HomeMy WebLinkAboutBel Mar_Mariner's Mile_CS2006-012 (PA2006-279)CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 2 April 19, 2007 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: Planning Department Brandon Nichols, Associate Planner (949) 644 -3234 bnichols@city.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Bel Mare (Mariner's Mile Gateway), 100 -600 West Coast Highway (PA2006 -279) • Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2006 -012 • Landscape Plan Review • Substantial Conformance Determination APPLICANT: Mariner's Mile Gateway, LLC RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1. Adopt Resolution No. approving Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2006 -012. A draft resolution is attached as Exhibit 1. 2. Adopt Resolution No. finding that: • The proposed landscape plan is in conformance with the conditions of approval for the project and the landscape requirements of the Mariners Mile Specific Plan and the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework. • The proposed changes to the approved project design are in substantial conformance with the building design approved under Development Plan No. 2004 -001 and Use Permit No. 2004 -025. A draft resolution is attached as Exhibit 2. Bet Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 2 of 10 Is Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 3 of 10 VICINITY MAP Comprehensive Sign Program CS2006 -012 Landscape Plan Review Substantial Conformance Determination PA2006 -279 Current Development: Commercial To the north: Single-family residential To the east: Dover Drive To the south: West Coast Highway To the west: Fast -food restaurant A Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 4 of 10 Background At the January 19, 2006 meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Bel Mare (formally, Mariners Mile Gateway) shopping center located at the northwest corner of West Coast Highway and Dover Drive. As conditions of approval for the project, the applicant was required to submit a Comprehensive Sign Program and a landscape plan for review and approval by the Planning Commission (See Exhibit 3, conditions of approval No. 19 and No. 21). The proposed Comprehensive Sign Program and landscape plan are included as Exhibits 4 and 5. As part of this application, the applicant is also requesting Planning Commission review of proposed revisions to the approved building design. The revisions affect the exterior elevations of the multi- tenant building and the distribution of tenant retail space on the second story. The applicant contends these revisions can be found in substantial conformance with the original building design. The applicant's project description/justification letter is included as Exhibit 6. Analysis Comprehensive Sign Program Section 20.67.120 (Comprehensive Sign Program) of the Zoning Code states: The purpose of a Comprehensive Sign Program is to integrate all of a project's signs, including a project identification sign with the overall site design and the structures' design into a unified architectural statement. A Comprehensive Sign Program provides a means for the flexible application of sign regulations for projects that require multiple signs in order to provide incentive and latitude in the design and display of multiple signs and to achieve, not circumvent, the purpose of this Chapter. To this end, Section 20.67.120 (E) requires that the proposed Comprehensive Sign Program (the "Program ") comply with a number of standards. A general discussion of these standards and the Program's compliance are discussed below. 1. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.67: Signs], any adopted sign design guidelines and the overall purpose and intent of this Section [Section 20.67.120]; The Program complies with the purpose and intent of Chapter 20.67 by providing each tenant with adequate identification without excessive proliferation of signage. Furthermore, it preserves community appearance by regulating the type, number, I FAA Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 5 of 10 design and maintenance of signage. The majority of proposed signage complies with sign square footage and sign number requirements of Chapter 20.67. Deviations to these requirements are requested where variations in the building facade, or orientation and/or location of the tenant frontage merit increases in sign square footage or sign number to ensure adequate tenant identification. 2. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program, to the structures and /or developments they identify, and to surrounding development when applicable; The Program regulates sign material, type, and design to integrate and coordinate all project signage with the overall site design and architectural theme of the project. Furthermore, the Program requires signage design that is complementary to the proposed structures and harmonious with the surrounding area. The project identification signage, parking area signage and directory signs incorporate colors and architectural stone treatments consistent with design theme of the project. 3. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent, temporary, and exempt signs; The Program addresses project and tenant identification signage as well as prohibited signs. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the Program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.67. 4. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants; The Program allows for minor deviations to sign criteria subject to landlord and Planning Director approval. 5. The program shall comply with the standards of this Chapter [Chapter 20.67], except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and /or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter; The Program proposes deviations from Chapter 20.67 regulations with respect to number of signs per tenant space, maximum letter height, and total sign area per tenant space. These deviations apply to tenant spaces where the design of the architectural facade, location of the tenant space, or orientation of the tenant frontage merits the deviations in order to provide adequate identification of the tenant. To this end, certain tenant spaces are allocated more than one wall and /or awning sign where Chapter 20.67 allows a single wall or awning sign per frontage. Certain tenant spaces are also MO Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 6 of 10 allowed a total sign square footage that exceeds the Chapter 20.67 requirement of 1.5 square feet per lineal foot of tenant frontage. In these cases the percentage increase does not exceed the 30% maximum allowed by Chapter 20.67. Proposed deviations are listed in the "Comments" section of the sign matrix included in the Program. 6. Approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by this Chapter [Chapter 20.67]. The Program does not authorize the use of signs prohibited by Chapter 20.67. 7. Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not consider the signs' proposed message content. The Program contains no regulations affecting sign message or content. Landscape Plan In accordance with the conditions of the approval for the project, the applicant has prepared a landscape plan proposal for review and approval by the Planning Commission. Conditions of approval relating to landscaping can be found in Exhibit 3. A general discussion of the various provisions of the landscape conditions and the project's compliance are as follows: Show proposed materials, material colors, and details of the surface of the retaining wall proposed along the northerly edge of the project site as well as planting and irrigation to be included on the wall surface. The plans contain elevations and section drawings that provide detail on the proposed retaining wall, planting pockets incorporated into the surface of the wall, and the proposed irrigation system incorporated into the wall design. The plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices. All planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground automatic sprinkler irrigation system of a design suitable for the type and arrangement of the plant materials selected. The irrigation system shall be adjustable based upon either a signal from a satellite or an on -site moisture - sensor. Drought tolerant plant species were incorporated into the landscape plan and the plan includes details regarding the permanent underground sprinkler system designed for the project. The irrigation plan will include a rain sensor for automatic shutoff as well as a moisture sensor. F Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 7 of 10 Planting areas adjacent to vehicular activity shalt be protected by a continuous concrete curb or similar permanent barrier. As shown on the landscape plan, concrete curbs and/or other barriers surround planting areas adjacent to vehicular activity • Landscaping shall be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. The growth characteristics of the hedge species required by the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan could result in unsafe vehicular site distances. See the section below, regarding the 4- foot -wide planting area, for further discussion of this issue. The proposed landscaping adjacent to the back of sidewalk shall be designed with provisions that will prevent irrigation and/or other runoff from spilling onto the sidewalk. Proposed landscaping will be installed to prevent overspray onto sidewalk areas (see Irrigation Note No. 7 on Sheet LID 1 of Exhibit 5). Since the project is within the Mariner's Mile Overlay District, the landscape plan is also subject to the landscaping requirements of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan and the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and the Design Framework (the "Design framework "). The primary required landscape elements and a discussion of the plan's compliance with these elements are outlined below. • A 4- foot -wide planting area to accommodate a hedge and palm row at the back of the sidewalk along the frontage of the project The landscape plan maintains a minimum 4 -foot wide planting area, containing a hedge palm row, at the back of the Coast Highway sidewalk. Three hedge species are permitted by The Mariner's Mile Specific Plan and the Design Framework. The proposed hedge species (Japanese Boxwood) is permitted. However, this hedge species can grow to 4 to 6 -feet in height, which exceeds the maximum allowable height (24- inches) for plantings within the vehicular sight distance areas adjacent to the project driveways (these areas are identified on the landscape plan). It should be noted that all of the hedge species permitted by the Specific Plan and the Design Framework can grow to heights greater than 24- inches. It should also be noted that while specifying the required hedge species, the Specific Plan also states that "Landscaping shall be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer". The applicant believes that the hedge can be maintained at 24- inches through periodic pruning. However, the Traffic Engineer would prefer planting material that will not exceed 24- inches in height at maturity. Japanese Boxwood is a slow growing plant and 0 Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 8 of 10 can be held as low as 6- inches. Therefore, staff recommends adding an additional note to the landscape plan requiring all plant material within vehicular sight distance areas to be maintained at a maximum height of 24- inches. The Mariner's Mile Specific Plan and the Design Framework also specify that Washingtonla Robusta (Mexican Fan Palm) shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) palm per 30 feet of frontage. Based upon the project frontage (approximately 877 feet) the project is required to provide 30 palm trees. The landscape plan provides 30 palm trees, satisfying this requirement. The Design Framework allows grouping of palm trees and modification of palm spacing (30 feet on center). Deviations from palm spacing exist due to sight distance requirements, project driveways and areas that facilitate pedestrian access to the project. However, as stated above, the Mariners Mile Specific Plan allows deviations and requires landscaping to be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance. Staff believes the palm spacing can be found in conformance with the Specific Plan and the Design Framework. The applicant has also chosen the Washingtonia Hybrid palm rather than the Robusta. The Hybrid is a cross between the Robusta and Filifera varietals of the Washingtonia palm. The Hybrid is virtually indistinguishable from the Robusta, but does not grow as tall. The species was chosen to minimize view blockage from the residential properties on the bluff above the development. Staff believes this species is consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan. • Interior parking lot landscaping. The Mariner's Mile Specific Plan and the Design Framework require shade trees to be located in above grade parking areas at a ratio of one (1) tree per four parking spaces. 