HomeMy WebLinkAboutGP Update Implementation ProgramCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 2 August 17, 2006 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: City Manager's Office Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager 949 - 644 -3222, swood @city.newport - beach.ca.us SUBJECT: General Plan Update Implementation Program RECOMMENDATION: Review and recommend that the City Council approve the Implementation Program of the updated General Plan. DISCUSSION: When the Planning Commission recommended and the City Council adopted the updated General Plan in July, their action did not include the Implementation Program, because staff and the consultant needed additional time to finalize that section. We have completed our revisions to the Implementation Program, and they are attached to this report, with changes shown in stpikeGyVunderline. The proposed revisions simplify and shorten the Implementation Program, so that it will be easier for the City to see what needs to be done to implement the General Plan and to complete the annual General Plan Progress Report required by State law. Sections that merely restate State or City law have been deleted, because the City will follow those laws without their reference in the Implementation Program. Other sections have been shortened by deleting long descriptions of programs and focusing on the actions that need to be taken. Minor corrections have been made, and some sections have been re- organized for ease of use. Finally, the detail on the Economic Development Strategic Plan has been eliminated in favor of a reference to the Strategic Plan for Fiscal and Economic Sustainability. The Economic Development Committee (EDC) is currently involved in revisions to a draft of this plan, which still needs to be reviewed by the EDC, commissions and City Council. It will be a stand -alone document, and one that is expected to be reviewed and refined on a regular basis. Therefore, staff recommends that its details not be included in the General Plan Implementation Program. General Plan Implementation Program August 17, 2006 Page 2 The revised Implementation Program still provides implementation measures for all the General Plan policies, as called for in the Governor's Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines. Staff believes that, in the current streamlined form; it is a more manageable document and useful guide to implementation. Submitted by: Sharon Wood Assistant City Manager Attachment: Revised Implementation Program fn t- Y, `9 f, P.a . 'dtlon Progrgrn, } �t ; w� v Implementation Program IMPLEMENTATION The following implementation programs constitute the principal set of actions and procedures necessary to carry out the goals and policies of the City of Newport Beach General Plan. They are genemUy described ^ ee ffiing te . wir geneml ,.pphea fie and ese and do t eempreheasivebr reiterate the policies' specific standards or requirements that must be addressed in implementation, such as permitted development densities and required parkland acreage dedication. Consequently, in implementing the programs it is necessary to review the Plan's policies to assure that they are fully addressed. For the convenience of the General Plan's users, each implementation program is numbered and referenced at the close of each relevant Element policy (Imp _). The programs described herein afe speeifieall , ra_ ^a with the r• ^_^„.1 nt...>s __heies and a,. He eempFelieftsiftly Fe:.,....te all . a dw!.:...,...,.d by the Q . 4 e pmgrmm may change over time to reflect available funding or as new approaches are used in the future. To this end, the General Plan Progress Report required to be prepared annually, as described in Imp 1.3 below, should review the continuing applicability of the programs and update this list as necessary. Such modifications would not necessitate a formal amendment of the General Plan, unless they substantively alter the Plan's goals or policies. Development Management System The City of Newport Beach's Development Management System encompasses the policy and regulatory documents and procedures that guide land use development and resource conservation in accordance with the goals and policies specified by the General Plan. Newport Beach General Pion 1 1. GENERAL PLAN Overview The City of Newport Beach General procedural and substantive requirements the statement of official policy for Newp Implementation Program Plan was prepared and adopted in accordance with the of California Government Code §65300 et seq. It serves as )rt Beach's long term physical development and addresses all .,46li., &P46 es Raeh e f the elements statutorily required by the Code is ..main., in the Am including Land Use, Housing, Circulation, Conservation, Open Space, Public Safety, and Noise. To avoid redundancy, the subjects of the Conservation and Open Space Element have been merged into the Natural Resources Element. Parks and Recreation, under statute a component of the Open Space PROGRAM Element, has been prepared as a separate element to reflect its importance. As die-Statea municipaa is permineds a-geaeral-plfta -to incorporate other elements that pertain to a nmffiie ipxkt -s_- unique characteristics or visions, the Newport Beach General Plan also includes Harbor and Bay, Arts and Cultural, and Historic Resources Elements. Though optional by statute, once adopted they hold equal weight under the law as the mandated elements. Goals and policies of the General Plan are applicable to all lands within the jurisdiction of the City of Newport Beach. Consistent with State statutes ( 565300), the General Plan also specifies policies for the adopted Sphere of Influence (SOI), encompassing Banning Ranch, which represent the City s long -term intentions for conservation and development of the properly should it be annexed to Newport Beach. Until that time, uses and improvements of the property are subject to the County of Orange General Plan. Programs Imp 1.1 AGIFnaRisteF Ensure that Private Development and Capital Improvements are Consistent with the General na, fer Development Entifie:' ORt GREJ QGPitd 1FnPFeveMee+ DrefeG# California statutes require that a city's decisions regarding its physical development must be consistent with the adopted General Plan. As entitlements for the development of private properties ffwst*- guided by the City's ordinances and Charter requirements, i4tere )- imp-hci —d r�they must be consistent with the General Plan > spatial panerns, and timing of de-i:elepwie As a consequence, it is necessary for Newport Beach to Newport Beach General Plan / O Implementation Program review all subdivision and development applications and make written findings that they are consistent with all goals and policies of the General Plan (see Imp 12.1 and Imp 13.1). If the project is found to be inconsistent, it cannot be approved without revisions of the General Plan and, as necessary, it's implementing ordinances. When the City or any external agency responsible for the planning or implementation of public works within the City prepares its annual list of proposed public works and its five -year Capital Improvement Program (CQP), these must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review for conformity with the adopted General Plan (Government Code §65401). Additionally, when the City acquires property for public purposes, such as streets and parks, the Planning Commission is required to review this action and report on its consistency with the General Plan ( §65402). Imp 1.2 Update and Revise the General Plan to Reflect Changing Conditions and Visions While there are no specific deadlines for updates and revisions of the General Plan, State guidelines urge that it be maintained to reflect current conditions, issues, and visions. The State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) is required to notify a city when its general plan has not been revised within eight years. If the plan has not been revised within ten years, OPR must also notify the Attorney General, who will notify the City of the legal risks for failure to maintain a legally adequate plan. An exception is the Housing Element, which is required to be revised at least every five years (Code §65588) and certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Historically, this t-a�deadline has been extended on a number of occasions due to delays in the preparation of the regional housing allocation by the responsible regional agency, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). While comprehensive revisions occur infrequently in recognition of the long -term role of the General Plan, it is important to monitor its relevance and applicability to-eeftwmpemy local needs and issues as they evolve over time. it is ...,.nded dmt At least once every five years the City houl review the economic markets for commercial, industrial, and housing development; identify trends that impact or provide opportunities for the City; assess the Plan's land use diagram, policies, and standards for their effectiveness in addressing these; evaluate traffic conditions and their correlation with land use development; and amend these where desired and necessary. All amendments must be analyzed pursuant to Charter Section 423 to determine if they must be submitted to the electorate As many of the General Plan's implementation programs, particularly the Public Infrastructure and Services Plans and Public Service Programs, are dependent on available funding and evolve over time to reflect eaffentchanairte community needs, they should be reviewed and updated at least once each three years to assure their continuing relevancy. This is a technical revision that would not necessitate a formal amendment of the General Plan, provided that they do not alter its policies, and would best be accomplished as an integral component of the Annual General Plan Progress Report (see Imp 1.3). IMNewport Beach General Plan 6 Implementation Proaram �. ... .- - . im.wir --- - Imp 1.3 Prepare Annual General Plan Progress and Housing Element Implementation Reports The California Government Code $65400(6)(1) requires all cities and counties to submit an annual General Plan Progress Report to their "legislative bodies," the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The purpose of the report is to provide information on the status of the General Plan and the progress made in implementing its programs and goals including the adequacy of transportation, utility infrastructure, and public services to support entitled projects. Additionally, the Report must specify the degree to which the approved general plan complies with the General Plan Guidelines published by the Governors Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the date of its last revision. As required by State Housing Element Law, the City is also required to monitor all housing programs and complete a detailed annual Housing Element Implementation Report that documents the City's progress in fulfilling its share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment; the status of the implementation of each of the housing programs of the City's Housing Plan; and reviews actions and programs adopted to remove or mitigate governmental constraints on the development of housing for all income levels. 