HomeMy WebLinkAbout213 - Election for Municipal Improvements/, 7
. ., °n 1?. — --- Beard of I �tce� th tCl tv�eww-
If at said special election two ds There being no newspaper published port Beath a, the legislative bran
or more of lI the,yoters votin_ ere- in the.Clty of Newport Beach at least thereof, *. Id op bit,, 10th day cf July,i
at .. shall. have voted in of the six days a week, therefore the Clerk of 1922, by the vote of more lean. Lwo-'
propositiop of. incurring a nded debt the City ot. :ewport Beach is hereby Birds of all the r!?ebbe ^s rof� -said I
by the City of Newport Eleach and the ordered and directed to publish this Board of Trustees, .end on said" days
issuance of bonds thereof in the sum. Ordinance So..212 in The NEWPORT was signs l and approved by tie P1da'.;
of $50,000.,)0 for the.acqulsition of said. NEWq, a weekly newspaper publish- !dent of th- Board of Trustees of said
City Hall, then the bonds of the City of. ed In the City of Newport Beach less city, the sa''.1 Ordlu%iicz being: pasp(fl
�. Newport Beach shall be issued and than six days week. to-wit: published by file a rna*_ive vote of the �110w -:
l sold by the Board of Trustees of said therein once a weel„ by one insertion) l ^g named Trustees. ' - ;
�J City in the sum cf $50,000.00 for said�!n said NEVIPORT NEWS each week AYSS, Trustees_ J. , GEO. VT?VIL -%
- purpose. for tore successive.weeks, and this Or_
All f :AF_DO' /- A.SLOA \, GAG. h tV1T_-
All proceedings had under this Or- dina.nce and the publication thereof' SO:', CONkAD RICHTER, L. S. WTL -i
dinance and the issuance and sale of as provided for in this Section shall E_P;90N. _
bonds therein proposed to be issued constitute a notice of said election, and [tees. Tr,:etess, None.
shall be b.ad in accordance with an Act no other notice of said special elec. Absent. Trustees, None.
of the Legl,,Oature, of the State of Cali -, ticn need be given. The abo,, a and foregoing 'Ordinance
fornia entitled: "An act authorizing Section. II. No. 'H1, is �igncd and approved by mei
the incurring of indebtedness by This Ordinance betng an Ordinance tlrls 10th da' +; of July, 1922.
cities, towns and municipal corpora- calling and otherwise relating to an J. J. SCHNTTSER,
_ tiotis, for municipal improvements, election the saute shall go into effect President of the Board ot Truste' sz
and regulating the acquisition, con -' and be in force from and after its fin- cf the City of \ewport Beacli.
strnction. or completion thereof" (be -'al passage. Attest;
. came 2 iaty under constitutional pro -I The foregoing Ordinance No. 212: ALFRED SHiITT?.
'vision w•ftuout Governor's approval, was passed at a regular meeting of the Clerk of the Cityof New port BEa.c:a.
Feb. 25, 1901.) and any and all acts I July 14, 21, 23. a
(and parts of acts that are amendatory
T, 1!1f roCt ..i t'', Cl-- a.: - Oi ]- c.O ,. i ; ,
C ar{; i.is TT tt' ^.t the ior��oi � CrLtln^nC,- .,o. 2.12 ,.s e�. %_`u0 ,9.' c0':':'
Ol ^.;-I OrSin-Inco :OO.osed. 'J"- t 03rC_ Of '1"Tiste.^ _. _ _lt].': .. .'.1•
mr;nti.r -1^10 on the loti! G_], ^o.i July, 192?., a--L6. tLct c
nnP: 'na>lish :.`.