44 parking spaces are located above grade, requiring a total of 11 trees. The landscape plan satisfies this requirement. • Bluff landscaping incorporating plant materials from a specific palette of species. The Mariner's Mile Specific plan and the Design Framework require the planting of Red Bougainvillea at the toe of slope. The landscape plan incorporates this species along the top of the proposed retaining wall, within the limit of the slope area that will be disturbed by the project. Substantial Conformance Determination The applicant is proposing revisions to the approved exterior elevations of the multi - tenant retail building. The revisions are the result of a redistribution of the second floor retail space. The redistribution divides the second floor retail space into two distinct areas, separated by an open public gathering space. The division of the retail space is intended to provide a better balance to the second floor building area and accommodate a more centralized public open space amenity for the project. The applicant is Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 9 of 10 requesting that the Planning Commission review these revisions to determine their substantial conformance with the approved project. Exhibit 7 shows the approved and proposed exterior elevations and second story floor plans. Page three (3) of the Exhibit shows the elevations and floor plans approved at the January 19, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. Page two (2) shows the proposed floor plan, separating the second floor building area. For comparison purposes, page two (2) also shows the proposed elevations superimposed over the approved elevations (the approved elevation is shown as a dashed line). For reference, the first page of the Exhibit shows the proposed roof plan superimposed over the existing topography. The project is within the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation Zone. Approval of the multi tenant building required a Use Permit for portions of the second story to exceed the 26 -foot base height limit up to a maximum height of 34 -feet, 6- inches. Approval of the Use Permit required the Planning Commission to make certain findings relating to the provision of public visual open space, enhancement of architectural treatment, the creation of abrupt scale relationships, and the maximum square footage of the project. The findings in support of the original Use Permit approval can be found in Exhibit 3. Staff has concluded that the proposed revisions are consistent with the Use Permit approval and that the facts in support of the required findings for the Use Permit remain applicable to the proposed design. The proposed revisions do not add additional square footage to the project and do not exceed the maximum building height of 34 -feet, 6- inches established by the previous approval. Furthermore, the revisions maintain the public visual open space of the previous design, result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the structure, and do not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships. It is therefore staff's determination that the proposed design can be found in substantial conformance with the approved project. Environmental The environmental impacts of the project as a whole were analyzed under the approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. With mitigation measures and standard conditions of approval indicated in the Initial Study and set forth in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program included with the Mitigated Negative Declaration, all potential impacts would be mitigated to a less than significant level. The Comprehensive Sign Program has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Conclusion It is staffs determination that, as conditioned, the Comprehensive Sign Program is in conformance with the requirements of the Chapter 20.67 of the Zoning Code and the �b Bel Mare (PA2006 -279) April 19, 2007 Page 10 of 10 required conditions of approval for the project. Installation of individual signs for the project will require the issuance of a building permit and each building permit will be reviewed for compliance with the Comprehensive Sign Program. Is also staffs determination that the landscape plan can be found in conformance with the requirements of the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan and the Design Framework. Staff also recommends that the proposed revisions to the project design be found in substantial conformance with the original approval. The revisions do not affect the approved square footage, nor do they result in a structure that exceeds the approved height limit for the project. Furthermore, it is staffs determination that the project revisions are consistent with the approval of Use Permit No. 2004 -025. Prepared by: Brandon Nichols, Associate Planner Exhibits: Submitted by: D vid L o, Planning Dir for 1. Draft Resolution 2. Draft Resolution 3. Resolution 1685 (with attached conditions of approval) 4. Comprehensive Sign Program 5. Landscape Plan* 6. Applicants project description /justification letter 7. Comparison plans for substantial conformance review* 8. Correspondence Received *Plans distributed separately due to bulk. Copies are available for review at the Planning Department. 1k Exhibit 1 Draft Resolution of Approval 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM NO. CS2006 -012 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 100 -600 W. COAST HIGHWAY (PA2006 -279). WHEREAS, an application was filed by Mariners Mile, LLC, with respect to property located at 100 -600 W. Coast Highway and legally described as Lots 1 -17, inclusive of Tract 1210 as shown on a Map recorded in book 40, pages 45 and 46, requesting approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program for tenant and project identification signage; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 2007, the Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing in the City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California at which time the Planning Commission considered the Comprehensive Sign Program and received comments from the public. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with law and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearing; and WHEREAS, Chapter 20.67 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program for the multi - tenant commercial project; and WHEREAS, Section 20.67.120 (E) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires all Comprehensive Sign Programs to comply with certain standards, which are as follows: 1. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter the [Chapter 20.67: Signs], any adopted sign design guidelines and the overall purpose and intent of this Section [Section 20.67.1201; The Program complies with the purpose and intent of Chapter 20.67 by providing each tenant with adequate identification without excessive proliferation of signage. Furthermore, it preserves community appearance by regulating the type, number, design and maintenance of signage. The majority of proposed signage complies with size and number requirements of Chapter 20.67. Deviations are requested where variations in the building fagade, or orientation and /or location of the tenant frontage merit increases in sign square footage or number to ensure proper tenant identification. 2. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program, to the structures and /or developments they identify, and to surrounding development when applicable; The Program regulates sign material, type, and design to integrate and coordinate all project signage with the overall site design and architectural theme of the project. Furthermore, the Program requires signage design that is complementary to the proposed structures and harmonious with the surrounding area. To this end, project identification signage, parking area signage and directory signs incorporate colors and architectural stone treatments consistent with design theme of the project. l� Planning Commission Resolution No. 3. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent temporary, and exempt signs; The Program addresses project and tenant identification signage as well as prohibited signs. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the Program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.67. 4. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants, The Program allows for minor deviations to sign criteria subject to landlord and Planning Director approval. 5. The program shag comply with the standards of this Chapter [Chapter 20.67], except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and /or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter; The Program proposes deviations from the City's sign code Chapter 20.67 regulations with respect to number of signs per tenant space, maximum letter height, and total sign area per tenant space. These deviations apply to tenant spaces where the design of the architectural facade, location of the tenant space, or orientation of the tenant frontage merits the deviations in order to provide adequate identification of the tenant. To this end, certain tenant spaces are allocated more than one wall and/or awning sign where Chapter 20.67 allows a single wall or awning sign per frontage. Certain tenant spaces are also allowed a total sign square footage that exceeds the Chapter 20.67 requirement of 1.5 square feet per lineal foot of tenant frontage. In these cases the percentage increase does not exceed the 30% maximum allowed by Chapter 20.67. Proposed deviations are listed in the "Comments" section of the sign matrix included in the Program. 6. Approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by the Sign Code this Chapter [Chapter 20.67]. The Program does not authorize the use of signs prohibited by Chapter 20.67. 7. Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shalt not consider the signs' proposed message content. The Program contains no regulations affecting sign message or content. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. Based upon the aforementioned standards, the Planning Commission hereby approves Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2006 -012. 15 ADOPTED THIS le DAY OF APRIL 2007. BY: Jeffrey Cole, Chairman BY: Robert Hawkins, Secretary AYES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Resolution No. Nl° Exhibit 2 Draft Resolution of Approval lI RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING THE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR THE BEL MARE SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED AT 100 -600 W. COAST HIGHWAY AND FINDING CHANGES IN THE DESIGN OF THE MULTI- TENANT BUILDING IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT DESIGN APPROVED BY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 2004 -001 AND USE PERMIT 2004 -005 (PA2004 -141) WHEREAS, on January 19, 2006 the Planning Commission approved Development Plan 2004 -001 and Use Permit 2004 -001 to permit development of the Bet Mare (formally, Mariner's Mile Gateway) shopping center located at 100 -600 W. Coast Highway; and WHEREAS in compliance with Condition No. 21 of the approval, Mariners Mile Gateway, LLC has submitted a landscape plan for review and approval by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS Mariners Mile Gateway, LLC has proposed revisions to the approved project design that affect the elevations and distribution of second floor square footage for the multi - tenant building; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 2007, the Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing in the City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California at which time the Planning Commission considered the proposed landscape plan and revised project design and received comments from the public. