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`mss RESOLtlTiON NO z Z16
The Board of Trustees of .the ;Cit,y oY'Newport 136a 0 h ado
resolve as follows;
That the rublic interest and convenience requirs,.. " #t
is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of N,_
Beach to order that the following be done, to wit:t`
1. That concrete pavement five ,inches (5-N)itt be so -7: -
structed, in and upon the roadway of certain portions of atrrewts and
avenues in the City of Newport Beach, as follows;
(a) Twentieth Street between the northerly line of.Cen
tral Avenue (North Drive) and a line drawn at right angles to #t. -paint "
in the center line of said Twentieth Street, which point is-:3 fl feet
Yneasu red aion Cke, to er -i.ne of Twentieth Street "-
northerly� of the northerly ns o entral Avenue (North Drive).
(b) Alraredn Street etween a - -
line drawn from the Northeasterly to _
the Northwesterly corner of Alvarado
Street and Surf Avenue and the Fast-
- - crly prolongation of the Southerly - -
line of that part of CENTRAL,..
;Avenue (South Drive) lying Westerly.
of Alvarado Street and ALV ARADO f`
Street between the Easterly prolonga-
tion rf the Northerly line of that part
'of CENTRAL Avenue (North Drive)', - - -
lying Westerly of Alvarado Street
and the Southerly line of Bay -
Aveuue; and ALVARADO Street
between the Northerly line of BAY
Avenue and the Easterly prolongation
�i the Southerly- line of BUENA VIS -'
- I (c) Alvarado Place between the - - - -
Northerly line of Bay Avenue and a - -
,lips drawn from the,Northeasteriv - _
corner of L-01- three (3); to the North,
westerly corner of Lot four (4) of a..
Map of subdivision of Block "C,'
Newport Bay Tract as recorded in
Miscellaneous ?laps, Book 5, Page 25, j.
'Records of ORANGE County, Cali-
(d) Harding Street between the _ -
. Easterly line of Cypress Street and
:the Westerly line of Adams Street.
(e) Cypress Street between the
Northerly line of Central Avenue and
the Southerly line of Bay Avenue.
(f) Fernando Street between the
Northerly line of Bay Avenue and a -
line drawn from the Northeasterly
.corner of Lot thirteen (13) to the -
Northwesterly corner of Lot four-
. teen (14) of a map of subdivision of
Block "C.' Newport Bay Tract as -
recorded in Miscellaneous Maps,
Book 5, Page 25, Records of Orange
Counh-, Califi�rnia. ... -
(g) Bay View Avenue bet%ecn the
northerly line of Bay Avenue and a
.line drawn fn>m the ":ortheasterly
corner of Block One, (1), to the
Northwesterly corner of Bl, -ck taco
(2), of a flap of Balboa Bayside Tract
as recorded in 11 iecellanenris :flaps,
Book four (4), Page 78, Records of
,Orange Counh% California -
(h) Coronado Street between the ..
Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the
Southerly- line of Central Avenue ..
(South Drive); Coronado Street be-
tween the Norther],: line of Central
A� enne C:orth Driver and the South- -
. erly line of Bay Avenuef and C ^ro-
nado Street bst:reen the Northerly
line of Bay Avenue and aline dray- :n
from the ":ortheasterl, cornet of Lot
eight (8), to the N'ortbvesterly c ^r-
ncr of Lot nine. 01, of a Map of Slob -
di,.•i =Lin of Bloch "l I.'cwpnrt Bar
'!':act. as recorded in Uiarcllane ^us
?taps, Rook 5, Page 25, P..e,::rds ;:f
Orange Count_ ;. California, ..
(ir Adams Street between the
. Northerly line of Surf Avenue and;
i the Southerly line of Central Avenue
j (South Drive): Adams Street between �.
the Northerly line of Central Avenue.
(North Drive) and the Southerly line,
of Bay Avenne; and Adams Street:
bet.i een the Northerly line of Bay
.avenue and a line drawn from the
Northeasterly corner of Lot one (,1), -
Block two (2) to the Northwesterly:
corner of Lot six (5). Block three (3),
of a map of Balboa Bayside Tract
as recorded in Jiscellanenus Maps,
Book oo 4. Page 78 Records of Orange
o[y. California.
(j) Palm Street between the
i ortherly line of Surf ,Avenue and tare
Southerly Inre of Central Avenue
(South Drive); Palm Street between
the Northerly line of Central Avenue
(North Drive) and the Southerly line
of Bay- Aven::e; and Palm Street be-
tween the Northerly line of Bay
. Avenue and a line 1,32.78 feet Norther-
' l' 4f and parallel with the Northerly
(k) AFashington Street between
the Sortherh- Niue of Surf Avenue and
the Southerly line of Central .Avenue
(South Drite); Washington Street
between the Northerly line of Cen-
tral Avenue (North Drive) and the
jSouther" line of Bay Avenue: and
V 'ashmgton S t r e e t between the
Sort Iterly line of Bay Avenue and a
line 112 feet Northerly of and parallel
with the Northerly line of Day
(1) Alain Street between the Nor-
therly line of Surf A.cenue and the
Southerly line of Central Avenue
(South Drive).
(m) "A" Street between a line
drawn from the Northeasterly to the
Northwesterly corner of Surf Avenue
'aiicd A "Street an- �e Southerly
line of Central Avenue (South Drive);
and "A" Street between the North-
erly line of Central Avenne (North
Drive) and the southerly line of Bay
(n) "B" Street he.tween the North-
erly lice of Surf Avenue and the
Southerly line of Central Avenue
(South Drive!: and "Ft" Street I) -
tween the Northerly line of Ccutral
Avenue ( ?:ntth Dnee) and the South-
erly line of Bav . Avrnue.
(o) ninth Street brt,,ern the
Yortheriv line of Surf Avenne and the
Southerly line of Cent. al A-. -nt:e
(South Drive).
(p) Tenth `street between the
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue_ and
the Southerly line of Central Avemue
(South Drive).
(q) h, .n lli Stint 1••.!v. ern the -
N'.rthcrlc liu( . ,if Ucy' :u .AtEUUe o"O
the Southerly line of l.cutral _Avenue
(South Drive..
Ir) T vc1111! :t! cI brlaecIt th"
S'ortherly hr-r !•f t'ec;u! .lvcnu; dud
the Sma he rly line ' f Cct!Iral A 1111te
(South Drit'e).
(s) Thirf,vnth Strrvt bcl oven the
Northerly line of (lvveu Avenue :ovl
the Snutherlt lilt, ,i Central .%venue
(;.',oath Urite!
,!! F•autcenlh Stn rt betrvr;n t ;a:
ortltai It lire of Uccan -A,enuc ant
the Snutherl; fin, of Central
('oulh DrkI
(u) Fiftrcn th Street hcthvcal the
N�rtthrrl line ,.•f Ocean .Atbtue and
the Soutl!e'.l} Gue •nl Cvul.ral .lvvuue
iSouth Drnc!.
(t ) Sieaccnth 911'etit hchycen the
Nnntier]v line of Ovein :Avenue awl
the Southerly- line of Central Avcuuc
("";Uth Drive),
(w) Shell tecnth Street bettviceen;
the th, Srl line of ,f :Avenue'
and the uthcrl ;, Niue e rd Central
Avenue (South Ur:vcl.
(sl h: ightycuth SIT'-'t bchtecn the
Northerly line ,I ()can - Avynnc and
the S outherl) title d Cenral .At,uuc
(S,', Drive ).
(y') M11(teeuth Street bet,%cen a
line drawn front dw Nort�ca5tcrly to
the NOrthwested), corner ..f Nine
. teonth Street and Ocean Avcnuc and.
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
(South Drive); and Nineteenth
Street between : -ahe' Firma'-- d- =_•'«.� -..4-
Central AV cn tie (S,Irth I)ri,r) and a'
line dra,,n thrintch a p „int in lill
(enter line of ;lid Rinetvelllh Street
—at right an)_;Ic. , -xti,l •'ent - -r line--
which point is 4- 11.711 feet .',,,z th e I I”
of the intersc• : it, n1,:f the Nlriherl -e Iiu,•
of Central Avenue (�:otill Drive) and
the (cuter linc ,d said iiiueteenth'
Street, ute;uurcd al „nK the center line
of said Sinetcenth Slrect.
(z) 1\Vent,- i,llt Street betwoen a
line dram it. -in the Xurthei,stcrly to
the Soullieasttrlc cur rtrr of '1'„rutc-
sixth Street and t:enll” I A,ctutc, ;ItIII
a line 70 ft. Easterly of and letralhi
,yith the Ea >IvF)y lima of th;u part(: a1
of LaFayettc .`.venu e Icing S,athcrl)-
of T,renty -sixth Street'
(aal T,venliMi $tenet bet"'elt the
\ortheilc line ni C)rran : \venue and
the Somherk, we of Central :Acemtc
(South Drirc).
(bb) 'Iwent)' -third Street I:c-
ti, "N the 1::a5te,l, line of Ocean
Avenue and the \7 ester Iy line of
Coast Boulevard.
(cc) Twenty - fnurtII ,�4trect 1
tween the F. ist e r is line of Oce:ut
Avenue and the 1A c�ttrl) hue „i
Coast Boulevard.
(dd) Teenty -lifth Street hchra,'IT
the Easterly lio( of Ocean ;A, nine
and the Keslcrl, line Of Co;ut C::ul
tee) T',centy - sixilt SlinI bet ru
the E,ustc-rly lint of Ocean Avcull,
and the V,,stbrly hile If C',.a't L'•ndc-
(ffl Tm -cit tc ;ren t( Street bc-
twecn iltc F:r trrl_c lien' •i i)ec 'in
Aycnlc awi Oo AAestarl-
C,Iast B„ulcvacd.
(ggl 'f,venty- vigil;( S t I
treat file ICnsterly line of oe, au
Avenue nud tl•o AA,..terly tine of
Coast I;nnlcva rd.
( hit ) "[,linty- nitlil, :+trt't1 blte''ll�
the 7 ?asta'li lmo ,•f t')._ Ill
and the "ester l_i lint Of Coast ❑ollic_
tilt Thirtieth SI re, t 6u,• %ctr the
East ul. line Of Oce:nt .Atcnttc and
file n,aGroAy pr, Ilonl,ati„u b1 the
4C est(rlr hit, pf (Iot pnrtinn • ' C,, cq I
I?•ntic-•:..rc! 13 'ing •,1!I, rly .'•1 1 irirnr;a l
Sticr am! •T]... titth Lit I., ", Ir_„reu:
the Lasted' line it f "a t Btndcynrd'
and the Senl1kt -q Ilk : Im^ of th:
Gmthcrn T,u: i;V, F:il r:,ed G..mj -io.'S
viii H:ty .A yenn� h(t«ccn the Ii,
I line of the Snuthtrn Pn -i:u. Ii;Iit
road a_ and
the ll, esteriv lit, •]t fw(-i .(h Vtre,
and B - A.ume benr,:en on
East_^rl% -line ••! 'Fwe!1l i:Cl &t! 'C*
and rite llc- sicrly fine of ;f hietcltlthi
(kk) Twenty -first Street between the northerly line
of Central Averus (North Drive) and a line drawn at right angles
through a point in the center line of said Twenty -first Street,
grneasured atop fAf Center l qe of Twenty-f,1-4t- Stree>
which point is 390 feet northerly of the northerly line of Central
Avenue (North Drive.y Including all those portions designated upon
the plans hereinafter mentioned of the intersections of said above
described portions of streets and avenues with other streets and
avenues and with alleys.
