HomeMy WebLinkAboutOur Lady Queen of Angels Church Expansion - PA2005-092 - 2046 & 2100 Mar Vista DriveCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 3 August 17, 2006 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner (949) 644 -3208 rung @city. newpo rt- beach. ca. us SUBJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church Expansion 2046 & 2100 Mar Vista Drive Use Permit No. 2005 -090 Traffic Study No. 2006 -002 Mitigated Negative Declaration (PA2005 -092) APPLICANT: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange REQUEST Our Lady Queen of Angels Church (OLQA) proposes to expand their existing church and school facilities by relocating its church to the adjacent property located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive (presently used by St. Mark Presbyterian Church). Additionally, they plan to expand the school within its existing site at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. The expansion includes the construction of a 1,170 -seat sanctuary, ten (10) additional classrooms, and a 9,450 square foot gymnasium. When combined, the new Our Lady Queen of Angels Church campus will be approximately 12.17 acres in size with the incorpation of the St. Mark site. The proposed project requires approval of a Use Permit for the following items: 1. Expansion of the existing church and private school facilities pursuant to Section 20.25.020(D) of the Municipal Code. 2. Transfer of development intensity between the two sites pursuant to Section 20.63.080 of the Municipal Code. 3. To allow the proposed church building to exceed the permitted building height limit (90 feet proposed for the steeple) pursuant to Section 20.65.070.G of the Municipal Code. 4. To allow a total of ten (10) portable classroom buildings on a temporary basis during the construction period pursuant to Section 20.60.015 C of the Municipal Code. The project also requires an approval of traffic analysis pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO). Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 2 Current Development: Reli ious Institutional Use & Private School To the north: Corona del Mar High School To the east: Single family residential development To the south: MuMple-family Multiple-family residential development To the west Single & Multiple-family residential developments Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the property (excluding roads and waterways) and posted at the site a minimum of 10 days in advance of this hearing consistent with the Municipal Code. The environmental review process has also been noticed in a similar manner and all mandatory notices per the California Environmental Quality Act have been given. Finally, the item appeared upon the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the city website. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing, provide direction to staff on the preparation of findings and conditions, and continue the item to September 7, 2006 meeting to allow the conclusion of the review period of the environmental document. BACKGROUND OLQA Church Property — 2046 Mar Vista Drive On October 17, 1963, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 991 to allow the establishment of Our Lady Queen of Angels consisting of a 872 -seat sanctuary, a 5,000 square foot parish hall, a 10,991 square foot K -8 elementary school with day care facility, and a 6,312 square foot rectory with a 710 - square foot garage on an 8 -acre property located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. On March 12, 1990, an amendment to Use Permit No. 991 was approved to allow the construction of 23,534 square foot addition to the existing church including a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. The total square footage of the existing church, including the expansion, was 57,597 square feet or 0.165 floor area ratio (FAR). Associated with this expansion, the Land Use Element was amended to increase the maximum allowable floor area to 0.17. Presently, the church property is improved with an 872 -seat sanctuary, a parish center, a rectory, a K -8 elementary school for 315 students, and a pre - school facility for 35 children. The total square footage for the entire facility is 58,160 square feet. The church property presently has a total of 213 on -site parking spaces distributed in four (4) separate parking lots (Parking Lot #s 1, 2, 3 & 4). Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 4 Existing Site Layout - OLQA Former St. Mark Church Property — 2100 Mar Vista Drive On July 18, 1963, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 967 to allow the construction of St. Mark Presbyterian Church (St. Mark) on a 4.37 -acre property located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive. The development consisted of a nave, a fellowship hall, classrooms and a nursery school. The property is also subject to the same 0.17 FAR that the OLQA site is subject to. The property is presently improved with a 12,394 square foot church with a maximum seating capacity of 350 people. The existing preschool has an enrollment capacity of 70 students and the gross floor area for all buildings combined is 15,324 square feet. The property has a total of 137 on -site parking spaces. In summary, the two properties have a combined church seating capacity of 1,222 people, a school capacity of 420 students, 350 parking spaces, and 73,484 square feet of development on 12.37 acres of land, which results in a FAR of 0.14. St. Mark recently sold their property to OLQA and is building a new church and education facilities for their parishioners on the northwest corner of San Joaquin Road and MacArthur Blvd. It is anticipated that St. Mark will be moving to their new location in early 2008. IN Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 5 sr- - y/ Existing Site Layout — St. Mark PROJECT DESCRIPTION Physical Alterations/Changes to Our Lady Queen of Angels Site (OLQA) site The classroom expansion within the existing OLQA property includes the renovation and expansion of two existing school buildings. These school buildings were constructed in Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 6 1965 and 1991. The older of these two buildings has been in continuous use for over 40 years and requires substantial renovation, including roofing, windows, lighting, cabinetry, flooring, restrooms, etc. The 1991 building also requires some minor improvements. Once the renovation is completed, the classroom expansion would occur west of these buildings, and include a total of six new classrooms (three classrooms within each building) and a restroom (southernmost building only). Each classroom would be approximately 950 square feet in size. The new school facilities require the demolition of Parking Lot No. 3 (25 parking spaces) and its associated driveway along Domingo Drive to accommodate the construction of a new one -story school building. In addition to the six classroom addition, a new building containing a total of four classrooms would be constructed to the east of the existing school buildings. These classrooms would also be approximately 950 square feet in size. To accommodate the construction of the new 9,450- square foot gymnasium, the northern portion of Parking Lot #1 would be demolished resulting in the loss of 50 spaces. The gymnasium would be located along the Mar Vista Drive frontage, away from residential uses and would include a basketball court, retractable bleachers, boys' and girls' locker rooms with restrooms, and storage areas. Wall- mounted, fold out lunch tables would be located on the southern exterior of the gymnasium. The gymnasium is proposed to be 32 feet high consistent with the height limit. The classroom additions and the new gymnasium are designed to be compatible with the architectural style of the existing school and parish center. They would be similar in design, height, materials, and color. Upon completion of the improvements, the school property would have a total 69,294 square feet of building improvements. The expanded school would have a capacity of 600 students. In order to accommodate on -going school operations during these improvements, ten 24 by 60 triple -wide temporary portable classrooms and one 12x40 portable restroom would be placed on the northeast corner of the athletic field. The portables would not interfere with school operations (i.e., enrollment numbers, parking, or drop - off /pick -up procedures). Upon completion of construction activities at the school, all portables would be removed from the project site. Upon completion of the new church on the St. Mark site, the existing OLQA Church will be demolished and replaced with a surface parking lot (Parking Lot #5) which will be connected to the existing parking lot to the west (Parking Lot #2). Additionally, street access to the parking lot would be provided by a driveway along Domingo Drive. The pedestrian entrance along Domingo Drive, which consists of a sidewalk and stairs, would be removed. Vehicular access to the existing OLQA property would be reduced from four driveways along Mar Vista Drive to two driveways. Both driveways currently Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 7 providing access to Parking Lot #2 on Mar Vista Drive would be eliminated. Vehicular access along Domingo Drive would still be provided via two driveways; however, the location of one of the driveways would be altered. The existing driveway, which provides access to Parking Lot #3, would be eliminated and a new driveway would be constructed directly across from the existing driveway at the new church. The existing driveway along Domingo Drive, which currently provides access to the rectory (Parking Lot #4), would remain unchanged. Existing parking lots would be resurfaced and re- striped so as to allow the flow of traffic between Parking Lot #s 1, 2, and 5. Upon completion of these parking lot improvements (including the construction of Parking Lot #5), 63 additional parking spaces would be provided at the OLQA property. Physical Alterations/Chanoes to St. Mark site All buildings and improvements will be demolished and a new 22,336- square foot sanctuary will be constructed. The new sanctuary would be situated similar to the existing St. Mark layout, with the church on the eastern portion and the parking lot on the western portion and would include the main sanctuary (1,170 seats), a reservation chapel (32 seats), a reconciliation chapel, a sacristy, community room, nursery, kitchen, storage areas, and restrooms. The exterior would include a circular pedestrian plaza with a water fountain, tree courtyard, and colored concrete accents located near the main entrance of the church. Additionally, a colored concrete walkway would be constructed from the intersection of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive to the plaza and main entry. The purpose of this walkway is to provide a pedestrian connection to the existing OLQA campus at this intersection to discourage mid -block crossing near the driveway. Along the southern property boundary, a 4 -foot wall would be constructed between the church and the multi - family residences that directly abut the site. The design of the church building is tiered, with variable building heights from approximately 12 feet to 55 feet, 4 inches. The maximum height of the church would be the cross on the church tower at 90 feet. No lighting is proposed for the church tower or cross. In addition to the church building, a new parking lot (Lot #5) would provide a total of 238 parking spaces. Vehicular access to the church would remain unchanged with one driveway along Domingo Drive. In summary, upon completion of the proposed project, OLQA would have 1,170 church seats, representing a slight decrease from the combined capacity of OLQA and St. Mark's in the number of church sanctuary seats. The school would have an enrollment capacity of 600 students, which is and an increase from the combined capacity at OLQA and St. Mark's of 180 students. The FARs for the school site and the new church site would be 0.20 and 0.12 respectively, with the combined FAR at 0.17. As noted this FAR is the maximum allowed by the General Plan and the applicant proposes to transfer Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 8 square footage from the St. Mark site to the OLQA school site pursuant to Section 20.63.080 of the Municipal Code. Hours of Operation at Both Sites The hours of operation for each of the facilities located at the project site are shown below: Facili Monday-Friday Saturday Sunda Church 6:30 A.M. — 9:00 6:30 A.M. — 9:00 6:30 A.M. — 9:00 P.M. P.M. P.M. Parish Center 7:00 A.M. — 10:30 7:00 A.M. — 10:30 7:00 A.M. — 10:30 P.M. P.M. P.M. School (Academics) 7:30 A.M. — 2:30 P.M. School 7:30 A.M. — 6:00 7:30 A.M. — 6:00 7:30 A.M. — 6:00 (Extracurricular /After P.M. P.M. P.M. School Activities Gymnasium 7:30 AM — 9:00 PM 7:30 A.M. — 9:00 7:30 A.M. P.M. P.M. a. Except during Christmas when there is a midnight mass and Easter when there is an Easter Vigil from 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. b. General session only with customary school holidays. c. Counseling, sports, special education, religious education, etc. Currently, there are two separate worship schedules in operation on the two properties. Upon completion of the proposed project, only one worship schedule would be in operation at the new OLQA Church. With construction of a larger church (298 additional seats), OLQA would be able to accommodate more parishioners at each mass which could lead to fewer masses. No change would occur to other existing parish operations and services (i.e., OLQA Youth Ministry, Music Ministry, Adult Faith Formation, Children's Faith Formation, and Parish Support Groups. There are currently three separate school schedules in operation on the two properties. St. Mark operates a preschool with 70 students, and OLQA operates a preschool with 35 students as well as grades K -8 with 315 students. Although the proposed project would increase overall enrollment by 180 students, classes would be limited to grades K -8 with two classrooms for each grade level with no preschool. Furthermore, the applicant proposes to implement an enrollment phasing plan, increasing enrollment gradually over the course of approximately six years. Each year, a second classroom for different grade levels would be added until each grade level has two classrooms with approximately 33 students each. Once fully implemented, approximately 50 employees will work on the two properties combined. Of these 50 employees, approximately 30 would be affiliated with the school. Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 9 Construction Phasin The proposed project will be constructed over a period of approximately three years, according to the proposed construction phasing plan (Exhibit 1). Construction would begin with the improvements to the school within the existing OLQA property. The existing school buildings would be expanded and the new school building on Parking Lot #3 would be constructed. After completion of these improvements, construction of the new church and parking lot at the St. Mark property would begin. The first few months of construction on the St. Mark site would focus on partial construction of the parking lot to help offset the parking already lost from the demolition of Parking Lot #3, as well as the parking to be lost from the construction of the new gymnasium within Parking Lot #1. Once construction of the additional parking has been completed, construction of the new gymnasium at the OLQA property would commence. As proposed, construction of the gymnasium would overlap for a period of approximately eight months with continuing construction of the new church. Upon completion of the new church, the existing church on the OLQA property would be demolished and converted into a surface parking lot. Overall Summary (Properties Combined) The following table contains a statistical summary of the project. Our Lady Queen of Angels O O0 v M N h August 17, 2006 W M M M N R fi 0 y d � Page 10 d 3 m d ; m W p W 0 m 03 a U w i o E U m g co� U rl Q cn OI O M O w O y� O OI O U 00 m M b N p 'O O b b O N 'p^ O rii M N a e P.' o N N 7 F4 y( G O fi W u Y b b O O M CO _ 'IT o a e}} M N NII s r uj C+ N e N� � oa O , a h O O d d V N 4l Z z OR 0 c � C o 'rS m o O O0 v M N h O W M M M N R fi 0 y d � 3 m d ; m W p W 0 m 03 a w i o E U m co� U rl Q cn Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 11 ANALYSIS Environmental Review The Initial Study of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been prepared by PCR Service Corporation for the proposed project in accordance with the implementing guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The document is attached as Exhibit No. 2 and identifies ten (10) issue areas with 19 mitigation measures. Those issues are: Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology /Soils, Hazards /Hazardous Materials, HydrologyM/ater Quality, Land Use /Planning, Noise, Transportation/Traffic, Utilities /Service Systems. No significant unavoidable impacts are identified based upon a comparison of the proposed project with established thresholds of significance. Based upon this review, a Mitigated Negative Declaration can be adopted. The MND was circulated for public review between June 30 and July 30, 2006. Comments were received from The Gas Company, California Cultural Resource Preservation Alliance, Inc. (CCRSA) and Mr. & Mrs. Doremus. Response to comments received is attached as Exhibit No. 3. Additionally, the review period has been extended to an additional 20 days, from August 4 to August 23, 2006, to give the general public additional time to review and comment on the environmental document. Notice of the extended comment period has been provided in accordance with the CEQA guidelines. Staff will prepare responses to additional comments received during this period and present them to the Planning Commission at the September 7th hearing. Traffic Study A traffic study has been prepared by Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. under the supervision of the City Traffic Engineer pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) and its implementing guidelines (Appendix E of the Mitigated Negative Declaration), The study also looked at reasonably foreseeable projects in the area on a cumulative basis and it looked at local circulation and on -site parking issues. The project is expected to generate 19 additional daily trips, 27 vehicle trips during morning (AM) peak hour and a decrease of 56 vehicle trips during the afternoon (PM) peak hour. This unusual shift is due the elimination of the pre - schools with a total of 105 students, where pre - school /day care use has a higher and different peak hour trip rate. The project will add 27 new trips during the weekday AM peak hour to the existing traffic circulation within the neighborhood. In reality, the majority of these trips will occur within a half -hour period during the peak hour. Of these trips, 20 trips are inbound and 7 trips are outbound and therefore are not expected to create a significant impact on the surrounding local streets. The intersection of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive /Ford Road was identified by the Traffic Engineer for inclusion in the study. The ICU (intersection capacity utilization) analysis indicated this intersection will operate at LOS B or better with the proposed project. The project, as proposed, has no significant impact on the Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 12 study intersection under background or cumulative conditions; therefore, no off -site mitigation measures are required at Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive /Ford Road. It should be noted that the traffic generated by Corona del Mar High School is concentrated in a 20 to 30 minute period during the AM peak hour and results in considerable delay at this intersection during the peak high school arrival period. The ICU value, however, is determined based on the hourly volume assuming a random arrival rate spread out over the entire hour. The full impact of the high school arrival, therefore, is not reflected in the AM peak hour ICU value in accordance with the specific thresholds of significance identified in the TPO guidelines. The intersection improvements which would be necessary to mitigate the Corona del Mar High School traffic impacts during the peak 30 minutes at this location are neither feasible nor possible to impose upon the applicant. To minimize the impacts of the school expansion on the local streets surrounding the project, the study recommends that the applicant 1) add a fourth drop -off lane in the school parking lot during the morning drop -off procedure, 2) increase the off -set of the school start time with the Corona Del Mar High School start time and 3) provide a 45- minute gap between the two largest Sunday services (8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.) while providing a minimum 30- minute gap between other Sunday morning services. The school should conduct periodic reviews of the drop -off and pick -up procedures and make modifications when necessary. Lastly, a parking management plan is recommended to identify how the church can provide additional parking spaces on typical Sunday mornings and religious holidays when expected peak parking demand could exceed available supply. To implement the above recommendations, the applicant has submitted a parking management plan (Exhibit No. 4) and a school drop - off /pick -up plan (Exhibit No. 5) to be reviewed and approved by the Traffic Engineer prior to issuance of building permits for new construction. The parking management plan is made up of two phases. Phase I is intended to respond to typical Sunday parking operations, while Phase II would be implemented during the religious holidays and other events when the church is expected to reach full capacity. The school drop- off /pick -up plan outlines the procedures to be implemented during the morning drop -off and afternoon pick -up. The school would distribute guidelines for the procedures to each family. The student drop- off /pick -up procedure is described in detail in the Student Drop - off /Pick -up Plan. Implementation of these plans should improve circulation and parking issues for the church and school operations by reducing the need for vehicles to circulate on the public street for parking, reducing the need for off -site parking and eliminating all off -site queuing for school drop - off /pick -up thereby enabling neighborhood traffic to flow unimpeded. General Plan (1988 Land Use Element) The project site is located in the " Eastbluff GEIF" Section of the Bluffs Area (Statistical Area K2) of the Land Use Element and has a land use designation of Government, Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 13 Educational, & Institutional Facilities. This land use designation is applied to areas developed with uses that form physical and social infrastructure of the community and are designated for educational facilities, municipal uses, hospitals, libraries, churches and other civic-related uses. The project is consistent with this designation. The Land Use Element limits the gross floor area to 0.17 FAR. With the approval of the request to transfer the development intensity from the St. Mark site to the OLQA, the combined FAR is 0.17. A detailed analysis of this request is within the Use Permit discussion below. The Land Use Element contains 12 general policies to guide consideration of projects or amendments. The following discussion relates to those general land use policies that are applicable to the proposed project. A. The City shall provide for sufficient diversity of land uses so that schools, employment, recreation areas, public facilities, churches and neighborhood shopping centers are in close proximity to each resident of the community. The proposed project is located in the Eastbluff area and is bounded by single - family and multiple - family residential developments. Institutional uses are also present in that Corona Del Mar High School, the former St. Mark Church and OLQA are also part of the community. No change to the land use designation (Governmental, Educational & Institutional Facilities) is proposed. The proposed expansion of OLQA Church located 2046 Mar Vista Drive onto to a designated Government, Educational, & Institutional Facilities property located at 2100 Mar Vista Drive, which is formerly occupied by a religious institution, is permissible as the continuation of institutional use is permitted within this land use category. The application does not include the introduction of new uses inconsistent with the Government, Educational, & Institutional Facilities land use designation of the site nor does it change the diversity of uses remarkable. The proposed expansion and modernization program will facilitate continuation of the church in the neighborhood, and therefore, the project is consistent with this policy. B. To insure redevelopment of older or underutilized properties, and to preserve the value of property, the floor area limits specified in the Land Use Element allow for some modest growth. To insure that traffic does not exceed the level of service desired by the City, variable floor area limits shall be established based upon the trip generation characteristics of the use or uses proposed for the site. Redevelopment and modernization of the existing church as proposed is generally consistent with this policy, which suggests that some modest increase in floor area may be permitted if adequate roadway intersection capacity exists. The net increase of 18,146 square feet of total development for both properties will not result in undesirable levels of service of the circulation system based upon traffic study prepared for the project and the resulting combined FAR does not exceed the Land Use Element. The Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 14 studied intersection is evaluated and forecasted to operate at Level of Service B or better when project - related traffic is added to future growth and approved project traffic. Land Use Element (2006) According to the proposed Land Use Element, the land use designation for the OLQA and St. Mark properties is Private Institutions with a maximum FAR of 0.17 (PI- 0.17). This designation is intended to provide for privately owned facilities that serve the public, including places for religious institutions, museums, yacht clubs, congregate homes, and comparable facilities. The project, as proposed, would be consistent with this land use designation. Land Use Policies 2.1, 6.1.1 and 6.2.5 are applicable to the proposed project. 2.1 Resident Serving Land Uses - Accommodate uses that support the needs of Newport Beach's residents including housing, retail, services, employment, recreation, education, culture, entertainment, civic engagement, and social and spiritual activity that are in balance with community natural resources, and open spaces. 6.1.1 Adequate Community Supporting Uses - Accommodate schools, government administrative and operational facilities, fire stations and police facilities, religious facilities, schools, cultural facilities, museums, interpretative centers, and hospitals to serve the needs of Newport Beach's residents and businesses. 6.2.5 Neighborhood Supporting Uses - Allow for the integration of uses within residential neighborhoods that support and are complementary to their primary function as a living environment such as schools, parks, community meeting facilities, religious facilities, and comparable uses. These uses shall be designed to assure compatibility with adjoining residential addressing such issues as noise, lighting, and parking. The above policies intend to ensure that there would be adequate supportive uses in the community and that these uses are compatible with the adjoining residential neighborhood. The proposed church expansion is intended to provide for the current and future demands on both church participation and school enrollment within the surrounding community. The project, with the suggested conditions of approval, will be a benefit to the community and improve the compatibility of the project due to the imposition of the proposed conditions that are superior to the previously approved use permits for both sites. Operational limitations coupled with enhanced reporting /monitoring provisions, increased parking supply, and better traffic circulation on the church and school sites will mitigate existing conditions and the impact of future activities. Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 15 Zoning The combined site is zoned GEIF (Government, Educational, & Institutional Facilities) is consistent with the land use designation of both of the 1988 and 2006 Land Use Elements. Religious institutions and schools are permitted with setbacks established by Use Permit for new construction. The Municipal Code does not have any specific conditions for operating a church or school, which are typically imposed through the Use Permit process. Use Permit The Use Permit application relates to the overall church expansion, transfer of development intensity, the height of the proposed sanctuary and temporary structures. The following general findings are applicable: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the objectives of this code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use permit and the proposed conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will be consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the district in which the site is located; will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use, and will not be detrimental to the properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the city. 3. That the proposed use will comply with the provisions of this code, including any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. The objective of the Zoning Code is "to promote the growth of the City of Newport Beach in an orderly manner and to promote and protect the public health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare, and to protect the character and social and economic vitality of all districts within the City, and to assure the orderly and beneficial development of such areas ". The purpose of the GEIF zone is to allow consideration of a large public or semipublic use separately from regulations for an underlying base zone that may or may not be appropriate in combination with the public or semipublic use. The proposed church and school expansion, as considered in the Use Permit application, will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Code as the subject properties with the proposed improvements provide and maintain adequate building and landscape setbacks from property lines, the required number of on -site parking spaces (as discussed below) and minimize traffic impact to the neighborhood (as demonstrated in the traffic study). Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 16 As proposed, the new sanctuary has building setbacks of approximately 61 feet from the north property line, 45 feet from the east property line, 250 feet from the south property line and 135 feet from the west property line. The provided setbacks for the sanctuary building, therefore, are greater than typical Zoning Code requirements for commercial districts abutting residential districts. The proposed landscape plans show the use of trees and shrubs to assist in screening parking areas, drive aisles and the building from the multiple - family residential complex along the southern property line. Furthermore, the existing mature trees along the northeast corner and the south property line of the church property will be maintained. Although the proposed church is a fairly massive building and it is taller than 32 feet, the setbacks are significant and the landscaping will soften the perception of building bulk. The additional classrooms are one -story buildings and are designed to match the architecture and general arrangement of the existing school buildings. The additional building mass should not prove detrimental and it will provide shielding of the school yard activities. The 32 -foot high gymnasium is proposed to be located off of Mar Vista Drive, away from the residential areas. Upon completion of the proposed project, a total of 439 on -site parking spaces would be provided. The majority of the parking spaces (238) would be located at the new church site while the remaining parking spaces (201) would be located at the school site. The City of Newport Beach Zoning Code requires one parking stall for every 3 church seats. Given the number of seats within the main sanctuary (1,170 seats), the proposed project would be in compliance with the City's parking requirement. Although the project will provide 49 more parking spaces than required by the Zoning Code, vehicle occupancy surveys and church attendance records indicate that the parking demand could exceed capacity during the most heavily attended morning Sunday services and on religious holidays, large funerals and other popular celebrations. To ensure that adequate parking will be provided for the church facility without parking adjacent to residential uses, the project will need to comply with the provisions identified in the parking management plan. The plan has two implementation phases: Phase I is intended to respond to typical Sunday parking operation and Phase II is designed to be implemented during religious holidays and other events (such as first communion, confirmation, etc.) when the church is expected to reach capacity. The plan is also designed so that either phase could be implemented for large events such as funerals, non - Sunday or religious holiday events. The project, as conditioned, will provide better parking management and monitoring provisions, which should increase the efficient use of off - street parking facilities at both properties. As proposed, the use and development of both properties would be strictly controlled through the conditions of approval of the Use Permit. The project, therefore, would not readily lend itself to conversion to higher traffic generating uses. The proposed use permit to exceed the height limit takes advantage of an allowable exception to height limits for church structures used for church purposes with the Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 17 approval of a use permit. The Zoning Code recognizes that religious buildings often have structures that traditionally exceed established height limits and that granting relief from the height limits may be acceptable provided that negative consequences are minimized or non - existent. The church sanctuary with its tower /cross symbol will exceed the height limit while other structures would conform to the 32 -foot height limit. View simulations were prepared to provide the existing and proposed condition of the church site (Exhibit No. 6). These were taken from the intersection of Jamboree Road and Ford Road, looking west; from the residence at 2100 Aralia Street, a private view from a 12- foot high window above the public sidewalk looking west; and from Eastbluff Drive looking south. In viewing the simulations, the increased height of the sanctuary building does not appear detrimental, given the setbacks proposed and separation from the nearby residences and public ways. The primary bulk of the building is 55 feet high and the taller, tower /cross feature is relatively small and located on the southeast corner of the sanctuary, near the intersection of Eastbuff Drive and Jamboree Road, separated from residences. Additionally, the existing mature trees along Eastbluff Drive and Jamboree Road will further provide screening of the tower structure. Staff believes that supportable findings can be made related to the height of the sanctuary building, based on the previously stated facts. The proposed ten portable classrooms would be located on the grass playing fields as noted in the plans (Sheet AS -2) and not interfere with parking or drop -off and pick -up activities that occur on the asphalt parking /play yard. Furthermore, the use of these temporary structures does not modify the enrollment phasing plan proposed in this application. These temporary classrooms would be removed upon completion of the new classrooms and the premises would be restored to its former condition to ensure there would not be a long term negative impact to the school's playground area. Additional findings are also required for the proposed transfer of development intensity pursuant to Section 20.63.080 of the Municipal Code. Transfer of Development Intensity requires the following findings to be made 1. The transfer of development intensity will result in a more efcient use of land or an increase in public visual open space. 2. The transfer of development intensity will result in a net benefit to the aesthetics of the area. 3. The increased development on the site, including above grade covered parking, does not create abrupt changes in scale between the proposed development and development in the surrounding area. 4. The proposed structures and uses, including above grade covered parking, are compatible with the surrounding area. 5. The increased development on the increased site, including above grade covered parking, will not result in significant impairment of public views. Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 18 6. The increased site is physical suitable for the development proposed, including above grade covered parking, taking into consideration site characteristics including, but not limited to, slopes, submerged areas, and sensitive resources. 7. The transfer.of development intensity will not result in a net negative impact on the circulation system. 8. The projections of traffic to be generated utilize standard traffic generation rates generally applied to a use of the type proposed per City Council Policy L -18. 9. The proposed uses and physical improvements are such that the approved projects would not readily lend themselves to conversion to higher traffic generating uses. The proposed transfer of development intensity would result in a more efficient use of land due to the two properties operating under a single ownership. The church, school, social and counseling activities are being proposed to operate in a coordinated manner under the proposed use permit which, with the conditions of approval, will minimize the parking demand on nearby residential streets at peak periods with the implementation of the parking management plan and student drop - off /pick -up plan. The proposed transfer of development of approximately 10,023 square feet from the church property (4.37 -acre parcel) to the school property (8.00 -acre parcel) would result in less floor area and building mass on the smaller parcel closest to the single - family residential zone across Eastbluff Drive. The church property (donor parcel) is able to accommodate considerably more landscaping than would otherwise be provided with a sizable open plaza. Additionally, the transfer of development intensity would allow multiple church supported uses (parish hall and offices, school and gymnasium) to cluster on the school property (recipient parcel) which centralizes the service areas of these buildings. The addition of 10,023 square feet to the school property would not create abrupt changes in building scale or mass with the existing surrounding neighborhood. The proposed gymnasium is designed within the scale of the existing nearby institutional buildings. The one -story school buildings are placed along Domingo Drive near similar buildings where there are sufficient building setbacks and landscaping provided. The proposed one -story expansion to the school buildings and the construction of a new gymnasium and a church are compatible with the surrounding area in their building height, mass, setbacks and landscaping. The planning of the . sites provides for the placement of the gymnasium and church away from residences located on Domingo Drive. The new sanctuary, even though it will be larger than the St. Marks both in size and capacity, has been placed so that it will have the least visual impact to the surrounding uses. There are no public views that would be impacted by the proposed development. The increased site is physically suitable for the development proposed as the entire school Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 19 site is developable with no slopes, submerged areas or sensitive resources. The school site as proposed affords abundant area for building setbacks, landscaping, on -site parking and pedestrian and traffic circulation while providing sufficient outdoor area for the school operation. No zone change or general amendment is required. The transfer of development intensity would not result in a net negative impact on the overall circulation system as the proposed application consists of the consolidation of the two religious facilities and three educational operations to a single religious facility and a K -8 private school. The church site would be used for religious gathering purposes while the school site would be occupied by the church's ancillary uses. The church ancillary uses (parish hall and offices, school and gymnasium) will be developed to cluster on the school site to centralize the service areas of these buildings. The nominal increase in school enrollment of 180 students is expected to have a less than significant impact when combined with the reduction of driveways, improved on -site circulation, additional on -site parking, and enhanced parking and circulation management. The a finding refers to the use of standard trip rates for traffic analysis within Council Policy L -18. This policy was amended and no longer relates to traffic issues; however, a traffic analysis has been completed by Austin -Foust Associates dated April 2006 using the standard trip rates within the Newport Beach traffic analysis model (NBTAM) and it demonstrates that the proposed church expansion, including the transfer of development intensity, will not result in adverse impacts to primary intersections. Additionally, the project and will improve the overall traffic circulation within the general area of the proposed project given compliance with conditions. SUMMARY Staff believes that findings necessary for project approval can be made. The Use Permit application does not include the introduction of new uses inconsistent with the land use designation of the site. The findings for the transfer of development can also be made. The proposed site design for the OLQA Church expansion was done so as to minimize vehicular movements to and from their properties; and maximizes on -site parking through the implementation of parking management plan. With regard to the school expansion, staff acknowledges that the school will increase traffic slightly during the morning peak hour. The project is a reflection of the increased demand for private school education. However, the scheduling of the beginning of classes to not coincide with the Corona del Mar High School, in combination with the adequate pick -up /drop -off area and procedures, will minimize vehicular circulation, traffic and parking concerns. The request to increase the height of the sanctuary building should not prove detrimental to adjacent properties given the proposed setbacks and separation from the nearby residences. The taller, tower /cross feature is relatively small and located on the southeast corner of the sanctuary, near the intersection of Eastbluff Drive and Our Lady Queen of Angels August 17, 2006 Page 20 Jamboree Road which is further away from residences. The existing mature trees along Eastbluff Drive and Jamboree Road will further provide screening of the church and tower structure. Upon completion of the new classrooms, the ten portable classrooms would be removed and the premises would be restored to its former condition to ensure there would be no long term negative impact to the school's playground area or the neighborhood. In conclusion, staff believes that project implementation as described will be adequately controlled through conditions of approval that include all environmental mitigation measures, such that the project will not be detrimental to the neighborhood or the City. As noted previously in the report, the Planning Commission cannot adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration at this time due to the extension of the comment period, and the Mitigated Negative Declaration must be adopted, if found adequate, upon approval of the project. Staff, therefore, recommends that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing, provide direction to staff on the preparation of findings and conditions, and continue the item to September 7, 2006. Should the Commission believe that one or more of the findings cannot be made due to some aspect of the project or testimony received; the Commission should direct the preparation of additional analysis or project modifications. Prepared by: Submitted by: i salinh M. Ung, ciate Planner 1 Patricia L. Temple, PI nning Director Exhibits: 1. Construction Phasing Plan for Parking 2. Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration' 3. Responses to Public Comments 4. Parking Management Plan 5. Student Drop - off /Pick -up Plan 6. View simulation photos 7. Project Plans 'Distributed separately due to bulk. The entire document is available in Planning Department. EXHIBIT NO. 1 CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN FOR PARKING �,l ].SA A8300tA't83, INC. AUGUST 2006 CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QU9LN OY ANCSLS CATHOLIC CnUkCH CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OFANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH INTRODUCTION LISA Associates, .Inc. (LSA) has prepared this Construction Parking Phasing Plan to quantify parking supply and planned parking operation during the construction of the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church (OLQA) in Newport Beach, California. As part of the proposed project, OLQA has purchased a 4.37 -acre parcel from Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, located across Domingo Drive from the existing OLQA Church and school. A new sanctuary will be built on the former St. Mark site; and additional classrooms and a gymnasium for the OLQA school will be built on the existing OLQA site. The parking lots and driveways on both sites will be modified and integrated to facilitate circulation within the parking lots, shorten the time required for drivers to locate a parking space, and reduce the need for vehicles to circulate on the public street. This Construction Parking Phasing Plan addresses the existing; parking demand during typical school day and Sunday operations and the effect of a shifting parking supply due to facility construction. EXISTING PARKING DEMAND The greatest parking demand is currently experienced on Sundays. Existing parking demand has been documented in the, traffic study prepared by Austin -Foust Associates, dated Apri12006.1he traffic study provides paking and vehicle occupancy surveys that were used to quantity, the existing parking operations of OLQA church. According to the traffic study, the historical average attendance at the 10:00 a.m. service is 607 people and the average vehicle occupancy rate observed on Sunday is 1.70 persons per vehicle. Based on these observations, existing peak parking demand is approximately 360 spaces. It should be noted that the 10:00 a.m. service was observed to have the highest historical average attendance. Currently, there are 213 spaces provided on site and excess vehicles park off site. It is expected that the existing peak parking demand of the church will continue to reflect the maximum parking demand over the 36 month construction period. Asa result, the peak parking demand considered in this document is 360 spaces. It should be noted that upon opening of the proposed 1,170 -seat church, the forecast peak parking demand is approximately 478 spaces on a typical Sunday during the 10:00 a.m. Mass and 688 spaces during religious holidays. During weekdays; when school is in session, the parking demand is much less than on Sunday and can be accommodated on site. There are approximately 20-30 employees on site during a typical weekday. This includes teachers, school staff, and church staff, For the purposes of this plan, the typical weekdays parking demand is considered to be 30 spaces. R\Ekv,031kousauctipn phasing plan final_doc 608709!06» A3 LSA A"GGIATS8., INC: CON5TRUCTION PARKING "MING, PLAM AULU5T 1006 0HR LADY QU&CN OF ANG9L5 CATHOLIC CHURCH CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN The construction of the proposed expansion of OLQA will take place over five phases during a 36- month period beginning in April 2007. Construction activities will take place on both the existing OLQA site and on the 4.37 -acre St. Mark Presbyterian Church. site. Phase I includes demolition of the teachers' parking lot on Domingo Drive and the construction of additional classrooms as well as the addition of classrooms on the sports field. Phase Il includes the demolition of all improvements on the 4.37 -acre St. Mark Presbyterian Church site; the completion of initial 137 parking stalls, and continuing construction of the church. Phase III is construction of the gymnasium. Phase IV will complete all improvements on the 4.37 -acre. site, including the church and remaining parking, Phase V, the final phase of the Construction Phasing Plan, includes the demolition of the existing church and the construction of new parking. This phase includes modifications to driveways and a connection from the new parking area adjacent to the gymnasium. Atable showing the Construction Phasing Plan/Parking Stalls Available to OLQA is provided as an attachment. The following provides a discussion of the parking operations during each phase of the Construction Phasing Plan. Phase I Demolition of the teachers' parking lot in Phase I will remove 25 Parking spaces from the available 213 spaces provided on site, for a total of 188 spaces. The existing parking demand of 360 would not be met on site. Based on parking surveys in the Traffic Study on a Sunday in November 2005 and in March 2006, approximately 172 vehicles currently park offsite. Off -site parking will continue.to occur with the removal of 25 spaces. :Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will he accommodated by the 188 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. The duration of Phase I will last approximately 9 months. Figure 1 illustrates Phase I of the Construction Phasing Plan. Phase 11 of the Construction Phasing.Plan includes the demolition of the St. Mark Presbyterian Church site and the construction of 1.37 parking stalls on the 4.37 -acre site. The duration of this phase is approximately four months. after the additional parking stalls are constructed, approximately 325 spaces will be available (188 spaces on the school site and 137 spaces on the church site). Upon completion of Phase 11, 35 vehicles will need to park off site, thus lessening the need for church parking off site. