HomeMy WebLinkAbout204 - Boundaries of a Districtr� r It ORDINANCE N0. 208 s s all, be: douo, AN ORDIN +Or keep in any one building within said"' for. the Purpose of. slurlpg "and diatrib- city - more Ghat fifty pounds of gun -.In lug suit, to store and distribute gas. Powder three hundred and7 fifty gal- - Petroleum and its products and all Ions of refined kerO@ene -of 110 degrees " other kinds of merchandise produced U. S. Standard. three hundred and fifty d and sold by said company. gallons of gasoline or one hundred SECTION •3' Pounds, of carbide. Each of such The right and authority given to articles must be kept, in meta] cads, Standard Oil Company, a California drums'or Lanka and not be it or - corporation'. herinbefore In this ..ordi- dealt out within fifteen feet of an artifl- I nine is given upon the sole con - cia1.11ght or a fire. and where electric- dltion that Standard 0 „ll Company p- ity Is used forlllght or power the wires �t. Californtia corporation. shall' keep- all In the,Ully, of Newport” Beach and shatI take effect and tie* .. force from' and after its flnai passage, .I hereby certify that the foregoing' Ordinance No1.203 was passed at G reg ular meeting of the Board of Tresteag,; of' the Ctty•of�Newport $each held on" the let day of, 2r4a - 1922f;bY the -vote; ,th the' following. aa¢ied ,membP thereof.: Ayes. Tide teee J T.,9CHNITK$R`:' H:' C.- SLOAN OEO. E WIL9 R� CONRAD RICHTER, O..II. BURKE. ." 'Noes. '1 Trustees None. _ Absent, Trustees' None. No. -203 bhaving dlieelt passed hl valet day of May. 1922, Is approved --aid' signed by me.' : J. J. SCHNITIU Pr,ld,ent. Board of Trustees City of -•� Newport Beach . Attest: ' SMITH Clerk of the AL City of Newport Beach, -T I :fill i:i'. 1: =.' it j• is lC'. f�l i:- ,.. i "' ,•�' t-I.'`1''11 C; ')' .. '1 err ,1 n cnl'.'Poct copy n 1,C" -1). i -'; ]' 1 ➢' :ni :L71 _� .'.421a11tiA54: P: Ra, 30:l, - ..LI NA,I CE, ORS "7 :HE. 'IT i i t s;t;A11e11.1,.11E 1 AWF[jfL IU J•b 11i:LIn1/ V01slAU1.1,.,;1fAL110tilt\ Ip \l1. C,.lilt l' 'Uh CE. RT]i Ii\ a atADl h, 441 Lin Ua, BUSfNESSI 1 -VJ S \Irt12,7.'i ll•.ti -JUlkob1YU ecLVUl, +xxuv;i TUE111OA, 1tL'- rlIE ixat t. A_N'U_ iEU1t1sG.11ltiG YPtlB- 1,OC_�1,1oN OF 11VOC'$'19tIF;.4 A'OIC "TAE EN. 1 UNCS -taL rl til' LI(iti 411Cll('\. 1 iL .SC:liIa11!i(l A 1'1•iN. i ¢V!'Yr :RUIC" Al'.1. 'il)I.ATIONS jv. 2!HI!CiICGh:; Whereas. tine City of Newport Beach is un .,'uc0rPOrated City',or the State of Unlifol'mn. and tiiete .' not provided IOr m' eai, ng in said and n city, Finn :nng commission: and Whity: tae board of Trustees of the City: Newroh't Leach. after huld- .a:g Punlh: meet ngy.nuadOa tentative I'te distrietn ecrhamg thO b(dindaries of Newport 1t and within the City Of c'I and regul::tons upon :,,:(I tea restriction s.nd segre�ating of iudustrlos• h'ades, �ea;M19s, or businesses thetean. ant N't:ereas, tits Board of Ttt —tees filed 'tad sobtntt,ted its final report al a reed day t :d. ay" pheleof held ", ;' the 22nd ea- day of reay. 1922, and lVitcreas, fhO -board Of Trustees fixed the hour or two o'clock P. m. Of Saturday, tilt 27th day e: May'. 1922, and the counll clamber of til , I of 'Lrustces an the Cily -Matt oY the ultY or NewPOrt Leach. us the thhe Pull place N:'here any cold all persons) I %artlenlarly any and u1C gC¢Ca'ai unity to " u'Lm'ded an opp jj S be heard . anddirected notice. 