HomeMy WebLinkAbout168 - Central Avenue Improvementst RESOLUTION NO. 16f A .RESOLUTION OV THE BOARD OF `i'RUSTI +"ES OF TILE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECL,RING TliIR INTENTION TO ORDER THE IMPROVE - HENT OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND CERTAIN OTHER STRF3TS AND AVENUES, AND OF CER`PAA=AL�, AND TO Cr.ANGE THE GRADES OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ST M'i'S AND AVENUES UIVDER THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1 911. The Board of 'Trustees of the City of Newport Beach do resolve as follows: SECTION 1.. That the public interest and convenience require and it is the intention of the :Board of 'Trustees of the City of NEWPORT BEACH to order that the following work be done, to wit: 10 That concrete pavement five inches (5 ") thick be constructed in and upon the roadway of certain portions of streets and avenues in the City of Newport Beach, as follows: (a) Bay Avenue between the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of 1+1AI1V Street and the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly curb line of "A" Street. (b) Alvarado Street between a line drawn from the North- easterly to the Northwesterly corner of Alvarado Street and Surf Avenue and the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of that part of CENTRAL Avenue (South Drive) lying Westerly, of Alvarado Street, and ALVARADO Street between the Easterly pro- longation of the Northerly line of that part of CENTRAL Avenue (North Drive) lying Westerly of Alv.:4r:tdo Street and the Southerly line of BAY Avenue; and ALVAR.IDO Street between the Northerly line of BAY Avenue and the Easterly .prolongation of the Southerly line of BUENA VISTA BOULEV:LRD. -1- T _ '7 N (o) Alvarado Plaice between the Northerly line of Bay Avenue and a line drawn from the Northeasterly corner of Lot three (3), to the Northwesterly corner of Lot four (4) of a Map of subdivision of Block "C ", Newport Bay Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 5, Page 25, Records of ORANGE County, California. (d) Harding Street between the Easterly line of Cypress Street and the Westerly line of Adams Street. (e) Cypress Street between the Northerly line of Central Avenue and the Southerly line of Bay avenue. (f) Fernando Street between the Northerly line of Bav Avenue and a line drawn from the Northeasterly corner of Lot thirteen (13) to the Northwesterly corner of Lot fourteen ('14) of a map of subdivi- sion of Block "C ", Newport Bay Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 5, Page 25, Records of Orange County, California. (g) Bay View Avenue between the northerly line of Bay Avenue and a line drawn from the Northeasterly corner of Block one (1), to the Northwesterly corner of Block two (2), of a Map of Balboa Baysi.de Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book four (A), Page 789 Records of Orange County, California. (h) Coronado Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive); Coronado Street between the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and the Southerly line of Bey Avenue; and Coronado Street between the Northerly line of Bay Avenue and a line drawn from the North - easterly corner of lot eight (8) , to the Northwesterly corner of I Lot nine (9), of a lamp of Subdivision of Block "C ", Newport Bay Tract, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, .Book 5, Page 25, Records of Orange County, California. (i) Adams Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive); Adams Street between the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) »,nd the Southerly line of B ±,v .:'.venue; and Adams Street between the Northerly - line of Bay Avenue and a line drawn from the Northeasterly corner of Lot one (1), Block two (2) to the Northwesterly corner of Lot six (6), Block three (3), of a map of Balboa Bayside 'Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Flaps, Book 4, page 78, Records of Cringe County, California. (j) Palm Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive); Palm Street between the ldortherly line of Central avenue (North Drive) and the Southerly line of Bay avenue; and Palm Street between the Northerly line of Bay Avenue and a line 132.78 feet Northerly of and parallel with the ldortherly line of Bay Avenue. (k) Washington Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive); Washington Street between the PJortherly line of Central ,venue (North Drive) and the Southerly line of BV Avenue; and Washington Street between the Northerly line of Bay .l venue and a line 112 feet Northerly of and parallel with the Northerly line of Bay Avenue. (1) Main Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (m) "A" Street between a line drawn from the Northeasterly to the Northwesterly corner of Surf :,venue and "A" Street and the Southerly line of Central „venue (South Drive) ; and ail "Street between the Northerly line of Centr?L1 Avenue((.Worth Drive)- and the Southerly line of Bay Avenue. (n) "B" Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue ( South Drive); and "B" Street between the Northerly line of Centr >L1 Avenue (North Drive) and the i Southerly line of Buy Avenue. (o) Ninth Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central avenue (South Drive). -3- (p) Tenth Street between the Northerly line of 4pean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South. Drive). • (n) Eleventh Street between the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue :and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (r) Twelfth Street between the northerly line of Ocean Lvenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (s) Thirteenth Street between the Tdortherly line of Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central avenue (South Drive). (t) Fourteenth Street between the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central avenue (South Drive). (u) Fifteenth Street betr:een the Fortherly line of Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (v) Sixteenth Street hetween the Northerly line of Ocean avenue and the Southerly line of Central avenue (South Drive) (w) Seventeenth Street between the Northerly line of Ocr'an Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (x) Eighteenth Street between the Tdortherly line of Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (y) nineteenth Street between a line drawn from the north- easterly to the Porthwesterly corner of Pineteenth Street and Ocea -n Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive), 'and Nineteenth Street between the Tdortherly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and a line drawn through a point in the center line of said Nineteenth Street - At right angles to said center line - which pint is 422.70 feet Lortherly of the intersection of the hortherly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and the center line of said Nineteenth Street, measured.along the center line of s:.id Nineteenth Street. (z) Twenty -sixth Street between a line drawn from the North - easterly to the Southeasterl;, corner of 'Twenty -sixth Street and )( Central Avenue, and a line 70 ft. Easterly of andparallel with the Easterly line of that portion of La,Fayette avenue lying Northerly of Twenty -sixth Street. -4- and the Northerly prolongation of the :7esterly line of that portion of Coast Boulevard lying Southerly of Thirtieth Street and 'ThirtieM Street between the &,sterly line of Co.st Boulevard and the Southwester- ly line of the Southern Pacific Rid lrond Company's Right- of- �..'•sy. (jj) Bay . 1venue between the Easterly line of the Southern P: -Lcific Railroad Comp,yny's Right -of -'Jay, and the .'est ^rly line of 'Twentieth Street and Bay Avenue between the Easterly line of Twentieth Stree' and the '.1esterly line of liineteenth Street. Including ail those portions designated upon the plans hereinafter mentioned of the inter- sections of said j3.bove described portions of streets and avenues with other streets and avenues and vrith alleys. (aa) Twentieth Street between the Northerly line'bf OceNn c,Ivenue • and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive). (bb) Twenty -third Street between the Easterly line of Ocean venue and the `.'esterly line of Coast Boulevard. (cc) Twenty- fourth Street between the E,,.sterly line of Ocegn avenue and the ',Yesterly line of Coast Boulevard. (dd) Twenty -fifth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean .'"venue end the ". .'esterly line of Cor.st Boul lard. (ee) Twenty -sixth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean .>venue and the ':.' esterly line of Coast Boulevard. (ff) Twenty- seventh Street between the Easterly line of Ccean avenue and the ' Jesterly line of Coast Boulevard. (gg) Twenty -eight Street between the Ea,.sterly line of Ocegn .'"venue and the . esterly line of Coy *.st Boulevard. (hh) Twenty -ninth Street between the Easterly line of Ocen.n Avenue and the '.westerly line.of Coast Boulevard. (ii) Thirtieth Street between the Easterly line of Oce °)n -venue and the Northerly prolongation of the :7esterly line of that portion of Coast Boulevard lying Southerly of Thirtieth Street and 'ThirtieM Street between the &,sterly line of Co.st Boulevard and the Southwester- ly line of the Southern Pacific Rid lrond Company's Right- of- �..'•sy. (jj) Bay . 1venue between the Easterly line of the Southern P: -Lcific Railroad Comp,yny's Right -of -'Jay, and the .'est ^rly line of 'Twentieth Street and Bay Avenue between the Easterly line of Twentieth Stree' and the '.1esterly line of liineteenth Street. Including ail those portions designated upon the plans hereinafter mentioned of the inter- sections of said j3.bove described portions of streets and avenues with other streets and avenues and vrith alleys. qWr 2 - - -. That Concrete pavement eight inches (8 ") thick be con- in and structeq/upon the roadway of certain portions of streets and • avenues in the City of IIEUPOR'T BEACH, as follows: • (a) B.?y avenue between the 'Iesterly line of Alvarado Street and the ;'esterly line of Idain Street. (b) Main Street between the Iortherly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and the ;;esterly prolongation of the hortherly line of that part of B_�y Avenue lying Easterly of I.iuin Street. (c) Fourth Street between the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and a line which is fourteen feet (141) North- erly of and parallel with the center line of thftt -part of B.. ?y avenue lying Easterly of Fourth Street, (d) Bay Avenue between the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Fourth Street and the hortherly prolongation of the :lesterly line of 'Third Street. (e) Twenty -first Street between the ;+esterly prolongation of the Northerly line of B:�y Avenue and the Southwesterly line of the Pacific Electric Rzailway Company's Right -of -way. (f) Twenty - second Street between the E: _,sterly line of Ccean Avenue and the ',Iesterly line of Coast Boulevard. (g) Thirtieth Street between the Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line of that purt of Coast Boulevard lying Southerly of Thirtieth Street and the E:).sterly line of Coaast Boulevard. (h) Central Avenue between a line drawn at right angles to the center line of Central Avenue, through u point, ru:ich point is 1483. 