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sand, stone or all other material, of whatever nature it may be,
_that may be encountered in preparing the road, and shall also
include all trimiiing and shaping required to bring the surface
of the road to grade and cross - section. When mud or other soft
material is encountered, it shall be taken out and the space
filled with good earth., sand or gravel; which, if it is earth
or gravel, shall be rolled until the surface of the foundation
ceases to creep in front of the roller. The Contractor, however,
will not be required in such cases to excavate mud or other soft
material to a depth greater than two feet below the sub - grade.
All filling shall be done with good sound earth, gravel or
sand. Whenever a
bankment shall be
in depth and each
roller neighing n
tire, until it is
sand, it shall be
fill is to be made of earth or ;ravel, the em-
brought up in layers not exceeding six inches
layer thoroughly dampened and rolled with a
it less than 200 pounds per lineal inch width of
firmly compacted. When the fill is made with
brought up to grade and thoroughly dampened and
No material of a perishable, spongy or otherwise improper
nature shall be used in filling. The space over which fills are
to be made shall first be cleared of all brush, timber, trash or
other debris unfit for foundation.
Wring the process of grading, the street shall be maintained
in a reasonably good condition for traffic , care being taken to
remove the surplus material as evenly as possible over the entire
surface of the street.
The street shall be plowed up not to exceed one mile in length
in advance of the laying of the concrete pavement. The Contractor
shall at all times maintain proper drainage on the street.
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I___ ' C . 4 kA � t
The width of the street to be graded shall conform to the
plans, profiles and cross - sections.
After a-section of street has been graded as herein specified,
the surface shall be thoroughly drenched with water, and when suf-
ficiently dry, shall be rolled with a roller weighing not less than
400 pounds to the lineal inch width of tire until the surface is
unyielding. Depressicns wade by rollin- shall be levelled up with
good earth and again rolled. Such portions of the street as cannot
be reached by the roller, and all places excavated below sub -grade
and refilled, and all pipe trenches and other places that cannot be
properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in
cases of wet weather or soft or muddy-ground, making use of the roller
unsafe or impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until
the ground has become sufficiently dry. If the sub -grade consists
of sand the rolling thcrecf will not be required but it shall be
compacted by wetting down thoroughly and smoothed to conform to crovs-
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when a section has been
brought to sub - grade, when the latter will check the elevations of'the
same, and if the work is found to be in accordance with the specifi-
cations and grades given, the Contractor shall proceed as hereinafter
Upon the sub -grade of the street prepared as above described
and thoroughly dampened, there shall be laid a concrete pavement of
the thickness shown upon the plans, profiles and cross - sections and
composed of the following material, to -wit:
• 1: Portland Cement - one (1) part by measure:
- 3 -
2: Sand or Stone Screenings - Two (2) parts by measure:
• 3: Gravcl or broken stone - four (4) parts by measure.
• Said materials shall conform to the following specifications: A
sack of cement m i(;hing ninety -four (94) pounds net shall be con -
sidered as having a volume of one cubic foot.
Including ceruent, sand, stone screenings, gravel, broken
stone, and water, and for all purposes shall conform to the follow-
ing specifications:
All Cement shall be Portland Cement, and must conform to the
following requirements and be subject to the following toots, which
will be open to the Contractor and will be wade by the ii,ethuds and
under the conditions prescribed in Specifications C -9 - 17 adullted
by the American Society for Testing Materials in 1916.
(a) Consistency: All cement for set tests, test pats, and
neat briquettes will be mixed with sufficient water to reduce the
cement to normal consistency, as prescribed by the Specifications of
the American Society for Testing Kq terials hereinbeforo referred to.
Neat briquettes All be compacted by light tamping. 1dortar briquettes
shall be mixed to a state of plasticity oorrespvnding as nearly as
— 4 —
to normal consistency in neat briquettes.
Fineness: The cereeAt must be evenly grou;id,
tested vith the following standard sieves, must pass at
least the
following percentabes by weight:
100 Sieve, having 100 meshes, per lineal inch --
200 Sieve, having 200 meshes per.lineal inch —
Time of Setting: It shall dovclop initial act
— 4 —
Briquettes one inch square in section, mode of one part of cement,
three parts of standard testing sand, shall attain a minimum
strength as follows:
At 7 days (1 day in moist air and 6 days
in watex) - 200 pounds
At 28 days (1 day in moist air and 27 days
in water) = 275 pounds
The sand test must in all cases show an increase in strength
at 28 days ever the 7 -day tests.
