HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.0_Presta Property Amendments_PA2011-179CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT December 8, 2011 Hearing Agenda Item 4 SUBJECT: Presta Property Amendments (PA2011 -179) 2888 & 2890 Bay Shore Drive • General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008 • Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011 • Local Coastal Plan Amendment No. LC2011 -004 APPLICANT: Ron E. Presta of Palmo Investments GP PLANNER: Makana Nova, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3249, mnova @newportbeachca.gov PROJECT SUMMARY Amendments to the General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan and Zoning Map to change the land use designations of two properties. No changes in the existing uses or development are proposed at this time. 2888 Bay Shore Drive (Bay Shores Apartments): One property, the southern parcel, is located at 2888 Bay Shore Drive, and would remain designated for multiple -unit residential development, but the allowed density would be modified to reflect the existing 39 unit apartment complex. The following amendments are requested: 1) General Plan Land Use designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 20 du /ac) to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 39 du), 2) Coastal Land Use Plan designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C) to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -D), and 3) Zoning designation from Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178) to the Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 39 du). 2890 Bay Shore Drive: As to the second property, the applicant requests a land use change for the northern parcel, located at 2890 Bay Shore Drive, from Multiple -Unit Residential to Mixed -Use Water Related to maintain the existing commercial uses. The following amendments are requested: Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 2 1) General Plan Land Use designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 20 du /ac) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du), 2) Coastal Land Use Plan designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C) to Mixed - Use Water Related (MU -W), and 3) Zoning designation from Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178) to the Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du). RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Resolution No. — (Attachment No. PC 1) and attached Exhibits recommending the City Council: • Approve General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008; • Approve Local Coastal Plan Amendment No. LC2011 -004; and • Approve Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011. VICINITY MAP Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 3 2890 BAY SHORE DRIVE Presta Property- Mixed -Use 2888 BAY SHORE DRIVE Presta Property - Residential CHANGES:CURRENTto PROPOSED LOCATION: GENERAL PLAN: COASTAL LAND USE PLAN: ZONING: 2888 Bay Shore Drive RM (20 du /ac) to RM -C to RM-13 RM (2178) to RM (39 du) RM (39 du) 2890 Bay Shore Drive RM (20 dWac) to RM -C to MU -W RM (2178) to MU -W2 (1 du) MU —W2 (1 du) SURROUNDING USES: CG (General Commercial) CM -A (Recreational and Marine CG (Commercial General) and CM (Recreational and Commercial) and PC -37 (Castaway's North Marine Commercial) Marina Planned RSD -B Community) West and South R (Single -Unit t Residential (Single -Unit Residential R -1 Detached) Detached) (Single -Unit Residential) East Newport Bay Newport Bay Newport Bay Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 4 1► 111 its] -oil [it Rork Proiect Settin The properties are located on the inland side of Newport Harbor at the southeast corner of the intersection of West Coast Highway and Bay Shore Drive. Both parcels are designated by the Land Use Element of the General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan, and the Zoning Code for multiple -unit residential use. Both properties are accessible from West Coast Highway via Bay Shores Drive, a private street. The southern parcel at 2888 Bay Shore Drive is approximately 1.55 acres in area and is currently developed with the Bay Shore Apartments consisting of 39 dwelling units. The northern parcel at 2890 Bay Shore Drive is approximately 0.46 acres in area. The parcel is developed with carports and surface parking to accommodate the adjacent residential development, a storage unit facility, and a mixed -use building consisting of a leasing office for Bay Shore Apartments and Swales Anchorage Marina, a marine surveyor's office, and a caretaker's unit on the second floor. Due to the commercial uses on the property, the property is nonconforming with the General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan and the Zoning Code designations. The properties to the west and south are developed with a 528 -lot, single - family residential tract known as the Bay Shores Community. The properties to the north, across West Coast Highway, are currently vacant and undeveloped. A retail shopping center, known as Mariner's Pointe, is planned at 200 West Coast Highway located at the northwest corner of West Coast Highway and Dover Drive. Newport Harbor is to the east and adjacent to the subject properties. Background On May 21, 1959, the Newport Beach Planning Commission approved Ordinance No. 635 approving Use Permit No. UP518 and Variance No. VA535 for the development of 39 dwelling units with an accessory building, office, and carports at 2888 Bay Shore Drive (Attachment No. PC 3). On July 15, 1959, building permits were issued that authorized the construction of a mixed -use building consisting of an accessory office, apartment, and carports located at 2890 Bay Shore Drive. At that time, the property was in the U (Unclassified) Zoning District. On January 15, 1960, building permits were issued that authorized the construction of 38 dwelling units, carports, laundry, storage, and a semi - public swimming pool for the apartment complex at 2888 Bay Shore Drive. Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 5 On August 14, 1961, Ordinance No. 969 was adopted by the City Council to change the land use designation of the subject properties from U (Unclassified) to the R -3 (Restricted Multiple Family Residential) Zoning District. On May 29, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 90 -24, changing the land use of the subject properties from Restricted Multiple Family Residential (R -3) to Multiple - Family Residential (MFR, 2178). On June 30, 1995, Resubdivision No. 1007, which identifies the subject properties as Parcel 1 and 2 of Parcel Map No. 94 -115, was recorded (Attachment No. PC 4). On July 25, 2006, the Newport Beach City Council adopted Resolution No. 2006 -76 approving a comprehensive update to the Newport Beach General Plan ( "General Plan Update'). On November 13, 2007, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2007 -71, approving Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment No. LC2007 -001, making the Coastal Land Use Plan consistent with the General Plan Update. On January 28, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008 -05, which in addition to other Zoning Code changes, established the maximum time period for the abatement and termination of nonconforming uses in residential districts. However, determinations of nonconformity could not be made until the finalization of the City's Local Coastal Plan (LCP), which occurred on July 14, 2009, and the subsequent Zoning Code Update which became effective November 25, 2010. On October 25, 2010, the City Council Adopted a Comprehensive Update to the Zoning Code (Newport Beach Municipal Code Title 20) bringing consistency between the Zoning Code and the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The multiple residential zoning designations of the subject properties were changed from Multiple - Family Residential (MFR, 2178) to Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178). Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Update to the Zoning Code, Ordinance no. 2008 -005 became effective. As a result of that action, existing nonconforming commercial uses located within residential districts became subject to abatement in accordance with Ordinance No. 2008- 05. The City has sent letters to all known uses that are subject to abatement pursuant to Ordinance No. 2008 -05. Staff has met with and continues to meet with many of the owners of the properties that are subject to abatement. Staff has explained to those owners the options available to them as a result of the parcels nonconformance Remedies may include conversion of use or development to a residential use; request for extension of the abatement period; and /or request to amend the General Plan, the Coastal Land Use Plan, and the Zoning Code to allow the continuation of the commercial use. In the case of the subject application, the owner chose to pursue amendments to change the land use designations of their properties. The application does not include a plan for development at this time. Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 6 DISCUSSION Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Plan, the Coastal Land Use Plan, and the Zoning Code are legislative acts. Neither City nor State Planning Law sets forth required findings for approval or denial of such amendments. However, when making a recommendation to the City Council, the Planning Commission should consider applicable policies and development standards to ensure internal consistency. The following sections analyze each property individually for consistency with the General Plan policies and Zoning Code development standards. The subsequent sections asses both properties together for consistency with the Coastal Land Use Plan, Charter Section 423, and SB -18 (Tribal Consultation Guidelines). 2888 Bay Shore Drive - General Plan Amendment The current RM (Multiple -Unit Residential) General Plan land use designation would not change because the use currently reflects the existing apartment development on the property. The applicant requests to amend the General Plan to reflect the density of the existing development (39 dwelling units), which results in a density of approximately 25 du /ac. The existing General Plan designation allows 20 du /ac and may have been so designated to incorporate both 2888 and 2890 Bayside Drive as a single building site. The General Plan contains objectives, policies, and distributions of land use for development in the City. The following General Plan policies are pertinent to the proposed amendment at 2888 Bay Shore Drive: 1. LU 5.6.1 Compatible Development "Require that buildings and properties be designed to ensure compatibility within and as interfaces between neighborhoods, districts, and corridors." The existing multi - family residential development provides an interface between the more intense commercial uses along the West Coast Highway corridor and the quieter single - family residential tract of the Bay Shores Community. The existing development has proven compatible with existing development in the Bay Shores area since its original development in 1960. 2. LU 6.2.1 Residential Supply "Accommodate a diversity of residential units that meets the needs of Newport Beach's population and fair share of regional needs in accordance with the Land Use Plan's designations, applicable density standards, design and development policies, and the adopted Housing Element." The proposed amendment to the General Plan would change the permitted density of 2888 Bay Shore Drive to reflect the existing development. Permitting a density that reflects the existing development on the subject property will help the City maintain an adequate housing supply. Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 7 2888 Bay Shore Drive - Zoning Code Amendment The stated purpose and intent of the Zoning Code is to carry out the policies of the City of Newport Beach General Plan. Consistency between the General Plan designation and Zoning is critical to ensure orderly development and enforcement. The main purpose of the requested amendment is to maintain the existing multi - family residential development as was originally approved on May 21, 1959, under Use Permit No. UP518 and Variance No. VA535 for the construction of 39 dwelling units. The RM Zoning District is intended to provide for areas appropriate for the multi -unit residential developments containing attached or detached dwelling units. Existing residential development at 2888 Bay Shore Drive would conform to the standards of the current Multi -Unit Residential (RM) zoning district. Under the existing RM designation, 2888 Bay Shore Drive could be developed with a maximum of 31 residential dwelling units. A total of 106 parking spaces are required per Use Permit No. UP518. Parcel Map No. 94 -115, created an easement for parking, vehicular access, and pedestrian access over both parcels to reserve required parking areas for 2888 Bay Shore Drive. If amended to the Multi -Unit Residential (RM 39) zoning district, the property could be developed with up to 39 dwelling units, which is consistent with the existing development. Redevelopment would be subject to all applicable RM development standards. 2890 Bay Shore Drive - General Plan Amendment The applicant requests to amend the General Plan from a multiple -unit residential designation to a mixed -use designation. The proposed MU -W2 land use designation is intended to provide for marine - related uses intermixed with buildings that provide residential on the upper floors. MU -W2 designated sites are also allowed to be developed exclusively for non residential uses. Permitted uses include those allowed by the CM, CV, and MU -V designations. The proposed density of residential development on the subject property is limited to one dwelling unit, which reflects the existing development. Table 1 summarizes the maximum density /intensity permitted under the Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2) land use designation: Table 1. Densitv /Intensity Limits for Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2) MU -W2 Density/intensity Mixed -Use Buildings Total 1.25 maximum FAR Nonresidential 0.35 minimum to 0.5 maximum FAR Residential 0.75 maximum FAR (1 du) Nonresidential Buildings 0.5 maximum FAR Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 8 The General Plan contains objectives, policies, and distributions of land use for development in the City. The following General Plan policies are pertinent to the proposed amendment at 2890 Bay Shore Drive: 1. Policy LU 3.3 - Opportunities for Change "Provide opportunities for improved development and enhanced environments for residents in the following districts and corridors... • Mariner's Mile: re -use of underperforming properties for retail, visitor - serving, and marine- related uses, integrated with residential Coastal Land Use Plan" The subject properties are located to the east of the Mariner's Mile corridor along West Coast Highway and across the street from properties located within the Mariner's Mile sub -area as designated in the land use element of the General Plan. Although the subject properties are not located directly within the Mariner's Mile sub -area, the parcels' orientation and location adjacent to West Coast Highway at the entry of Mariner's Mile contribute to the overall character of the corridor. The general purpose of the General Plan policy above is to strengthen the viability of commercial uses around the existing commercial centers. The Mariner's Mile corridor has been historically used and is currently developed with commercial and mixed -use structures. The amendment will provide continued use of the ground floor for commercial uses in furtherance of the policy. Approval of the amendment will allow the continuation of the existing mixed -use development and it would not be subject to abatement. Therefore, the near term possibility of creating a vacant building would be avoided. The presence of vacant storefronts has the opposite effect of revitalization. 2. LU 3.5 Coastal- Dependent and Related Businesses "Design and site new development to avoid impacts to existing coastal- dependent and coastal- related developments. When reviewing proposals for land use changes, give full consideration to the impact on coastal - dependent and coastal related land uses, including not only the proposed change on the subject property, but also the potential to limit existing coastal - dependent and coastal- related land uses on adjacent properties." The existing commercial businesses located at 2890 Bay Shore Drive include storage units, a marine surveyor's office, and a leasing office for the adjacent Bay Shore Apartments, which includes rental facilities for the boat slips at the adjacent Swales Anchorage Marina. The proposed amendment to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du) would provide for the continuation of existing coastal- dependant water related uses, eliminate the existing land use nonconformities, and create opportunities for the development of new water - related uses in close proximity to Newport Harbor. Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 9 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Zoning Code Amendment The MU -W2 zoning district applies to waterfront properties in which marine - related uses may be intermixed with general commercial, visitor serving commercial and residential dwelling units on the upper floors with a commercial floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.35 to 0.5 and residential density of one unit for every 1,631 to 2,167 square feet of land area (density of 20.1 -26.7 units per acre), and residential intensity of 0.75 FAR. The residential intensity for the 2890 Bay Shore Drive would be further limited to one (1) dwelling unit to reflect the existing development. The existing mixed -use development would conform to the standards of the proposed Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2) zoning district with the exception of the minimum commercial FAR, which is nonconforming because the existing commercial development is well below the minimum 0.35 FAR requirement. The continued commercial uses would be allowed without abatement. Future development would require conformance with applicable development and parking standards. Under the existing RM designation, 2890 Bay Shore Drive could be developed with a maximum of nine (9) residential dwelling units. The main purpose of the requested amendment is to maintain the existing mixed -use development as was originally approved on July 15, 1959. The existing dwelling unit development limit would be transferred to the adjacent parcel at 2888 Bay Shore Drive as part of the subject amendments. 