2. ZONING CODE Overview The City of Newport Beach Zoning Code, Title 20 of the Municipal Code, is one of the primary means of implementing the General Plan. Unlike the long -term perspective of the General Plan, the Zoning Code anticipates the immediate uses of the land. Areas within the SOI are governed by the Newport Beach General Plan 1 Implementation Proaram County of Orange Zoning Code, until annexation to the City, wherein they would be subject to the City's Code. While state statutes do not require consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Code for charter cities, such Newport Beach, most court decisions in the State pertaining to the regulation of land use development in such communities have set the General Plan as the standard by which development entitlements that have been legally challenged have been measured. This is based on the premise that effective implementation of a general plan necessitates mutually reinforcing actions, such as a consistent zoning code. Neyport Beach's practice has been to maintain consistency between its ^ate Programs Imp 2.1 Amend the Zoning Code for Consistency with Appfev4 d• Lhe General Plan Adoption of the updated General Plan necessitates a thorough review of the Zoning Code's regulations for consistency with the General Plan's Land Use Plan and policies-pefteffw" hvid me, eaeh pareel. This shall include review of Code requirements pertaining to areas designated as "Specific Plans" (see "Specific Plans" below) and amendments to Planned Comm ' Cl Development Plans. In accordance with State statutes, the Zoning Code shall be amended "within a reasonable time" of the adoption of the updated General Plan. While a specific time frame is not specified, it is common practice for communities to revise their zoning within a 12 to 18 month time period. In summary, map and text amendments maybe necessary to accomplish the following Uses and Densitv a Review and revise land use classifications to reflect the General Plan's gQRcies for permitted uses commercial, office, visitor- servi% and other non - residential land uses. Newport Beach General Plan I Implementation Program tsunamis methane gas and excessive noise• and maintain the integrity, and QIW4 of Newport Harbor and the Upper Bay, d Review and amend the Code as necessary, to achieve specific objectives of the General Plan such development requirements and/or incentives. Newport Beach General Plan Implementation Proaram n1� HEWSORg 3. SPECIFIC PLANS Overview Specific plans are tools for the systematic implementation of the General Plan and intended to implement and regulate land use and development within a specific project boundary, subject to the substantive and procedural requirements of §65450 through §65450 of the State Government Code. Specific plans are regulatory documents adopted by ordinance and, to date, have been incorporated into Newport Beach's PlwAiing-and- Zoning Code. Therefore, all development standards contained therein are enforceable by law. tvn...m these srr r..,.._ the fe_.t..:..m 4 the base Imd use dis Specific plans that have been adopted by the City of Newport Beach, generally, are more limited in their scope and application than authorized by the State Government Code. Principally, they are more specific than underlying a paralle l zoning requirements in their definition of pefflitted -) es-cn� development standards an d desiexr etridek= to reflect the unique characteristics of their planning area. Some prescribe programs for visual enhancement and streetscape improvements. Adopted specific plans at the time of the approval of the updated General Plan include- *Newport Shores, ■Mariner's Mile, ■Cannery Village /McFadden Square, ■Santa Ana Heights, mantral Balboa and ■Old Newport Boulevarxl, A',Pkee -place holders" axis included in the Code for the anticipated future preparation of plans for Corona del Mar md-the «T ide nenins..ta ue. eW' . H2�er. the u i + Newport Beach General Plan '- Imr)lementation Proaram Plan does not speci_v a specific implementation structure or regal ung document for Corona del Mar or most other areas . As a component of the revision of the Newport Beach Zoning Code for consistency with the General Plan (Imp 2.1, above), development regulations for designated Specific Plan areas of the City shall be reviewed and amended as necessary. "ctoo s Programs Imp 3.1 Preparation of New Specific Plans As specific plans are considered by the State OPR to be especially useful for large projects and sites with environment constraints, there are several potential applications in the City of Newport Beach. These may be prepared by either the City or private sector. However, responsibility for their adoption lies with the City Council. a. Should Bmwtift Rmeh be aequired as epen spoee, guidelines, smfidaMs, and pmee4tffes fer the b. c:---;'° �- she--'a Banning Ranch not be acquired as open space, ez — guidelines anndi standards for the integration of development with the preservation of critical habitat, bluffs, and other natural open spaces are essential. General Plan policies for the intermixing of a variety of housing types with local retail services, a hotel, and park in a walkable and sustainable environment can best be accomplished through detailed development standards and design guidelines that are not currently °-mbedd El- contain in the City>s ordinances. A specific plan, as conceived by state statute, would also encompass detailed infrastructure, financing, and phasing plans .._ci.e .i r; mt a ,> _ i ee r ,� ri a i A specific plan would also be helpful in assuring that the quality of development and scope of resource protection desired for this property would be achieve a as an akem&tive te .,_,,serv...:,.....t ,pen eb.Specific plans may also be considered to satisfy the regulator nlanning_reauirements for the residential villages proposed for the Airport Area and the integration of the mix of medical - related, housing, commercial, and industrial uses in West Newport Mesa. Ike In these cas es, the specific plans would serve as important tools to guide the development of multiple properties into a cohesive district. It would establish standards for a suitable interface among the diverse permitted land uses, a high level of architectural design and site landscape, and the incorporation of parklands, unifying streetscapes, and other amenities. 4heir provision #er Newport Beach General Plan 13 Implementation Proqram 4. DEVELOPMENT PLANS /PLANNED COMMUNITIES Overview The City of Newport Beach provides for a "Planned Community' (PQ designation for the development of large properties, usually under one ownership, with the objective of producing a well- defined and cohesive district ankhat integrates one or more type of housing unit and supporting uses that meets standards of density, open space, light and air, pedestrian and vehicular access, and traffic circulation similar to comparable residential and commercial districts in the City, as well as reflects the unique environmental setting of the property. These define specific development standards that are customized to reflect the unique attributes of the property and its surroundings. "^Programs Imp 4.1 New "Planned Community" Development Plans In lieu of the preparation of specific plans, as discussed above, the City may elect to have "Planned Community" plans prepared for large scale development projects permitted by the General Plan. Principally, these would apply to Banning Ranch, and residential villages in the Airport Area—,-Pad West T.r„_,. en 4 For the latter, these would serve as the "regulatoiy plan" required for each village. This would expand the traditional use of the Citys PC designations to incorporate detailed develepment esign guidelines, infrastructure plans, phasing, and financing mechanisms. 5. LOCAL COASTAL PLANPROGRAM Overview Implementation of State of Caldomia Coastal Act policies is accomplished primarily through a Local Coastal Program (LCD') that contains a Coastal Land Use Plan (C LUP) and Implementation Plan (LIP). The C LUP sets forth goals, objectives, and policies that govern the use of land and water in the coastal zone within the City of Newport Beach and its sphere ,.c 446ell°°, with the exception of Newport Coast and Banning Ranch. Newport Coast is governed by the previously certified and currently effective Newport Coast segment of the Change County Local Coastal Program. Banning Ranch is a Deferred Certification Area (DC_A) due to unresolved issues related to land use, public access, and the protection of coastal resources. The LIP consists of the zoning ordinances, zoning district maps, and other legal instruments necessary to implement the land use plan. Newport Beach General Plan la Implementation Program "^+sPrograms Imp 5.1 Review and Revise Leeel Coastal Land Use Plan for Consistency with the General Plan The General Plan's updated goals and policies were written in consideration of the CLUP approved by the Local Coastal Commission on Oeom--2005 FebnjW 8, 2006. Many of its policies were directly incorporated in the Land Use, Harbor and Bay, Natural Resources, Recreation, and Pub Safety Elements. However, there are a number of policies in the updated General Plan that may deviate from those in the approved CLUP and LIP (.n pfep mtiei �Among these are policies for the inclusion of housing and mixed -use developments in portions of the coastal zone and the revised land use classification and density/intensity system It will be necessary to review and amend the CLUP of d for consistency and submit these to the Coastal Commission for certification. b. