HomeMy WebLinkAbout975 - Service of Water & RatesAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, • County of Orange, BEEN .RL7)DI(,K of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT ----- - - - - -- he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and that ............ he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that ............ he is the * .................. printer of the Newport Harbor News Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California, under date of *October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: ............ 1� ?lvarnlJ_ r-.._ f?- 3-------------------------------------------------------- all in the year 1961 ------- _--- _-_ -------------------------------- .. -............................... ....------------------------- *Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal Clerk of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this .8th ... -day of - _.ioverber 19 01 (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State- - My C'MMIIR'C' PP #?LAIFS 15N MANIKIN EVIM KOVEMBLR 16, 1963 _ -------------- - - - - -- 19------ - - - - -- 761 This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp ORDINANCE NO. 977:5 AN ORDINANCE, OF THE CITE OF NE11'PORT R F, A C H AMENDING SECTION 7211 OF AND ADDING. SECTIONS 7211 -1, 7211.2, AND 72J 1.3 TO THE NEWPORT R F, A C H -- ---- --------- --- - ---- -- 31CNICiPAL CODE; RELAT- ING TO THE SERVICE OF! WATJ °,R AND RATES; THEREFOR The City Council of the City of -------------------------- Newport Beach does ordain as follows - SECTION 1. Section 7211 of i the Newport Beach Municipal, Code is amended to read: °SECTION 7211. Readiness to .Sere Charges- There shall be charged and collect- ed a monthly readiness to smwe charge, as follows: I °n,. °i -inch meter or less ------ _.. -------------- $ 1.73 i Fur 1 -inch meter ---------- l25 For 11/,-inch meter .- .....- 3.50 Fm, 2 -inch meter.. .......... 3.75 For 21,x -inch meter -------- 6.00 For 3 -inch meter .-- .. - -.__. 7.00 For 4 -inch meter ............ 9 -50 ' For 6 -inch meter ............14.00 I For 8 -inch meter ......... _18.75 Fm• 10 -inch meter ---------- 23.75 , For 12 -inch meter ........28.75 Fnr any size meter not I, 1 above, described, the month- . ly readiness to serve charge may be — Lablishcd fro-^. time to time by resolution of the City Council of the City of Xewpmt Beach." sBCTION 2- Section 7211.1 is i added to the Newport Beach J ?donlnipnl Code to read: ;IXTION 7211.1. Add! - iional Readiness to Serve. I t'harga- In addition to the t.,odtness to serve charges vet out in Section 7211 abooa, throe is hereby impos -d .,?J shell be charged and collect - ed between July 15, 1969, uurrl July 14, 1961, an addi- tional monthly charge of 75c for each water meter in the, area of the City within the iullowing buundary: Beginning of the inteiset ticn of the centerlines of Ir- vine Avenue and Fiftecrth Street; thence along the cen- terline of Irvine Avenue to tine centerline of Coral dace; thence along the cen- terline of Coral Place to the centerline of St- Andrews Foad; thence along the cen- terline of St. Ymdrews Road LEGAL NOTICE . to the ceuterline of Cliff Drive; thence along the cen- terline Of Cliff Drive to ]r- vine Avenue; thence along < '� • • r7 the westerly lot line of Lo —fis— in the area of the City with - 1 and 2, Tract 1221; thence in the following boundary: along the southerly lot line Beginning at a point in the of Lot 2, Tract 1221 to' the existing boundary of the centerline of Kings Road; Costa Mesa County Water thence along the southerly District, said point being the lot line of Lots 19 .20, 21, 22, intersection of the center - and 23 of Tract 1221 and the lines of 15th Street and West - lots of Block A and B of muster Avenue as shown On Tract 1219; thence along the a. map of 1st Addition to southerly tract line of Tract Newport Heights, recorded in 1218; thence along the south- Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, erly lot line of Block C and page 94, Records of Orange D of Tract 1219 to the east- County, California; thence erly lot line of Lot 10, Block Southwesterly along the cen- D, Tract 1219; thence north- Lerline of Westminster Are. erly along the westerly line nus to the centerline of Old of Dover Drive and Sixteenth County Road; thence South - Street to the northerly