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with law and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the landscape plan and finds that the landscaping plan, including minor deviations with respect to palm spacing and palm species, is in conformance with the condition and the landscaping requirements of the Mariners Mile Specific Plan and the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the required landscaping within sight distance areas will be consistent with the requirements of the Mariners Mile Specific plan if it is maintained at a maximum height of 24- inches; and WHEREAS, the initial project design required approval of Use Permit No. 2004 -025 to exceed the height limit for the zone, and said use permit allowed a maximum height of 34- feet, six- inches for the multi- tenant building; and WHEREAS, the proposed revisions to the project design do not increase the square footage of the project or exceed the 34 -foot, 6 -inch height limit approved Use Permit No. 2004 -025; and WHEREAS, the proposed revisions to the project design are consistent with the Use Permit approval and that the facts in support of the required findings for Use Permit No. 2004 -025 remain applicable to the proposed design. k� Planning Commission Resolution No. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. Consistent with Condition No. 21 of the project approval, and based upon the landscaping requirements of the Mariners Mile Specific Plan and the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework the Planning Commission hereby approves the landscape plan for the Bel Mare Shopping Center Section 2. The Planning Commission finds the proposed revisions to the project design in substantial conformance with the project approved by Development Plan No. 2004- 001 and Use Permit No. 2004 -025 ADOPTED THIS le DAY OF JANUARY 2006. Aa Jeffrey Cole, Chairman F-W Robert Hawkins, Secretary V NOES: ABSENT: 1`� Exhibit 3 Resolution 1685 a RESOLUTION NO. 1685 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 2004.001, USE PERMIT NO. 2004 -025 AND MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. 2005 -117 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 100 -600 W. COAST HIGHWAY (PA2004 -141). WHEREAS, an application was filed by Mariner's Mile, LLC, with respect to property located at 100 -600 W. Coast Highway and legally described as Lots 1 -17, inclusive of Tract 1210 as shown on a Map recorded in book 40, pages 45 and 46, requesting approval of a Development Plan for the construction of a 56,000 square -foot retail center, a Use Permit to establish building heights in accordance with Section 20.65.055 of the Municipal Code and a Modification Permit to allow reduction of the required setback abutting a residential district and to allow reduction of the minimum required width of the landscape planter along Coast Highway. WHEREAS, on December 8, 2005, and on January 19, 2006, the Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing in the City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California at which time the Planning Commission considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for this project, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and comments received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration together with responses to those comments, and considered the Development Plan, Use Permit, and Modification Permit, and received comments from the public. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with law and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearing. The public hearing was continued until January 5, 2006, at which time the applications were again considered and comment from the public was received. WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the Mariner's Mile Overlay District which requires approval of a Development Plan for the proposed project. WHEREAS, approval of the Development Plan requires findings by the Planning Commission that the proposed project is consistent with the design policies of the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework, which findings consistent with Zoning Code Section 20.57.050 are as follow: Finding: 1. To assure that development of properties in Mariner's Mile Overlay Area will not preclude attainment of the General Plan objectives and policies. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed project is located on property designated Retail and Service Commercial in the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which allows retail uses and shopping centers. The proposed development will not preclude attainment of the General Plan objectives and policies and, specifically, Policy D of the Land Use Element in that the face of the slope that extends onto the project site that is proposed to be excavated to create the building pad has been graded over the years to accommodate development of the Coast Highway corridor. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 Additionally, the plateau above has also been altered during the development of the homes above. The significant alteration of the landform is such that it is no longer a unique natural resource or natural land form within the meaning of Policy D. Even though the coastal bluff has been altered and is not in its natural state, it is not practical to reduce alteration of the landform below that proposed by the applicant while attempting to achieve other goals and objectives contained within the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the Land Use Element and Zoning Code both permit up to a 0.5 floor area ratio for retail development. This floor area ratio is a maximum limit for retail development, achieving this intensity level while providing parking and complying with other development standards necessitates alteration of the bluff due to the shallow depth of the property. This circumstance is exacerbated by the need to widen Coast Highway that is a stated goal of the Circulation Element of the General Plan. As such, excavation for the project as proposed will not preclude attainment of Policy D. Finding: 2. To protect and preserve the value of properties and to encourage high quality development thereof in Mariner's Mile Overlay Area where adverse effects could result from inadequate and poorly planned development and from failure to preserve where feasible natural landscape features, open spaces, and the like, and will result in the impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in such area. Facts in Support of Finding: The configuration of the site plan, the traditional architectural character of proposed buildings incorporating curvilinear accent walls, varied rooflines and heights, stone veneer exterior wall surfaces, and varied complementary exterior wall surfaces and colors are consistent with the highest quality of physical improvements in the City and, as such, will not result in the impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. Consistent with recommendations for the Coast Highway corridor set forth in Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework, the proposed development results in consolidation of lots, elimination of curb cuts, planted median dividers in Coast Highway if approved by Caltrans, and will include the addition of a traffic signal that will improve access to businesses and promote pedestrian safety. As a condition of project approval, the project landscape plan must be consistent with the Coast Highway Edge Landscape illustrated in the Framework and is subject to Planning Commission review and approval. A sign program will be submitted by the applicant for review and approval by the Planning Commission to ensure consistency with Signage Objectives identified in the Framework. Development of the site as proposed will not result in degradation of natural landscape features or reduction in open space since the project site is currently developed and has experienced significant grading including substantial cuts into the face of the slope that extends onto the property such that the slope is manufactured and not a natural landscape feature. Finding: a- Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 3. To ensure that the public benefits derived from expenditures of public funds for improvement and beautification of streets and public facilities within Mariner's Mile Overlay Area shall be protected by the exercise of reasonable controls over the layout and site location characteristics of private buildings, structures and open spaces. Facts in Support of Finding: The only public expenditures are those associated with the existing abutting right of way. The project includes a widening of the highway and a new signalized intersection that will not impact these expenditures as the proposed improvements have been designed to accommodate existing and project related traffic in a safe manner. Finding: 4. To promote the maintenance of superior site location characteristics adjoining Coast Highway, a thoroughfare of city wide importance, to ensure that the community benefits from the natural terrain, harbor and ocean, and to preserve and stabilize the grounds adjoining said thoroughfare, and to preserve and protect the property values in said areas. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed project allows a wider visual corridor from the public street across the comer of the site to the bay. In addition, the project includes a right -of -way dedication and public improvements including new sidewalks and curb and gutter, and landscaping including palm trees adjacent to the public right -of -way where there are currently no plant materials. Demolition of existing, deteriorated and physically obsolete buildings to accommodate the proposed project will improve the visual character of the Coast Highway corridor. Grading of the site and subsequent construction will be consistent with requirements of the geotechnical report prepared for this project so as to stabilize and preserve the grounds on the site, the hillside above, and the Coast Highway right -of -way. The traditional architecture and quality of materials including stone veneer and slate roofs of project buildings represent significant investment that will improve the visual quality of Coast Highway so as to preserve, protect, and enhance property values in the area. WHEREAS, the applicant requested a Modification Permit for construction of a 43,000 square -foot, two -story building with no rear yard setback rather than the required minimum five -foot rear yard setback and for a reduction in the required minimum landscaped setback width, and the request for reduction in landscaped setback width was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant. Approval of the Modification Permit requires findings by the Planning Commission pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.93.030 as to site characteristics that warrant reduction in the required minimum rear yard setback, which findings are as follow: a3 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 1. The granting of the application is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: The project site is shallow (ranging between 105 feet to 156 feet) and the project includes a dedication of area for highway purposes that further reduces the depth of the lot by approximately 20 feet at the easterly property line to approximately 11 feet at the westerly property line. The effective depth of the lot ranges between 85 and 146 feet, respectively due to the widening of Coast Highway. The reduced lot depths do not accommodate an optimal retail center site configuration that situates surface parking and drive aisles in close proximity to all retail storefronts, typically between the street frontage and shops at the rear of the parcel. Elimination of the rear yard setback assists in accommodating a more efficient site configuration for vehicular access and parking. 2. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed project with the proposed setback modification would be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood because waiver of the rear yard setback accommodates placement of the 43,000 square -foot, two -story structure at a greater distance from the Coast Highway right -of -way near the intersection with Dover which allows for inclusion of a pedestrian courtyard and additional landscaping providing an attractive streetscape consistent with the highest quality of improvements in the area. Furthermore, the significant vertical and horizontal separation of the proposed shopping center and the homes behind at the top of the adjoining slope provide an adequate buffer equivalent or superior to a 5 -foot rear yard setback. Landscaped setbacks along the Coast Highway frontage will provide approximately 2,000 square feet of street -side landscaped area over and above the required minimum amount and will include plant materials consistent with the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework and its intended objective of improving the streetscape of this section of Coast Highway. 3. The granting of such application will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property and will not be detrimental to the general welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: Granting the modification will not affect the health or safety nor be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood because the vertical separation of more than 35' along the rear property line provides a significant buffer between the residences on the plateau to the rear of the project site and the proposed commercial buildings. The lot coverage of the proposed structures is VJ Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 consistent with the 0.5 Floor Area Ratio for properties in this area indicating that the extent of improvements are consistent with the intensity of development either existing or contemplated in this area. The reduced setback will allow additional excavation of the slope on the northerly portion of the property that will be accompanied by an increase in the height of the proposed retaining wall. These project characteristics will not be injurious to properties to the north on the plateau above the project site because of slope failure or landslides associated with this additional excavation and wail height because, as indicated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for this project, the orientation of the geologic structure in bedrock materials in the area along with the massive, dense nature of terrace deposits that overlie the bedrock are typically associated with slope stability. Moreover, the site is not located within identified seismic hazard or earthquake fault zones. Design and construction of the retaining wall will be predicated upon geotechnical reports prepared for this site and all applicable provisions of the Building and Grading Code to ensure safety. WHEREAS, the applicant has requested a Use Permit for construction of a 43,000 square -foot, two -story building with maximum building height of 34'— 6" which is greater than the permitted 26' base height and for construction of a 13,000 square -foot building with maximum building height of 32'— 6 ", as modified by the applicant, which is also greater than the permitted 26' base height. Approval of the Use Permit allowing project buildings to exceed the permitted base height requires findings by the Planning Commission pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.65.55 to permit as to project characteristics that warrant an increase in building heights, which findings are as follow: 1. The increased building height would result in more public visual open space and views than is required by the basic height limit in any zone. Particular attention shall be given to the location of the structure on the lot, the percentage of ground cover, and the treatment of all setback and open areas. Facts in Support of Findings: The increase in height to allow the second story on the 43,000 square -foot building and the increase in height of the 13,000 square -foot building will allow the overall addition of open space including a pedestrian courtyard on the easterly third of the project site between the building and Coast Highway. Inclusion of building area as a second story reduces the building footprint and allows for inclusion of the additional open space and a pedestrian courtyard. Moreover, the open space and pedestrian courtyard are visible to the public from both Coast Highway and Dover Drive and incorporate more than 2,000 square feet of landscaped area over and above the required minimum amount. This open space is in addition to the more than 7,000 square feet of right -of -way dedication which reduced the buildable lot area and, consequently, the amount of building volume at this location, resulting in a wider visual corridor from Coast Highway across Dover Driver to the Bay. The second level of the 43,000 square foot building is setback further from the first level providing open space visible to the public 2. The increased building height would result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit in any zone. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 Facts in Support of Finding: The increased building height allowing for the second story and consequent step back of second story facades from those of the first story allow for greater variety in the overall building form, provide for a visual building transition from building pad to the slope and plateau at the rear of the structure, and allow for desirable amenities including outdoor pedestrian courts and dining areas on the second story of the 43,000 square foot building. Additional building height allows for articulation of individual storefronts through variations in parapet heights and through inclusion of hip and gable roofs rather than all flat roofs. Moreover, curvilinear exterior stairways to the second story provide visual variety. Additional building height for the 13,000 square -foot building similarly allows a visual transition from the building grade at Coast Highway to the two -story structure and the landscaped retaining wall and slope that extend up to the plateau at the rear of the property. The additional height also allows for inclusion of a gable roof end on the Coast Highway fagade that provides visual variety and contrast to the parapet walls on either side. Inclusion of a vertical tower element is also accommodated by the modification in permitted building height and provides visual balance to the east and south facades of this building. 3. The increased building height would not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing developments or public spaces. Particular attention shall be given to the total bulk of the structure including both horizontal and vertical dimensions. The site is bounded on the south and east by West Coast Highway and Dover Drive, respectively, which provide significant roadway widths which are not overpowered by proposed building heights provided that the height of the westernmost building given its proximity to Coast Highway is reduced by 2 feet. The maximum building height for the 13,000 square -foot building at the parapet nearest the westerly property line will be 26'. The existing structure on adjoining property is 31' from the west property and approximately 21' in height. The horizontal separation in conjunction with a minimal 5- foot height difference between the buildings and viewed in the context of the broad Coast Highway roadway and the slope and plateau rising above the structures at the rear property lines will result in a streetscape with buildings of compatible scale and bulk. 4. The structure shall have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit. Facts in Support of Finding: The Floor Area Ratio of the project is 0.50 which is the maximum permitted in the Retail Service Commercial District and the project, therefore, does not achieve any additional floor area due to the additional height. 5. The proposed location of the use permit and the proposed conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will be consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the district in which the site is located, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or 2io Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 adjacent to the neighborhood of such use, and will not be detrimental to the properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the city. The project site is located in the Bayclub /Dover portion of the Mariner's Mile Area (Statistical Area 1-14) identified in the General Plan. The proposed project is designed for retail occupancies with a Floor Area Ratio of 0.50 consistent with the General Plan designation of this area for Retail and Service Commercial land uses with maximum allowable floor area ratio of 0.50/0.75. Granting of the Use Permit to allow increased building height will not affect the type or operational characteristics of retail uses permitted to occupy the building consistent with the Retail and Service Commercial designation of the General Plan and the corresponding Retail Service Commercial zoning designation and, therefore, will not result in establishment of land uses that are a detriment to the general welfare of persons residing or working in the area. The increase in building height pursuant to the Use Permit is less than significant relative to the vertical and horizontal separation between the proposed shopping center and the homes behind at the top of the adjoining slope such that there will be no detriment to such properties. The existing commercial structure on adjoining property is 31' from the west property line of the subject property and approximately 21' in height compared with the nearest structure on the project site, which will be up to 26' in height such that the building masses and heights will be compatible and the project will not be a detriment to improvements on the adjoining commercial parcel by virtue of the increased height. West Coast Highway and Dover Drive, which abut the remaining sides of the subject site, provide significant roadway widths which are not overpowered by proposed building heights. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach does hereby find, on the basis of the whole record, that there is no substantial evidence that the project, subject to mitigation measures, will have a significant effect on the environment and that the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the Planning Commission's independent judgment and analysis. The Planning Commission hereby adopts Mitigated Negative Declaration SCH No. 20051- 01141 and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program included herewith. The documents and all material which constitute the record upon which this decision was based are on file with the Planning Director, City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California. Section 2. Based on the aforementioned findings, the Planning Commission hereby approves Development Plan No. 2004 -001, Use Permit No. 2004 -025, and Modification Permit No. 2005 -117 all subject to Conditions of Approval in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part hereof. �1 ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF JANUARY 2006. My BY: Michael Toerge, Chairman Barry Eaton, Secretary Planning Commission Resolution No. 1685 AYES: Cole, Eaton, Henn, Hawkins, McDaniel, Toerge, Tucker NOES: ABSENT: EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 2004-0001 USE PERMIT NO. 2004-025 MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. 2005-117 GENERAL PLANNING CONDITIONS 1. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 2. The project shall be developed in substantial conformance with the plans included as Exhibit 8 to Planning Commission Staff Report dated December 18, 2005, for PA2004- 130 with revisions as shown provided to Planning Commission on January 5, 2006, except as modified by conditions herein. 3. Development of the project site shall conform to all applicable Municipal Code requirements including those of the Zoning Code and Subdivision Code except as modified through approval of Use Permit No. 2004 -025 and Modification Permit No. 2005 -117. 4. Development Plan No. 2004 -001, Use Permit No. 2004 -025 and Modification Permit No. 2005 -117 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.91.