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 325 available parking spaces on -site. Phase lI of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 2. Phase III Phase III of the Construction Phasing Plan includes construction of the gymnasium on the existing school lot. Construction of the gymnasium will remove 50 parking spaces from the 188 spaces on the school site. A total of 275 parking spaces would be available during this phase. Eighty -five vehicles would need to park off site. Although fewer parking spaces would be provided during.Phase III, the P:inavO]l Nonswction phasing plan faal.doc 48"106» 2:1 � \�� P,6 \ \/\ A(O \ �� \� 70, \ \/\ A(O L5A ASSOCIATES, INC. AUC319T 2066 CONSTRUC'riON PARNINC PHASIN6,1LAN OUR LADY QUEEN b?` ANUELS CATHOLIC CHURCH parking is still improved when compared to the 172 vehicles that currently park offsite. Parking operations during the weekday will not change; as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 138 spaces available on the OLQA school site..Phase III will take place for approximately 8 months. Phase III of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 3. Phase IV Phase IV consists of the completion of all improvements on the St. Mark Presbyterian Church site.. During Phase :IV, an additional 101 spaces will be added to the 275 available parking spaces for a total of 376 spaces. The duration of Phase IV is approximately eight months. After the completion of Phase IV, there will be enough parking on site to accommodate the existing parking demand of 360 spaces during a typical Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 138 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. Phase IV of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 4. Phase V Phase V of the Construction Phasing Plan includes demolition of the existing OLQA church and construction of new parking on the school site. An additional 63 parking spaces will be available upon completion of Phase V. The available parking spaces (439) after Phase V exceed the existing parking demand by 79 spaces. All church parking on Sunday mornings will be provided on site at the completion of Phase V. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 201 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. Phase V of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure S. The duration of this phase is approximately four months. Funerals Occurring on a School Day Funerals would typically be held on a weekday, when both OLQA school and Corona Del Mar High School could bean session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the residual on- site spaces available during each phase. However, on rare occasions, some funerals may cause the church to be at full capacity and will.require up to 360 parking spaces or more, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these situations; parking could be provided on the OLQA school sports field. Parking lot circulation and parking on the sports field is described in Phase II of the Parking Management Plan. During construction, the church should monitor the expected attendance at weekday funerals or other weekday events and implement.parking on the sports field if necessary. Parking on the sports field can accommodate up to an additional 212.parking spaces, with the exception of the implementation of portable classrooms on the sports field. P:\8as'03l'wmsna1w rhasing plan final.doc a'0 &'091U6r 21 \E � \ \\ ■ J� � \) \ (/3 \ �� � a ;I � \ \\ O bb St L.A ISSOMITEB., 1NC. CONM`Uett ON YAHKIN6 PHASSNC PLAN AUCUST 2d46 OUR Lab4 QUEEN Oe nNC£LR OA4ROLI4 CHURCH Based on existing parking and vehicle occupancy surveys, the existing parking demand of OLQA church is approximately 360 spaces. The church currently does not provide 360 spaces and on Sundays, overflow parking from OLQA church and St..Mark church is provided off site. During each phase of construction, parking will be accommodated as shown in Table A. As shown in Table A, all parking could be accommodated on site by the end of Phase 4, approximately 32 months from the start of construction. Table A; Parking Summary by Phase During funerals or other heavily attended events during a school day, it may be necessary to provide additional parking spaces on the school sports field. Parking on the sports.field could provide up to 212 additional on -site parking spaces and is described in Phase 11 of the project's Parking Nlanagemem Plan. During' construction, the church should monitor the expected attendance at weekday funerals or other weekday events and implement parking on the sports field if necessary. P:}nuvWlr nsvuuibn phasingplan fiml.dw cA &Q%906� 5� EXHIBIT NO. 2 INITIAL STUDY /MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (DISTRIBUTED SEPARATELY DUE TO BULK. THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) 55 EXHIBIT NO. 3 RESPONSES TO COMMENTS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration for Our Lady Queen of Angels Church Expansion Project The City received a total of four (4) comment letters during the review period of the Initial Study from June 30 through July 30, 2006. Letters were from The Gas Company, California Cultural Resource Preservation Alliance, and a nearby property owner (one addressed to the Planning Department and one to the City Council with the same concerns). Copies of the original comment letters are included on the subsequent pages. Each comment letter is followed by a response from City staff. After reviewing these letters, it was determined that none of the comments made on the Initial Study affect the original conclusions related to potential environmental significance that were drawn in the Initial Study. 5q The Gas Company 1) A W Sempra Energy utiity° July 7, 2006 City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Attention: Ms. Rosalinh Ung PO Box 3334 1919 S. State College Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806-6114 GlTw n, 17!:= tCH JUL 14 2006 Jli Subject: EIR for 2046 & 2100 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County Thank you for providing the opportunity to respond to this E.I.R. (Environmental Impact Report) Document. We are pleased to inform you that Southern California Gas Company has facilities in the area where the aforementioned project is proposed. Gas service to the project can be provided from an existing gas main located in various locations. The service will be in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission when the contractual arrangements are made. This letter is not a contractual commitment to serve the proposed project but is only provided as an informational service. The availability of natural gas service is based upon conditions of gas supply and regulatory agencies. As a public utility, Southern California Gas Company is under the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission. Our ability to serve can also be affected by actions of federal regulatory agencies. Should these agencies take any action, which affect gas supply or the conditions under which service is available, gas service will be provided in accordance with the revised conditions. This letter is also provided without considering any conditions or non - utility laws and regulations (such as environmental regulations), which could affect construction of a main and/or service line extension (i.e., if hazardous wastes were encountered in the process of installing the line). The regulations can only be determined around the time contractual arrangements are made and construction has begun. Estimates of gas usage for residential and non - residential projects are developed on an individual basis and are obtained from the Commercial- Industrial/Residential Market Services Staff by calling (800) 427 -2000 (Commercial/Industrial Customers) (800) 427 -2200 (Residential Customers). We have developed several programs, which are available upon request to provide assistance in selecting the most energy efficient appliances or systems for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs, please contact this office for assistance. SinceraK r_� Paul Simonoff v Technical Supervisor Pacific Coast Region PS/nh eir.doc Response to the Gas Company Comment Noted. IS cCRPa P.O. Box 54132 Irvine, G 92819 -4132 July 27, 2006 California Cultural Resource Preservation Alliance, inc. An alliance of American Indian and scientific communities working for the preservation of archaeological sites and other cultural resources. Ms. Rosalin Ung Associate Planner, Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Ms. Ung: 1Gl Gw -J D. PLANNING JUL 3 1. 2006 P AM � Thank you for the opportunity to review the Initial Study for the Our Lady Queen of Angels Expansion Project. It was a pleasure to meet with you and get first hand information regarding the project. I commend the city for recognizing that construction activities have the potential to encounter buried archaeological resources. For the most part, the mitigation measures seem adequate, but my concern is in regard to the lack of provisions for curation of archaeological materials in the event they are discovered and "salvaged".. Environmental laws and regulations such as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) do not require the project proponent to conduct a research program that meets scientific standards when significant archaeological materials are discovered, thus the term "salvage", rather the artifacts are described and a brief report written that provides no benefits to the public. Therefore curation of the archaeological collections in a facility that meets state guidelines (see State of California Guidelines for the Curation of Archeological Collections, State Historical Resources Commission, Department of Parks and Recreation, Resources Agency, State of California 1993) is important. Curation will ensure that the archaeological collections (should they be discovered) are preserved and available for scientific research, as well as educational and heritage programs. Therefore, I strongly recommend that provisions for curation of archaeological collections in a facility that meets the state guidelines be included in the mitigation measures. Sincerely, Patricia Martz, Ph.D. President to Response to CCRPA Comment Noted. As identified in the Cultural Resources Section of the Initial Study, Mitigation Measure Nos. CRA and CR -3 adequately address the requirements when significant archaeological materials are discovered pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the City of Newport Beach Council Policy K -5. 5 L4 :x Jul 05 06 09:36a Doremus 949 759 -5443 p.1 July 5, 7006 Ms. Rosalinh M Ung City of Newport Beach, Plying Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Cal 92663 Via Facsimile RE: Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church Expansion Dear WLs. Ung: We are in receipt of the NOTICE OF AVAILABLITY OF INITIAL t MND regarding the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church. With all due respect, we take particular umbrage in your departments claims Included within the notice that the Planning Department has determined that, `the proposed project would not have an effect on the emkonmeru" when Ste applicant, Our Lady Queen of Angels, is proposing to double the size of the seating capacity of the existing church to one thousand, one transited and seventy (I,l74 doubling the size its school inclusive of but not limited to constructing a ten thousand (10,000) square foot gymnasium and seeks to build a sanctuary that far exceeds the current thirty-five (35) foot height restriction and resurrect a ninety (90) foot steeple. Notwithstanding doe fact that the proposed plan further calls for relocating the major thoroughfares to both the sanctuary and school to a residential street (Domingo) with only one (1) driveway serving as the ingress and egress for the 12oo capacity sanctuary your department has the audacity to suggest that this proposed expansion will not have "an e!}bct on the onvhonmemf' when all evidence is to the contrary. If you and your staff would take the time to visit the actual sites as any given school morning or on any given Sunday during the existing five (5) services you would see fast band the congestion that already exists and that the streets were never designed to handle the congestion that currently exists with streets hake Mar Vista only three lanes, one of ingress and two for egress, and Domingo, a residential street are simply not adequate for a project of this scope. Further exacerbating the situation is the unresolved traffic nightmare that Carona del Mar High School contributes to the equation and whose emolbnent has exceeded the capacity it was originally designed for in t 960. And the `new and improved drop-off plan' Initiated last fall has only made matters worse by delegating most of the traffic to the east side of East bluff and by restricting access to certain public streets in the Fast bluff community, as the traffic omnmission has, only adds feel to the fire Never mind the fact that our appeah to Careen Light have fallen on deaf ears as they don t wart to get involved as many of their members 'are Catholic'. The sobering reality is that if the Koll Company or any other entity proposed such an expansion as Our Lady Queen of Angels has, Greerlight would be all over it face a cheap suit. Their action or lack thereof, is evidence of the double standard that exists in our community when it comes to discussing churches and clearly suggests hypocrisy our both Gteenlights part and the City planners as well who have and continue to turn a blind eye to the mess the City allowed to develop by allowing a high school and two cdtwch's to co -exist in this triangle and who's WMft were never designed to adequately handle the traffic that either the school and or Chmcb bring to it individually or collectively. Moreover, having been a homeowner and resident on Amigos Way for more than thirty-five (35) years f can attest to the feet that bolh the staff of Orr Lady Queen of Angels and many of its parishioners bare and continue to demonstaae a total disregard and disrespect for the neighborhood, its residents and exhibited distam for traffic and safety laws. On both school days and any given weekend parishioners and parents of children who attend the school regularly exhibit a reckless disregard try engagmg in dwm point turns, u -turns, double parking, blocking traffic by letting children and pees oat, trespassing onto private property and packing in No Parking arras much to tine detriment and safety of both the residents C) Jul 05 06 09:37a Doremus 949 759_5443 p.2 Ms. Rosalinh M. Ling July 5, 2006 Page 2 who reside in the immediate vicinity of the property, their respective parts and anyone else who has the misforuwa to find themselves anywhere near Fast bluff, Mar Vista and Domingo streets. For the record and for your information from day one the leaders of Our Lady Queen of Angels and their representatives have been less than Forthcoming with their expansion plans with the neighborhood which has neither gone um oticed by those in the community and