2888 and 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment The subject property is located in the coastal zone and therefore, is subject to the applicable goals, objectives, and policies of the Coastal Land Use Plan. This Plan is created to govern the use of land and water in the coastal zone within the City of Newport Beach and is in accordance with the California Coastal Act of 1976. The subject properties have a land use designation of Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C). The applicant is requesting to change the current land use of 2890 Bay Shore Drive to a Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W) designation and to change the density of 2888 Bay Shore Drive to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -D), which reflects the existing density equivalent to approximately 25 du /ac. 1. Coastal Development Policy No. 2.4.1 -2 "When appropriate, accommodate coastal- related developments within reasonable proximity to the coastal- dependant uses they support." The Coastal Act prioritizes land uses, and visitor - serving uses are a higher priority land use than residential uses. The continuation of commercial uses and future redevelopment on the subject property as permitted in the MU -W2 designation will not conflict with the policies of the Coastal Act. Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 10 2. Coastal Development Policy No.3.1.1 -1 "Protect, and where feasible, expand and enhance public access to and along the shoreline and to beaches, coastal waters, tidelands, coastal parks, and trails." Map 3 -1 of the Local Coastal Program, Coastal Land Use Plan does not identify any specific opportunities for lateral or vertical coastal access at either of the subject properties located within the Bay Shores community (Attachment No. PC 5). The subject property does not contain any sensitive coastal resources as it is presently improved with mixed -use and multi - family residential buildings nor located where public access easements would be required. Charter Section 423 (Measure S) Analysis Pursuant to City Charter Section 423 and Council Policy A -18, an analysis must be prepared to establish whether a proposed General Plan amendment (if approved) requires a vote by the electorate. The proposed amendment would be combined with 80 percent of the increases in traffic, dwelling units, and non - residential floor area allowed by previous General Plan amendments (approved within the preceding 10 years) within the same statistical area. The following thresholds are applicable: 100 dwelling units, 100 a.m. peak hour trips, 100 p.m. peak hour trips, or 40,000 square feet of non- residential floor area. If any of the thresholds are exceeded and the City Council approves the requested General Plan Amendments, the amendments would be classified as a "major amendment" and be subject to voter consideration. Approved amendments, other than those approved by the electorate, are tracked for 10 years and factored into the analysis of future amendments as indicated. The properties, for which the General Plan amendment is proposed is located within Statistical Area H4 of the General Plan Land Use Element, and would result in an increase of 10,019 square feet of allowed non - residential floor area. Based on the trip generation rates contained in the Council Policy A -18 (blended commercial rate), the proposed amendment is forecast to generate an additional 30.1 a.m. peak hour trips and 40.1 p.m. peak hour trips. There would be no total change in the number of dwelling units with the proposed changes to the residential density. There have been two (2) prior amendments approved within Statistical Area H4 since the 2006 General Plan Update (GP2010 -004). The first amendment involved land use changes for the Holiday Inn Express and the Balboa Bay Club from mixed -use designations to the Visitor - Serving Commercial designation and did not include any changes in density or intensity. The second amendment involved the Mariner's Pointe retail shopping center development, which increased the allowable FAR for the project site at 200 West Coast Highway from 0.5 to 0.68. Table 2, summarizes the changes created by the proposed amendments with the recommended MU -W2 (1 du) and RM (39 du) designations. The table also shows threshold totals for the subject property. As indicated, none of the thresholds specified Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 11 by Charter Section 423 would be exceeded, and therefore, a vote would not be required. A more detailed analysis is included as Attachment No. PC 6. The proposed GPA does not create any new dwelling units as indicated in the above table, the proposed General Plan amendment does not exceed the non - residential floor area threshold, and the amendment does not exceed the a.m. or p.m. peak hour vehicle trips threshold. Therefore, a vote pursuant to Charter Section 423 would not be required. If the proposed General Plan amendment is approved by City Council, this amendment will become a prior amendment and 80 percent of the increases will be tracked for 10 years. SB18 Tribal Consultation Guidelines Pursuant to Section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, a local government is required to contact the appropriate tribes identified by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) each time it considers a proposal to adopt or amend the General Plan. If requested by any tribe, the local government must consult for the purpose of preserving or mitigating impacts to cultural resources. The City received comments from the NAHC indicating that ten (10) tribe contacts should be provided notice regarding the proposed amendment. The appropriate tribe contacts were provided notice on October 27, 2011. Section 65352.3 of the California Government Code requires 90 days prior to Council action to allow tribe contacts to respond to the request to consult unless the tribe contacts mutually agree to a shorter time period. The amendment properties are located in a geographic area which was significantly modified during the last century in order to alter channels for navigation (Newport Harbor) and form habitable land. The Bay Shores area has previously been subject to significant landform alteration. Due to these factors, the City has contacted the ten (10) Table 2: Charter Section 423 AnalysisSummary:;. ;staIfstical Area H4 In owed t Increase All 1ncreatee .in A.M, - Increase in P.M. Increase in noor Area Peak Hour Trips �. Peak Hour Trips Allowed Dwelling .:, Units.:: Proposed GP2011 -008 0 sq. ft. 4.1 5.0 8 3888 Bay Shore Dr. Proposed GP2011 -008 10,019 sq. ft. 26.0 35.1 -8 3890 Bay Shore Dr. Prior Amendments (80 %) GP2010 -004 0 sq. ft. 0 0 0 (PA2010 -052) GP2010 -009 2.710 sq ft 8.14 10.84 0 PA2010 -114 TOTALS 12,729 sq. ff. 38.24 50.94 0 Section 423 80,000 sq. ft. 100 100 100 T hresholds The proposed GPA does not create any new dwelling units as indicated in the above table, the proposed General Plan amendment does not exceed the non - residential floor area threshold, and the amendment does not exceed the a.m. or p.m. peak hour vehicle trips threshold. Therefore, a vote pursuant to Charter Section 423 would not be required. If the proposed General Plan amendment is approved by City Council, this amendment will become a prior amendment and 80 percent of the increases will be tracked for 10 years. SB18 Tribal Consultation Guidelines Pursuant to Section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, a local government is required to contact the appropriate tribes identified by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) each time it considers a proposal to adopt or amend the General Plan. If requested by any tribe, the local government must consult for the purpose of preserving or mitigating impacts to cultural resources. The City received comments from the NAHC indicating that ten (10) tribe contacts should be provided notice regarding the proposed amendment. The appropriate tribe contacts were provided notice on October 27, 2011. Section 65352.3 of the California Government Code requires 90 days prior to Council action to allow tribe contacts to respond to the request to consult unless the tribe contacts mutually agree to a shorter time period. The amendment properties are located in a geographic area which was significantly modified during the last century in order to alter channels for navigation (Newport Harbor) and form habitable land. The Bay Shores area has previously been subject to significant landform alteration. Due to these factors, the City has contacted the ten (10) Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 12 tribe contacts by telephone, email, and standard mail, but to date has not received any responses although the review period remains open. The Planning Commission may recommend the proposed amendment to City Council at this time. However, the City Council may not act on the proposed amendments until the 90 -day notice period is concluded. Given that the sites are presently developed and that no development is proposed at this time, staff does not anticipate any conflicts or need for monitoring by the tribes. If any requests for consultation are received from the tribes, they will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed amendments are exempt since they do not entail any significant alteration to the subject property and will make the General Plan land use, Coastal Land Use Plan, and Zoning District designations consistent with the present use of the subject property. The site is presently developed and no development is proposed at this time, which is exempt under Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines — Class 1 (Existing Facilities). SUMMARY The applicant has requested the amendments to allow retention of the existing mixed - use building and apartment community. The buildings were constructed in 1960 and the apartments were authorized by Use Permit No. UP518 and Variance No. 535 that were approved on May 21, 1959, by the Planning Commission. The uses have been in existence for nearly 52 years and abatement at this time seems contrary to the General Plan Policies that promote revitalization of the area. Continuation of these uses and future development consistent with the MU -W2 (1 du) and RM (39 du) designation do not appear to conflict with the General Plan or Coastal Land Use Plan or Coastal Act. Staff does not foresee any adverse environmental impacts with continued use or redevelopment. The approval of the General Plan Amendments to the MU -W2 (1 du) and RM (39 du) designations would not necessitate a vote of the electorate, pursuant to Section 423 of the City Charter. ALTERNATIVES Alternatives to proposed amendments could include disapproval of the request and retention of the existing General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan, and Zoning designations of Multiple -Unit Residential. If it is the desire of the Planning Commission to disapprove this request in its entirety, the attached resolution recommending disapproval is provided as Attachment No. PC 2. Such an action would require abatement of the existing nonresidential uses in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code, Section 20.38.100. Presta Property Amendment December 8, 2011 Page 13 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the properties, and was posted at the site a minimum of ten (10) days in advance of this hearing, consistent with the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared upon the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. Prepared by: /11P bmitted by: M kan Nova ren a Wisn sl i Assistant Planner p ty Commu i y Development Director ATTACHMENTS PC 1 Draft Resolution Recommending Approval with Attached Exhibits PC 2 Draft Resolution Denying the Amendment Requests PC 3 Relevant Information: 2888 and 2890 Bay Shore Drive PC 4 Parcel Map No. 94 -115 PC 5 Map 3 -1 of the Local Coastal Program, Coastal Land Use Plan PC 6 Section 423 Analysis Table PC 7 Site Photos F:\ Users\ P1.N\ Sharcd \PA's\PAs- 2011\PA2011- 179\PC 12- 8- 11\PA2011 -179 PC Rpt.dmx TmpIC 11/23/09 Attachment No. PC 1 Draft Resolution Recommending Approval with Attachments RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN, COASTAL LAND USE PLAN AND THE ZONING CODE TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM MULTIPLE -UNIT RESIDENTIAL (RM) TO MULTIPLE -UNIT RESIDENTIAL (RM, 39 DU) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2888 BAY SHORE DRIVE; AND FROM MULTIPLE -UNIT RESIDENTIAL (RM) TO MIXED -USE WATER RELATED (MU -W2, 1 DU) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2890 BAY SHORE DRIVE; (PA2011 -179) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. On May 21, 1959, the Newport Beach Planning Commission approved Ordinance No. 635 approving Use Permit No. UP518 and Variance No. VA535 for the development of 39 dwelling units with an accessory building, office, and carports at 2888 Bay Shore Drive (Attachment No. PC 3). 2. On July 15, 1959, building permits were issued that authorized the construction of a mixed -use building consisting of an accessory office, apartment, and carports located at 2890 Bay Shore Drive. At that time, the property was in the U (Unclassified) Zoning District. 3. On January 15, 1960, building permits were issued that authorized the construction of 38 dwelling units, carports, laundry, storage, and a semi - public swimming pool for the apartment complex at 2888 Bay Shore Drive. 4. On August 14, 1961, Ordinance No. 969 was adopted by the City Council to change the land use designation of the subject properties from U (Unclassified) to the R -3 (Restricted Multiple Family Residential) Zoning District. 5. On May 29, 1990, the.City Council adopted Ordinance No. 90 -24, changing the land use of the subject properties from Restricted Multiple Family Residential (R -3) to Multiple - Family Residential (MFR, 2178). 6, On June 30, 1995, Resubdivision No. 1007, which identifies the subject properties as Parcel 1 and 2 of Parcel Map No. 94 -115, was recorded (Attachment No. PC 4). 7. On July 25, 2006, the Newport Beach City Council adopted Resolution No. 2006 -76 approving a comprehensive update to the Newport Beach General Plan ( "General Plan Update "). Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 2 of 5 8. On November 13, 2007, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2007 -71, approving Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment No. LC2007 -001, making the Coastal Land Use Plan consistent with the General Plan Update. 9. On January 28, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008 -05, which in addition to other Zoning Code changes, established the maximum time period for the abatement and termination of nonconforming uses in residential districts. However, determinations of nonconformity could not be made until the finalization of the City's Local Coastal Plan (LCP), which occurred on July 14, 2009, and the subsequent Zoning Code Update which became effective November 25, 2010. 10. On October 25, 2010, the City Council Adopted a Comprehensive Update to the Zoning Code (Newport Beach Municipal Code Title 20) bringing consistency between the Zoning Code and the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The multiple residential zoning designations of the subject properties were changed from Multiple - Family Residential (MFR, 2178) to Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178). Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Update to the Zoning Code, Ordinance no. 2008 -005 became effective. As a result of that action, existing nonconforming commercial uses located within residential districts became subject to abatement in accordance with Ordinance No. 2008 -05. 11. An application was filed by property owner Ron E. Presta of Palmo Investments GP, with respect to the subject property located at 2888 and 2890 Bay Shore Drive, requesting approval of amendments to the General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan and the Zoning Code to change the land use. 12. The subject property is currently located within the Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Multiple -Unit Residential Land Use (RM, 20 du /ac). 13. The recommended change of the General Plan designation of 2888 Bay Shore Drive is from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 20 du /ac) to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 39 du). The recommended change of the General Plan designation of 2890 Bay Shore Drive is Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 20 du /ac) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du). 14. Council Policy A -18 requires that proposed General Plan amendments be reviewed to determine if a vote of the electorate would be required. If a project (separately or cumulatively with other projects over a 10 -year span) exceeds any one of the following thresholds, a vote of the electorate would be required if the City Council approves the suggested General Plan Amendment: the project generates more than 100 peak hour trips (AM or PM), adds 40,000 square feet of non - residential floor area, or adds more than 100 dwelling units in a statistical area. 15. This is the third General Plan Amendment that affects Statistical Area H4 since the General Plan update in 2006. There is no change in the number of dwelling units and the amendment results in 10,019 additional square feet of non - residential floor area. The additional floor area results in an increase of 30.1 A.M. peak hour trips and an increase 40.1 P.M. peak hour trips based on the commercial and residential housing Tmplt: 04/14/10 Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 3 of 5 trip rates reflected in Council Policy A -18. As none of the thresholds specified by Charter Section 423 are exceeded, no vote of the electorate is required. 16. The recommended change of the Zoning District designation of 2888 Bay Shore Drive is Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178) to Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 39 du). The recommended change of the Zoning District designation of 2890 Bay Shore Drive is Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du). 17. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category of the subject properties is Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C). 