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Overview The City of Newport Beach Subdivision Ordinance, Title 19 of the Municipal Code, regulates and controls the division of land within the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and Government Code §66411. The Subdivision Ordinance regulates the design and improvement of subdivisions, requires dedications of public improvements, establishes development impact fees and mitigation programs, and requires conformity with the provisions of the City's General Plan. This includes the review and approval of lot size and configuration, street alignments, street grades and widths, traffic access, drainage and sanitary facilities, lands dedicated for public uses (e.g., schools and parks) and open spaces, and other measures as may be necessary to insure consistency with or implementation of the General Plan. A-ciiensProarams Imp 6.1 Review the Subdivision Ordinance for Consistency with the General Plan On adoption of the updated General Plan, the Subdivision Ordinance shall be reviewed and amended where necessary to ensure consistency with its goals and policies. This may encompass revisions related to the Plan's policies pertaining to the intermixing of uses; site planning and design; landscape improvements; roadway and street standards and improvements; storm drainage and pollution runoff control; conformance to natural topography and landscapes; terrestrial and marine habitat protection; landform and coastal sand protection; flooding, fire, geologic, seismic, and other hazard abatement; environmental impact mitigation, and infrastructure and public service concurrency. Additionally, the City should examine and modify the Ordinance to reflect state -of -the -art lane development practices that enhance environmental sustainability. such m7 4he-ille draft "LEED for Neighborhood Developments (LEED -ND) Rating System;" diseti..sed a....-,.., m*y -°p-M°"` at geed Newport Beach General Plan C5 Implementation Proqram 7. BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION CODE Overview Building construction in the City is regulated by Title 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, "Buildings and Construction." This encompasses the 1994 Uniform Code for Building Conservation 1997 Uniform Administrative Code; Uniform Housing Code; 11&ehw4eal Qdel rS.l:f,.....:., Neet..ie9 Cede-, U4enn Qde C,, Building C ...............:,._- !•..lY..._..:.. Amibing, California Swimming Pool, Spa, and Hot Tub Code; the 2001 California Building Code: Newport Beach Excavation and Grading Code; Newport Beach Flood Damage Protection; and the Newport Beach Construction Site Fencing and Screening. Additionally, Title 15 includes regulations for Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings, Sign Code, House Moving, Abatement of Substandard Buildings, Undergrounding of Utilities, Fair Share Traffic Contribution, Traffic Phasing, Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program, Development Agreements, Flood Damage Protection, Methane Gas Mitigation, Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, and Santa Heights Redevelopment. The Qty applies the most recently updated codes by state, federal, and professional organizations. The Fair Share Traffic Contribution ordinance and accompatr3dilg allocate this cost to future development based on traffic generation rates ctiewsPrograms Imp 7.1 Review Building and Construction Code for Consistency with General Plan General Plan policies largely eeriip6nem mimic the provisions of the City's Building and Construction Code (Title 15) parti ularly those addressing public safety. The Peblie Safety r: le.«..m's Tthe Buildifw md Qnstfuetien Code should be reviewed to assure that these are fully addressed. the .. .. . MIR ` Newport Beach General Plan it Implementation Program development of high -rise multi -family residential, the Code should also be reviewed for dwir- i s adequacy in consideration of the policies for such building woes a°� epme z in the Airport Area. Senal ,AThe City should 1� so consider revisions of Title 15 to foster the use of "green- building" techniques that have not been traditionally used in the City. 1his =tee: side° seep elemems as fien teelinklues-and amend the Code where appropriate to achieve the Plan's policy objectives. Imp 7.2 Revise -G4y4 Fair Share Traffic Contribution Ordinance The updated Circulation Element will require revisions of the Citys Fair Share Traffic Contribution Ordinance, Cliapter 15.38, for consistency, with periodic updates as necessary for funding consideration changes (including the implications of regional improvements such as those contained in the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the traffic contribution of adjacent cities such as Irvine, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, and Laguna Beach). This ordinance and accompanying resolution determine the total unfunded cost of completing the City's Circulation Element '{key tie appmved a,...,.i....._.,.nt pr jeers) and allocate this cost to future development based on traffic generation rates. Additionally, the Transportation Demand Management Ordinance (TD" should be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary. Imp 7.3 Review and Update Transportation Demand Ordinance is implemented in areas such as Newport Center and the Airport Area 8. OTHER CODES AND ORDINANCES Overview General Plan policies are also implemented through a diversity of other codes and ordinances of the City of Newport Beach. Relevant sections of the Municipal Code may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Title 6, Health and Sanitation • Title 9, Fire Code • Title 10, Offenses and Nuisances • Title 11, Recreational Activities • Title 12, Vehicles and Traffic • Title 13, Streets, Sidewalks, and Public Properties • Title 17. Anchorage and Mooring R=Aaigns Newport Beach General Plan �1 Implementation Program ^ ctlonsPrograms Imp 8.1 Review Codes and Ordinances for Consistency with the General Plan and Update Periodically On adoption of the General Plan, relevant codes and ordinances of the City shall be reviewed for their consistency and revisions prepared where necessary. These shall be updated periodically to reflect state -of -the -art practices and technologies. Among— Representative of the— issues elements addressed by General Plan policy that should be addizesseR reviewed are the following: a. F eir. Obese shall :...eh4e but net be fin4ed ., (1) r. &quirements dwt- for live- aboard vessels be ffianaged vextaining to teirrthe integrity, quality, and safety of Harbor uses, poet Av -- environmental protection, and prevent—impacts on the public, waterfront owners /lessees, and adjoining properties„ arfd b_(2)-FRegulation of mooring permit applications and transfer of mooring titles. ads for the design and siting of to emere 4tiR�addressing_their potential visual (Omp ._ , n 26) to r-e fleet the 9—Standards and policies specified by the Noise Element to protect sensitive noise receptors, residents and businesses '—from unwanted noise impacts from traffic, JWA operations construction activities truck deliveries special events charter and entertainment boats, and similar sources.. Imp 8.2 Prepare New Codes, Ordinances, and Guidelines The updated General Plan shall be reviewed and evaluated for the need to adopt new codes and ordinances that implement its policies and standards. Among those that may be considered for their appropriateness are: a. A "commercial- residential" interface ordinance that regulates use, activity, and design of commercial properties located on shallow parcels directly abutting residential neighborhoods; MINIewport Beach General Plan J( Implementation Proclram b. Design guidelines for the renovation or reconstruction of housing in existing neighborhoods to assure that they complement the character of existing development. These may be applied to specific neighborhoods or citywide. c. An ordinance or guidelines for the preservation of historic buildings and/or properties. This shall be developed in consideration of guidelines published by the State Historic Preservation Office. d. An ordinance managing parking in commercial and mixed -use corridors and districts characterized by deficient parking. This may provide for the establishment of parking districts in which new parking may be developed in public or private shared facilities or structures or other facilities, as well as procedures for the funding of these improvements. 4. CITY COUNCIL POLICY MANUAL Overview u: r . ,.,.a.__es by whiek ftmetiens we perfer ,,.a Many regulatory policies established by the City Council are adopted by ordinance and included in the Municipal Code. However, other policies also are established which by their nature do not require adoption by ordinance. These policy statements adopted by resolution of the City Council are consolidated within the Newport Beach City Council Policy Manual. This Manual contains numerous polices that establish rules and guidelines for City administration, planning, public works and utilities, environmental protection, city services, and coastal activities. These policies help to guide residents and city staff in the direction that Council will take on certain matters. City Council Policies are set at Council Meetings and are reviewed annually. c- HonsProarams Imp 9.1 Review City Council Policy Manual for Consistency with the General Plan On ade ien,The City Council Policy Manual shall be reviewed to assure that its policies are consistent with the updated General Plan. 10. DATABASE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRACKING AND MONITORING Overview Among the responsibilities of the City's Management Information Systems (AHS) Division is the maintenance of a centralized database gerHent— development and support system This is supplemented by the development and maintenance of data by individual City departments. This includes the Geographic Infomtation System (GIS) that allows data to be connected to all y Newport Beach General Plan M 11 Implementation Proaram the City facilitative analysis and display of information zeoeraphic & Actions Imp 10.1 Maintain Up -to -Date Comprehensive Database database. Data that is likely to change over a comparatively short time period, such as built land use and traffic should be updated on a continuing basis, while data that is stable, such as seismic hazard zones, can be updated on a less frequent basis. In its annual budgeting process, priority should be placed on expenditures for the compilation of data that informs the City's development decisions, public works improvements, services, and programs. Imp 10.2 Maintain Development Tracking and Monitoring Program Newport Beach General Plan �'b Imr)lementation Proaram 4411. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Overview Chapter 20.90.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires that a project that is not exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) shall be reviewed and either a Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) shall be prepared. The City's Implementation Procedures for CEQA are presented in the City Council Policy Manual, Seetien -Po ' "K.3," of Amniag. These specify the activities that are subject to, not subject to, and exempt from CEQA; content and procedures for Initial Studies, Negative Declarations, and Environmental Impact Reports; processes for consultant assistance in the preparation of environmental studies and documents; fees for CEQA processing; and authorities of the Planning Director. In conformance with CEQA requirements, a "Program" EIR was prepared and certified for the updated City of Newport Beach General Plan. ad evaltutieft of their effeetiveness in mdueing invaets-.