9-ccorlii:01 :0
—4- -
^it ClOr%
— — — Wherene said petition is signed by1
Also fixed Monday, the 31st day.of
ORDINANCE NO. 213 more than ten per cent of all the•
July, - 1922 -, -at the hour 'nf- 7:20'o!a k
qualified electors residing in the ter -'
p. in at the council chamber of the
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF which is proposed to be formed
Board of Trustees of said city, in thd'
NEWPORT BEACH CALLING AN 'into a municipal improvement dis-
City Hall thereof, as the date /, -hour;
ELECTION TO BEHELD- WITHIN trlct and sets forth a general descrlp-
and place for hearing of protests;
A CERTAIN DISTRICT OF AND IN lion of the improvement to be con-
Whereas, the abovo referred to map
SAID C39:Y, PROVIDING FOR THE structed and a general description of
and general description were+ -.duly
SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED the exterior boundaries of such pro-
prepared and on file' in the offioe'bf
said Clerk;
SITION OF INCURRING A DEBT Whereas, the Board of Trustees of
Whereas, no newspaper of general
BY THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF the City of Newport Beach thereafter,
circulation is or was published in the
SUCH DISTRICT, FOR CERTAIN on the 3rd day of July, 1922, adopted
Ordinance No. 210 of said city, de-I
City of Newport Beack . six - -. dw, %u,
week, and the said Ordinauce No. 2x0
Blaring its intention to call an elea -,
was thereafter published once week
D'HICH PROPOSED LNDEBT- Him. In said proposed district, or as
for two weeks by one insertion each
- EDNES3 - IS TO BE INCUMED, . he same might thereafter be modified,
week for two succeeding weeks,' In
THE 'NATURE OF THE IMPROVE- for the purpose of submitting to the
NEWPORT NEWS, a newspaper
VENT WORK CONTh<MPLATED, qualified electors of said district the I
of general circulation. publishod' in the
THE ESTIMATED COST THERE- proposition of authorizing the Issu.
City of Newport Beach less- than -..efx
OF, THE AMOUNT OF THE PRIN• ance and the sale of bonds of such
days a week, to -wit: published' therein
CIPAL OF - THE INllEB'T'.EDNESS district in the manner and for the
once a week; and
TO BE INCURRED THEREFOR, purposes set forth in said Ordinance
Whereas, the time within which pro-
AND THE RATE OF INTEREST of Intention -No. 210;
tests may be filed has expired, and.. no
TO BE PAID ON SAID INDEBTED. Whereas, said Ordinance of Inten-
person interested or objecting' to tthi
NE" FIXING THE DATE ON tion No. 210 also coot g$ins:
formation of said district, or to the
Wuf hTr SUCH ELECTION SHALL I An accurate descrilifion of the ex-
boundaries of the
extent of said district. or to the son?
the In'1pro0e-
BE HELD, THE MANNER OF ,tenor proposed
struction of proposed
HOLDING THE SAME, AND THEI municipal improvement district;
ment work, or to the inclusf , of 31i;
MANNER OF VOTING FOR OR l- A .general 'description of the im•
property in said district, fll*(CA .1,r.lt:
46AIN$T SAND PROPOSITION, provement _ work proposed to be
ten or any .protest setting, 'forth any
PROVIDED THAT IN ALL PAR -. constructed therein;
objection or protest,. with p Ater$
TICULAH$, NOT , RECITED IN ' An estimate of the cost of the pro=
of the Cap of Newport Beach, hei.jie,
- THIS ORDINANCE, SUCH ELEC —posed improvement work and of the
PRO• �
Ing the clerk of the. legislative bod)
thereof, at or before the W- , Of 7,;3(
TION SHALL BE HELD' AS Incidents! expense in connection
BY LAW FOR HOLDING " therewith:
o'clock p. m. of Monday, the 31A. $33
GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC• - That on the 12th day of September,
of July, 1922,, being, thetime -.fixed f91
TIONS IN THE CITY OF NEW 1922, an election would be called in
the hearing of, said„ protests;; and, -,
Whereas, a meeting' of the B09rf
_PORT- BEACH. I'sald district for the purpose of sub-
Trustees of the
mitting to the qualified voters there-
nee e(