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 5. This approval was based on the particulars of the individual case and does not in and of itself or in combination with other approvals in the vicinity or Citywide constitute a precedent for future approvals or decisions. 6. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 7. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use will be cause for revocation of this permit. PROJECT- SPECIFIC PLANNING CONDITIONS 8. Building heights for the multi- tenant structure shall be as shown on plans submitted with the application for Conditional Use Permit. Building heights for the single - tenant, westemmost structure shall be as follow: Top of mansard roof Ridges of gable roofs Mid -point of hip roof on tower No more than 26' No more than 31' No more than 32' -6" 9. All future proposals to establish a Reduced FAR Use found in Table 20.63 of the Zoning Code shall require a Floor Area Ratio analysis to ensure that neither the base development allocation nor the maximum floor area ratio shall be exceeded. 10.1_ighting shall be in compliance with applicable standards of the Zoning Code. Exterior on -site lighting shall be shielded and confined within site boundaries. No direct rays or glare are permitted to shine onto public streets or adjacent sites or create a public nuisance. Parking area lighting shall have zero cut -off fixtures and light standards shall not exceed 20 feet in height. 11.The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the opinion of the Planning Director, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The applicant shall prepare photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy or final of building permits, the applicant shall schedule an evening inspection by the Code Enforcement Division to confirm control of light and glare. The Planning Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 12.Subterranean parking areas shall incorporate features such as lighting and white painted ceilings to ensure uniform light levels throughout. 13.The roof, equipment located on the roof and any mechanical equipment screens located on the roof of any new building shall be painted or otherwise treated in a consistent fashion such that they blend together in harmony with the overall architectural design of the building to minimize their visibility from residences above. Roof top equipment shall not be visible from West Coast Highway and shall comply with Section of the Zoning Code. 14. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than is depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: My Between the hours of TOOAM and 10:OOPM Between the hours of 10:OOPM and TOOAM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40d8A 5OdBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial ro ert 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 5OdBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 5OdBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA My 15. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Department. 16. Prior to the issuance of a rq ading or building permit, the applicant shall provide the City with a performance bond or its equivalent to ensure timely completion of all shoring and retaining wall improvements represented on plans and drawings submitted for permit approval. The performance bond or its equivalent shall be in the amount of $6,500,000 (100% of the cost of such improvements), shall be issued with the City as beneficiary by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance in the State of California and shall have an assigned policyholders' Rating of A (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VII (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Bests Key Rating Guide unless otherwise approved by the City Risk Manager. The bond or equivalent shall be released upon completion of construction of the shoring and retaining wail improvements. 17. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for new construction, the applicant shall execute a waiver of all claims against the City for future liability or damage resulting from the approval to build the project. The form and content of the waiver shall be in a form acceptable to the office of the City Attorney and the waiver shall be recorded against the property in question. 18.Prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction, the applicant shall cause the merger of all underlying lots into one single parcel or as an alternative, the parcels shall be re- subdivided in a manner consistent with all applicable laws such that the proposed buildings shall not cross underlying lot lines. 19. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a sign program shall be submitted for Planning Commission review and shall be subject to Planning Commission approval. 20. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall provide the text of a lease provision, in form acceptable to the City Attorney and to the Planning Director, that shall be included in each lease for the subject premises and requiring that all employees of the lessee park their respective vehicles on -site at all times and in the lowest level of the parking structure. 21. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted for Planning Commission review and shall be subject to Planning Commission approval. The landscape and irrigation plan shall include proposed materials, material colors, and details of the surface of the retaining wall proposed along the northerly edge of the project site as well as planting and irrigation to be included on the wall surface. The plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices. All planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground automatic sprinkler 3L irrigation system of a design suitable for the type and arrangement of the plant materials selected. The irrigation system shall be adjustable based upon either a signal from a satellite or an on -site moisture - sensor. Planting areas adjacent to vehicular activity shall be protected by a continuous concrete curb or similar permanent barrier. Landscaping shall be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. The proposed landscaping adjacent to the back of sidewalk shall be designed with provisions that will prevent irrigation and /or other runoff from spilling onto the sidewalk. 22.AII landscaped areas between the Coast Highway right -of -way and on -site parking shall be a minimum four (4) feet in width consistent with requirements of the Zoning Code. 23.AII landscaping shall be in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Code including but not limited to the hedge and palm row and bluff landscaping required pursuant to the Mariners Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework. 24. One tree shall be provided for each four parking spaces on the surface parking lot. 25.AII landscape materials and landscaped areas shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. PROJECT - SPECIFIC MITIGATION MEASURES 26. AQ -1 During clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation operations, excessive fugitive dust emissions shall be controlled by regular watering or other dust preventive measures using the following procedures, as specified in the South Coast Air Quality Management Districts Rules and Regulations: • All material excavated or graded shall be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. Watering shall occur at least twice daily with complete coverage, preferable in the late morning and after work is done for the day. • All material transported on -site or off -site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. • The area disturbed by clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation operations shall be minimized so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. • These control techniques shall be indicated in Project specifications. Compliance with this measure shall be subject to periodic site inspections by the City. 3a • Visible dust beyond the property line emanating from the Project shall to the maximum extent feasible. 27.AQ -2 Project grading plans shall show the duration of construction. Ozone precursor emissions from construction equipment vehicles shall be controlled by maintaining equipment engines in good condition and in proper tune per manufacturer's specifications, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Compliance with this measure shall be subject to periodic inspections of construction equipment vehicles by the City. 28.AQ -3 All trucks that are to haul excavated or graded material on -site shall comply with State Vehicle Code Section 23114, with special attention to Sections 23114(b)(F), (e)(2) and (e)(4) as amended, regarding the prevention of such material spilling onto public streets and roads. 29.AQ -4 Restaurant uses (i.e., food processing and preparation operations) shall adhere to SCAQMD Rules 1131 and 1138. Compliance with this measure shall be subject to inspection by the City, and SCAQMD if applicable. 30.GEO -1 in coordination with adjacent property owners, the project engineer shall perform an assessment of the existing drainage control systems that discharge into the site from upslope locations. Consideration shall be given to a final project design that would incorporate runoff originating from the rear of the upslope properties into the project drainage plan. 31.GEO -2 A qualified geologist shall observe the excavations at the site to map the geologic structure and to verify that the geologic conditions exposed in the excavations are consistent with those anticipated within the geologic evaluations. The project shall adopt recommendations of the geologist. 32. HAZ -1 Any hazardous waste that is generated on -site shall be transported to an appropriate disposal facility by a licensed hauler in accordance with the appropriate State and Federal laws. 33. HYD -1 The project applicant shall file a Notice of Intent with the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board. A copy of the Notice of Intent acknowledgement from the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board must be submitted to the City of Newport Beach before issuance of grading permits. 34.HYD -2 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be completed and approved by the City of Newport Beach for construction activities on -site. A copy of the SWPPP shall be available at the construction slte and the SWPPP shall be implemented at all times. The SWPPP shall outline the source control and /or treatment control BMPs to avoid or mitigate runoff pollutants at the construction site to the maximum extent practicable. 33 35. HYD -3 Prior to completion of the final construction plans, the Applicant shall submit a dewatering plan for review and approval by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and the City of Newport Beach Department of Public Works. The Applicant shall comply with the approved dewatering plan. 36. HYD -4 Prior to any dewatering activities, the Applicant shall obtain and comply with a general dewatering NPDES permit from the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and shall obtain any other applicable permits. 37. HYD -5 Prior to issuance of a buildina permit, the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) completed for the project, which identifies Nonstructural and Structural BMPs and the entities responsible for the long -term inspection, maintenance and funding for all BMPs, shall be submitted for approval by the City of Newport Beach prior to the issuance of building permits. 38.N-1 All noise generating construction activities shall be limited to the hours of between 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on weekdays and between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Construction activities are prohibited on Sundays and Federal holidays. Refer to Ordinance 10.28.040, Construction Activity — Noise Regulations (Regulation of Construction Noise) of the City's Municipal Code. 39. N -2 During all project site excavation and grading, the construction contractor shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufactures' standards. 40. N -3 The construction contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from noise - sensitive receptors nearest the project site. 41.N-4 The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging areas that would create the greatest distance between construction- related noise sources and noise- sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction. 