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Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City
of Newport Beach that the following specifications be known as
specifications No. 34 for the construction of Schluetcr^Rein
forced Concrete Sheet Piling Bulkheads, in the City of Newport
Beach, be and the same are hereby adopted.
Under these specificaticns the Contractor will be required:
1. To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such
a manner as may be required by the plans, profiles and cross - sections
and these specifications, the area upon which the improvement, here-
inafter provided for, is to be constructed.
2. To furnisn all materials as hereinafter provided for
and required for the construction and completion of the improvement
in accordance with the plans and specifications, and all labor, tools
and equipment necessary for the performance of said work.
3. To construct the SchlueterlReinforeed Concrete Sheet
Piling Bulkheads as hereinafter specified.
The Concrete for the SchlueterA Reinforced Concrete Sheet
Piling hall be composed of the following materials, and in the
following proportions, to -,.,7it:
by measure.
Portland Cement, one part by measure.
Sand or stone screens, two parts by measure.
Gravel or broken atone, three &w*wm9s=bWW parts
• All of said materials shall conform to the following
A sack of cement, weighing 94 pounds net shall be con-
sidered as having a volume of one cu. £t.
Including cement, sand, stone.screenings, gravel, broken
stone, and water, and for all purposes shall conform to the follow-
ing specifications;
All Cement shall be Portland Cement, and must conform to
the following requirements and be subject to the following tests,
which will be open to the Contractor and will be made by the meth-
ods and under the conditions prescribed in Specifications C -9 - -17
adopted by the American Society for Testir_g Materials in 1916.
(a) CONSISTENCY: All cement for set tests, test Fats,
and neat briquettes will be mixed with sufficient water to reduce
the cement to normal consistency, as prescribed by the Specifications
of the American Society for Testing Materials hereinbefore referred
to. Neat briquettes will be compacted by a light tamping. Mortar
briquettes shall be mixed to a state of plasticity corresponding
as nearly as possible to normal consistency in neat briquettes.
(b) FINENESS: The cement must be evenly ground, and when
tested with the following standard sieves, must pass at least the
following percentages by weight:
• • No. 100 Sieve, having 100 meshes per lineal inch - -92 per
• cent.
No. 200 Sieve, having 200 meshes per lineal inch --75 per
(c) TIME OF SETTING: It shall devolep-initial set in not
less than one hour, nor more than ten hours.
(d) TENSILE STRENGTH: feat briquettes one inch square
in section shall attain a minimum strength as follows;
At 24 hours in moist air - -175 pounds.
At 7 days (1 day in moist air and six in water) - -500 pounds.
At 28 days (1 day in moist air and 17 in water)- -600 pounds.
Briquettes one inch square in section, made of one part
of cement, three parts of standard testing sand, shall attain a min-
imum strength as follows:
At 7 days (1 day in moist air and 6 days in water) - -200
At 28 days (1 day in moist air and 27 days in water) --
275 pounds.
The sand test must in all cases show an increase in
strength at 28 days over the 7 -day tests.
(e) SOUNDNESS: Pats of neat cement about three inches
in diameter, one -half inch thick at the center, and tapering to a
thin edge, will be kept in moist air for a period of 24 hours.
A pat will then be kept in air at normal temperature and
observed at intervals for at least 28 days.
Another pat will, after having been kept 24 hours in
moist air, be placed in water at normal temperature and maintained
for three hours.
These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, must
remain firm and hard and must not show any signs of distortion,
checking, cracking, blotching or disintergrating.
(f) PROTECTION: All cement stored must be protected from
the weather and be delivered to the work in the original package
of the manufacturer. No cement shall be used which has been mixed
• in any way with another brand: -or quality of cement or which has
• been tam -erect with in any way after being placed in the original
package of the manufacturer, nor shall any cement be used from pack-
ages containing lumpy cement or which has been reground.
All sand must be fres from oil or organic matter and must
not contain more than five percent, by volume, of clay, silt, loam
or other foreign substances. No less than 90 per cent,by weight,
of the sand shall pass a screen having 4 meshes per lineal inch;
at least 50 per cent, but not more than 80 per cent, by weight, shall
be retained on a screen having 30 meshes to the lineal inch. Bri-
quettes one inch square in section, made of one part of cement, con-
forming to these specifications; and three parts of the above sand,
shall attain a minimum tensile strength equal to that required for
standard sand at equal periods of time.
