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;.iF11T OF CFRTAIX PnRTIn; ?S OF r,L,iTPAI, "VI ?-
- - n - -
The Board of Trustees of theCity of ievport Beach do
resolve as follows:
That the public intcrest and convenicnco require find
i+ is the intention of the Board of Tructe E of the City of iuev-
port Deaeh to urde., a' the fullovring cork be done, to—it-
1. That concrete pavement 8 inches thick bo coiistructzd
in and upor, the roadway of certain portions of Central Avenue, in
th,. City of Wbrport Beach ac follows:
(a) ^.entral Avenue (isorth Lriv(:), b(;t� -aen the eouth:vcst-
Orly and southerly curb line of Central Avunuo (north Drive) and a
ling 4.50 feet northoLstcrly and northerly of and parallel r:ith the
southw3sttrly and Foutherly curb line of cai3 zlorth Drive from a
• line
10 fc..t
easterly of and
r =ith the easterly
lino of
Pacific Railroad
right –of –way,
a line
. which line is 145 feet westerly of and parallel i -ith the southerly
• prolongation of the weeterl y line of Island Avenue.
(b) Central Avenue (idorth Drive), between the southerly
line of Central Avenue (North Drive), and a line 5 feet northerly
of and parallel with the last mentioned line, from a line 145 feet
wasterly of and parallel rith the southerly prolongation of the
westerly line of Island Avenue to a line 70 feet westerly of and
parallel with the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of
Island Avenue.
(c) Central Avenue (Forth Drive), between the southerly
curb line of said North Drive., and a line which is 20 feet southerly
of and parallel with the northerly line of said idorth Drive, from
a line which is 70 feet westerly of, and parallel tenth the south-
erly prolonpEti,_n of the westerly line of Island Avenue, to the
easterly line of Alvarado Street, excepting therefrom the spaca
occupied by curb and sidewalk at the northeasterly corner of Alvar-
ado Street and Central Avenue (North Drive),
(d) Central Avenue (South Drive), between the north -
casterly and northerly curb line of said South Drive, and a line
4.50 feet southwesterly and southerly of and parallel with the said
northwesterly and northerly curb lino from the easterly lint of the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right —of —way, to a line;, which
line is 145 feet Westerl;r of and parallel with the southerly pro-
longation of the westerly line of Island Avenue.
(e) Central Avenue (South Drive), between the north-
erly line of said South Drive and a line 5 feet southerly of and
• parallel with the northerly li.i:) of said South Drive, frofc a line
• 145 feet westerly of and parallel with the southerly prolongation
of the westerly line of Island Avenue, to a line 70 feet westerly
of and parallel with the southerly prolongation of the westerly
line of Island Avenue.
(f) Central Avenue (South Drive), between the north-
erly curb line of said South Drive, and a line 4.50 feet south-
erly of and parallel rith the said northerly curb line, bets;ean a
line 70 feet westerly of and parallel with the southerly prolong-
ation of the westerly line of Island Avenue, and the westerly line
of Alvarado Street.
(g) That part of central Avonue (South Drive)described
as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of
Central Avenue (South Drive), and the westerly line of Alvarado Street;
thence easterly along the easterly prolongation of the northerly
line of that part of Central Avenue (South Drive) lying v�esterly
of Alvarado Street, to its intersection with the easterly line of
Alvarado Street; thence southerly alor_g the easterly line: of Alvar-
ado Street to the southeasterly corner of Alvarado Street and Cen-
tral Avenue (South Drive); thence westerly along the i7esterly pro-
longation of the southerly line of that part of Central Avenue (South
Drive) lying easterly of Alvarado Street a distance of 5 feet to a
point; thence northerly along a line which is 5 feet westerly of
and parallel with the easterly line of Alvarado Street to its inter-
section r.ith a line, which line is 20 feet northerly of and parallel
with the easterly prolongation of the sout.erly line of that part
of Central Avenue (South Drive) lying westerly of Alvarado Street;
thence westerly along a line rhich is 20 feet northerly of and
parallel with ti-.o Easterly prolongation of the southerly line of
that port of Central Avenue (South Drive) lying westerly of Alvar-
ado Street to the uesterlY line of Alvarado Street; thence northerly
along the westerly line of Alvarado Street to the place of be-
r �
Including all those portions designated upon the clans
hereinaftar mentioned of the intersections of said above described
portions of Central Avenue 7-1th other streets and avenues and
with alleys.