42.N-5 The cooling tower structure (except the rooftop) shall be composed of a material that has a density of 3.5 pounds per square foot of surface area. Noise levels emanating from the cooling tower shall not exceed an A- weighted sound pressure level of 55 dBA. Additionally, upon final design, the angle of the rooftop louvers shall be set so that noise is directed away from the residences on the bluff along Kings Road. 43. N -6 Upon final design, the project applicant shall orient the parking structure ventilation intake /exhaust components away from both residential and on -site uses. 44.TR -1 Balboa Bay Club Driveway/West Coast Highway (SR -1) - The project applicant shall make a fair share contribution to re- stripe /widen the westbound West Coast Highway (SR -1) approach from one left -turn lane, two through lanes, and one defacto right -turn lane to consist of one left -turn lane, two through lanes, and one shared through /right -turn lane. 3q 45.TR -2 Driveway 1/West Coast Highway (SR -1) - The project applicant shall re- stripe /widen the westbound West Coast Highway (SR -1) approach from two through lanes and one dedicated right -turn lane to consist of two through lanes and one shared through /right -turn lane. West Coast Highway (SR -1) west of the Driveway 1/West Coast Highway (SR -1) intersection would need to be widened by approximately two feet plus a 50 to 1 taper to accommodate the additional through lane. 46.TR -3 Any obstacles within the parking facility (i.e., building columns, mechanical building systems, reduced overhead clearances, etc.) shall be clearly marked to alert motorists to potential conflicts. 47.TR -4 Prior to the Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, site access intersections shall be clear of any visual obstructions (i.e., landscaping, monumentation and/or signing, aboveground utilities, etc.) that could impair drivers' sight distance. PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS 48.All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department, and shall be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 49.The intersection of the driveways with West Coast Highway shall be designed to provide sight distance for a primary roadway per City of Newport Beach Standard Drawing STD -110 -L for a speed of 45 MPH. Slopes, landscaping, walls, signs, and other obstructions shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight lines (sight cone) shall not exceed 24- inches in height and the monument identification sign must be located outside the line of sight cone. The sight distance may be modified at non - critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 50.The onsite parking and vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer. 51.The applicant shall provide wheel stops or other approved protective barrier methods as necessary within the parking areas. The parking spaces shall be marked with approved traffic markers subject to the approval of the Public Works Department or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. All parking and maneuvering areas shall meet minimum dimensional standards per City of Newport Beach Standard Drawing STD - 805 -L -A unless otherwise modified by the Traffic Engineer. 52.The parking lot shall have prominent pavement arrows and signage to facilitate proper circulation within the parking area. Signage and pavement markings shall be shown on the site plan and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Department. 53. Add to Public Works Note No. 3 on Sheet A -1, "The map to be submitted to the City y of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD standards. Scanned images shall not be accepted" 54. Detailed plans for the on -site drainage system shall be subject to further review and approval by the Development Services Engineer. 55. ADA compliant curb access ramps shall be installed along the Dover Drive and Coast Highway frontages. 56. The limit line and the STOP pavement legend proposed for vehicles exiting the most easterly driveway shall be installed on private property so that stopped vehicles will not impede pedestrian traffic. 57.A sidewalk easement is required for the portions of the proposed 8 -foot wide sidewalk fronting West Coast Highway that is within private property. 58.City and Caltrans approvals are required for all private landscaping proposed on plans sheet no. LCP -1 within the Dover Drive and West Coast Highway respective rights -of -way. 59.Provide details to the Development Services Engineer as to how the existing sanitary sewer main between Coast Highway and King's Road will be constructed to maintain current service levels. Any alteration to the existing sewer main and /or easement alignment will require the applicant to prepare all of the necessary easement exhibits and legal descriptions. The applicant is responsible for all of the construction costs. 60.The drive aisle located near the 13,000 square foot building and nearest to Coast Highway shall be designated one -way toward Dover Drive and parking spaces taking access from this drive aisle shall be angled as shown on plans last submitted for Planning Commission review. 61.Ramp slopes to the subterranean parking area shall not exceed 15 %, per City Standard STD - 160 -L -B and STD - 160 -L -C. A maximum of 11% grade change is permitted. 62.Delivery vehicles are prohibited to park on the public right -of -way. All deliveries are to be handled on -site. 63.A total of six (6) loading spaces shall be provided on -site. 64.All dead end drive aisles shall have a designated turnaround area adjacent to a 5- foot hammerhead. The hammerhead area shall continue across the entire drive aisle. 65. Parallel parking stalls shall have 4 -feet of red curb between stalls to enable sufficient maneuvering room. 3�° 66. No storage of equipment or materials shall be allowed on Dover Drive or Coast Highway. No construction vehicle staging shall be permitted on Dover Drive or Coast Highway. 67.All driveways shall have a minimum width of 28'. 68.The Dover Drive sidewalk shall be 12' wide. 69.The easterly driveway and ramp to the subterranean parking areas shall be configured to accommodate u -turn movements from Coast Highway to the subterranean parking area. 70.New street trees shall be planted in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code and Council Policies. Existing street trees along the development frontage shall be relocated and replanted along same frontage after the street widening work has been completed. 71.Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagpersons. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. 72. Utility connections for new buildings shall be underground to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 20.57.040 of the Municipal Code. 73. New curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveway approaches shall be constructed where necessary along the West Coast Highway frontage of the property in accordance with an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation ( Caltrans). Street improvements as well as drainage and utility improvements within Caltrans right -of -way shall be shown on standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer. Existing non - standard concrete sidewalk panels within the public right -of -way shall be reconstructed with standard concrete sidewalk panels through a permit issued by Caltrans. 74.Catch basins are to be constructed at all locations where drainage from surface runoff is proposed to be discharged through curb outlets. Each catch basin shall be a standard type catch basin with a concrete bottom a fossil filter system. The objective is to improve the quality and decrease the quantity of water runoff by providing for on -site percolation to the maximum extent possible. 75.All work conducted within the public right -of -way shall be approved under an encroachment permit issued by Caltrans. 76.Temporary signs shall be prohibited in the public right -of -way unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department in conjunction with the issuance of an encroachment permit or encroachment agreement. 77.A hydrology and hydraulic study for the project shall be prepared by a licensed civil 31 engineer, along with a master plan of water, sewer, and storm drain facilities for the on -site improvements prior to issuance of a grading permit. Any modifications or extension to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems that the study shows to be required shall be the responsibility of the developer. The hydrology and hydraulic study shall be limited to on -site analysis, except that analysis of waters to be accepted and drained from upslope properties shall also be included in the analysis. Analysis of downstream impacts will not be included in the analysis. 78. Each building shall be served by an individual water and sewer connection. The water meter and sewer clean out, if located within the proposed driveway, shall have a traffic -grade box and cover. 79. All on -site power poles along the northerly property line shall be protected in place during construction unless undergrounding of the electrical line is proposed. If undergrounding of the electrical line is proposed, work shall be completed in compliance with all applicable requirements of the City and the electric provider. 80. Arrangements shall be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 81. Prior to issuance of a -grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction phasing plan and construction delivery plan that includes routing of large vehicles. The plan shall include a haul route plan for review and approval of the Public Works Department. Said plan shall specify location of disposal site(s), the routes to be traveled, truck staging, times of travel, total number of trucks, number of trucks per hour, time of operation, safety /congestion precautions (e.g., signage, flagmen), and other details as may be required by the Traffic Engineer. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. Said plan shall indicate locations, numbers, and access to parking stalls for employees and contractors. The permissible number of haul truck trips per day during grading operations shall be determined consistent with South Coast Air Quality Management District pollutant emissions criteria and the analysis set forth in memorandum of December 21, 2005, from RBF Consulting relative to Mariners Mile Construction — Haul Truck (Air Quality Emissions). Haul truck trips from the project site to the disposal site and back during grading operations shall be restricted to the route approved by the Traffic Engineer. The approved haul truck route shall be configured so as to minimize disruption of traffic on Coast Highway and affected intersections and shall be consistent with the VMT criteria in Attachment 1. Haul truck trips during grading operations and occurring from and after June 15"' through September 15"' shall be limited to the non -peak hour traffic period between 10 AM and 3 PM, Monday through Friday. No haul truck trips shall be permitted on 11 Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays during this period. Haul truck trips during grading operations and occurring from and after September 16th through June 14t shall be limited to the non -peak hour traffic period between 9 AM and 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Haul truck trips shall be permitted on Saturdays between the hours of 8 AM and 3 PM during this period. No haul truck trips shall be permitted on Sundays or legal holidays during this period. 82. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project applicant shall make a fair share contribution to re- stripe /widen the westbound West Coast Highway (SR -1) approach from one left -turn lane, two through lanes, and one defacto right -tum lane to consist of one left -turn lane, two through lanes, and one shared through /right -turn lane at Balboa Bay Club Driveway/West Coast Highway (SR -1). 83.Prior to issuance of a building permit, applicant shall submit a traffic signal synchronization study prepared by a registered traffic engineer for review by the City's Traffic Engineer. 