HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Andrews Presbyterian Church (PA2002-265).CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 2 February 17, 2005 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: James Campbell, Senior Planner (949) 644 -3210, jcampbell@ city newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Adoption of two resolutions reflecting the recommendation of approval of the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Expansion project and certification of the EIR. APPLICANT: St. Andrews Presbyterian Church (PA2002 -265) On January 20, 2005, staff submitted draft resolutions to the Planning Commission for review and approval. Since additional changes were introduced after the staff report was published, it was decided that a continuance was in order to provide additional time to ensure that all interested parties had the opportunity to review the final drafts. Staff transmitted a marked for changes version of each of the original draft resolutions to the Commission on January 27, 2005. Staff also transmitted the drafts to other interested parties for review and comment. The attached resolutions reflect incorporation of all the, changes noted in the January 27�h mark up with a few minor changes noted. Changes are presently limited to Resolution No. 1655 (project resolution) and no suggested changes were received regarding Resolution No. 1654 (EIR resolution). Prepared by: Submitted by: L,�CeDVOJII PJAA-tj W. Campb II, Se r Planner Patricia L. Temple, Planni g Director EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 1654 — EIR Resolution 2. Resolution No. 1655 — Project Resolution 3. Letter from Bruce Stuart dated February, 10, 2005 4. Memorandum dated January 27, 2005 transmitting the marked up draft resolutions to the Planning Commission. RESOLUTION NO. 1654 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFY THE SAINT ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH #2003081065) FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2D03-D01, CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2003 -002 AND USE PERMIT NO. 2002-056 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 600 ST. ANDREWS ROAD (PA2002 -265). WHEREAS, an application was filed by St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for property identified as 600 St. Andrews Road located at the southwesterly comer of the intersection of le Street and St. Andrews Road. The application requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to increase the maximum allowable gross floor area that can be developed at the site. The application also includes a request to change the zoning district of the site from R -1 and R -2 to GEIF (Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities). Finally, the application includes a Use Permit to allow the demolition and replacement of church buildings and the construction of a new Youth and Family Center with a gymnasium; and WHEREAS, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements, a Notice of Preparation (NOP) was filed with the State Clearinghouse, which assigned State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065, indicating that a Environmental Impact Report would be prepared; and WHEREAS, the NOP and an Initial Study were distributed to all responsible and trustee agencies and other interested parties for a 30-day public review period commencing on August 11, 2003 and ending on September 10, 2003; and WHEREAS, in accordance with CEQA requirements, a Notice of Completion (NOC) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was filed with the State Clearinghouse; and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was distributed to agencies, interested organizations, and individuals by the City. The distribution list is available at the City of Newport Beach Planning Department. The Draft EIR dated March 2004 was been distributed separately due to bulk and is hereby designated as EXHIBIT EIR -1 of this Resolution as if fully set herein; and WHEREAS, a 45-day public review period for the Draft EIR was established pursuant to State law, which commenced on March 17, 2004 and ending on April 30, 2004; and WHEREAS, all comments received during the public review period for the Draft EIR were responded to in the Response to Comments (RTC) document dated June 4'�.}G. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1654 Page 2 of 5 2004. Subsequent to the preparation of the responses to comments, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare responses to additional comments received during the process of evaluating the Draft EIR. The additional responses were presented in staff reports and testimony by City staff and consultants who prepared the Draft EIR and were considered by the Planning Commission. These additional responses to comments augment the Response to Comments document and are incorporated therein. The augmented Response to Comment document has been distributed separately due to bulk and is hereby designated as EXHIBIT EIR -2 of this Resolution as if fully set herein. The Planning Commission considered all comments and responses during its review of the Environmental Impact Report and project, and the process did not raise significant new information of a significant environmental impact that would warrant revision of the EIR or recirculation of the EIR for additional public input and/or comment; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2004, August 19, 2004, October 21, 2004, November 18, 2004 and December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission held noticed public hearings at which time the Environmental Impact Report, comments received and responses prepared, as well as the overall project application and architectural plans were considered. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearings was given in accordance with applicable laws and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearings. Responsible and trustee agencies and the public have been given an opportunity to review and comment on the adequacy of the final EIR; and WHEREAS, the draft and final EIR analyzes project — related impacts, potential cumulative impacts, identifies feasible mitigation measures and discusses project alternatives as required by CEQA. WHEREAS, the Final Environmental Impact Report identifies potential significant impacts to the environment and certain mitigation measures designed to reduce or avoid these impacts to a less than significant level. The applicant revised the application during the public review process by reducing the requested net increase in gross floor area from 35,948 to 21,741 square feet to promote the compatibility of the project and reduce impacts of the project. Additionally, proposed parking for the project was changed to reduce on -site parking within a proposed underground parking garage and increase off - street parking at Newport Harbor High School; 4i City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1654 Page 3 of 5 Now therefore, the Planning Commission hereby resolves as follows: The Saint Andrew's Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065) attached to this Resolution by reference has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. 2. The final EIR was presented to the Planning Commission and the Commission reviewed and considered the information contained in the final EIR. 3. The final EIR reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission. 4. The Planning Commission recommends that the Saint Andrew's Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065) be certified by the Newport Beach City Council provided that the conditions of approval attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 are applied to the project. ADOPTED THIS 9'h DAY OF DECEMBER 2004. AYES: Cole Eaton Hawkins, McDaniel- Selich Toerae Tucker NOES: ABSENT: BY: Larry Tucker, Chairman BY: Jeffrey Cole, Secretary J City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1654 Page 4 of 5 EIR -1 Draft Environmental Impact Report for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church including the Technical Appendix (SCH #2003081065) City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1654 Page 5 of 5 EIR -2 Final Environmental Impact Report Responses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (SCH #2003081065) I RESOLUTION NO. 1655 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2003 -001, CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2003 -002 AND USE PERMIT NO. 2002 -056 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 600 ST. ANDREWS ROAD (PA2002 -265). WHEREAS, an application was filed by St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for property identified as 600 St. Andrews Road located at the southwesterly corner of the intersection of 15"' Street and St. Andrews Road. The application requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to increase the maximum allowable gross floor area that can be developed at the site. The application also includes a request to change the zoning district of the site from R -1 and R -2 to GEIF (Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities). Finally, the application includes a Use Permit to allow the demolition and replacement of Church buildings and the construction of a new Youth and Family Center with a gymnasium; and WHEREAS, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements, an Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065) was prepared and evaluated during the review of the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1654 finding that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared in accordance with applicable law with a recommendation that the City Council certify the EIR; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2004, August 19, 2004, October 21, 2004, November 18, 2004 and December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission held public hearings at which time the overall project application, supplemental materials, technical reports, architectural plans and final EIR were considered. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearings was given in accordance with applicable laws and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearings; Now therefore, the Planning Commission hereby resolves as follows: Section No. 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings: 1. As part of the development and implementation of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Land Use Element has been prepared which sets forth objectives, supporting policies and limitations for development in the City of Newport Beach and designates the general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land and building intensities in a number of ways, including floor area limitations. 2. The current gross floor area limit within the Land Use Element of the General Plan for the project site is 100,428 gross square feet. T,, his was, arrest! mate _ of_the.,total..,,. - The "a gross floor area developed prior to 1987 on the St Andrews property. Prior to 1987, there was no floor area limit applicable to the St. Andrew's property nor was there a 42A . 2 I City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 2 of 23 specific floor area limit established with prior project approvals (Use Permit No. 822). The Land Use Element included this floor area as a maximum intensity limit and no additional floor area was projected for future additions. Floor area estimates that were included in the update of the Land Use Element in 1988 were based upon available information to the City at that time, which included building permits, building plans, air photographs and field reconnaissance. With the adoption of the 1988 Land Use Element, the City acknowledged that every care was taken in the preparation of the floor area estimates given the limits of the source information and that there was a possibility for errors. A licensed architect has evaluated the buildings on the St Andrew's property and represents the total gross floor area of the property to be 104,440 square feet. The City has no evidence to suggest that the total area identified by the architect is incorrect. Furthermore, the total gross floor area of the property has not changed from 1987 as no permits for additions have been granted since that time. Therefore, the difference between the 1987 estimate and the actual gross floor area (4,012 sq. ft.) is attributable to an error in the 1987 estimate. Finally, increasing the 1987 estimate by this amount to more accurately reflect the total gross floor area does not constitute an increase in permitted entitlement. 3. The General Plan provides for a sufficient diversity of land uses so that schools, employment, recreation areas, public facilities, churches and neighborhood shopping centers are in close proximity to each resident of the community. The proposed General Plan Amendment does not impact the diversity of land uses as it only requests an increase in gross floor area to be used for religious assembly, incidental religious education and youth programs that presently occur at the site. The application does not include the introduction of new uses inconsistent with the Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities land use designation of the site. 4. The City s General Plan dictates that the City insure redevelopment of older or underutilized properties and preserve the value of property by allowing for some modest growth, while maintaining acceptable levels of traffic service. The net_ -. oeremedepo)ea cons stems increase in Jotal_ development V1, 741.. gross ...square.- feet)_will...not result_in.,, ceteoeaana undesirable levels of service of the circulation system based upon the traffic study oatetetl:au�rana prepared for the project. 5. The General Plan calls for the siting of new buildings and structures to be controlled and regulated to ensure, to the extent practical, the preservation of public views, the preservation of unique natural resources, and to minimize the alteration of natural landforms along bluffs and cliffs. No public views exist through or across the subject property and no natural landforms presently exist at the site. 6. The City's General Plan indicates that the City shall maintain suitable and adequate development standards to ensure that the quality and character of residential neighborhoods are maintained and that non - residential projects are aesthetically pleasing and compatible with surrounding land uses. The City maintains and 16 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 3 of 23 implements development standards through the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. The proposed project includes the rezoning of the site from R -1 & R -2 to GEIF. This change will eliminate residential development standards presently applicable to the institutional uses and buildings that are developed and proposed for the site. Residential development standards are not appropriate nor are they intended to be applicable to institutional uses and the GEIF (Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities) zone is intended to implement the General Plan land use designation applicable to the site of Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. The 21,741 gross square foot expansion of the religious institutional buildings and use as proposed while operating under the proposed conditions it would be operated and/or maintained will be consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the proposed district in which the site is located; will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use; and will not be detrimental to the properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the city for the following reasons based upon the following parameters: a) The project does not provide sufficient off - street parking at the project site in accordance with the Municipal Code if the various buildings are used for assembly or other functions concurrently. The applicant desires to have concurrent occupancy of various buildings and rooms within the overall campus. Limits on the overall site occupancy based upon parking availability are absolutely necessary to find that the expanded facility is compatible with the community. b) St. Andrews Church has offered overall campus occupancy limitations that fluctuate during the week to promote neighborhood compatibility by reducing traffic and parking demands while providing sufficient flexibility for continued use and prosperity of the congregation. At times, these occupancy limits are less than the available parking might otherwise allow using a 3 persons per parked vehicle ratio based upon the parking standard for religious assembly uses within the Municipal Code. The reduced occupancy standards will reduce the possible intensity of activity during the evening hours to be more compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. c) Notwithstanding the occupancy limits and resulting reduced parking demand, the project site can generate a need for parking that exceeds available off -street supply as evidenced I _99-street parking conflicts_ experienced in the.. area.. for - oecacae: m many years. Therefore, the project must provide a minimum of 600 off - street parking spaces for the use of which a minimum of 250 spaces and no more than 290 spaces will be on site. The balance of the parking spaces (a minimum of 315) must be developed within the 15c^ Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School for the use of Newport Mesa School District and St. Andrews Church. