HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaterials received after packet distributionOctober 9, 20081 To: Newport Beach Planning Commission From:Michael Fhgundes Shorehouse Cafc Re: Application I'for conditional use permit Dear Planning Thank you for taking the time to review our applications. My name is Michael Fagumdes and I am here to 'represent the Shorehouse Cafe . I would like to take this time to ask you to take a look at (some letters from some of our patrons and neighbors. After reviewing these letters I am asking you if Shorehouse Cafecould be granted a temporary entertainment license, and recalender this matter for 6 months from today. The Shorehouse Caf6 feels that in this amount of time we can show that complying to all of the planning commissioners rules and regulations can be done on a permanent basil, and without fail. If this temporary license cannot be granted, as in the similar case of pairks and recreation granting night time lighting for soccer due to noise disturbances, l Shorehouse Cafe is asking for this continuance on the basis of the 24 hour time period given to review the City of Newport Beach's application request. Thank our time and consideration, Michae a des Manager Shorchouse Cafe H October 8`h, 200$ City of Newport Beach ATTN: Planning Comm 3300 Newport Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Planning Commissioner: 1 am a resident located at 806 E. Oceanfront and possibly the closest owner /resident to our local Shore House Cafe. I would like to comment on a few issues regarding the level of noise, loitering, and drunk patrons which stem from CABO CANTINA. I have made several calls to Newport Beach Police Dept. with ALL complaints stemming from the Cabo Cantina Bar. 1 spoke to the General Manager at the Shore House Cafe (Michael Fugur des) and was informed of a planning commission meeting on October 9`h, 2008 at 6:30 pm. I would like to go on the record on their behalf .... as I have NEWER had any problems with the Shore House Cafe or their patrons, and feel that they should not be punished for the problems that are created by Cabo Cantina. I assure you that the Shore House Cafe has always been respectful of us residents and caters to a more mature crowd who resides here on the Peninsula. . ' I hope that this letter is helpful in determining the outcome of a great restaurant on the Peninsula (Shore House Cafe) and their operating abilities to survive and cater to us residents. Respectfully, Crystal Sechrist (949) 675 -5330 October 09, i 2i 08 City of Nenp, City Counsel Reference: Beach at the Shorehouse, Balboa Dear City Counsel, Please accept this letter on behalf of Shorehouse in Balboa. My husband al'nd I are in the 60 plus age group and have lived 11 the Balboa Peninsula area for over 20 plus years and have had many enjoyable times at the Shorehouse with family and friends. Unlike, manyi,of the establishments in the area with a younger clientel and loud music the entertainment at the Shorehouse on the week -ends has always been enjoyable and aimed at a more mature clienteL I I hope that week -end entertainment at the Shorehouse will continue. Thank you for, the opportunity to submit this letter. Sincerely, Monica Schaefer 1609 West Balboa Blvd. Balboa, California 92663 planning commission - Inbox - Yahoo! Mail I Mail I Contacts Calendar Notepad Page 2 of 3 What's New? 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You / Shore House Cafe' has alwpys been respectful of the residents and caters to a neighborhood c�owd on the peninsula, I hope this emial is helpful in determining the outcome of restaurant on the peninsula and their operating abilites to survives on the peninsula. Best Regards, Bob Lee 949 - 933 -1699 I _Delete Reply - I. Forward _Spam I Move... j Previous 1 Next I Back to Messa $glect Message Encoding - I Full Headers i I Check Mail Comprise Search Mail Search the Web hitp://tis.mc589.m,,iii.yalioo.com/nic/sliowMessage?Fid- Inbox&sort-da(c&ordcr--down&st... 10/9/2008 ti PMW ' ✓ jam' i � ' � >���� / �- ���%�' G/ov, U i To Whom It Ma� Concern: I have been involved with the Shore House Cafe ( 801 F,.balboa blv. Newport Beach, CA.) for' 5 years both as a patron and a participant in various activates sponsored by both the restaurant and by Michael T. Fagundes. I highly recommend the restaurant (Shore House'Cafd) and Michael J. Fagundes as an outstanding participant in the Balboa businesses community. Also they have sponsored a number of community activities not only in the restaurant but also in the city of Newport Beach as well. It is a pleasure for me to recommend f�r any reason the Shore House Cafd and or Michael T. Fagundes. Thank you. Sincerely 4 tI Station Mgn. USPS I I I /i Ubl j(I11(! w' A7, .;