(e) 8oundnese: Pats of neat cement about three inches in
diameter, one -half inch thick at the center, and tc.peri:ig to a
thin edge, will be kept in moist air for a period of 24 hours.
A pat will then be kept in air at normal temperature and ob-
served at intcrvais for at least .23 .days.
Another pat will, after having been kept 24 hours in «:oist
air, be placed in :cater at normal temperature a ::d c�aintaincd for
three hours.
Theso pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, must
renain firm and hard, and must not show any signs of distortion
checking, cracking, blotching or disintergrating.
(f) Protection: All cement stored must be protected from
• the :loather and be delivered to the work in the original packaUe
• of the manufacturer. No cement shall be used which has been mixed
in any Ray with another brand or quality of cement or which has
- 5 -
less than one
hour, nor more,
than ten hours.
(d) Tensile
Pleat briquettes one inch square in
section, shall
attain a minimum
strength as follows:
24 hours in moist
air - 175 pc:unds
7 days (l .day in
moist air and six in
- 500 pounds
28 days (1 day
in moist air and 27 in
0 600 pounds
Briquettes one inch square in section, mode of one part of cement,
three parts of standard testing sand, shall attain a minimum
strength as follows:
At 7 days (1 day in moist air and 6 days
in watex) - 200 pounds
At 28 days (1 day in moist air and 27 days
in water) = 275 pounds
The sand test must in all cases show an increase in strength
at 28 days ever the 7 -day tests.
(e) 8oundnese: Pats of neat cement about three inches in
diameter, one -half inch thick at the center, and tc.peri:ig to a
thin edge, will be kept in moist air for a period of 24 hours.
A pat will then be kept in air at normal temperature and ob-
served at intcrvais for at least .23 .days.
Another pat will, after having been kept 24 hours in «:oist
air, be placed in :cater at normal temperature a ::d c�aintaincd for
three hours.
Theso pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, must
renain firm and hard, and must not show any signs of distortion
checking, cracking, blotching or disintergrating.
(f) Protection: All cement stored must be protected from
• the :loather and be delivered to the work in the original packaUe
• of the manufacturer. No cement shall be used which has been mixed
in any Ray with another brand or quality of cement or which has
- 5 -
ql IF,
been tampered with in any way after being placed in the original
• package of the manufacturer, nor shall any cement be used from
• packages containing lumpy cement or which has been reground.
e �osheo/�,,,o�
All sand must a free rom oil or organic matter and must
not ountain more than five percent, by volume, of clay, silt,
loam or other foreign substances. No loss than 90 percent, by
weight, of the sand shall pass a screen having 4 meshes per lineal
inch; at least 50 percent, but not more than 80 percent, by weight,
shall be retained on a screen having 30 meshes to the lineal inch.
Briquettes one inch square in section, made of one part of cement,
conforming to these specifications, and tirce parts of the above
sand, shall attain a minimum tensile strength equt.l to that required
for standard sand at equal periods of time.
Testing sand for silt and clay shall be done in the following
manner: One kilogram of dry sand shall be placed in a sixtben inch
standard gold pan, covered nearly to the rim with rater, stirred
and agitated gently but thoroughly with the hand, and allowed to
settle thirty seconds. The water shall then be poured uff uniform-
ly in fifteen seconds. This washing process shall be repeated until
immediately after stirring, standard six point news print may be
easily read through five centimeters of water. The crater shall than
be drained off, the sand dried and weighed, and the loss deterr:iined
by the difference in weight.
Testing sand for organic matter shall be done in the following
-' manner: A twelve ounce graduated prescription bottle is filled to
the 4 -1/2 ounce mark with the sand to be tested; then there is
• poured in the bottle a three percent solution. of Sodium Hydroxide
(Caustic Soda) until the volume of sand and solution after shaking,
amount to seven ounces. The bottle is then shaken thoroughly and
allowed to stand for twelve (12) hours. If at the er.d of this
- G -
time the liquid above the sand is colorless, or a light yellow
color, the sand is sufficiently free of orCanic natters to be
used in concrete; but if the color of the liquid above the sand
is darker than a light yellow color, the sand will not be per-
mitted to be used in concrete.