'L said hearing to be pnolisne4 at y;�least u::ce ip its NE W1'v_t l' N, a, a'weekaY local new'sPapor of genet al .�1.Beac htaon watlnn. the UftY of Neryport 1. Pdso . and -'des , gnated' - for that put - �1 Dose, 'there tieing nO daily .o,. ocher I. new spapar puhhyhed - :¢ Wte City' of t \'ewpctc Beach. and 'e cle-1, . pursuant-to said direction. b Gee Cleric of-the Cats of Newport Beach a caused to be Publisned.-aha there way NEV1,8acd once' in eald;, TlEWPp'g•1' 1 2g S' on 1!'riday. the 26th cay of -May, ,I a add Placed hearing.:ipncifyipg Or a time and thereof.' cue to Le' considered. thereat. and Ixrvateng ested and theersong Partiouhtrly inter - and be heard, general Puhl.o to appear and whieh no ice and the 'Veckoatacn thereof vas t:,tdn the ;e he is whtch such_ meeting wax e ::e held: and - 1Vherea5. ch tie to le and place faxed and of whacL notice' ha ,�en given. d i I- versuns particniarly iuteree.ted and in e general public were ahoroed . ennity to ha heard and an opl >or- we.c heard; Now, therefore. aItcr the aimklugI 0f a ter.[ntivo report. the 'ubm lsslana of a .final report. one "-ling oC ee nme pile tor l :eah'I toe givmz' i and t' notice. .md the holding'0 said h,ar'll the Wald ot` •Trustees of If c la >' of tVcw_ port Ttcach . , at a regular I Ll there - OP held on trte 2'JtIt.day o; Iv 1922. f.1y approved. and aecept,d the said .. ddl. 1: 1.mt. 1'Ic Loard of Trus ACAy tees of the City of p,pa't 15eaela (10 crdalal az.lollowy;� bect10111• All that territory or part of the City' of Newport` ncaCal a - scribed and determined as toil ows' .,hall constitute and -be deaagnated as Iuddstrial District No, 1, a Oruer oY Lot 5.'Blpck 115 "ot Section d Ncwpo C BeacL, as Per itial) re`cord- ad i¢ 14lascellaofi Ms Maps. Boole 4, ,cage 27; Recurds.of •Ardnue County'. 'JaliPornla: thence -nortiiew.torly in.A -Arect 111110: to •the'northeastel -W- corner Of tiae last mentioned 7 of 5, ,thence northwesterly in -a direct Ilno to U. S. Bulkhead, Station; No. 173.. as:; said Bulkhead station; - is lath :=out and shown upon a Map of Newport -Bay, ;hosing' harli0i'llues: apProved by die Near Department Jcnuary .Ts; I917i thence, easterly folldw,¢g the oulkhead. Riic'as shown . anii laid Oyf aPcn the aforesaid -]Hai? ci ,tiie : : N:tr; Department'to U..S�Bulkbcad Station 'NO. 172; thence n6rilieastorly along acid hullcbeadiline to,.U. S, Bulkhead Ration No. .171,:, thence - noz-66ply along said .'bulkhead line to U..'S, 3ulkhcad Station No 170: thence lortheriy In a, direct line 'to• U. S,`. 3uikhead Station 'No. 130 :,'thenCe.i aorthwestcrly alorig the;bulkbea'd line - '�etween' U. S'. Bulkhead �Satton's :1\0. I"0 and No. 1'39. to the intersection of thn southwesterly prolongation of the renter line of Irvine. Avenue: thence nrtheasterlY Along the SOT,-hwesterly Irolongition 'of�the ennter line of said Irvine Avenue a distance Of. E00 feet :. :O a point; thenconorthwest - rly along i line Parallel to tile- bulkhead line, ixtendin¢' front U. S. P.uPdiMPIT:Sta-,- "on No. 1,,OJO U. S. Bhlkbeod Station NO. 1.22. to the �,stnrly"linc of tile . r;CUnty,Road.- whiith line is Rlyo the was *nrfv bouneary line of A. portion tf'thO Cfty- Of Nownort Bfiaeh ::.thence :rditl.orh, nlnnx the caSterly line of 'hd County Bcad a_ad along the wc;t- Tt oily boundary. @, of8 p ortiou cf the.11jeCt%u 3. It shall be unlawful.audi'lished. copducted.