32 ft. northerly of the intersection of the center line • of lushington :venue and the center line of Central avenue measured • along the center line of said Central :,venue, and the ..esterly line • of i.ineteenth Street, (including only the Iortherly drive thereof sihere Central ..venue lies _dj -Scent to the P:Lcific Electric Railr, 1TT Comp�iny's P,ight- of - "ay); Central Avenue (3outh Drive) being the street lying Sout h -6- x,..: • of and adjacent to the Pacific Electric _i,ilwity Company Right -of -Way, • from the Easterly line of Twenty -first Street to the .Yesterly line of i.ineteenth Street; and Central avenue (1!orth :Drive) bet:ieen the • Westerly line of ;nineteenth Street. and the 'siesterly line of "B" Street; i.,.nd Central avenue (South Drive) between the 'iesterly line of '.ineteenth ;Street and the Westerly line of "B "Street. -e Date r/ W Coast Boulevard between the North prolongation of the 11orthwesterly line of 'Yorty -fifth Street and the Northerly line of Thirtieth Street; and Coast Boulevard between the Southerly line of Thirtieth Street and the Northeasterly line of Ocean ;venue - except that part of Coast Boulevard lying between the tracks; between the rails and within two feet (2') on e,,.ch side of the tracks of th, Southern Pacific Railroad Company; and except that part of Cost Boulevard lying between the r >tils and within two feet (21) on each side of the track of the Pacific Electric Railway Company; and except that part of Coast Boulevard described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Southwesterly curb line of Co•.st Boulevard, with a line eighteen feet (18') 11orthwester -j of and parallel with the center line of Thirty -first Street; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly curb line of Coast Boulevard a distance of seventy -three feet (731) to a point; thence Easterly along a circular curve with a radius of 448.34 feet, conc_lve to the 1!orth to a point in the Northeasterly curb line of Coast Boulevz:�rd, which -point is 298_ feet Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of Thir- thence tieth Street; timm Southeasterly along the Northen.sterly curb line • of Coast Boulevard a distance of seventy -three feet (73') to :-a point; • thence along a circular curve ;rith a radius of 508.34 feet, ©on@a.ve • to the North )to the point of beginning. Including all these portions designated upon the plans here - inafter .Aentione of the intersections of said above described streets and avenues with other streets and avenues, and :;ith alleys. -7- f} r t; . 3. Th�et the following.Aeseribed..:alleys in the City of • IE14PONT BEACH be surfaoed with clay and gravel six inches (6 ") • thick, to -wit: (a-) The first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the ;Westerly line of Island Avenue and the Easterly line of Lindo avenue. (b) The first alley Easterly of Lindo Avenue between the Iortherly line of the first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue and ' lesterly line of the first alley 'westerly of Island .avenue. (o) The first alley '; esterly of Island Avenue between the !:Westerly prolongation of the Northerly line of the first alley Northerly of Bay :venue and the Southerly line of the first alley Southerly of Buena: Vista Boulevard. (d) The first alley Northerly of Bay avenue between the Westerly line of .'made Avenue and the Easterly line of Isl,ind Avenue. (e) The first alley Northerly of Central Avenue between the 'westerly line of Ad,ims Street and the Easterly line of Cypress Street. (f) The first alley , esterly of Palm Street between the D'orth- erly line of Central :venue and the Southerly line of the first alley Southerly of Bi.y :avenue. (g) The first alley Southerly of BL�y Avenue between the 'Iesterly • line of Palm Str • (h) The first Northerly line of Avenue. (i) The first :et and the Eas alley '.lesterly Central avenue alley Westerly terly line of Ad:r.ms Street. of ':!,shington Street between the and the Southerly line of B:?.y of thin :Street between the North- erly line of Central Avenue and the Southerly line of Bay Avenue. gam: -8- • • • • • (j) The first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the Westerly line of the first alley Easterly of Fernando Street and the Easterly line of Fernando Street; and the .first alley Northerly of Bay Ivenue between the 1,9esterly line of Ferns.nd6`dtreet and the Easterly line of Coronado Street; and the first alley Northerly of Bay iivenue bet- ween the Westerly line of Coronado Street and the Easterly line of Alvarado Place. (k) The first alley 'desterly of Fernando Street between the lortherly line of the first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue and the Southerly line of the second alley 1.'ortherly of Bay Avenue. (1) The second alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the esterly line of Fernando Street and the Easterly line of Coronado Street. (m) The first alley .7esterly of snade Avenue between the 1ortherly line of the first o.11ey 1ortherly of Bay avenue and the Southerly line of the second alley Portherly of Bay Avenue. (n) The first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the Westerly lie Ana de line of Liontero Avenue ardj Easterly line of Avenue. Ir (o) The first alley ',lesterly of :.Iontero Avenue between the Porth- Aie, erly line of4first alley P'ortherly of Bay avenue and the Southerly line of the second alley Northerly of Bay Avenue. (p) The first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the sesterly line of Palm Street and the Easterly line of Adams Jtreet. (q) The first alley Westerly of Cypress Street between the Porth- erly line of Central Avenue and the Southerly line of Bay avenue; and the first alley Westerly of Bay View Avenue between the northerly line of Bay Avenue and the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of the second alley Northerly of Bay avenue. (r) The second alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the l'-ortherly prolongation of the I,Iesterly line of the first alley Westerly of Bay View Avenue and the Easterly line of Fernando Street. -9- E S- (s) The first alley Northerly of Bay Avenue between the • Jesterly line of Adiuns Street and the Easterly line of Bay View • Avenue. (t) The first alley Westerly of Third Street between the Northerly line of Surf :;venue and the Southerly line of Central ;- Avenue. (u) The first alley Easterly of 'Third Street between the Iortherly line of Surf ;venue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue. (v) The first alley Iortherly of Surf Avenue between the:;.,..,. Easterly line of the first alley Easterly of Third Street, and the ':festerly line of the first alley 'lesterly of Second Street. (J) The first alley "lesterly of Second Street between the northerly line of Surf : 1venue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue. (x) The first alley Easterly of Second Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue. (y) The first alley Northerly of Surf Avenue between the Easterly line of Ilinth Street and the ';;esterly line of the first alley '.esterly of Fourth Street. (bb) The first alley I <ortherly of Surf .Avenue between the Easterly line of the first alley Easterly of Fourth Street and -10- (z) The first alley '."esterly of nor__ u ;street between the Northerly line of Surf _venue and the Southerly line of Central • .;venue. (aa) The first alley Easterly of ^o41tu .street between the • Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue. (bb) The first alley I <ortherly of Surf .Avenue between the Easterly line of the first alley Easterly of Fourth Street and -10- the ';resterly line of the first alley '.iesterly of 'Third Street. • (cc) The first alley Eortherly of Surf avenue between the Easterly line of :;:ain Street and the 'c+esterly line of "A" ;street. • (dd) The first alley lortherly of Central .ivenue between the Easterly line of First Street and the �;esterly line of Alvarado Btreet. (ee) The first alley Northerly of Central avenue between the Easterly line of Alvarado Street and the Westerly line of Coronado Street. (ff) The first alley Northerly of Central :+.venue between the Easterly line of Coronado Street and the westerly line of the first alley Easterly of Coronado Street. (gg) The first alley Northerly of Surf Avenue between the Easterly line of the first alley Easterly of Second Street and the .'esterly line of the first alley Westerly of First Street. (hh) The first alley iesterly of First Street between the Northerly line of Surf .ivenue c.nd the Southerly line of Centr ^1 "venue. (ii) The first alley Easterly of First Street between the Northerly line of Surf Ararue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue. (jj) The first alley ortherly of Surf Avenue between the Easterly line of the first alley Easterly of First Street and the Westerly line of Alvarado Street. (kk) The first alley Easterly of Fifteenth Street between the Southerly line of Central "Venue and the 1ortherly line of Ocean • .ivenue . • (11) The first alley Northerly of Ocean Avenue between the . Easterly line of I•;ineteenth Street and the ';esterly line of the first alley Westerly of Fifteenth Street, - excepting therefrom the intersections with Sixteenth Street, Seventeenth Street and Eighteenth Street. (mm) The first alley ':'esterly of Fifteenth Street between -11- the Northerly line of Ocean 'venue Lnd the Southerly line of • Central Avenue. • (nn) The first alley rortherly of Oce..n 'venue between the • Ei..sterly line of the first alley Easterly of Fifteenth Street and the 'esterly line of Finth Street - e >;cepting therefrom the inter- sections �I th Tenth Street, Eleventh Street, Twelfth Street, Thirt- eenth Street and Fourteenth Street. 