Stone Screenings shall be obtained by crushing stone which
shall pass all the requirements specified for broken stone and
shall.also pass all the screening and briquette tests specified
for the sand.
de �yosii'ec�o��
Gravel shall consist of clean water -worn pebbles, crushed
boulders, or both. Gravel shall all pass a two and one -half
inch screen.. Not less than thirty -five percent nor more than
fifty percent, by weight, shall pass a three - quarter inch screen,
and not more than five percent by weight, shall pass a quarter
inch screen. Gravel when subjected to the rattler test herein-
after specified, shall not show a loss of more than thirty -seven
Broken stone shall be the run of the crusher and shall all
pass a two and one -half inch ring.
cent nor more than fifty percent, b
quarter inch screen. Not more than
pass a one- quarter inch screen. It
rattler test hereinafter specified,
twenty -two percent.
Not less than thirty -five per-
weight, shall pass a three -
five percent by weight shall
shall, when subjected to the
shorn a loss of not more than
At least thirty pounds of the material to be tested shall be
- 7 -
available for the test. Each sample when ready for the-rattler
• shall consist of five kilograms (eleven pounds) I of said material,
all shall pass a two and one -half inch ecreen, sixty percent by
Freight .shall be.retained on a three - quarter inch screen, and
all shall be retained on a one -half inch screen. The said sample
en tested in a.rattler consisting of a metal cylinder 28 inches
in diambtcr, and trenty inches in length, longitudinally mounted
on a hori�iontal shaft and having a shelf four inches wide ex-
tending from end to end.
During the test the rattler shall be revolved at a rate of
between 28 and 30 revolutions per minute. A charge for the rattler
shall consist of the said five kilogram sample and fourteencub-
i.cal blocks of cast iron with rounded corners and edges, said
blocks measuring about one and one -half inches.in each dimension .
and having a weight of five kilograms. After receiving the charge, "
the rattler shall be given five hundred revolutione.• The sample
shall then be screened and the portion by weight, which will
pass a 10 mesh screen, shall be coneidered.and designated as the
Water shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali or vegetable
matter. The maximum amount of water to be used in a batch, ccm-
posed of one sack of Portlund Ccment,two parts of sand or stone
screenings and four rarte of gravel or broken stone shs.11 nc,t ex-
ceed 70 pounds, which includes mater already in the concrete mater-
ials, and in measuring the water, allowance shall be.mude for water
contained in said tnateri.als.
Should there not be enough mortar to completely fill the
voids in the concrete, the deficiency shall be remedied by rec' cing
- 8 -
-5 '11,
the portion of gravel or broken stone used in the mixti-,re and
.. not by adding a greater portion of sand or stone screenings.
The sand or stone screenings and the gravel or broken
stone shall be measured in wheelbarrows which, when struck with
a straight edge resting upon the sides, sht_11 have the capacity
necessary to accurately maintain the above proportions. Every
wheelbarrow load of material used must be struck with a straight
edge as above described. Said material sh«11 be measured loose,
without shaking or compacting.
Cement in sacks as above specified shall be dumped directly
into the mixer. The water necessary for every batch shall be
accurately measured with an apparatus which will prevent the use
of more water than above specified. No mixer shall be used which
is not provided with an accurate water measuring device cr appar-
at us.
Under these specification;, the contractor will not be per-
raitted to deposit or store any sand, stone screenings, gravel
or broken stone directly on the sub- grade. He may however plank
the sub - grade, and deposit or store, the concrete materials there-
on, provided that the planks are laid in such a manner so that
the entire area to be paved is covered, leaving no joints between
planks where the sand from the sub -grade may work up and become
mixed with the concrete materials.
All mixing of concrete for the pavement shall be done in a
• batch ruixer.
The mixer skull be charged with cement and sufficient sand
. or stone screenings and gravel or broken stone to confurra to the.
proportions hereinbefure stated. Sufficient crater, not in excess
of the quabtity above specified, shall be added to produce a
plaStic or quaking concrete which can be handled without caussng
a separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar.. The mixer
drum shall have a speed of not less than 13 revolutions ner
-minute, and every butch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum
of the mixer not less than sixty (60) seconds before any, portion
of the batch is discharged from the said dram. At least 75 seconds
must elapse bctveen the placing of successive batched in the mix_
er. .