- manta± car -' eo$stltute a misdemeanor for anyj 1 City` of New t Beach to a-eoruer fled on Ili City o: Newport' ch ,$&' ,firm, Co- palthershlp,. association, or taade of Industrial District No �.Ty .ou at the intersection with. the northerly; person. natural or artificial. at or I hall be and constitute a nuisance.' : 'boundary line of a .ppi•tion of said) within the .City of New art Beach. I sad shat! be abated. and the expense westerly. northerlyd City:, thence outside of industrial district No. I. to; of the abatement of any such uttisance-i - southerly. easterly. south -t westerly. establish. conduct. maintain: or carry j shall be and is hereby declared to 'Orly and westerly along the. boundary on. or: commence to attempt to estap -! tonstitute a lien aga.in;f the property line the! of the City of; hall - of portion conduct. maintain. or carry an., upon which such nuisance is main- '`Newport: Beacb. lying westerly of the any of the following designated .' l oblige l -Road. to the most westerly g g tabled as well as a Pof (County- trades. businesses . 41nAlls 'boundary line of said City: thence � F1.9 of the property. tier, z ^ainst the Owner the (1). 1. The, gtY+78.ge. s or rs'Lribu s �refirn u. The Passage at, this Or- southwesterly along the westerly, tion of gasoline. petroleum. and Its duration shall not be deemed. conclus -� boundary tine of said City to its ill- Products,'u'hen the storage thereof is: ive anon tie Board of Trustees as to tersection with the most southerly ' above' t.:e ground. or in quantities 1 the establishment of additional : boundary line of said City: thence gi.cate�r than 360 gallons. ewer, districts, or the right. Power, ; southeasterly along the southerly. (2). Steam Laundries. and authority to add to or detract :Ind boundary line of said City to the in- 137. Soap Factories. from the territory embraced u•itlin, tersection with the southwesterb'' - (4;. Glue Nactoract Industrial District No. 1. ' prolongation of the . northwesterly' p (5',' Fertilizer, Factories. ' Nothing in this Ordinance sban be line of 39th Street: thence northeast- i6 -'. Fists Canneries. caastrued as Permitting .the maintop- .- erly along the southwesterly pro- (q,, Mineral. Vegetable. or Fish! since of any unlawful bnsfxless ill In-; i loagation of the northwesterly line Oil Refineries and Reduction Warks. 1 dustrial District NO. 1. or %lie train -', , of 39th Street and along the north- (r. Iron Foundries. nal of any business lawful there-' in iwesterly line of 39th Street to the in -' (91. Glass Furnaces Smelterz.'or in :n ::n unlawful manner. such 'tersection of the northwesterly pro - other Ore keduction works. I . ul'iih ::u mror as to constitute a nuisance. longation of the north easterly line of. (10). Rock Crashers. 