*�- Some of the visions that might have been defined as mitigation measures have been incorporated as policies of General Plan, so that the requirements are specified in one document. The Program EIR is written to the level of specificity of the General Plan's Land Use Plan's coals, policies, and programs. It may serve as a reference in the preparation of CEQA-required environmental documents for implementation of the General Plan. subsequent Specific Plans, Precise Plans, capital improvements, and other actions that are consistent with the General Plan. GHORSProarams Newport Beach General Plan �2 Implementation Proqram Imp 13411.1 CEQA Review Development and Entitlement Applications Applications for entitlement and development in the City of Newport Beach shall be subject to review in accordance with the City Council Policy Manual Implementation Measures for CEQA. Environmental analyses shall include assessment of the project's consistency with General Plan policies pertaining to each environmental topic under discussion. As Heted abeve, _e.,c„_ wwe vit-h Plan pehe es ean be tised as n_^:,.,.. ,,,r.:,...."... Aleasttres To the extent permitted by state law and court decisions, the General Plan Program EIR can be used as citywide framework from which oroiect EIRs can be tiered. The Program EIR shall not be used for anv oroiect that is-more intense 4.412. FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Overview A Fiscal Impact Model has been developed that measums -thedocuments the balance of costs of public services and revenues to be derived resulting from the Q39s mix of land uses Permitted 1W the General Plan. These are assigned to each category of land use, single family residential, multifamily residential, retail commercial, and office development, for example. °° *-sProarams have ........4aed in ree yems. As the analyses conclude, inter - related and the fiscal benefits of individual land uses cannot Imp 44.112.1 Evaluate Fiscal Benefits of Development Proposals and Annexations Significant development projects and General Plan Amendments shall be evaluated for their net fiscal impacts on the City of Newport Beach. This will use the Fiscal Aaah5is--Impact Model developed for the General Plan and identify all costs for public services and revenues to be derived. The City shall decide the type, scale, and mix of uses that shall be subject to fiscal review. Imp 12.2 Maintain and Update Fiscal Impact Model MNewport Beach General Plan PA Implementation Program X13. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Overview In accordance with Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, development agreements maybe prepared as contractual agreements between the City „c P.kv_ert ueae and developers to provide assurances to each parry regarding the uses to be entitled, and -rules of development and public benefits of the development profit. The Code stipulates that a development agreement specify the duration of the agreement, permitted uses of the property, density or intensity of use, maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, if required. The agreement may include conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirements for subsequent discretionary actions and may specify the timing and phasing of construction. The uses and development standards specified by a development agreement must be consistent with the General Plan and/or, where appropriate, Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program. Actions Imp x]3.1 Process Development Agreements For new master planned residential communities and large scale commercial and mixed -use projects, the City and project developers may elect to enter into a development agreement. Such a tool may be useful in guiding -any development that maybe permitted on Banning Ranch if not acquired as open space. development of residential villages within the Airport Area, and eiliwe -the integration of multiple uses in West Newport Mesa. Development Newport Beach General Plan a Implementation Procaram 4-7-14. OTHER PERMITS Overview Development and building projects may necessitate the issuance of City, regional, state, and/or federal permits for a diversity of specific purposes. Examples include City permits for grading, which may involve the notification of cultural organizations; the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit that controls runoff and soil percolation to prevent pollution of surface and ground waters; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permits for the filling of wetlands, improvements in Newport Harbor, and diking, dredging, filling of an estuary; State Department of Fish and Game permits for any "take" of a listed species; and County Health Department permits for restaurants. AetiG Programs Imp 47414.1 Process Development and Construction Permits Development and other entitlement projects shall be required to submit applications and receive approval for all required permits from the City and all applicable jurisdictional agencies. The City's final approvals shall be contingent on the issuance of these permits. Governance The Governance portion of the General Plan Implementation Program describes the institutional processes through which key policy decisions related to land use development, capital improvements, and resource conservation will be made and carried out. w Newport Beach General Plan a `P Implementation Proaram f-asa�aa7TT X15. INTERAGENCY COORDINATION Overview Implementation of the General Plan's goals and policies required the cooperation and coordination of the City with a diversity of local, state, and federal agencies and private and semi - private institutions. The following summarizes many of the interagency coordination procedures directly related to the General Plan's policies that are currently being carved out or anticipated in the short-term These will be supplemented by other ongoing programs and new strategies that will be defined during the life span of the General Plan's implementation. reflonsProarams :In MMUMMM .....w . um woe c.a -aa, and .. -v -nay Newport Beach General Plan O' Implementation Proqram Imp 49415.1 Coordinate with School Districts The City of Newport Beach and the school districts serving the City, including the Newport Mesa Unified School District, Santa Ana Unified School District, and Laguna Unified School District, shall eellabet ite -work together on wQer&atien in the identification and acquisition of potential school sites and expansion of existing facilities; traffic conditions at school locations; te detemiine leeai _r_„ lusieft 4 ..,.heel :._........s as _ topie te be ,._._i.._ted in QA-required. documentation for residential projects; and submirA ef these fef c u ' Di a eewmiem wEstablishraeiff ef-joint -use agreements for public recreational uses of school properties, ring 111111!! 1.1.11 1.1111.1.1.1 111111 Iwo Imp 1-8315.2 Coordinate with Orange County The City of Newport Beach and Change County should continue to collaborate in numerous programs affecting land use and development, affordable housing, transportation, infrastructure, '•••-•°--• sepeiees, r resource conservation, snd- environmental quality, end- mauagement of Nenort 13Harbor and Laver Newoort Ba3G and lohn Wayne Airport operations and improvement PL-M. - .. Wz ` - - - Ceepemte in ffnif� and , , die£ • Newport Beach General Plan Imolementation Proaram Imp 44.415.3 Coordinate with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) The Orange County Transportation Authority (MA) is a multi -modal transportation agency serving Orange County. It is responsible for countywide bus and paratransit service, Metrolink commuter rail service, the 91 Express Lanes toll facility, freeway, street and road improvement projects, motorist aid services, and regulation of taxi operations. Through the adopted Measure M, a voter - approved half - cent sales tax for transportation improvements, OCTA allocates funding for specific transportation improvement projects in three major areas— freeways, streets, roads and transit. OCTA also secures funding for regional and local agencies from state and federal agencies. The City of Newport Beach will implement General Plan policies bar. • Working with OCTA to support the implementation of needed regional Master Plan improvements that will benefit mobility within the City. • Soliciting funding from OC"rA for local transportation, transit, parking, bikeway, and other related improvements as such revenues are available in the future. �r7. C»....r._n • �- �y-� -P Periodically ' reviewing the adequacy of transit service in Newport Beach an coordinateing with OCTA to provide transit support facilities including park-and-ride lots, bus stops, shelters, and related facilities. • Coordinatennt with OCI'A to establish or modify bus stop locations to provide adequate access to local residents and to destinations for external uses, as well as efficient and safe traffic operations. • Requesting the OCTA to assess the need for the expansion of fixed route service and efficient transportation to future transportation facilities. • Ceer irate- Coordinating with OCfA to provide expanded summertime bus and/or shuttle service to reduce visitor traffic. • Geer& �te -Coord nating with OCfA to provide programs to issue monthly bus passes locally and provide special programs for subsidizing passes for the disadvantaged. Imp 4"13.4 Coordinate with �'� Af California Coastal Commission The State of Califomia Coastal Commission is responsible for the implementation of the Cul#bnvk Cws&d Act qf 1976. As described above (Development Management System), the City's Local Coastal Program's (LCP) Land Use Plan-kaJUP) had been certified at the time of the xppreved -- err adoption of the updated General Plan • TheO fer .ey-with the General Plan and etrpuxsue certification of the Implementation Plan The C,4 shall ensure that on certification, applications for development shall be reviewed Newport Beach General Plan �� Implementation Program by e City for consistency with the Imp 41415.5 Coordinate with State of California Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game The California Resources Agency Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the maintenance of native fish, wildlife, plant species, and natural communities for their intrinsic and ecological value °_a .r...:_ benefits to ...,,eple This includes habitat protection