Beach was Only convened
B s
Whereas, on the 21st day of June, of the proposition of incurring in-
session at the van hour, dpi
1922, there. -.was filed in the office of debtedness by the issuance of bonds .of
fixed by Ordinance 'No. Po,
the Clerk of the legislative body of such district to pay the cost and ex -place
the hearing of said .petition pro
tP )
the City of Newport Beach a petition pauses of the proposed improvement
that the
testa, and d t n b
asking that a portion of the City of work, and a map showing
ro est against
to protest against said m
Newport Beach be formed into a mu- exterior boundaries of said district
Now therefore, the Board of ras
nicfpal improvement district for the with relation to the territory lmme-
tees of the City. of Newpork- „beach `�+
purpose of creating an indebtedness diately contiguous thereto, and a gen-
ordain as Follows:,.,.. - -”'
to be represented by bonds of said "oral � description-of the proposed fin-
to be
district the proceeds from the sale of provemen was on file In the office
W shall bg rased for the construh,, 1ef the Cte A o'1 the legislative body L
do s�p ubyG;iSt$f$royntei}t .ighi - IICit rd eheftk,
_g 101W. vle,
It +STRft1 TO VOTERS: "`
.,' -; -
orth In Ordinance �Vo. 210 all7ofa
To vote to faYgr of the prupositioni
` �,. atees of the City,
4-'116 *V Uesc"It,
which the City of Newport Beach is
stamp a.fivES I in Effie;:. v
body thereof,
as the legislative
authorized by law to. construct.
square at the right.:of the word
acquired lures -:
dictloq to, do ao hereby declares that'
The. nature of the public Improve -
ment contemplated *site
following the Proposition to .be. voted
I upon. To vote against the propolitddq'
Dortiott of the ,ugid city hereinafter:
proposed to be
constructed. together with the
stamp' a cross (X) in E11e vgiliw,
described being the :territory goner
SHY detforlbed m the above petition
mated cost thereof, the amount of the
square at, the .r {ght of the avoid 1 `
following the proposition tii vote d
terred. ;to as having: been filed in the
principal of the indebtedness to be in-
June Clerk thereof, on the 21st
.curred .therefor, rate of interest'
� to be paid � thereon, and the
tier OP June, 292$ and accurately des -'
cribed i_n OrdinanceNO. be,
and purposes for which the Proposed.
210 and is
hesnby Cleated and formed into
indebtedness is to be incurred are re-
a mu-
aicipa ;.tulProvetnent district,
cited and described as follows:
to be
, The im improvement of the ocean front
within the
proposed municipal !in-
prevenient district by the acquisition
FACE THIS BALLOT return it &tfi r
of the wooden wharf now erected and
Inspector of election and obtain an-
ariesaof which are defined and estab-
existing therein, and which extends
. other.
lished -,as follows:— located in the City.
from the southerly end of the South -
of Newport Beach, County of Orange,
ern Pacific Company's Railroad right
Shall Municipal Improvement
State of California:
of -way into and over the waters of the
District No. 2 of the City of
Beginning at the intersection of the
Pacific Ocean. The placing,of wooden
Newport Beach incur an indebt- .
center line of Tenth Street and the
Piles under portions thereof, the lay -'
edness by the Issuance and sale
northerly , line of Central Avenue;
th cc northeasterly along the center
I Ing of a wooden deck or floor thereon,
the construction of a railing along the
of the bonds thereof in the sum :.
Of ,$60,000.00, to pay the cost of
I of Tenth Street and along the!
same. the extension oP the length
the acquisition of the wharf YES
northeasterly prolongation of the cen -1
thereof, apprpx)nlgtely. 3¢ feet, and
now existing, therein, and the.
20P line of- 10th Street to a Point in
the 4reotion at the end otAnd,conneetr
Placing of piles under a part
4Di 11iliead line extending, f U.
ed with said wharf as extended a
thereof; constructing a floor.