2 'C) C'un cruc pavcnb: n;... c161
MCI ICS LS ") thick I'�c t •:vn'ncicd i::
and upon tht road'-cap of cr:'tnin pnr
tions of +tre<ts and APCltnes in the
C;tc of NMI, i'(,IRv 1{1"ACi• t_ i:d-
lut s:
i,a I DaY Avenue hetwoc. l dta est-
erly line nE i \kar,!dn Strcet ;1nd the
\\;st'-• -1, line of \;:%m Slrert.
lh) Alain $1'1:vl hsIr,cv.1, t1 ;1
r t i`c r v 'ire of Cc,I r;, : \vcr:ue
,rth D and 1'1, c `,A,I,:rr!c orn..
longal'i•:n ,•f Lilo ': :rthv:lr iii:c ttf
tMlt r'rt i I;av .\, coua 1, wt,''
crk, i.f \fain ylr.. I.
It I I' :nI11, �lrra Lcl n't'.(.q the
Ce:r 111,; 1; lu:`• ::i Ccu;r.ti : \e, nue
1 Xi:rth l'h'i.oi and iu,c ".9ticL
funrl;..;t fcnt arlurl�
pnntllcl t+ith ti!c 'non' I:uc .,i Ilra
p;Irt :.f 1f'O' . \ccu'.•... I�iir� f'.a =t:.:.l..:•r
Fourth StrQCI. -
Idt 14:Ii .At cone I'c! ^'iu the
Korthrrl)- prr.:lnnc;:fi�.n „[ Utz 1'.asr
crly liu:: i ::.i rlh a�Prt :u +d Ih"
\nr ill, rlc p„ 1. l'i"atiun o[ rl�;• \Ccst
e.rly line of Third Qrr,m.
(e) Tv.outYlirm jtr..:.t 1+
the Wcslerly pn dun ti::cS.0 :,i II..
Serf l:erfv fill, I 1:av All uac aml
the S.mHm eel erly linc :•i II:.. I',I�itit.
1�h •:I rir H::p „a� 1.•:nl<uti'> l.ie!M'if-
�P a y.
2LP }'' P' 1''b. l :In :, I.11” mu the
V". rly G:!:,
Uzi aril
Thirtieth Street between the nort'Wrily prolouga-
so" th
theme line ot.4hat part of Coast Boulevard lying
tion of the=lwielrt
soutWrly of Thirtieth Street, and the o�;ela7ln_terly line of Coast
Boulevard, except that part of Thirtieth Street lying between the
tracks, between the rails and within two feet on each side of the
tracks of the Pacific Electric Railway Company.
h, :n,
w th"
rz, e di-vt: F
the P:'' 1 Vom-
J,",' 4 'X ) : k"Iltl:l[ Ax (-
liu, �- •klill I ice) 1" ing the etrect 1, -
:av Ild; d all'i to the Pa-
:if�r IClre u'i• I.:.= ..c;;� C.,ni p:uiy Niglit-
,5 i ilo:n kho i:n'S U: rle line of
line :•i Ainctc rutL sl!'Ut, and (;cn!ral
kl;! r01 Dri ,:) lxtxleet I ti
�I le
101 t "SO
and the easterly curb line of Alvarado Street; and Central Avenue
(South Drive) between the westerly line of 19th Street and the.
easterly curb line of Alvarado Street.
till'all1r.y P, A'ur'Aical If IhC
No: thr c.,L ii", fine of Forty fifth
°.1 rest ,[I,[ tile line of Thir-
jivt;, Su -.k I ' au,i Coast. Bouluvard be-
, ru the �, u.bi,i 1)- lino of Thirtieth
St""t and the :: ' l�
ltlkstcrly line of
I I,, an Ix,olik tlint part of
ii,,J. fit,[ 1, . ing bctwo,n the
I. am k :: k„! I H III, Tcl.(- and Within
I%%1, f, , ! , _" ) . It (,:tell side of the
t, , I I W mlu tit P.wi is Rail -
r,.-::d C;❑ioil, :,I'll c\, i-t ill it 1::111
uf , ill d I\ I izill, L,, twom the
rail- m%ll feet (2') on each
<id, ti— t:alk ,f the Pacific Elec.
t: i , Ra ; I ., , 3 Clmip:ui) : and c<cept
of (',,ii,t I;tjti!e\zird kle-
at tile mtoiz%ccti,,n t,f the
I, rh line III C, ast
pith III,- 'igh!' ell feet
I <l 1, o Z'll'i l"'laild
v. mth file cl-Ptir into of lrliirty -first
treet ; tbcnce Nurtlivri,sterly along the
Im, -t,ri, , lul, i ill , of C. 'a'I
l,:u lc , nod - 1 :, kli'I.tan ;o )f ze,cmy-three
f,,,t 7X1 i., :t jumii: thence Easterly
al•inu :: I rcular curer with a radius
if 4 KJ I il"'I . ..... Icu, I., tit, N.'rtb
t.i a I,. int lit Iho N,�rdu;,Aerly curb
line , i ('..:1a :;r,l, Miich p,iut
is f,rr Al, rz [I,, , tIorl , q the
X, 1.11, - i1 I , I :nr '.f Thil tivt)l stro"ti
ill':11, , S4,w h', i,t,, Iy al. ng the N,,rlh-
, :. I I 11% runt 1) 1. ,, , pf C' :I't l", ul" aro, 1
It , if ±k" , lity-thl , , feet (73')
to a p-int; th"'I", :;long a circular
c,r,e ,viii) :, ra.kns of "OS.34 il,,t, eon
c,i\c zi, the Nmth, ir, iho point of be
j) Ocean Avenue between the
southwesterly prolongation
of the northwesterly curb line of Twenty—second Street, and a line
drawn at right angles 1; aE!�M the northeasterly line Of
,_trhhro,a( a Point' m said northeaster[ y tirie,,
Ocean Avenu w is point is 46 feet southeasterly of the northeasterly
corner of Ocean Avenue and Coast Boulevard.
Ill, all Ill—e 'his
ivd Ill— I the hcrvinaflcr nien
6:111 11 -.1 t.:IL tilt-
a Y:.. � L' I I •i ' �'Z i I . 0 1 1 - tFC1 I awl -Venues
\% ith r ;111'1 J\ e111119, and
1 3. 'fluff tile f-illl -Willu IIVI:Clibl'd al-
IL PI I lie Cily ,f N K A 1, 1
11'I�.M I I li, �mrf;�. "'i \\ 111 1 ill\. arill
�r , -'\' it
I\ I i il'oh, 4 1 li'll
ial '1 he 1 1 a\ Ac C!111( hOw""n tile Weslerly
IiiIL of 1.11%11'1 A\ '11110 and tile East
I\ '", c'f I jut
1 1 ;1F1 � 1 ;11 F 1, 01 ly of
I i %\�' M
, I the N.,,Iljerlv
line of the iirzit all-k, N,,rflh,,r1v of Bar
:11i'l IhL' IY line of the
i W" 'zi 1.1V I.i Eland AVI 1111L
Ili ni, l I . allot W,i Ierly of
I 'iMill lit - auC ]In\\ on IhL' \V0St('rI\
III, : .') flie, 1\ line rd
line of IIIV
of Helena Vista
dl Thr r.,t=cy Northerly of
fl.,c \crnu, bet+\ecn the \\ esterly
of .\nad\ .A\ enue and the East.
(rly line of Island .Avenue.
I,) TI first alley Northerly of
C,'nl ral Avruue bct\vocri the Wester -
Ic line If . \rhnns Street and the F,ast-
erl, IuIc pf Col rr,e St rr et
(f) 'The ,.r: t alley AV esterly of
1': lui ?trcet het ern the Not therh
Gnc rA Central Arcane and the $oulh-
: r;y Iin; d the rst alloy southerly
,-,i clay .Acch;uc.
t�I The prat alley Southerly of
f:ay .Avcon, hvtaecu the Westerly
lino rf P:Jm Street and the Easterly
!I, I,f Ndanls Street.
hI '1he tlrst alley Westerly of
vA ,zhiu_b a .,wet bet,wil the
rth,IIv fin• of Central \I mw and
I,, Southerly lint of Bay .Avenue.
(i) 'I if, 6 t all;. Westerly esterly of
\f.in Stn.1 bchveen tlhe :Northerly
; Iin, of ',,it I, ,I Avenue and the
olhf lc Iine .:f B.Ij A, eune.
Ijl Th• Ir <t all:s S:nthi rly of
'I;,.v .Aveasy 6vpvccn the Wfc terly
of tx :fist alley e-:cterly of Fcr
nand,: Jtrt,i !ad the Easterly line of
I',;rr:ovLl = an -vt, and the firs alley
Lrhhrrl .d Bac Avenue betn'c-en tln
hit,.:If F,iiiandn Street am'
R;at•rl', Iine of C,:ronado Street
:cud th. alley Northerly of Bay
> roue Fat': :ern tlrc \ \'e- 'trrly line of
l.,.rnn Q , `',.t and the Fa_..,rly liuc
•: .AAam.lo Place.
IiII The fir - - -t a'.lcy Westerly of
:nand:: St cct between the North-
lit liar of the first alley Northerly
.f I1:Iy . %venue and the tinutherly line
.,f ;Ile wound alley Northerly of P.ay:
111 The s; cunt alley - Northerly of
li:hy .At,nur baby ern the Westerly
!iuv of fcn:and., Street and tite East -
rrlv line of C:'nmado Strcet-
Iin1 The lit alley \i••esteriv of
\r:,h. . \vruue between the Northerly
'inc of the first alley Northerly of Bay.
\cernlc and the Southerly line of the
,t.nd alivy Northerly of Bay
Av cane.
I,I The first alley Northerly cf
hct\veen the \\'esl eriy
lice of .Xhm,s,: Avenue and the $ast-
!rl: hill. of:Anade Accnuc.
l:.l q,he hr st alley Westerly of
\I:mter., ;Avenuo between the North-
1.1r Imo of the first alley Northerly of
Itac Avenue and the Southerly Iine
I ,f the second alley Northerly of Bay
i (VI 'Pier Grst alley Northerly of
!l:u• ,\vruue het rveen the Westerly
Iine of P:dul Street and the Easterly
fin: of Adams Street.
j (q) The het alley Westerly- of
1" -Urea; Street bet,._en the Northerly
�ii, r of C- :`tell .%\enue and the South -
!: rl: Pre of Pay At voic: and the fit - - -t;
s),! , rtllt rl� A line of Bay
he'. :.: ru ,,,e Y
\ "enue and the 1 ?asf erly Unaonga-
Ir h^ \ •\the')" 141` of the se.-
.md all. , X. Ater%\ If Bay \venue.
Irl The =.e: nnJ alley Northerly of
Ba.. :\crnue Lyn, eell III- Northerly
ill ,.I :n{ra ti, in t,f the Wc1 tcrly Fne of
the F - =,t ,ill - \` <r steely of Bav View
\rrnn^ and the h.itstVrIv lint of Fer-
I.) Th: lit all -y Northerly of
I;:., r.,p Iatv.ern the \\cettrly
<ncr; and th, Easterly
%inc of Ray \view _Accuue.!