and maintenance in a sufficient amount and quality to ensure the survival of all species and natural communities. ''''-ff is Also a °a••p°tiAnAl • ° ° °. The Department is also responsible for the issuance of pemrits for lake and streambed alterations, incidental takes of State Listed Species, in accordance with the California Endangered Species Act, and near -shore fishery activity. Implementation of the General Plan's policies for natural resource protection shall be achieved through the Cites *consultation with the DFG in the review of projects that may impact terrestrial and marine resources and identification of resource protection and impact mitigation measures inc ■ S support for the DFG°a in efforts for habitat acquisition and restoration on Banning Ranch,. The City shall cooperate ■�s�!!etre!r err sGeeperate -with the DFG and other agencies in implementing the eel grass restoration of Newport Bay and inchrding pmgra-ms for the protection and management of up ep r Newport BaY the ■ Newport Beach Marine Refuge,-and Irvine Coast Marine Life Conservation Areas, and i ■- M ZMMEMM�- Imp 4"15.6 Coordinate with State of California Department of Parks and Recreation The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for the management of state parks and beaches under its jurisdiction. In Newport Beach, this includes Corona del Mar State Beach and Crystal Cove State Park. Cooperate in maintaining and expanding, where appropriate, recreational opportunities along the coast and marine recreation related facilities. Newport Beach General Plan 31 Implementation Program Imp 11"915.7 Coordinate with State of California Department of Transportation The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of state highways and freeways inchrdine SR 73 and Newport Boulevard (SR 551 between Finley Avenue and the City boundary Coast Highway in Newport Beach, excluding the portion from New Coast Drive to Jamboree Road is currently a state highway and Caltrans maintains authority over its right -of -way and standards for improvements. The General Plan recommends that the City discuss and negotiate with Caltrans for the relinquishment of Coast Highway through the City as a State Highway and begin these discussions at the earliest possible time. _T wetAd faei-lit—ate eenand r its • t r -. , _. dafet. signalifttiefl, and . rc: Imp 1 Ra215.8 Coordinate with United States Army Corps of Engineers Among its responsibilities, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) is responsible for the protection of water resources, habitat, and hydrological processes in the "navigable waters" of the United States. This encompasses wetlands, in addition to Newport Harbor and Bay. Implementation of the General Plan's policies for natural resource protection shall be achieved through the Cites ■Suppert-aWnort of programs of the ACOEUSACE, with other agencies, in the restoration of wetlands and other habitat on Banning Ranch,: ■ The City shall F.cooperate with the USAGE and other agencies in implementing the eel grass restoration of Newport Bay and programs for the protection and management of under Newport Bay, including the + Newport Beach General Plan 3 0� Implementation Program wGeeperate • the nGO eeelegial ndit Newport Beach Marine Conservation Area, -and Irvine coast Marine Life Refuge, and Upper Newport Bay State Marine Park ad Vehinteefs •In addition, the City shall cCoordinate with AODELMCE in the maintenance and delineation of federal navigational channels for navigation and safety in Newport Harbor and securing and funding sediment disposal sites for fume dredging projects. Imp 1R 1-315.9 Coordinate with United States Fish and Wildlife Service The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is responsible for conserving, protecting, and enhancing fish, wildlife, and plants and habitats that are subject to federal jurisdictional authority within Newport Beach, ;The City shall 6cooperate with the USFWS, in collaboration with other resource agencies, in the" protection of terrestrial and marine resources including wetlands and other important habitats on Banning Ranch: and m C labe fat . _4th .r LAM in supporting and implementing management of the Upper Newport Bay State Marine Park; and marine life refuages offshore of Corona del Mar and Newport Coast a9s n ' r a c• a vehmeen Imp 41441E.1 0 Coordinate with Environmental Protection Agency The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for protecting human health and the environment. Other responsibilities include developing and enforcing regulations that implement environmental laws enacted by Congress. *!he City shall Ccooperate with the US EPA, in collaboration with other resource agencies, in the protection of terrestrial and marine resources and ■ Wwork with the EPA to secure sediment disposal sites for future dredging projects. Imp 1515_11 Coordinate with United States Postal Service The United States Postal Service (USPS) maintains a distribution facility in Mariner's Mile. Newport Beach should work with the USPS for the possible relocation of this postal distribution facility to enable its reuse for parking or retail activity. The City should assist in the identification of potential alternative sites that are accessible to residents and do not adversely impact neighborhood character. Newport Beach General Plan M _2 Implementation Proqram 2816. ANNEXATION Overview Lands may be annexed into the City of Newport Beach based- ea with the approval of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and registered voters within the area to be annexed or property owners, based on land valuation, where there are no residents. g the approval process are: *the City must identify its intended zoning for the area, which must be consistent with the General Plan: aRreview of the environmental impacts of annexation, ■'L'ident the costs and adequacy of government services;- definecevaluate 'the ability of the City to provide the services to the annexed area and sufficiency of revenue demonstrated: and establish ■ Aa program and compensation defined for the transfer of existing facilities, such as {eg; patfss and libraries,) and capital improvements from the County to the City. he Ge i—al nt.... >....,.i :..:......... vid d. n fiscal impact proposed annexation that identifies all costs of services, the on the Citys overall fiscal balance. In practice, this will be Model developed for the General Plan update. Unincorpor study rnast-should be conducted for any revenue to be derived, and the net effect accomplished through the Fiscal Impact Newport Beach General Plan � ` Imolementation Proaram Proarams Imp 28:416.1 greeess-Encouraae Annexations of Banning Ranch Prior to Development Public Infrastructure Plans A diversity of public and quasi -public Aggencies amt responsible for the provision of infrastructure and services for Newport Beach's residents and businesses These include agencies both under the and funding of improvements to assure that they a4gtmte y meet existing and projected future the basis for the updaing of Public Improvement Plans sl a that specify the type, amount, cost, phasing of public improvements and facilities necessarvto support future psoulation and employr development that will support existing liffid uses and gFewth aeeeRmRedated by the updowd Ge lam. 2- 4-17. MOBILITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Overview The City's Department of Public Works is responsible for the planning, engineering, and improvements of streets throughout the City, except the portions of Coast Highway and Newport Boulevard that are *-designated State Highways, Newpert 1exlevatdState Route 73, and streets within gated residential communities. It is anticipated that the City will assume responsibility for Coast Highway in the future. Required improvements are reviewed annually, prioritized, and funded by the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Newport Beach General Plan J' Implementation Proaram AeteonzProarams Imp 21-17.1 Improve Arterial Streets and Highways According to Classifications development occurs. Imp-24$17.2 Monitor Traffic Conditions and Planning for and Funding Improvements The City shall eeatkuete monitor, design and manage roadway conditions and maintain streets the �: s r,,,.,iW ifnp_....,,... nt o..,.:, ets (QP) pr-eeess and QP affi.e. Periodically, the City shall 4 conduct traffic counts at key intersections and roadways (average daily traffic counts and peak hour intersection ounts). —The City shall strive to maintain Level of Service "D" as Street im- rovements in Tthe CkVs Capital Improvement Program shall be reviewed and updated regularly- ies to meet and maintain the adopted traffic level of service standards-.4he QP— skaLtud be consistent with Measure M and State Congestion Management Program requirements. Imp4"17.3 Construct Street and Highway Improvements The City shall construct necessary improvements to street intersections to attain acceptable Levels of Service, as defined in the Circulation Element. inwrseeeie n ff ese shall be implemented as needed based on the list of impacted intersections included in the General Plan EIR, and also in accordance with development project traffic impact studies. Intersections with improvements necessary for buildout conditions are delineated on Figure CE -3 of the Circulation Element. MNewport Beach General Plan ' Implementation Program Imp41 417.4 Monitor Roadway Conditions and Operational Systems The City shall monitor and maintain City streets and thoroughfares. The City shall develop and follow a schedule for periodic review of City streets with respect to pavement, signage, signalization, and comparable elements. If inadequacies are found, the City will perform or contract with a consultant to perform maintenance of roadway features. ImpZ1 -.5 7.5 Maintain Consistency with Regional Jurisdictions The City shall maintain consistency with regional jurisdictions (Caltrans, Orange Count}) to provide adequate facilities (including roadway design -sroadwayinfrastructure plans; and se enle_sin stan ). The City shall work with regional jurisdictions to modify regional plans (such as the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways) so that they ill meerxem consistent with City plans. The City will also periodically review City standards to ensure they remain up- to-date and consistent with regional standards as new standards are adopted. Imp "17.6 Local /Neighborhood Access Roads The City shall undertake studies of eaelrresidential neighborhoods on a case by case basis to identify local circulation patterns and principal access points in order to assess the opportunities and needs to restrict, divert, or mitigate arterial traffic intnuion; ,sueh -Such studies- teshould include an assessment