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 4 of 23 d) The additional entitlement of 21,741 square feet of gross floor area would not be recommended for approval without the provision of parking as described in this resolution and as required pursuant to the conditions of approval. e) The reduction of on -site parking spaces reduces the amount of grading associated with the excavation of the proposed subterranean garage. This change in the project reduces air emissions and potential air quality impacts associated with the project even though the original project did not create a significant environmental impact with respect to air quality. f) The parking arrangement described herein must be accomplished by a written parking agreement with the Newport Mesa School District for a term of no less than 30 years. Additionally, the parking agreement must be in place prior to approval of the General Plan Amendment, or if it is not, the General Plan entitlement, and consequently the Use Permit, must not be effective without first obtaining a Development Agreement ensuring that a satisfactory parking agreement with the School District is obtained prior to issuing any building permits for the expansion project. The parking agreement must include the increased parking within the le Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School as noted above. g) The project as conditioned will provide better parking management and monitoring provisions, which should increase the efficient use of off- street parking facilities, reduce on- street parking demands, re- direct traffic generated by the Church away from sensitive residential streets and reduce parking conflicts created by traffic and parked vehicles from both the Church and Newport Harbor High School. These factors are considered beneficial and will help preserve and enhance the single family residential area abutting the project site and would not otherwise be realized without project approval. h) The existing use of the site as authorized and regulated by Use Permit No. 822 generates neighborhood compatibility issues due to the intensity of use of the site. Specifically, noise, traffic and parking on streets in the residential area impact area residents negatively from time to time. Conditions of approval within the existing use permit are not adequate to ensure neighborhood compatibility at all times. Although the proposed project is larger in area and will likely lead to increased use of the site that will affect the neighborhood, the project as conditioned will be a benefit to the community and improve the compatibility of the project due to the imposition of the proposed conditions that are believed to be superior to those of Use Permit No. 822. Operational limitations coupled with enhanced reporting/monitoring provisions, increased parking supply available to the broader neighborhood and physical changes to the site (including the gymnasium to enclose outdoor activities, lighting subject to current regulations and the. Clay Street wall to discourage street parking and improve sound attenuation) will mitigate existing conditions and the impact of future activities. N City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 5 of 23 8. The Final EIR includes responses to comments received on the Draft EIR and all comments and responses have been considered by the Planning Commission throughout the evaluation of the proposed project. The issues raised by the comment and responses to comments process did not raise significant new information of a significant environmental impact that would warrant revision of the EIR or recirculation of the EIR for additional public input and /or comment. 9. Conditions of project approval attached include the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. Several mitigation measures were modified and /or replaced during the public review process. In each instance where a mitigation measure was replaced, the replacement condition provides no less protection of the environment and all are considered feasible to implement. Several mitigation measures were amended as the project evolved during the public review process to reflect reductions in area and increases in overall parking supply. For instance, the allowed occupancy levels of the ghurch site was made a function ofj�vailable_parking. The amended-mitigation _: measures as reflected in the final conditions of approval provide the same level of environmental protection and are no less feasible to implement. The replacement and changes to the mitigation measures, and comments related thereto, were evaluated by the Commission during noticed public hearings and it was determined that the changed mitigation measures would not increase the severity of potential environmental impacts nor create any, therefore, recirculation of the EIR was not necessary. 10.A Traffic Study was prepared by Kimley Horn and Associates under the direction and supervision of the City Transportation /Development Services Manager (City Traffic Engineer) in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO). The study found that the originally proposed project consisting of approximately 36,000 gross square feet (net increase) would not cause the Level of Service of the study intersections to deteriorate below a Level of Service D. The reduction of the proposed project to no more than 21,741 gross square feet (net increase) generates fewer trips and since the project average daily trip increase attributable to the smaller project is below 300, the project is exempt from the TPO. 11. Charter Section 423 and Council Policy A -18 requires all proposed General Plan Amendments to be reviewed to determine if the square footage, peak hour vehicle trip or dwelling unit thresholds have been exceeded and a vote by the public is required. Voter approval of the project is not required as the project represents a projected increase of 15 — A.M. and 15— P.M. peak hour trips, 21,741 gross square feet of non - residential floor area and zero residential units. These increases do not cumulatively exceed Charter Section 423 thresholds for a vote as there are no previous amendments approved for Statistical Area H -3. The project will be tracked as a prior amendment per Charter Section 423 and Council Policy A -18. - WSW: campus Deleted: increased canmensurate with the increase In City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 6 of 23 Section No. 2: Based on the aforementioned findings and the administrative record including the testimony presented during the public review process, the Planning Commission hereby recommends the City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 2003 -001 per Exhibit "A ", Code Amendment No. 2003 -002 per Exhibit "B" and Use Permit No. 2002 -056 subject to the conditions of approval set forth in Exhibit "C ". ADOPTED THIS a DAY OF DECEMBER 2004. BY: Larry Tucker, Chairman BY: Jeffrey Cole, Secretary AYES: Cole Eaton Hawkins, McDaniel, Selich Tucker NOES: Toerae ABSENT: 11 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 7 of 23 Exhibit "A" One of the following options should be added to the Land Use Element and all other provisions of the Land Use Element of the General Plan shall remain unchanged: Option No. 1 This option is only recommended should the St. Andrew's Church possess an executed parking agreement consistent with this approval and acceptable to the Planning Commission prior to adoption of the proposed General Plan Amendment. "Cliff Haven Area (Statistical Area 1-13) 3. Church Site at 15th Street and St Andrews Road. This site is designated for Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. The site is allocated 126.181 gross square feet4^^, q- 28 6" Option No. 2 This option is recommended should approval of the proposed General Plan Amendment be desired by the City Council prior to having an executed written agreement for off -site parking for the 15'h Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School. "Cliff Haven Area (Statistical Area 1-13) 3. Church Site at 15th Street and St Andrew's Road. . This site is designated for Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. site is allesated 109,428 sq.-ft- The site has a base allocation of 104 440 so. ft of gross t6 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 8 of 23 Exhibit "B" l(P City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 9 of 23 Exhibit "C" Conditions of Approval Use Permit No. 2002 -056 operational Conditions 1. The hours of operation for the entire Church campus shall be between the hours of 7AM to 10PM daily except that the Youth and Family Center (Building E) may be open till 11 PM Friday and Saturday. With a few exceptions for holiday programs and special events, program events of more than 400 persons shall not start later than 8PM and shall be scheduled to end at least 30 minutes prior to the normal end of operation hours. Administrative meetings, prayer groups and custodial activities may occasionally occur before or after these hours and shall be limited to not more than 40 persons in the aggregate at any one time. 2. Concurrent occupancy of the Church property shall not exceed, at any one time, the number of parking spaces available for use by the Church on the site plus the number of parking spaces in the I Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School to which the Church has the legal right of use pursuant to the off -site parking agreement, at that time, times 3. For example, if the Church has 285 parking spaces on the site, and is entitled to use 100 spaces in the 15th Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School, the maximum concurrent occupancy of the site would be limited to 385 x 3, or 1155 people. Notwithstanding the general occupancy restriction described in the preceding paragraph, the following additional restrictions shall apply: a. Evening maximum concurrent occupancy: two evenings per week at 500 people; two evenings per week at 750 people; two evenings per week at 1,200 people; and one evening per week at 1,300 people. The Church shall, on a quarterly basis, file with the Planning Director a written notice as to which evenings of each week of such quarter will be subject to which occupancy limitations described herein. b. Daytime maximum concurrent occupancy: Sundays at 1,800 people; all days during which Newport Harbor High School is not in session (other than Sundays) and anytime after school hours, 1,200 people; during school hours, concurrent occupancy shall conform to the formula set forth above. c. The occupancy restrictions shall not apply to memorial services. However, _ weekday memorial services with expected attendance over 250 shall _not_be-- peieteaowncn - -� scheduled before 1 PM when parking is not available at the 15"' Street parking lot at NHHS. Evenings are defined as the time after 6PM any given day. lI City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 10 of 23 Notwithstanding these occupancy limitations, concurrent site occupancy within various buildings may exceed the established limits on no more than 8 holidays and special days of worship per year. 3. The applicant shall provide on -site a number of parking spaces equal to 600 spaces, less the number of parking spaces to which the Church is entitled to use in the 1e Street parking facility at Newport Harbor High School, but not more than 290 spaces, nor less than 250 spaces. Therefore, the applicant shall enter into an off -site parking agreement guaranteeing not less than 315 parking spaces in the 1 e Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School for the project site for a minimum duration of 30 years. The form and content of such an agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney and the Planning Commission. The agreement shall be executed prior to the issuance of any building permits for the construction of the St Andrews Expansion project. Furthermore, either the I Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School or the on -site parking lot shall be available for use by the Church at all times during construction. Occupancy of the project site during construction shall be limited to the number of on -site and off -site parking spaces that the Church has the right to use pursuant to the approved Traffic Management Plan for construction, times 3 people. 4. In the event that the Church should lose the right to use parking within the le Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School, the Church shall immediately modify its activities and occupancy to reduce overall parking demand to that commensurate with available off - street parking and may file for an amendment to this use permit to provide alternate, adequate and comparably convenient off -street parking at a separate location. 5. No private school from above kindergarten shall be operated on -site without an amendment to the Use Permit. The maximum concurrent occupancy of the preschool and kindergarten shall be 240 children. 6. Coach bus pick -up and drop -off shall occur at curbside on 15"' Street at the perimeter of the Church property. School bus pick -up and drop-off shall occur within the parking lot at one of the designated drop off points. 7. The storage of Church busses shall be offsite at a location that will not interfere with available on -site or off -site Church parking. No such storage shall result in the bus or other Church vehicles used for the transportation of 10 or more people being in public view on the Church site. 8. The on -site parking facilities shall not be used for activities other than parking and loadinglunloading. Notwithstanding this limitation, use of the on -site parking facility on a day to day basis as a children's play area in conjunction with the preschool, kindergarten is permitted to the extent that the parking spaces are not otherwise needed. Subject to the occupancy limitation described in these conditions, use of the 1� City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 11 of 23 parking facility for other events is allowed and is limited to three (3) afternoons per calendar year and five 5 mornings per calendar year when school is not in session at Newport Harbor High School. Use of the on -site parking facility for any use other than parking shall be properly supervised and must not create any hazardous conditions. No amplified sound shall be allowed at events held in the parking facility. Uses and attendance of the on -site parking facility shall be reported to the City in accordance required monitoring provisions of this Use Permit. 9. A minimum of 40 minutes shall be maintained between worship services, or special events that are expected to have more than 800 participants. 10. The additional total gross floor area (exclusive of the parking structure) that may be, developed on the project site shall not exceed 21,741 square feet in accordance with the plans stamped "Revised" and marked "Received on October 21, 2004.° - 11. Use of the gymnasium shall be limited to Church sponsored events. Church sponsored events are defined as events whose primary focus is an activity for the members of the Church. It does not include youth or adult recreational events which are open to members of the general public, such as basketball or volleyball tournaments or leagues or similar types of events. Use of the gymnasium as a venue concurrent with other assembly spaces within the entire campus shall be subject to the overall site occupancy limitations. 