,II Thx L+r;t a =Icy AArest;rly of
- 'I'll;! -•'t hltt.ec:l the ',;orthe;ly
lit e if Surf'. Avenue and th. $outhurly
v.: -
(u) The first alley Iasterly-1'
Third Street between the Northerly;
line of Surf Arenue and the Southerly'
line of Central Avenue, f
(v) The first alley Northerly of �.
Surf Avenne between the Easterly
line of the first alley Easterly of Third
Street, and the Westerly line of tbc,
first alley Westerly of Second Street.,
(w) The first alley Westerly of;
Second Street between the Northerly] ..
line of Surf Avenue and the South -I,..
erly line of Central Avenue. .
(x) I'll e first alley Easterly of
. Second Street between the Northerly' . .
dine of Surf Avenue and the South -I.
rerly line of Central Avenue.
(Y) The first alley Northerly of
Surf Avenue between the Easterly
line of Ninth Street and the Wester-
ly line of the first alley Westerly of
Fourth Street,
(z) The first Alley Westerly oft
Fourth Street between the Northerly, -
line of Surf Avenue and the South -'
crly line of Central Avenue..
(aa) The first alley Easterly of
Vonrth Street between the Northerly
line of Surf Avenue and the South-
erly line of Central Avenue.
(bb) The first alley Northerly of
Surf Avenne between the Easterly line.
of the fist alley Easterly of Fourth
- Street and the Westerly line of the .
first alley Westerly of Third Street.
(cc) The first alley Northerly of
Surf Avenue between the Easterly line
,f Main Street and the Westerly line
of "A" Street.
(dd) The first alley Northerly of
Central Avenue between the Easterly
line of First Street and the Westerly
'.ine of Alvaraoo Street.
(ee) The first alley Northerly of
Central Avenue between the Easterly..
!ine of Alvarado Street and the West-
erly line of Coronado Street.
(ff) The first alley Northerly of
Central Avenue between the Easterly
line of Cur.nado StWt and the West -
rrly line of the first alley Easterly of
Coronado Street.
(gg) The first alley Northerly of
Surf Avenue between the Easterly
line of the first alley Easterly of Sec -I
and Street and tho Westerly line of;
the first alley Westerly of First Street. i
(hit) The first alley Westerly oft
First Street between the Northerly!
libe of Surf Avenue and the Southerly!_
line of Central Avenue.
(ii) The first alley Easterly of
First Street between the Northerlyl
line of Snrf Avenue and the Southerly
Ilse of Central Avenue.
(jj) The first alley Northerly off
Surf Avenue between the Easterly!
dine of the first alley Easterly of First
Street and the Westerly line of Al-
varado Street, -
(kk) The first alley Easterly of j
Fifteenth Street between the Souther -,
IY line of Central Avenue and tbci
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue, i
(11) The first alley Northerly of
Ocean Avenue between the Easterly;
line of Nineteenth Street and the'I
1Vesterly line of the first alley West -I
erly of Fifteenth Street;—cscepting,
Therefrom the intersections with Six -`
teenth Street, Seventeenth Street and
Mg.bteenih Street.
(mm) The first alley Westerly of
;rifteenth Sweet betweeti the North -
xrly li e of Ocean Avenue and the
of�Ceu�t�:g anu e.
(mi) The first alley Northerly of ..
)cean Avenue between the Easterly
line of the first alley Easterly of Fif-
tenth Street and the Westerly line ..
of Ninth Street— excepting therefrom .
the intersections with Tenth Street,'
Eleventh Street, Twelfth Street, Thir-
'reenth St,'eet and Fourteenth Street.
4. That cunct,'te 'curbs be cull- _
5tructed along the roadways of cer-
tain portions, of streets and avenues
in the City of NEWPORT BEACH
as follows:
(a) Along the South line of the
roadway of Bay Avenue between a ..
line 180 feet 'Wesferly,of and parallel
with the %1esterly line of that part of
Coronado Street lying Southerly of
Bay Avenue and aline 210 feet West -
Ierly of and parallel with $lle last mer.-
aled d line.
(b) Curb returns at the northwesterly corner of :.:.
Washington Street and Bay Avenue, and at the southweeterly
corner of Alvarado Street and Bay Avenu®.
tc5 Along the Easterly line of the
roadway of Alvarada.Street between
file Westerly protongatiun of the.
Norfherlyline of the first alley South-
erly of Central Avenue lying Easterly
of Alvarado Street and the Westerly
p elongation of the Southerly line of
}hat part of Central Avenue ( South
Drive) lvmg Easterly of Aharadu
street together with a curb return at
Vie Northerly line of the last mcn
boned alley.
(d) Along the Northerly and,
Southerly lines of the roadway of
Harding Street between the Easterly
line of Cypress Street and the \\ ester
(� line of Adams Street.
(e) Along the Easterly and West
crly lines of the roadway of Cypress
street between the Northerly line of
Central Avenue (North Drive) and
the Southerly line of Bay Avenue, to-
gether with curb returns at the cur
hers of Harding Street and of the fo'st
alley Northerly of Central Avenue.
(f) Along the Easterly line of the
roadway of Coronado Street between
the Northerly line of Surf Avenue tux,
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
(South Drive)-, together with curb re-
onrns at the corners of the first alley
Northerly of Surf Avenue; and along
the Easterly line of the roadx:ay of
Coronado Street between the North-
erly line of Central Avenue (Nurt>
i)riye) and the Southerly line of th
first alley iortherly of Central Ave-
nue, together with a curb return at
file Southeasterly corner of the last
mentioned alley.
(g) Along the WeOerly lice of
the rondivay of Washington Strcrt
between the Northerly line of hay;
A,enue and a line 112 fret Northerly'
tof and parallel with the Northerly line:
of laid Rav Avenue.
1i1 Alone the XVeeterly Tine nrA,e
I oadwav of "A" Street betwCru tilt
"rthrrk line of 'Central \venue
(' ?orth Drttet and the Eazterlr
lnngation of the Scuitherl}f Iine of rh.
t•rst alley �',rthcrly of 6entol A, a-
line together with a curb return at the
Southwesterly ccrnar of the last men-
tioned alley.
(j) .Yong the Easterly and AVest - =.
erly bees of the roadway of "fl"
Street betttreu t1tV Northerly line of
Surf Ate.iuc and {Ice F,utherly live'
of Central ).feline (South Deice) and
along the Lasterly aad Westerly .
line; if the if "B" Street be -I
too a tl',., N,'athet ly lira, of Crutril
Af( tn:e IN,nth Uritr) and tits tiuuth -;
erl; line of Bay Avenue.
,k) Alaug the Enstctiy au,i \Vest -1
erly line; of the road tvav of Ninth i.
Street hetee,n the Northerly line of',
Surf Avenue and the Southerly line oft.
Central .Avenue (South Drive), to-
g,thvr pith curb retnrn< at all cor
,cis of the alleys ivnninating at said'
u. rt f Ninth Street.
(1) Alnug the Northerly Irate of�.
the roadkaay of Bay Avenue betfveeu
the Northerly pndungitiuu of the
l :,r,stcrly iiue of h.nrth Sheet and a
line eight feet (W) °.uutlterly of and
parallel with the Nurihfve ;terly line
of Buena Vista Boulevard, together
with a curb return at the Northwest-
erly corner of I'ay Avenue and
Buena Vista Boulevard.
(nl :\I::Hg the Ea_fcrly and Wait -
erly line, lit the ruad%%ay of Tenth
Street between the Northerly line of
Ocean Ayrnuc and the Southerly line
of Central :Avenue (iouth Drive) to-
gelher with curb returns at all corners
of the alley intersecting with said part
of Tenth Street.
(n) Alorg the Easterly and West-
erly lines of the ruadway of $leventh
Street between the Northerly line of
Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line
,,f Central Avenue (South Drive), to-
gether with curb returns at all u,r -.
Hers of the alley intersecting frith''
said part of Eleventh Street.
(u) Along the Easteny and West -
erly lines of the roadway of Twelfth
Street betfveeu the Northerly line of
f )rean Avenue and the Southerly line
i,J Central Avenue (South Drive), tv-
gethcr with eurb returns at all cur.
. n.'rs ,f the alley intersecting with said
part of 'revelfth Street.
tpi Along the Easterly and West
erly lines of the roadway of Thir-
teenth Street between the Northerly
line of Ocean Avenue and the S +uth -.
-.rlv line of Central Avenue (South:
Drive), together with curb returns at
611 corners of the alley intersecting
.Thirter..n th. 4 et.
(q) Along the Easterly am- I h1"es�
crly lines of the roadway of -:1
tcenth Street the Northerly
line of Ocean ;1 Venue and the Snrth -'
erly line of Central Avenue (South:
Drne,) together with curb returns at
all corners of the alley intersecting;
with said part of Fourteenth Street.
(r) Along the Easterly and ]Pest -:
erly lines of the roadway of Sixteenth
Street between the Northerly line of:
- ocean, Avenue and the Southerly line,
of Central Atenue (South Drive), to -!
gether with curb returns at all cor- -
tiers of the alley intersecting with said .
part of Sixteenth Street.
(s) Along the Easterly and \Vest- -
crly lines of tine roadway of Seven-
: tc,uth Street between the Northerly -
1lir.c of ocean Avenue and the South -
crly line of Central Avenue (South. -
Drive) together with curb returns at - -
all corners of the alley intersecting
with said part of Seventeenth Street.
it) Along the Easterly and West-:
erly lines of the roadway of Eight-:
eenth Strcet between the Northerly
line of Ocean Avenue aid the South -' -
erly live of Central Avenue (South.
Drive) together with curb returns at it
all corners of the alley intersecting'
with said part of F,ighteeuth Street.
(u) Along the \ \esterly line nf,
the roadway of Nineteenth Street be -: -
twcen a ]tire drawn from the North -j
easterly to the Northwesterly corner,
of Nineteenth, Street and Ocean Ave -
title, and a line drawn at right angles',
to the Westerly line of said -Nine -
'. tventh Street , through a point in the'
1%cstcl ly line of said Nineteenth'
Street, winch point is 32.50 feet north -i
erly of the Northwesterly corner of
Nineteenth Street and Ocean Avenue;
and along the Easterly line of the
roadway of Nineteenth Street be-
to.oil a line drawn from the North-
easterly to the Northwesterly corner
of Nineteenth Street and ocean Ave-
nue aunt a title drawn at right angles
to the Easterly line of said Nineteenth
5trcct through a point in the Easterly
lice of said -Nineteenth Street, which
point is 20 feet -Northerly of the
Northeasterly corner of Nineteeuth-
Strret and Ocean Avenue; and along
tho Eastcrly line of the roadway of
'Nineteenth Street and the Southerly,
.`tine of the roadway of Central Ave-
;mi, (South Drite), from a line drawn,
rigbt angles to the Easterly fine of!
Nineteenth Street, through a point in i -
'said Easterly line of Nineteenth.