84.Applicant's request for traffic signal approval to Caltrans shall include the synchronization study after approval by the City's Traffic Engineer together with a statement that the City's approval of the project was, in part, based on an expectation that the proposed traffic signal would be fully synchronized with existing traffic signals. 85.The traffic signal to be installed at the project entrance shall be equipped with an Opticom System controller. 86. Prior to issuance of a building permit, ermit, the applicant shall pay the project's fair share traffic contribution in accordance with Chapter 15.38 of the Municipal Code. Public Works Department plan check and inspections fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of applicable permits. 87.Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancv, the project applicant shall re- stripe /widen the westbound West Coast Highway (SR -1) approach from two through lanes and one dedicated right -turn lane to consist of two through lanes and one shared through /right -turn lane. West Coast Highway (SR -1) west of the Driveway 1/West Coast Highway (SR -1) intersection would need to be widened by approximately two feet plus a 50 to 1 taper to accommodate the additional through lane at Driveway 1 /West Coast Highway (SR -1). 88. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall complete all required off -site improvements including roadway widening and traffic signal installation. BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 89.The applicant shall obtain all applicable permits from the City Building Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City - adopted version of 3� the California Building Code unless otherwise approved by the Building Department. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 90. In order to prevent adverse noise and vibration impacts to nearby residences and businesses, the retaining wall along the northerly property line shall be constructed using the coring method rather than pile- driving. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 91 -The applicant shall obtain all applicable permits from the City Building Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Fire Code unless otherwise approved by the Fire Department. 92.Automatic fire sprinklers shall be required for all new construction. The sprinkler system shall be monitored by a UL certified alarm service company where the number of sprinklers is one hundred or more. 93. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position that is plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall be of made of non - combustible materials, shall contrast with their background, and shall be either internally or externally illuminated to be visible at night. Number shall be no less than six inches in height with a one - inch stroke. 0 Exhibit 4 Comprehensive Sign Program %k\ is rl \'Z 96 a d ►! W U a v x d p r. 0 0 N t+] ti h� m 0 q h 41 LF' y <°a o v a OQ N W U 0. V Ow V FBI W W o� C7 a 0 °s M x u x C, Aq z � H b 0 r a G C U' W O � U q h 41 LF' y <°a o v a OQ N W U 0. V Ow V FBI W W o� C7 a 0 °s M x u x C, Aq d � A a m qy�S c� "e�2 E•s 000 G d 5 5 W p L T A A+ G d L d t �6 W`o y G p 5 a OW C4 Phi a z c� 04 fi7 W U 0. PG Q 0 N a c�5 Q a d = m C O a rJ' A Q & o ss° a 'C 4 ° z s� a W C LTJ a 9 O €n V F Q V Z u U a 2 Wo �S US U u o a o S N M W O yy m LL s Obi D m •: 5m 9 a y� G a " a 5 ❑ S gs o d 5 m 2 a m-a mr €_b y 1O g°0 eons 3= v -°� ro w .o '" •o" � �o Oba� wiRL s 9 3 a° oe AA v-� 8 �•e E � u �'�r e a a• L w 5 •� ri ;5 a g K CLU. t a W r Q v via 9 wp °'a`�i y e 09CC 'C w 4„ oaL 4 °' a •ggC d o O ts g a q fi a� oS •a °O� S� "a�'�E a °�'� 5 8o w w s �w •a °��+'� c e a ra to as 'S E c •d 'S T m m ,�' a 4 ,,qa, L` fi ME EbI m d^ j %T+ - 12 § P4 o. rg ow z W W U a J PC e P N x a M d '09 6�'gEb y a 3tb .5 ulb ° ac1p � drsn0 d U JIM o4 b� a., K.° � E•5 b o.2 a fi 8 8 �ro Kro•g b�° 5'a�.r� °m 6ep 9= 3"•a gz3K�S�c Z V > 6 ro b ux ro A b F d O 2 J O Q Eue za ° U a E 8 b .B § O 3• N fi 3 b ro S m ti O Q, 6 m Eyb$w u:�vA c ab°'o °�'".�e ba�•c Z $'SO�$ ;a °'"fib s �'o� ��Epy "a °•• 3 y o w ° .4 6.2.i0 a �$� l tj .„day;, "=.5 _ -0 .,; ° b a •$ 0 b w n0-2 .a 6 3 LTi p¢@ .`s{' 8' : e K a • j +y�; `° O � Y w" G C$ -, 8 got -4 -`.f MRY b O�•y T = dti Ei R °� 2 v p .� m v° .J psi $'En°0263s 8°5 ors�a 9��.fi m gg O m �y�°��eoa �b°•�." �nm53 "o$�'so Pigg Q.t'b� °'�v -S �, Q Jo c>c p3n �o �b73 ?,y��yaramfi etA Cmb db •+,7., N b^ tINin 'J tai4 3 ui �L ri A m 05 ow z c� �w Kj a w m w a a d A b N V d 41 W cc O i-- V 0 cc g I d P. S 5 'o t 2 s J O F w w A b s 6J N 4 oZo N w a � w O O `; � �u 14 ow z a w as �a x A 0 N r.; M U d t\ W 0. A� �pZaz � a p V d Q3 h^,6i Psi Aa FZ(i[> W cc O i-- V 0 cc g I d P. S 5 'o t 2 s J O F w w A b s 6J N 4 oZo N w a � w O O `; � �u 14 ow z a w as �a x A 0 N r.; M U d t\ W 0. A� U # � N � v a a a x � � o 0 U v 'aa i 6 6 R n !II z c� y a 6 z a x 00 0. i �i O W VJ a 01 W .i a V 0 e N Ni 0 o� ------ --------- w m Z:} Q � w Z 9 LU s 0!2 6 CA =m z�soa a a O a -- - -J- ' !II z c� y a 6 z a x 00 0. i �i O W VJ a 01 W .i a V 0 e N Ni 0 3 a a GN U 5 q w A 6 a 04 u 0 a z c� w a w as a ac d Q O N M x uVL F J1 r .n U U U a i J O V A w A w n. d 0 a a z u 0. rA W 94 d Fa W a ae a A n °o N ri V a d ► 0 w C7 L; �a �j Cl jll D l 1 ii i ��-i I�. F d w O W w a a w a� o � o o o N w �adu7 rfi W U a¢, M l @C i L� VD W m D ! tIf La v 4~� § rs- $ °aESym � 8� o igy�g�B Ssy� '�g a s 8yy a Alit^ �4Seq �' �F §y� apu�Qg U o �dg9° �tltltltltlW �u Epp E Y]Ysi Lg �� '� lit �g� V V eE E 11 SH H, 0 gaO "Ca s B =ID %''pbpbga,_x re 5a5ye'� = 5 iapca .�mnvtl�Bl A55S S u a' � pypya55°�g¢¢"� yyyya �GG m u W � u� °s 5 as °�B fig sAtlA iaa �Si Ee fi ®Baga �? sSea 6agpap EE E �y wS@yO a85E i.£��S�IV22Sb �a §A�y g80 5E All Es s9 �2 N. ..£ SS 03 P. -ES_L 5• W O W LL rr,,i EGP aY3� V p FSAC D ! tIf La v 4~� § rs- $ °aESym � 8� o igy�g�B Ssy� '�g 8 n` N s S g� 5 N v ^W^� 1�1 v H w C7 w u a d A 0 N x d G 65 �F §y� apu�Qg U p$Y� o�Ibs Y]Ysi Lg E �. �t^i M1�366 Lm eE E a 6 0 s B =ID %''pbpbga,_x re 5a5ye'� = 5 iapca .�mnvtl�Bl $ ss $� a S «fib({ S,yya 8E-�q a' � pypya55°�g¢¢"� yyyya �GG m u W � 8 n` N s S g� 5 N v ^W^� 1�1 v H w C7 w u a d A 0 N x d G 65 N C OI cN i m N Vl G 8 a N s a 4 8 n E� O P4 04 z w x t2 ui oa W c� a ci 6 Q n 0 N M ti u V R: 4 5(p ''MIN; • § b b b b H y $ b H Sl £� a H� u. � H 8 S H b s x _ �_$ �� °3'a bF=SS 9i9�bGb� `vgAao g" gm INS. � bliss P m e e G 8 a N s a 4 8 n E� O P4 04 z w x t2 ui oa W c� a ci 6 Q n 0 N M ti u V R: 4 5(p a V b b u. N O as .�s8gg�9?gg�bsg����gg�Yq� x _ G 8 a N s a 4 8 n E� O P4 04 z w x t2 ui oa W c� a ci 6 Q n 0 N M ti u V R: 4 5(p G fA m 2� Vmi G �M W OHM1i°8� 8 -a 24p1 e S$��a So ga m91�% 1-'&111 gs�� WIN, HUI p 8 9 a h 0 D ..$8Epp Sg9 3 ggoal e; �f ilsRII 8$ I I 98 3n g�a ae� H dad. Mal m 5 8 3' 9 a s d 5 8 9 8 N a' B 3 S h S N R a z w x a n w u a of ^Q 1�1 0 6 N M H 5, N C co N m e ta cro G �q 8 B �r u 0 s 9 r TIE d O a �w V Iy W a d I.a LTA Q: Uy �1 a 0 n M u 6� fi g� S 5� E �2i »c U � aaS °a aS$�� � � s a m W u °a $ g x °a ate° p� 5 S g$ Qa -�D 233 -E�S ��P.a��95���S��YSU3Y NMI b b SiSR x 8 B �r u 0 s 9 r TIE d O a �w V Iy W a d I.a LTA Q: Uy �1 a 0 n M u 6� °a � � s a m W N a a a b b a �3 s s g= b gF€ ,F s s3$ s �g'aa�$ as s5y s€ sue° °e s s am c g ees HUM �s 8�et�'�� E '_b =aaY�E$ a. °s 8 B �r u 0 s 9 r TIE d O a �w V Iy W a d I.a LTA Q: Uy �1 a 0 n M u 6� O 19 AN z u w x a w as c� a 4 Q 0 0 N M .y x x d n U 0. 59 �D Bel Mare Signs Note: • Each Tenant wilt choose from a Menu of: • 1 Primary wall sign (or awning); and • 1 Minor sign (Tenant will have a choice of blade, awning or arcade sign) Exceptions (as noted below): At Landlord's discretion, Tenant shall have the right for additional signs, so long as the total max. sign area does not exceed the total allowable square footage of signage. • For each space, all signs combined may not exceed total allowable square footage of signage as outlined below Add catchall for spaces that get divided or combined at the landlord's discretion. Upon landlord's approval and letter of recommendation, the Director of Planning may approve minor deviations in the sign criteria upon the discretion of the Planning Director. • Signage will be per code of 1.5: 1 linear foot of frontage • Landlord to approve method of signage Space Primary Frontage Comments 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 55 sq. ft. shall have the right for 1 additional • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or wall sign, so long as the total max. A - Primary logos, 6 feet sign area does not exceed 94.5 sq. • Individual letter and logo height not to ft. exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 10 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 47 sq, ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or A - Secondary logos, 5 feet a Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 10 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 37.5 sq. ft. • Maximum verticat dimension, sign or B logos, 4 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches Minimum distance shall be 5 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or If spaces C1 & C2 are occupied by max area of 36 sq. ft. a single user, then the sign area • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or permitted for C1 may also include C1 logos, 5 feet square footage allowance granted to • Individual letter and logo height not to C2 exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 1 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13 -07) �S Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or If spaces C1 & C2 are occupied by max area of 21 sq. ft. a single user, then the sign area • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or permitted for C2 may also include C2 logos, 4 feet square footage allowance granted to • Individual letter and logo height not to C1 exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 1 linear feet from the Minor sign Space Primary Frontage Comments • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 49.5 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or D logos, 5 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 5 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq, ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 27 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or E logos, 5 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 3 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 53.25 sq, ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or F logos, 7 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 4 linear feet from the Minor sign Directional Signage • Not to exceed 49 sq. ft. in total sign area Escalator to 2" floor (can include Escalator Canopy restaurant to o /si na e Elevator Directional • Up to 6 signs total Elevators between F & G (can include • Not to exceed 10 sq. ft. each Elevator in front of Space P restaurant to oisi na e • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 42 sq. ft. shall have the right for 1 additional • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or wall sign, so long as the total max. G logos, 5 feet sign area does not exceed 54 sq, ft. • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 1 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13.07) 6i 1 Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 31.5 sq. ft. Maximum vertical dimension, sign or H logos, 5 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 1 linear feet from the Minor sign 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 36 sq. ft. Maximum vertical dimension, sign or l logos, 4 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches Minimum distance shall be 4 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13 -07) �5 Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments ■ 1,5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 57 sq. ft. shall have the right for 2 ■ Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional wall signs, so long as logos, 5 feet the total max. sign area does not ■ Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 57 sq. ft. exceed 43 inches * Minimum distance shall be 1 linear feet from the Minor sign * 1.5 sq. ft. f linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 57 sq. ft. shall have the right for 3 * Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional awning signs, so long K logos, 5 feet as the total max. sign area does * Individual letter and logo height not to not exceed 57 sq. ft. exceed 43 inches ■ Minimum distance shall be 3 linear feet from the