1.1on fi. license shall is-- Block 223 of a Map of the Canal Sec- (11). Lie -stack and Poultry Yards.! sued ed . tion. as recorded in ,llisgellaileous (1Ci T'laniag Bills. seed or granted to any Person. ape -. Maps Book 4. page 93. Records of tl::;, Lumber Yards. Partition. firm. association or co- part -. ( n to transact any of the trades,; Orange County. California: thence (iii, Plants for Eianufacturin ll'it . _ southeasteerly a:o::g the aol4hwcst�rly g call'ns. businesses or industries. des -: � Artificial Gas. lgli ted in Section 2 of this Ordinance.' prolongation of the northeasterly line (1)). larpGt Fearing or Cleaning of the last mentjcncd I:1ock 23a, and plants. in the City of Newport Beach. at a . niece outside of Industrial District No. along the northeasterly line of said Seeti 3. =?n An y pEaen. either as ; 1 - Blodk 333 and along the northeasterly owner. or as the agent. servant or, ! aetion 7. This Ordinance shall bo ,line ,iaf °'Lake Avenue- to the Pic - , employee of another. who shall es - � shed once in NEWPORT NEWS, _ southerly corner of Lot 1. Block 831 tablish. conduct. maintain, or carry on ; ? newspaper of genera] circulation i of a Nlap of the Lake Tract. as re- .1 ri any into or more of the trades. call -! r"Pted. published. anti eirculated in corned in f:Iiscellancous Maps. Book lugs Uu.,fu usep or industries desig -; j 4. page 13, Records of Orange Caunty. t -re City of Newport Beach, and shall listed in Secton 2 of this Ordinance at taite effect and be in force from and Cant'oinia: - thence southeasterly in a.and within the City of Newport Beach. atit:r its fine] Passage. corner direct line to the most easterly .,Oil outside of Industrial District No. corner of Lot 12. Block 129 of the 1, or vrho shall commence at- attempt+ I hereby certify that tie foregoing. .aforesaid Map of the Lake Tract; to do so, shall be deem Ed so. guilty at: 'thence Ordinance No. 204 was passed at u southeasterly in a direct line a phi eshall and Every day that; regular' meeting or the Board of Trus -, :to the most northerly corner of Lot 20. any such trade. calling, business nr - tees of the City of Nc'.rl­ ;!each! Block aforesaid l ti e M1tV l dotf tf akeTract: thenc southestern ducted, maintai ed., or p, o ied in, the ve o tile o Iowfn unni-4 em-t a car on a direct line to the most westerly violation of this Ordinance shall con. bars thereof: corner of Lot 16 of the last mentioned stituto a separate and diotiuct Ayes: Tiustecs .1. d. SCHNLTKNat,. offense. Block 127 of a Map of the Lake Tract: Each and every person found H. CUItli07. r1' SL0.1 ^:. (; F.11. t'. ACIi. -i guilty thence southeasterly. in a direct line cf a violation of this Ordinance by ! SON. L. S. WILKINSON. a the most southerly corner of Lot court of competent jurisdiction shall' Noe:;: Trustee, Noue. 3. I. Bidck 221 of a Slap of Section A- be punished by a fine of not more Absent: Trustee IONF.AO Newport Beach, as recorded in 1Iis- TElt. 1 p than or less than $2xxty or Ue oellanecus daps. Book d. Page 21, imprisoned not more than sixty days, The abort and furr;'viut: Ordinance 99red0 Recor .qs of Orange County'. California. No. 201 having been passed this 2cin cm' by bath such fine and im]>court. then southeasterly and easterly'nrcnt in the discretion of the court. Flay of 31ay. 1Fl22. is aPprn vcd and ,along- the northerly line of Central fcr each offense. . signed by mc. r `Arenu.e, (North Drive) to the place of kCtl0n 4. Every trade. calling. ! J. it!I.1XfI:CIit. beginnin g. rresident of the llo 2nl m 1'ru_+te-a, business, or industry described in Sectf4n 2 of this Ordinance, if estab- City of Seslc rt ]'read. Attest L Clerk of the City of Newport 1:,:,.-:1. )brt C., t c::: ?;,5.;" L ri ,•" °ce -0. 20.': is ... t r. CC).2r cl O ,' l nn9 ✓ t f S