or appreciated. Adding insult to injury it now appears that the Church and or City and its Planning Department have given little, if any, serious consideration to the effects of the proposed expansion on either the escalating traffic issues and or the havoc it will wreck on the quality of lift issues that no one in the City including your department seems to care much abom in all candor, we don't know what offends us more, the Church's arrogance or their indolence. The same could be said about the Planning Department. in closing, we arc not imarested in anymore yammering defending such an expansion by accusing us of our NIYBY (not in your backyard) concerns when they don't have to live with the effects of the poor planning of your department on a daily basis. Simply put, the only reasoeable solution is to either relocate the high school or church. As it is the streets cannot accommodate the traffic that they feats mmo the streets that the church contributes nothing to ma_fttainin, LV1.,C - 7 Mr. and Mrs. William Dotmnus AA Jul 18:06 01:50p Doremus RECEIVED Inty 18, zoos .06 JUL 18 P 2 *29 City Council City ofN F THE CITY CLERK 3300NewportWaYe"EWPORT BEACH Newport Beach, Cal 92663 Vial'acaimile RE: Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church Expansion Honorable City Council Members: 949 759 -544 Date '7610 10 C_apiess Sent To: Mayor uncil Member nager 0 El ❑ - We ate in receipt of the Planning Departments NOTICE OF AVAILABIdTy OF dated in= 30, 2006, regarding the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen ofAngeles Ct With all due respect, we take particular umbrage in the Planning Departmeaft4iii the notice wherein they state, "The City of Newport Beach,. Pfmurft{g Depmnnent cc Studl, which determined that the proposed project would cwt have an effect on the envir applicant, Our lady Queen of Angels, is proposing to double the size of the seating cape church to one thousand, one hundred and Sevrmty (1,1701 doubling the size its school i lunited to constructing a ten thousand (10, 000) squire foot gymna diem and seeks to ba Tar exceeds the current thirty -five (35) Foot height restrictiose and resurrenl a ninety Notwithstanding the fact that the proposed plan farther calls for relocating the major the the sanctuary and school to a residential street ODornipgo) and proposes to enamel t directly opposite each other, one 9W will serve as an enhance forties school and another as the ONLY entrance to the app cadmaoely 1200 seat sanctuary, and the Chy's Pianni the audacity to offer their pmfessiemal opinion that ties proposed expansion will not hav all evidence is to the conTrary- Ifthe members ofthe Planning Department would have performed their fiduciary timer to vWt the actual sites an any given school morning or an any given Sunday dfia one of the flue (5) services they would wimess first hand the. congestion that already exi the propostd =pension will only double the etatTc' and parking issues that the City ha ignore. Simply Pin, these A=ts, Mar Vista (with three lanes, she for ingress and tv Domingo (a residential 2 lane street with uo lane marirntgs) were never originally desig aver been adequately redesigned to accommodate the: traffic that both Corona del Mw Lady Queen of Angels and St, Mark's that bring individually or milectively to the neigbl certainly art not adequate for the scope of the propose( that Our Lady Queen. of Au* capacity of both its Church and school P.1 Mk v. acluded within erad an Iniffof ent." when the of the existing live of but not y that ) foot steeple. Jt%w to loth 2) driveways, that will serve epartmeat has "efed" when and taken the afore or after td realize that I continues to r egxess) and wr have they School, Our iod, and most t doubles the Further exacerbating the Sitution is the unresolved traffic niglrhnase that CaorRa del Mar High School cotnnbutes to the equation and whose tatroffnew has exceeded the capacity it was originally designed fur in 1960- And the 'new and.iinprotred dto"if plan' hdtiated last.fitll has o made matters worse by delegating. most of the traffic to the east side of Fast bluff and by restricting to certain public streets (Alba) most SpeciscaAy, wbic h would greatly reduce *a unnecessary strain =!FW 131uf1; as the Traffic Commission bas, only adds fuel to the fire, I don't think it is any coincidence that the study appears to have been conducted ad itr,,tb�oth the high school and Catholic school terms were out of sesseott, and selves m ones Putpaee othe - "Im` Our lady. Qncen of Angels and the Planning DMa> umeM who appeals W have and c onthine to W aciaiowledge to the egregious haf5c situation that exists every school day fitnn September through Jim And is entirely misrepresentative of the true and actual traffic calamity that exists. �t) Jul 1806 01:51p Doremus 949 759 -5443 p.3 pmpmtbmm The Plans thamselves speak to the very issue that those behind the propose expansion have demonstrated lithe, fany, r dt cancan for proportion and the Proposed design is complebly OA of place in this residential a mmtmity. It bec im paiafirRy obvious more Ntmi a decade ago ibex something needs to be the egregious ttaffic wm that Corona del Mar high School; tAtr Lady Qvcen of Angels and St Marks, all of which are tespons%Ie ft the ptnhlem itmK iss tlmt the Planting Depadmeat, T affic and City rep =antativeshavc and cantinoe m ignore. That is not what wa considwpmgross, it.is negligence. Respectfully, Bette and Bill. Doremns MAt Thidy -five Amigos Way Vi"Fifimxn Newport Beach, CA 92660 am City Cmmcil Mmbem LA� Response to Mr. & Mrs. William Doremus Letters dated July 5 & July 18, 2006 The letters express opposition to the proposed project based upon the inappropriateness of the project while in close proximity to the residential neighborhood. For clarification purposes, the project includes the construction of a 1,170 -seat sanctuary, ten additional classrooms with school enrollment to increase of 180 students, and a 9,450 square foot gymnasium. The sanctuary, as proposed, has 52 seats less than the existing combined seating capacity of the OLQA Church and St. Mark Church. With regard to the time of traffic study, traffic data was collected on several different occasions (December 19 and 20, 2005, and March 27 and 28, 2006) when the schools were in session. Concerns related to the increased traffic and parking demand in the neighborhood with a belief that the roadway system was never designed to accommodate the demand are expressed. It is important to note that the traffic analysis was conducted in accordance with the City's prescribed methodology and the project provides more than the minimum required parking. The increase in school enrollment has also been considered in this study. The analysis concludes that there will not be a significant impact related to traffic or parking. The letter also indicates that major thoroughfares are being relocated and that access to the sanctuary and school are being directed to Domingo Drive. No roadways are being relocated and vehicular access to the proposed church will be from Domingo Drive; however, the primary access to the school is from Mar Vista. The conclusion that there are no significant environmental impacts does not mean that the project does not have an impact. A determination of whether or not there is a significant impact is based upon a comparison of the project to a threshold of significance as defined in the State California Environment Quality Act guidelines. In some cases, there are easily identified and quantified thresholds. Traffic is a good example. When traffic gets to a certain volume at an intersection and a project sends it over that volume, there is an impact that needs to be mitigated. Not all intersections are measured and roadway volumes are not considered. Traffic congestion is only measured at primary intersections, not at local intersections or driveways to private property. In other cases, there is no threshold and it is a subjective question based upon community standards. Aesthetics is a good example and a better one is neighborhood compatibility. There is no objective standard for knowing when a project is or is not compatible with a neighborhood. Ten people might describe a neighborhood differently and they might all have a different opinion as to a 10 41 project's impact. A determination such as this is in the hands of the decision makers through the project review process, which is conducted with input from the community during the public comment and hearing process. 11 V EXHIBIT NO.4 PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN aq LEA ASSOCIATES. INC. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 5006 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH INTRODUCTION LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) has prepared this Parking Management Plan to guide parking operations for the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church (OLQA) in Newport Beach, California. As part of the proposed project, OLQA has purchased a 4.37 -acre parcel from Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, located across Domingo Drive from the existing OLQA Church and school. A new sanctuary will be built on the former St. Mark site, and additional classrooms and a gymnasium for the OLQA School would be built on the existing OLQA site. The parking lots and driveways on both sites will be modified and integrated to facilitate circulation within the parking lots, shorten the time required for drivers to locate a parking space, and reduce the need for vehicles to circulate on the public street. This Parking Management Plan will address the parking operations of the new sanctuary during typical Sunday operations and during religious holidays. The preparation of the Parking Management Plan is a requirement of the Traffic Study prepared for the project by Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. and is intended to prevent overflow of typical Sunday morning and religious holiday parking into the residential area behind OLQA. PARKING SUPPLY AND DEMAND Parking for OLQA Church will be provided in a parking area adjacent to the sanctuary (on the former St. Mark site) and in a parking area on the OLQA School site. The sanctuary parking lot will provide 276 parking spaces, while the school parking lot will provide 163 spaces, resulting in 439 on -site parking spaces. The legal occupancy of the new sanctuary will be 1,170 persons. Application of the Newport Beach City Code rate of one on -site stall per three persons results in a total parking requirement of 390 spaces. However, based on vehicle occupancy surveys and historical averages of church attendance, the Traffic Study identifies a typical Sunday parking demand of 478 parking spaces, 39 spaces more than provided on site. During religious holidays or other events when the church may be filled to capacity, up to 688 parking spaces may be required. Although the project will provide 49 more parking spaces than required by City code, vehicle occupancy surveys and church attendance records indicate that the parking demand could exceed capacity during the most heavily attended Sunday Mass times (8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.) and on religious holidays. PABav031 \parking manageman6 plan (ec 7.27.06).doc 00727/06» 6� LEA ASSOCIATES, INC. JULY 5006 PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH In order to anticipate and respond to possible overcapacity parking operations, a parking management strategy has been developed. This strategy is made up of two phases: Phase I is intended to respond to typical Sunday parking operations, while Phase II should be implemented during religious holidays and other events (such as first communion, confirmation, etc.) when the church is expected to reach capacity. It should be noted that during some funerals, either Phase I or Phase II may need to be implemented. Funerals would typically be held during a weekday, when both OLQA School and Corona Del Mar High School could be in session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the 276 spaces available in the church parking lot. However, some funerals may require additional parking, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these cases, the school lot would be made available and either Phase I or Phase II would need to be implemented. During non - Sunday or religious holiday events, the church should consider the estimated attendance to determine which phase of the Parking Management Plan should be implemented. Each phase of the Parking Management Plan is described below. Phase I According to historical Mass attendance records, peak Sunday Mass attendance occurs at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., with an average of 589 and 607 attendees, respectively. On average, 478 parking spaces will be required for the 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday Masses. 439 parking spaces will be provided on site, resulting in a parking shortage of 39 spaces during the 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Masses on a typical Sunday. It should be noted that the 478 spaces are projected based on growth applied to existing attendance information. During typical Sundays, Phase I of the parking plan shall be implemented. The Phase I parking plan is shown in Figure 1. As shown in the figure, on- street parking is available along Mar Vista Drive adjacent to the church property and Corona Del Mar High School, away from nearby residential streets. On- street parking is also allowed along Domingo Drive, and in some cases parking along Domingo Drive may be more convenient than parking along Mar Vista Drive or even in the OLQA School parking lot. At least 18 and 21 vehicles could park along Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, respectively, which would accommodate the forecast shortage of 39 parking spaces. It should be noted that parking along Domingo Drive is not assumed along the entire OLQA School frontage because the walking distance may discourage parking along the western portions of Domingo Drive adjacent to the OLQA School. Parking has been included along Domingo Drive while maintaining roughly the same walking distance as vehicles parked in the OLQA School lot. In order to ensure that adequate time is provided for the parking lots to clear between the most heavily attended Masses (currently Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.), at least 45 minutes should be allowed between the times that one Mass ends and the other begins. Currently, the schedule would only allow approximately 30 minutes. The Mass times should be adjusted to provide a full 45 minutes for clearing and loading of the parking areas between the most heavily attended Sunday Masses and for all services on religious holidays. A minimum 30- minute gap should be maintained between all other church services. In order to maintain the Parking Management Plan for Phase 1, it is recommended that the church conduct periodic reviews of the Parking Management Plan and make adjustments as necessary. PABav03 I\parldog management plan (ac 7- 27 -06).doc E07 /27/06» 2 5a. i§ \} fa ; ! ) � k /\ t - i!