4. That concrete curbs be constructed along the ro.dw,..ys of certain portions of streets and avenues in the City of NE'.IPORT BEACH as follows; (R) Along the South line of the roadway of Bay Avenue between a line 180 feet 'Jesterly of and parallel with the :Testerly line of that hart of Gorono.do street lying Southerly of Bay avenue and a line 210 feet Westerly of and parallel with the last mentioned line. (b) Along the Northerly line of the roadway of Bay .ivanun between the Northerly prolongation of the E_sterly line of Ts�in Street and the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly curb line of "A "Street. (c) Along the Easterly line of the roadway of A1verpdo Street between the ':!esterly prolongation of the Tdortherly line of the first alley Southerly of Centr: -t.l Avenue lying Easterly of Alvarado Street and the Festerly prolongation of the Southerly line of that part of Central avenue (South Drive) lying E,,sterl� • of Alvarado Street together with a curb return at the Fortherl y • line of the last mentioned alley. • (d) Along the ldortherly and Southerly lines of the road —1y of Harding Street between the E sterly line of CyAress Strflet and the Westerly line of Adams Street. (e) Along the E�.sterly and ':iesterly lines of the ro- dw:_.y -12- • of Cypress Street between the northerly line of Central Avenue • (EEvr�h ✓ iva) and the Southerly line of B,:y Avenue,together with curb returns at the corners of HLxding Street and of the first alley North- • erly of Central Avenue. (f) Along the Easterly line of the ron.dv✓ay of Coronado Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Sou therl ine of Central Avenue (South Drive),together with curb returns at the cor- ners of the first alley Northerly of Surf Avenue; and along the Easterly line of the roadway of Coronado Street between the Northerly line of Central Avenue, (North Drive) and the Southerly line of the first alley Hortherly of Central Avenue, together with a curb return at the Southeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley. (g) Along the '.lesterly line of the roadway of ';fashington Street between the Northerly line of By Avenue and a line 112 feet !,orth- erly of and rarallel 117ith the Northerly line of said Bay avenue. (h) Curb returns at the Southwesterly, Northwesterly and South- easterly corners of Main Street and BE,.y .;venue. (i) Along the Wlesterly line of the roadwoy of "A" Street between the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of the first alley Northerly of Central avenue together with a curb retu ~n at the Southwesterly corner of the last mentioned alley. (j) Along the Easterly and lesterly lines of the roadway of "B" Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the South- erly line of Central , ,venue (South Drive) and along the.sterly . and +`esterly lines of the roadway of "B" Street between the Portia- • erly line of Centr,,.l Avenue (Lorth drive) Lind the Southerly line of Bay Avenue. (k) Along the Easterly and ';Jesterly lines of the ro,xdwa.y of Ninth Street between the Northerly line of Surd Avenue and the Southerly line of Central : ,venue (South Drive),together with curb -125- qP AW r4 returns at all corners of the alleys terminating at said part of Ninth Street. • • (1) along the Northerly line of the roadway of Bay Avenue between the Northerly prolongation of the E:Lsterly line of Fourth Street and a line eight feet (81) Southerly of .and parallel with the Northwesterly line of Buen >t Vista Boulevard, together with a curb return at the Northwesterly corner of Bzay I,venue and Buena Vista boulevard. (m) Along the E- isterly and Westerly lines of the ro °1dw%y of Tenth Street between the lortherly line of Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central -i venue (South Drive) together with curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting with said part of Tenth Street. (n) Along the Easterly and Westerly lines of the rol -dway of Eleventh Street between the Northerly line of Ocean ;avenue and the Southerly line of Central ;venue (South Drive),to gether with curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting faith said part of Eleventh Street. (o) along the Easterly and :lesterly lines of the ro,id Lv,- of Twelfth Street between the Pdortherly line of Oce -,.n avenue and the Southerly line of Central avenue (South Drive),together -:;ith curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting with said part, curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting =Tith s -lid part of Fourteenth Street. -14- of Twelfth ;treet. (p) Along the Easterly and ' aesterly lines of the midway of Thirteenth Street between the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (south Drive) , together with . curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting with said • part of Thirteenth Street. • (q) Along the Easterly and t7esterly lines of the roadc;,,zA.y of Fourteenth Street between the Pdortherly line of Oce_z Avenue and the Southerly line of Centr�i.l Avenue (South Drive),together •:with curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting =Tith s -lid part of Fourteenth Street. -14- s" (r) A °2nn,g the Easterly, and 'iesterly lines of the road,�iay of Six-;'. .. teenth Street between the Iortherly line of Ocean Avenue and the • Southerly line of Centre.l Aven (South Drive), together wii2a curb • returns +.t all corners of the alley intersecting with said part of Sixteenth Street. (s) along the Easterly and tlesterly lines of the road, -7;V of Seventeenth Street between `Eire Northerly line of Oce >an avenue and the Southerly line of Centr >il bvenue (South Drive) to @:ether .ith curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting frith said part of Seventeenth Street. (t) Along the Easterly and iresterly lines of the ro,_ad w,,y of Eighteenth Street between the Northerly line of Oc-�Ln venue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive) together with curb returns at all corners of the alley intersecting with said part of Eighteenth Street. (u) Along the 'i,esterly line of the roadway of lineteenth Street between a line drawn from the liorthe.isterly to the Northwesterly corner of Nineteenth Street and Ocean avenue, and a line dr�Lwn at right angles to the ':7esterly line of said Nineteenth Street, through a point in the ,!esterly line of said Nineteenth Street, which point is 32.50 feet northerly of the Northwesterly corner of lineteenth Street and Oce<sn Avenue; and along the Easterly line of the roadway of iineteenth Street between a line dravin from the 1ortheasterly to the ilorthviesterly corner of Nineteenth Street and Ocean ;svenue and a line drawn at right Tangles to the Easterly line of said nineteenth Street through a point in the • Easterly line of said Nineteenth Street, -hich point is 20 feet ortherly of the Northeasterly corner of Iineteenth Street and • Ocean :venue; and along the Easterly line of the roadwo-,.y of Nineteenth Stimt and the southerly line of the roadway of Centr,.l Avenue (South Drive) , from a line drawn at right angles to the ":4sterly line of nineteenth Street, through a point in said Easterly -15- • • • • • of the i,ortheasterly corner of that part of the first alley South- erly of Central Avenue, which lies Easterly of Lineteenth Street;::,, c then /i;ortheasterly around the curve of the curb line at the South- 'L easterly corner of nineteenth Street and Central Ivenue,(South Drive) line drawn at right angles to the Southerly line of Central .venue (South Drive), through a point in said last mentioned line, which ,point is 24.46 feet easterly of the intersection of the northerly prolongation of the F.�sterly line of nineteenth Street, with tueSoutherly line of Central Avenue, (South Drive). (v} Along the i•.ortherly and Southerly lines of the Bo 1dw:iy of Twenty -sixth Street between a line drawn from the 17ortheasterly to the Southeasterly corr_er of T,':er.ty -sixth Street and Central Avenue, and a line seventy feet (70') Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of that part of L•if- iyette avenue lying Rortherly of Twenty -sixth Street to €ether with curb returns at all corners of Twenty -sixth Street and L,.fayette avenue and at all corners of the fii% s f d�k alley Easterly of Central avenue lying Ilortherly of 'Twenty -sixth Street. (w) Along the '.'esterly line of the roadway of Twentieth Str ^et between tpie northerly line of Ccean Avenue and a line drat -n at right angles to the - ,.'esterly line of said i'rentieth Street through a point in the •.:esterly line of said Twentieth Street, which point is six feet (6') northerly of the Dorthwesterly corner of Twentieth Street and Ocefin AAvenue; and along the Easterly line of the roadway Of ` Twentieth Street between the 1ortherly line of Oce, -).n avenue and a line '.rar:n at right angles to the Dasterly curb line of said Twen- tieth Street through a point in the Easterly curb line of said Twentieth 6tset - -,.hich point is twelve feet (12') Bortherly of the Iortherly line of Oce•.Ln =venue measured along the Easterly curb line of said T.-.,entieth ,street. -16- line of nineteenth Street, which point is 77.32 feet 1ortherly of the i,ortheasterly corner of that part of the first alley South- erly of Central Avenue, which lies Easterly of Lineteenth Street;::,, c then /i;ortheasterly around the curve of the curb line at the South- 'L easterly corner of nineteenth Street and Central Ivenue,(South Drive) line drawn at right angles to the Southerly line of Central .venue (South Drive), through a point in said last mentioned line, which ,point is 24.46 feet easterly of the intersection of the northerly prolongation of the F.�sterly line of nineteenth Street, with tueSoutherly line of Central Avenue, (South Drive). (v} Along the i•.ortherly and Southerly lines of the Bo 1dw:iy of Twenty -sixth Street between a line drawn from the 17ortheasterly to the Southeasterly corr_er of T,':er.ty -sixth Street and Central Avenue, and a line seventy feet (70') Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of that part of L•if- iyette avenue lying Rortherly of Twenty -sixth Street to €ether with curb returns at all corners of Twenty -sixth Street and L,.fayette avenue and at all corners of the fii% s f d�k alley Easterly of Central avenue lying Ilortherly of 'Twenty -sixth Street. (w) Along the '.'esterly line of the roadway of Twentieth Str ^et between tpie northerly line of Ccean Avenue and a line drat -n at right angles to the - ,.'esterly line of said i'rentieth Street through a point in the •.:esterly line of said Twentieth Street, which point is six feet (6') northerly of the Dorthwesterly corner of Twentieth Street and Ocefin AAvenue; and along the Easterly line of the roadway Of ` Twentieth Street between the 1ortherly line of Oce, -).n avenue and a line '.rar:n at right angles to the Dasterly curb line of said Twen- tieth Street through a point in the Easterly curb line of said Twentieth 6tset - -,.hich point is twelve feet (12') Bortherly of the Iortherly line of Oce•.Ln =venue measured along the Easterly curb line of said T.