The concrete, aftor being mixed as hereinbefore specified,
shall, when subjected to the following test, have a slump of not
less than eight percent nor more than twenty -five percent. The
slump test shall be made in the following manner: The teat tube
to be used in making the slump test shell have an inside diameter
of. eight inches at the base and an inside diameter of four inches
at the top, and a perpendicular height of twelve inches. Immed-
iately after the concrete has been mixed and deposited on the
.sub- grade, a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four
layers in the tapered test tube until the concrete is flush with
the top of the tube, each layer shall be thoroughly settled by
working with a pointed iron rod. Then the test tube shall be
�( lifted, allowing the concrete to settle or slump. After the pi_ile
• of concrete has set one minute, its height shall be, measurcud and
subtracted from the original height of twelve inches, which diff-
- 10 -
erence in height is the amount of the slump in inches from
which the percentage of slump shall be determined.
The concrete shall be spread upon a thoroughly dampened
sub —grade prepared as above. The concrete shall be tamped
and patted until the surface is covered with mortar. Such de-
vices and rr,ethods shall then be used as are necessary to bring
the surface of the concrete to a true and even grade and to
the established cross — sections.
After the surface of the concrete pavement has been struck
off to the proper cross — section, it shall be finished by rolling
and floating in the following order and manner:
The roller shall be made of smooth steel, 12 inches in dia-
meter and six feet in length, and of a weight not to exceed one
pound per inch length of roller. The roller shall be operated
by ropes so designed and used as neither to increase nor decrease
the pressure coming upon the concrete from the roller. Immediately
after the surface of the concrete pavement has been struck off
with a template, it shall be rolled four times. The time interval
between rollings to be not less than 20 minutes nor more than 40
minutes. The roller at each rolling shall be operated at such an
aAgle with the center line of the pavement that it advances along
the pavement two feet for each time across.
After the rolling has been completed, the surface of the con-
crete pavement shall be finished with a float eight inches in width
and of a length two feet greater than the width of the pavement
being laad, constructed of wood and surfaced at the bottom and edges.
— 11 —
It shall bd sufficiently flexible so the.t it will adapt itself
•to tLe cross - section of the pavement to be laid. The said
• float shall be operated tranbvorecly. across the paveii.ent, ad-
vuncinU longitudinally along; the pavement in such a manner that
the crown will. not be worked out of the pavement, so at, to re-
sult in a smooth and uniforw surface.
After the trai.sverye floating has been comr.leted, the sur-
face of the concrete pavement shall be finished with a float
sixteen feet in 1onth.and not less than eight inches in width,
constructed of wood and surfaced at the bottom and edgcb, and it
must be braced. sufficiently that it gill not sprinC out of shape,
but maintain at all times a uniform and true surface. There shall
be attached to the float, wooden handles at each end, by which
the float shall b, operated from brid -ges which shall span the
width.of the paverent being laid, excepting that for puver,!e.,ts
wider than 28 feet, the pavomo'nt may be laid in trio sections of
equal width.
The floating shall be commenced at one edge of the ^ avement
and-continue across to the opposite edge and be opuruted by using;
short longitudinal strokes, combi*ied with a slight transverse r,:o-
tion, in such manner that the crown will not be tjorked out of the;
Pavement, nor to permit the edges of the float to dig into the
surface, so that there will result a smooth, true and uniform cross -
section, as well as a true and uniform surface longitudinally.
�. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set,
or that has become unfit for good work from standing too long or
• from any other cause, and no remixing of _concrete will be permitted.
The edges of the concrete pavement in ca;,es whcro it does not
• join to a curb, shell be rclunded to a radbue of one inch, after
• the floating and rolling has been completed as abovo epecifi.ed.
FOM-' S:
Forms shall be true and straight, free from warp 4nd of
sufficient stre:gth to resist springing out of shape. All mortar
and dirt shall be removed from forms that have been previously
used. They shall be well staked or otherwise held to the cstabT
lished line and trade, and their upper surface shall conform with
the finished surface of the concrete pavement. All forms shall be
thoroughly -wet before any material is deposited against them.
Expansion juin s all be placed at the termination of each
day's erork and at all other places nccrc indicated on the plans,
profiles and cross - sections, and shall be provided by placing; in
position for the full width and depth of the pavement, a previously
prepared strip in the form of a built -up board, composed of a body
of compressible asphalt compound supported by layers of aephalt
saturated 4igh grade woolfult along the exterior vertical faces
for the full depth of'the joint. The Expansion Joints shall be of
such character as not to become soft and run out in hot 'weather,
nor hard or brittle and chip out in cold weather.