18. The recommended change to the Coastal Land Use designation is consistent with the recommended General Plan Amendment for 2888 Bay Shore Drive from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C) to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -D). The recommended change to the Coastal Land Use designation is consistent with the recommended General Plan Amendment for 2890 Bay Shore Drive from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C) to Mixed - Use Water Related (MU -W). The CLUP amendments will not become effective until the amendment to the Coastal Land Use Plan is approved by the Coastal Commission. 19. A public hearing was held on December 8, 2011, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 2. The proposed amendments are exempt since they do not entail alteration to the subject property and are essentially bringing the General Plan land use designations, Coastal Land Use Plan designations and Zoning districts to be consistent with the existing use of the buildings and property involved. Therefore, this activity is not subject to CEQA. 3. The Planning Commission finds that judicial challenges to the City's CEQA determinations and approvals of land use projects are costly and time consuming. In addition, project opponents often seek an award of attorneys' fees in such challenges. As project applicants are the primary beneficiaries of such approvals, it is appropriate that such applicants should bear the expense of defending against any such judicial challenge, and bear the responsibility for any costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which may be awarded to a successful challenger. Tmpll: 04/14110 Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 4 of 5 SECTION 3. FINDINGS. 1. Amendments to the General Plan and Coastal Land Use Plan are legislative acts. Neither the City nor State Planning Law set forth any required findings for either approval or denial of such amendments. 2. Code amendments are legislative acts. Neither the City Municipal Code nor State Planning Law set forth any required findings for either approval or denial of such amendments, unless they are determined not to be required for the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare. 3. The amendments of the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Coastal Land Use Plan will provide consistency with the proposed Zoning Code amendment to change the density of 2888 Bay Shore Drive to reflect the existing multiple -unit residential development and change 2890 Bay Shore Drive from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2) to reflect the existing mixed - use development. 4. The existing building and uses, and future development of the property affected by the proposed amendments will be consistent with the goals and policies of the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Coastal Land Use Plan; and will be consistent with the purpose and intent of the RM and MU -W2 zoning districts of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, SECTION 4. DECISION, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby recommends City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008, changing the land use designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 20 du /ac) to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 39 du); Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment LC2011 -004 changing the land use designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C) to Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -D); and Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011 changing the Zoning designation from Multi - Unit Residential (RM, 2178) to Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 39 du), affecting 2888 Bay Shore Drive, Statistical Area H4, legally described as a portion of Lot 171 in Block 54 and a portion of Block 54 of Irvine's subdivision, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of miscellaneous maps, records of Orange County, California. 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby recommends City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008, changing the land use designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM, 20 du /ac) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du); Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment LC2011 -004 changing the land use designation from Multiple -Unit Residential (RM -C) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W); and Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011 changing the Zoning designation from Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178) to Mixed -Use Water Related (MU -W2, 1 du), affecting 2890 Bay Shore Drive, Statistical Area H4, legally described as a portion of Tmplt: 04/14/10 Planning Commission Resolution No, Page 5 of 5 Lot 171 in Block 54 and a portion of Block 54 of Irvine's subdivision, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of miscellaneous maps, records of Orange County, California. 3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Presta Property Amendments (PA2011 -179 including, but not limited to, General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008, Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment No. LC2011 -004, and Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2011. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BY: Chairman BY: Bradley Hillgren, Secretary Tmpit: 04/14/10 Attachment No. PC 2 Draft Resolution Denying the Amendment Requests RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DENYING THE REQUEST TO AMEND THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN, COASTAL LAND USE PLAN AND THE ZONING CODE TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM MULTIPLE - UNIT RESIDENTIAL (RM) TO MULTIPLE -UNIT RESIDENTIAL (RM, 39 DU) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2888 BAY SHORE DRIVE; AND FROM MULTIPLE -UNIT RESIDENTIAL (RM) TO MIXED -USE WATER RELATED (MU -W2, 1 DU) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2890 BAY SHORE DRIVE; (PA2011 -179) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. On May 21, 1959, the Newport Beach Planning Commission approved Ordinance No. 635 approving Use Permit No. UP518 and Variance No. VA535 for the development of 39 dwelling units with an accessory building, office, and carports at 2888 Bay Shore Drive (Attachment No. PC 3). 2. On July 15, 1959, building permits were issued that authorized the construction of a mixed -use building consisting of an accessory office, apartment, and carports located at 2890 Bay Shore Drive. At that time, the property was in the U (Unclassified) Zoning District. 3. On January.15, 1960, building permits were issued that authorized the construction of 38 dwelling units, carports, laundry, storage, and a semi - public swimming pool for the apartment complex at 2888 Bay Shore Drive. 4. On August 14, 1961, Ordinance No. 969 was adopted by the City Council to change the land use designation of the subject properties from U (Unclassified) to the R -3 (Restricted Multiple Family Residential) Zoning District. 5. On May 29, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 90 -24, changing the land use of the subject properties from Restricted Multiple Family Residential (R -3) to Multiple - Family Residential (MFR, 2178). 6. On June 30, 1995, Resubdivision No. 1007, which identifies the subject properties as Parcel 1 and 2 of Parcel Map No. 94 -115, was recorded (Attachment No. PC 4), 7. On July 25, 2006, the Newport Beach City Council adopted Resolution No. 2006 -76 approving a comprehensive update to the Newport Beach General Plan ( "General Plan Update "). Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 2 of 4 8. On November 13, 2007, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2007 -71, approving Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment No. LC2007 -001, making the Coastal Land Use Plan consistent with the General Plan Update. 9. On January 28, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008 -05, which in addition to other Zoning Code changes, established the maximum time period for the abatement and termination of nonconforming uses in residential districts. However, determinations of nonconformity could not be made until the finalization of the City's Local Coastal Plan (LCP), which occurred on July 14, 2009, and the subsequent Zoning Code Update which became effective November 25, 2010. 10. On October 25, 2010, the City Council Adopted a Comprehensive Update to the Zoning Code (Newport Beach Municipal Code Title 20) bringing consistency between the Zoning Code and the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The multiple residential zoning designations of the subject properties were changed from Multiple - Family Residential (MFR, 2178) to Multi -Unit Residential (RM, 2178). Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Update to the Zoning Code, Ordinance no. 2008 -005 became effective. As a result of that action, existing nonconforming commercial uses located within residential districts became subject to abatement in accordance with Ordinance No. 2008 -05. 11. An application was filed by property owner Ron E. Presta of Palmo Investments GP, with respect to the subject property located at 2888 and 2890 Bay Shore Drive, requesting approval of amendments to the General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan and the Zoning Code to change the land use. 12. The subject property is currently located within the Multi -Unit Residential (RM 2178) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Multiple -Unit Residential Land Use (RM 20 du /ac). 