S. That concrete pavement 8 inches thick be ce,atructad
in and upon the road ^ay of Central Avenue as fol.lo�,7s:
(a) Central Avenue (,forth Drive), from thf.; uastsrly ii::e
of Alvarado Street to the westerly line of B Street.
(b) Central Avenue (South Drive) from the easterly line
of Alvarado Street to the westerly line of B Street.
Including all thos-- portions designated upon the plans
hereinafter mentioned of the intersections of said above described
portions of Pentral Avenue with other streets and avenues, and
With aileys.
3. That concrest-- curbs be constructed along the roadway
of certain portions of Central Avenue as follows:
(a) Along the southwesterly and southerly line of the
roadway of Central Avenue (:forth Drive) from a point 140 foot north-
+osterly of the southwesterly prolongation of the north %-- -stcrly
line of Twenty First Street measured along the southerly curblof
said North Drive to the westerly line of Ninctuenth Street; and
between the easterly line of nineteenth Street and the west °::rly
line of Fifteenth Street; and between the easterly line of Fifteenth
Street and the westerly line of Ninth Street; and bit ^ten the east -
erly lime of Ninth Street and the westerly line of Fourth Street;
and 'between the easterly line of Fourth Street and the westerly line
of Third Street; and between the easterly line of Third Street and
the westerly line of Second Street; and betviecn the easterly line
of Second Street and a line 145 feet Tosterly of and parallel with
the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of Island Avenue;
and between a line 70 feet westerly of and parallel with the south-
erly prolongation of the westerly line of Island Avenue and the
westerly line of Alvarado Street; and between the easterly 'Line
of Alvarado Street and the ^resttrly line of Coronado Street; and
between the easterly line of Coronado Street and the southerly
prolongation of the westerly line of that part of Adams Strut ly-
ing northerly of Central Avenue; and bet%,7con tho southerly pro-
longation of the easterly line of that part of Adams Strcct lying
northerly of Central Avenue and the southerly prolongation of the
westerly line of that part of Palm Strcct lying northG rly of Cen-
tral Avenue; and between the southerly prolongation of the eaGt-
,rly line of that part of Palm Strut lying northerly of Central
Avenue and the southerly prolongation of the ^:aterly line of that
Part of ?;'ashington Street lying northerly of Central Avenue; and
bets,een the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of that
part of Washington Street lying northerly of Central Avenue, and
the southerly prolongation of the r.esterly line of that part of
ain Street lying iiortharly of ^.entral Avenue; and bet = -cc,n the south-
erly prolongation of the easterly line of that part of : ..:ain Straat
lying northerly of Central Avenue and the southerly prolongatio:.
of the westerly line of that part of A Str--,t lying.nottherly,of
Central Avenue; and bcte ?e.:n the southerly prolongation of thr. east-
erly line of that part of A Street lying northerly of Central Ave-
nue and the westerly lints of B Street.
(b) Along the northerly line of the roadway of Central
Avenue (North Drive) from the easterly line of Alvarado Street to
the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of that part of the
st -hicA /ieJ
first alley lying easterly of Coronado Street northerly of Cen-
tral Avenue, together with curb returns at the northwesterly and
northeasterly corners of Coronado Street, and also a curb return
l �
at the northwesterly corner of the first alley easterly of Cor-
onado Street.
(c) Along the northeasterly and northerly line of the
roadway of Central Avenue (South rrive) from the northerly pro -
longation of the easterly line of Twenty —first Street, to the west-
erly line of iineteenth Street; and between the easterly line of
Nineteenth Street and the westerly line of Fifteenth Street;
and betT7een the easterly line of Fifteenth Street and the westerly
lice of Ninth Street; and between the easterly line of Ninth Street
and the westerly line of Fourth Street; and between the easterly
line of Fourth Street and the westerly line of Third Street; and
betTICEn the easterly line of Third Street and the westerly line of
Second Street; and between the easterly line of Second Strout and
a line 145 feet westerly of and parallel with the southerly pro -
longaticn of the westerl; line of Island Avenue; and between a line
�0 feet westerly of and parallel with the southerly prolcngation
of the westerly lire of Island Avenue and the westerly line of Al-
varado Street; and between the easterly line of Alvarado Street and
the westerly line of Coronado Street; and between the easterly line
of Coronado Street and the northerly prolongation of the wcstcrly
line of that Fart of Adams Street lying southerly of Central Avenue;
and between the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of thkt
part of Adams Street lying southerly of Central Avenue and the
northerly prolongation of the westerly line of that part of Palm
Street lying southerly of Central Avenue; and between the northerly
prolongation of the easterly line of that part of Pala. Street
lying southerly of Central Avenue and the northerly prolongation
of the westerly line of that part of 7achington Streit lying
southerly of Central Avenue;
I .