The surface of the concrete pavement shall be sprayed with
water as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hardened to prevent
pitting, and shall be kept lvet until an earth or sand covering
• can be placed upon the surface of the concrete (the depth of the
• earth or sand covering to be not less than one inch) i?hich shall
be done as soon as possible without damaging.the cuncrute surface,
- 13 -
• After t':e covering ;,f earth :,r aand has been placed, dame of
earth or sand shall immedir.toly bo built ulonL botl: ed,;ca cf
the l:avcmer_t and across the pavur,crt 4t frcquunt intcrvc_ls,
and t ::s ,,avcrLcrt between the dams be covered with t7o incises
depth of mater for a reriud of ton days, after iich thu es_rth
da;:.s can be rawuvod. Iio traffic shall be r..11orud on tho
Pavcrr(;nt until fourtoo.� days after the curing rbove duscribud
has been cumpleted.
Concrute curbs eas.11 be constructed slung such ;crti;,n of
the work, and of t:,e si c and shape sl oun upon the plaz.s. It
shall be placed upon a sub -grade prepared as hercinbefor:: des-
cribud under ti(, headizzg of iradini„ and thorou .-lily dampuned.
The .body of cot,crotc curbs onall consist cf cuncrctu cut -roeod of
the fo11ovin6 i-�aturi;..ls, oiid said r,aterisls shrill conform tc thu
requireruo,;ts au l.urei. :uk�f4re specified, to- +:fit:
1: Portland Odiitvt:t - one cart by taeasure:
2: Sand or Stone Scrueni zL;s - tivo ,arts by ,. :uasuru:
3: Bruvai or irokes Sto c -four parts b;r t,.easure:
Tina propertivnin . anal mixing of ti.e cuncrute s;,2.11 bu dunu
as horeinbufure srucifiud.
(a) rorme: Plr,n] s used for forms shall bu :,i a width ec,ual
to t;:u depth of th.; curb and shall be t+. u inches in tlickr_e;,;;.
7arpud rILLIc and plank not Lavin a Smoot :; strai. ,t a . ur ed--c
shz.l! not bo used. Tire curb planks shall be rigidly 1.eld in place
by the use of not leas than fiuc pairs ,,f iron utakus to Bach up
foot ecction of curb. 1.11 curb forma rust bc; cc.rutully sat to
pruuk ;r uligzu;_u.st and -rade. Curb fours L.Lal1 not bu romovud from
- 14 -
the concrete in lobo than one hour after the concrete has
• boon tampod into place, and the back form sht_ll not bo ruruved u
• until the face cf the curb has been plastered.
(b) Plastering and Finishing: The top of the curb stall
bu plastered with a 1/2 inch coat of cer,ent si:ortar, as soon �:s
the concrete has been thoroughly tamped, ti:c back arid face i,f the
curb shall receive 1/4 inch coat of cer.:ent mortar as soon L.s t'ie
forms are removed, the back tc a depth of four inchea from the
top of the curb arid the front to a depth of 15 inci.as frorn the
top of tile; curb, unless otherwise shoT7n uion tho plums. Thu cement
mortar shall consist of one sack of Purtland Cement to one t:nd
x one —half cubic Poet of =wAaw cared previously scruaned t;, rcmuve
all Particles retained on a 1/4 inch screen. The nortar shedv be
nixed in a concrutc mixer in the r:anner specified for concrete."
The niurtar iauat bo uuod imi,.ediatoly after mining acid no rutun.pur-
ing :rill be permitted. The- rh.stcred surfLcus of the curb sl.r.11
bo vcll floated and troweled into the body of the curb before the
cuncruto has s t. It shall be smoothly polished and mar " -ed rith
joints at ri,;ht angles to the curb grade;, into blocks cf uniftrrn
lungth, not less tiuun tlrr:;u nor more than four feet.
(c) Curia- ,: Tile,, back and top of the curb shall be covered
pith eerth or sand'witirin twelve hours after complution, ;;..rice z5h;aIl
rur,ain covered and shi.li bu kept fret for turn days.
Concrete sidewalks
shall be constructed
c;lonL such portion
of the wurk, and of the
si e end shape &hown
upon tire: plans, it
shall b:: ph.cod upon a
sub —grade prepared as
heruiribeforo duelcri lutzd
—15 —.
under the heading of grudi;.g and thoroughly dampened. T:.e base
of the concrete 6iderralk shall consist of cc.ncrute ceidpoGed of
the following materials and said materials shall conform to the
recluirwaents as hereinbcfc:ru specified,. to —vit:
1: Portland Ccl:r;;.t — one part by meusuru:
2: Sand or £tone scruuni, .s — tho p rIcs by measure:
3: Cr4VC1 or Brokun Stone — four parts by me«suro:
T;lu proportionin; and mixi-ng of t;:e concrete ehGll bu done
us hureinbeforu specified.