cor- easterly along the centerline ner of Let 148, Tract 1218; of Old County Road to the thence along the northerly Easterly prolongation of the tract line of Tract 1218 to Northerly line of Tract No, the centerline of East Fif- 1136 as shown on a map teenth Street; thence slong recorded in Book 37, page 18 said centerline to the point and 19 of Miscellaneous Maps of beginning." I of said Orange County; SECTION 3. Section 7211.2 is thence Westerly along said added to the Newport Beach Easterly prolongation and Municipal Code to read: , the North line to the center - "SECTION 7211.2. Addi- line of Westminster Avenue; tional Readiness to Serve thence Southwesterly along Charges. in addition to the said centerline of Westmin- readiness to serve charges ster Avenue to the Easterly Pet out in Section 7311 above, line of State Highway, also there is hereby imposed and known as County Highway; shall be charged and collect- thence Southerly along said ed between December 15, Easterly line to the North - 7.961, and December- _15, westerly corner of Lot 5 of 1971, an additional monthly. said Tract No. 1136; thence _ charge of 75c for each water Westerly along the Wester - meter in the area of the City `y prolongation of the North - within the following bound - erly line of said Lot 5 to the try: Easterly line of a 100 foot Beginning at a point in the right -of -way granted to the existing boundary of the Santa Ana Railroad. a corr,- Costa Mesa County Water oration, by deed dated Octo- District, said point being the ber 10, 1889 and recorded in intersection of the centerlines Book 10, page 117, of deeas, of 20th Street and Irvine re.orda of said Orange Coca- Avenue; thence Southeaster- Cy; thence Northeasterly ly, Southwesterly and North- along said Easterly line to westerly along the property the centerline -of 15th Street, line described as the Wester - thence Southeasterly akng 7y one - quarter of Lot 159 in the centerline of 15th Street Block 53 of Irvine's subdivis- to the point of beginning." ion as shown on a map there - 3FCTION 5. This ordinance of, recorded in Book 1, page shall be published ones in the of- FS of Miscellaneous Maps, final newspaper of the City. and records of Orange County, the same shall be effective 80 California, to the intersection dacs after the date of its of 19th Street and Irvine ;driplion. Avenue; thence Northeaster- 'Phis adhrance was introduced ly along the centerline of Ir- at a regular meeting of the_ city vine Avenue to the point of Council of the City of Nev"nort beginning." Beach held on the 11th day of SECTION 4. Section 7211.8 is September, 1861, and was sdopt- added to the Newport Beach ed on the 30th day of Octuber, Municipal Code to read: 1961, by the following Grote, to "SECTION 7211.3. Add!- wit: Ronal Readiness to Serve AT FS, Councilmen: Cook, Stod- Charges. in addition to the Card, Hart, Lorenz, Somers, readiness to serve charges Atkinson set nut in Section 7211 above, N GES, Councilmen: None there is hereby imposed and ABSENT Councilmen: Kingsley shall be charged and collect - ATTZST: ed between December 15, MARGERY SCHROUDER 1961, and December 15, 1981, City Clerk an additional monthly charge JAAIFS B. STODDARD, of 75c for each water meter \layer No. 761 — News -Prose 11/8/61 E STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE S S. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I . ......... ........ .................................... City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ......... Ordinance .............. ............................... No ...... %75 ...... .................was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council ad' Qurned of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular / meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the.... 30th......... day, of.. ....... October ..... __ ___ ....... _ ................. 19_61-_ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN.... ________ • NOES: COUNCILMEN-- ... - Ncame ................. ................ ....... ........................ ........ ....... • ABSENT: COUNCILM Dated this -4th day of I�[ ovembe- r-- ------------------------ 19 61.. ------------- ---- --- -- - - ---------- ---............................ City Clerk an Ex -0ffi io Clerk of the City Council, City of Newport ach, State of'Celifornia NB 130 -500 12/56 -1.