12. Youth events shall be properly supervised to discourage youth from loitering or making excessive noise on the site. The Church shall encourage the use of the below grade lobby circulation area of Building E for access to below grade parking areas for entering and exiting the Youth and Family Center for all youth events. Youth events shall be given priority parking in the lower level of the parking facility. 13. Limited indoor overnight use of the Family and Youth Center Identified on the plans as Building E is permitted for Church youth programs. The number of events shall not exceed 12 per calendar year. The Church shall notify, 24 hours in advance of such overnight events, any resident residing within 300 feet of the project site who has specifically requested such notification. The notice shall include the supervisor's name and the phone number where the supervisor can be reached during the event to report noise or conduct issues. No event shall exceed one (1) night in duration, and no group shall exceed 200 people in the aggregate. 14. Weekday parking during business hours in the lower level parking facility will be assigned to staff and to NHHS students (by permit) to the extent available, except during worship services or special events. 15. During worship services, or special events with over 800 persons in attendance, the Church shall direct event participants (such as choir members and other staff as opposed to typical congregants) to park within the NHHS 15th Street parking lot to Ail City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 12 of 23 the extent they are allowed to do so under the terms of an agreement with the Newport Mesa School District Additionally, other attendees shall be directed to this lot as provided for in the approved Traffic Management Plan for the expansion project as required in other conditions of approval. Ministers, special guest speakers or disabled participants are exempt from this condition. 16.A 6 -foot high screen wall shall be constructed along Clay Street and shall be made of decorative concrete block and shall wrap around both 1e Street and St. Andrews Road per the revised plan dated October 21, 2004. No portion of the wall shall encroach within the public right of way. Landscaping and a permanent irrigation system shall be installed between the wall and the sidewalk. The width of this planting area shall be a minimum of 4 feet wide. The planting area shall provide adequate area for trees and plantings to screen or soften the wall in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The design of the wall and the landscaping between the wall and the sidewalk shall be subject to the review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. Should any portion of the landscape planting area be within the public right of way, the applicant shall be responsible for maintenance of all improvements in such planting area. 17. The applicant shall implement all measures contained within the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for Construction and the Traffic Management Plan for the St. Andrew's Expansion Project both prepared by Linscott Law & Greenspan and dated November 24, 2004. These TMPs shall be subject to further review and revision by the City Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. Thereafter, modifications of the TMPs may be authorized from time to time by the City Traffic Engineer and Planning Director provided that they are limited to eliminating unnecessary aspects of the TMPs or implementing new or altered traffic or parking management techniques that improve traffic and parking management. Should any conflicts between the TMPs and these conditions of approval, the conditions of approval shall take precedence. 18. The project shall provide emergency access to and from Clay Street as required by the Building Code and the Fire Marshal. Each of these access points, including the driveway from Clay Street to the on -site parking lot, shall be gated and shall be available for emergency access only. Each access point shall not be designed or otherwise used for non - emergency vehicular or pedestrian ingresslegress to the site. The Building Department and Fire Department shall review and approve the access points and gates prior to the approval of a building permit for the project. 19. The St. Andrews Road driveway accessing the parking lot shall be a left in and right out only and be closed (except for emergency exittentrance) after 5:OOPM. The applicant shall make necessary changes to the configuration of the driveway on the site plan to discourage other turning movements. The applicant shall install proper regulatory signs accordingly. The design of the driveway and the location and Ii City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 13 of 23 content of signs shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 20. The Church shall monitor daily occupancy of the entire Church campus and shall file a written report of the occupancy with the Planning Director on a quarterly basis. The content of the monitoring reports shall be specified by the Planning Director and shall be sufficiently detailed to document compliance with the maximum concurrent occupancy limits for the various daily time periods established in these conditions. The Director can, at any time, increase the reporting requirements beyond those initially established as needed to document compliance. 21. Corridors, vestibules, foyers and storage areas as shown on the floor plans for Building E shall not be used as meeting space/area and shall not have seating. Standard Conditions Planning Department 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the plans stamped "Revised" and marked "Received on October 21, 2004" except as modified by other conditions. 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. Project approvals shall expire unless exercised within 36 months from the effective date of approval as specified in Section 20.91.050A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Reasonable extensions may be granted by the Planning Director in accordance with applicable regulations. 4. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by property owner. 5. This Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the City Council or Planning Commission should they determine that the use or one or more of the conditions set forth herein is not being complied with, or the manner in which the project is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 6. The applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect or licensed architect for on -site and adjacent off -site planting areas. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices. Except for that portion of the landscape plan that is subject to the Al City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 14 of 23 approval of the Planning Commission, the landscape plans shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. All planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground automatic sprinkler irrigation system of a design suitable for the type and arrangement of the plant materials selected. Planting areas adjacent to vehicular activity shall be protected by a continuous concrete curb or similar permanent barrier. Landscaping shall be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 7. All landscape materials and landscaped areas shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 8. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets, and shall be sound attenuated in accordance with Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, Community Noise Control. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for the payment of all applicable City plan check and inspection fees. 10. Exterior on -site lighting shall be shielded and confined within site boundaries. No direct rays or glare are permitted to shine onto public streets or adjacent sites or create a public nuisance. ' Walpak° type fixtures are not permitted. All exterior lighting fixtures shall have zero cut -off fixtures and light standards for the parking lot shall not exceed 20 feet in height. Light standards for exterior walkways shall not exceed 10 feet in height. Other exterior light sources shall be no higher than 4 feet.' This condition shall not apply to the lighting of the existing cross. 11. The applicant shall prepare a photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. The building and grounds shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, based on the opinion of the Planning Director, the illumination creates . an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Planning Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 12. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Vacuum /sweeping trucks shall be prohibited in the on-site parking facility between the hours of 10PM and 6AM. WE City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 15 of 23 Planning Department • Mitigation Measures 13. The construction and equipment staging area shall be located in the least visually prominent area on the site and shall be properly maintained and/or screened to minimize potential unsightly conditions. 14. A six -foot high screen and security fence shall be placed around the parking lot at the property line during construction. 15. Construction equipment and materials shall be properly stored on the site when not in use. 16. The project shall comply with SCAQMD Rule 403, which requires that "... every reasonable precaution (is taken) to minimize fugitive dust emissions ..." from grading operations to control particulate emissions, shall be implemented during the grading and construction phase. 17. The project shall comply with SCAQMD Rules 431.1 and 431.2, which require the use of low sulfur fuel for stationary construction equipment. 18. The project shall comply with Title 24 energy - efficient design regulations as well as the provision of window glazing, wall insulation, and efficient ventilation methods in accordance with Uniform Building Code requirements. 18. During demolition and excavation, daily total haul trucks shall travel no more than a cumulative 2005 miles per day hauling materials from the site to and from the dumping site. 20. Prior to commencement of demolition and grading the project applicant shall submit to the City maps and /or calculations showing the proposed travel route for haul trucks, the distance traveled, and how many daily truck trips that can be accommodated while keeping the cumulative miles traveled to below 2005 miles each day. The daily haul truck trips shall not exceed 2005 miles during demolition and excavation activities. 21.The applicant shall submit written evidence to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning that a certified paleontologist and archaeologist have been retained to observe grading activities and salvage and catalogue fossils and artifacts as necessary. The paleontologist and archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grade conference, shall establish procedures for paleontological and archaeological resource surveillance and shall establish, in cooperation with the City, procedures or temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification and evaluation of the findings. If archaeological and/or paleontological resources are discovered, which require long -term halting or redirecting of grading, the archaeologistfpaleonologist shall report such findings to the applicant and City. The archaeologist/paleontologist shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the applicant, which ensure proper a3 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 16 of 23 exploration and/or salvage. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City, or its designee, on a first - refusal basis. The applicant may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said finds are of special significance, or a museum in Orange County indicates a desire to study and/or display them at the time, in which case items shall be donated to the City, or designee. 22.A site - specific foundation subsurface investigation for planned structures shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of the grading permit to verify subsidence and liquefaction potential. The foundation subsurface investigation shall identify specific measures to ensure that proposed structures are designed to withstand the potential secondary seismic effects. 23. All construction shall conform to the 1997 edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction except as specifically amended by the Contract Documents. All work shall be done in accordance with: (1) the Special Provisions; (2) the Plans for this project; (3) the latest 1997 American Public Works Association Standard Plans as amended; (4) the Newport Beach Standard Drawings; and (5) the most current locally adopted version of the California Building Code. 24. The removal of asbestos containing materials shall be performed in accordance with methods specified in 8 CCR 1529, SCAQMD Rule 1403. 25. Friable asbestos containing materials (e.g., pipe insulation material, spray-applied ceiling texture material, etc.) removal shall be conducted in strict accordance with Class I asbestos work requirements set for in Cal -OSHA regulations. 26. Non - friable asbestos containing materials (e.g., floor tile and mastic, window putty, roofing materials, joint compound, linoleum, etc.) removal shall be conducted in strict accordance with Class II asbestos work requirements as set forth in Cal -OSHA regulations. 27.Any demolition refuse that contains contaminated materials (e.g., asbestos- containing materials) shall be transported in an appropriate manner to a landfill that is certified to receive such waste. 28.A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with the General Permit for Construction Activities shall be prepared, submitted to the State Water Quality Control Board for approval and made part of the construction program. The project applicant shall provide the City with a copy of the NOI and their application check as proof of filing with the State Water Quality Control Board. This plan shall detail measures and practices that will be in effect during construction to minimize the project's impact on water quality. �4 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 17 of 23 29.AII development proposed for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church shall be reviewed for consistency with applicable provisions of the Building Code, Noise Ordinance and other applicable codes and ordinances prior to issuance of building permits. 30. The applicant shall post signs, prior to demolition work, along 15th Street and cross streets in the vicinity of the property that provide adequate warning to motorists, construction workers and heavy truck drivers, and bicyclists warning each of the potential increased hazards. Upon completion of the construction, the signs shall be removed. 31. The applicant shall submit a Construction Traffic Control Plan (including a bike lane detour plan if determined necessary by the City's Traffic Engineer), which shall be prepared by a registered traffic engineer. The Construction Traffic Control Plan shall also identify the need for flagmen to direct traffic, if determined necessary. This plan shall be approved by the City's Traffic Engineer prior to issuance of the demolition permit. 32. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise - generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 33. A noise study shall be prepared and submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of building permits. This noise study shall estimate noise levels generated by the proposed mechanical equipment at the closest residence. Compliance with the Noise Ordinance limits shall be demonstrated, including the provision of any measures determined necessary to meet the limits specked. The mechanical equipment shall not generate an A- weighted average (Leq) noise level of greater than 55 dBA during the daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and 50 dBA during the nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). If the nighttime noise limit cannot be achieved a timer can be used to limit the operation of the system to the daytime hours. The study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer and submitted to the City of Newport Beach for approval prior to the issuance of building permits. This will ensure that the mechanical equipment constructed with the project does not result in a significant noise impact. 