Street, which point is 77.32 fee- North-
erly of the Northeasterly corner of;
tl- ;at part of the first alley Southerly`
of Central Avenue, which lies East --
'erly of Nineteenth Street; thence'
Snrtheasterly around the curve of the -
curl9ine at the Southeasterly corper
,.f Nineteenth Street and Central ,Ave -
(South Urive) to a line drawn
at right aeglcs br the Southerly line
of Central :Avenue (South Drive),
through a point in said last mentioned
line, o bich point is 24.43 feet Eaet-
erly of the intersection of the North-
erly Urohatgatnm line of the Easterly line
of Nineteenth Street, With the South
�erii line of Central ;Avenue, (South
]Drive ).
(v) Along the N.,rthcrly and
Roadway of
.� Southerly lines of the
twenty -sixth Street between a line
drawn from the -Northeasterly to the
S- uthcastetly corner of Twenty -sixth
Street and Central Avenue, and a line
feet ti0') Fasrerly of and
-- '. Pvrali'l with the Easterly line of that
'. Part of Lafayette Avenue lying _Forth -'
erly of Twenty -sixth Street together,
_ it .orb returns at all corners of -
-'I rrty -six th $tr2e d Iiafayette�
, enu, and at a cornea 0 t e fast
vlhy Easterly of Central Avenue ly-
iug i :or theIIy of Twenty -meth Street.
iwi ::Lino the Westerly line of
the n.,adv :ay of T,entieth Street he-
t-a'cen the it rthcrll line of Ocean
A•:roue and a Pne drawn at ru,ht ..
anghs to thr VA'esterly line of said .
if,. e,ticth Street through a point in
t:te AV<aterly hue of said Twentieth
,`Il'.0. rrltieh p „int ,s six feet (6')
N- mi-th, i, ,�i the \,,rthrreSterly cnr-
u, r of T,'. cuticth Strut and 1!ceau
A':enue: and al my d1e Eas•erir I ne,
„f the ro:tdmav ,4 Twentieth Street
I etween the Northerly line of Oceau ,.
Ave,iuc and a line drawn at light
anglrs to the Easterly curb line of
said Tuentir-th Sttett through a p',int
in the Easterly curb line or said Twe11-
tieth Street —which point is twelve,
feet (12') Northerly of the Northerly
line of Ocean Avenue measured along
the Easterly curb line of said Twen-
tieth Street.
(x) Along the Northerly line of '
the roadway of Twenty fourth Street
between the Easterly line of Ocean .
Acetme and n Tine 4.50 feet Easterly
of and parallel with the Easterly line
of Ocean Avenue.
(y) Along the Northerly fine of!
the roadway of Twenty - fifth Street he -'
iween the Easterly line of Ocean.
Acenue and a line 4.50 feet Easterly
•:f and parallel with the Easterly line
.,£ Ocean Avenue; and along the
Southerly Tine of the roadway (if:
:r:enty -fifth Street between the East
crly line of Ocean Avenue and a Tine'
'light feet (8') Easterly of and paral
:e1 wi -,h the Easterly line of Ocean
(z) Along the '.COrtiterly line of:
th,- roadway of Twenty -sixth Street
6etwecn the Easterly line of Occau
Acenue, and a line 19.80 feet East -;
erly of and parallel with the Easterly'
line of Ocean Avenue; and along the'
Southerly line of the roadway of
Tv :enty -sixth Street between the
Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a
fn,c 21.50 feet Easterly of and paral-
lel with the Easterly line of Ocean
(aa) Along the Northerly Tine of
the roa (l iv ay of Twenty- seventh
Street between the Easterly line of
), can Avenue and a Tine 15 feet East -
rlv of and parallel with the Easterly
line of Ocean Aveuuc; and along the
Southerly Idle of the roadway of
Twenty- seventh Street between the
Iasterly line of Ocean Avenue and
a line 16 feet Easterly of and parallel,
r:ith the Easterly Tine of Ocean',
Al Cline.
(66) Along the Northerly and
L. Southerly Tines of the roadway of .
7 Trceutly line th Street between the
Easterly line of Ocean Acolme and a'
Pne 37.50 feet Easterly of and parallel
,'. ith the Easterly 1 ; -ie of Ocean,
(cc) Along the Southerly line of
the roadway of Twenty -ninth Street:
between the Easterly line of Ocean
.Acenue and a line 36.50 feet Easter-
. ky of and parallel with the Easterly
line of Ocean Avenue..,
(dd) Curb returns at the North -
estar�y,, rl xnd South -
- hirtlath Street
• AdOW
which point is 369.63 feet southerly of the intersection 3i`the
center line of Central Avenue and Twenty - third Street,; measured
along the center line of said Central Avenue together with curb
returns at all corners of streets or alleys intersecting with or
terminating at said part of.'Central Avenue.
(ff) Along the northeasterly and northerly line of
the roadway of Central Avenue (North Drive) between a line drams'
at right angles to the center line.of Central Avenue throuark"a
Point in said center line, which point is- 369.63 feet southerly of
the intersection of the center lines of Twenty -third Street and
Central Avenue, measured along the center line of said Central
Avenue and a line 27 feet easterly of and parallel with the center
line of Ninth Street, together with curb returns at all cornere.of
streets or alleys intersecting with or terminating at said par#_
of Central Avenue (North Drive).
(gg) Along the easterly and westerly lines of the road-
way of Twentieth Street, between the northerly line of Central
Avenue (North Drive) and a line drawn at right angles through a
point in the center line of said Twentiet +Street, which paint:
(ImQ- 0,wred alaRr th< cenTer I;ne of %WQn F, "ettl State
320 feet nort�f the northerly line of Central Avenue (North
aihI first alley Easterly of Ocean
(ee) Along the easterly and West -
crly lines of the roadway of Central
:l venue between a line drawn at right
;;ogles to the center line of said Cen- '
Iral Avenue through a point in the .
renter line of said Central Avenue -
which point is 1483.32 feet northerly
of the intersection of the center lines
of Central Avenue and Washington
.j .%venue, measured along the center
litre of said Central Avenue, and a
Mme drawn at right angles to the cen-
line of said Central Avenue
through a point in said .center line:'
which point is 369.63 feet southerly of the intersection 3i`the
center line of Central Avenue and Twenty - third Street,; measured
along the center line of said Central Avenue together with curb
returns at all corners of streets or alleys intersecting with or
terminating at said part of.'Central Avenue.
(ff) Along the northeasterly and northerly line of
the roadway of Central Avenue (North Drive) between a line drams'
at right angles to the center line.of Central Avenue throuark"a
Point in said center line, which point is- 369.63 feet southerly of
the intersection of the center lines of Twenty -third Street and
Central Avenue, measured along the center line of said Central
Avenue and a line 27 feet easterly of and parallel with the center
line of Ninth Street, together with curb returns at all cornere.of
streets or alleys intersecting with or terminating at said par#_
of Central Avenue (North Drive).
(gg) Along the easterly and westerly lines of the road-
way of Twentieth Street, between the northerly line of Central
Avenue (North Drive) and a line drawn at right angles through a
point in the center line of said Twentiet +Street, which paint:
(ImQ- 0,wred alaRr th< cenTer I;ne of %WQn F, "ettl State
320 feet nort�f the northerly line of Central Avenue (North
(hh) Along the easterly and westerly lines of the
roadway of Twenty —first Street between the northerly line of Cen-
tral Avenue (North Drive) and a line drawn at right angles through
a Point in the Center line of said Twenty —first Stree, which
((»�Qasueed alon�- the clgter [ine of % -wenty first 5rLp ,
point is 390 feet northerlylof the northerly line of Central Avenue
(North Drive)
u Along the Southerly line of
the roadway of Central Avenue
(South Drive), between a line drawn
at n;;ht angles to the Southerly line
of Central Avenue (South Drive)
through a point in said Southerly line,
which point is 24.48 feet Easterly of
the intersection of the Northerly pro-
longation of the Easterly line of Nine-
teenth Street, with the Southerly line
,.f Central Avenue, (South Drive),
and the Westerly curb line of Seven-
teenth Street ,together with curb re-
.turns at the Southeast and Southwest
corners of Eighteenth Street and at
the Southwest corner of Seventeenth
Street; and between the Easterly curb
Lne of Fifteenth Street and a line
ten feet (10') Easterly of and parallel
with the Easterly line of Fifteenth
Street, together with a curb return at
the Southeasterly corner of Fifteenth
It t, and a curb return at the South
easterly corner of Second Street;
(jj) A curb return at the northwesterly corner of
Fourth Street and Central Avenue (North Drive).
—7kk) Along the .easterly antl f
Southwesterly lines of the roadway 1
of C,,ast Boulevard, between the
Northeasterly prolongation of the
Northwesterly, line of Forty -fifth
„'•meet, and a line 78.70 feet North -
,,.estcrly of and parallel with the
:Northwesterly line of Thirty- eighth
Street together 'with curb returns at
all corners of streets and alleys inter -
:s,ctiug with or terminating at said
I art of Coast aoulevard; and along
the Northeasterly line of the roadway
of Coast Boulevard between a line
;;8.70 feet Northwesterly of and paral-
lel with the Northwesterly line of
fectrty- eighth Street and -.a line 59.65':-
, feet Northwesterly of ar�d parallef.
with the Northwesterly lineo=iirt y-
eighth Street; and along the North-
easterly line of the roadway of Coast
Boulevard between a line five feet
(5') Northwesterly of and parallel
jivith the Southeasterly line of Thirty-
! eighth Street, and a line five feet (5')
Southeasterly of and parallel with the
'Northwesterly line of Thirty-sixth
Street, together with curb returns at
the Rasterly corner of Thirty - eighth
Street, and at the Northerly corner of
Thirty - sixth Street; and along the
S„uthwesterly line of the roadway of
Coast Boulevard, between a line
twenty -five feet (25') Northwesterly
of and parallel with the Northwest-
erly line of Thirty - second Street and a
dElie five feet (5') Southeasterly of and
!parallel with the Northwesterly line'
lof Thirty- second Street together with
a curb return at the Westerly corner
)E Thirty- second Street; and along
the Northeasterly and Southwesterly
llines of the roadway of Coast Boule-
vard, between the Southeasterly curb
line of Thirtieth. Stud and the North -
casterly prolongation of the North -
,esterly curb line of that pact e6
Twenty -third Street lying Westerly of
Coast Boulevard, together with curb
returns at all corners of streets or al-
leys intersecting with or terminating
at said part of Coast Boulevard; and
along the Westerly line of the road-
way of Coast Boulevard between the
northeasterly prolongation - of the
s: utheasterly line of the second alley
southeasterly of 22nd Street and the
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue to-
Kether with a curb return at the
enuthwesterfy corner of the last
tilentioned allev.
(11) A curb return at the northeasterly corner of Ocean
Avenue and Coast Boulevard.
Said concrete curbs shall be of the dimensions and at jhe
locations shown upon the plans hereinafter referred to.
5. That concrete sidewalks 3 1/& inches thick be con-
structed in certain portions of streets and avenues in the City of
Newport Beach, as follows;
(a) Along the southerly side of Bay Avenue between a line
180 feet westerly of and parallel with the westerly line of that part
of Coronado Street lying south of Bay Avenue and a line 210 feet
westerly of and parallel with the last mentioned line; and a sidewalk
return at the northwesterly corner of Bay Avenue and Washington Street.