13. A public hearing was held on December 8, 2011, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. Pursuant to Section 15270 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, projects which a public agency rejects or disapproves are not subject to CEQA review. SECTION 3. FINDINGS. 1. Amendments to the General Plan and Coastal Land Use Plan are legislative acts. Neither the City nor State Planning Law set forth any required findings for either approval or denial of such amendments. The Planning Commission has determined Tmplt: 04114/10 Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 3 of 4 that in this particular case that the current General Plan and Coastal Land Use Plan designations are appropriate and a change is not warranted. 2. Code amendments are legislative acts. Neither the City Municipal Code nor State Planning Law set forth any required findings for either approval or denial of such amendments, unless they are determined not to be required for the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare. The Planning Commission has determined that in this particular case, that the current Zoning designation is appropriate and that a change is not necessary for the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare. 3. The existing nonresidential uses including a marine surveyor's office, storage unit facility, leasing office, and boat -slip rental facility are not consistent with the goals and policies of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, the Zoning District requirements or the Coastal Land Use Plan; and therefore will be subject to abatement in accordance with Ordinance No. 2008 -05. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby denies the requests for General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008, Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment LC2011 -004, and Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011, affecting 2888 Bay Shore Drive, Statistical Area H4, legally described as a portion of Lot 171 in Block 54 and a portion of Block 54 of Irvine's subdivision, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of miscellaneous maps, records of Orange County, California. 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby denies the requests for General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008, Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment LC2011 -004, and Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011, affecting 2890 Bay Shore Drive, Statistical Area H4, legally described as a portion of Lot 171 in Block 54 and a portion of Block 54 of Irvine's subdivision, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of miscellaneous maps, records of Orange County, California. 3. This action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2011. AYES: NOES: Tmplt: 04/14/10 Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 4 of 4 ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BY: BY: , Chairman Bradley Hillgren, Secretary Tmplt: 04/14/10 Attachment No. PC 3 Relevant Information: 2888 and 2890 Bay Shore Drive ,- � �dl IY ORANTFJA NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL'. ]$ DAYS AFTER DAME USE PEMT APPLICATION , ' NO. OF GRANT. ORD.-NO. 635 SECT. NO. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACR DATE= INSTRUCTIONS: (READ CRREFULLY) THE APPLICANT OR HIS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AL ALL PUBLIC HEARINGS. FILL OUT WS APPLICATION COMPLETELY. It MUST be accompained by a plot plan in duplicate drawn to scale, and with correct dimensions,, showing in detail all boundaries, existing buildings, proposed alterations and addit- ions. The Applicant must sign the "Use Permit" within thirty (30) days after granting. 1. THE IRVINE CO. & LYMAN H. FARWELL SAYSNORES ORIVt R COAST HWY. Applicant Address Involved PORTION OF BLOCK 54 IRVINE SUBDIVISION - BOOK 1, P 85, MISC. MAP B._. ..' 2. LOT BLOCK SECTION TRACT ZONE G A.M. 31 HEARING DATE ,.AY 21, 195o TI1 -0E P.M. 4. Application is hereby made for a Use Permit from Section.gl03,g to permit:4_ CONSTRUCTION or jq APARTMENT UNITS AND ACOCSOORY on AiTACNtO PLOT PLAN There are j sheets attached to and made a Part of this Application. I hereby certify that the foregoing statements, maps, drawings, plans and specifications attache od hereto are true and correct. If granted this Use Per,3it will not adversely affect persons residing or working in the neighborhood. I further consent to any permit issued in reliance thereon being null and void inevent they are not true and cor- rectyOiR 1i -w-w,- tea*+- rte^. -.y -Cd 1@.� •.. -. -... � . FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY PLANNING COIR•Ti SSION ACTION In accord with Section A Use Permit is hereby grants the above Applicant subject to requirements of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction and subject to the following: (1) Application approved subject to the use and conditions of an R -3 Zone. (2) Parking to be in conformance with plot plan submitted with not less than 106 spaces. ultt✓;o: r1Aew nea.,.ulg ruulisneu Newspaper FINDINGS OF PLANHING COTOUSSION• it was determined by the Commission that the granting of this use permit would not be detrimental to persons residing. or working in the neighborhood and approval was recommended, subject to the above conditions. GRANTED - By City Planning Commission GRANTED -By the City Council on the on the pl day of May 19 59 day of - 19 Ray Y. Copeli.n, Secraitaxy Newport Beach City Planning Commission Margery SeFrouder, ity Jerk Newport Beach, California .0 Q0 f W 1t. #,- 5 16 L_ � _`• ' -i � /en �� . to � Fad . bL 11 .Pf� j' 6 4�0. MF P CiL S ! r m a All w " >LL i y � t t I h '' t • r tt n i ._._. _ r .. z�'. =b .. .. AVMH99HS 1570.7 . VARIANCE APPLICATION Npt, 5370. Ordinance No. 635 City of Neyrport,Baach DATR _____ INSTRUCTIONS: (Read Carefully) The Applicant or his legal repteeenbiCive must be present at all public hearings. Pill out this application completely. It must be accompanied by four copiea of a plot plan to scale, and with correct dimensions, showing to detail all boundaries, existing buildings, proposed alterations and additions, The Applicant must sign conditions of Variance, if any, within thirty days after granting. Application shall be revoked if not used within eighteen months from date of approval. 1. LIMAN H. FAR'RELL A THE IRVINE CO, BAYSHOREE DRIVE & COAST HWY, Property Owner Only Address Involved PORTION OF CLOCK 5110 IRVINE SUBDIVISION - BOOK 18 P 6E, M'UC' NAPe. 2. LOT BLOCK SECTION TRACT ,ZONE U A.H. 3. DATE OF NEARING MAY 21. 1959 TIME P.M. .•:.�' 4. Application is hereby made for a Variance from Section 9105.4 to permit: P1 HIGH ACCESSORY BV ILOINO MALL TO HAVE E04 SFTSACK AL NO COAT M V. THERE 19 No 6ET,Aex En(INN am n(aTR1etiuo YAP 423 KOH THIS PROPERTY. REQUEST A 5' SETBACK FOR OFFICE SUILOINO AS SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN. 5. Hardship Involved: THE REQUIRED 11 SETSACx (P.22, SECTION 9105.4) SOUL. NOT AFFECT THE HIOHWAY, OUT WOULD PERMIT THE OWNER A 11 HIDER CRIVEWAY. IT is x DESIHEAOLE To HAVE A VIEW OF COATS FROM OFFICE t MENGE THE T OETBAOS. There are sheets attached to and made a part of this Application. I hereby certify chat thW foregoing statem..nts, maps, drawingo, plane and specifications attached here. are true and correct. If granted this Variance will not adversely effect persons residing or working in the neighborhood. I further consent to any permit iesuec, to reliance thereon being nulHndFvt in the avant they are not FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION In accord with Section 9106.31(a) -i -2 -3 a Variance is hereby the above application subject to requirements of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction and subject to the following: (1) Development meet comply with fire department specifications as'cet forth in a coselunication dated May 21, 1959, (2) Height of fence along Bayahore Drive mat be a minimum of 41 and of Canonry DATES: of the Sate aooroach to Eavehorea moat agrees X shed Newspaper PINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSION: The Commission found and determined, upon reviewing all the evidence on file and oral testimony at the hearing, that the granting of this variance would not be detrimental to persons residing or working in the neighborhood and recommended approval, subject to the above conditions, That Variance be GRANTED -fit on the 21 day of May 19 59 f�lr Ray Y.Y. Copell Secretary NQwpnrt Beach City Planning Commlo�.;on GRANTED - DENIED on the ­day of 19_ Margery Schrouder, City Clerk Nowport Beach, Calit'ur.J.V Attachment No. PC 4 Parcel Map No. 94 -115 LS SHEETS -2 PARCEL MAP "�.