-.,entieth ,street. -16- 0 i (x) along the Northerly line of the roadway of Twenty- fourth Street between the Easterly line of Coe= .,.venue and a line 4.50 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Cce:n • Avenue. (y) «long the Uortherly line of the roadway of Twenty -fifth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean :venue and a line 4.50 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue; and along the Southerly line of the roadway of T.'enty -fifth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean «venue and a line eight Feet (81) Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean avenue. (z) Along the Northerly line of the roadway of 'Yvienty -sixth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean .venue, and a lire 19.80 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean A venue; and along the Southerly line of the road-;ay of Tvienty-,5i% M Street betweenf the E.,.sterly line of Ocean - :venue and a line 21.50 feet Easterly of and parallel with the D,sterly line of Gcean :venue. (aa) .;long the ortherly line of the roadway of Twenty- seventh betweeil Street Ambween the Easterly line of Ocean Ivenue and a line 15 feet E:,.sterly of and parallel .A th the Easterly line of Ocean :'.venue; and along the Southerly line of the roadray of 'Twenty- seventh Street between the Easterly line of Ocean .venue and a line 16 feet E�sterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean <, venue. (bb) .long the Northerly and .southerly lines of the roadway of r,venty- eighth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean .;venue and a line 37.50 feet L'asterly of and parallel with the Easterly lir. +e of Ocean .:venue. (cc) :long the Southerly line of the roadway of T ::enty -ninth Street bet: :een the Easterly line of Ocean .,venue and a line 36.50 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ccean.:'Ivenue. I(Id) Curb returns at the 2:ortliwesterly, South-resterly and south- easterly corners of Thirtieth ;street and the first alley Easterly -17- of Ocean Avenue. • (ee) Along the ep.sterly and 7;esterly lines of the roadway • of Centr,tl avenue between a line dr,wwn at right angles to the center line of said Central Avenue through a point in the center line of s,Idd Centr_il :,venue which point is 1483.32 feet northerly of the intersection of the center lines of Central Avenue and Washington Avenue, measured along the center line of said Central ..venue, and a line drawn at right angles to the center line of said Central. Avenue through a point in said center line, which !joint is 395.63 feet Southerly of the intersection of the center line of Central Avenue and T-::enty -third Street, measures along the center line of said Central Avenue together with curb returns at Rll corners of streets or alleys intersecting with or terminating at said part of Central Avenue. (ff) Along the Vorthe_�.sterly and Iortherly line of the road - way of Central Avenue (Vorth Drive) between a line drawn at right angles to the center line of Central Avenue through a point in said center line, which point is 395.63 feet Southerly of the inter- section of the center lines of 'Twenty -third Street and Centri.l Avenue, measured along the center line of said Centr -�l avenue and a line 27 feet P.i.sterly of and parallel with the center line of hints Street, together with curb returns at all corners of streets or alleys intersecting with or terminating at said part of Centro.l . ivenue (Forth Drive). (gg) Along the Southwesterly and Southerly line of the roa.dauy of Central .venue (north Drive) between a line 60 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's Right -cf -way, and the ;;esterly line of nineteenth Street; • end between the Easterly line of nineteenth Street and the .resterly line of Fifteenth Stret; Land between the E- ),sterly line of Fifteenth Street and the ;esterly line of Ninth Street; ::anal between the E�isterly line of Finth Street and the '. ..esterly line of Pourth Street; and be ween the Easterly line of Fourth Street and the ";lesterly line of Third Street; and between the Easterly line of Third Street and the oesterly line of Second Street; .Lnd between the Easterly line of Second Street and a line 145 feet ';lesterly of and parallel with the ;:esterly line of Isimnd avenue; and between a line 70 feet lesterly of and par,�Lile 1. mith the '.esterly line of Island avenue and the "lesterly line of Alvarado Street; and between the Easterly line of Alvarado Street wnd the 19esterly line of Coronado Street; and between the Easterly line of Coronado Street and the :lesterly line of Adams Street; Nand between the E.+sterly line of Ad:zms Street and the ',-lesterly line of Palm Street; and between the Easterly line of 2alm Street and the V,festerly line of sirashingt on Street; and between the E,isterly line of 7z4ahington Street and the :'lesterly line of lain Street; and between the r^,asterly line of i.i.,.in Street acid the Westerly line of "A ^Street; i +nd between the Ez.tsterly line of "A "Street and the 'lesterly line of "B" Street. (hh) Uong the Fortheasterly and Northerly line of the roadway of Central revenue (South Drive), being the street lying Southerly of and adjacent to the Pacific Electric R <.iletsy Compz.ny's Right -of- N.y, between the Esterly line of Twenty -first Street and the ,lesterly line of Nineteenth Street; and between the Easterly line of Itineteenth Street and the .:`esterly line of Fifteenth Street; and bet» ween the Easterly line of Fifteenth Street and the ,lesterly line of Ilinth Street; and between the Easterly line of Ilinth Street ;:anal the ':lesterly line of Fourth Street; and between the Easterly line of Fourth Street and the ;lesterly line of Third Street; and between the E:'.sterly line of Third Street and the 'lesterly line of Second Street; and between the Easterly line of Second Street wnd a line 145 feet ' :"esterly of and parallel with the Southerly prolongation of the '-:lesterly line of Island avenue; and between a line 70 feet westerly of and pzar.311el with the Southerly prolongation of the Avenue westerly line of Island /and the 'esterly line of Alvarado Street; and between the Easterly line of Alvarado Street and the :':'esterly -19- line of Coronado Street; and between the Easterly line of Coronado . Street and the '.: esterly line of Adams Street; and between the East- . erly line of Adams Street and the_ %.Westerly line of Palm Street; and between the Easterly line of Palm Street and the Sesterly line of • "ashington Street; and between the Easterly line of •.'ashington Street and the " esterly line of Kain Street; and between the Easterly line of iain Street and the ;( esterly line of "A" Street; and between the Easterly line of "A" street and the '.( esterly line of "B" Street. (ii) Along the Southerly line of the road,,vay of Central iivenue (South Drive), between a line drawn at right angles to the southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive) through a point in said Southerly line, which point is 24.48 feet Easterly of the intersection of the Iortherly prolongation of the Easterly line of Nineteenth Street,'- -rith the Southerly line of Central Avenue,(South Drivelq and the '+Westerly curb line of Seventeenth Street, together with curb returns at the Southeast and Southwest corners of Eighteenth Street and at the South- -.- west corner of Seventeenth Street; and between the Easterly curb line of Fifteenth Street and a line ten feet (101) Easterly of and parallel frith the Easterly line of Fifteenth Street, together -7 th a curb return at the Southeasterly corner of Fifteenth Street, and a curb return at the Southeasterly corner of Second Street; and betv!een a line 120 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Alvarado Street and the Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line of the first alley -f Easterly of Coronado Street lying Southerly of Central Avenue,together with curb returns at the Southwesterly and Southeasterly corners of Coronado Street and a curb return at the , Westerly line of the last mentioned alley. (jj) Along the Northerly line of the road °ray of Central avenue • (North Drive), between the Easterly curb line of Alvarado Street and the Southerly prolongation of the ilesterly line of the first alley Easterly of Coronado Street lying northerly of Central Avenue,toether • with curb returns at the Lortheasterly corner of Alvarado Street and at the Lortheasterly and I.,orthwesterly corners of Coronado Street and a curb return at the "Jesterly line of the last mentiored alley; and a curb return at the Northwesterly corner of Fourth Street and Central Avenue (b orth Drive). -20- re (kk) Along the l?orthe:ssterly and.Southwesterly lines of the roadway of Coast Boulevard, between the Tdorthe.+.sterly prolongation . of the northwesterly line of Forty -fifth Street, and a line 78.70 •feet Torthwesterly of and parallel with the northwesterly line of Thirty - eighth Street together with curb returns at all corners of streets and alleys intersecting with or terminating at said part of Coast Boulevard; and along the Northeasterly line of the roadway of Coe_st Boulevard between a line 78.70 feet Northwesterly of and parallel with the northwesterly line of Thirty- eighth Street and a line 69.66 feet lorthwesterly of and parallel with the northwesterly line of Thirty- eighth Street; :3.nd along the %orth�Q line of the road- way of Cost Boulevard Ietween a line five feet (6') northwesterly of and parallel with the Southeasterly line of Thirty - eighth Street,and a line five feet (6') Southeasterly of and parallel with the North - westerly line of Thirty -sixth Street,together with curb returns at the Easterly corner of Thirty- eighth Street, and at the northerly x corner of Thirty -sixth Street] and along the Southwesterly line of the roadway of Coast Boulevard, between a line twenty -five feet (r'.6') northwesterly of and parallel with the northwesterly line of Thirty- second Street and a line five feet (6') Southeasterly of and parallel with the northwesterly line of Thirty- second street together with a _,j curb return at the lesterly corner of Thirty- second Street and :Tong the i?orthezisterly and Southwesterly lines of the roadway of Coast Boulevard, between the Southeasterly curb line of Thirtieth Street and the lllorthe•�sterly prolongation of the northwesterly curb line of that port of Twenty -third Street lying Westerly of Coast Boulev: ;.rd, • together with curb returns at all corners of streets or alleys inter- n • setting with or tehinating at said part of Coast Boulevard and along die norrj�icos /cam the .esterly line of the roadway of Coast Boulevard bet+ree`in� e • Coro /o/ tiei7 of ffie southeaster /oe of f/ie 45eroridfi //e 1i -- W=tita outhe ?,sterly of ZZ'? •• Sfree7`' and the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue file Losf together with a curb return at the Southwesterly corner of 1+*e�4t=dd=zt ea.r rnerN`icneo� � /�e>r. -21- • • • Said concrete curbs shall be of the d9.raensions and at the locations shown upon the plans hereinafter referred to. 5 -- - -. That concrete sidewalks 3 -1/2 inches thick be con- strutted in certain portions of streets and avenues in the City of Newport Beach, as follows: (a) Along the Southerly side of Brs?7 : "avenue between a line 180 ft. Westerly of and parallel with the 7lesterly line of thrLt part of.Coronado Street lying South of Bay _'',venue and a line 210 ft. iesterly of and parallel with the last mentioned line. (b) Along the Easterly side of Ilvarado Street between the. esterly prolongation of the Northerly line of that part of the first alley Northerly of Surf Avenue lying Easterly of alv�arado Street end the ' ;Festerly prolongation of the Southerly line of that part of Central Avenue (South Drive) lying Easterly of Alv -.rado Street; and a sidewalk return at the Southwesterly corner of B-Ly Avenue and Alva- rado Street. (c) Along the northerly side of Harding Street between the Easterly line of Cypress Street and the Jesterly line of Adams Street, and along the Southerly side of Harding Street between the "easterly line of Cypress Street and a line 26.28 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Cypress Street. (d) Along both sides of Cypress Street between the Lortherl y line of Central -lVenue and the Southerly line of Bn.y Avenue with sidewo.114 returns at the corners of H.Lrding Street. (e) Along the Bc,sterly side of Coronado Street between the northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of the first alley Iortherly of Surf avenue; and between the Northerly line of the last mentioned alley used the Southerly line of Central Avenue ( South Drivejp�.nd -22- j> (g) Along the "Westerly side of "A" Street, between the Ivorth- erly line of Central . ivenue (Forth Drive) :and the Easterly pro- longation of the Southerly line of the first alley Northerly of Central avenue. (h) Along both sides of "B" Street between the Northerly line of Surf ,venue and the Southerly line of Central :venue (South Drive) and between the Northerly line of Central .;venue (North Drive) and the ,Southerly line of Bay _*I venue. (i) along the Iortherly side of Ba.v :;venue between the ortherly prolongation of the E-a.sterly line of Fourth Street and .