34. The final proposed site plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Newport Beach Police Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 35. The structures shall be constructed so that the subterranean parking lot can be closed off to vehicular and pedestrian traffic when not in use (i.e., automatic or manual gate).. 36. The subterranean parking structure shall be well lit during the day and night. In addition to the subterranean lot, the ground level parking shall be lit at night to allow individuals the ability to identify someone from 100 feet away. The final photometric plan shall be 25 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 18 of 23 subject to the review by the Newport Beach Police Department to verify compliance prior to the issuance of a building permit. 37. Convex mirrors shall be used to eliminate hiding places within the subterranean parking structure. The number and location of such mirrors shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and Newport Beach Police Department. 38. If Newport Harbor High School students are given a permit or are allowed to park in at the St. Andrews site during school, the Church shall establish on -site student parking regulations and may revoke a student permit at will 39. Prior to issuance of the demolition permit, the Church or contractor shall submit a Construction Traffic Control Plan (including a bike lane detour plan), to be prepared by. a registered traffic engineer and submitted to the City of Newport Beach for approval. Approval shall be required prior to issuance of the authorization to proceed. All traffic control work for construction shall conform to the requirements as stipulated by the City of Newport Beach, including lane reductions, use of flagmen, etc. 40. Heavy construction vehicles, including trucks hauling construction equipment, dirt, debris and other materials, shall be limited to non -peak hours during the construction phase when those activities occur during the school year. 41. The design of the parking facilities, including the parking structure, shall incorporate features to facilitate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, and to encourage full use of the on -site parking spaces. Such design features would include: (1) the installation of adequate lighting and light - colored paint in all parking aisles corridors, elevators and stairwells; (2) convenient access to stairs and elevators from all areas of the structure; and clear signage to direct drivers and pedestrians to their desired destinations. 42.0nce a successful circulation and parking procedure is developed, it shall be communicated regularly to the Church membership through Church bulletins and the Church website. The applicant shall make an announcement during of Sunday services no less than once per month requesting that congregants not park on the residential streets surrounding the Church and that they park in available off -street locations. 43. Consideration shall be given to adding services at alternative times, such as Sunday afternoon, to disperse parking demands. 44. All Church staff shall park on -site during the weekdays, and not use the street parking, thereby not adding to the on- street parking demand on school days. FIB City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 19 of 23 45. St Andrews Presbyterian Church shall consider issuing a greater number of parking permits to Newport Harbor High School to reduce the need for neighborhood street parking by students and staff on school days. Police Department 46. Directional signage shall be provided throughout the parking structure. a) Signs shall indicate stairwell and elevator locations, and exit paths for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. b) Signage shall be a minimum of 12 inches in height with a contrasting background. c) All signs shall be displayed no less than 60 inches from the parking surface and be highly visible from within any portion of the structure. 47. All enclosed stairwells accessing the parking structure shall have the following design features: a) Shatter resistant mirrors or other equally reflective material shall be placed at each level and landing to provide visibility around corners. b) Open areas below the stairwells shall be fully enclosed, therefore restricting access to these locations. c) Stairwells shall be illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained two foot - candles of light on the landings and stair treads. 48. All exterior doors leading to stairwell access throughout the facility including the subterranean parking structure shall have window glazing panels with a minimum five -inch width and 20 -inch height and shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. This requirement shall also apply to the doors from the underground parking area to the elevator lobby. 49. Elevators located within the parking structure shall be designed with the following features: a) The elevators shall remain illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained two foot - candles of light at floor level. b) All emergency stop buttons shall be installed and connected to an alarm that would activate when the button is pressed. c) All elevator interiors shall have shatter resistant mirrors or other equally reflective material making visible the entire elevator cab prior to an individual entering. FII City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 20 of 23 Building Department 50. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy permit, all improvements shall be constructed in a manner consistent with these conditions and meeting the approval of the Building Department. 51. The proposed project shall conform to the requirements of the California Building Code including any local amendments and State Disabled Access requirements, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department. Fire 52.Each individual building, including the parking garage, shall be protected with an automatic fire suppression sprinkler and alarm system subject to the review and approval of the Newport Beach Fire Department. The sprinkler system shall be monitored by a UL certified alarm service company if required by the Fire Department. 53. Approved address numbers shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position that is plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall be of made of non - combustible materials, shall contrast with their background, and shall be either internally or externally illuminated to be visible at night. Number shall be no less than six inches in height with a one -inch stroke. 54. The project shall include all requirements identified in "Modification Request Case No. 2003 -135. Public Works Department 55. All improvements within the public right of way shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 56. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. The applicant shall prepare a construction phasing plan and construction delivery plan that includes routing of large vehicles prior to the issuance of building permits for new construction. Large construction vehicles shall not be permitted to travel narrow streets and alleys as determined by the Public Works Department. 57.Arrangements shall be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 58. Utility connections for new buildings and the parking garage shall be underground to 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 21 of 23 the nearest appropriate pole. 59. Each building shall be served by an individual water and sewer connection. The water meter and sewer clean out, if located within a proposed driveway or parking area, shall have a traffic -grade box and cover. 60. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or other applicable section or chapter, street trees shall be required and shall be subject to the review and approval of the General Services and Public Works Departments. 61. Fair Share traffic mitigation fees shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of any building or grading permit for construction of the project. 62. The on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review and approval by the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. A minimum of 250 parking spaces shall be provided on -site. Numerous dead end areas within the parking lot hinder circulation and shall be eliminated or provided with designated turnaround areas to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 63.AII parking areas shall conform to City Standard 805 -L -A. The plans shall be revised to conform and shall be subject to final approval of the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit for new construction. 64. Widen sidewalks and planters to act as wheel stops as directed by the Traffic Engineer. The maximum allowable overhang is 2.5 feet. 65. Disabled parking shall be redistributed such that Buildings C, D & E each have disabled parking located in close proximity to entrances. 66.The project shall conform to sight distance standard 110-L contained within the Newport Beach Design Criteria, Standard Special Provisions & Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction. Final designs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 67. All landscape planter noses within the parking lot shall be reduced in length by 2 feet as directed by the Traffic Engineer. 68.The final plans shall provide information detailing the closure of the Clay Street driveway for normal vehicular traffic. The information shall specify all devices and treatment of parking isles adjacent to the driveway. 69. The existing patio area and stairs within the St. Andrews Road right of way shall be eliminated or the applicant shall apply for an Encroachment Permit and receive approval to maintain these structures. a`l City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 22 of 23 70. The two existing driveways cuts (St. Andrews Road & 1e Street) as shown on the plans do not align with on -site driveways. On -site driveways shall align with the top of the "driveway x." The plans shall be revised to conform and shall be subject to final approval of the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit for new construction. 71.A drainage plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a Building Permit showing the method for control and disposal of all waters flowing into, across and from the building site and statement setting forth the method by which facilities shall be maintained. 72. Street, drainage and utility improvements shall be shown of standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer. All non - standard improvements shall be shown on standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer and shall be separately reviewed by the Public Works Department pursuant to applicable standards and procedures. 73.The on -site storm drain system shall be privately maintained. Fossil filters or equivalent measures shall be included as part of the design of catch basins and curb inlets. An on -site clarifier shall be provided. 74. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a complete hydrology and hydraulic study (include off -site areas affecting the development) shall be prepared by a qualified engineer and approved by the Building Department. The report shall include a drainage plan and detailed drainage studies indicating how the grading, in conjunction with the drainage conveyance systems including applicable swales, channels, street flows, catch basins, storm drains, and flood water retarding, will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from rainfall runoff which may be expected from all storms up to and including the theoretical 100 -year flood. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. 75. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit an erosion /siltation control plan to the Building Department for review and approval. The plan shall incorporate storm water pollutant control. 76. Prior to initiation of any earthwork activities or issuances of any grading permit, the applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to the City for review and approval (Building & Public Works Department). The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be maintained on -site throughout the construction phase and shall be made available to the public for review, upon request. 77. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall obtain a NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit. The applicant shall incorporate storm water pollutant control into erosion control plans using Best 311 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 Page 23 of 23 Management Practices to the maximum extent possible. Evidence that proper clearances have been obtained through the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) shall be given to the Building Department prior to issuance of a grading permits. 78. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying the Best Management Practices (BMP's) that will be used on site to control predictable pollutant runoff. The plan shall identify the types of structural and non - structural measures to be used. The plan shall comply with the Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP). Particular attention should be addressed to the appendix section "Best Management Practices for New Development." The WQMP shall clearly show the locations of structural BMP's, and assignment of long term maintenance responsibilities (which shall also be included in the Maintenance Agreement). The plan shall be prepared to the format shown in "Attachment C" of the DAMP title "Water Quality Management Plan Outline" and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 79. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the following improvements shall be designed in a manner meeting the approval of the Building Department: a) All provisions for surface drainage. b) All necessary storm drain facilities extending to a satisfactory point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of storm runoff. c) Where determined necessary by the Building Department, associated public street and utility easements shall be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach. 80.Applicant shall ensure that all construction contractor and subcontractor personnel are made aware of the required best management practices and good housekeeping measures for the project site and any associated construction lay -down areas. 81. During the construction phase the project applicant shall exercise special care to prevent any offske siltation. Project applicant shall properly maintain all temporary erosion and sediment control measures until the Building Department approves the removal of said measures. 82. During the construction phase, the applicant shall comply with the following requirements: a) No construction materials, debris, or waste shall be placed or stored where it may enter a storm drain or be subject to tidal erosion or dispersion. b) All construction materials, wastes, grading or demolition debris, and stockpiles of soil, aggregates, soil amendments, etc. shall be properly covered, stored, and secured to prevent transport into coastal waters by wind, rain, or tracking. 31 BRUCE C. STUART 333 PutATE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949)7254118 February 10, 2005 Via Email (PDF) (JCampbell@City.Newport- Beach.CA.US James Campbell, Senior Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92658 Dear Mr. Campbell I have reviewed the revised Resolution No. 1655 forwarded to me. Enclosed is one minor correction. As stated in my letter of January 2&, the neighbors are still strongly opposed to the project and therefore still respectively disagree with many of the findings. In addition and to repeat certain of those comments: 1. The neighbors strongly disagree with setting occupancy limits based on a 3 person per vehicle ratio based on the evidence the actual utilization is far less. 2. In paragraph 6(h) of the conditions, the neighbors do not believe there is any effective "monitoring ", only reporting by the Church. 3. We are concerned that the definition of a "few exceptions for holidays" is vague. 4. It was our understanding that before the project actually was undertaken the School District Agreement had to be in place. The condition as presently drafted seems to say that the demolition and/or grading permits could be issued prior to that Agreement being in place. I presume you will forward these to the Commission. Very truly yours, r� \*ce C. Stuart BCS:ssd Enclosure cc: Don Krotee (w /encl.) Gary McKitterick (w /encl.) Bill Dunlap (w /encl.) Larry Tucker (w /encl.) Herb Smith DOCSOC110931320/19999 -0000 C., x , 3 3 r City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. -� ..