\� / { � ) f ( 69 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 2006 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Phase II Phase II of the Parking Management Plan provides a parking procedure to follow during religious holidays and other events when the church is expected to be at full capacity. Phase II is illustrated in Figure 2. At a minimum, Phase II procedures should be followed on Christmas and Easter and during other observances when the church fills to capacity (i.e., Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, first Communion, Confirmation, some funerals). According to the Traffic Study prepared by Austin -Foust Associates, when the church is at full capacity, up to 688 parking spaces could be required. It should be noted that the parking demand of 688 spaces is based on average vehicle occupancy of 1.7 persons per vehicle. During Christmas, Easter, and other events when the church would be filled to capacity, it is likely that the vehicle occupancy would be higher than 1.7, as parishioners are more likely to attend these celebrations as a family or with extended family. It is more likely that vehicle occupancy would be two or more persons per vehicle, resulting in a parking demand of 585 vehicles or less. Although a parking demand of 688 spaces is extremely conservative, implementation of Phase II would provide more than 688 parking spaces, thus mitigating the worst -case parking condition. As discussed previously, 439 parking spaces will be provided in the church and school parking lots. During Phase II, the school sports field would also be made available for parking. Four spaces would be removed from the school lot to provide a drive aisle to and from the sports field, resulting in a total parking supply on the church and school lots of 435 spaces. An additional 36 vehicles can be parked along Mar Vista Drive and 40 vehicles along Domingo Drive for a total supply of 511 parking spaces with implementation of the Phase I Parking Management Plan, a shortage of 176 parking spaces. Additional parking will be made available on the sports field at the OLQA School during Phase II. As shown in Figure 2, approximately 212 vehicles could be parked on the sports field. With parking on site, along Mar Vista, on the sports field, and along Domingo Drive, 723 spaces would be provided, enough to accommodate the peak parking demand of 688 vehicles. However, parking along the entire church frontage along Domingo Drive may be used for the Phase II scenario if necessary. When the sports field is utilized for parking, directional signs to the overflow parking area should be posted along Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive. In addition, signage should be provided at the entrance to the school lot, indicating that additional parking is available on the sport field. Three parking attendants should be present to direct vehicles to a parking space on the field. One attendant would direct vehicles from the gate providing access to the field to a second parking attendant, who would stand at the end of each parking row and direct vehicles to the row. The third parking attendant will direct vehicles to their final parking space. The sports field should be filled from the north side, adjacent to Mar Vista Drive, to the south side. Funerals Occurring on a School Day Funerals would typically be held on a weekday, when both OLQA School and Corona Del Mar High School could be in session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the 276 spaces available in the church parking lot. However, on rare occasions, some funerals may cause the church to be at full capacity and will require up to 688 parking spaces or more, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these situations, Phase 11 should be implemented. It should be noted that the school lot could be made available when funeral services occur during a school day. However, it is estimated that the school and church will employ up to 35 faculty and staff when the P:\Bav03I \parking management plan (rtc 7.27- 06).doc a07/27/06D 64 \/ qe }} \ ƒ� X \ 55 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 5006 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH full enrollment of 600 students is reached. Therefore, excess school lot parking (124 spaces) can be used to accommodate additional parking demand. All other church - related activities (i.e., bible study, AA meetings, etc.) should be cancelled in the event of a major funeral service to maximize available parking. In these cases, up to 688 parking spaces could be provided in the church lot, the partial school lot, the sports field, and along Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, enough to accommodate the full- capacity parking demand of 688 spaces. In order to maintain the Parking Management Plan for Phase II, it is recommended that the church conduct periodic reviews of the Parking Management Plan and make adjustments as necessary. lull` u/:\:rd During the most heavily attended Sunday Masses, religious holidays, funerals, and other popular celebrations, the parking demand will exceed the supply on the OLQA Church and school site. A total of 439 parking spaces will be provided, while 478 spaces could be required during a typical Sunday and 688 spaces could be required on religious holidays, feast days, and during other times when the church is at capacity. To ensure that adequate parking is provided, Phases I and II of this Parking Management Plan (illustrated in Figures 1 and 2) shall be implemented. Phase I of the plan provides for parking along Mar Vista Drive adjacent to the OLQA School and Corona Del Mar High School and along Domingo Drive adjacent to OLQA church. Under Phase I, 478 parking spaces are provided, enough to meet the 478 -space demand during a typical Sunday. Phase I also calls for Mass times to be staggered so that 45 minutes is provided between the most heavily attended Sunday Masses and all services on religious holidays and that 30 minutes is provided for all other church services. Phase II of the plan provides for parking along Mar Vista Drive (as in Phase I), parking on the OLQA School sports field, and parking along Domingo Drive adjacent to the OLQA School. Under Phase II, approximately 723 spaces are provided, enough to meet the 688 -space demand when the church is at capacity. With implementation of Phase I and Phase II, adequate parking will be provided for the OLQA Church without parking adjacent to residential uses. P:\Bav031 \paddng management plan (rte 7- 27- 06).doc A07/27/06o 5 (' EXHIBIT NO. 5 STUDENT DROP= OFF/PICK -UP PLAN 61 LEA ASSOCIATES. INC. SCHOOL OROPOPPRICKUP PLAN JULY 2006 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH SCHOOL DROPOFF/PICKUP PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH INTRODUCTION This dropoff and pickup operating plan for Our Lady Queen of Angels school has been modeled after its current plan, which has proven to be highly effective. The current plan has the following benefits: • Eliminates all off -site queuing, enabling neighborhood traffic to flow unimpeded • Minimizes the driver's time on campus, making it an attractive plan to parents so that it is used and not circumvented • Provides safety to both the drivers and the students With an enrollment of 600 students, current data indicate that these students will come from approximately 358 families. Carpooling among these families now results in approximately 180 vehicles traversing the yard each morning. Afternoon pickup is less intensive, due to some after - school sports, tutoring, etc. Current practices load/unload 8 -10 cars per minute, which is faster than the cars can arrive into the yard. At this rate, all cars can be unloaded within 20 minutes. In actual practice, approximately 10-20 percent arrive more than 20 minutes early. Administrative Procedures The school shall distribute to each family attending the school illustrated guidelines on how to participate in the managed school dropoff and pickup process. Participating in this program shall be mandatory for all drivers of students. The school shall appoint one or more parking lot managers who shall manage the sequence of events in the loading and unloading of vehicles. There should be several individuals trained in these procedures so that illness or other absenteeism does not disrupt smooth operations. In addition, the school should instruct the teachers in how to manage and usher in the children as they arrive in the morning and depart in the afternoon. Within the first weeks of each school year, and as necessary thereafter, the school shall review its procedures to assess their effectiveness. Morning Dropoff Operating Procedures All drivers shall enter through the west driveway on Mar Vista Drive, line up in four rows of vehicles in the school yard, and wait for direction from the parking lot manager. Upon direction from this manager, the passengers in the vehicles closest to the curb will exit the vehicles and proceed away from the unloading area. Upon direction from the parking lot manager, when all students are unloaded and car doors are closed, the drivers shall exit the schoolyard through the east gate. Any waiting vehicles would then enter the school yard, line up in four rows, and repeat the unloading procedure. P! \Bav03l\ScbOl Drop -Offend Pick-Up Pi n_LSA.doe «07/25106» 5° LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. JULY 2006 SCHOOL DROPOFFRICKUP PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH This procedure should be repeated for each row of cars until there are no additional cars. After the commencement bell, when all arrivals are complete, the gate at the west driveway on Mar Vista shall be closed. Once all automobiles have left the school yard, the east gate between the Parish Hall and the Gymnasium shall be closed. Afternoon Pickup Operating Procedures The gates to the school yard shall be opened approximately 40 minutes prior to dismissal time. No children shall be permitted into the school yard once the gates are open, as cars will begin to arrive and line up for student pickup. All drivers shall enter through the west driveway on Mar Vista Drive, line up in the school yard, and wait for direction from the parking lot manager. Common practice is for approximately ten rows of 4-6 cars each to form in the 30 minutes preceding dismissal time. All students shall line up in designated areas on the sidewalks and await direction from the parking lot manager. Upon direction from the parking lot manager, an entire row of cars shall proceed to the curb of the yard, with the passenger side of the vehicle alongside the sidewalk. Upon direction from the attending teachers, who shall take direction from the parking lot manager, the students shall enter the passenger side of the vehicle. When all students are loaded, car doors are closed, and upon direction from the parking lot manager, the drivers shall exit the schoolyard through the east gate. This above procedure shall be repeated for each row of cars until there are no additional cars. Figure 1 illustrates the proposed school dropoff/pickup plan. P:\Bav03l \Scbwl Drop -Off and Pick -Up Plan_LSA.doc 0725/06o t'06 tl It is ` '4r 4 s 31 }r ( t _ a a U a ro 0 ro P s� o O a e P 0 m t w ion EXHIBIT NO. 6 VIEW SIMULATION PHOTOS 0 a 7 A A K u H � d c a1 o a= o`° as t m C1 N >%m J c, L 3, � m 0 z +4= r6 �Y 6' f T e 6 4 a cc V +6 ..�. 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The current plan has the following benefits: • Eliminates all off -site queuing, enabling neighborhood traffic to flow unimpeded • Minimizes the driver's time on campus, making it an attractive plan to parents so that it is used and not circumvented • Provides safety to both the drivers and the students With an enrollment of 600 students, current data indicate that these students will come from approximately 358 families. Carpooling among these families now results in approximately 180 vehicles traversing the yard each morning. Afternoon pickup is less intensive, due to some after - school sports, tutoring, etc. Current practices load/unload 8-10 cars per minute, which is faster than the cars can arrive into the yard. At this rate, all cars can be unloaded within 20 minutes. In actual practice, approximately 10-20 percent arrive more than 20 minutes early. Administrative Procedures The school shall distribute to each family attending the school illustrated guidelines on how to participate in the managed school dropoff and pickup process. Participating in this program shall be mandatory for all drivers of students. The school shall appoint one or more parking lot managers who shall manage the sequence of events in the loading and unloading of vehicles. There should be several individuals trained in these procedures so that illness or other absenteeism does not disrupt smooth operations. In addition, the school should instruct the teachers in how to manage and usher in the children as they arrive in the morning and depart in the afternoon. Within the fast weeks of each school year, and as necessary thereafter, the school shall review its procedures to assess their effectiveness. Morning Dropoff Operating Procedures All drivers shall enter through the west driveway on Mar Vista Drive, line up in four rows of vehicles in the school yard, and wait for direction from the parking lot manager. Upon direction from this manager, the passengers in the vehicles closest to the curb will exit the vehicles and proceed away from the unloading area. Upon direction from the parking lot manager, when all students are unloaded and car doors are closed, the drivers shall exit the schoolyard through the east gate. Any waiting vehicles would then enter the school yard, line up in four rows, and repeat the unloading procedure. PABII 03nschwl Drop Offwd Pick -Up Plan_LSAAm •07/25/06» LSAA6SOCIATES. INC. SCHOOL DROPOFFMCKUP PLAN JULY 9166 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH This procedure should be repeated for each row of cars until there are no additional cars. After the commencement bell, when all arrivals are complete, the gate at the west driveway on Mar Vista shall be closed. Once all automobiles have left the school yard, the east gate between the Parish Hall and the Gymnasium shall be closed. Afternoon Pickup Operating Procedures The gates to the school yard shall be opened approximately 40 minutes prior to dismissal time. No children shall be permitted into the school yard once the gates are open, as cars will begin to arrive and line up for student pickup. All drivers shall enter through the west driveway on Mar Vista Drive, line up in the school yard, and wait for direction from the parking lot manager. Common practice is for approximately ten rows of 4-6 cars each to form in the 30 minutes preceding dismissal time. All students shall line up in designated areas on the sidewalks and await direction from the parking lot manager. Upon direction from the parking lot manager, an entire row of cars shall proceed to the curb of the yard, with the passenger side of the vehicle alongside the sidewalk. Upon direction from the attending teachers, who shall take direction from the parking lot manager, the students shall enter the passenger side of the vehicle. When all students are loaded, car doors are closed, and upon direction from the parking lot manager, the drivers shall exit the schoolyard through the east gate. This above procedure shall be repeated for each row of cars until there are no additional cars. Figure 1 illustrates the proposed school dropoff/pickup plan. P:\Bav03l\Schwl Drop -Off and Pick -Up Plan_LSA.dcc 4725/06» 7 :7 n-! - iF�`,T' 1 ' rte`'• ~ �i 1 i lIN ` r 1 It j r 1 ' lip 11 + �• � 1 � 1 il� )• r � e t N J �Y a 6 is D O i P C 0 m b 0 a g 9 y A 9 $q C Eg 3 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. AUGUST 5006 CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OP ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH INTRODUCTION LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) has prepare{ this Construction Parking Phasing Plan to quantify parking supply and planned parking operation during the construction of the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church (OLQA) in Newport Beach, California. As W of the proposed project, OLQA has purchased a 4.37 -acre parcel from Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, located across Domingo Drive from the existing OLQA Church and school. A new sanctuary will be built on the former St. Mark site, and additional classrooms and a gymnasium for the OLQA school will be built on the existing OLQA site. The parking lots and driveways on both sites will be modified and integrated to facilitate circulation within the parking lots, shorten the time required for drivers to locate a parking space, and reduce the need for vehicles to circulate on the public street. This Construction Parking Phasing Plan addresses the existing parking demand during typical school day and Sunday operations and the effect of a shifting parking supply due to facility construction. EXISTING PARKING DEMAND The greatest parking demand is currently experienced on Sundays. Existing parking demand has been documented in the traffic study prepared by Austin -Foust Associates, dated April 2006. The traffic study provides parking and vehicle occupancy surveys that were used to quantify the existing parking operations of OLQA church. According to the traffic study, the historical average attendance at the 10:00 a.m. service is 607 people and the average vehicle occupancy rate observed on Sunday is 1.70 persons per vehicle. Based on these observations, existing peak parking demand is approximately 360 spaces. It should be noted that the 10:00 a.m. service was observed to have the highest historical average attendance. Currently, there are 213 spaces provided on site and excess vehicles park off site. It is expected that the existing peak parking demand of the church will continue to reflect the maximum parking demand over the 36 -month construction period. As a result, the peak parking