EIuE_dSI�i ?S:
Concrute sidewalks shall be cor_structud of G cew.ci,t coi;crLte
body, vihich shall 'oe thruc; (3) inchuu in thicki:ues aftur buiuL
coigpv.ctu(i, E,nd a
cei:ont morti:.r
finishing cuz.t
shall to unu —half (1/2) inch
in thicknubt,,
ui11c66 uthcn.isu
on tik' ab�)Ve hie- lltio;lud drawings and profiles.
Forms shall bu true and atrciLht, free frol, n,t�tp, mould 6f
sufficient str;;n�.th to rosist sprin„inL out of shape. All mortar
srr_d dirt shall be rLimovud from furors that havo •uoen prLvicuuly
u 6(;;d.
^1 Lv forms shall bo vtell staked or othereri6u meld to tl:,; uetcb-
lished line and grade, and their upper surface Fha.11 cui.lur. ^.ith
the !'inie:led surface of t;io concrete sidovalk.
All forms shall be thorou• hly wet bt 1fcru any is du-
posited ugainet them.
Strips used t.6 forms 6,t the: sides of t:--o !7. 1,lk f h .11 bu not i. LE
Ulan trn--, (p) inciluc. in iiidth nor less than three L,nd one -h;11 (b 1 /(,)
inc:ies in djl;th.
- 16
• The surfzxu of tl.E; sidu�7alks shall be divided ii:tu suc'',.iuns
• t *ro and one -half (2 1/2) fuut in length, meaaurud r.lurru t1tc sid�-
walL psrallel to the stre,t linos,
TLusu suctions to be niarh,:;d Math a jointer, ut least one- qur.rtur
inch in depth alon- lirou _ LLt riLht cnLlc;s v-ith
the sidewalks. At every twenty feet in langtl; ur ovary of AAh
section the a-*-4 sidee =alk sh411 be completely supr.rt.ted fruit, the
adjacent sidewalk, by suu;e L.ethod vhicL Brill insure ccmpletc a;-
paration, by a j�iint not less than one - eighth (1/8) nor mere. -than
three- sixteenth (3/16) of un inch aide. These joi ::te zi.vbt' uu out
straight and -true to a line, and at right un„lcs with ti.o outside
edge of t; ,u sid-17alk.
Pr2 ortions: Cement mortar finishing coat shall bu cumpusud
ofi One (1) part of Portland %went,• one and cne -half (1 1/21
- 17 -
parts of band or
stone scruunin3s.
inixinr;: nixing
shall be clone in crater -tight ri,urtiir 'bones.. In
the process of mixinE.
the mortar, the matorials shall be thcrouihly..
mixed by turning
at least three times dry. A sufficient quantity
of lamp black, (
1/4 p;,unds pc r sack of cen,unt) shall be riixe;d dry
with tiiu, sc.nd. and
cezaunt, until the mixture is :,f a unifurui color.
It shall then be
vct) -With sufficient crater to produco a, consistency
which will not rocuire
tamping, but which can be easily srruud into.,
position, turned
twice and imi..ediately put in plucu as hcrcinaftur
rearing surface shall be placed imi :.udiutely. after
mixing and in no
case shall inC +ru tiv.n fifty (50) rainut &s elapse
between the time
tLu eonerute for tip' body if the sidevrt'lh is ruin' Ud-
- 17 -
_ y1
and the time the nearing surface is placed.
The surface of the finishing coat shall be well floated
and thoroughly and smoothly trovreled into the body of the con -
cretu so as to form one con "act mass, free from voids or loose
spacus and shall then be smoothly polished, :'
. The finished v7elk mist show an even, true surface
free from sags, hunp&, pits or other defccte. Then a straight
ed3e five (5) feet in length is laid upon the surface at any
point, except ut rude changes, the surface shall at no point
vary more than ono- quarter of an inch from the true edge of the
straight edgo.
Thcrcver the, M,lk is laid upon a grade cf five (5) ,)ercent
or mere it shall b:; finished ?ith a fluEted surfr.ce.
I'llerever t;,; ; .7c lk cunstructQd wider t..usu u ecifics-
tiens, does nut cover thu cntiru sidot7Glk &race suclr uncovc:rLd
j,urtion- sht.11 be brcu -.ht to gri:.du and loft in a finisiu,d ounditiun.