• and between the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of
that part of Tashington Street lying southerly of Central Avenue
and the northerly prolongation of the �7cst<;rly line of that part
of 'Wain Street lying southerly of Central Avenue; and bctwuun the
northerly prolong :tion of the er.stcrly line of that part of 1fain
Strcat lying southerly of Central Avenue and the northerly prolong-
ation of the westerly line of that part of A Strect lying southerly
of Central Avenue; and between the northerly prolongation of the
easterly line of that part of A Street lying southerly of Central
Avenue and the westerly line of B Street.
(d) Along the southerly line of th:> roadruy of Central
Avenue (South Drive) from a line 120 feet easterly of and parallel
,rith the easterly line of Alvarado Street tz d the northerly pro-
longation of the t7c;sterly line of that rortion of the first alley
hich Iles
lying easterly of Coronado Strect ou erly of Central Avenue,
together : -ith curb returns at the southwesterly and southeasterly
corners of Coronado Street, and also a curb return at the south-
westerly corner of the first alley easterly of Coronado Street.
Said concrete curbs shall be of ti,e dimensions and at
the locations shown upon the plans horuinaftcr referred to.
4. Thut concrete sidewalks 3 lf2 inches thick be con—
strutted in certain portions of Central Avenue as follows:
(a) Along the northerly side of Central Avenue (North
Drive), from the easterly line^, of Alvarado Street to the southerly
prolongation of the «ssterly line of that cart of the first alley
which / is
lying easterly of Coronado Street, ortherly of Central Avenuc,I
with sidewalk returns at the northwesterly and northeasterly cor-
ners of Coronado Street.
(b) Along the southerly side of Central Avenue (South
Drive), from a line 120 feet easterly of and parallel with the
easterly line of Alvarado Street the northerly prolongation
of the westerly line of that part of the first alley lying east -
ti-hic ie
erly of Coronado Street,$ sou ;:erly of Central Avenue, with side-
walk returns at tie southwesterly and southeasterly corners of
(Ioronado Street.
Said concrete sidewalks shall be of the dimensions and
at the locutions shown upon the plans hereinafter referred to.
5. That standard curb drains be constructed in thu con-
crete curb along the northerly side of Central Avenue (South Drive)
at the following locutions, to —wit:
(a) At a distance of 200 feet easterly of the northerly
�t4e eQSfer /l*�e o
prolongation gation of ghteenth� reet.
crfh er/ on 4t /oiJ a �h
(b) At the intersectiun o' ne center line of Seventeenth
(c) At the i.,tersiction with the northerly prolongation
of the westerly line of Sixteenth Street.
l�orfiier /�' Pra o� ofioo o� fiJ�
(d) At a distance of 215 fout easta j of ne easter y
line of Sixteenth Street.
(e) At a distance of 210 feet easterly of the easterly
line of Fifteenth Street.
(f) At the intersection with the northerly prolongation
of the westerly line of Fourteenth Street.
(g) At a distance of 220 feet easterly of the ,northerly
prolongation of the easterly line of Fourteenth Street.
/IOI'f/ler/ IO On of /o e
(h) At the intersection o he enter ine of Thirteenth
(i) At a distance of =9 feet westerly of the northerly
prolongation of the westerly line of T�velfth Street.
no fher/ pro %asQf�a'q o foe
(j) At the intersection Of Thtrcenter line of Twelfth
(k) At a distance of 200 feet westerly of the northerly
. prolongation of tho westerly line of Eleventh Street.
n orf Al to 0-* '2 lot of i�/�e/
(1) At the intersection ci c enter line of Eleventh
(m) At a distance of 200 feet gestorly of the northerly
prolongation of the westerly line of Tenth Street.
arf/irr/ ro %n 4�an o I
(n) At the intersection with e c nter lino 0 onth
(o) At a distance of 220 feet westerly of the northrly
prolongation of the wcst;.rly line of Ninth Street.
(p) At a distance of 180 feet easterly of the northerl y
prolongation of the easterly line of Ninth Street.
6. That all those portions of Central Avenue upon which
concrete pavement, concrete curb or concrete sidewalk is to be con—
strutted as hereinbefore described, be graded to the official grade.