�;'ou� ICE - 2.01 AC. DAiE - 5349 F TPM7 94 -115 NO., 9 4 -1 15 OF SURVEY - FEB., 1994 BDW IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA R,C BEING A RESUBOIVISION OF A PORAON OF LOT Ill IN BLOCK 54 AND A P041701✓ OF BLOCK 54 OF IRNNES SUBOMSION, IN BYE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOW ON A IdAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1, PACE 88 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER, 1994 GEORGE A. XRICA R.C.E. 26564 THIS MAP IS FOR FINANCING /CONVEYANCE PURPOSES ONLY mE V+BFA9<A'm .e'R ALL PAXFAA It. .1 RECORD ITC MTTES, H B'E I'D 00 R 1. BY MS VAP, TO hUAGY OC SENT TO mE P ANATX ANB RCCIMBARM R GAS YAP. A$ STONY wI`B ME SS,,IN F BCxDIB.1 THE AYTE COMAH( A V'. CNIAN CRVCRAP.di / q IT DENT'L NCE -AND CAVAxA1WT PRESO]ii ASSSi VI SEC£IAGT STAIR OF CAUEM A .1 O .110EI SA ON TH ST RI L. W BUpE ME N M Sf vr.Y uNVV f4YEe. P7L01ALLY APPEARU TOI YTW4d • a B�uuuA RRTwµLY' 0,W i0 YE (IXi PROHD TO uE M D+E RA95 0 SA1t4�iACf Y- EV,OEIi LE) TO BE THE F.S , h5E NAY6 ARE 9HLRRFO i0 R E wMLN NlI .jA A..A.10CEB TO ME THAT MEY EAEOl20 i4E SAVE W T AUIX QY'EEO nb CC*AORE$ AN) THAT BY mEa ScwnSES ON T W ASTRNE.NT R fNS UN RTC POTY . SE.A:f O! !x'. CH mE PCRS0.5 AC1F0. E}ENtFD TUNE IASIRUYCNI, wnESS YY NM9. SGATUI E AFA � NY PPNOPAL -a OF BJS::ESS IS W ll.Y NBLIC N MD P OSAU ST TE BX," Avl Cu; ✓ . Ynrv.. M <rnTmOr'nt< ur CGV VSSOx EYPfES O' l (NAVE NLNIF➢) OxAVq ca. Tv 9O.'AIVRF AM .S we]VAN'I iO THE P.,I. C, YCION C6U51.) (3) L£ IYE E190M9M YM NCI. ME 1"... CAXATWES xAlE HGU4 .e . 1. mN WORN CONN.�DOS AS LE. AW FLWAA HH �FMA$L. CATHER C S FAie91, IYU. 4 FAIx HMCY 1111 CuNEY AND BARBAAA "AWILL w..0 A$ TFSBEEE BY Y[YORAVxu p' IEAY RELOADED aTOCEA ). wS m GA. "'I, PAGE m . C.TOAA RC[P�DS 2 IC .TTY . ORANGE NOIDE9 0" AS1CATON OA$GUll BI OBB REC{KCfD Avd T), 1HA -N &MS 696; PARC 'T'. .1 RFCq&S. 3, IFE'AHVC COMPANY. A YOWAN ONOO,ARCN AS LIBRA AND L." F FAR. MD 'fE E FARF4L. TRUSRES OF mE L AND A FMV.IIL REWCARE TRB" OA= MAL NX 1550, ROIMD 1. wxp LLR . FINE A F. w „NpR[9, TRVSiFS Cf ME NON. ). AND BAAIAPA F. NNCAL419S1 BA,11 BATED NOhV#R 3. 159' A4" ROBERT w WRLEY AND XAN'CY f, OALFY. NYSTCFS CF , CU- FAWLY 198V WE, I IE54L4. BY G90A*19 TEASE 4C kD MAY A. 1592 0.S sm'I E`T 10, 93- XS]]). 0,11011 ROCCR05 4, AN AGREEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE IRVINE OOMFAW, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION AND LYYAN H. FARWELL, CATHERINE S. FARWELL, LYMAN O, FARWELL. NANCY FARWELL CORLEY, BARBARA FARWELL, WINCAER, FOR INGRESS, CORE'A, DISCLOSED OY DOCUMENT RESROED AUGUST 14, 1979 IN BOON IX66 MOE 1222. OR. S. THE STATE OF CALIPORNIA HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES ANO HIGHWAY PURPOSES BY WCUYENT RECORDED JANUARY T. 1980 IN BOOK 11459 CASE I65y AM DISCLOSED BY ,SCENERY RECORDED OCTOBER 17,190 AS INSTRUMENT NO 83-4564 A0 AND BY MAP FILED IN BOOK It PAGE 36 OF STATE NWIM'AY AA S IN SAID COUNTY IN RECORDS. A' INE 'A uM .11 PREPARED 01 YE W I'M VY O'.XELPW MD IS RASED IT. A FSW SLA94EY W CIXFpNA.VCE NM ME R GUNCAGNTE Cf ME 4,9QN9M .1 ACT AND LB M_ CROINIxCES A) Rl flfOA51 Q mE TRV1E MYPANV CH 6 /i)/9a. I x. STALE THAT AZT. NMVVENTS ARE CF 1XE CHIRAC. AND ICRPY mE PD3 Mat51WCARO ON THAT mA . BE XF 1.N S . ep3Tg G M OR BE' PE DCTNE4.'M AND MAT 54'D V DW..TS ARE .L FNT TO EHARE ME p N TO`T.EPll OVCO W® tl.01T. M1: W.Y PFPRO \4D TEHIAl. BAR.NPfIEY 'G Oi .Wt^A OM", L EMyet EOST.i MAV EAF'AES 3 -]I -55 I .1 STATE MAT I NAVL EAAYHEO TUNS NAP MO HAL£ 1. IT i0 BE SU 1111 . LN C FOYAAHCE AM mE IFNIARIE NA°. If HFQ vTMD. AS TILED A...0 AP... BY OF (AY PUNNAO CtVn:SSP: RTAT ALL PRONSUS OF ME SUMVSCM MAP ACT AND OIY MSGI:VSG.N REORARO.VS XME BEEN CW EO NM AW INC NM 5 TER Y CO ECT IU ALL KWUCR NOT CEAif:EO i0 BY ME Cws T SVRIEICR. DATED THS .^..L T4, BAY OF ( wlp ,1595 `�. ccnl ol R.CEI T 1EwsvAi BEAa Yv 1¢osmATON E'.av$s 4A•enz MS YANG CDxNTVS MM TXE BARI.. 11D'11. OF TINE 3UB .. NAP ACT .1 I AV GAM.. SUO YAP IS TEOP'.CALY Leap ECT. OARS DES Ql"± GA"' J VNe ,1955 'hi.d..Q Vf_N Qql= uNB(OEL MORALE O:R5£YCH . BY YLIU[I MORAL EFFORT, 155999 ECRUM& 12,31.9E COUNTY 1A.WIREA - TAX CCUECINS CUITf1CATE SiAIE 6 LiJFOWA) Cwxrr CF awN'z )I$s I T BY CERTFY THAT ACCWDIO TO R'E PF 01 OR BY CFAR INERE ARE NO LUNG ACANST mE TANG LVI4RE0 BY MS AM' OR ANY PMT .01101 WAO $TAM CWVTY. M'NOPAL OR LOCAL TAYCS W METAL AASFGAA CUTS CRIECTM AS TAYFS EXCEPT TAXES OX VEOK ASAMAU NTG MBACTO AS TANGS HOi YET FAYA%E All W AL50 .11 TO ME RECWOER p UNAH(v CW HIY MAT mE R.DNSp$ OF RR NAOYSM .1 ACT ANY BEEN C AIkYD NM REOAROTO 0FN9R TO M.RC ME PAYMENT OR TA s OR STEM A #ESYCN3 CCUECTUR A$ TARS W mE RAND COA A' BY "A MAP. OARD'IHS 27'RFI OAY CP_� X 1595 � r Cg4.VTY 11USLPFR -TAY MH BYRTNITY TRE'SO -TAM CCUECT RASBAAT TO TFE FROBSq$ A' SECRW "A11.' ti IC SVBOIVSOY VAP ACT, T1E 1[uOwnG Y/n0',,Mon NPE RE0.1p0: 1, I.G, 'HE PURPOSE OR M9 YM IS 10 RES%TICE WE.." PARCH INTO TAM RAN. 3 N 8 J SHEET 2 O 2 SHEETS PARCELS – 2 ACREAGE – 2.01 AC. ALL OF TPM 94 -115 DATE OF SURVEY – FEB., 1994 SCALE: 1=60' N0. 94 -115 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER, 1994 GEORGE A. UJRICA R.C.E. 26554 THIS MAP IS FOR FINANCING /CONVEYANCE PURPOSES ONLY K &"AWS 9VW IE9E4: Yi BA4D a+ in v.]z c �Imn ocs wezarta W1Pm]. $t "INM P91A 6]41 MD 5]AL4v W4 M 6IM fFMy X9fft9'10'F RT IE[•RJ4 W Pl[ n ilE ORNF R ,h ouz mnn 9.a1EPrE o1w mm6Ai ttQpYlR4 9191.A AeF BASEO P' M LAJV W.: tDRTUR MRV (CID)). ]0. Y: 1443 XA9. 11%R PM103' W4 N' IhTfNR m N W M' ON. W'3SS NL7R1gORI0� w4iAV£ ei 099m�QIW 14 lo. 1G 1 ly 6g DETAL'A' IS 1 1 RESUB. NO. 1007 4 8s/ tliA MI -VI6t Ylc% 921fi� J � p =1 =q.SY R ^998' �OD�YASI OJlit MQINAY 6N• _ 8913'03 "E 611J9L]fi �' W xOIaFG. CSCA4 �. � P p1 �Bi ARR3CM QI m Nrz lEA5ELT4. /� 1 L "r I XWf -n CPRITEW ' DPhE (PArvArz sirsE,) —w`– I T r -I- I i- - - -` i "" WAV y_ —q_ � 91 ti I11 ° OHJE (PArvAR Sra'i0 � i�" PARCEL i Qt6 AGES gSCI IC.N 4 iKK ' iA�n'6s zswA' U!: 0.E p /CD.IATM1XG 'ERA.. W, PFA i0. 3277. f0 AK PT \ /o (srAS Ar RECm fA nOMHG— /rv/ /eUIMI� � %�/ lR�pno�oi°iL1Kio. ✓ 0.GE 1>Q6]. YO CT. rt.YM N0. B }519]59. OR 4GT I£M MD iAC( IAWy'R2 ]6 %a.' VyDS I]I fSCA "s01�n�tA xmXwc. / N0. 81- 519]59. OA ;i OQ M7_ �F yr' �. � ASEMENT NOTES) X OA NO PoOIiS E9 ARp4 LO � i COAST N'61MAY Pai BM(� 59 2 1856. TOAL NEWi06 VA PPO AttCCEIX4 WOIl5�A5 910'NLR� OB El2V9R T01 SiAIC K C4609HiA iVx 5BA21WCW faAY RpiPp':iS PFR fiW( 1J159. PAS ' $ AL 0.CPA5 P- OiA)1fv CpMtt. PJ31C UIYIiY CISy" i iCR Tff B•Tai K lN[ Q EAS]19ff f0R PARONO, rfl1CV.AR ALQ4, PELES(kAV A<mx .wo i �-ss/fcsss fw 111EBFA<Ai OF PA9LE4S I ANO I OYS. PARCELS I. 2 MO BAY 910(3'. OPol£ (A PWVAIE SIIFST) PEA BW( 1]264 PAS 1)YL VTO.I . Z' Of Q mN I (LOUIE➢ As slo V M MS K. 9AP.j E k.AW.EC .�PFROUL PCGE55/TCA65 EASEl19it w nrt BENOIi W PAAms I Aw 2 xmmr R�1En, vemx ME Rms /n caomoNS a 4]68. PAIF 1722 0 JI` R3fT2p4 NOTES: (' GN. J4 /]1�COA POI 1R AQ 10]1. � R 9�1 l�wtE480MEAY5E XOI�EVNOiED. ttO Glf2 ST VpVVOIi AS NO]ED. �V N 8 J Attachment No. PC 5 Map 3 -1 of the Local Coastal Program, Coastal Land Use Plan i i City of Newport Beach, California (West Newport Area) Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan 3 -38 1 Coastal Access and Recreation: Mao 3 -1 ",1 M91 M. . NOKrH o� LEGEND FS Public Beach Location Public Beach Access Location Potential Access Point • Coastal Zone Boundary Lateral Access Potential Lateral Access -' Vertical Access Blufftop Access Potential Blufftop Access �•' City Boundary Proposed Park Public Beach or Park M. . NOKrH o� Attachment No. PC 6 Section 423 Analysis Table COD s tot land Use Plan Consistency Amendment (PA2011.179) Charter Section 423 Analysis Allowed Pf000ssd Total square Addrott Existing Oevelo Allowed Existing Traflc Land Use Proposed Proposed Tulhc Told du p parent OP De Daily lntan Me Catenation Catenation Existing AM E,ISlinO PM Proposed GP density InlanMlyffloor Land Use Description Proposed AM Proposed PM AM Change PM Change changes footage Area changes - - PRENW6APPROVAL6 - A.OENEML PLAN AMENDMENT NO. OP20104M - STATISTICAL AREA HA 1221 W Coast 114"ay Btlbos Bay Club Resorl(Anal MU -WI 859) 144 I57 hotel rooms (M endmoms WWn 487,402,0 NIA WA WA MU -WI (Anomaly 059) 8 CV(Arlanaty 877) 144 157 Wet aeons (DU and mans xilhln 487,40260 NIA NoChange No Change 0 0 0 0 2300 W Coast Nyhway 6B.B28puaze -fad W is Sty deve5sped xilh a 64raml hotel The Nattily Inn Express MU-HI N 28.314 82M- Ap.".M (0.51AMN 82PM tips per unit) 6 Connvaill wended rate per Ceuxed Pty.. y A. 18 (3.0 AM 6 4.0 Pel Dips 000, �� 131.82 CV0.5 0 28.314 Oanmerval Vended late per Counal PO:q A -18 (30 AM S 40 PM bills par I.00OsO BI .B 1133 0.0 0.0 00 0 0. GENERAL PU1N AMENDMENT NO. OP20104109 • STATISTICAL AREA N4 200 Nbat Coast Hyhway 33.038square -loot bt Is 33.03"adx9h MO vacanl0 Wa act, lolelnp 5.447 square CG 0.5 0 10518 Cwlounch" Mended rata per Couao4 Fsucy A -18(3. AM 84.0 PM Was per 1,000 4955 68.07 CG 0.58 0 19,905 Co nmaual blended rNe Paz Ca' Pd4y A.18 (3.0 AM 8 4.0 PM s 1,0006 69.72 79.62 10.17 13.55 0 3,387 t0 %oTPropola0lnlenaily -Fq 0.1 10.9 0,0 2,710 R GENERAL PLAN AMENDM ENT NO. OP2011 -M - STATISTICAL AREA He 2890 Say Share Dave, APN Oei191J3 no Prosia Propedy, 20.0)7 -square loot bt Eeve:oped x - -.the Ma slay m'ed use b,-4 RM 20 DWet 9 0 8220. AgemnarN (051AMro82PMldpsper Will 4.58 5.68 mum. aeoly, FAR050onlywy aswaxolial use; V cammertial cNy I FAR 0 5 Mav 1 10,019 8220- Ateartieenl (0.51AM10.82PMbfp6 w asiO B Canarwdel Faer Caars0l PO5 30b 40.7 28.0 35.1 -82 10.019 2888 Bay Shore Dnve. eon 049 19 1 �30 The Prosla Properly, 67.518 squaredool bl 64Wped w.lh a 31,va assuray l cgmp'es (J paid; s R,A 20 Wlec 31 0 82M- Apar4nent B) 51AM/0.62PU Ides per gM U 15.81 1922 RM(39 du), allows multple Iasdenbal use 39 0(0.61AM10.82PM 8220- Apedununl bfps perufs0 198 24.2 4.1 5.0 8.0 0 40 0 20.40 24.80 AO 10,018 60b 40.7 3oS 40.1 4.2 10018 - 60.9 _ -01 TOTAL FOR STATI STICAL AREA He 216. 