• oaeudc_ M. Page 9 d23 Exhibit "C" Conditions of Approval Use Permit No. 2002 -058 Operational Corkdhions 1. The hours of operation for the entire hr rohi ,-campus shall be between the hours of 7AM to 1OPM daily except that the Youth and Family Center (Building E) may be open till 11 PM Friday and Saturday. With a few exceptions for holiday programs and special events, program events of more than 400 persons shall not start later than 8PM and shall be scheduled to and at least 30 minutes prior to the normal end of operation hours. Administrative meetings, prayer groups and custodial activities may occasionally occur before or after these hours and shall be limited to not more than 40 person - t rsaate at a --one time.-- -------- - -- ---- - --- ------- . --- -- --' 2. Concurrent occupancy of theQhurch .roper!! shall not xceeds at anyone nme, the number of parking spaces available for use by the .............. urch on 4hLA ok!s ttie number of parking spaces in the 11& Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School to which the Church has the legal right of use pursuant to the off -site parking agreement, at that time, times 3. For example, if the Church has 285 parking spaces on3he site,•and is entitled to use 100 sp -aces in the 15 Streetpariring lot at Newport Harbor Hich Sdiooi, Bra r ximum corxurrentoccupancy or the site would be limited to 385 x 3, or 1155 people. Notwithstanding the general occupancy restriction described In the preceding paragraph, the following additional restrictions shall apply: a. Evening maximum concurrent occupancy: two evenings per week at 500 peop[q.. -... -i (modvAftsivilbe two evenings per week at 750 people; two evenings per week at 1,200 people; t and one evening per week at 1,300 people. The Church shall, pn•a -- a.�v_:. -• o.. :byaMs1•aeamya W6-& file with the Planning Director a written notice as to which evenings of each DdeW G yMr b w 14 week of such �'_�arter ±eill 6e- subject to which _occupancy - limitations- described OakMd`YM °vf� •- -- -- --- ----..__._- oer.aea :year herein. b. Daytime maximum concurrent occupancy- Sundays at 1,800 people: all days during which Newport Harbor High School is not in session (other than Sundays) and anytime after pchooi hours 1.200•people;_during_ school hoursLconcurrent _..•- ueicred: occupancy shall conform to the formula set forth above. C. The occupancy restrictions shall not apply to memorial servi o.iered and weekday memorial services with expected attendance over 250 shall not be scheduled before 1 PM when parking is not available at the 1 t parking ; { —� lot at NHHS, _....- - - - -- - - - - - — - -- --- ---------- --- ----------------- ------- ' . petetN: Evenings are defined as the time after 8PM any given d r 34 I Memorandum City of Newport Beach Planning Department To: Planning Commission From: James Campbell, Senior PlannerU Date: January 27, 2005 Re: St. Andrews Resolutions Attached are the latest revised resolutions with deleted text in strikeout and added text underlined. Please let me know if you have any questions. CC: Don Krotee Bruce Stewart Philip Bettencourt Herb Smith 1 fix. /-1 35 RESOLUTION NO. 1654 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFY THE SAINT ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IS 2003081m) FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2003-001, CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2003-002 AND USE PERMIT NO. 2002-066 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 600 ST. ANDREWS ROAD (PA2002- 65 . . ... ..... ... ... .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. ... . . . WHEREAS, an application was filed by St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for property identified as 600 St. Andrews Road located at the southMsterty corner_of the intersection of I Street and St. Andrews Road. The application requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to increase the maximum allowable gross floor area that can be developed at the site. The application also includes a request to change the zoning district of the site from R -1 and R -2 to GEIF (Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities). Finally, the application includes a Use Permit to allow the demolition and replacement of church buildings and the construction of a new Youth and Family Center with a gymnasium; and WHEREAS, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements, a Notice of Preparation (NOP) was filed with the State Clearinghouse, which assigned State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065, indicating that a Environmental Impact Report would be prepared; and WHEREAS, the NOP and an Initial Study were distributed to all responsible and trustee agencies and other interested parties for a 30 -day public review period commencing on August 11, 2003 and ending on September 10, 2003; and WHEREAS, in accordance with CEQA requirements, a Notice of Completion (NOC) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was filed with the State Clearinghouse; and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was distributed to agencies, interested organizations, and individuals by the City. The distribution list is available at the City of Newport Beach Planning Department. The Draft EIR dated March 2004 was been distributed separately due to bulk and is hereby designated as EXHIBIT EIR -1 of this Resolution as if fully set herein; and D!jM j- PRESBVERIAN DeDetaU: WHEREAS, a 45-day public review period for the Draft EIR was established pursuant to State law, which commenced on March 17, 2004 and ending on April 20,_,.- Delseea: as 2004; and WHEREAS, all comments received during the public review period for the Draft EIR were responded to in the Response to Comments (RTC) document dated June 31 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No.,1154 -. -, Page 2 of 5 2004. Subsequent to the preparation of the responses _to_ comments the Planning_,,- Delflf .2009. Commission directed staff to prepare responses to additional comments received during the process of evaluating the Draft EIR. The additional responses were presented in staff reports and testimony by City staff and consultants who prepared the Draft EIR and were considered by the Planning Commission. These additional responses to comments augment the Response to Comments document and are incorporated therein. The augmented Response to Comment document has been distributed separately due to bulk and is hereby designated as EXHIBIT EIR -2 of this Resolution as if fully set herein. The Planning Commission considered all comments and responses during its review of the Environmental Impact Report and project and the process did comment; WHEREAS, on May 20, 2004, August 19, 2004, October 21, 2004, November 18, 2004 and December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission held noticed public hearings at which time the Environmental Impact Report, comments received and responses prepared, as well as the overall project application and architectural plans were_ , _ - Deleted: wes considered. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearings was given in accordance with applicable laws and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearings. Responsible and trustee agencies and the public have been given an opportunity to review and comment on the adequacy of the final EIR; and WHEREAS, the draft and final EIR analyzes project — related impacts, potential cumulative impacts, identifies feasible mitigation measures and discusses project alternatives as required by CEQA. WHEREAS, the Final Environmental Impact Report identifies potential significant impacts to the environment and certain mitigation measures designed to reduce or avoid these impacts to a less than significant level. The applicant revised the application during the public review process by reducing the requested net increase in gross floor area from 35,948 to 21,741 square feet _to_promote the compatibility _of the Wgiect and, -- Ddecedaa. reduce impacts of the project. Additionally, proposed parking for the project was changed to reduce onsite parking within a proposed. underground_ parking garage and increase off - street parking at Newport Harbor High School; City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1654-.-- oe�ud:- Page 3 of 5 Now therefore, the Planning Commission hereby resolves as follows: 1. The Saint Andrew's Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065) attached to this Resolution by reference has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. 2. The final EIR was presented to the Planning Commission and the Commission reviewed and considered the information contained in the final EIR. 3. The final EIR reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission. 4. The Planning Commission recommends that the Saint Andrew's Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065) be certified by the Newport Beach City Council provided that the conditions of approval attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 are applied_to theproject . ...... . .. .. . _ ._ ..._ .. . _.... ADOPTED THIS a DAY OF DECEMBER 2004. AYES: Cole Eaton Hawkins McDaniel, Selich Toeroe Tucker NOES: ABSENT: BY: . Larry Tucker, Chairman BY: Jeffrey Cole, Secretary 3� City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1, 654_ — Page 4 of 5 EIR -1 Draft Environmental impact Report for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church including the Technical Appendix (SCH#2003081065) iO City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1654_ , oeiema- 1 Page 5 of 5 EIR -2 Final Environmental Impact Report Responses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (SCH#2003081065) 41 RESOLUTION NO. 1655 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2003 -001, CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2003-002 AND USE PERMIT NO. 2002 -056 FOR —� PROPERTY LOCATED AT 600 ST. ANDREWS ROAD (PA2002- 65 ._._ _ _ _, _ _. _ _ - -- oeFftmu° 286 WHEREAS, an application was filed by St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for property identified as 600 St. Andrews Road located at the .southwesterly comer of the _ - -- Deleted: na Mwoete ty intersection of 15"' Street and St. Andrews Road. The application requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to increase the maximum allowable gross floor area that can be developed at the site. The application also includes a request to change the zoning district of the site from R -1 and R -2 to GEIF (Government, Educational and Institutional Facilities). Finally, the application includes a Use Permit to allow the demolition and replacement of ghurch ._ buildings_and the_oonstruction of a_ new _and Family_ _ -- WOW: d arch Center with a gymnasium; and WHEREAS, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements, an Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081065) was prepared and evaluated during the review of the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1654 finding that _ - -- De�ema:_maune,Wrna —� the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared in accordance with applicable law with a recommendation that the City Council certify the EIR; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2004, August 19, 2004, October 21, 2004, November 18, 2004 and December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission held public hearings at which time )he overall project_ application, _supplemental materials, reports,, - -- _ architectural plans and final EIR were considered. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearings was given in accordance with applicable laws and testimony was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearings; Now therefore, the Planning Commission hereby resolves as follows: Section No. 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings: 1. As part of the development and implementation of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Land Use Element has been prepared which, sets forth objectives,_ supporting_ policies and limitations for development in the City of Newport Beach and designates the general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land and building intensities in a number of ways, including floor area limitations. rormattad; Spam Before: 1 pt n9 After: 12 pt m Fo atted: Wlets and Nunbed City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655... - Page 2 of 23 3. The General Plan provides for a sufficient diversity of land uses so that schools, employment, recreation areas, public facilities, Qurches _ and neighborhood_ oareuaccmuldWs — � shopping centers are in close proximity to each resident of the community. The proposed General Plan Amendment does not impact the diversity of land uses as it only requests an increase in gross floor area to be used for religious assembly, incidental religious education and youth programs that presently occur at the site. The application does not include the introduction of new uses inconsistent with the Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities land use designation of the site. 4 ^The City's General Plan dictates that the City insure redevelopment of older or underutilized properties and preserve the value of property by allowing for some modest growth, while maintaining acceptable levels of traffic service. The project consists of -g_net increase in the total development allocation_ of 21,741. gross.square._ feet, which will not result in undesirable levels of service of the circulation system based upon the traffic study prepared for the project. The General Plan calls for the siting of new buildings and structures to be controlled and regulated to ensure, to the extent practical, the preservation of public views, the . preservation of unique natural resources, and to minimize the alteration of natural landforms along bluffs and cliffs. No public views exist through or across the subject property and no natural landforms presently exist at the site. 6. The City's General Plan indicates that the City shall maintain suitable and adequate development standards to ensure that the quality and character of residential neighborhoods are maintained and that non - residential projects are aesthetically pleasing and compatible with surrounding land uses. The City maintains and 4q City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 - Dekietl:_ Page 3 of 23 implements development standards through the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. The proposed project includes the rezoning of the site from R -1 & R -2 to GEIF. This change will eliminate residential development standards presently applicable to the institutional uses and buildings that are developed and proposed for the site. Residential development standards are not appropriate nor are they intended to be applicable to institutional uses and the GEIF (Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities) zone is intended to implement the General Plan land use designation applicable to the site of Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. 7. The 21,741 gross square foot expansion of the religious institutional buildings and use as proposed while operating under the proposed conditions it would be operated and/or maintained will be consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the proposed district in which the site is located; will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use; and will not be detrimental to the properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the city for the following reasons based upon the following parameters: a) The project does not provide sufficient off- street parking. at the project site in accordance with the Municipal Code if the various buildings are used for assembly or other functions concurrently. The applicant desires to have concurrent occupancy of various buildings and rooms within the overall campus. Limits on the overall site occupancy based upon parking availability are absolutely necessary to find that the expanded facility is compatible with the community. b) St. Andrews Church has offered overall campus occupancy limitations that fluctuate during the week to promote neighborhood compatibility by reducing traffic and parking demands while providing sufficient flexibility for continued use and prosperity of the congregation. At times, these occupancy limits are less than the available parking might otherwise allow using a 3 persons per parked vehicle ratio based upon the parking standard for religious assembly uses within the Municipal Code. The reduced occupancy standards will reduce the possible intensity of activity during the evening hours to be more compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. c) Notwithstanding the occupancy limits and resulting reduced parking demand, the project site can generate a need for parking that exceeds available off - street supply as evidenced. rn on- street parking, conflicts experienced in the area for Deleted: wklm many years. Therefore, the project must provide a minimum of 600 off - str e eet parking spaces for the use of which a minimum of g50 spaces and no more than Deiaud:280 290 spaces will be on site. The balance of the parking spaces (a minimum of 315) must be developed within the 15th Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School for the use of Newport Mesa School District and St. Andrews Church. 