demand considered in this document is 360 spaces. It should be noted that upon opening of the proposed 1,170 -seat church, the forecast peak parking demand is approximately 478 spaces on a typical Sunday during the 10:00 a.m. Mass and 688 spaces during religious holidays. During weekdays, when school is in session, the parking demand is much less than on Sunday and can be accommodated on site. There are approximately 20-30 employees on site during a typical weekday. This includes teachers, school staff, and church staff. For the purposes of this plan, the typical weekdays parking demand is considered to be 30 spaces. P:%ftvW1\cunsxwiw Owing wan anel.dGc a08M06N LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN AUGUST 2006 OUR LADY QUEEN Of ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN The construction of the proposed expansion of OLQA will take place over five phases during a 36- month period beginning in April 2007. Construction activities will take place on both the existing OLQA site and on the 4.37 -acre St. Mark Presbyterian Church site. Phase I includes demolition of the teachers' parking lot on Domingo Drive and the construction of additional classrooms as well as the addition of classrooms on the sports field. Phase 11 includes the demolition of all improvements on the 4.37 -acre St. Mark Presbyterian Church site, the completion of initial 137 parking stalls, and continuing construction of the church. Phase III is construction of the gymnasium. Phase IV will complete all improvements on the 4.37 -acre site, including the church and remaining parking. Phase V, the final phase of the Construction Phasing Plan, includes the demolition of the existing church and the construction of new parking. This phase includes modifications to driveways and a connection from the new parking area adjacent to the gymnasium. A table showing the Construction Phasing Plan/Parking Stalls Available to OLQA is provided as an attachment. The following provides a discussion of the parking operations during each phase of the Construction Phasing Plan. 10 Demolition of the teachers' parking lot in Phase I will remove 25 parking spaces from the available 213 spaces provided on site, for a total of 188 spaces. The existing parking demand of 360 would not be met on site. Based on parking surveys in the Traffic Study on a Sunday in November 2005 and in March 2006, approximately 172 vehicles currently park off site. Off -site parking will continue to occur with the removal of 25 spaces. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 188 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. The duration of Phase 1 will last approximately 9 months. Figure 1 illustrates Phase I of the Construction Phasing Plan. Phan II Phase II of the Construction Phasing Plan includes the demolition of the St. Mark Presbyterian Church site and the construction of 137 parking stalls on the 4.37 -acre site. The duration of this phase is approximately four months; after the additional parking stalls are constructed, approximately 325 spaces will be available (188 spaces on the school site and 137 spaces on the church site). Upon completion of Phase 11, 35 vehicles will need to park off site, thus lessening the need for church parking off site. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 325 available parking spaces on -site. Phase 11 of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 2. Phase III Phase III of the Construction Phasing Plan includes construction of the gymnasium on the existing school lot. Construction of the gymnasium will remove 50 parking spaces from the 188 spaces on the school site. A total of 275 parking spaces would be available during this phase. Eighty -five vehicles would need to park off site. Although fewer parking spaces would be provided during Phase III, the PASav0311cunsauctinn pNoing pion alxl.doc a VOW06n I ƒ��� \ \� \ \� N v r .- _ .,M0 I• c JAL jo Q.... r m A A L Not ii. � a • A ri N r c 7 r: rte, g. x , - o a vc q� o 3 i � LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. AUGUST It.., CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OP ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH parking is still improved when compared to the 172 vehicles that currently park off site. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 138 spaces available on the OLQA school site. Phase III will take place for approximately 8 months. Phase III of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 3. Phase IV Phase IV consists of the completion of all improvements on the St. Mark Presbyterian Church site. During Phase IV, an additional 101 spaces will be added to the 275 available parking spaces for a total of 376 spaces. The duration of Phase IV is approximately eight months. After the completion of Phase IV, there will be enough parking on site to accommodate the existing parking demand of 360 spaces during a typical Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 138 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. Phase IV of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 4. Phase V Phase V of the Construction Phasing Plan includes demolition of the exisfmg OLQA church and construction of new parking on the school site. An additional 63 parking spaces will be available upon completion of Phase V. The available parking spaces (439) after Phase V exceed the existing parking demand by 79 spaces. All church parking on Sunday mornings will be provided on site at the completion of Phase V. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 201 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. Phase V of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 5. The duration of this phase is approximately four months. Funerals Occurring on a School Day Funerals would typically be held on a weekday, when both OLQA school and Corona Del Mar High School could be in session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the residual on- site spaces available during each phase. However, on rare occasions, some funerals may cause the church to be at full capacity and will require up to 360 parking spaces or more, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these situations, parking could be provided on the OLQA school sports field. Parking lot circulation and parking on the sports field is described in Phase 11 of the Parking Management Plan. During construction, the church should monitor the expected attendance at weekday funerals or other weekday events and implement parking on the sports field if necessary. Parking on the sports field can accommodate up to an additional 212 parking spaces, with the exception of the implementation of portable classrooms on the sports field. PABav031kGnsnuaiw phasing plan Bnai.dm AOS% My i® L et 0. kw *, o"A4 I V "Iwo. N it :0,, A it r 7T -41 -4 C, w i 14 C. tl O O o C. o 4 yo V) \k) \: rp : \ \\ \ \ \�� � LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. AUGUST :006 SUMMARY CONOTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LAOV QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Based on existing parking and vehicle occupancy surveys, the existing parking demand of OLQA church is approximately 360 spaces. The church currently does not provide 360 spaces and on Sundays, overflow parking from OLQA church and St. Mark church is provided off site. During each phase of construction, parking will be accommodated as shown in Table A. As shown in Table A, all parking could be accommodated on site by the end of Phase 4, approximately 32 months from the start of construction. Table A: Parking Summary by Phase Phase On -Site Parking Vehicles Parked Off Ske 1 188 172 II 325 35 11I 275 85 N 376 0 V 439 0 During funerals or other heavily attended events during a school day, it may be necessary to provide additional parking spaces on the school sports field. Parking on the sports field could provide up to 212 additional on -site parking spaces and is described in Phase II of the project's Parking Management Plan. During construction, the church should monitor the expected attendance at weekday funerals or other weekday events and implement parking on the sports field if necessary. PABavOlhowsouaion phasing plan final.doc A09109106N LEA ASSOCIATES, INO. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 28IE OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH INTRODUCTION LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) has prepared this Parking Management Plan to guide parking operations for the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church (OLQA) in Newport Beach, California. As part of the proposed project, OLQA has purchased a 4.37 -acre parcel from Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, located across Domingo Drive from the existing OLQA Church and school. A new sanctuary will be built on the former St. Mark site, and additional classrooms and a gymnasium for the OLQA School would be built on the existing OLQA site. The parking lots and driveways on both sites will be modified and integrated to facilitate circulation within the parking lots, shorten the time required for drivers to locate a parking space, and reduce the need for vehicles to circulate on the public street. This Parking Management Plan will address the parking operations of the new sanctuary during typical Sunday operations and during religious holidays. The preparation of the Parking Management Plan is a requirement of the Traffic Study prepared for the project by Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. and is intended to prevent overflow of typical Sunday morning and religious holiday parking into the residential area behind OLQA. PARKING SUPPLY AND DEMAND Parking for OLQA Church will be provided in a parking area adjacent to the sanctuary (on the former St. Mark site) and in a parking area on the OLQA School site. The sanctuary parking lot will provide 276 parking spaces, while the school parking lot will provide 163 spaces, resulting in 439 on -site parking spaces. The legal occupancy of the new sanctuary will be 1,170 persons. Application of the Newport Beach City Code rate of one on -site stall per three persons results in a total parking requirement of 390 spaces. However, based on vehicle occupancy surveys and historical averages of church attendance, the Traffic Study identifies a typical Sunday parking demand of 478 parking spaces, 39 spaces more than provided on site. During religious holidays or other events when the church may be filled to capacity, up to 688 parking spaces may be required. Although the project will provide 49 more parking spaces than required by City code, vehicle occupancy surveys and church attendance records indicate that the parking demand could exceed capacity during the most heavily attended Sunday Mass times (8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.) and on religious holidays. P:\Bav6h \parking umagemem plan (Ac 7- 27- 06).doc N07127106D LOA ASSOCIATES. INC. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 1088 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN In order to anticipate and respond to possible overcapacity parking operations, a parking management strategy has been developed. This strategy is made up of two phases: Phase I is intended to respond to typical Sunday parking operations, while Phase II should be implemented during religious holidays and other events (such as first communion, confirmation, etc.) when the church is expected to reach capacity. It should be noted that during some funerals, either Phase I or Phase II may need to be implemented. Funerals would typically be held during a weekday, when both OLQA School and Corona Del Mar High School could be in session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the 276 spaces available in the church parking lot. However, some funerals may require additional parking, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these cases, the school lot would be made available and either Phase I or Phase II would need to be implemented. During non - Sunday or religious holiday events, the church should consider the estimated attendance to determine which phase of the Parking Management Plan should be implemented. Each phase of the Parking Management Plan is described below. Phase I According to historical Mass attendance records, peak Sunday Mass attendance occurs at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., with an average o£589 and 607 attendees, respectively. On average, 478 parking spaces will be required for the 8:30 and 10:00 am. Sunday Masses. 439 parking spaces will be provided on site, resulting in a parking shortage of 39 spaces during the 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Masses on a typical Sunday. It should be noted that the 478 spaces are projected based on growth applied to existing attendance information. During typical Sundays, Phase I of the parking plan shall be implemented. The Phase I parking plan is shown in Figure 1. As shown in the figure, on- street parking is available along Mar Vista Drive adjacent to the church property and Corona Del Mar High School, away from nearby residential streets. On- street parking is also allowed along Domingo Drive, and in some cases parking along Domingo Drive may be more convenient than parking along Mar Vista Drive or even in the OLQA School parking lot. At least 18 and 21 vehicles could park along Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, respectively, which would accommodate the forecast shortage of 39 parking spaces. It should be noted that parking along Domingo Drive is not assumed along the entire OLQA School frontage because the walking distance may discourage parking along the western portions of Domingo Drive adjacent to the OLQA School. Parking has been included along Domingo Drive while maintaining roughly the same walking distance as vehicles parked in the OLQA School lot. In order to ensure that adequate time is provided for the parking lots to clear between the most heavily attended Masses (currently Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.), at least 45 minutes should be allowed between the times that one Mass ends and the other begins. Currently, the schedule would only allow approximately 30 minutes. The Mass times should be adjusted to provide a full 45 minutes for clearing and loading of the parking areas between the most heavily attended Sunday Masses and for all services on religious holidays. A minimum 30- minute gap should be maintained between all other church services. In order to maintain the Parking Management Plan for Phase I, it is recommended that the church conduct periodic reviews of the Parking Management Plan and make adjustments as necessary. PABav031 \par1in8 management plan (M 7- 27- 06).dae 47127/06» ƒ) \\ }{ } ) ) ) � I \ \, } \ £\!!}}f < � 2 �., LEA ASSOCIATES. INC. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 2016 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Phase II Phase II of the Parking Management Plan provides a parking procedure to follow during religious holidays and other events when the church is expected to be at full capacity. Phase II is illustrated in Figure 2. At a minimum, Phase II procedures should be followed on Christmas and Easter and during other observances when the church fills to capacity (i.e., Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, first Communion, Confirmation, some funerals). According to the Traffic Study prepared by Austin -Foust Associates, when the church is at full capacity, up to 688 parking spaces could be required. It should be noted that the parking demand of 688 spaces is based on average vehicle occupancy of 1.7 persons per vehicle. During Christmas, Easter, and other events when the church would be filled to capacity, it is likely that the vehicle occupancy would be higher than 1.7, as parishioners are more likely to attend these celebrations as a family or with extended family. It is more likely that vehicle occupancy would be two or more persons per vehicle, resulting in a parking demand of 585 vehicles or less. Although a parking demand of 688 spaces is extremely conservative, implementation of Phase II would provide more than 688 parking spaces, thus mitigating the worst -case parking condition. As discussed previously, 439 parking spaces will be provided in the church and school parking lots. During Phase II, the school sports field would also be made available for parking. Four spaces would be removed from the school lot to provide a drive aisle to and from the sports field, resulting in a total parking supply on the church and school lots of 435 spaces. An additional 36 vehicles can be parked along Mar Vista Drive and 40 vehicles along Domingo Drive for a total supply of 511 parking spaces with implementation of the Phase I Parking Management Plan, a shortage of 176 parking spaces. Additional parking will be made available on the sports field at the OLQA School during Phase II. As shown in Figure 2, approximately 212 vehicles could be parked on the sports field. With parking on site, along Mar Vista, on the sports field, and along Domingo Drive, 723 spaces would be provided, enough to accommodate the peak parking demand of 688 vehicles. However, parking along the entire church frontage along Domingo Drive may be used for the Phase II scenario if necessary. When the sports field is utilized for parking, directional signs to the overflow parking area should be posted along Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive. In addition, signage should be provided at the entrance to the school lot, indicating that additional parking is available on the sport field. Thee parking attendants should be present to direct vehicles to a parking space on the field. One attendant would direct vehicles from the gate providing access to the field to a second parking attendant, who would stand at the end of each parking row and direct vehicles to the row. The third parking attendant will direct vehicles to their final parking space. The sports field should be filled from the north side, adjacent to Mar Vista Drive, to the south side. Funerals Occurring on a School Day Funerals would typically be held on a weekday, when both OLQA School and Corona Del Mar High School could be in session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the 276 spaces available in the church parking lot. However, on rare occasions, some funerals may cause the church to be at full capacity and will require up to 688 parking spaces or more, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these situations, Phase II should be implemented. It should be noted that the school lot could be made available when funeral services occur during a school day. However, it is estimated that the school and church will employ up to 35 faculty and staff when the PA13w031\pwkmg nMnag=an plan (Ac 7- 27- 06).doe n07/27/0& 4bC � t " � / � .•'e U XPF .�, . r � P � U � t .' MIS 1, da ��rra 1 { ! I( cif) I l � !I r ♦ � e CIF': "• r! / =' fr a -9 $ a= 0 a I gn z � & �M NCN h. a p a F, I F 8ppp 8 C G_ t LEA ASSOCIATES. INC. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN JULY 2006 OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH full enrollment of 600 students is reached. Therefore, excess school lot parking (124 spaces) can be used to accommodate additional parking demand. All other church - related activities (i.e., bible study, AA meetings, etc.) should be cancelled in the event of a major funeral service to maximize available parking. In these cases, up to 688 parking spaces could be provided in the church lot, the partial school lot, the sports field, and along Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, enough to accommodate the full- capacity parking demand of 688 spaces. In order to maintain the Parking Management Plan for Phase II, it is recommended that the church conduct periodic reviews of the Parking Management Plan and make adjustments as necessary. SUMMARY During the most heavily attended Sunday Masses, religious holidays, funerals, and other popular celebrations, the parking demand will exceed the supply on the OLQA Church and school site. A total of 439 parking spaces will be provided, while 478 spaces could be required during a typical Sunday and 688 spaces could be required on religious holidays, feast days, and during other times when the church is at capacity. To ensure that adequate parking is provided, Phases I and II of this Parking Management Plan (illustrated in Figures 1 and 2) shall be implemented. Phase I of the plan provides for parking along Mar Vista Drive adjacent to the OLQA School and Corona Del Mar High School and along Domingo Drive adjacent to OLQA church. Under Phase I, 478 parking spaces are provided, enough to meet the 478 -space demand during a typical Sunday. Phase I also calls for Mass times to be staggered so that 45 minutes is provided between the most heavily attended Sunday Masses and all services on religious holidays and that 30 minutes is provided for all other church services. Phase II of the plan provides for parking along Mar Vista Drive (as in Phase I), parking on the OLQA School sports field, and parking along Domingo Drive adjacent to the OLQA School. Under Phase II, approximately 723 spaces are provided, enough to meet the 688 -space demand when the church is at capacity. With implementation of Phase I and Phase II, adequate parking will be provided for the OLQA Church without parking adjacent to residential uses. P:\6avW 1 \parking _ �� nt plan (rtc 7.27.06).doe a07/27106n LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. AUGUST 2016 CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUERN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH INTRODUCTION LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) has prepared this Construction Parking Phasing Plan to quantify parking supply and planned parking operation during the construction of the proposed expansion of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church (OLQA) in Newport Beach, California. As part of the proposed project, OLQA has purchased a 4.37 -acre parcel from Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, located across Domingo Drive from the existing OLQA Church and school. A new sanctuary will be built on the former St. Mark site, and additional classrooms and a gymnasium for the OLQA school will he built on the existing OLQA site. The parking lots and driveways on both sites will be modified and integrated to facilitate circulation within the parking lots, shorten the time required for drivers to locate a parking space, and reduce the need for vehicles to circulate on the public street. This Construction Parking Phasing Plan addresses the existing parking demand during typical school day and Sunday operations and the effect of a shifting parking supply due to facility construction. CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN The construction of the proposed expansion of OLQA will take place over five phases during a 36- month period beginning in April 2007. Construction activities will take place on both the existing OLQA site and on the 4.37 -acre St. Mark Presbyterian Church site. Phase I includes demolition of the teachers' parking lot on Domingo Drive and the construction of additional classrooms as well as the addition of classrooms on the sports field. Phase II includes the demolition of all improvements on the 4.37 -acre St. Mark Presbyterian Church site, the completion of initial 137 parking stalls, and continuing construction of the church. Phase III is construction of the gymnasium. Phase IV will complete all improvements on the 4.37 -acre site, including the church and remaining parking. Phase V, the final phase of the Construction Phasing Plan, includes the demolition of the existing church and the construction of new parking. This phase includes modifications to driveways and a connection from the new parking area adjacent to the gymnasium. During construction all OLQA parking will occur in striped parking lots with readily recognizable parking spaces or on- street; therefore, parking attendants would not be necessary for normal operation of the church and/or school during the construction period. A table showing the Construction Phasing Plan/Parking Stalls Available to OLQA is provided as an attachment. The following provides a discussion of the parking operations during each phase of the Construction Phasing Plan. Phase I Demolition of the teachers' parking lot in Phase I will remove 25 parking spaces from the available 213 spaces provided on site, for a total of 188 spaces. In the existing condition, the peak parking demand is not met on site. Based on parking surveys in the Traffic Study on a Sunday in November PABav03 I \construction phasing plan 8- 31.doc 48/31 106a LEA ASSOCIATES. INC. AUGUST 2EE6 CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 2005 and in March 2006, approximately 172 vehicles currently park off site. During Phase I, off -site parking will continue to occur with the removal of 25 spaces, most likely along Mar Vista Drive or Domingo Drive. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 188 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. The duration of Phase I will last approximately 9 months. Figure 1 illustrates Phase I of the Construction Phasing Plan. Phase II Phase II of the Construction Phasing Plan includes the demolition of the St. Mark Presbyterian Church site and the construction of 137 parking stalls on the 4.37 -acre site. Parking operations during Phase II will be identical to those experienced during Phase I. The duration of this phase is approximately four months, during which the additional parking stalls will be constructed. At the completion of Phase II, approximately 325 spaces will be available (188 spaces on the school site and 137 spaces on the church site). Upon completion of Phase II, 35 vehicles will need to park off site, thus lessening the need for church parking off site. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 325 available parking spaces on -site. Phase II of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 2. Phase III Phase III of the Construction Phasing Plan includes construction of the gymnasium on the existing school lot. Construction of the gymnasium will remove 50 parking spaces from the 188 spaces on the school site. A total of 275 parking spaces would be available during this phase. Eighty -five vehicles would need to park off site. Although fewer parking spaces would be provided during Phase III, the parking is still improved when compared to the 172 vehicles that currently park off site. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 138 spaces available on the OLQA school site. Phase III will take place for approximately 8 months. Phase III of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 3. Phase IV Phase IV consists of the completion of all improvements on the St. Mark Presbyterian Church site. During Phase IV, an additional 101 spaces will be added to the 275 available parking spaces for a total of 376 spaces. The duration of Phase IV is approximately eight months. After the completion of Phase IV, there will be enough parking on site to accommodate the existing parking demand of 360 spaces during a typical Sunday 10:00 am. Mass. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 138 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. Phase IV of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 4. After completion of Phase IV, the new church and school operations will commence. The Sunday Mass times will be adjusted to allow for at least 45 minutes between the most heavily attended Masses, and church staff will direct traffic during the most heavily attended Masses as outlined in the PARavOMconstruction phasing plan 8.3 Ldoe 48/31/06» b.4 z v \ \� � \ \/ C-4 'fit+ tt! E ,� � +r�R'.. p ` '... �-; L. r Av - 77 � va lb 'S' Z Z, § |� qt _ tq y o E a 0, kin - `O do M'a T` M q� . 4D At mw ly IL r � � ra.'r.SOt' +� ng � �z a��• _ w"� e LEA ASSOCIATES. INO. AUGUST RSSS CONSTRUCTION PARKING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIO ONURGH Parking Management Plan. The Parking Management Plan will be fully implemented after the completion of Phase IV. Phase V Phase V of the Construction Phasing Plan includes demolition of the existing OLQA church and construction of new parking on the school site. An additional 63 parking spaces will be available upon completion of Phase V. The available parking spaces (439) after Phase V exceed the existing parking demand by 79 spaces. All church parking on Sunday mornings will be provided on site at the completion of Phase V. Parking operations during the weekday will not change, as the existing parking demand of 30 spaces will be accommodated by the 201 available parking spaces on the OLQA school site. Phase V of the Construction Phasing Plan is illustrated in Figure 5. The duration of this phase is approximately four months. Funerals Occurring on a School Day Funerals would typically be held on a weekday, when both OLQA school and Corona Del Mar High School could be in session. During most funerals, parking could be handled within the residual on- site spaces available during each phase. However, on rare occasions, some funerals may cause the existing church to be at full capacity and will require up to 360 parking spaces or more, especially if the deceased is a dignitary or community leader. In these situations, parking could be provided on the OLQA school sports field Parking lot circulation and parking on the sports field is described in Phase II of the Parking Management Plan. As described in the Parking Management Plan, all other meetings at the church would be cancelled during a large funeral. Additionally, the school would provide indoor activities for the students, as the playground and sport field would not be available. During construction, the church should monitor the expected attendance at weekday funerals or other weekday events and implement parking on the sports field if necessary. As noted in the Parking Management Plan, parking on the sports field can accommodate up to an additional 212 parking spaces. During Phase I of construction, portable classrooms will be placed on the sports field, resulting in the loss of approximately 52 spaces. As a result, approximately 160 vehicles could be parked on the sports field during Phase I. Construction Vehicle and Worker Parking During Phases I —V of construction, all worker parking and contractor staging will take place on site. The location of construction parking during each phase is described below. Phase 1: Worker parking will be provided on the OLQA School sports field. Phase II: All staging, worker parking, and construction will be provided on the 4 -acre site (former St. Mark site). Phase III: All staging, worker parking, and construction will be provided in the gymnasium construction zone within the school parking lot. PABav031bonsm0on phasing plan 831.doc «0813006» LSA ASSOCIATRS, INC. AUGUST 3981 CONSTRUCTION PARSING PHASING PLAN OUR LADY QURSN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Phase IV: All staging, worker parking, and construction will be provided on the 4 -acre St. Mark site (former St. Mark site). Phase V: Workers would park on the 4 -acre site (New OLQA Church site). Because construction will take place during the weekday when the church is not heavily used, ample parking will be available on the 4 -acre church site to accommodate worker parking during demolition of the existing church. No off -site parking of construction workers, vehicles, or equipment will occur during project construction. P:�Bav031ko hwuon phasing plan 8- 31.doc d&3 VO& dv�R 4r dos' ass; c `o 9 BPS �6n r x r � E 1 N 4f If A +: i Lu r n R x J 44, v o y .Y y 6 .P+•°� fits'p„s'� s s� r - F LOA AOSOCIATOO. INC. CONOTRUCTION PARSING PHAOINO PLAN AUGUST 1000 OUR LADY QVRRN OF ANOOLO CATHOLIC CHURCH WIMMAIA Based on existing parking and vehicle occupancy surveys, the existing parking demand of OLQA church is approximately 360 spaces. The church currently does not provide 360 spaces and on Sundays, overflow parking from OLQA church and St. Mark church is provided off site. During each phase of construction, parking will be accommodated as shown in Table A. As shown in Table A, all parking could be accommodated on site by the end of Phase IV, approximately 32 months from the start of construction. At the completion of Phase IV, the new church and school operations will commence and the project's Parking Management Plan will be implemented. Table A: Parking Summary by Phase Phase On -Site Parkin2 I Vehicles Parked Off Site I 188 172 II 325 35 III 275 85 IV 376 0 V 439 0 During funerals or other heavily attended events during a school day, it may be necessary to provide additional parking spaces on the school sports field. Parking on the sports field could provide up to 212 additional on -site parking spaces and is described in Phase II of the project's Parking Management Plan. During construction, the church should monitor the expected attendance at weekday funerals or other weekday events and implement parking on the sports field if necessary. P:\13avO3I\c Uwtion phasing plan 8- 31.doc a08/31/06o 10