Minor sign ■ 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 36 sq. ft. shalt have the right for 1 ■ Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional wall sign, so long as logos, 4 feet the total max. sign area does not L * Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 45 sq. ft. exceed 43 inches * Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign Directional Sign in * Not to exceed 10 sq. ft. * Retail Shops Restaurants Valet Area Directional Signs Stairs ■ Not to exceed 15 sq. ft. each * Between Rite Aid 8 Shops 1.5 sq. ft, / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 27 sq. ft. ■ Maximum vertical dimension, sign or M logos, 4 feet ■ Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches ■ Minimum distance shalt be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign ■ 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 22.5 sq, ft. ■ Maximum vertical dimension, sign or N logos, 4 feet ■ Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches ■ Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign ■ 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 22.5 sq. ft. ■ Maximum vertical dimension, sign or logos, 4 feet ■ Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13 -07) tQ A Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 93 -07) 46 Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 21 sq. ft. shall have the right for 1 • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional wall sign, so long as P logos, 4 feet the total max. sign area does not Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 45 sq, ft. exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 28 sq. ft. shall have the right for 1 Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional wall sign, so long as Q logos, 4 feet the total max. sign area does not • Individual tetter and logo height not to exceed 57 sq. ft. exceed 43 inches Minimum distance shall be 1 linear feet from the Minor sign 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 18 sq. ft. shall have the right for 2 Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional wall signs, so long as R logos, 4 feet the total max. sign area does not • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 72 sq. ft. exceed 43 inches Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13 -07) 11 , Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or East Elevation max area of 75 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or Rite Aid Primary logos, S feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or South Elevation Facing PCH max area of 37.5 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or Rite Aid - logos, 8 feet Secondary 1 • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or Rear of building West Elevation max area 37.5 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or Rite Aid - logos, 8 feet Secondary 2 • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 75 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or S logos, 6 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. I linear foot of store frontage or max area of 57 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or i logos, 4 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 75 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or U logos, 4 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13 -07) �1 Bel Mare Signs Space Primary Frontage Comments • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 75 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or V logos, 4 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 75 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or W logos, 4 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or max area of 75 sq. ft. • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or X - Primary logos, 5 feet • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign • 1.5 sq. ft. / linear foot of store frontage or At Landlord's discretion, Tenant max area of 37.5 sq. ft. shall have the right for 1 • Maximum vertical dimension, sign or additional wall sign, so long as X - Secondary logos, 5 feet the total max. sign area does not • Individual letter and logo height not to exceed 75 sq. ft. exceed 43 inches • Minimum distance shall be 2 linear feet from the Minor sign Sign chart revised 02 -09 -07 (updated by ZS 03- 13 -07) 1t" Exhibit 5 Landscape Plan Exhibit 6 Applicant's Project Description/Justification Letter 11,6 iY if. t....) I if December 19, 2oo6 Mr. David Lepo Planning Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 9266o RE: Bel Mare, :too — 600 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach Landscape Plan, Sign Program and Substantial Conformance Approval on Elevations Changes Dear Mr. Lepo: Please find enclosed an application package for the purposes of the Planning Commission to review the Bel Mare project at loo — 600 West Coast Highway for compliance with conditions i9 and 21— 25 with regards to landscaping and signage, as well as, review of changes to the elevations for a finding of substantial conformance with the original approval. The goals of the changes to the elevations are in line with the projects intent to upgrade this area and make it a premier entrance to Mariner's Mile. The sign program has been designed to subtly brand the project as Bel Mare, which means "beautiful sea" in Italian, and tastefully identify retailers located within the project. The name of the project is reminiscent of the architectural theme of the project; Mediterranean with Italian influence. The name of the project also relates to the proximity of the project to the ocean. With regards to elevation changes, subsequent to the January 19, 2oo6 Planning Commission approval it occurred to the project proponent that there existed a significant opportunity to create additional public open space at the project, additional public viewing opportunities, improve pedestrian circulation, and more evenly distribute parking demand throughout the project It should be noted, not additional square- footage or substantial changes have been made to the project, please refer to the enclosed project description for details on how this achieved. 230 Newport Center Drive, Suite 210 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • 949-717 -7943 main • 949-717 -7942 fax • vvvmr9ovsol.00m -1 7 Please let us know if you have any questions about this application package or would like any additional information. You may contact me at (949) 717-7944 or cora @govsol.com. Sincerely, Coralee Newman Chief Executive Officer Government Solutions, Inc. Property Owner's Representative cc: Doug Beiswenger Attachments: i. Application for Review /Use Permit 2. Assessor's Parcel Map and 2 sets of Property Owner Address Labels 3. 20 sets (8 — 24 "x36" and 12 — 11"M") of plans including the following: i. Site Plan of Ground Level (1) ii. Site Plan of Ground Level in two sections (2) hi. Site Plan of Subterranean Level (1) iv. Site Plan of Subterranean Level in sections (2) v. Elevation (i.) 4. Conditions i9 and 21- 2$ 1X Project Description Bel Mare (a.k.a. Mariner's Mile Gateway) ioo — 600 West Coast Highway Bac g d On January 19, 2006 the Newport Beach Planning Commission approved the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Development Plan No. 2004 -001, Use Permit No. 2004 -025 and Modification Permit No. 2005 -117 (PA2oo4 -z4i) to allow the development of a 56,000 square -foot shopping center and two -level subterranean parking garage at the above mentioned site. The Use Permit allows buildings up to 34'6" in height and the Modification Permit allows a landscape planter to be built less than the required width of 4 -feet along Coast Highway. The project also includes the dedication of right -of -way along Coast Highway for widening adjacent to the site. As part of the approval, conditions were placed on the project that require the Planning Commission's review of the sign program and landscape plan. A copy of the conditions that address these items are enclosed, they are conditions i9 and 21— 25. In addition, this submittal is requesting that the Planning Commission review changes to the elevations for a finding of substantial conformance with the original approval. Sign Program Comprehensively designed In substantial conformance with the city's sign ordinance A comprehensive sign program has been designed in a cohesive manner to subtly brand the project as Bel Mare. Bel Mare, meaning "beautiful sea" in Italian, tastefully identifies retailers located within the project. The signs of the project are in an architectural theme that complements the theme of the project; Mediterranean with Italian influence. The name of the project also relates to the proximity of the project to the ocean. The tenant signs over each tenant's premises will be tastefully designed and crafted to coincide with the upscale architecture and theme of the project. Tenant signs will not be plastic colored backlit channel signs seen in typical "strip" centers, but rather will be unique, halo or spot lit, metallic or wool in appearance, peg mounted signs. The tenant directory signs will not be highly visible from the public right of way, nonetheless will be tasteful and in keep in the theme of the project. Wayfinding signs will also be tasteful and in keeping with the theme of the project, however also effective for their purpose in effectively promoting safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular travel within the project. 15 The only monument sign for the project will be a relatively small monument sign at the southeast corner of the project site, adjacent to the intersection of W. Pacific Coast Highway and Dover Drive, and the only identification sign on the monument will be "Bel Mare." Elevation cha_ms Subsequent to the Planning Commission's January lg, 2006 approval of the project, it was determined by the development team that the project would be significantly enhanced with a minor refinement to the elevation. The proposal is to separate the second floor building area into two distinct building areas — creating a better overall balance. The separation also provides for a broader second-level public area with improved opportunities for pedestrian access and public gathering spaces. A secondary benefit to the project with this adjustment is an overall improvement in parkin distaa'bution. The opening of the second level via a westerly shift of a portion of the budding improves pedestrian access to parking as there is more parking provided in the westerly section of the parling garage. To further facilitate the interface to the parking, two escalators have been added to the project While bo#b of the escalators are centrally located, one is from the subterranean garage to the street level, and the other from the street level to the public areas on the second level, We believe these modifications are minor in nature, but provide overall improvements to the project. We are requesting that the Planning Commission approve these modifications and deem them in substantial conformance with the approved project. Exhibit 7 Comparison Plans for Substantial Conformance Review -)5 Exhibit 8 Correspondence Received J�P RECEIVED BY PIAPININ'r; DEPARTMENT F") k .:.7 Feb. 14, 2007 (� �q `}T net Newport Beach Planning Commission CITY ` l r i c,'W c,�1r l PEACH 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Frank Eisendrath 104 Kings Dear Sec. Robert Hawkins and fellow Commissioners, Re: Public Notice Comprehensive Sign Program CS2006 -012 PA2006 -279 MY Property is directly above the proposed project. My concerns are numerous, however, of immediate concern is that there be no view obstruction from my existing view on my properly. This would include landscaping and signs. Pemtanent restriction on tree heights is a must. Lighted sign would not be allowed to reflect onto my property. Also, whatever grading to be done, make sure the bluff is secure. Adequate insurance to insure no cracks will occur in my pool, cement patio or house from the heavy equipment and earth moving. I still have concerns if the bluff will be stable with no slippage to cause my property damage. Please consider this letter adequate notice if I need to challenge this project in court as I am unable to attend your public hearing. Sincerely, 9 & Frank Eisendrath 104 Kings Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 645 -9127 '11