S: Bulkhead Station No. 116 to 'U. S.
structure approximately 100 feet in
and rail thereon; extending: the,'
Bulkhead Station No. 117, as said
length and 40 feet in width, by driv -
length of the wharf and build -
bulkhead line and Bulkhead stations
are laid out and shown upon a Map.Pacific
ing wooden piles into bbe bed of the
Ocean, placing wooden string-
Ing a structure on the end
thereof 'as extended, and to ac-
of Newport Bay showing harbor lines
ers thereon, end the laying of a wood-
quire a strip of land extending
apPioved by the War Department,
an deck rr floor upon sa.d stringers.
from the northerly end, of the NO
January 13, 1917; thence northwest'
acquisition of a strip of land ap-
wharf to the southerly line of
eraY %Iu,a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead
Proximately 100 feet in width and ex-
Pacific Electric Railway's right -%
Station No-124; thence northwesterly
tending from the northerly or shore
of-way, upon.which to construct
in a direct line to, U. S: Bulkhead Sta-
end of the described wharf northerly
approaches to said wharf, and
tion No. 125; thence westerly in: a di-
to the southerly line of the Pacific
for the parldng of automobiles
rect line to U. S. Bulkhead Siation
Electric Railway Company's railroad
and other vehicles, and to.pay
No.. i26;, thence westerly in a direct
right -oY -way, upon which to construct'
the incidental expenses connect -
Nliae`t the most easterly corner of
and the coIINtruction of good and saf -'
ed therewith."
:Lot 12, Block 636 of a Map of the Can-�
ficient approaches to said wharf, and
al Section, as recorded in-Miscellane-
for the parking of automobiles and
At the election any qualified voter
.olio Maps Book 4, page PS, Records of
other vehicles at or near said ap-
may vote in favor of the proposition
Oraitge County, California, . thence
proaches. All in a safe and sufficient
by stamping a cross (X) on his or her
westerly'in a direct line to the most
manner for the purposes of public,
ballot in the voting square to the
northerly corner oY Lot if of the
pleasure and recreation and the uses
right of the word "YES" and any qual-
aforesaid Block G36; thence westerly
of commerce. i
ified voter may vote against the prop -
In a.direct line to the most easterly
The estimated. cost of the acquisi --
osttion by.,stamping a "cross (X) onI
coiner bt ->Let 1, Block, 637. of the
don of the proposed. Public improve-
his or her ballot in the voting squares
aforesaid Map of the Canal Section;
ment is the sum of $52,000.00, and of
to the right of the word "NO ". IY a
thence, westerly in a direct line to the
the Incidental expenses in connection
voter shall have stamped a cross (X)
northggstgbiy.,gprater, by LoQ,$„ Block
:63&fir @`'ate aforesaid Map the
therewith the sum of $5.000.00.
in the voting square to the right of
the "YES"
Section; thence westerly in a direct
The rate of interest to be paid on
said indebtedness is -six Per cent,
word his or her ballot
shall be counted in favor of Incurring
line, to the northeasterly corner of Lot
annum, payable semi- annually.
I the indebtedness, and if a voter shall
8, Block 539 of the aforesaid map of
I have stamped across (X) in the vot-
the:Canal Section: thence westerly in'
object and purpose for which
tng square to the right of the word
a direct Hne to the. most westerly cor-
proposed indebtedness is, to be
"NO" his or her ballot shall be count-
ner of Lot 15, Block 441, of the afore -'
incurred is to pay the cost of the ac-
ed against incurring the indebtedness.
said Map of the Canal Section: thence
quisition of sa4' 3 public improvement.
and to thereby
-If at said election two- thirds. or
northwesterly in a. direct line to the
provide a safe and
adeauate wharf extending out
more of all the vote utthereat
to rs yo
Most easterly'�coraer of Lot 1, Block
1244.of'.the aforesaid map of the Canal
, over
the waters of the Pacific Ocean, as a
Shall have voted favor incur -
Section; thence northwesterly along
lace Y bli
P o puc pleasure and rerre-
.ring a bonded Indebtedness for. the
acquisition of the
thVMortheasterly and northerly lines
ation and for the uses of commeres.
proposed public
improvement Bet forth
of the last.mentioned Block 244 to the
and generally
described in the proposition, then the
iiD§thwvaterly corner of Lot 7 of the,
The manner of holding said election
issuance and sale by the Board
Iasi mentioned. Block-.24g_; thence:
westerty in a 4tP2et line - -to
shall be as follows: It shall be herd
fig ene voting precinct, and Municipal
I Trustees of the City of Newport Beach
!of the bonds of district
tile - 'most - westerly corner of i
uP prevenient D °strict No. 2 of the City
said for the*
construction of the public improve -'
Lot $,: Block 145 of the aforesaid map.