=a lino which is eight feet (81) Southe.:4sterly of and parallel with the 1 ?orth- 17esterly line of Buena. Vista Boulevard, with sidewN.lk return at the Lorthwesterly corner of Buena Vista Boulev "rd. (j) Along the ,`esterly side of nineteenth Street betrneen a line drawn from the Lorthe- a.sterly to the Vorth,�iesterly corner of Nineteenth Street and Ocean avenue and 1 line druvan it right ;,angles { to the Westerly line of &* Nineteenth Street through a point in the desterly line of said Nineteenth Street which point is 32.50 feet Iortherly of the i;orthwest corner of nineteenth. Street and Ocean Avenue; and along the >Jssterly side of Nineteenth Street _ between a line drawn from the Isorthwesterly to the Iforthea.sterly corner of nineteenth Street ynd Ocean �venue,and a line dravin at • right angles to the Lasterly line of nineteenth Street through +a. point in the Easterly line of said nineteenth Street,which point is 20 ft. lortherly of the Northe:.sterly corner of nineteenth Street ind Ocean ,!venue; and along the P,.:sterly side of Nineteenth Street -23- oetween the Northerly line of Central .yvenue (north Drive) and the Southerly line of the first alley Northerly of Cerntra -I avenue. (f) :long the 'Jesterly side of Wn.shington Street between the • Northerly line of B41.y Rvenue L).nd a line 112. ft. Northerly of and parallel with the Northerly line of said Bay ;venue. (g) Along the "Westerly side of "A" Street, between the Ivorth- erly line of Central . ivenue (Forth Drive) :and the Easterly pro- longation of the Southerly line of the first alley Northerly of Central avenue. (h) Along both sides of "B" Street between the Northerly line of Surf ,venue and the Southerly line of Central :venue (South Drive) and between the Northerly line of Central .;venue (North Drive) and the ,Southerly line of Bay _*I venue. (i) along the Iortherly side of Ba.v :;venue between the ortherly prolongation of the E-a.sterly line of Fourth Street and .=a lino which is eight feet (81) Southe.:4sterly of and parallel with the 1 ?orth- 17esterly line of Buena. Vista Boulevard, with sidewN.lk return at the Lorthwesterly corner of Buena Vista Boulev "rd. (j) Along the ,`esterly side of nineteenth Street betrneen a line drawn from the Lorthe- a.sterly to the Vorth,�iesterly corner of Nineteenth Street and Ocean avenue and 1 line druvan it right ;,angles { to the Westerly line of &* Nineteenth Street through a point in the desterly line of said Nineteenth Street which point is 32.50 feet Iortherly of the i;orthwest corner of nineteenth. Street and Ocean Avenue; and along the >Jssterly side of Nineteenth Street _ between a line drawn from the Isorthwesterly to the Iforthea.sterly corner of nineteenth Street ynd Ocean �venue,and a line dravin at • right angles to the Lasterly line of nineteenth Street through +a. point in the Easterly line of said nineteenth Street,which point is 20 ft. lortherly of the Northe:.sterly corner of nineteenth Street ind Ocean ,!venue; and along the P,.:sterly side of Nineteenth Street -23- and the Southerly side of Central avenue (South Drive) from a line • drawn at right angles to the Easterly line of 1ineteenth Street, through a point in said Easterly line of Nineteenth Street, which • point is 77.32 feet northerly of the Northeasterly corner of that •part of the first alley southerly of Central Avenue, which lies Easterly of Nineteenth Street; thence northeasterly around the curve of the property line at the Southeasterly corner of nineteenth Street and Central Avenue (South Drive) to a line drawn at right angles to the Southerly line of Central 'Avenue (South Drive) through a point in said last mentionec line, which point is 24.46 feet Easterly of the intersection of the Lortheriy prolongation of the Easterly line of 1ineteenth itreet, i.lith the Southerly line of Central Avenue (3outh Drive). (k) Along the ':iesterly side of Twentieth Street between the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and a line dravin at right anF-les to the '„esterly line of Tventieth Street through a point it the said :esterly line of Twentieth Street, which point is 6 feet 1ortherly of the northwesterly corner of T�- 'entieth Street and Ocean .venue; and along the yasterly side of Twentieth Street bet.✓een the i:orther- ly line of Ocean --.venue and a line dra,. -✓n at right angles to the Easterly line of said `c.entieth Street,through a Point in said Easterly line, ..hich point is 9 feet Porthorly of the 1:ortheWsterly corner of Twentieth Street and Ocean avenue. (1) Along the northerly side of T--.enty- fourth Street between the Easterly lire of Ocean Avenue and a line 4.60 feet Hast,rly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue. (m) Along the Northerly side of T�.enty -fifth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean avenue and a line 4.60 feet Easterly of and - parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue; and along the Southerly sidd of T�7enty -fifth Street betty ✓een the Easterly line of • Ocean Avenue and a line 6 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue. (n) Along the Northerly side of Twenty -sixth Street between -24- • the E�sterly line of Ocean ;venue and a line 19.80 feet Easterly of and parallel with the E.,Ister3y line of Ocean _avenue; and along • the Southerly side of Twenty-sixth Street between the Easterly • line of Ocean avenue and a line 21.50 feet easterly of and .parallel with the E.).sterly line of Ocean A:enue. (o) Along the northerly side of Twenty- seventh Street between the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a line 15 feet E::,sterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean :,venue; and along the Southerly side of Twenty- seventh Street between the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a line 16 feet E-:).sterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue. (p) along the Northerly side of Twenty- eighth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a line 42.50 feet E�sterly of and parallel with the h.%sterly line of Ccean Avenue; and along the Northerly side of Twenty- eighth Street between a line 285.70 feet E,�sterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a line 300.70 feet Easterly of the last mentioned line; and along the Southerly side of 'Twenty- eighth Street between the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a line 37.50 feet P, sterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue; and along the Southerly side of Twenty-eighth Street between a line 009.50 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean _venue, and a line 334.50 feet E:,_sterly of and parallel with the last men- tioned line. (a) Along the southerly side of F".enty -ninth Street between the E 1.sterly line of Ocean .,venue and .a line 39 feet : sterly of • and parallel -.ith the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue. • (r) :.long the Southerly side of 'Thirtieth Street between AV'041e the ?asterly line of Ccean iiwvk and a line 4.50 feet Easterly of ­.nd - ,.r-.11e1 with the E:•sterly line of Oceo.n avenue; along the Southerly sidd of Thirtieth Street between the :;esterly line of -25- `i he.first alley Easterly pf Ocean Avenue and a line 2 feet ,.;_W.gterly of and parallel with the -last mentioned line; and • along the Southerly side of Thirtieth Street between the Easterly • line of the first.alley Easterly of Ocean Avenue and a line 2 feet Easterly of and parallel with the last mentioned line. (s).. Along the Easterly and northerly side of Central Avenue and Central Avenue (North Drive) between a line drawn at right angles to the center line of Central Avenue through a point in said Center line, which point is 1483.32 feet Northerly of the � intersection of the center linesof Vashington Avenue and Central Avenue measured along the center line of Central Avenue and a line 6 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Southerly pro- longation of the ; Street with the Southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive), and the Northerly prolongation ^of'the ;,'esterly curb line of Seven- teenth Street, with sidewalk returns at the Southeast and South- west corners of Eighteenth Street and at the Southwest corner of Seventeenth Street, and a sidewalk return at the Southeasterly corner of Second Street and Central Svenue (South Drive); and along the South side of Central Avenue (South Drive) ) between a line 1u0 feet Easterly of and parallel �iith the Easterly line of Alvarado Street and the Northerly prolongation of the 'aesterly line of that part of the first alley Easterly of Coronado Street . ,...,hich lies Southerly of Central Avenue, r:ith sidewalk returns -6*44 cdrpers the Southeasterly and Southwesterly Coronado :itreet. . (v) Along the Southwesterly side of Coast Boulevard, between a line 25 feet Northwesterly of and parallel with the North- westerly line of Thirty- second Street and a line 5 feet South- easterly of and parallel with the last mentione0 line, -�7 :ith side- walk# return at the "!esterly corner of Thirty - second Street; and along the Southwesterly side of Coast Boulevard, between the South- easterly curb line of Thirtath Street and the Northeasterly pro- longation of the 1?orthti7esterly curb line of Twenty -third street# with sidewalk return at the corners of all streets intersectinc with or terminating at said part of Coast Boulevard. (w) Along the Eortherly side of Central avenue (North ]rive) from the Easterly curb line of ninth Street to a line 10 feet Easterly of and parallel with said Easterly curb line, r'ith sidewalk return at the hortheasterly corner of ninth Street; and also a side- . .calk return at the 11orthivesterly corner of Fourth Street, c?no'CPnfio/ weeve Olonlh Drivel, • Said concrete sidewalks shall be of the dimensions and at the locations shown upon the plan hereinafter mentioned. -27- 6 - - - -. That standard cateh basins of type No. 1 be constructed • at the following locations, to -wit; • (a) At the Northwesterly corner of Seventeenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (b) At the Northwesterly corner of Sixteenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (c) At the intersection of the Northerly curb line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and a line 215 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Sixteenth Street. (d) At the Northwesterly corner of Fifteenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (e) At the Northwesterly corner of Fourteenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (f) At the Northeasterly corner of Fourteenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (g) At the Northwesterly corner of Thirteenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (h) At the northeasterly corner of 'Thirteenth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (i) At the Northwesterly corner of Eleventh Street and Central Avenue (North Drive). (j) At the Northeasterly corner of Eleventh Street and Central iAvenue (North Drive). • (k) At the Northeasterly corner of Tenth Street and Central • avenue (Iv`orth Drive). (1) At the intersection of the Northerly curb line of Central Avenue (North Drive) , and a line 220 feet Westerly of and parallel wJth the Westerly line of Ninth Street. -28- (m) At the Southwesterly corn -'Of Twenty-fifth Street and Coast • Boulevard. 