167 how roams CCU And! Assets n1BM4/7.40h0 all A 169.0 222.6 194.0 10.011 80.5 40.7 26.2 11mml Pagesd1 Attachment No. PC 7 Site Photos 2888 Bay Shore Drive- Bay Shore Apartments and Surface Parking 2888 Bay Shore Drive - Carports for Bay Shore Apartments 2888 Bay Shore Drive -Bay Shore Apartments and Surface Parking 2888 Bay Shore Drive - Carports for Bay Shore Apartments 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Swales Anchorage Marina 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Carports for Bay Shore Apartments iw � �v r' i - 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Commercial Office Tenant Spaces 2890 Bay Shore Dr -Trash Area and Carports 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Surface Parking Areas 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Tandem Surface Parking and Storage 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Surface Parking Area 2890 Bay Shore Drive - Second Floor Dwelling Unit Planning Commission December 8, 2011 Presta Property Amendments General Plan Amendment No. GP2011 -008 Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment No. LC2011 -004 Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2011 -011 (PA2011 -179) t• 245237 231 115 120 Ilb 420 410 402 320 101 302 Q� G" 112 KINGS RO 108 421 411 403 321 311 303 100 104 RS -D COAST HWY IN 2795 2661 1681 2809 2581 2591 2611 2631 2651 26]1 2691 2575 2585 2601 2621 2641 2093 CRESTVIEW DR 2652 2642 2071 2500 2596 2612 2632 26626]2 2861 RM 2781 2592 2602 2622 2871 2633 2577 2S 2 2601263263564! 2671 2841 2581 2661 2831 23]b 2571 WAVERLY DR 2571 2561 2670 2821 2 2591 2601 2801 2802 2011 28'. 2611 2792 2801 2562 k 2782 25922 42s" 2641 W 2]]2 2602 019, 2791 2000 2)el 1Y 2762 2781 2622 2771 2782 2391 2612 2632 U 2601 2642 x732 2761 2772 2611 0 2729 2742 2731 O� 2762 2732 2741 M' E 2722 » 2752 273t a 2742 2612 2712 2721 IT 2732 2622 2642 S E702 2713 2722 2632 2672 2692 2705 2716 2641 2662 2682 2706 GENERAL PLAN RM -20 du /ac to RM -39 du CLUP RM -C to RM -D ZONING RM -2178 to RM -39 du 0 o236n 888 Bay Shore Drive 245237 231 115 120 Ilb 420 410 402 320 101 302 Q� G" 112 KINGS RO 108 t 421 411 403 321 311 303 ]00 104 O Y RS -D ; O COAST HWY IN 2395 2661 F,68,1692,889"9 2581 2391 2611 2631 2651 26] 2575 2585 2601 2621 2641 3 CRESTVIEW DR 2652 2642 2071 2500 2596 2612 2632 2672 2061 2088 2701 2392 2602 2622 2662 2031 RM 2 C 2633 2575 2582 6 26012631 2641 2671 2041 2581 2661 2031 2376 2571 WAVERLY DR 2571 2561 2670 2821 2032 2591 601 2001 2802 2011 2812 2611 2792 2001 2562 k 2702 15922 hs" 2641 W 27]2 2791 2000 2602 019, 2161 1Y 2]62 2781 2622 2391 2612 2632 U t771 2702 2601 2642 2732 2761 2772 2611 8 2729 2742 2751 O� 2762 2732 2]41 w E 2722 » 2752 2731 va 2742 0 2612 2712 2721 2732 2622 2612 S 2702 2713 2722 2632 2672 2692 2705 2716 2641 2662 2682 2706 COAST HWYE GENERALPLAN RM -20 du /ac to MU-W2,1 du CLUP RM -C to MUM ZONING RM -2178 to MU-W2,1 du ee 5 84 83 Oo236tt 890 Bay Shore Drive End t Ly l� l° t L t 1 6^ a. I R FC, NOTHING. TN� I i )gym W STRUT) 275 27.S �r r C0A5T HC1:' L', TA 4 PAMEL 1 2 4; 0,46 ACRS � W .SE1 Lbw Ma, yAC6'z0 'RCf 26564.' IP_,_TAG2A 550 6 1'Na 11� lip j..r- Sc LEAO h TAGS, iiQ 2f,%4; �TA= IR. sm F-CR a I 1 I PARCEL a i� r "". LYt �'M STRE"S �YI. �rF; S ?K, Pis M N0; 3277. J _L �r r C0A5T HC1:' L', TA 4 PAMEL 1 2 4; 0,46 ACRS � W .SE1 Lbw Ma, yAC6'z0 'RCf 26564.' IP_,_TAG2A 550 6 1'Na 11� S.OD''E s.oD' Sc LEAO h TAGS, iiQ 2f,%4; �TA= IR. sm F-CR -M. NO. 37,is. M.L. 101/1z- I. PARCEL a i� r '_•T LAO t T&M . TA=D 'R0: 26564,' SET LEAD ANC TACV, TASC. -D "fiC= 26564,' T. - 26.00' n� 0 / Air Val i �o GF.S, fa200, PL ORANG COO:ITY NMmC. SET NI COUNTY 0= ORA' NO. 6200- N 21 ry NOTHING, r' SET n:.TtIINC 1905.61• I �55.0•' M. NOT4INC. S /INSIR, 14•0, 03-54! SET LAD AND TAX TAG= 'RCE .2651 ESTA &OIP���N I NO, 03-54%259. 0 l ' n� y � C � 4 L! �iE agar }IOTktiC. AH. By 11 "TFRSECTioll. Jt�� ,,-,i'�'SEL L_AP A14D Z J TACO TA-0-0 EASEMENT NOTES: WE ESTM A KM Ls AUNC Q N0 !'U�RS 0i A=ES5 PER TR No. 1277, PEr7 IIOOK TJT455, PAC OPEDE _ _ _ TOH PEI)cSITiIAN ACC_ •, 1 I 2888 Bay Shore Drive Entrance 1' — 1s 1 1 .11'0.•55• R�i90� �-..- tJB2 —T R. N0rMING. ESTA6 BT INTERSEgT Z, I I � of ATe sTREm� ! w 0 as I A STRffn 1 L 4. TE G I � NS°oK 2 _co o -' 4A9'421C"N Cr COILS' HNy PAFKXL 1 0.46 ACIKS Ni C ]mow D U<0 TAOL 26 `A �b, pi s '*a ' EE DETA. V 1'41'E 9r 1EAD t Um - DO' a TAOC. TA= 'M MM4. ,4a 2E5a,' SPI(. FER No- stn. 101n3 P 2 SET .EAD AN': TAO(, Tdk=:D 'RC£ 21564' b/ r � 'a � <o A6 - XT ftOT•ANG 1933.61' Fc. NOTMIN4 ESTAI NM NO 53 -5492 SET ;LAD AND TACX TAGGED •RCE 26564 U.S. `31 W Akio, / ti'. ND'1ttIC. / ESTAB BY INTER9ECMDN. 4D (Z�n �SE• LEAD A 'ACE TA=D ' 'ACE 26564 FASEMENT NOTES: -ESTAB. A- REC. BETA NC ONO •` A RER TR NO. 3277. P oug PAC � CAM AC e mm Ic+na 99pE.sTNIAN A{x' A., Nflt, . rCTAR _._...._ .. -- ' . III so 2 ■ 2888 Bay Shore Drive Bay Shore Apartments 1' — 1s 1 1 .11'0.•55• R�i90� �-..- tJB2 —T R. N0rMING. ESTA6 BT INTEPtSEgT Z, I I � of ATe sTREm� ! w 0 and I A STRffn 1 L 4. TE G I � NS°oK 2 3 _co o -' 4A9'421C"N Cr COILS' HNy PAFKXL 1 0.46 ACIKS Ni C ]mow D U<0 TAOL 26W `A �b, pi s '*a ' EE DETA. V 1'41'E 9r 1EAD t Um - DO' a TAOC. TA= 'M MM4. ,4a 2E5a,' SPI(. FER No- stn. 101n3 P 2 AN: TACK, ME 21M4' b/ r � 'a � <o A6 - XT ftOT•ANG 1933.61' F', NOTNIN4 ESTAI NM NO 53 -5492 SET ;LAD AND TACN TAGGED •RCE 26564 U.S. `31 W / ti'. ND'1ttIC. / ESTAB By INTER9ECMDN. 4D (Z�n �SE• LEAD A 'ACE TA=D ' 'ACE 26564 FASEMENT NOTES: ESTAB. A- RM. BEAR NC ONO RA7�T`• A -PER TR NO. 3277. P oug PAC �CJUK*1' e mm Ic+na NpESTNIAN A{x' 3. 2888 Bay Shore Drive n -Site Carports i c000pi�� " a- ^ Ot.C�MES' COAST HWV rc. NomTTw ESTA6 8v — iNTE2nECran , •I I �l » _ l� I I Aie sneECry�— _ I. �». •D NDMI%C. SO N3TMNG IM&I' D h I� I t�. NOlMING 4 I. aT - TNsTa NO arsN= PAFAXL 1 / SET LEAD AND TMX 0.46 AORIES TAGGO 'RCE 26764. / LLAD TACK ESTABD DER M51R. B 42.00 f -A� •Ra 26564.1 6]- 546259. 05 wI. 7164 2 LE ' TAp TAB' -RICE 26564' Q 'Ra x56 b i 1 i�p SPI. MR . No. 3277. .w IoT /u pp[�g E E LV e � N •' r W �a N 4 �,�,� / TAX:D 'RCE 2ES64• :� ND•kN:. ' ESTAB. By rw'2r . INTERSECMDN. lkH 76 00 s, SE' LEAL' AND V ? 66�Aa 2344� FASEM= 4. 2890 Bay Shore Drive Carports for Bay Shore Apartments 1, Ts 1 R.99900LL,-Iv �: FC Nomwc. '! ESTAE ev iNlvtsECrON _ t ^� nl;V } n o �� 1 I 7•. `• �77S�i7.S I„ ATE STRMY 1.41 7.54 w n �� In I ; NS°oK I MM.u. to AI Icoo-o o'l-'' Np'421C"W A i Mr.,UM D. 6 NDi2 P7"w O ICAO L tAal `JJ AOGJ 'R.T liSf4.l 9E1 I.P., IA= ✓ "Ra 265 "" SGj 6' . - �sM DETDETAIL g E 9C• 1[41 t TACO . 2 I TAO(. TA= 'M MM4' 'wa 2f56," FER N0. 3277, 101 /u PA53 A 2 3 AN: TACK, ME 2fS64' ro No1NNC. - So ftOThNG 1933.61' � r1;. NorniNa � NM NO 53 -5492 SET ;LAD AND TACN TAGDEJ 'RCE 26564 Ft. NOTwMr. SC Nf / W � ti'. ND'1ttIC. / ESTAB By INTERSECM014 v (yin �SE' LEAD AD 'ACE 564.' ' 'ACE 266564 FASEMENT NOTES: ESTAB. A- REC. BEAR NL ONO W:Y "` A -PER TP NO. 3277. P oug PAC �CJUK*1' e mm lc,n1 R[nES1NiAn A{:C A., lwlt . rCTAJ1 2% _. -7777_ — -- H. r w ro No1NNC. - So ftOThNG 1933.61' � r1;. NorniNa � NM NO 53 -5492 SET ;LAD AND TACN TAGDEJ 'RCE 26564 Ft. NOTwMr. SC Nf / W � ti'. ND'1ttIC. / ESTAB By INTERSECM014 v (yin �SE' LEAD AD 'ACE 564.' ' 'ACE 266564 FASEMENT NOTES: ESTAB. A- REC. BEAR NL ONO W:Y "` A -PER TP NO. 3277. P oug PAC �CJUK*1' e mm lc,n1 R[nES1NiAn A{:C A., lwlt . rCTAJ1 2% _. -7777_ — -- H. s. 1 2890 Bay Shore Drive Existing Mixed -Use Structure 1, Ts 1 R_99900LL,-Iv �: FC Nomwc. '! ESTAE eT iNTVts[crON _ I I �^ t ^� nl ;V } n I ^1 ^ o � 1 I 7•. `• �77S�i7.S I„ ATE STRMY 1.41 7.54 w n IN I rn 440.32n I 1R I .:Mmu. 10:/71 Ib Icoo-o o'l-'' 1481421C "M A PR mom 19 wrm �,/ • NDi2 P7"w 5 ICAO L tAal `JJ AOGJ 'R.T liSf4.l 9E1 I.P., TA= "RCE 265 "" SGj 6' . - �sM DETDETAIL g E 9C• 1[41 t TACO . 2 I TAO( TA= 'M 29364' 3 11a 2E56," FER N0. 3277, 101 /u PA53 A 2 AR: TACK, ICE 21M4' r1) No1NNC. So ftOT•NNG 1933.61' � r1;. NorniNa � NM NO 53 -5492 SET ;LAD AND TACN TAGDEJ 'RCE 26564 Ft. NOTwMr. Se INN / / W � ti'. ND'1ttIC. / ESTAB By INTERSECM014 v (Z�n �SE' LEAD AD 'ACE 6564.' ' 'ACE 26564 FASEMENT NOTES: ESTAB. A- REC. BETA NC O NO ZZ; A -PER TP NO. 3277. P 439. PAC �cougn' r MY. Imm 9EKSTRIAn ACQC A., NrltA . rCTAA A. _. �...._ •.. _.. H. r b/ y w r1) No1NNC. So ftOT•NNG 1933.61' � r1;. NorniNa � NM NO 53 -5492 SET ;LAD AND TACN TAGDEJ 'RCE 26564 Ft. NOTwMr. Se INN / / W � ti'. ND'1ttIC. / ESTAB By INTERSECM014 v (Z�n �SE' LEAD AD 'ACE 6564.' ' 'ACE 26564 FASEMENT NOTES: ESTAB. A- REC. BETA NC O NO ZZ; A -PER TP NO. 3277. P 439. PAC �cougn' r MY. Imm 9EKSTRIAn ACQC A., NrltA . rCTAA A. _. �...._ •.. _.. H. 6. 2890 Bay Shore Drive qqI Storage Facilities and Site Parkin le Amendment Summary CHANGES: CURRENT to RECOMMENDED LOCATION: GENERAL PLAN: COASTAL LAND ZONING: USE PLAN: RM (20 du /ac) to RM -C to RM -D RM (2178) tc 2888 BAY SHORE DRIVE RM (39 du) (No change) RM (39 DU) RM (20 du /ac) to RM (2178) tc 2890 BAY SHORE DRIVE MU -W2 (1 du) RM -C to MU -W MU -W2 (1 DU le Amendment Summary The MU -W2 Zoning District: Commercial floor area - Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.5 Mixed -Use Buildings: floor area to land ratio of 1.25; where a minimum floor area to land ratio of 0.25 and maximum of 0.5 shall be used for nonresidential purposes and maximum of 0.75 for residential. 2890 Bay Shore Drive property limited to one dwelling unit. Nonresidential Buildings: floor area to land area ratio of 0.5 maximum. The RM Zoning District: Multi - Family Residential Buildings: a density of 20.9 to 29.9 du /ac is permitted. 2888 Bay Shore Drive property limited to 39 dwelling units. opme_nt Intensity