(L) Along tFeEas[erty siae-
varndn Street between the Westerly
prelongation of the Northerly line of
t!tat part of the first alley Northerly
of Surf Avenue lying Easterly of Al-
,arade Street a.id the Westerly pro-
longation of the Southerly line of that
part of Central Avenue (South Drive)
lying Easterly of Aharado Street;
anti a sidewalk return at the South-
,eesterly corner of Bay Avenue and
j Alvarado Street.
(c) Along the \Northerly side of
Harding Street between the Easterly
line of Cypress Street and the West.
e ly line of Adams Street, and *Fong
the Southerly side of Harding Sheet
between the Easterly line of Cypress
Street and a line 26.28 feet Easterly
of and parallel with the Easterly line
(if Cypress Street.
(d) Along both sides of Cypress
Street between the Northerly line of
Central Avenue and the Southerly line)
Bay Avenue with sidewalk returns
at the corners of Harding Street.
(e) Along the Easterly side of
Coionado Street betvvicen the North -I
rile line of Surf Avenue and thel
Southerly line of the first alley \North -I
erly of Surf Avenue; and between they
\Northerly line of the last mentioned)
allev and the Southerly line of Cen -'
n'al Avenue (South Drive): and be-
tween the Nortfierle line of Central
Avenue (North Drive) and the South-
erly line of the first alley Northerly of
Central Avenue.
(f) Along the Westerly side of
Washington Street between the Nor-
therly line of Bay Avenue and a line
112 feet Northerly of and parallel
with the Northerly line of said Bay
(g) Along the Westerly bide of
"A" Street, between the Northerly
line of Central Avenue (North Drive)
and the h;a.,terly prolongation of the
Southerly line of the first alley Kurth -
erk if ('rntral Avenue.
(h) Along both ;ide; of "B"
Street between the Northerly line of
Surf Avenue and the Smnherfv line
of Cenirnl ;lvenne (South Drivel: and
between the Northerly line of Central
A,cnne (Forth Drive) and the Suulh-
cr13 line of Bay Avenue.
fit Along the Northcrh side of
Bav Avcnue between the Northerly'.
pr,�longalion of the Easterly linr (if:
I"ourth Sirret and a liue which is eight
feet K, Southeasterly of and .parallel
Willi the Northwesterly line of Buena'
1'i,ta Boulevard. aiih sidewalk re-
turn at the Northwesterly corner of
J3wiia Vista Boulevard.
(j) Ahmg the \ \estcrly side of
Nineteenth Street between a line
drawn from the _Northeasterly to the
Northwesterly corner of Nineteenth
Sitrcl ;uid Bevan Avenue and a line•
dr ivn at right angles to the \Vest
crly line of \Nineteenth Street, through
a point in the Westerly line of said
Nineteenth Street, which point is 3250
feet Northerly of the Northwest cor-
ner of Nineteenth Street and Ocean
Avenue; and along the Easterly side
of Nineteenth Street between a line
drawn from the Northwesterly to the
Northeasterly corner of Nineteenth .
- Street and Ocean Avenue, and a line
drawn at riglit angles to the Easterly.
t '
point in the Easterly lure of said Nine-
teenth Street, which point is
Northerly of the Northeasterly cor -,
. tier of Nineteenth Street and Ocean; .
Avenue; and along the Easterly side!
of Nineteenth Street and flea south -�
crly side of Central Avenue (Southi
Drive) from a line drawn at right'
angles to the Easterly line of Nine-
teenth Street, through a point in said
Easterly line of Ninteenth Street,
which point is 77.32 feet Northerly of
the Northe,sterly corner of that part
of the firstalle Southerly of Central
Avenue, which lies Easterly of Nine-
teenth Street; thence Northeasterly
around the curve of the property line
at tine Southeasterly corner of Nine-
teenth Street and Central Avenue
(South Drive) in a line drawn at right
angles to the Southerly line of Cen-
tral Avenue (South Drivel through a!
noint in said fast mentioned line. which
point is 24.48 fret Easterly of the in-
tersection tit the Northerly prolouga -t
tion of the Easterly line of Nineteenth I
Street, with the Southerly line of Cen-
tral Avenue (South Drive). .
(k) Along the Westerly side of
Twentieth Street between the North -
erly line of Ocean Avenue and a lint
drawn at right angles to the Wesf -�
erly line of Tv. entieth Street through .
a point in the said Westerly line of
Twentieth Street, "high point is 6p..
feet Northerly of the Northv:esterl).!
corner of Tv. entieth Street and Ocean
Avenue, and along the Pasicrly side
T..cntii lh Street between they
\ortherly hne of Ocean Avenue and
a line drawn at right angles to the
Iiasterly line of said Twentieth Street,
through a p "int in said Easterly Iii n .1
,hick point is 0 feet Northerly of thej
Noriheasterly corner of Twentieth'
Street and Ocean Avenue. .
(l) Along the Northerly side of;
Twenty - fourth Street between the
T'.asterly hne of Ocean Avenue and a
hne 4.50 feet Easterly of and paral-
IA with the Easterly line of Ocean
(m) Along the Northerly sine of
Twenty high Street between the East-
erly line of Ucean Avenue and a line i
4.511 feet Easterly of and parallel with I
the Eatterly line of Ocean Avenue;I
and along the Southerly side of Trvem.l
ty —fifth Street between the Easterly I
line of Ocean Avenue and a line R.
fret Easterly of and parallel yyith the
Easterly line of Ocean Avenue.
(n) "Along the Northerly side of
I vventy -sixth Street between the
Tiasterly line of Ocean Avenue and a
litre 10.80 feet Easterly of and par_
alL.l eith the Easterly line of Ocean
Avenue; and along the Southerly side
+J Twenty -sixth Street between the
Easterly line of Ocean .Avenue and a
line 21.50 feet easterly of sad parallel
with the Easterly line of Ocean
? venue.
1o) :along the Northerly side of
Twenty- seventh Street hetveen the
masterly' line of Ocean Avenue and a
fines 15 feet Easterly of and parallel;
with the Easterly line of Ocean Ave -.
nue; and along the Southerly side of-
Twenty-seventh Street between the
F'esterl, line of Ocean Avenue and
a IStie 16 fret Easterly of and parallel
y.; +h the Easretly line of Ocean Ave -
uu ^.
A Wong the Northerly side of
+ Twenty- eighth Street between the
. $%sterly line of Ocean Avenue and a
-hne42W feet Easterly of and paral .
141 waijh4liei Aste4y line of Ocean
,e bTcp.0erly side•
of Tr,onty e;gr t'Sireei between a
1!7,., 29;.70 feet Easterly of and para
lei with the lasterly line of Ocean
Avenue and a line 300.70 feet Easterly
of the last mentioned line; and along
th) Southerly side of Twenty- eighth
StV et between the F,asterly line of
0c-an Avenue and a line 37.50 feet
Er sterly of and parallel with the East -
erp line of Ocean Avenue; and along
the Southerly side of Twenty-eighth.
:rvt between a line 309.50 feet East
erly of and parallel with the Bast -
erly line of Ocean Avenue, and a line
334.50 feet E'usterly of and parallel
with the la Et m.•!fi, n,,.d line.
((,) Gong the "outl cily side of
Twenty ninth Street bet wecn the
C'asterly line of (recall At vatic and a
line 39 feet Easterly of and paraflel
nith the Easicrly lice of U<can .A'c-
(r) Along the Southerly side of
Thirtieth Street h,irycen the I:a,terlc
line of Ocean .Arenuc and a lice 4.5(1
feet L'aste:ly of and parallel with the
Easterly Clue of Utcatt \revue; along
the Southerly side of 'Thirtieth Street
hetween the %%vsterly line of the first
alley Easterly (1 f) "ran Avem�e and
a line 2 feet Weste!'ly of and parallel
ryith the lest mentioned line; and
,along ti:e ;olltberly side of Thirtieth
Street between the Easterly line of
�the first alley k'_sterly of Ocean t�re-
me and a line 2 feet 1: ' ;o,tcrly of and
parallel w ith the last mentioned line.
(s) Along the Vasierly and North-
erly side of Central Avenue and Ceti.
tral Avenue (North Drive) betrrecn a
' line drawn at right angles to the evn-
i ter line of Central Avenue through a
'point in said Center lioe, which point
is 1483.32 feet Northerly of the in -i
tersection of the center Imcs of Kash --
'mgb•n Avenue and ('eniral .Arconc�
measured along the center line of
�Central Avenue and tr line b feet Bast -�
erly of and patellvl o ith the Southrriv,
piolougatrou of the AAceterly line of
Ninth Street ,ith ,idea alk returns at
the corners of all street', interrrimg
, th or terminating at ,aid part ol;
Central Avenue; slid ,idr r. alks bc.I
j ing only along the :r,rthetly ilide of
f the North Uri ve of l entral Avenue j
where Central Avenue I,rs adjaeeut to
the pacific Elerttic Ralltr'ar Com
p: ny's Right of \ \ay.
(t) Ab.ng:he %Aeu,riy tide of
Central .A,emu hetnern a line R feet
Northerly of and paralb I with the j
Southerly line of that part of Thir -;
li,th Street l,inq Westerly of Central!
Avenue, and a Celle dra«u at riphol
engles to file (Inter Inrr of Central
Avenue thiwgh a point in +did ,rater
lipe, rr hich pv -ins is 344 feet South-
erly of the iutersaetirm of the renter
lines ..f Trycnty -third Sir, ct and Cen-
tral A,clote, mcasnt cd ,J ng the cen-
ter line of Central :At'er.ue, rcith sida--
Wa7k return a/ /be Soa /h Weser /y
Corner of %h irPia/h S rev and '
"dam/ l /9ven�e.
(a) .long the SO FOTIerly side of
Central Avenue (South Drive), be-
tween It line drawn at right anal,, t,r
.the Southerly line�cf (,cutral :\,case
ASouth Drive), tlll'.ctugb a point in
said Lack men umer Tni v;'-eC tuclt pmnl
. _ is 24.48 feet liasterly of the intersec-
tion of the Northerly prolongation of
the 1:35terly. line of Nineteenth
Street with the ouch ri line of Cen-
tral Avenue (South Dnve ), and the
NortheRv prolongation of the AA esrI
erly curb line of Seventeenth Stree(,
with sidewalk returns at the South- -
east and Son i hsest:corn e,, f)f Eight-
eenth Street and at fhe Southwest cor-
ner of Seventeenth Sirect, and n ride -
walk return at the Southeaacrly cor-
ner of Second Street and Central A.rc-
nue ($outh Drive)'
(c) .Hong the Southwester y sn e '
of Coast Boulevard, behyeen a tine
a feet Northwesterly of and Paralkt
with the Sorth.vesterly line of Thirty
second Street and a line 5 teet South -�
easterly of and Fsrall.! u:ith the last .
mentioned line, with sidcwalla retunr,
at the VCcsterly auto of Thirty sec l
and Street; and al - :rag the South -I
.westerly side of Gast Boulevard, be-
tween the S"utheasterl. curb !in- oft
!Thirtieth ',trim atnl the Northeast -I
ally uro!onvan m , f the ��rtht esl -I
erl-; curl: line of T senty thud 'jf yet.
with sidc.talk reiutn at the cotnei: u(�
atl streets +rater sci fink irirh or term?n
wino a'* said part of C'nst Boll"
I.v) Al Ong the N,rthctl. 6Yl- of
Central Avenue (North Dri.ep o—In'
the Easterly earn line of Ninth
` trert to a Pole 10 fcrt li r <trrly of and
parallel with said f :astark curh tine,'
o.'nh side•`a!4 at the N rth,'
=aster!'- r *rner a ':intlt StteOt API
also a sidc "Ak return at the S!'rth.!
esterly -rrner .I f uunli Strei t and!