Thu aptdication of :teat cu.-Wiit to tho surfucu in ordey to
hautun hardenin ; is prohibited.
Contractor's i3 rue Stamp: Thu Cuntructor shall stamp hit, nun.0
on all 17ork done by hiiii, at inturvuls of nut rasa than enu Luiidrud
i'cut on continuous cork, and not le&c, than unce on uacli jub of hies
than onu hundred feet in length. The letters shall not be smul.lur
than three- quarters of an inch in height and of propurtiunal *:idth.
They must be sunken and of a depth of nut lees then ono- quarter of
an inch.
Prot uctiun: Then completed, the eidcrulk shall be rent moist,
and be protected from t<.0 sun and thoroughly tv«tured for at lead
sure., days, s.ft::r completion and it must bo prutcctud fror,. trefiic
for at least tun days.
The contractor shall, for the price bid, furnish x.11 the
materials to execute the work in every respect in a thorouLh
(0 -V
and workmanlike manner, in accordar_cc with the plane and speci-
fications and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent.
All materials must be of spucified quality and fully equal
to the samples, when samples are required. The Contractor shall
furnisli to the Engineer for test, whenever called for and free of
charge:, samples of all materials proposed to be used in the work.
P.cjuctud material must be irr ediatuly reTxved from the work by
the Contractor.
Any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other p::rLcn vmplcy-
ed by the Contractor on the work, who shell perform vork ii; k
msnner contrary to these srucificetions, shall be dischI_rLcd iriu..od-
iately and such person shall not again be remployed on thu "Turk.
Bidders must e: amino and judo for thcrisulvcs as to the loca-
tion of the propos.;cI work, and thu.naturu of thu uxcavrticn to be
made and thu work to be done
Thu Coatr-.ctur shall givu 24 hours nu..ticc in +rriting !;i:o.: ile
will roquix,3 tiles Ecrv:ccu of t;:e F;nl,inucr fvr lallil:j erlt Llly ':urtion
of th.; � ork.
- 19 -
He shall di.- all stake holes necessary to give lines and
• levels. The Contractor shall prusurve all stakes set fur the
• lines, levels or r,easurements of the work in their proper
places until authurized to remove them by the Enginer,r, and any
expense incurred in replacing said stakes which the Contrr..ctor
or his subordinates may have failed to preserve shall by borne
by the Contractor.
Thu Contractor shall kcup upon the work a copy of the plans
and specifications, and accuse thorcto shall at all times be
accorded the En [,ineer or Inspector.
The Contractor shall prosecute work only in the presence of
an Engineer or Inerectur, aprcinted by the Street Superintendent
and b:ny work done in the abcer.ce of said FnLineer or Pnspector
will be subject to rejection. Tke Ccntrc.ctor shall furaicii tie
FnLincer and Inspector reasonable facilities for ubtaining such in-
formation as may be necessary to Live their full inforwaticn at all
times respecting ti,e pro -rese and manner of tLe work and the cl_ar-
actor of the materials.
PR':SF.FVATInIT nF cinlNiiF'.TS:
TLe Contractor shall not disturb any monuments ur stares fuuiid
on the line of improveraunts, until ordurud by the En- ineer, and he
shall bear the expense of rusotting any monuments or stakes r^hich
may be disturbed without orders.
• TIw .Contractor shall rcnz vu all trees, stones, debris and oti.er
- 20 -
• ubetructione that may be encountered in mr:kinG said imnroverients w-
The Contractor shall observe all the ordinances of the City
of Rowport Duach in relation to the obstrLction of streets; °yeep-
ing upon passaGewaye and protecting the same here they are ex-
posad or dan;,ercus t:. tr&vel.
Tl:e Contractor shall take all necessary r„easures to protect
the r7ork and rrevent accidents during construction. He shall
maintain and rrovide all necessary barriers, wards, temrurary
bridges, watcluiien and lights.
In caso.it should bu ueceesary to mmovc the rruperty cf any
ormor of a public utility or franchiee, such n-rner rill, upon proper
application by the Contractor, be notified by the Street Superin-
tsndent, to move such nropurty within a specified reasonable t ii«e,
and the Contractor she.11 not interfere with said property until
after the o.cpirutiun of tho time specified.
The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities and
franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making reprirs
or changes of their property that may bo made necessary by the vor::.
The City shall also have tliu privilego of entorin; upon the street
for the purrose of rspairinG culverts or storm drains.