Port Beach is hereby estab-1
ment described is such
of.the Canal Section; thence westerly
lished as and declared to be for the
shall be authorized.
along -the westerly prolongation of the l
northerly-line Of the;IUTt mentioned;
purposes ,oY said election, o e voting
Block. 145 to its intersection with the
precinct, and the southwesterly.] ._In the event that the issuance. and
ground floor. room o[ the buildin in. -5aYtr''oP the bonds
'of 46th Street; thence
southgqesteaiy 'along the
said' District, us'bd by the City of New-
of the district, for
the acquisition eY the proposed putt -;
center line
'of 49to Street and along the south.
port Beach as a City Hall is' desig-
lie improvement shall 'be authorized;:
westerly- prolongation the center
nated as the polling place in and for
then the principal of the indebtedness.
of said 46th street to its intersec-
said. district for the holding of said
to be incurred therefor, being the es=
tion with the southerly boundary line
the City
A Board'oY Election Is hereby ap-
tlmated cost thereof, and ths.fneiden-
tai expenses in connection there#it"
of of Newport Beach; thence
pointed to hold, conduct„ and make
to -wit: the sum of $60,000.00,
southeasterly and easterly along they
southerly boundary tine of the City
returns of said election, and to con-
shall be.
represent by sixty (60) bonds, num-
Newport Beach t its intersection with
eist of one inspector, one judge, and
one clerk, each of whom resides in
bered from one to sixty, both inClus -,
lve. Each bond in the denomination
the southwesterly prolongation of the
center line of Tenth Street; thence
and is a duly qualified elector in and
$1000.00, all dated the 1st day oY.Oc-
northeasterly along the #uthwester-
of said district, as follows:
Inspector, Anthony C.
tober, 1923. Bonds Nos. 1 and 2 shall
fall due and be
ly prolongation of the center line of
Tenth Street and along'the center line'
Judge, Airs. Emma B. Smith.
paid oa-the ]at day of
October, 1923, and annually thereafter
of Tenth Street to the point of begin-
Clerk, Mrs. Arline E,:Jasper,,
The be
on the 1st day of October two adds.
tional of said sixty Ion -in �Sttieces-
said election shall a special
election, and in all particulate not re-
in this Ordinance,
stye numerical order,-- shall fall due.
and be-paid until all
An election is hereby called and
cited such election
shall be held as provided .by,law for
of said $60,000.00
is well slid truly.paid, being an annual
shall.be held at. withfty and for Muni-
holding general municipal elections in
Payment of more thah one - fortieth
cipdI Improvement District No,. 2 of
the City of Newport Beach.
Part of Stich Indebtedness.
it City- Newport Reach, on Tues-
day, the 12th day of September; 1922.
The manner of voting for or against
Each and every bond Issued and
said proposition .shall be as follows:
sold and the money represented there.
At the election Galled and ordered
The proposition shall be submitted
by shall bear Interest at the rate of
to be held by the provisions of Section'
by a printed ballot and each ballot
six per cent. per annum and which.
2 02 this Ordinance, there shall be and
shall have printed,on the face thereof:
interest shall be paid semi- annually,
's -- to the- auali d
the follow ing
on the let day of April and the first
day of October of
me 4ri _ 'of$1tQ, �fi3' of Yew
Pti1 B- ,the D osii1en of:,Iifcur
I 1V�A
D RSC'1',d38i. 'ATE' ry;#E fdTY
`El$ iiC ` 73ACI§
each and every year,.
commencing on the first day ok April,.
19x3 until the' said bonds shall have
ring a4jebt 3ssnego, of the",'Soadk...