7- - - - - -- That standard curb drains be constructed in the concrete curb along the Northerly side of Central Avenue (South Drive) at the following locations, to -wit: (a) At a distance of 200 feet Easterly of the Northerly pro- longation of the Easterly line of Eighteenth Street. (b) At the intersection of the center line of Seventeen Street. (c) At the intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Fiesterly line of Sixteenth Street. (d) At a distance of 215 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Sixteenth Street. (e) At a distance of 210 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Fifteenth Street. (f) At the intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the idesterly line of Fourteenth Street. (g) At a distance of 220 feet Easterly of the Northerly pro- longation of the Easterly line of Fourteenth Street. (m) At a distance of 200 feet .iesterly of the Northerly pro- longation of the fgeeterly line of Tenth Street. -29- (h) At the intersection of the Center line of Thirteenth Street. (i) At a distance of 210 feet l7esterly of the Northerly pro- longation of the Westerly line of Twelfth Street. (j) At the intersection of the center line of Twelfth Street. • (k) At a distance of 200 feet :,esterly of the Northerly pro - longation of the ?esterly line of Eleventh Street. (1) At the intersection with the center line of Eleventh Street. (m) At a distance of 200 feet .iesterly of the Northerly pro- longation of the fgeeterly line of Tenth Street. -29- (n) At the intersection with the center line of 10th Street. (o) At a distance of aaa• -feet westerly of the northerly pr", .... • longation of the westerly line of 9th Street. • (p) At a distance of 180 feet easterly of the northerly pro - longation of the easterly line of 9th Street. 8. That all those portions of the streets, avenues and alleys upon which concrete pavement, concrete curb, concrete sidewalk, or a surfacing with clay and gravel is to be constructed as hereinbefose described, be graded to the official grade. 9. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the OIL& designated as "City of Newport Beach, California, Plan No. 2650, adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach on the day of April, 1922, and on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City. The surfacing with clay and gravel of the alleys hereinbefore described shall be done in further accordance with specifications therefor designated as "Specification No. 23, spedifications for the clay and gravel surfacing of streets in the City of Newport Beach, California, " heretofore adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City, and on file in the office of the City Clerk, and all other por- tions of said work shall be done in further accordance with "Speci- fications No. 33" for the construction of concrete pavement, concrete curbs, and concrete sidewalks in the City of Newport Beach, adopted by "Resolution No. 165" of the Board of Trustees of said City, and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Section S. • That the said contemplat rWork or improvement in the opinion • of said Board of Trustees is of more than local or ordinary public • benefit, and said Board of Trustees makes the expense of said Rork and improvement chargeable upon the district hereinafter described, and declares that the district benefited by said work and improve- ment and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof is all that portion of the City of Newport Beach within the following des- cribed erior boundary lines; Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 16, of 0. ft* map of the East Side Addition to the Balboa Tract as Recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page aD, Records of Orange County, l i� cr�c�i ecY`' California; thence northeasterly o the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 15, of the aforesaid map of the East Side Addition to the Balboa Tract; thence northeasterly along the northeasterly prolongation of the easterly line of the aforesaid Lot 1, B1$ck 15 of a map of the East Side Addition to the Balboa Traot�to its intersection with the northerly line of Bay Avenue as said Bay Avenue is laid out and shown upon a map of the aforesaid East Side Addition to the Balboa Tract; thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Mw said Bay Avenue as laid out and shown upon the aforesaid map of the East Side Addition to the Balboa Tract, and as shown and laid out upon a map of the Balboa Tract as Re- corded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 11, Records of Orange County, California, to its intersection with the southeasterly line of Main Street; thence northwesterly in a direct line to a • point in the northwesterly line of Main Street, which point is 110 • feet northeasterly of the northeasterly line of Bay Avenue, measured along the northwesterly line of the aforesaid Main Street; • -31- - i Ah • thence northwesterly in a direct line to a point in the north- westerly line of Palm Street, which point is 135.57 feet north- easterly of the northeasterly line of Bay Avenue, measured along the northwesterly line of the aforesaid Palm Street; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, of a map of Balboa Bayside Tract as Recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 78, Records of Orange County, California; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 17, of a map of Sub- division of Block C, Newport Bay Tract, as recorded in Miscell- aneous Maps, Book 5, Page 25, Records of Orange County, Calif- /J L ornia; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the most north- erly corner of Lot 1, of the aforesaid map of Subdivision of Block C, Newport Bay Tract; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, of a map of the Sub- division of Block A, East Newport, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 51, Records of Orange County, California; thence westerly in a direct line to the northwesterly corner of Lot 3, of the aforesaid map of Subdivision of Block A, East New- port; thence westerly in a direct line to the northwesterly corner of Lot 146 of the aforesaid map of Subdivision of Block A, East Newport; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of Buena Vista Boulevard to its intersection with the northerly line of Bay Avenue; thence westerly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 168 of the aforesaid map of Subdivision of Block A, East Newport; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lots 168, 169 and 170 of the aforesaid map of Subdivision of Block A, East Newport, to the most westerly corner of the last mentioned Lot -32- Ar 170; thence westerly in a direct line to the northeasterly • as S/�owr/ 0.7 corner of Lot 1, Block 109 ,,^t a map of Section B, Newport Beach, • as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 27, Records of Orange County, Californiai thence westerly in a direct line to the northwesterly corner of Lot 3, ,the t mentioned Block Gis sho/thon irk a iesoiJ /=1o,v o i SPCA /d.� G- /YPwpoty ljeat��j1� thence nor 55 degrees -43 minutes west, 887- 5 fcet `o a point; thence north 72 degrees 06 minutes west, 765 ,(to a point; thence south 80 degrees 25 minutes west, 65 feet to a point; thence south 39 degrees 44 minutes west 193.38 feet tD a pointi thence north 71 degrees 40 minutes west, 612.48 feet to a point; thence north 52 degrees 45 minutes west, 232.98 feet to a point; thence south 78 degrees 24 minutes west, 85 feet to a point in the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of 15th Street; thence southerly along the northerly rolongation of.the u.,d a /o� fhe eo.rfer/ /ins op easterly line of 15th Street o the northwesterly corner of Lot 15, Block 114, of the aforesaid map of Section B, Newport Beach; thence westerly in a direct line to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 118, of the aforesaid map of Section B, Newport Beach; thence northerly in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 18, Block 218, of the aforesaid map of Section B, Newport Beach; thence westerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 6, of the last mentioned Block 218; thence northerly along the easterly line of the last mentioned Lot 6, to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the northerly line of the last mentioned Lot 6, to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot 5, of the last mentioned Block 218i4hence north 12 degrees 10 minutes • 30 seconds east 145 feet to a point; thence northwesterly in a • - 33 - 4 1 ., l/ direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 15, Block 221, of a map of Section A, Newport Beach, as recorded in Miscellan- eous Maps, Book 4, page 21, Records of Orange County, Califor- nia; thence northerly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of the last mentioned Lot 15; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the southeasterly corner of Lot 7, Block 223, of the aforesaid map of Section A, Newport Beach; thence north- westerly in a direct line to the northeasterly corner-of Lot 15, of the last mentioned Block 223; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 224, of the aforesaid map of Section A, Newport Beach; thence easterly in a direct line to U.S. Bulkhead Station, No. 121, as laid out and shown upon a map of Newport Bay, Calif- ornia, showing harbor lines approved by the War Department, January 18th, 1917; thence north 79 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds easty 295.90 feet to U.S. Bulkhead Station, No. 122, as shown upon the aforesaid map of the War Department; thence south 47 degrees east 1000.70 feet to U.S. Bulkhead Station No. 123 as shown upon the aforesaid map of the War Department; thence north 54 degrees 30 minutes east 598.70 feet to U.S.Bulkhead Station, No. 124, as shown upon the aforesaid map of the War Department; thence north 27 degrees 30 minutes west, 3519 faet to U. S. Bulkhead Station, No.125, as shown upon the aforesaid map of the War Department; thence north 66 degrees 30 minutes west 197 feet to a point; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 15, Block 634, of a map of the Canal Sec- tion as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 98, Records of Orange County, California; thence westerly in a direct line to • — 34 — - � Y the northwesterly corner of the last mentioned Lot 15; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner • of Lot 12, Block 636, of the aforesaid map of the Canal Section; • thence westerly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of Lot 10, of the last mentioned Block 636; thence westerly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 637, of the aforesaid map of the Canal Section; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Blocks :637. 