�L__entrai Acenne )>:inth !jrioc), . J
(x) Along the easterly and westerly sides of Eighteenth
Street between the northerly line of Ocean Avenue, and the southerly
line of Central Avenue (South Drive).
(y) Along the eaeterly and westerly sides of Twentieth
Street from the northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) to a
line drawn at right angles through a point in the center line of
((measurtdalotly the center b'ne of Twentieth Stree t�)
said Twentieth Street which point is 320 fee northerlyo the north-
erly line of Central Avenue (North Drive).
(z) Along the easterly and westerly sides of Twenty —first
Street from the northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) to a
line drawn at right angles through a point in the center line of
(Lrteaaured anon p' Of Center boo of %,degty_brst Streeo
said Twenty —first Street, which poi, is 390 feet northerly^of the
- northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive).
7 (as) A eidewalk return at the northeasterly corner of
Ocean Avenue and Coast Boulevard.
B. All of said work shall be done in accordance with
the plan designated as "City of Newport Beach, California, Plan
No. 270," adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport
Beach on the 7�R/ day of August, 1922, and on file in the office
of the City Engineer of said City.
.au col rte fiks �T,71l te o
the ditneu n apd at Ihr Ins tv!ns
ahoru up,m the Plan hcrrina8er men-
. tinned.
b. that standard cat _h basins of
:,pe :: o. 1 he ec nstructed at the fol -,
_. „ou -g hlraiirtlls. l0 -n'w
la) At the lnrthlt esterly collie,
^.f Ic4liternth Street and C:entral',
Avenue IXnt th Dricr 1.
(h) At the Northmrctrrk r, rner'.
�if Sieteenth Street and Central Ace -
line (North Drive).
- (c) At the inlerser that rlf they
Northeriv rmb line of Ceptral A Q1111"
- I North Driy and a line ''IS feet'
- Easterly of a) d parallel tiVith the
` Easterly line of Sl,teenth Streit. I
(d) At the Nt,rthwesterly corner'
of Fifteenth Street and Central Aye -
line (Snrth Drive).
- le) At the N.,rthn- esterly corner
of Fourteenth Street and Central)
Avenue (North Drive).
If) At the N "rtheacterly rnrnrr .4
Fourteenth Street and Central Avenue
I:Curtll Drive) I
(g) At the Northwr s-trrly c rueeI
of Thirteenth Street and Central Ave -!
line (North Dri,c). _!
(h) At the Northea<tr rly eorller.
- M Thirteenth Street and Central Av: I
vine (N„rtll I)rive).
liI At the Nmth,, -Irrlc r.,rnr-
of Flcventh Street and Celltl-ll A%enUe'
one C:nrth Dri%e1.
( ; ) At the r,n'ner
.,f lileecnth Sirrt and Central .A -eim,
(N,,th In-nc).
(lO At the `Z,lrthrasterlr rnrlwi
of Tenth Street and Central Agenus
l N•,rth Drive).
ill At the- int ertiorl i, n ,kf the
,Northerly rnl'b line of Central Acr
line (NT-,rth Drive), and a line 2 ?0 feet
Westerly of and parallel v, ith tha
Wecterl_v line of Ninth Street. -
Oil ) At the Southlt,Uerlc Corn cr
of To'cnty -fifth Street and Coast B.-,.1.
mThat aD these portlons of thde
ote, acennts and alleys upon
+yhich cnnrrete pavement, concrete
curb, concrete sidewalk. or a surfac-
Iing pith clay and gravel is to be con -
clructed as herelnbefore described,
be to the official
graded grade.
B. All of said work shall be done in accordance with
the plan designated as "City of Newport Beach, California, Plan
No. 270," adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport
Beach on the 7�R/ day of August, 1922, and on file in the office
of the City Engineer of said City.
The sur7aii w ith clay and grave
o tile he allevs hereinbefore described'
shall he (]one in further accordance
with specifications therefor deaiguated!
as ' Specification No. 23, specifications'
for the clay and gravel surfacing of
streets in the City of Newport Beach,'
California." heretofore adopted by the
Board of Trustees of said City, and
nn file in the office of the City - Clerk,
and all other portions of said work
shall be done in further accordance'
with "Specifications No. 33" for the
ronstructien of concrete pavement,
concrete curbs, and concrete s£de-
walks in the City of Newport Beach,
' adopted by "Resolution No. 165" �f
the Board of Trustees of said City,
and no file in the office of the City
That the said contemplated work
or improvement in the opinion of said
Board of Trustees is of more than
local or ordinary public benefit, and
said Board of Trustees makes the cx -,
pense of said work and improvement
chargeable upbn the district herein-
after described, and declares that the -
district benefited by said work and
improvement and to be assessed to
pay the costs and expenses thereof,
is all that portion of the City of New-
port Beach within the following des.
cribed exterior boundary lines:
Beginning at the southeasterly cor.
ner of Lot 1, Block 16, of a map of
the East Side Addition to the Balboa_
Tract as Recorded in Miscellaneous
Maps, Book 4, Page 20, Records of
Orange County. California; thence _
northeasterly in a direct line to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 1. Block
15, of the aforesaid map of the East
Side Addition to the Balboa Tract;
thence northeasterly along the north-
easterly prolongation of the easterly
line of the aforesaid Lot 1. Block 15
of a map of the East Side Addition to
- the Balboa Tract, to its intersection -
with the northerly line of Bay Ave-
nue, as said Bay Avenue is laid out
and shown upon a map of the afore-
said East Side Addition to the Bal-
boa Tract; - thence northwesterly
along the northerly line of said Bay
Avenue as laid out and shown upon'
the aforesaid map of the East Side
'Addition to the Balboa Tract, and as
shown and laid out upon a map of
the Balboa Tract as Record A in Mis.
cellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 11,
Records of Orange County, Califor-
nia, to its intersection with the south-
easterly line of Main Street; thence
northwesterly in a direct tine to a -
point in the northwesterly line of .
Main Street, which point is 110 feet
northeasterly of the northeast-
erly line of Bay A v e n u e,
measured along the northwesterly .
line of the -- aforesaid Main Street"
thence northwesterly in a_direct iin*
-[o a potat, :vr i C= friJY,._lin@
_�c as
, of�alm Street rs hich point is 135.7
feet northeasterly of the northeaster-
. ly line of Bay Avenue, measured
along the northwesterly line of the
aforesaid Palm Street; thence north-
westerly in a direct line to the most
northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, of
a map of the Balboa Bayside Tract
l as Recorded in Miscellaneous Maps,
Book 4, Page 78, Records of Orange
County, California; thence southwest-
' erly in a direct line to the most east-
- erly corner of Lot 17, of a map of
Subdivision of Block C, Newport Bay
Tract, as recorded in Miscellaneous
Maps, Book 5, Page 25, Records of
Orange County, California; thence
northwesterly in a direct line to the
most northerly corner of Lot 1, of
the aforesaid map of Subdivision of
Block C, Newport Bay Tract; thence
southwesterly in a direct line to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 1, of a
map of the Subdivision of Block A,
East Newport, as recorded in Miscel-
laneous Maps, Book 4, Page 51, Rec-
ords of Orange County, California;
thence westerly in a direct line to
the northwesterly corner of Lot 3, of
the aforesaid map of Subdivision of
Block A, East Newport, thence west-
erly in a direct line to the northwest-
erly corner of Lot 146 of the aforesaid
map of Subdivision of Block A, East
Newport; thence southwesterly along
the southeasterly line of Buena Vista
Boulevard to its intersection with the
northerly line of Bay Avenue; thence
westerly in a direct line to the most
easterly corner of Lot 168 of the
aforesaid map of Subdivision of
Block A, East Newport; thence west.
erly along the northerly lines of Lots
168. 169 and 170 of the aforesaid map
of Subdivision of Block A, East New-
. port, to the most westerly corner of
the last mentioned Lot 170; thence
westerly in a direct line to the north-
easterly corner of Lot 71, Block 109 as .
:shown on a trap of Section.B. New-
port Beach, as recorded in Miscella-
neous Maps, Book 4, _Page 27, Ree.
as of orange County, California;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
northwesterly corner of Lot 3, of the
last mentioned Block IW,, as shown on
the aforesaid Map of Section B, New -
port Beach; thence north 55 degrees
43 minutes west, 887.50 feet to a point;
thence north 72 degrees 06 minutes
west, 765 feet to a point; thence south
.80 degrees 25 minutes west, 65 feet
to a point; thence south 39 degrees 44
minutes west 193.38 feet to a point;
thence north 71 degrees 40 minutes .
west, 612.48 feet to a point; thence
_ north 52 degrees 45 minutes west,
23298 feet to a point; thence south
78 degrees 24 minutes west, feet
to a point in the northerly prolonga-
tion of the easterly line of 15th Street;
thence southerly along the northerly
prolongation of the easterly line of
15th Street and along the easterly line
of 15th Street to the northwesterly
.corner of Lot 15, Block 114, of the
.. :aforesaid map of Section B, Newport
!Beach; thence westerly in a direct .
line to the northeasterl corner of Lot.
A Block 118 o t is d -:map of;
t B . z i ;EJ
northerly in a direct line to the north-`
east corner of Lot 18, Block 218, of
aforesaid map of Section New -.
este in
port Beach; [hence westerly in a di-
rect line to the southeast corner of
Lot 6, of the last mentioned Block'
218; thence northerly along the cast-
erly line of the last mentioned Lot 6, ....
to the northeast corner thereof;
thence westerly along the northerly, '
line of the last mentioned Lot 6, tol:.:
the northwesterly corner thereof;
thence northerly in a direct line to ` -`
the northeast corner of Lot 5, of the _
last mentioned Block 218; thence
north 12 degrees 10 minutes 30 sec.
onds east, 145 feet to a point; thence .
northwesterly in a direct line to the
most easterly corner of Lot 15, Block
221, of a Map of Section A, Newport
Beach, as recorded in Miscellaneous
Maps, Book 4, Page 21, Records of
Orange County California; thence
northerly in a direct line to the most
northerly corner of the last mentioned
Lot 15; thence northwesterly in a di.
rect line to the southeasterly corner `
of Lot 7, Block 221, of the aforesaid
map of Section A, Newport Beach;
thence northwesterly in a direct line .
to the northeasterly corner of Lot
15, of the last mentioned Block 223;
thence northwesterly in a direct line '
to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, ,
Block 224, of the aforesaid map of .
Section A, Newport Beach; thence
easterly in a direct line to U. S. Bulk-
head Station, No. 121, as laid out and
shown upon a map of Newport Bay,
California, showing harbor lines, .ap-
proved by the War Department, Jan. .
. nary 18th, 1917; thence north 79 de.
grees 57 minutes 30 seconds east,
295.90 feet to U. S. Bulkhead Station, `
No. 122, as shown upon the aforesaid
map of the War Department; thence
" south 47 degrees cast 1000.70 feet to
U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 123 as
shown upon the aforesaid map of the
War Department; thence north 54
degrees 30 minutes east 598.70 feet
to U. S. Bulkhead Station, No. 124, as
shown upon the aforesaid map of the .