>;. paid, Tines c,3 and
bore ... p P,. erect. The
J44 ,of
fib and the'inlerest'�', lf9he(j`.ft31
these to. payable on, `p day The IeBi9lativC of 5e city'.Of
fixed and lobe - deatgilflted yn ;'NeWPort.Beacb :'`ilte Board of�'Qrd Kn -g
said bonds and interest . - coupons Tihietees tkereot shall, at .the time dtereflf.s H donailtu D� eiaj
and shall. be paid at the office oY fra ag the general tax'levy and in electibII lid no- ot'hen no the}`egtti.
of the Treasurer of the City. of, the manner, for.such general tax levy need be given..
Newport Beach in said city, Couuty' provided, levy and collect: a tax each, 'SECTION 11
of Orange, State of California Both year upon the taxable property in.Ma This Ordinance being an ArdfPaRC9.
the principal and interest to be paid! n4clpal >impmvement 'District No. 2: calling and otherwise reiatiug. #V A$
i in lawful money of the United States. i of the City of Newport Beach suffi election, shall take effect. and be'ld
! All bonds shall be signed by the I cient to pay the. interest on such bonds
President of the Board of Trustees of I as may be hereafter issued and sold force from and after its passage
x j the City of Newport Beach, also signed for that year and such portion .of the The above and foregoing, Ordmartaei
by the Treasurer thereof and counter- rinci al thereof as is to become due Na 213 was introduced at a regular.,
P P meeting of the Board of Trustees': of
j signed by the Clerk. I before the time for making the next4 the City of Newport Beach.on the 31st
1 The interest coupons on each-bond general tax levy. Such taxes shall be' day of July, 1922, and
P 1 in addition to all other taxes levied Y passed :at
_ :.shall be numbered consecutively and regular meeting thereof held on the
signed by the Treasurer of the City of for municipal purposes within said 11 7th day of August, 1922, by the yet
i Newport Beach by his engraved or l District, and when collected shall bei; of the Lellowing named nlembero["
lithographed signature, Any and all ,Paid into the Treasury of the City of thereof:
i Ibonds; the i suance of which may beINewport Beach and be used for the . AYES, Trustees J. J...Schn4tker ii'
authorized It said election. shall he Payment of the principal and interest C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, L. S Wil-'
sold by the Board of Trustees of theIof such bonds and for no other our- kinson. ,
(City of Newport Beach to the highest pose. . The principal and, interest on NOES, Trustees None.
. bidder therefor, in cash, lawful money such bonds shall be paid by the Tress- ABSENT, Trustee Conrad Richter..
near of the City of Newport Beach in The above and tore otn Ordinaupe
of the United States, but for not less• the manner provided by law for the g g
than their par value and the accrued No. 213 is hereby' signed. and. approved
interest thereon. Payment of principal and interest on' by me this 7th day of August„ 1922.
bonds of the City of Newport Beach,
The Board of Trustees of the City 1 and at the time and in the.manner J. J. SCHNITKER;'
A .of Newport Beach shall prescribe the in this Ordinance described. : President of the Board of Trustees;
form of the bonds and interest cou -I City of Newport Beach.
There is no daily or semi-weekly, jH T1i.
The proceeds from the sale of any newspaper of � general circulation! Clerk of the City of Newport:BeaChi
such bonds shall be placed in the printed or published in the City of
treasury of the City of Newport Beach, Newport Beach. This Ordinance shall
to the credit of MUNICIPAL IM- therefore be published prior to the,
PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 OF date flied for the election, by the
THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Clerk of said city, twice in NEW -I
and shall be applied exclusively to the PORT NEWS;. a weekly newspaper oY
.� purposes and objects mentioned in
this Ordinance.