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No.-1655,-.-- oe�eted:_ Page 4 of 23 d) The additional entitlement of 21,741 square feet of gross floor area would not be recommended for approval without the provision of parking as described in this resolution and as required pursuant to the conditions of approval. e) The reduction of on -site parking spaces reduces the amount of grading associated with the excavation of the proposed subterranean garage. This change in the project reduces air emissions and potential air quality impacts associated with the project even though the original project did not create a oekced:caemai .significant environmental impact twith. respect to air_qualit5!c ._ f) The parking arrangement described herein must be accomolished by a. written_ - -- oe�eted:aaaapamed wan parking agreement with the Newport Mesa School District for a term of no less than 30 years. Additionally, the parking agreement must be in place prior to approval of the General Plan Amendment, or if it is not, the General Plan entitlement, and consequently the Use Permit, must not be effective without first obtaining a Development Agreement ensuring that a satisfactory parking agreement with the School District is obtained prior to issuing any building permits for the expansion project. The parking agreement must include the increased parking within the 151h Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School as noted above. g) The project as conditioned will provide better parking management and monitoring provisions, which should increase the efficient use of off- street parking facilities, reduce on- street parking demands, re- direct traffic generated by the QuLrch away_ from_ sensitive residential streets and reduce parking._conflicts_ -_- Deleted: da M created by traffic and parked vehicles from both the Church and Newport Harbor High School. These factors are considered beneficial and will help preserve and enhance the single family residential area abutting the project site and would not otherwise be realized without project approval. h) The existing use of the site as authorized and regulated by Use Permit No. 822 generates neighborhood compatibility issues due to the intensity of use of the site. Specifically, noise, traffic and parking on streets in the residential area impact area residents negatively from time to time. Conditions of approval within the existing use permit are not adequate to ensure neighborhood compatibility at all times. Although the proposed project is larger in area and will likely lead to increased use of the site that will affect the neighborhood, the project as conditioned will be a benefit to the community and improve the compatibility of the project due to the imposition of the proposed conditions that are believed to be superior to those of Use Permit No. 822. Operational limitations coupled with enhanced reporting/monitoring provisions, jncreased varking_supply, available to_ - -- Delemd: nc ease the broader neighborhood and physical changes to the site (including the gymnasium to enclose outdoor activities, lighting subject to current regulations_ -,- oeleeed:d and the Clay Street wall to discourage street parking and improve sound attenuation) will mitigate existing conditions and the impact of future activities. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1`55__ , - Deli Page 5 of 23 The Final EIR includes responses to comments received on the Draft EIR and all—rormatteo: Bu ea and rvumbedy� comments and responses have been considered by the Planning Commission throughout the evaluation of the proposed project. The issues raised by the comment and responses to comments process did not raise significant new _ _ - r elated: wewN wbannati information of a significant environmental impact that would warrant revision of the EIR or recirculation of the EIR for additional public input and/or comment. 9. Conditions of project approval attached include the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. Several mitigation measures were modified and/or replaced during the public review process. In each instance where a mitigation measure was replaced, the replacement condition provides no less protection of the environment and all are considered feasible to implement. Several mitigation measures were amended as the project evolved during the public review process to reflect reductions in area and . increases in overall parking supply. For instance, the occupancy level of the campus eras increased commensurate with the increase in evailable_parking The amended_, oetawd:•«b damns mitigation measures as reflected in the final conditions of approval provide the same level of environmental protection and are no less feasible to implement. The replacement and changes to the mitigation measures, and comments related thereto, were evaluated by the Commission during noticed public hearings and it was determined that the changed mitigation measures would not increase the severity of potential environmental impacts nor create any, therefore, recirculation of the EIR was not necessary. 10.A Traffic Study was prepared by Kimley Horn and Associates under the direction and supervision of the City Transportation /Development Services Manager (City Traffic Engineer) in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO). The study found that the originally proposed project consisting of approximately 36,000 gross square feet (net increase) would not cause the Level of Service of the study intersections to deteriorate below a Level of Service D. The reduction of the proposed project to no more than 21,741 gross square feet net increase) generates fewer trips and since the project average daily trip increase attributable to the smaller project is below 300, the project is exempt from the TPO. 11.Charter Section 423 and Council Policy A -18 requires all proposed General Plane Amendments to be reviewed to determine if the square footage, peak hour vehicle trip or dwelling unit thresholds have been exceeded and a vote by the public is required. voter approval ft-project is not required as the project represents a projected increase of 15 - A.M. and 15- P.M. peak hour trips, 21,741 gross square feet of non - residential floor area and zero residential units. These increases do not cumulatively exceed Charter Section 423 thresholds for a vote as there are no previous amendments approved for Statistical Area H-3. The project will be tracked as a prior amendment per Charter Section 423 and Council Policy A -18. cG 1 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1, 655.,,.- oeremd:_ Page 6 of 23 Section No. 2: Based on the aforementioned findings and the administrative record including the testimony presented during the public review process, the Planning Commission hereby recommends the City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 2003 -001 per Exhibit "A", Code Amendment No. 2003 -002 per Exhibit "B" and Use Permit No. 2002 -056 subject to the conditions of approval set forth in Exhibit "C". ADOPTED THIS a DAY OF DECEMBER 2004. BY: Larry Tucker, Chairman BY: Jeffrey Cole, Secretary AYES: Cole Eaton Hawkins. McDaniel. Selich. Tucker NOES: Toerae ABSENT: ll� City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No-.1655 oeieua:_ Page 7 of 23 Exhibit "A" One of the following options should be added to the Land Use Element and all other provisions of the Land Use Element of the General Plan shall remain unchanged: Option No. 1 This option is only recommended should the St. Andrew's Church possess an executed parking agreement consistent with this approval and acceptable to the Planning Commission prior to adoption of the proposed General Plan Amendment. "Cliff Haven Area (Statistical Area 1-13) 3. Church Site at 15th Street and St Andrew's Road. This site is designated for Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. The site is allocated 126-181 cross square feet48Q4244q -#-" Option No. 2 This option is recommended should approval of the proposed General Plan Amendment be desired by the City Council prior to having an executed written agreement for off -site parking for the I Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School. "Cliff Haven Area (Statistical Area 1-13) 3. Church Site at 15th Street and St. Andrew's Road. This site is designated for Governmental, Educational and Institutional Facilities. site is alleeated 400,428 . The site has a base allocation of 104.440 so. ft. of gross qq City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655._ , - - =- Page 8 of 23 Exhibit "B" i ,,.1 � d s arc b - Z i rrwra d � O Uw Sys Gill g City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655__ . - nelema: _ Page 9 of 23 Exhibit "C" Conditions of Approval Use Permit No. 2002 -056 Operational Conditions 1. The hours of operation for the entire Phurch campus shall be.between- the _hours of.. - - D rm eleted: cha —� 7AM to 10PM daily except that the Youth and Family Center (Building E) may be open till 11 PM Friday and Saturday. With a few exceptions for holiday programs and special events, program events of more than 400 persons shall not start later than 8PM and shall be scheduled to end at least 30 minutes prior to the normal end of operation hours. Administrative meetings, prayer groups and custodial activities may occasionally occur before or after these hours and shall be limited to not more than �oelerea� 40 persons, in the aggregate at any one time.. -. -. _ ..... _ .. .. ...... ... .. .. 2. Concurrent occupancy of the C hurch _roperty.shall. not exceed, at_a_ny one time,.the., Daeted:tlmrch number of parking spaces available gfor use by the Church on he sd lus the_ -_- Deleted:asownpmpedY number of parking spaces in the 15 Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School to which the Church has the legal right of use pursuant to the off4te parking agreement, at that time, times 3. For example, if the Church has 285 parking spaces on Ihe site and is entitled to use 100., spaces ..m the 15" 3treetparkmg lot at Newport,. _ Deleted: Im pmwty Harbor High School, the maximum concurrent occupancy of the site would be limited to 385 x 3, or 1155 people. Notwithstanding the general occupancy restriction described in the preceding paragraph, the following additional restrictions shall apply: a. Evening maximum concurrent occupancy: two evenings per week at 500 people; two evenings per week at 750 people; two evenings per week at 1,200 people; and one evening per week at 1,300 people. The Church shall, pn ja quarterly basis, file with the Planning Director a written notice as to which evenings of each week of such quarter will be subject to which .occupancy limitations _described herein. Deleted: (one of which shall be Sunday) Deleted: by Juy 31° of each yearfor the caning year beghang Deleted: September i° Deleted: year b. Daytime maximum concurrent occupancy: Sundays at 1,800 people; all days during which Newport Harbor High School is not in session (other than Sundays) and anytime after school hours, 1, 200.. people; _during,, school_ hours, concurrent_ -- Deleted: occupancy shall conform to the formula set forth above. c. The occupancy restrictions shall not apply to memorial services,, However,. Deleted: end weekday memorial services with expected attendance over 250 which shall not be scheduled before 1 PM when parking is not available at the 15' S� treet parking Delecea:. lot at NHHS, - Deleted: Evenings are defined as the time after 6PM any given day,___ 51 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 - . - Deleted: Page 10 of 23 Notwithstanding these occupancy limitations, concurrent site occupancy within various buildings may exceed the established limits on no more than 8 holidays and special days of worship per year. 3. The applicant shall provide on -site a number of parking spaces equal to 600 spaces, less the number of parking spaces to which the Church is entitled to use in the le Street parking facility at Newport Harbor High School, but not more than 290 spaces, nor less than 250 spaces. Therefore, the applicant shall enter into an off -site parking agreement guaranteeing not less than 315 parking spaces in the 1 e Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School for the project site for a minimum duration of 30 years. The form and content of such an agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney and the Planning Commission. The agreement shall be executed prior to the issuance of any building permits for the construction of the St. Andrews Expansion project. Furthermore, either the le Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School or the on -site parking lot shall be available for use by the Church at all times during construction. Occupancy of the project site during construction shall be limited to the number of on -site and off -site parking spaces that the Church has thesight to use pursuant to the approved Traffic Management Plan_ for construction times 3 people. 4. In the event that the Church should lose the right to use parking within the 15"' Street parking lot at Newport Harbor High School, the Church _shall,- immediately_ modify its activities and occupancy to reduce overall parking demand to that commensurate with available off - street parking and may file for an amendment to this use permit to provide alternate, adequate and comparably convenient off - street parking at a separate location. 5. No private school from above kindergarten shall be operated on -site without an amendment to the Use Permit. The maximum concurrent occupancy of the preschool and kindergarten shall be 240 children. - �Mted: tralik management plan Deleted: dwn:h 6. Coach bus pick -up and drop -off shall occur at curbside on 15"' Street at the perimeter of the .Church roperty, School -bus pick. -up and drop -off shall occur within_ Deleted: the parking lot at one of the designated drop off points. 7. The storage of Church busses shall be offsite at a location that will not interfere with available on -site or off -site Church parking. No such storage shall result in the bus or other Church vehicles used for the transportation of 10 or more people being in Deleted: campus. public view on the_Church sitg-------------------------------------------- 8. The on -site parking facilities shall not be used for activities other than parking and loading /unloading. Notwithstanding this limitation, use of the on -site barking facility on a day to day basis as a children's play area in conjunction with the preschool, kindergarten is permitted to the extent that the parking spaces are not otherwise needed. Subject to the occupancy limitation described in these conditions ,_use of the.- _ _ - Deleted: aewe City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1„655,._ oeremd:_ Page 11 of 23 parking facility for other events is allowed and is limited to three (3) afternoons per calendar year and five 5 mornings per calendar year when school is not in session at Newport Harbor High School. Use of the on -site parking facility for any use other than parking shall be properly supervised and must not create any hazardous conditions. No amplified sound shall be allowed at events held in the parking facility. Uses and attendance of the on -site parking facility shall be reported to the City in accordance required monitoring provisions of this Use Permit. 9. A minimum of 40 minutes shall be maintained between worship services, or special events that are expected to have more than 800 participants. 