War Department; thence north 27 de.'
grces 30 minutes west, 3519 feet to U. i
S. Bulkhead Station, No. 125, as
shown upon the aforesaid map of the
War Department; thence north 66 de.
grees 30 minutes west 197 feet to a
point; thence southwesterly in a di-
rect line to the most easterly corner
of Lot 15, Block 634, of a map of the
Canal Section as recorded in Miscel-
laneous Alaps, Book 4, Page 98, Rec-
ords of Orange County, California;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
northwesterly corner of the last men-
tioned Lot 15; thence northwesterly
in a direct line to the most easterly
corner of Lot 12, Block 636. of the
aforesaid map of the Canal Section;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
most northerly corner of Lot 10, of
.tht last mentioned Block 636; thence
westerly "in a direct line to the most
easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 637,
of the aforesaid map of the Canal
Section; thence westerly along the
northerly lines of Blocks id 63
539, and 441 of the aforesaid map
of the Canal Section and along the
westerly prolongation of the north-
erly line of the last mentioned Block
441, of a map of the Canal Section to
its intersection with the northeasterly
line of Block 242, of the aforesaid
map of th+ Canal Section; thence
morthwesteuy in a direct line to the
most easterly coiner, of Lot 1 Block
t` 244; :bf the sEOSesa. map of the Canal:
-23 1/2-
I ,
the nortf1easterMy and northerly IMTk e
of the last mentioned Block 244, to k,
the northwesterly corner of Lot 7, of
• the last mentioned Block 244; thence'
westerly in a direct line to the most
westerly corner of Lot 8, Block 145,
the aforesaid map of the Canal
Section; [hence southwesterly in a di -'
rect line to the most easterly corner
of Lot 15, Block 45, of a map of River
Section, as recorded in Miscellaneous
Maps, Book 4, Page 25', Records of
Orange County, California; thence
southwesterly in a direct line to the
most southerly corner of Lot 7, of
the last mentioned Block 45; thence _
southwesterly in a direct line to the - -
most northerly corner of Lot 3, Block
45, of a map of the Third Addition to - -
Newport Beach, as Recorded in Mis-
cellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 31,
Records of Orange County, Califor-
nia; thence southwesterly along the
northwesterly line of the last men-
tioned Lot 3, to the most westerly
corner of the last mentioned Lot 3;
thence southeasterly along the north
easterly line of Ocean Avenue t9 46
E7,wesAer/ kvI 7%e .srYhwesfery /:re of 22 °" spree �/iencesoljdhwe,�Ierl
the so nth wesfer /y Pro /on ntian of Aie norfhyvssfrry /ine of 22 "— °'S>iee� /a the 25V Zl,/e of �ceo�n F%!� <nuE� fiie.9'ce SavffiSesfeY /y cr /a Ahe soi f- hie ✓feiA
Oceo. f%venus o di,{AC6__ Q ¢SO.7��E'7� i� cr yO /r f �`/�eace
Southeasterly tr� direct life [o [he
most westerly corner of Lot 7. Block
20, of a map of First Addition to _
Newport Beach as recorded in Miscel-
laneous Maps, Book 3, Page
27, Records of Orange Coun-
ty, California, thence go�fiea5 -
erly along the northeasterly
line of Ocean Avenue and Surf Ave-
nue to the southeasterly corner of
Lot 9, Block 2, of a map of Newport
Bay Tract as recorded in Nliscellan-
eous Maps, Book 4, Page 16, Records
of Orange County, California; thence
southeasterly in a direct line to the
southwesterly corner of Lot 11, Block
4, of a map of the Balboa Tract as
recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book
4, Page 11, Records of Orange Coun-
ty, California; thence southeasterly
along the northeasterly line of Surf
Avenue to the southeasterly corner of
Lot 1, Block 16, of the aforesaid map
of the Eastside Addition to the Balboa
Tract, the place of beginning, except-
ing g therefrom any lands forming any
'par[ of any public street or alley,
For further identification and description of said
assessment district reference is hereby made to a map thereof
designated as Plan No. 271 of Assessment District for the improve —
`in rhP C;ty of/Jttyporf $¢ach, Cdli¢orni3''�
III of eL n�ral venue and other streets and ay� approved by
the Board of Trustees of said City, on the—OK—day of August,
1922, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City,
on which the exterior boundaries of said district are indicated by
7 a red border line.
'It is hereby determined and notice
is hereby given, that serial bonds to
represent unpaid assessments and
bear interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum will be issued here-
under in the manner provided by the
improvement Bond Act of 1915 ' the
last installment of which bonds shall
mature fourteen years from the 2nd
day of July next succeeding nine
months from their, date.
Except as--h ereinbefore stated, all
the proceedings for the aforesaid
work and improvements shall be had
and taken under and in accordance
with the provisions of an Act of the
Legislature of the State of California
known and designated as the "Im-
provement Act of 1911," as amended. .
That in the construction of said improvements certain
parts of the said work are to be done at grades ether than the
official grades for said streets, existing prior to the passage
of Resolution No. 168, passed by said Board of Trustees, April
11th, 1922, and said official gradeis,existing prior to the pass-
age of said Resolution, of.certain portions of said streets are to
be modified and changed as follows:
1. The offieial grade of Bay Ave -
mie along the northerly curb line.
from the easterly line of Bay View:
Avenue to the westerly line of Adams'
Street shall be changed so that in-,
stead of said existing official grades
the same shall conform to the fol-
lowing elevations, to -wit:
At a point opposite the northeast-
erly eorner of Bay View Avenue
At a point 92.62 feet easterly of the
last mentioned point 106.90.
At a point opposite the northwest.
erly eurner of Adams Street 106.62.
The said northerly curb line of
Bay Avenue shall be located as shown
on the plans hereinbefore mentioned.
2. The official grade of Alvarado
Street from the northerly line of Surf
Avenue to the northerly line of Bay
Avenue shall be changed so that in-
stead of said existing official grades
the same shall conform to the follow-
ing elevations, to -wit
Along the westerly curb line of Al-
varado Street the grade shall be as
At the intersection, with a straight
line drawn from the northwesterly,
eorner to the northeasterly eorner of
Surf Avenue and Alvarado Street
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly eorner of Central Avenue (South.
Drive) 109.36.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly eorner of Central Avenue (North
Drive) 108.54.
'- At a point opposite the sonthwesh
erly eorner of Bay Avenue 107.49.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly eorner of Bay Avenue 107.33.
Along the easterly curb line of said
Alvarado Street the grade shall be
as follows:
At a point opposite the northeast-
erly eorner of Surf Avenue 112.00.
At a point opposite the southeast-
erly eorner of Central Avenue (South
Drive) 109.30.
At a point opposite the northeast-
erly eorner of Central Avenue (North
Drive) 108.80.
At a point opposite the southeast-
erly eorner of Bay Avenue 107.40.
At a point - opposite the northeast -
erly eorner of Bay Avenue 107.33.
The said easterly and westerly curb
lines of Alvarado Street shall be lo-
cated as shown on the plans herein -
before mentioned:
3. The official grade of Main Street
along the westerly curb line from the
northerly line of Bay Avenue to a
line 100 feet northerly of and parallel
with the northerly line of said Bay
Avenue shall be changed so that in-
stead of said existing official grades,
the same shall conform to the fol-
following elevation, to -Nvit
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly eorner of Bay Avenue 107.31.
At a Point 100 feet northerly of the
last mentioned point 107.30.
The said westerly curb line of Main
Street shall be located as shown on
the plans hereinbefore mentioned.
4. The official grade of 9th Street
along the easterly curb line from the
northerly line of Surf Avenue to the
southerly line of Central Avenue
(South Drive) shall be changed so
that instead of said existing official
ades the same shall conform to the
following elevatiop s, to -wit
At a point of the intersection with
herly_ irk Surf Avenue,
...fit a point opposite southeast-
erly corner of Central Avenue (South
Drive) 108.57.
' The said easterly curb line of 9th.
Street shall be located shown on .. ..
the plans heri nbetore mentioned.
S. The official grade of Bay Ave-
nue along the northerly_ curb line -
a line 25.11 feet Westerly of and
parallel with the easterly line of 4th
Street to the southeasterly line of
Buena Vista Boulevard shall be
changed so that instead of said exist-
ing official grades the same shall con-
form to the following elevations, to-
At the intersection of a 'line 28.11
feet westerly of and parallel with the
easterly line of 4th Street 107.73.
At a point opposite the northwest-
. erly corner of Buena Vista Boulevard
At a point opposite the northeast-
corner of Buena Vista Boule-
vard 107.52.
The official grade of Bay Avenue .,
along the southerly curb line from the
northerly prolongation of the easterly
line of 4th Street, to the northerly
prolongation of the easterly line of
3rd Street shall be changed, so that
instead of said existing official grades
the same shall conform to the follow-
ing elevations, to -wit:
At a point opposite the southeaster -
ly corner of 4th Street 107.73.
At a point opposite the southwest-
. crly corner of 3rd Street 107.56.
At a point opposite the southeast-
erly corner of 3rd Street 107.55.
The said northerly and southerly
curb lines of Bay Avenue shall be lo-
cated as shown on the plans hereinbe-
fore mentioned:
6. The official grade of 4th Street
from the southerly line of Central
Avenue (South Drive) to the sonth-
crly line of Bay Avenue shall be
changed so that instead of said exist-
" ing official grades the same shall con-
form to the following elevations, to-
Along the westerly curb line the
grade shall be as follows:
At a point opposite the southwcst-
erly corner of Central Avenue (South
Drive) 108.62.
At a point opposite the northwest-
erly corner of Central Avenue (North
Drive) 107.76.
At a puint opposite the southwest-
erly corner of Bay Avenue 107.69.
Along the easterly curb liuc the
grade shall be as follows:
At a point opposite the southeast.
erly corner of Central Avenue (South
Drive) 108.57.
At a point opposite the northeast -
crly corner of Central Avenue (North
Drive) 107.67.
At a point opposite the southeast-
' erly corner of Bay Avenue 107.73.
The said easterly and westerly curb
lines of 4th Street shall be located as
shown on the plan hereinbefore men-
" _
7. The official grade of 22nd Street
from the easterly line of Ocean Ave-
nue to the westerly line of Coast
be changed so that in -;
Boulevard shall
stead of said existing official grades
the same shall conform to the fullow-
ing elevations, to -wit:
Along the northerly line of 2211d
:Street the grades shall be as follows:
' At the northeasterly corner of
-Ocean Avenue 111.63.
At the northwesterly corner of the
fir ey easterly of. Oceau Avenue
y itrtherly 6jY,X d Street, 109.99.
At the northeasterly eorner of the
• ! last mentioned alley 109.88.
At the northwesterly eorner of
Coast Boulevard 108.42.
Along the southerly line of 22nd
7 Street the grade shall be as follows:
At [he southeasterly eorner of
Oeean Avenue 111.68.
At the southwesterly eorner of the
first alley easterly of Oeeau Avenue
lying southerly of 22nd Street 110.63.
At the southeasterly eorner of the
last mentioned alley 110.50.
At the southwesterly eorner of
Coast Boulevard 108.82.