7. All of said work shall b3 doae in accordance with
the plans designated as, "City of Newport Beach, California, Plan
Ido.274" adopted by the hoard of Trustees of'the City of Nt,,r rort
Beach on the 5th day of February, 1923, and on file iz the office
of the City Engineer of said City, and in further accordance with
specifications No. 33 for the construction of concrete pavement,
concrete curbs and concrote sidewalks in the City of IJewport Beach,
adopted by Resolution No. 165 of the Board of Trustees of said City,
and on file in the office of the City Clerk of Maid City.
0 That the said contemplated work or improvement in the
opinion of the said Board of Trustees is of more; than local or
ordinary public benefit, and said Board of Trustees makes the ex-
pense of said cork and iwprov --wont chargeable upon the district
• hereinafter described and declares that the district benefited
by said work and improvement, and to be assessed to pay the coats
and expenses thereof, is all that portion of the City of Newport
Beach within the following described exterior boundary lines;
Beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 28, Block
14 of a Dap of the Balboa Tract as recorded in aiscellaneous laaps,
Book 4, PaEe 11, Records of Orange County California; thence
northeasterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot
14, Block 13, of the aforesaid i:iap of the Balboa Tract; thence north
Testerly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of Lot 1,
of the last mentioned Block 13; thence northwesterly in a di-
rect line to the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 11, of the
aforesaid '.,ap of the Balboa Tract; thence northeasterly in a di-
rect line to the most easterly.corner of Lot 5, of a -lap of re —sut-
division of Block 9, Balboa, as recorded in =A socilaneous ;aps,Book
8, Page 37, Records of Orange County, California; thence north7c ot-
erly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block
B, tiap of Bayside, as recorded in iliscallaneous Gaps, Book 3, Page.
38, Records of Orange County, California; thence northr*ect+. °ly in
a direct line to a point in the northeasterly line of Palm Street
which point is 135.10 feet northeasterly of the northcaz,terly line:
of Bay Avenue mcusured along the northr!ostorly line of sc.id Palm
Street; thence northwesterly in a direct line to tho moat north-
erly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, of a Kap of Balboa Bayside Tract,
us recorded in Liscellaneous Haps, Book 4, Page 78, Records of
Orange County, California; thenca southerly in a direct line to
the most easterly corner of Lot 17, of a Hap of Subdivision of Block
C, i ?e!7port Bay Tract, as recorded in iAscellancous Laps, Book 5,
Peg_ 25, Records of Orange County, California; thence northu-crterly
in a direct line to the a.ost northerly corn:3r of Lot 1, of the
aforesaid Lap of Subdivision of Block C, ;derpert Bay Tract; thence
-10 =_
3 I
south+restorly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 1,
of a Map of Subdivision of Block A, East Ne ^•port, as recorded in
,,Uacelianeous Maps, Book 4, Page 51, Records of Orange County, Cal-
ifornia; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the most northerly
corner of Lot 146, of the aforesaid �Iap, of Subdivision of Block A,
East Newport; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of
Buena Vista Avenue to the most westerly corner of hot 14o.167, of
the aforesaid ;lap, of Subdivision of Block A, Fast Fewport; thence
southwesterl; in a direct line to the northwebterly corner of Lot
14, Block 4, of a Yap of Fast iderrport, ac recorded in !;iscellaneous
Lia.ps, Book 3, Page 37, Records of Orange County, California; thence
uorthweeterly in a direct line to the northwesterly corner of Lot
14, Block 5, of the aforesaid iiap of East Newport; thence south-
westerly in a direct lire to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1,
Block 6, of the aforesaid i.:ap of Fast Newport; thence wtst:;rly in
a direct line to the northwesterly corner of Lot 13, of the last
mentioned Block 6; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 109, of a Iaup of Section B,
semport Beach, as recorded in Miscellaneous Lap Book No. 4, Page
27, Records of Orange County, California; thence northwesterly in
a direct line to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 110, of
Tract Ho. 234, as per ivap recorded in iscellaneous Saps Book 13,
Pages 36-37, Records of Orange County, California; thence north-
westerly along the southerly and southwesterly line of the first
alley northerl_ of Central Avenue, and parallel thereto to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 118, of the aforesaid Lap of
Section B, Nerrort Beach; thence northerly in a direct line to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 18, Block 218, of the aforesaid Lap