638, 539, and 441 of the _.- aforesaid map of the Canal Section and along the westerly prolonga- tion of the northerly line of the last mentioned Block 441, of a map of the Canal Section to its intersection with the northeasterly line of Block 242, of the aforesaid map of the Canal Section; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 244, of the aforesaid map of the Canal Section; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly and northerly lines of the last mentioned Block 244, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 7, of the last mentioned Block 244; thence westerly in a direct line to the most westerly corner of Lot 8, Block 145, of the afore- said map of the Canal Section; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 15, Block 45, of a map of River Section, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 25, Records of Orange County, California; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the most southerly corner of Lot 7, of the last mentioned Block 45; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the most north- erly corner of Lot 3, Block 45, of a map of the Third Addition to Newport Beach, as Recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 31, Records of Orange County, California; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of the last mentioned Lot 3, to the most westerly corner of the last mentioned Lot 3; thence southeasterly •} along the northeasterly line of Ocean Avenue to the most southerly corner of Lot 19, Block 21, of a map of Newport Beach as Recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 26, Records of Orange County, t- — 35 — California ; - - thence southeasterly in a direct line to the most westerly corner of Lot 7, Block 20, of a map of First,Additioa to Newport Beach as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 3,' ANIL Page 27, Records of Orange County, California; thence s out h- • easterly along the northeasterly line of Ocean Avenue and Surf Avenue to the southeasterly corner of LOt 9, Block 2, of a sag of Newport Bay Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Mapes Book 4, Page 162 Records of Orange County, California; thence southeasterly in a direct line to the southwesterly corner of Lot 11, Block 4, of a map of the Balboa Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 11, Records of Orange County, California; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of Surf Avenue to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 16, of the aforesaid map of the Eastside Addition to the Balboa Tract, the place of beginning, excepting therefrom any lands forming any part of any public street or alley. For further identification and description of said assess- ment district reference is hereby made to a map thereof designated as Plan No. 266, of Assessment District for the improvement of Central Avenue and other streets and alleys approved by the Board of Trustees of said City, on the /A(day of A1511% 19222 and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, on which the exterior boundaries of said district are indicated by a red border line. Section 3. It is hereby determined and notice is hereby given, that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, the last • installment of which bonds shall mature fourteen years from the — 36 0 and day of July next succeeding nias monthe from their date. Beat ion 4. Except as hereinbefore stated, all the proceedings for the aforesaid work and improvements shall be had and taken under and in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature Of the State of California known and designated as the sImprove- ment Act of 1911,9 as amended. Beotion 5. That in the construction of said improvements certain parts of the said work are to be done at grades other than the existing official grades for said streets, and said existing official grades of certain portions of said streets are to be modified and changed as follows: 1. The official grade of Bay Avenue along the northerly our lino from the easterly line of Bay View Avenue to the westerly line of Adams Street shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Bay View Avenue 106.80. At a point 93.62 feet easterly of the last mentioned point 106.90. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Adams Street 106.63. The said northerly curb line of Bay Avenue shall be located as shown on the plans hereinbefore mentioned. 2 The official grade of Alvarado Street from the northerly line of Surf Avenue to the northerly line of Bay Avenue shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: -37- )0'% At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.33. Along the easterly curb line of said Alvarado Street the grade shall be as follows: At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Surf Avenue 112.00. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Central Avenue (South Drive) 109.30. At a point opposite the northeasterly coiner of Central Ave- nue (Borth Drive) 108.80. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.40. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.33. The said easterly and westerly curb lines of Alvarado Street shall be located as shown on the plane hereinbefore mentioned: 3. The official grade of Hain Street along the westerly curb line from the northerly line of Bay Avenue to a line 100 feet north- erly_of and parallel with the northerly line of said Bay Avenue -38- Along the westerly curb line of Alvarado Street the grade shall be as follows: • At the intersection, with a straight line drawn from the northwesterly corner to the northeasterly corner of Surf Avenue and Alvarado Street 118.00. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of Central Avenue (South Drive) 109.36. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Central Ave- nue (Borth Drive) 108.54. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.49. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.33. Along the easterly curb line of said Alvarado Street the grade shall be as follows: At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Surf Avenue 112.00. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Central Avenue (South Drive) 109.30. At a point opposite the northeasterly coiner of Central Ave- nue (Borth Drive) 108.80. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.40. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.33. The said easterly and westerly curb lines of Alvarado Street shall be located as shown on the plane hereinbefore mentioned: 3. The official grade of Hain Street along the westerly curb line from the northerly line of Bay Avenue to a line 100 feet north- erly_of and parallel with the northerly line of said Bay Avenue -38- J • 51P' shall be changed so that instead of existing official grades, the same shall conform to the following elevations, to_'�wit: At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Bay Avenue .._ 107.31. At a point 100 feet northerly of the last mentioned point 107.30. The said westerly curb line of Main Street shall be located as shown on the plane hereinbefore mentioned. 4. The official grade of 9th Street along the easterly curb line from the northerly line of Surf Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive) shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: At a point of the inibreeotion with the northerly line of Surf Avenue 110.80. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Central Avenue (South Drive) 108.57. The said easterly curb line of 9th Street shall be located as shown on the plans hereinbefore mentioned. 5. The official grade of Bay Avenue along the northerly curb line from a line 28.11 feet westerly of and parallel with the easterly line of 4th Street to the southeasterly line of Buena 6 15�J'N Vista Boulevard shall be changed so that instead of said official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: At the intersection of a line 28.11 feet westerly of and parallel with the easterly line of 4th Street 107.73. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Buena Vista Boulevard 107.52. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Buena Vista Boulevard 107.52. The official grade of Hg Avenue along the southerly curb • line from the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of 4th Street, to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line • of 3rd Street shall be changed, so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following eleva- tions, to -wit: At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of 4th Street 107.73. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of 3rd Street 107.56. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of 3rd Street, 107.55. The said northerly and southerly curb lines of Bay Avenue shall be located as shown on the plane hereinbefore mentioned: 6. The official grade of 4th Street from the southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive) to the southerly line of Bay Ave- ' nue shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -witj Along the westerly curb line the grade shall be as follows: At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of Central Ave- nue (South Drive) 108.62. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Central Ave- nue (North Drive) 107.76. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.69. Along the easterly curb line the grade shall be as follows: At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Central Avenue (South Drive) 108.57. • At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Central Ave- nue (North Drive ) 107.67. - 40 - • At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Bay Avenue 107.73. The said easterly and westerly curb lines of 4th Street shall be located as shown on the plan hereinbefore mentioned: 7. The official grade of 22nd Street froW the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: Along the northerly line of 22nd Street the grades shall be as follows: At the northeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.63. At the northwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue lying northerly of 22nd Street 109.99. At the northeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 109.88. At the northwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.42. Along the southerly line of 22nd Street the grade shall be as follows: At the southeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.68. At the southwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue lying southerly of 22nd Street 110.63. At the southeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.50. At the southwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.82. 8. The official grade of 23rd Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: Along the northerly line of 23rd Street the grade shall be as follows: At the northeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.25. - 41 - • • _ At the northwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue lying northerly of 23rd Street 110.49. At the northeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.37. At the northwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.27. Along the southerly line of 23rd Street the grade shall be as follows: At the southeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.22. At the southwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue lying southerly of 23rd Street 110.07. At the southeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.05. At the southwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.82. 9.• The official trade of 24th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: Along the northerly line of 24th Street the grade shall be as follows: At the northeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.95. At the northwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 111.07. At the northeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.87. At the northwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.09. Along the southerly line of 24th Street the grade shall be as follows: At the southeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.95. At the southwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 111.11. At the southeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.94. At the southwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.11. - 42 . ):' • • 10. The official grade of 25th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: Along the northerly line of 25th Street the grade shall be as follows: At the northeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.83. At the northwestezkl�r corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 111.11. At the northeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.93. At the northwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.00. Along the southerly line of 25th Street the grade shall be as follows: At the southeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.78. At the southwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 111.05. At the southeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.93. seuTh At the amiwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.07. 11. The official grade of 26th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same" shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: Along the northerly line of 26th Street the grade shall be as follows: At the northeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.87. At the northwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 111.06. At the northeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.89. At the northwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.05. - 43 .. I At the southwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.04. 12. The official grade along the northerly curb line of Central Avenue (North Drive) from the easterly line of 9th Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to —wit.. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 9th Street 107.67. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of 4th Street 107.76. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 4th Street 107.76. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of 3rd Street 108.58. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 3rd Street 108.54. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of 2nd Street 109.43. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 2nd Street 109.47. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Island Avenue 109.26. • Along the southerly line of 26th Street the grade shall be . as follows: At the southeasterly corner of Ocean Avenue 111.86. At the southwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue 111.20. At the southeasterly corner of the last mentioned alley 110.94. At the southwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.04. 12. The official grade along the northerly curb line of Central Avenue (North Drive) from the easterly line of 9th Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to —wit.. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 9th Street 107.67. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of 4th Street 107.76. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 4th Street 107.76. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of 3rd Street 108.58. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 3rd Street 108.54. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of 2nd Street 109.43. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of 2nd Street 109.47. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Island Avenue 109.26. • At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Idland Avenue • 109.43. At a point opposite the northwesterly corner of Alvarado Street 108.54. At a point opposite the northeasterly corner of Alvarado Street 108.80. Ask The official grade along the southerly curb line of Central Avenue (South Drive) from the easterly line of 9th Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street shall be changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to -wit: At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of 9th Street 108.57. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of 4th Street 108.62. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of 4th Street 108.57. At a point opposite the southwesterly corns 109.04. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of 3rd Street 109.06. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of 2nd Street 110.03. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of 2nd Street 110.09. At a point opposite the southwesterly corner of let Street 110.08. At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of let Street 110.08. . At a o int o �ves)`er/ p opposite the southeesi� corner of Alvarado Street 109.36. 4 - 45 - 4 # At a point opposite the southeasterly corner of Alvarado . Street 109.30. The said northerly curb line of Central Avenue (North Drive) • and the southerly curb line of Central Avenue (South Drive) shall • be located as shown on the plans hereinbefore mentioned. The elevations herein given are for the tops of the curb of the respective streets and avenues, are in feet and are above the City Datum Plane as heretofore adopted and established by Ordinance No. 114 passed on the 33rd of August, 1915, by the Board of Trustees of said City. At all points between consecutive designated po4nts on the same side of the respective streets and avenues, the grade shall conform to a true and.uniform gradient along the curb or street and avenue line in which said points are located between said designated points. All distances between designated points for which the grade is herein established, are to be measured along the curb or street and avenue lines in which said points are located, unlesd specifi- cally herein otherwise provided. For further particulars as to such changes of grade and such proposed grades, reference is hereby made to the above mentioned plan and specifications, which plan shows the existing official grades of the portions of said streets hereinbefore described and the grades at which the said work is proposed to be done. Section 6. It i`ssJ�,hereby determined,and notice is hereby given, that on � the Z'; day of April, 1938, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the regular meeting place of said Board of Trustees is in the City Hall of said City of Newport Beach, which is hereby • fixed as the time and place for the hearing of said matter, any and • all persons having any objections to the proposed work mr improvement above mentioned, may appear before said Board of Trustees and show - 46 - cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in • accordance with this Resolution. • Section 7. The Board of Trustees does not deem it advisable that the Clerk be required to mail copies of the Notices of Improvement to the owners or reputed owners, and said Clerk shall not be required to mail any copies of said notice whatsoever. The Superintendent of Streets shall post Notices of Improve- ment as required by statute. Section 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and cause the same to be published twice in the Newport News, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City, and hereby designated for that purpose (there being no daily newspaper published in said City ). Passed and approved this-/I =J day of ,1922. ?res ent of the Board of Trustees. r ATTEST: G"��'vcvGt jr,��YJ City Clerk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) • County of Orange, ( SS. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. ) I, /LU -`���% � - �r.�•%'"�' City Clerk of the City of Nerport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No /V, 09 was adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City, signed - 47 - 41,W by the President of said Board, and attested by the City • all at an adjourned regular muting thereof, held on the 4,/_�W_day • of_&t&t.-t 1922, and that the same was adopted by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: TRUSTEES NOES: TRUSTEES Am • ABSENT: TRUSTEES - 11 ' City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. 4,18 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF 14EWPORT BEACH ) FX I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and ,maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 168 was duly and regularly adopted, Board of Trustees of re gu y p , passed, and approved by the KxyxKr the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of Board said MgMS iM held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 11th day of April 9 1922, by the following vote, to wit: TRUSTEES AYES, 99UNWAM: Greeley, Schnitker, Wilson, Richter, Burke NOES, 9MUM: None ABSENT, EKKKKIE M: None Dated this ? ?a day of December 9 1958. i City Clerk add EA- Officio Clerk of the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California.