8. The official grade of 23rd Street
from the easterly line of Oeean Ave-
nue to the westerly line of Coast
Boulevard shall be ehanged so that
instead of said existing offteial grades
the same shall eonform to the follow -
ing elevations, to -wit: .
Along the northerly line of 23rd
Street the grade shall be as follows:
At the northeasterly eorner of
Oeean Avenue 111.25.
At the northwesterly eorner of the
first alley easterly of Oeean Avenue
lying northerly of 23rd Street 110.49.
At the northeasterly eorner of the
last mentioned alley 110.37.
At the northwesterly corner of
Coast Boulevard 108.27.
Along the southerly line of 23rd
Street the grade shall be as follows:
At the southeasterly eorner of
Oeean Avenue 111.22.
At the southwesterly eorner of the
first alley easterly of Oeean Avenue
lying southerly of 23rd Street 110.07.
At the southeasterly eorner of the
last mentioned alley 110.05.
At the southwesterly eorner of
Coast Boulevard 108.82.
9. The offieial grade of 24th Street .
from the easterly line of Oeean Ave -'
! nue to the westerly line of Coast
Boulevard shall be ehanged so that
instead of said existing offieial grades
the same shall eonform to the follow -
ing elevations, to -wit:
Along the northerly line of 24th
Street the grade shall he as followst
At the northeasterly eorner of
Oeean Avenue 111.95.
At the northwesterly eorner of the
first alley easterly of Oeean Avenue
At the northeasterly eorner of the
last mentioned alley 110.87.
At the northwesterly eorner of
Coast Boulevard 108.09.
Along the southerly line of 24tH
Street the grade shall be as follows:
At the southeasterly eorner of
Oeean Avenue 111.95.
At the southwesterly eorner of the
first alley easterly of Oeean Avenue
j At the southeasterly eorner of the
last mentioned alley 110.94.
At the southwesterly eorner of
Coast Boulevard 108.11.
' 10. The offieial grade of 2516
Street from the easterly line of Ocean
Avenue to the westerly line of Coast
Boulevard shall be ehanged so that
'instead of said existing offieial grades°
the same shall eonform to the folio:: -
. \L.n., : n9c line of 25th
7 ;trcct Yr, tall be as follows:
: \t >.o trfly eorner of
At 0:e Ir:r'. .r csterly eorner of the
first :: r:iv of Oeean Avenue
At the northeasterly eorner of the
Llast mentioned alley 11093.
31'q 13
— co -iner '�1
i i,, rly line of 25th
shall he as follows: -
.At t :1:,
corner of
M.78, t
;\, the
corner of the
ii,rIy of Ocean Avenue
orly corner of the
y I 10.93.
t:Zi'lly corner of
trade of 26th
Street t:,,
v line of Ocean
A, can,, t.. I:j•
a i rIv line of Coast
P ' ,ill( r I
h changed so that
,i,tjjog official grades
tile "am, -1�
N ".mf"rm to the follow-
ing cii :t! I.
line of 26th
Strett Cit
�IIMI be as follows:
At h.
corner of
At ii
iY corner of the
,: Ocean Avenue
At the i, ltiln
_,,riv corner of the
last m,l!6.
-\t the
corner of
Al,imr tl,v
F ;;dh,:rIv line of 26th
Strcct i:il
:t;ill be as follows:
At the
corner of
... 1,
At fhe ; .
j it corner of the
first nfl(,,
rl,- Ocean Avenue
,\t tiil
t HY corner of the
last ill,;, o..
, :.!i 110.94.
At th;
1111i, 11, r:y corner of
Coa>t it :tit
c :r I ii, 11 0
12. J'hc
:grade along the
Central Ave-
line t N-111
wit the easterly
lille of l-th
to the easterly line
i Imll be changed
:. I existing official
gralles the
'inll conform to
i \_,ti..11F to-wit:
At I p
Cie northeaster-
ly corner
t 107.67.
At :1 11
t the northwest-
Skr(rt 107.76,
At a
the northeast-
erk, v, tit,
-'!rcrt 107.76.
At I ill :iir
the northwest-
erly rolimei
Gtr(,t 108.58.
\t it 1t Im
... q ... i!, ific northeast.
.f , i. : S ctt 109.54.
.At I P imo
the northwest-
,,Iv -1-1,
i , vt 109,43.
.,it t, 1':
,_i ile the northeast-
,ll\ ( ,�.
4, ""vet 1019-47.
;. )!:, ;,.i� the northwest-
If �1�1'1:.l Avenue 109.26.
oppo,itc the northeast-
": . !
% \\-(nuc 109A3.
At tt in:
the north\vest-
,rly turner
t ;vb, Street 108.54.
.i t n „,
:1•p etc the northeast-
erly ir,)ro-
'trect 108,80,
i loni, the south-
erly orl,
1.r f Central Avenue
I t...ij the easterly line
of qtjj
j t easterly line of
St be changed so
it -,,ititing official
gmd(a the
:...' uj,norin to the
follo,ing cic,atioim to-,\it:
At a point
opposite the southeast-
erly corner of 9th Street 108.57.
At .a -point
opPQSlttJ':the southivest-
,erl I c ej 4# Street 108- 2-
the same as those set forth in said Resolution No. 168 and in R ,-
solution No. 175, passed by said Board of Trustees, April 27th,
1922, and in Resolution No. 185, passed by said Board of Trustees,
May 18th, 1922; and the same are herein repeated for the purpose
of making said changes of grade effective if any doubt should arise
regarding the same by reason of the rescission of said three
solutions last mentioned and the abandonment of proceedings for'*he
improvement therein described.
14. That in the construction of said improvements certain
parts of said work on Ocean Avenue are to be done at grades other
than the existing official grades for said Ocean Avenue, and "t'he
official grade along the easterly line of Ocean Avenue from the hest -
erly prolongation of the northerly line of Twenty — second Street to
\t n p •iii th,: ,utheas[-
erly cnm:e- , �.t 108.57.
At a J, :,..t .,l •: the southwest-
erly a,rncr :i ?,.j I(Ji.04.
' : \t a p, in: ,.:'1- i t the southeast-
C, 13' crmrt•r I .:�.i n 0 109.06.
At a Point ; =-' i'w southwest-
erly corner :,. _..,I Yrr:t 110.03.
At a point rnp::.;ii; the suuthcast-
erly corner n% 'iut ; 11209,
At a Point the southwest-
erly corner of Ist Street 110.08,
- At a Pont -Pons is tile southeast_
erly r r _-: r Ct
_corner _110.08.
At a J int t� southwest-
eriv Strcet 109.36.
- At ,mt he southeast-
erli nrner :d .0, Street 109.30.
The raid n .:' n±. -h line of Cen-
tral :Aeenuc i ?:. -rt 1. Drivc) and the
- -
southerly chu'h lire ui Central Ave-
nue (South UmO shall be located
as shown on the pious hereinbefore
13. The changes of grade hereinbefore
sat forth are-'
the same as those set forth in said Resolution No. 168 and in R ,-
solution No. 175, passed by said Board of Trustees, April 27th,
1922, and in Resolution No. 185, passed by said Board of Trustees,
May 18th, 1922; and the same are herein repeated for the purpose
of making said changes of grade effective if any doubt should arise
regarding the same by reason of the rescission of said three
solutions last mentioned and the abandonment of proceedings for'*he
improvement therein described.
14. That in the construction of said improvements certain
parts of said work on Ocean Avenue are to be done at grades other
than the existing official grades for said Ocean Avenue, and "t'he
official grade along the easterly line of Ocean Avenue from the hest -
erly prolongation of the northerly line of Twenty — second Street to
Boulevard shall be changed so' °that instead of said existing
official grades, the same shall conform to the following eleva-
tions, to wit:
At the northeasterly corner of Twenty- second Street
At the southeasterly corner of Twenty - second Street
At the northeasterly corner of Coast Boulevard 111.36.
At the intersection with the southeasterly line of
Coast Boulevard 111.36.
The d a6.- h;:run riven are for
the tops of the curb
of the respective
streets and a,c ^ni
in feet and
are above lity
DMum Plane as
heretofore a,:•.•pl.d
find r,tablished by
Ordinance A'n. P.{
, a; .. ;I nn the 23rd
of Aunt. "4
fl, Bnard of
\t all points
between ....
point.: .:i *c cncv
::; the respee-
tive ct, is ....
.... u,f.;, the ,grade
shalt cn,5:.,;;
_ r and uniform
gra dicnt ::1: ;yr t';e
rnrL ur street and
avenue line iu ,. hb:i.
:.:d prints are
located be'•.r, oI
:.affil designated
pu in I S.
All di�lenc,'+
.,•i designated
paints f•:r %d:ir ::
••-rule is herein
-wasured along
the curb , r :::
nod ::venue lines in
w Bich , ; id n
.. unless
speciiraly h. cr c,
n ,
rv;isc provid-
For fml:f,r partidc
Zat S, as to such
chan }•;cs ..f ;r::J:
.ch proposed
grade;, rcfcr, n; e
i- hereby made to
the ab „v: mc,;f'r ••:d
f•L:n and spceifi-
cati:,n}\ N'11 i,'Iz i'i.u'1
..;;, :p;> the exist-
ing ollicial cr•.,L.4
,4 the portions of
said strc:,ts Inc: ci::l,dnro
d:seribed and
the grades nt . tc hirir the said work is
Lprr:nosed to be Sinn, c.
It is hereby determined and notice is hereby given
SeP fP,n ke-
that on the day of Ate, 1920, at the hour of 700
o'clock P.M. of said day at the regular meeting place of said
Board of Trustees in the City Hall of said City of Newport Beach,
which is hereby fixed as the time and place fol the hearing of
said matter, any and all persons having any objections to the
Proposed work or improvement above mentioned, may appear before':
said Board of Trustees and show cause why said proposed improve-
ment should not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution.
The Board of Trustees does not deem it advisable that
the Clerk be required to mail copies of the Notices of Improveme]A.
to the owners or reputed owners, and said Clerk shall not be re-
quired to mail any copies of said notice whatsoever.
The Superintendent of Streets shall post Notices of
Improvement as required by statute.
The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Re-
solution and cause the same to be published twice in the Newport
News, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in said
City, and hereby designated for that purpose (there being no daily
newspaper published in said City).
Passed and a d�
pproved this — day of August, 1922.
Pre(�YdcZi of the Board of Trustees.
_jCity Clerk of the
City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolu-
tion, being Resolution Not 9L , was adopted by the Board of Trustees
of said City, signed•by the President of said Board, and..attested
by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting thereof, hold on the
-7Z- .1V__ctay of August, 1922, and that the same was adopted by the
following vote, to wit:
AYES: Trustees
�. t'D
NOES: Trustees - .7 �.
ABSENT: Trustees
City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach
I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records
of the City of Newport Beach filed and waintained in my office,
the foregoing Resolution No. 196 was duly and
Board of Trustees of
regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the Gsty- ea=ctl--oP
the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of
said Girtrr- Gatt:tcft held at the regular meeting place thereof, on
the 7th day of August , 1922, by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES, -G0I3NGjb4PN: Schnitker, Sloan, Wilson, Wilkinson
ABSENT, -Goo *&IiA*BN • Richter
Dated this 4th day of February 1 19 59.
City Cleik arV Ex- Officio Clerk of tie
City Council, City of Newport Beach,
State of California.