C :nt v
o: -.. - c^
Central Avenue (North Drive) and ofi The grades heretofore established'
Central Avenue between the points �: for the southwesterly curb line df
hereinafter in this section mentioned il Central Avenue (North Drive) and of
is hereby relocated and established as! Central Avenue between the. points
follows; I
described in this section shall, be the
Beginning at a point in said .north -I
grades for the corresponding partn�of,
line, as hereby relocated,
easterly curb line distance 145 feet)
said curb end)
northwesterly (measured along said
curb line) from the southerly prolong -H
established. I
I That the southerly and southwest-
ation of the westerly line of 21st 'l
This Ordinance shall take effect upon;
erly. curb line. of Central Avenue
Street and running thence northwest -I1
its passage. The City .apali=eer -�
(North Drive) from the easterly line
erly along the prolongation of that!I
tify to the passage of t5is Urdlnancel
of Alvarado Street to a point 145 feet
Part of the northeasterly curb ilne
and canse the same to be publisbiIid
distant northwesterly (measured
heretofore established of Central Ave- I
once in the "ev *port Newa, a weekly
! along said curb .line) from the south-
nue (North Drive) lying immediately,
newspaper of general circulation,
erly prolongation of the westerly line
southeast of said point of beginning„
printed, published slid circulated in
of Twenty-first Street, is hereby re-
to the point where said northwesterly
said City. ..
located and established along a Use
Prolongation intersects a line 10 feet
Passed by the Board of Trustees
parallel to and 20 feet distant souther-
southwesterly of and parallel with the
of the City of P.ewport Beach, this
lY and southwesterly from the north-
northeasterly line of Central Avenue.
7th day of Auge=.'., 1922.
erly and northeasterly line of said
The grades heretofore established)
Central Avenue (North Drive) and the
for the northeasterly curb line of Cos-
; President of the Board of Trnsfees.!
grades heretofore established for the
test Avenue (North Drive) and of Can-
' Attest: ALFRED S'41ITH,
southerly and southwesterly curb line
tral Avenue between the points des-
City Clerk:
of said part of Central Avenue( North
crlbed in this as shall be the
State of California,
Drive) as heretofore adopted and es-1
grades for the corresponding parts of
said curb line as hereby relocated and�1
Count)- of Orange.
City of Newport Ezacb, so.
tablished shall be the grades for the
corresponding parts of said curb linel
�! I, Alfred Smith, City clerk of toe
as berebY relocated and established.
City .of Newport Beach, do hereby car-.
That the northerly and northeaster -;
That the southwesterly curb line of' iffy that the foregoing ordivauco,.be-
ly curb line of Central Avenue (South
Central Avenue (North Drive) and of;
ing Ordinance No. 214, was passed IV
Drive) from the easterly line of At
Gentral Avenue between the points'
the Board of Trustees of the_City of
varado Street to the easterly line of
hereinafter in this section mentioned,
Newport Beaoh, signed by the Presi-
Twenty -first Street is hereby relocates
is hereby relocated and establishd as
dent of said Board abd attested by
ad and established along a line par-
the City Cleric, all at a regular meet-
allel to and 20 feet distant northerly
Iiegi.rrI at a point in said south-
ing thereof, held on the 7th day of
and northeasterly from the southerly
line h said Can-
westerly �.urb line, as the same is re-
located and established in Section 1'
August, 1922, and that the same was
by the following vote.. to -wit:
and southwesterly
tral Avenue (South Drive), and the
of this Ordinance distant 145 feet)
AYES: Trustces, J.- J. Sehnitker,
grades heretofore established for the
northwesterly (measured along said,
H. C. Sloan, Geo: P. Wilson, L. S.
northerly and northeasterly curb line
curb line) from the sontherly prolong
of said part of Central Avenue (South
anon of the westerly line of Twenty -1
NOES :. Noue -
Drive), as heretofore adopted and es -.
first Street, and running thence along
ABSENT: Trustees:. Conrad Rich -
tablished, shall be the grades for the
a line north 29 degrees, 44 minutes
30 to the where
corresponding parts of said curb line,
seconds west, point
Ali REV.-¢MiPii,- .j
i as hereby relocated and established
said line intersects a line. 10 feet
City Clerk of tom- y ig
northeasterly of,and Parallel with the
i That the northeasterly curb Iine of
southwesterly line of CentratArenie.
, -