of Section B, Newport Beach; thence westorly in a direct line to
the northwesterly corner of Lot 7, of the last mentioned Block 218;
. y
• thence northerly in a direct line to the northeasterly corner of
Lot 4, of the last mentioned Block 218; thenc, westerly in a direct
line to the northwesterly corner of the last mentioned Lot 4; thence
northeasterly in a directlire to the most easterly corner of Lot
12, Block 219, of a a;. of Section A. 14c"rcrt Beach, as recorded
in :::iscellaneous ':aps, Book 4, Page 21, Records df-OrLnge County,
California; thence northresterly in a direct line to the most
northerly corner of Lot 13, of the last mentioned Block 219; thence
northwesterly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of Lot
14, Block 220, Of the aforesaid :Lap of Section A. lie,:rport Beach;
thence northwesterly in a direct linc to the r,.ost easterly corner
of Lot 15, Block 221, of the aforesaid :,ap of Section A. NoTport
Beach; thence norterly in a direct line to the most northerly
corner of the last mentioned Lot 15; thence northwesterly in a
direct line to the rmet northerly corner of Block 222, of the
aforesaid ;ap of Section .A, Yei-,port Beach; thence southv:esterly
in a direct lint to the moot westerly coTncr of th- last r,.entioned
,lock 222; thence southerly is a direct line to the most westerly
corner of Lot 7, Block 20, of a Sian of First Adaition to I:e:rrort
reach, as recorded in :iscella::eous Laps, Book 3, Page 27, records
of Orange ^ounty, C::lifDrnia; thence southcasterly ;:d 6astarly
along the northeasterly and nor'::erl; lines of Ocean Avenue Wind
Surf Avenue, to the plac o.° beginning, excepting therefrom any
lands forming any part of any public street or alley.
For further identification and duscrirtion of said assa s-
mcnt district, reference is hereby made to a ;•lup thereof dcsignutc :d
as Plan No. 275 of ;,sses:n.e :t district for t..e improvement of cer-
tain portions of Central Avenue, in the Cit; of Ze ^port Beach,
California, approved by the Board of Trustee.c of said City on the
5th day of February, 1923, :,nd new on filo� in the office of the City
Clerk of the said City, on rrhich the exterior boundaries of said
district kre indicated by a red '�ordcr line.
It is hereby determined and notice is hereby given, that
serial bonds to represent unpaid assossmento ar,d bear interest at
the rate of seven per cent per annum will be is:.ue°d :iereunder in
the manner provided by the I7:.provenient Bond Act of 1915, the last
installment of which bonds acall mature fourteen years from the 2nd
day of July next succeeding nine monthe from their date.
SPOT I�:2 4.
Except as hereinbefore stated, all the proceedings for
the aforesaid work aLd improveiiier,ts shall b, had and taken under
and in accordance r:it;i the provisions c,f an Lot of - -iii: L;;gisl6.turc
of the State of California known and designated as the °Improvement
Act of 1911," as an.ended.
It is hereby determined, and notice is hereby given, that
or, the 21bt day of February, 1923, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
of said day, at the regular meeting place of said Board of Trustees
in the City Hall of said lity of Ne *port Beach, which is hereby fixed
as the time and Place for the hearing of said watter, any and all
p--rsone having any objvctio._s to the propooed work or improvement
a' cv� mentioned, may appear before scid Board of TrustecE ar.d show
cause i:,hy said propos--d iu.provetaent should not be car) ie, -' out in
accordance r-ith this Resolutiun.
The Eoerd of Trustees does not deem it advisLble that
t:.e Clerk be roquired to mail copies of the i:otices of Improvernunt
to the oiancrs or reputed o! ^rers, and said clerk shall not be rc-
quired to mail any coriLo of said notice whatsoever.
Tire Suporinteiident of ~trouts shall post :•iotie_s of In-
pruv -went ua required by otc.tutu.
The City Clerk shall certify to the pausage of this
hc�solutiuri end cause the saiiie to b., puulished twice in the., R wport
lens, a weekly name paper printed, publishc;d &:.d circulattd in said
City, and hereby designated for that purpose (there being no dµily
new6pLper publis:ied in said City).
Passed a..d approved this day
rceide R`ofye Board of fiius:;UU-s.
City Cl rk.
I,�XJ, City Clerk of the City of ;Te7port
Beach do her:;by ocrtify that tae foregoing Resolution, king Res-
olutiun 1;o 2 /.S_, was adopted by the Board of TrusteoE, of said City,
Signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City
Clerk, all at a regular meeting thereof, held on the S � day of
- -) 1 0-23, and that the same was adoptod by the follow-
ing vote, to —grit:
AYES: Trustees,
HOE'S: Trustees,�wz
ABSRrT: Trustees, / e2d L.e-_- - -- _____ ------- --•.-
k of t e Ci�y'of�F ^port 3e�cFi.