All loss or &inaLc arising from any unforecon obstruction (.r
difficulties, either natural or artificial, which ne:y be uncountered
- 21 -
Ho work which may be defective in its construction ur deficiLi,t
in any of the requireiseuts of these "crecificat i;,nb -:ill be cui,E,idL:L-
ed as accepted in cunsequQnce of the ft.ilure of any officer of tLe
City or Inspector connected -ith the Work, to roint out uc.ic: defect
ur deficiency during construction, and the Contractor b:,E.11 cuirrect
any ihiporfect i7ork, ir.,vnuvcr discovered, before the final acceptance
Of tho work.
Tire Contrc.ctcr shall care for all work until final completion
and acceptance. Hu shall remove all surplts material and rubbish
from the work aftor its completion and bcfure he n.a._c apnlicaticn
for the acceptance of the work.
The. Contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he
desires a final inspection of the suork,vrhen the latter will, as soon
as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is
found in cdmpliance with these specifications, the street superinten-
dent will furnish the Contractor with a certificate to thEt effect.
• Then in these specifications a maximum or minimup, either in
size, percentage or thickness, or relatin to quality or character
-aa -
in the prosocutiun ;;f the rork,
or from any
action cf the elen.er:ts,
or from any act ;r omission not
by these specificationf;,
on the part of the Contractor,
or any aLcnt
or person ;.r,�rlcydd by
hire, shell be sustained by tiro
Ho work which may be defective in its construction ur deficiLi,t
in any of the requireiseuts of these "crecificat i;,nb -:ill be cui,E,idL:L-
ed as accepted in cunsequQnce of the ft.ilure of any officer of tLe
City or Inspector connected -ith the Work, to roint out uc.ic: defect
ur deficiency during construction, and the Contractor b:,E.11 cuirrect
any ihiporfect i7ork, ir.,vnuvcr discovered, before the final acceptance
Of tho work.
Tire Contrc.ctcr shall care for all work until final completion
and acceptance. Hu shall remove all surplts material and rubbish
from the work aftor its completion and bcfure he n.a._c apnlicaticn
for the acceptance of the work.
The. Contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he
desires a final inspection of the suork,vrhen the latter will, as soon
as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is
found in cdmpliance with these specifications, the street superinten-
dent will furnish the Contractor with a certificate to thEt effect.
• Then in these specifications a maximum or minimup, either in
size, percentage or thickness, or relatin to quality or character
-aa -
or other matter, is allowed or rrescribed, the work shall be
accepted as in compliance therewith, if'mithin such maxi=m or
minimum so allowed hereby.
Whenever the wurd "City" is used in these upecificuti_ns it
refers to the City of ificwport Beach, California.
Thenever the r:ord "Contractor" io used in these specificaticne,
it refers to the party or parties of t',-.e cecond part in the. FLree-
n.ert for the cunstructiong of ti-e work heroin spocifiod.
?".hcnevur tug: words "Suncrintendent" or "Fn-incur" are used in
these spucific<:tions, they refer respectively to the "Street Supur-
irate ?:dent" or "City F.n� ineer" of the City of iiei7port Beach, ur
their authorized agente ar inspections.
TLu City Clerk shall certify to the pussL.;a of thie Resolution
and shall cause tha 6«,:.c to b;, entered in the Book of Resulutions
and .a Minute of the rassr.,;e thereof in the Record of ti:e Buurd of
Trubteas :;f the meetin; at ,hich it was passed.
Passed and. aprroved this_3_W_day of , 1922.
City Clerk.
County of OranUe, ( SS.
I, City clerk, of the City of r?.e: ^port Bosch,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution Yo.
— 23
was aic?pted by tLe Board of Trustees of said Cit , siL;ned
by the President of euid Board, and attested by t;:e City Clerk,
all at an / adjoppurned regular raceting thereof, held on the 3 _
day cf_1/� ,922, and that the sane was adopted by t;_c
fell rin vvt , to -lit:
City 7.1. erk cf tha -riionrc.rt Reach.
- 24 -
I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records
of the City of Newport Beach filed and inaintained in my office,
the foregoing Resinlution No. 165 was duly and
Board ofTrustees of
regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the eke iK=jt
the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of
said held at the regular meeting place thereof, on
the 3d day of April 9 19229 by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES, Greeley, Schnitker, Wilson, Richter, Burke
NOES, (f''L &,: None
Dated this 22d day of December
19 5 $•
City Clerk anq Ex- Officio Clerk of t e
City Council, City of Newport Beach,
State of California.