Testing sand for silt and clay shall be done in the follow-
ing manner:
One kilogram of dry sand shall be placed in a sixteen inch
standard gold pan, covered nearly to the rim with water, stirred
and agitated gently but thoroughly with the hand, and allowed to
settle thirty seconds. The water shall then be poured off uniformly
in fifteen seconds. This washing process shall be repeated until
immediately after stirring, standard six point news print may be
easily read through five centimeters of water. The water shall then
be drained off, the sand dried and weighed, and the loss determined
by the difference in weight.
• Testing sand for organic matter shall be done in the follow-
ing manner:
A twelve ounce graduated prescription bottle is filled
• to the 4 1/2 ounce mark with the sand to be tested; then there is
• poured in the bottle a three per cent solution of Sodium Hydroxide
(Caustic Soda) until the volume of sand and solution after shaking,
mounts to seven ounces. The bottle is then shaken thoroughly and
allowed to stand for twelve (12) hours. If at the end of this time
the liquid above the sand is colorless, or a light yellow color,
the sand is sufficiently free of organic matters to be used in con-
crete; but if the color of the liquid above the sand is darker than
a light yellow color, the sand will not be permitted to be used in
Stone Screenings shall be obtained by crushing stone which
shall pass all the requirements specified for broken stone and.shall
also pass all the screening and briquette tests specified for the
Gravel shall consist of clean water -worn pebbles, crushed
o� e
boulders, or both. Gravel shall all pass a in* and one -half inch
screen. Not less than thirty -five per cent or more than fifty per
cent, by weight, shall pass a three - quarter inch screen, and not
more than five per cent by weight, shall pass a quarter inch screen.
Gravel when subjected to the rattler test hereinafter specified,
shall not show a loss of more than thirty -sevsn per cent.
. Broken stone shall be the run of the crusher and shall
• ooe
all pass a two and one -half inch ring. Not less than thirty -five
per cent nor more than fifty per cent, by weight, shall pass a three -
quarter inch screen. Not more than five per cent by weight shall
pass a one - quarter inch screen. It shall, when subjected to the
rattler test hereinafter specified, show a loss of not more than
• twenty -two per cent.
At least thirty pounds of the material to be tested shall
be available for the test. Each sample when ready for the rattler
shall consist of five kilograms (eleven pounds) of said material,
all shall
pass a two and one -half inch screen, sixty per cent by
weight shall be retained on a three - quarter inch screen, and all
shall be retained on a one -half inch screen. The said sample shall
be tested in a rattler consisting of a metal cylinder 28 inches in
diameter, and twenty inches in length, longitudinally mounted on a
horizontal shaft and having a shelf four inches wide extending from
end to end,
During the test the rattler shall be revolved at a rate
of between 28 and 30 revolutions per minute. A charge for the
rattler shall consist of the said five kilogram sample and fourteen
cubical blocks of cast iron with rounded corners and edges, said
blocks measuring about one and one -halt inches in each dimension
and having a weight of five kilograms. After receiving the charge,
the rattler shall be given five hundred revolutions. The sample
shall then be screened and the portion by weight, which will pass
a 10 mesh screen, which shall be considered and designated as the
Water shall be clean, frea from oil, acid, alkali or treg-
etable matter. The maximum amount of water to be used in a batch,
• composed of one sack of Portland Cement, two parts of sand or stone
• screenings and four parts of gravel or broken stone shall not exceed
70 pounds, which includes water already in the concrete materials,
and in measuring the water, allowance shall be made for water con-
tained in said materials.
• Should there not be enough mortar to completely fill the
voids in the concrete, the deficiency shall be remedied by reducing
the portion of gravel or broken stone used in the mixture and not
by adding a greater portion of sand or stone screenings.
The sand or stone screenings and the gravel or broken
stone shall be measured in wheelbarrows which, when struck with a
straight edge resting upon the sides, shall have the capacity nec-
essary to accurately maintain the above proportions. Every wheel -
barrow load of material must be struck with a straight edge as above
described. Said material shall be measured loose, without shaking
or compacting.