10. The additional total gross floor area (exclusive of the parking structure) that may be developed on the project site shall not exceed 21,741 square feet in accordance with the plans stamped "Revised" and marked "Received on October 21, 2004. ", 11. Use of the gymnasium shall be limited to -Church,. sponsored. events. Church __- Dereted:churdh sponsored events are defined as events whose primary focus is an activity for the members of the .Church. It does not include youth or adult recreational events-which-., -- Demur: church. are open to members of the general public, such as basketball or volleyball tournaments or leagues or similar types of events. Use of the gymnasium as a venue concurrent with other assembly spaces within the entire campus shall be subject to the overall site occupancy limitations. 12.Youth events shall be properly supervised to discourage youth from loitering or making excessive noise on the site. The -Church_shall .,,encourage., the _ use of the__. - below grade lobby circulation area of Building E for access to below grade parking areas for entering and exiting the Youth and Family Center for all youth events. Youth events shall be given priority parking in the lower level of the parking facility. 13.. Limited indoor overnight use of the Family and Youth Center identified on the plans _,__ as Building E is permitted for -Church youthprograms_The number of events shall,- Deiated :mhmh not exceed 12 per calendar year. The Church shall notify_24_hours m_edvance. of__ Deleted :d..h such overnight events, any resident residing within 300 feet of the project site who has specifically requested such notification. The notice shall include the supervisor's name and the phone number where the supervisor can be reached during the event to report noise or conduct issues. No event shall exceed one (1) night in duration, and no group shall exceed 200 people in the aggregate. 14. Weekday parking during business hours in the lower level parking facility will be assigned to staff and to NHHS students (by permit) to the extent available, except during worship services or special events. 15. During worship services,, or special events with over 800 persons in attendance, the Church shall direct event participants (such as choir members and other staff as opposed to typical congregants) to park within the NHHS 15ei Street parking lot to 53 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655 . _ - DOOM: _ Page 12 of 23 the extent they are allowed to do so under the terms of an agreement with the Newport Mesa School District. Additionally, other attendees shall be directed to this lot as provided for in the approved Traffic Management Plan for the expansion project as required in other conditions of approval. Ministers, special guest speakers or disabled participants are exempt from this condition. 16.A 6 -foot high screen wall shall be constructed along Clay Street and shall be made of decorative concrete block and shall wrap around both 15"' Street and St. Andrews Road per the revised plan dated October 21, 2004. No portion of the wall shall encroach within the public right of way. Landscaping and a permanent irrigation system shall be installed between the wall and the sidewalk. The width of this planting area shall be a minimum of 4 feet wide. The planting area shall provide adequate area for trees and plantings to screen or soften the wall in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The design of the wall and the landscaping between the wall and the sidewalk shall be subject to the review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. Should any portion of the landscape planting area be within the public right of way, the applicant shall be responsible for maintenance of all improvements in Such planting. area.. . 17. The applicant shall implement all measures contained within the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for Construction and the Traffic Management Plan for the St. Andrew's Expansion Project both prepared by Linscott Law & Greenspan and dated November 24, 2004. These TMPs shall be subject to further review and revision by the City Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. Thereafter, modifications of the TMPs may be authorized from time to time by the City Traffic Engineer and Planning Director provided that they are limited to eliminating unnecessary aspects of the TMPs or implementing new or altered traffic or parking management techniques that improve traffic and parking management. Should any conflicts between the TMPs and these conditions of approval, the conditions of approval shall take precedence. 18. The project shall provide emergency access to and from Clay Street as required by the Building Code and the Fire Marshal. Each of these access points, including the driveway from Clay Street to the on-site parking lot, shall be gated and shall be available for emergency access only. Each access point shall not be designed or otherwise used for non - emergency vehicular or pedestrian ingresslegress to the site. The Building Department and Fire Department shall review and approve the access points and gates prior to the approval of a building permit for the project. 19. The St. Andrews Road driveway accessing the parking lot shall be a left in and right out only and be closed (except for emergency exit/entrance) after 5:OOPM. The applicant shall make necessary changes to the configuration of the driveway on the site plan to discourage other turning movements. The applicant shall install proper regulatory signs accordingly. The design of the driveway and the location and oalama: me 5d City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655_._ -- Deleted: -� Page 13 of 23 content of signs shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 20. The Church shall monitor daily occupancy of the entire-Church campus_and shall.. file_ - , - DeleW: aremh a written report of the occupancy with the Planning Director on a quarterly basis. The ' Deleted: aaeWar content of the monitoring reports shall be specified by the Planning Director and Detected: ohurelr shall be sufficiently detailed to document compliance with the maximum concurrent occupancy limits for the various daily time periods established in these conditions. The Director can, at any time, increase the reporting requirements beyond those initially established as needed to document compliance. 21. Corridors, vestibules, foyers and storage areas as shown on the floor plans for DeeDfld " Building E shall not be used as meeting space/area and shall not haveMatina, Standard Conditions Planning Department 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the plans stamped "Revised" and marked "Received on October 21, 2004" except as modified by other conditions. 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. Project approvals shall expire unless exercised within 36 months from the effective date of approval as specified in Section 20.91.050A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Reasonable extensions may be granted by the Planning Director in accordance with applicable regulations. 4. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by property owner. 5. This Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the City Council or Planning Commission should they determine that the use or one or more of the conditions set forth herein is not being complied with, or the manner in which the project is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated, or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 6. The applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect or licensed architect for on -site and adjacent off -site planting areas. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices. Except for that portion of the landscape plan that is subject to the 55 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No .155_,_- oelew:_ Page 14 of 23 approval of the Planning Commission, the landscape plans shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. All planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground automatic sprinkler irrigation system of a design suitable for the type and arrangement of the plant materials selected. Planting areas adjacent to vehicular activity shall be protected by a continuous concrete curb or similar permanent barrier. Landscaping shall be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 7. All landscape materials and landscaped areas shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 8. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets, and shall be sound attenuated in accordance with Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, Community Noise Control. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for the payment of all applicable City plan check and inspection fees. 10.Exterior on -site lighting shall be shielded and confined within site boundaries. No direct rays or glare are permitted to shine onto public streets or adjacent sites or create a public nuisance. ' Walpak" type fixtures are not permitted. All exterior lighting fixtures shall have zero cut -off fixtures and light standards for the parking lot shall not exceed 20 feet in height. Light standards for exterior walkways shall not exceed 10 feet in height. Other exterior light sources shall be no higher than 4 feet. This condition shall not apply to the lighting of the existing cross. 11. The applicant shall prepare a photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. The building and grounds shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, based on,the opinion of the Planning Director, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Planning Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 12.All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Vacuum/sweeping trucks shall be prohibited in the on -site parking facility between the hours of 10PM and 6AM. 5(o City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1855„ Page 15 of 23 Planning Department - Mitigation Measures 13. The construction and equipment staging area shall be located in the least visually prominent area on the site and shall be properly maintained and/or screened to minimize potential unsightly conditions. 14. A six -foot high screen and security fence shall be placed around the parking lot at the property line during construction. 15. Construction equipment and materials shall be properly stored on the site when not in use. 16. The project shall comply with SCAQMD Rule 403, which requires that, "... every reasonable precaution (is taken) to minimize fugitive dust emissions .. " from grading operations to control particulate emissions, shall be implemented during the grading and construction phase. 17. The project shall comply with SCAQMD Rules 431.1 and 431.2, which require the use of low sulfur fuel for stationary construction equipment. 18. The project shall comply with Title 24 energy - efficient design regulations as well as the provision of window glazing, wall insulation, and efficient ventilation methods in accordance with Uniform Building Code requirements. 19. During demolition and excavation, daily total haul trucks shall travel no more than a cumulative 2005 miles per day hauling materials from the site to and from the dumping site. 20. Prior to commencement of demolition and grading the project applicant shall submit to the Citti maps and/or calculations showing the proposed travel route for haul trucks. the ,.._ - neretea: ay distance traveled, and how many daily truck trips that can be accommodated while keeping the cumulative miles traveled to below 2005 miles each day. The daily haul truck trips shall not exceed 2005 miles during demolition and excavation activities. 21.The applicant shall submit written evidence to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning that a certified paleontologist and archaeologist have been retained to observe grading activities and salvage and catalogue fossils and artifacts as necessary. The paleontologist and archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grade conference, shall establish procedures for paleontological and archaeological resource surveillance and shall establish, in cooperation with the City, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification and evaluation of the findings. If archaeological and/or paleontological resources are discovered, which require long -term halting or redirecting of grading, the archaeologist/paleontologist shall report such findings to the applicant and City. The archaeologist/paleontologist shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the applicant, which ensure proper 51 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. .1655_.-, Deleted;_ Page 16 of 23 exploration and/or salvage. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City, or its designee, on a first - refusal basis. The applicant may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said finds are of special significance, or a museum in Orange County indicates a desire to study and /or display them at the time, in which case items shall be donated to the City, or designee. 22.A site - specific foundation subsurface investigation for planned structures shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of the grading permit to verify subsidence and liquefaction potential. The foundation subsurface investigation shall identify specific measures to ensure that proposed structures are designed to withstand the potential secondary seismic effects. 23.All construction shall conform to the 1997 edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction except as specifically amended by the Contract Documents. All work shall be done in accordance with: (1) the Special Provisions; (2) the Plans for this project; (3) the latest 1997 American Public Works Association Standard Plans as amended; (4) the Newport Beach Standard Drawings; and (5) the most current locally adopted version of the California Building Code. 24. The removal of asbestos containing materials shall be performed in accordance with methods specked in 8 CCR 1529, SCAQMD Rule 1403. 25. Friable asbestos containing materials (e.g., pipe insulation material, spray - applied ceiling texture material, etc.) removal shall be conducted in strict accordance with Class I asbestos work requirements set for in Cal -OSHA regulations. 26. Non - friable asbestos containing materials (e.g., floor the and mastic, window putty, roofing materials, joint compound, linoleum, etc.) removal shall be conducted in strict accordance with Class II asbestos work requirements as set forth in Cal -OSHA regulations. 27. Any demolition refuse that contains contaminated materials (e.g., asbestos - containing materials) shall be transported in an appropriate manner to a landfill that is certified to receive such waste. 28.A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with the General Permit for Construction Activities shall be prepared, submitted to the State Water Quality Control Board for approval and made part of the construction program. The project applicant shall provide the City with a copy of the NOI and their application check as proof of filing with the State Water Quality Control Board. This plan shall detail measures and practices that will be in effect during construction to minimize the project's impact on water quality. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655_ - ftwed:— Page 17 of 23 29. All development proposed for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church shall be reviewed for consistency with applicable provisions of the Building Code, Noise Ordinance and other applicable codes and ordinances prior to issuance of building permits. 30. The applicant shall post signs, prior to demolition work, along 15th Street and cross streets in the vicinity of the property that provide adequate warning to motorists, construction workers and heavy truck drivers, and bicyclists warning each of the potential increased hazards. Upon completion of the construction, the signs shall be removed. 31. The applicant shall submit a Construction Traffic Control Plan (including a bike lane detour plan if determined necessary by the City's Traffic Engineer), which shall be prepared by a registered traffic engineer. The Construction Traffic Control Plan shall also identify the need for flagmen to direct traffic, if determined necessary. This plan shall be approved by the City's Traffic Engineer prior to issuance of the demolition permit. 32. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise - generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise - generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 33. A noise study shall be prepared and submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of building permits. This noise study shall estimate noise levels generated by the proposed mechanical equipment at the closest residence. Compliance with the Noise Ordinance limits shall be demonstrated, including the provision of any measures determined necessary to meet the limits specked. The mechanical equipment shall not generate an A- weighted average (Leq) noise level of greater than 55 dBA during the daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and 50 dBA during the nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). If the nighttime noise limit cannot be achieved a timer can be used to limit the operation of the system to the daytime hours. The study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer and submitted to the City of Newport Beach for approval prior to the issuance of building permits. This will ensure that the mechanical equipment constructed with the project does not result in a significant noise impact. 34. The final proposed site plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Newport Beach Police Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 35. The structures shall be constructed so that the subterranean parking lot can be dosed off to vehicular and pedestrian traffic when not in use (i.e., automatic or manual gate). 36. The subterranean parking structure shall be well lit during the day and night. In addition to the subterranean lot, the ground level parking shall be lit at night to allow individuals the ability to identify someone from 100 feet away. The final photometric plan shall be 59 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655. Page 18 of 23 subject to the review by the Newport Beach Police Department to verify compliance prior to the issuance of a building permit. 37. Convex mirrors shall be used to eliminate hiding places within the subterranean parking structure. The number and location of such mirrors shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and Newport Beach Police Department. 38. If Newport Harbor High School students are given a permit or are allowed to park in at the St. Andrews site during school, the .Church shall establish on- sit_e_student -p ng_ De WW: church regulations and may revoke a student permit at will 39. Prior to issuance of the demolition permit, the Church or contractor shall submit. a... _ - Deleted: church Construction Traffic Control Plan (including a bike lane detour plan), to be prepared by a registered traffic engineer and submitted to the City of Newport Beach for approval. Approval shall be required prior to issuance of the authorization to proceed. All traffic control work for construction shall conform to the requirements as stipulated by the City of Newport Beach, including lane reductions, use of flagmen, etc. 40. Heavy construction vehicles, including trucks hauling construction equipment, dirt, debris and other materials, shall be limited to non -peak hours during the construction phase when those activities occur during the school year. 41. The design of the parking facilities, including the parking structure, shall incorporate features to facilitate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, and to encourage full use of the on -site parking spaces. Such design features would include: (1) the installation of adequate lighting and light-colored paint in all parking aisles corridors, elevators and stairwells; (2) convenient access to stairs and elevators from all areas of the structure; and clear signage to direct drivers and pedestrians to their desired destinations. 42.Once a successful circulation and parking procedure is developed, it shall be communicated regularly to the Church membership through Quirchbullefins and the Deleted: church hurch_website. The-applicant shall make an announcement_ during_of Sunday_,.-- Delemd:church services no less than once per month requesting that congregants not park on the residential streets surrounding the Church and that they park, in available off - street_. _ DeWmd: church locations. 43. Consideration shall be given to adding services at alternative times, such as Sunday afternoon, to disperse parking demands. 44. All hurch staff_ shall park on4te during the weekdays, and_not us_e_the street parking,_ - _ - Deleted: church thereby not adding to the on -street parking demand on school days. /, City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No.1655_, Page 19 of 23 45. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church shall consider issuing a greater number of parking permits to Newport Harbor High School to reduce the need for neighborhood street parking by students and staff on school days. Police Department 46. Directional signage shall be provided throughout the parking structure. a) Signs shall indicate stairwell and elevator locations, and exit paths for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. b) Signage shall be a minimum of 12 inches in height with a contrasting background. c) All signs shall be displayed no less than 60 inches from the parking surface and be highly visible from within any portion of the structure. 47. All enclosed stairwells accessing the parking structure shall have the following design features: a) Shatter resistant mirrors or other equally reflective material shall be placed at each level and landing to provide visibility around comers. b) Open areas below the stairwells shall be fully enclosed, therefore restricting access to these locations. c) Stairwells shall be illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained two foot - candles of light on the landings and stair treads. 48. All exterior doors leading to stairwell access throughout the facility including the subterranean parking structure shall have window glazing panels with a minimum five -inch width and 20 -inch height and shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. This requirement shall also apply to the doors from the underground parking area to the elevator lobby. 49. Elevators located within the parking structure shall be designed with the following features: a) The elevators shall remain illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained two foot - candles of light at floor level. b) All emergency stop buttons shall be installed and connected to an alarm that would activate when the button is pressed. c) All elevator interiors shall have shatter resistant mirrors or other equally reflective material making visible the entire elevator cab prior to an individual entering. �I City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655_ - oerema:_ Page 20 of 23 Building Department 50. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy permit, all improvements shall be constructed in a manner consistent with these conditions and meeting the approval of the Building Department. 51. The proposed project shall conform to the requirements of the California Building Code including any local amendments and State Disabled Access requirements, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department. Fire 52. Each individual building, including the parking garage, shall be protected with an automatic fire suppression sprinkler and alarm system subject to the review and approval of the Newport Beach Fire Department. The sprinkler system shall be monitored by a UL certified alarm service company if required by the Fire Department. 53. Approved address numbers shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position that is plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall be of made of non - combustible materials, shall contrast with their background, and shall be either internally or externally illuminated to be visible at night. Number shall be no less than six inches in height with a one -inch stroke. 54. The project shall include all requirements identified in "Modification Request Case No. 2003 -135. Public Works Department 55. All improvements within the public right of way shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 56. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. The applicant shall prepare a construction phasing plan and construction delivery plan that includes routing of large vehicles prior to the issuance of building permits for new construction. Large construction vehicles shall not be permitted to travel narrow streets and alleys as determined by the Public Works Department. 57.Arrangements shall be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 58. Utility connections for new buildings and the parking garage shall be underground to M City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1 55.,... Page 21 of 23 the nearest appropriate pole. 59. Each building shall be served by an individual water and sewer connection. The water meter and sewer clean out, if located within a proposed driveway or parking area, shall have a traffic -grade box and cover. 60. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or other applicable section or chapter, street trees shall be required and shall be subject to the review and approval of the General Services and Public Works Departments. 61. Fair Share traffic mitigation fees shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of any building or grading permit for construction of the project. 62. The on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review and approval by the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. A minimum of 250 parking spaces shall be provided on -site. Numerous dead end areas within the parking lot hinder circulation and shall be eliminated or provided with designated turnaround areas to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 63. All parking areas shall conform to City Standard 805 -L -A. The plans shall be revised to conform and shall be subject to final approval of the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit for new construction. 64. Widen sidewalks and planters to act as wheel stops as directed by the Traffic Engineer. The maximum allowable overhang is 2.5 feet. 65. Disabled parking shall be redistributed such that Buildings C, D & E each have disabled parking located in close proximity to entrances. 66.The project shall conform to sight distance standard 110 -L contained within the Newport Beach Design Criteria, Standard Special Provisions & Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction. Final designs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 67. All landscape planter noses within the parking lot shall be reduced in length by 2 feet as directed by the Traffic Engineer. 68.The final plans shall provide information detailing the closure of the Clay Street driveway for normal vehicular traffic. The information shall specify all devices and treatment of parking isles adjacent to the driveway. 69. The existing patio area and stairs within the St. Andrews Road right of way shall be eliminated or the applicant shall apply for an Encroachment Permit and receive approval to maintain these structures. 0 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1655._ . - - odIt-d: Page 22 of 23 70.The two existing driveways cuts (St. Andrews Road & le Street) as shown on the plans do not align with on -site driveways. On -site driveways shall align with the top of the "driveway x." The plans shall be revised to conform and shall be subject to final approval of the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit for new construction. 71.A drainage plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a Building Permit showing the method for control and disposal of all waters flowing into, across and from the building site and statement setting forth the method by which facilities shall be maintained. 72. Street, drainage and utility improvements shall be shown of standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer. All non - standard improvements shall be shown on standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer and shall be separately reviewed by the Public Works Department pursuant to applicable standards and procedures. 73.The on -site storm drain system shall be privately maintained. Fossil filters or equivalent measures shall be included as part of the design of catch basins and curb inlets. An on -site clarifier shall be provided. 74. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a complete hydrology and hydraulic study (include off -site areas affecting the development) shall be prepared by a qualified engineer and approved by the Building Department. The report shall include a drainage plan and detailed drainage studies indicating how the grading, in conjunction with the drainage conveyance systems including applicable swales, channels, street flows, catch basins, storm drains, and flood water retarding, will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from rainfall runoff which may be expected from all stones up to and including the theoretical 100 -year flood. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. 75. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit an erosion/siltation control plan to the Building Department for review and approval. The plan shall incorporate storm water pollutant control. 76. Prior to initiation of any earthwork activities or issuances of any grading permit, the applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to the City for review and approval (Building & Public Works Department). The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be maintained on -site throughout the construction phase and shall be made available to the public for review, upon request. 77. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall obtain a NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit. The applicant shall incorporate storm water pollutant control into erosion control plans using Best LOO City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1,655_, _ , oeiet-a: _ Page 23 of 23 Management Practices to the maximum extent possible. Evidence that proper clearances have been obtained through the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) shall be given to the Building Department prior to issuance of a grading permits. 78. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying the Best Management Practices (BMP's) that will be used on site to control predictable pollutant runoff. The plan shall identify the types of structural and non - structural measures to be used. The plan shall comply with the Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP). Particular attention should be addressed to the appendix section "Best Management Practices for New Development." The WQMP shall clearly show the locations of structural BMP's, and assignment of long term maintenance responsibilities (which shall also be included in the Maintenance Agreement). The plan shall be prepared to the format shown in "Attachment C" of the DAMP title "Water Quality Management Plan Outline" and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 79. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the following improvements shall be designed in a manner meeting the approval of the Building Department: a) All provisions for surface drainage. b) All necessary storm drain facilities extending to a satisfactory point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of storm runoff. c) Where determined necessary by the Building Department, associated public street and utility easements shall be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach. 80.Applicant shall ensure that all construction contractor and subcontractor personnel are made aware of the required best management practices and good housekeeping measures for the project site and any associated construction lay -down areas. 81. During the construction phase the project applicant shall exercise special care to prevent any offsite siltation. Project applicant shall properly maintain all temporary erosion and sediment control measures until the Building Department approves the removal of said measures. 82. During the construction phase, the applicant shall comply with the following requirements: a) No construction materials, debris, or waste shall be placed or stored where it may enter a storm drain or be subject to tidal erosion or dispersion. b) All construction materials, wastes, grading or demolition debris, and stockpiles of soil, aggregates, soil amendments, etc. shall be properly covered,, stored, and secured to prevent transport into coastal waters by wind, rain, or tracking. �6