of the traffic impacts on the entire neighborhood and the participation of neighborhood residents to prepare a consensus plan of neighborhood traffic control. In addition, the City shall maintain standards that ensure safe and efficient access for emergency vehicles to residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Imp 4- 1- :717.7 Traffic Control Traffic congestion shall be reduced through reasonable methods utilizing conventional and innovative methods for traffic control. Traffic signal timing standards, in addition to serving drivers, should adequately provide for pedestrian crossings. Traffic signal interconnect systems shall be maintained and upgraded to efficiently coordinate and control traffic flows on arterial streets, inehiding-the The City shall identify and Newport Beach General Plan 3 Implementation Proqram incorporate intelligent transportation systems as a logical method to reduee- improve peak hour traffic fly. The special issue of summertime traffic should be monitored and evaluated periodically. The City should continue to evaluate and implement, if epplieableg�e, summertime traffic control measures and/o alternative transportation modes to reduce the impact of high volume summer traffic. R. Imp 214L7.8 Provide Public Transportation The City shall continue to operate local fixed reute and-demand- responsive transit service within the City, eRd-w ensure mobility and accessibility for the City's citizens, especially the elder4- W44isabled. The City shall also work with the Orange County Transportation Authority for countywide bus service that will guarantee regional and local travel options. The City should encourage the development of additional public transportation services and facilities such as park-and-ride facilities, and look for opportunities to import the upgrade and enhancement of existing services. MNewport Beach General Plan 4 Imp 244017.9 enforce a system of operations within the Implementation Program Manage Truck Operations rain and delivery Periodically review the truck route system and make changes as required to ensure that it adequately serves the City and protects areas of the City from truck traffic intrusion. R.,c„_ zening eedes te take a-dek a4fie iRte aeeaum v4th the study by measeiing aciek u4-fie sad apply Passenger .moan = =t (P6) .. ,.........,.....a..t,,..,. Work with regional agencies as they continue to assess goods movement in Orange County. Imp 21-1-117_10, .. Improve Parking Supply and Management Parking Management Programs shall be considered for commercial and residential areas of the City with inadequate parking, such as Corona del Mar and the Balboa Peninsula. This may consider the development of public parking lots or structures, street parking permitting, valet programs, and similar techniques as feasible. Existing public parking lots should be evaluated for their accessibility, utilization, and proximity to the uses they support. Possible relocation should be considered where they do not effectively support surrounding land uses. Funding for public parking facilities may be derived from the establishment of parking districts, supported by local businesses and organizations, including Business Improvement Districts. In -lieu fee programs ma�-shall be considered to fund the development of public parking The City shall work with commercial, office, and institutional property owners to encourage the use of parking areas on weekends and holidays in conjunction with transit services. Imp4I4217_11 Maintain Trails Newport Beach should continue to develop and maintain non - motorized transportation systems as a viable alternative to vehicular travel and to help satisfy local recreational needs, and should include trails and facilities that traverse the citywide area. A system of bike route designations for bic3iles equestrians and pedestrians as well as support facilities shall be developed and in cooperation with adjacent jurisdictions, where appropriate, Newport Beach General Plan 29 J Implementation Proaram X19. WATER 4 Overview Water service in the City of Newport Beach is provided Mesa Consolidated Water District. 4he r•:_..,,,._-.... Fm the City, Irvine Ranch Water District, and Each agency maintains master plans for services, facilities, maintenance, and improvements necessary to support existing and projected population growth and development. The :.,..i.a .t r a rra __ .vim , r . nt r � Resew,.es ,,a...,..ge ffieat nt.. and ,,,r,,sazs Water Master- ni__. Conservation practices and requirements to meet regional, state, and federal water quality regulations are included within the respective plans. Each agency maintains a capital improvements program for the provision of water system improvements, special projects, and ongoing maintenance. Water demands are monitored and periodically the plans are updated to account for any service issues and regulatory changes. "^toonsProarams Imp-23412,1 Maintain and Implement Water Master Plans and Encourage Conservation Information regarding the General Plan's Irvine Ranch Water District, —and Mesa G nt capacities shall be forwarded Water District as the basis fort budgeted by each agency, including, where appropriate Improvement Programs. �e defined- a annual Capital Newport Beach General Plan ill Implementation Proaram Strategies to promote the conservation of water should be periodically reviewed for their effectiveness and updated in the plans to reflect best management practices. These may include tiered rat es. the use of recycled water, incentives for on -site capture and retention of rainwater in private development, and comparable techniques. In addition, the water agencies should consider the potential use of alternative water sources for the water supply by implementation of advanced water treatment processes, when feasible. X420. SEWER Overview Sanitation service and sewerage in the City of Newport Beach are provided by the City, Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), and Costa Mesa Sanitation District (CNISD). 4he City sefv,.s nvueh of ` w a muiiber s ..Bets i,., ated . the r:..,.. _ >,..unda_ Each agency maintains master plans for services, collection and treatment facilities, maintenance, and improvements necessary to support existing and projected population growth and development. Obese :..,.i..a, the Q=,,s Master- Am of Wastewater from these service areas, as well as greater Change County, is collected, treated, and disposed by the Change County Sanitation District (OCSD). The ..'e tmavnent ...t...`.. serving the ^^*."Programs Imp - 24.420.1 Maintain and Implement Sanitati )n- -Sewer Master Plan shall be forwarded to and OCSD as the 'r Newporf Beach General Plan El Implementation Proqram Required facility improvements shall be defined and budgeted by the respective agencies, including the City's five year and annual Capital Improvement Programs. Uis -gill 2-521. STORM DRAINAGE Overview Storm drainage systems in the City-of Newport Beach are maintained by the City, Change County, and - local community associations. Se,Yeral °_°°° _i.e ,.,... plet °ly °°_. °a by r°....... c_,.:1:.: °° -,--I --- and ethen we _. d by ° n_ x e f r_,.:I ies In general, the County is responsible for maintaining the regional flood control system, while the City is responsible for local improvements, excepting Newport Coast. Drainage improvements are coordinated between the City's Public Works Department and County s Public Resources and Facilities Department. Each maintains master and capital improvement plans for storm drainage improvements, special projects, and ongoing maintenance. These must also conform to regional, state, and federal regulatory requirements, including controls of the discharge from municipal storm sewer systems. Programs Imp 2-5.421.1 Maintain Storm Drainage Facilities The City and County shall periodically review their Storm Drain Master Plans to assure that adequate facilities are provided to serve pernutted development-, related to en site develepment and these fteeessaty for eemp - and to comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements, "tild be the respemibaky of the r = Newport Beach General Plan M o Implementation Proaram 29-22. PUBLIC STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS Overview The City has completed streetscape improvements for Balboa Village and Corona del Mar, including street trees and plantings, medians, decorative .paving . materials, lighting, and benches. The adepte Old T.r,._.. eft Beet ,...,. d and Mer-,.a,l..., c,,..._, rQ......_. V:n.W Specific Plans for other areas and General Plan policies provide for the implementation of additional streetscape improvements, °' : ' ' - - ; hee. ,.,,..,.._....,.,1 _s ,.r the _,1eptien of «l wed ctionsPrograms Imp4"2.21 Design, Fund, and Construct Streetscape Improvements ktmed— paw e adue == For ethet—areas intended designatedbv the General Plan to achieve an active pedestrian environment or improvement of theirits image and quality, design plans and financing plans should be prepared for the appropriate streetscape improvements. These may include the Airport area's residential villages, Mariner's Mile, West Newport Mesa, and West Newport (highway), as well as a comprehensive plan for Balboa Peninsula that links its districts along Newpom/Balboa Boulevard from Lido Village to Balboa Village. Where the public streetscapes are integral to new residential and mixed -use neighborhoods, their implementation shall be the responsibility, of private developers, in conformance with legislative nexus requirements. For other areas, funding may be derived from fees imposed by a local business improvement district capital improvement funds, and other sources. Imp 222.2 Design, Fund, and Construct Waterfront Promenade The planned waterfront promenade on Newport Harbor should be designed, sources of funding identified, and constructed as feasible. Where private properties are redeveloped, promenade improvements shall be integrated with the new construction and be the responsibility of the developer. Imp 2"2M Fund and Construct Public View Sites The City shall develop a plan for the development of public view sites and amenities fer the leeatiens specified by bake)- Policies NR 49420.3 and 20.5. The location, types, and of improvements and a Newport Beach General Plan M i� Implementation Proaram financing plan shall be specified, which may include such elements as observation decks or plazas, benches, markets and signage, telescopes, lighting, and landscape. 