Cement in sacks as above specified shall be dumped dir-
ectly into the mixer. The water necessary for every batch shall
be accurately measured with an apparatus which will prevent the
use of more water than above specified. No mixer shall be used
which is not provided with an acourated water measuring device or
All mixing of concrete for the pavement shall be done in
a batch mixer.
The mixer shall be charged with cement and sufficient sand
stone screenings and gravel or broken
stone to conform to the
proportions hereinbefore stated.
Sufficient water, not in excess
the quantity above specified
shall be
added to produce a plastic
quaking concrete which can be
without causing a separation
the coarse aggregate front the
The mixer drum shall have
• a speed of not less than 13 revoli:tions per minute, and every batch
of concrete shall be mixed ir. the drum of the mixer not less than
sixty (60) seconds before any portion of the batch is discharged
from the said drum. At least 75 seconds must elapse between the
placing of successive batches in the mixer.
The Concrete shall be placed in a manner to insure a
smooth surface next to the forms and shall be thoroughly spaded and
worked around the reinforcement and into the recesses of the forms.
The Reinforced Concrete Sheet Piling shall be protected
from sun and wind and the concrete kept moist for a period of at
least ten days, and they shall be air -cured for at least an addit-
innal period of 21 days before being placed in the work.
Forms shall be substantial, unyeilding and so constructed
that the Concrete conforms to the designs and shall also be tight
to prevent the leakage of Mortar. The forms for exposed surfaces
shall be sound lumber, planed to uniform thickness, either tongued
and grooved or with edges beveled, so as to insure tight joints.
Forms shall be painted with boiled linseed oil or other equally good
preparation to prevent the concrete fror, adhering to the forms.
Crude oil or any material such as tar paper that will stick to or
discolor the concrete will not be permitted to be used.
• Unless otherTise specified on the drawings all reinforcing
steel shall consist of bars which have be;,n defor.ed or twisted in
some approved manner. No plain bars will be permitted except as
shown on the drawings.
All steel bare shall have the net sectional area and be
placed in the exact position indicated on the drawing. It shall be
free from imperfections such as injurious seams, blisters, buckles,
cinder spots, cracks or imperfect edges. It shall be free from oil,
grease, paint or rust.
Test pieces out from finished material shall show an ult-
imate tensile strength of not less than 60,000 pounds per square
inch and not more than 68,000 pounds per square inch, an elastic
limit of not less than 35,000 pounds per square inch, an elongation
of not less than 22 per cent in eight inches, and a reduction of
area at the fracture of not less than 40 per cent.
Reinforcement shall be placed in the exact locations
showed on the plans and aired at intersections so that it will not
become disarranged during the depositing of concrete. Then bars
are spliced, the ends of the reinforcing bars shall be overlapped
a distance equal to 40 times the diameter or thickness of the bar
or rod. Splices at points of maximum stress will not be permitted.
Steel shall not be laid directly on forms and raised
during placing of concrete by prying it up and working concrete under
it, but should be laid on small stones or blocks of concrete which
may remain when the concrete is placed. In general, all steel shall
be securely placed before any concrete is deposited.
Expansion joints shall be placed where indicated on the
plans, and shall be provided by placing in position for the full
width and depth, a previously prepared strip in the form of a built -
up board, composed of a body of compressible asphalt compound supFort-
ed by layers of asphalt saturated high grade woolfelt along the ex-
terior vertical faces for the full depth of the joint. The Expansion
Joints shall be of such character as not to bec�:,,me soft and run out
in hot. *eather, nor hard or brittle and chip out in cold weather.
The Contractor shall, for the price bid, furnish all the
materials to execute the work in every respect in a thorough and
workmanlike manner, in accordancd with the plans and specifications
and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent.
All materials must be of specified quality and fully equal
to the sampes, when samples are required. The Contractor shall fur-
nish to the Engineer for test, whenever called for and free of charge,
samples of all materials proposed to be used in the work. Rejected
material must be immediately removed from the work by the Contractor.
Any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person em-
ployed by the Contractor on the work, who shall perform work in a
manner contrary to these specifications shall be discharged immediate-
ly and such person shall not again be euployed on the work.
Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the
location of the proposed work, and the nature of the excavation to
be made and the work to be done.
The Contractor shall give 34 hours notice in wiiting when
he will require the services of the Engineer for laying out any
Portion of the work.
He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and
levels. The Contractor shall preserve all stakes set for the lines,
levels or measurements of the work in their proper places until auth-
orized to remove them by the Engineer, and any expense incurred in
replacing said stakes which the Contractor or his subordinates may
have failed to preserve shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall keep upon the work a copy of the
plans and specifications, and access thereto shall at all time be
accorded the Engineer or Inspector.
The Contractor shall prosecute work only in the presence
of an Engineer or Inspector, appointed by the Street Superintendent,
and any work done in the absence of said Engineer or Inspector will
be subject to rejection. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer
and Inspector reasonable facilities for obtaining such information
as may be necessary to give them full information at all times re-
specting the progress and man.-.ex of the work and the character of
the materials.
The Contractor shall not disturb any monuments or stakes
found on the line of improvements, until ordered by the Engineer,
and he shall bear the expense of resetting any monuments or stakes
which may be disturbed without orders.
• The Contractor shall remove all trees, stones, debris and
other obstructions that may be encountered in making said improvements.
The Contractor shall observe all the ordinances of the
City of Newport Beach in relation_ to the obstruction of streets,
keeping open passageways and protecting the same where they are ex-
posed or dangerous to travel.
The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to pro-
tect the work and prevent accidents during construction. He shall
maintain and provide all necessary barriers, guards, temporary bridges,
watchmen and lights.
In case it should be necessary to move the property of
any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon
proper application by the Contractor, be notified by the Street Sup-
erintendent, to move such property 7ithin a specified reasonable
time, and the Contractor shall no interfere with said property until
after the expiration of the tirde specified.
The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities
and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making
repairs or changes of their property that may be made necessary by
the work. The City shall also have the privilege of entering upon
• the street for the purpose of repairing culverts or storm drains.
All loss or damage arising from any unforseen obstruction
or difficulties, either natural or artificial, which may be encoun-
tered in.the prosecution of the work, or from any action of the
elements, or from any act or omission not authorized by these spec-
ifications, on the part of the Contractor, or any agent or person
employed by him, shall be sustained by the Contractor.
No work which may be defective in its construction or
deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications will
be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any offi-
cer of the City or Inspector connected tip. =ith the work to point out
said defect or deficiency during construction, and the Contractor
shall correct any imperfect work, whenever discovered, before the
final acceptance of the work.
The Contractor shall care for all vork until final com-
pletion and acceptance. He shall remove all surplus material and
rubbish from the work after its completion and before he make app-
lication for the acceptance of the work.
The Contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent
when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter
will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if
the work is found in compliance with these specifications, the
street superintendent will furnish the Contractor with a certifi-
cute to that effect.
Chen in these specifications a maximum or minimum, either
in size, rercentage or thickness, or relating to quality or character
or other matter, is allowed or. prescribed, the work shall` be accept-
ed as in compliance therewith if within such maximum or minimum so
allowed hereby.
Whenever the word "City" is used in these specifications
it refers tb the City of Newport Beach, California.
Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifi-
cations, it refers to the party or parties of the second part in
the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified.
Whenever the *,cords "Superintendent" or "Engineer" are used
in these specifications, they refer respectively to the "Street
Superintendent" or "City Engineer" of the City of Newport Beach,or
their authorized agents or inspectors.
The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Res-
olution and shall cause the same to be entered in the Book of Res-
olutions and a Minute of the passage thereof in the Record of the
Board of Trustees of the meeting at s,hich it was passed.
Passed and approved this cf'iTay of -211 i5 k— ,1923.
"' 1 PRE �' "nom ifi� �n7lRE �F rT�tfi18�'L'
I,4�.�zn�-,City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution, being Reso-
lution N6.0,7-1., was adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City,
signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk,
all at sw• a..— -_ ,_regular meeting thereof, held on the 5 "ice
day of 24Z-2 1933, and that the same was adopted by the follow-
ing vote, to -wit;
Ayes, Trustees,
Noes, Trustees,
Absent, Trustees,. c�a�
y erk" o "tl,ewoi�'ge'ach.