trustees, None. are located between said designated - heretofrre established for the c,1011- WITNESS my hand and seal of points. All distances between desig- erly cnrh t'ne of s -:d Dart of Ce ^-r, I said City this 3rd day of April;, 1922.. nated points for which the grade is !Ar -enue (North n - ° "e1 as heretofore : (Seal) ALFRED SMITH,_ herein established are to be measured aAnnted and estahlisbed, st- +11 be the j City Clerk of the City ,of :Newpprt along the c-vh nr street and allev . grades for tF.e correspondine- parts:, Beach. lines in which said points are located jj of said r ^!• line as hereby relocated . unless specifically herein otherwiselland est4hPshed. - ,provided. I, ia?'-rCd. .�iliJ,, (;1�; :[,1._ 'v;� G,..; (;(;;' of "`errlloih � -;. - ;.• -- certi ^.t t'•o Sorol-oin Grcinanco ; "o. 192 is a tri Of ^_'1 1i', n>7::. rOr•r .0 1c 0.7�r Crdin^ - ssod. ')ur cnc :Ioanl of Trust;os �t a }inic, O'a '1.0 jr) day of .aril, 1^`30 , t }C -t O .. nuDlishot' accorc.i-1, to 1; '. . aL J! 3