3423. HARBOR RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Overview The City's Harbor Resources Division is responsible for tidelands administration including management of pier and mooring permits, harbor dredging, ptunpout stations, Balboa and Corona Del Mar parking lots, Marine Life Refuge, Balboa Yacht Basin, harbor debris pickup, and mooring liveaboards. "^*-sft grams Imp X23.1 Review and Update Harbor and Tidelands Improvement Plans The Harbor Resources Division shall review its goals and policies to assure that the plans, proposed improvements, and operations for the Harbor and tidelands are consistent. Imp 23.2 Develop Harbor Area Management Plan The feffnuhnien evelon a harbor area management plan shettld -be develeged -that provides a comprehensive approach to the management of Newport Bay's resources, including restoration of marine habitats such as kelp beds and fisheries, and boat anchorages, matins, and other development activities. Improvements in the Harbor shall be located and designed to facilitate boating and other coastal recreational activities, while protecting important marine habitats, prevent water pollution, maintain the Harbor's hydrologic functions, protect coastal landforms and dunes, minimize sand transport, and are-be compatible with adjoining residential neighborhoods. This will require coordination with the Orange County Harbors, Beaches, and Parks Department and Harbor Patrol Division and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers relative to their respective jurisdictions. Among the improvements that shall be considered is the identification of an area that can support Harbor maintenance facilities and equipment. This shall be coordinated with the Orange County Harbor Patrol Division, California Coastal Commission, and other jurisdictional agencies. In addition, the Division shall review procedures for the transfer of mooring titles to assure their equitable use. Imp 4423.3 Events Management and Programs The City shall continue to coordinate Harbor event planning in collaboration with the Harbor Commission and Orange County Harbor Patrol. Special operating standards shall be established for the Christmas Boat Parade and other activities that are seasonal, recurring, and unique to the Harbor, but which may require special controls on access, parking, noise, and other factors to minimize impacts on residential and other users. MNewport Beach General Plan . 4 Implementation Program The City shall review the need to require vendors to provide a safety program that educates boaters and property owners on safe boating and berthing practices. The program could be integrated with pennit/lease enforcement to protect the public health and safety and the rights of other users and owners /lessees. The City shall continue to work with various community and business associations such as the Balboa Village Merchants and Owners Association, Mariner's Mile Business Owners Association, and the Newport Pier Association as well as the vessel owners /operators to provide for the parking needs of the patrons of sponfishing boats, passengers and sightseeing vessels, and boat rentals. Imp 4123 4 Harbor Operations and Management The City shall prepare and fund a joint City /County study by-,19G9-that will evaluate the costs and efficiency of current services provided by the City and County in Newport Harbor, -and opportunities to realign these with-to-reduced costs_, and feasible methods to provide dhese .r.....e se_..e. by Public Service Facility Plans Agencies responsible for the provision of public services for Newport Beach's residents and businesses shall maintain plans and fund improvements to assure that they adequately meet existing and projected future needs. The Public Facilities Plans shall specify the type, amount, cost, and phasing of public improvements and facilities that will support existing land uses and growth accommodated by the updated General Plan. 3-1-24. POLICE AND FIRE Overview The Newport Beach Police and Fire Departments provide public safety services to the city's residents, business, and visitors. Until such time that &G - Banning Ranch may be annexed, police and fire services will be prima l� provided by the Orange County Sheriff's Department and Orange County Fire Authority respectively although the Cit�L will continue to provide response services ffilnugh established mutual aid agreements. A^;GFISPrograms Imp 31424.1 Maintain and Enhance Police and Fire Facilities The City of Newport Beach Police and Fire Departments shall maintain, periodically update, and implement their plans for facilities, equipment, and personnel to provide service to the community. On annexation of the- Banning Ranch, police and fire service responsibilities would be transferred to the City. The Police-and Fire Departments shall monitor their operations, emergency response times, and number of incidents (rates of crime and fire calls) and periodically review the need to expand existing and/or construct new facilities to assure an acceptable level of service. Physical improvements shall be incorporated in the Gtys C P. Newport Beach General Plan `i� Implementation ProSaram 3425. PARKS AND RECREATION Overview The Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services Department and General Services Department is are responsible for the development and operation of public parks in the City of Newport Beach. These encompass parks, greenbelts, beaches, and pablie deekscommunity centers, as well as joint use of public school grounds. In addition, the county and state own and operate four recreational facilities in the City. The City collects fees and/or requires dedication of land for parks in accordance with the Quimby Act, based on the standard of five acres of park for each 1,000 residents. The Gty oversees the development of new and improvement of existing parklands and facilities. The Recreation Element of the General Plan identifies specific needs for service areas throughout the City. Banning Ranch is the single largest property available for the development of a new park, should it be annexed to the City. In most other cases, new parklands will occur within the fabric of existing development. A ^rsPrograms Imp-32425.1 Maintain and Update Parks and Recreation Facility Plans The (a sip- ere..:.,. -a Ser.._ e,._,:ees r,___.,...,,... shall maintain, periodically update, and implement its plans for the development, operation, programming, and maintenance of its system of parks throughout the City. Resident recreational needs should be monitored on a continuing basis to correlate these with park facilities and recreational programs. Mm A- minimmm Rf _ ce each five years, the City sli4should comprehensivelyreview the status of its park system and assess the need for improvements, including new or renovated facilities. These shall be prioritized and a funding program defined for their implementation. Park users and the community shall be involved in identifying and prioritizing the improvements. Imp 3225.2 Maintain and Improve Parks and Recreation Facilities At a niaiint Through the CIP and development approval process, the City shall evenee itnolement the €ellewkig —park improvements specified by the Recreation Element. Parks igreverxents �hallshould be designed in consideration of their adjoining land uses, particularly to prevent impacts on residential neighborhoods due to lighting, noise, site access, and parking prevent lighting impacts on any adjacent habitat areas. Facilities shall be designed and properties landscaped to complement the quality of the neighborhood in which they are located Additionally • Newport Beach General Plan c.,EO Implementation Proaram Imp 39425A Assess Recreation Needs Periodically, the City shall evaluate the recreation needs of Newport Beach's residents. Existing programs should be reviewed and scored according to their adequacy and programs desired by residents but not currently or inadequately provided should be identified. This may be accomplished through surveys of park users, homeowner organizations, and other residents, as well as _,:.t. beeeh Results of the survey would be used defining future programs to be provided at local parks and beaches. Imp3"25.4 Maintain Recreation Programs for Newport Beach's Residents Periodically the City shall review and update as necessary its fees for recreation programs to assure that they are adequate to cover ongoing costs. This may include a comparative assessment of the fees imposed by other jurisdictions. Newport Beach General Plan M 0 Implementation Program Imp 32.325.5 Requirements for Residential Developers As new residential developments are approved, requirements for parkland dedication, improvements, or the provision of in -lieu fees in accordance with the park dedication (Quimb)) ordinance shall continue to be implemented. in tit :a ...a -ind- ,. tFial.tises, the Q.....0 etAd assesa Public Services and Programs Services to support the needs of the City of Newport Beach's residents, businesses, and visitors are provided by a diversity of City departments, other public agencies, and private organizations. The following summarizes the principal programs that implement the General Plan's policies. These do not neeess&* encompass all of the programs that are administered by each department or agency, which may include other activities that unrelated to the Plan's policies. Inherently, the scope of these programs will change often during the General Plan's implementation due to evolving needs and available funding seu mes. The list of programs in this section should be reviewed and updated regularly. at least enee _eh di:_.._ _ems te asswe their eendnuing _.l„___..,.e ra : _ ., u... MR P*egFess 3426. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Overview The City of Newport Beach administers programs to promote economic activity within the City to maintain a healthy economy, provide revenue for high quality municipal services and infrastructure maintenance and improvements, and preserve the Citys unique commercial villages. The City Council's policy states that these will serve the overriding purpose of protecting the quality of life of Newport Beach's residents, in recognition of the balance of economic development objectives with the protection of the environment and health and safety of the community. Priority improvement areas include Mariner's Mile, Corona del Mar, Balboa Village, West Coast Highway, Lido Village, Cannery Village, and McFadden Square. To achieve these, Council policy establishesd the Economic Development sierrCommittee (EDC), which -md places a priority on cooperative relationships with the Chambers of Commerce, Conference and Visitors Bureau, Building Industry Association, Business Improvement Districts, other business groups, and individual business and property owners. Action- sProgramS The economic development implementation actions below summarize the principal components of the Economic Strategic Plan prepared as a companion piece to the General Plan. The reader should refer to that document for more information. MNewport Beach General Plan 50 Implementation Program within the community; support the development of a variety of housing for all economic segments; support the needs of eli le fins tifne hemebuyers, special needs households and existing homeowners; preserve existing affordable housing; and support equal housing opportunities for all residents. "^*zPrograms Imp - 34-27.1 Implement #egg Housing Element Programs Newport Beach General Plan M Implementation Proaram 3&28. CODE ENFORCEMENT Overview The City of Newport Beach enforces Building and Zoning Ordinances to assure the protection and preservation of public health and safety, residential neighborhood character, and the overall quality of life for Newport Beach's residents. NNOT 'WIN .. ^^zPrograms Imp 35428.1 Enforce Codes and Ordinances reef Newport Beach's shall continue to administer health and safeM zonim and other codes and ordinances that implement the General Plan dwetigheut the Qty- While •enforcement procedtues normally eumr * occur on a complaint basis, the City skeuki may-consider the aWropdateness of pro- active inspection of areas of the City in which there has been a high frequency of prior complaints __a issue e'`-. ens F"~ eenVhanee. Among the purposes for which this may be initiated by the City are the removal of illegal signs and control of retail commercial, restaurant, entertainment, and comparable uses that directly abut residential neighborhoods. 3429. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENT Overview While code enforcement is the primary tool used by the City to assure compliance of private property owners with Newport Beach's codes and regulations, there are a number of other programs directed at property maintenance and improvement. Newport Beach General Plan �� Implementation Program "etionsPrograms Imp - 1-29.1 Seismic Compliance The City shall support and encourage the seismic retrofitting and strengthening of essential facilities, especially facilities that have been constructed in areas subject to ground rupture, high levels of earth shaking, and tsunami. The retrofitting of unreinforced masonry buildings during remodels to minimize damage in the event of a seismic or geologic hazard shall continue to be required. 3.730 pnl IGE PR- OTECTIONEMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSDE Overview The City of Newport Beach Police and Fire Departments pmvides _. hee pi_ate tier sefvi es emergency preparedness. response. and recovery "^ ;.� onsProarams Imp 3730.1 Maintain Hazards Data Base The Police and Fire Departments shall maintain *-data bases regarding the type and occurrence of criminal activities and natural hazards (e.g., tsunami inundation wildfire hazards, flooding, seismic . landslide. subsidence, and other) that may impact -in the City as the basis for the planning of facilities, personnel assignments, and emergency response programs. Imo 30.2 Maintain Emergency Preparedness Response and Recovery Programs Newport Beach General Plan M 5 Implementation Proaram 42-31. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Overview Newport Beach provides opportunities for its residents and businesses to be engaged in its culture and life through education about community services, programs, and initiatives and participation in a diversity of community events. A ionsPro rq ams Imp 42.131.1 Educate the Community The City shall continue to make information available to inform residents and businesses within the City regarding its services, programs, and key community issues. Representative of the range of information that maybe presented include: land use zoning and development processes; development fees; code compliance; property and building maintenance and improvement techniques; financial assistance and affordable housing programs, public transportation; ride- sharing, --er , energy conservation methods, waste reduction and recycling programs; hazards and emergency /disaster preparedness, evacuation, and response protocols and procedures €leeditio; natural resources and their value; educational and cultural events and venues; parks and recreation, health and safety, and seniors and youth programs; and access to government services and elected officials. This information may be presented in flyers and newsletters that are distributed to households in the City, on the Citys Web Page, by cable television broadcasts, in workshops with homeowners associations and business organizations; and general community presentations and workshops. Imp 42:331.2 Support of the Arts, Culture, and Historic Resources The City shall continue to work with the Arts Commission and local community groups and organizations to incorporate donated or privately funded arts elements and exhibits in public buildings and facilities such as City Hall and the Central Library. The City shall also work with local groups advocating for the preservation of historic sites and buildings. Procedures for the review of modification and/or demolition of these resources shall be defined. Newport Beach General Plan r rD l Implementation Proaram Imp 42:431.3 Support Community Environmental and Recreation Initiatives The City shall support private groups' efforts to (a) acquire properties and their development for the Orange Coast River Park including the potential acquisition of Newport Beach's westernmost parcel, currently developed as a mobile home park, to be completely or partially re- developed as a staging area for the park; and (b) acquire Banning Ranch as open space and the restoration of its wetlands and habitats. Financing The financing strategy defines the sources and uses of funds for the public improvements and services described in the Public Improvement Plans and Public Services Programs. In addition to those defined herein, any development specific plan will incorporate a detailed financing plan as stipulated by State law. 4332. MUNICIPAL BUDGETING Overview The General Fund is the portion of Newport Beach's operating budget that funds the majority of City services. This fund is used to account for fiscal resources which are dedicated to the general government operations of the City. Examples of the services funded by the General Fund include Police, —and Fim a{rd-L4egaW Services; Refuse Collection; Public Library, Recreation Programs; much of the City's expenditures on street maintenance; Planning and Building, and Engineering services; as well as the general administration of the City. In addition, many Capital Improvements are funded by the General Fund. The General Fund and its activities are primarily supported by property, sales, and transient occupancy taxes. In addition, the other revenue sources supporting General Fund activities include: Licenses, Fees and Permits; Intergovernmental Revenues; Charges for Services; Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties; Revenue from the Use of Money and Property-, Contributions; and Other Miscellaneous Revenue. By far, the City's largest revenue source is property taxes. The second largest single revenue source is Sales Tax, followed by Transient Occupancy Tax. ctlens roarams Imp 43432.1 Maintain Annual Budgets for City Services and Improvements The City shall annually budget for the provision of services to Newport Beach's residents and businesses. This shall define their costs, sources of revenue, and estimates of revenues to be received including any necessary changes in fees. As part of the budget, the City will adopt a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that provides funds for capital facilities including arterial highways; local streets; storm drains, bay and beach improvements; park and facility improvements; water and wastewater system improvements; and planning programs. •a Newport Beach General Plan is Implementation Proaram Imp 43.42.2 Administer Impact and User Fees a. Development Impact Fees The City imposes fees on development projects to provide revenue for required supporting public infrastructure and services, and mitigation of transportation, environmental and other impacts in accordance with State nexus legislation. This includes fees imposed for transportation improvements by the Fair Share Traffic Contribution Ordinance. For development projects that contain low and moderate income housing, the planning fees may be waived at the discretion of the City Council and Planning Commission. Development fees will be evaluated annually to ensure that they are sufficient to support new infrastructure and that the fiscal balance of the developing land use mix can sustain the City' ability to operate and maintain the existing infrastructure. b. Park Dedication and In -Lieu Fees 'Me City „c T-r..__ en u.,....i requires dedication of land, payment of fees in-lieu thereof, or a combination of both for park or recreational purposes in conjunction with the approval of residential projects. In -lieu fees are placed in a fund earmarked for the provision or rehabilitation of park and recreation facilities that can serve the subdivision. The City's park fees shall be reviewed periodically for their adequacy and updated as necessary. c. Tideland Revenue Fees The City derives revenue from a diversity of activities conducted in the tidelands including moorings, public marinas, piers, entertainment boat permits, property leaseholds, and other uses. The feasibility of implementing longer term tideland leases with rental rates that reflect the nature and intensity of the permitted uses and activities and security for funding enhanced or expanded facilities should be studied. Tideland revenues shall be restricted for expenditures within the designated tidelands. Newport Beach General Plan 0 Implementation Program 4433 COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Overview Assessment districts are established for the funding of streets, water, sewerage, storm drainage, schools, parks, and other infrastructure and services required to support development. Costs are distributed and fees assessed on all development in the district. When applied to developed properties, a vote of the property owners is required for implementation. Actions Imp 43:133.1 Consider the Establishment of Community Facilities and Special Assessment Districts The establishment of new Community Facilities and Special Assessment Districts shall be considered as necessary to support new development in the City. This would most likely be limited to areas in which extensive redevelopment is projected and for large vacant parcels that may be developed. Respectively, these may include development of residential villages in the Airport Area and West Newport Mesa and a mixed -use community in Banning Ranch should it not be acquired as open Newport Beach General Plan 6b